1951-1952 School Circular


1951-1952 School Circular
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
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1 51-19



The drawing reproduced on the cover was made by
Daniel Garber during his student days at the Pennsy l-

vania Academy of the Fine Arts .

The Schools of













Curolor 01 Schools


Committee on Instruction

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts is the oldest art institution in


the United States and actually dates its existence from 1791, when Charles

Instructor in Mural Decoration.

Willson Pea le commenced his efforts to organize in Phila delphia a school
for the fine arts. It was formally founded in 1805, and chartered in 1806.
Mr. Peale's first efforts resulted in the formation in 1794 of the Columbianum,

Born in Philodelph ia; studied in The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, with Howard
Pyle and independently abroad. Illustrator and author of descriptive articles and fictiona l
wo rk in Harper's and other magazines. Travelled extensively in labrador, Australia, New
Guinea and Asia. Commissioned Captain of Engineers and assigned as artist with the Amer-

and in 1795 under the auspices of that Association there was held in Penn-

ican Expeditianary Forces in 1918-1919; Maior U. S. Morine Corps 1942-46, served as Combat

sylvania's old State House, now known as Independence Hall, th e fi rst exh ibition

Ar tist, South Pacific Campa igns, Solomon Islands to Guam. Mural Decorations in bonks, hotels,

of paintings in Philadelphia. The Columbianum was ultimately su cceeded by the

hospitals, U. S. Customs House, Port of Philadelphia, North Philadelphia Post Office, U. S.
Post Office Building, Washington, D.


Municipal Court House, Parkway, Philadelphia .

present Academy. In 1805, in Independence Hall, where twenty-nine years

Federal Building- World's Fair, Common Pleas Court No.7, City Hall, Ph iladelphia. Awards ,

earlier the farefathers had signed the Declaration of Independence, seventy-

Art Clu b of Philadelphia, 1935; Edward T. Statesbury Prize, 1938, Pennsylvania Academy of

one public spirited cit izens, of whom forty-one were lawyers, met for form a l

the Fine Arts . Represented, Chrysler Collection, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
Member: Notional Academy of Design, Pennsylvania Fine Arts Commission.

organization. They prepared a petition for the incorporation of th e Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts . The gathering was a distinguished one, and the


object of the association, quaintly and vigorously expressed in the lan gu age

Instructor In Drawing and Preliminary Portrait Painting and He od of the Coordinated
Courses of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts with the Unive rsity of Pe nn sylvania.

of the day, was:
Born in Springfield, Ohio, February 23, 1885. Pupil of Duveneck, Cincinnati Art Academy,
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Awards, Cresson European Scholarship, Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts, 1917; Second Cresson, First Toppan and First Thouran Prizes,

"To promote the cultivation o{ tf,e Fine Arts. in the Uni ted States o{ A merica. by introd uc-

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1918; Medal, Philadelphia Sketch Club, 1921. Fellow-

ing correct and elegant copies from works of Ihe ~rst M as ters in Sculpture and Painting , and

ship of P.A.F.A. Gold Medal Award, 1940. Post President of the Fellowship of Pennsylvania

by thus facilitating the access to such Standards. and also by occasionally conferring mod-

Academy of the Fine Arts.

erate but honourable premiums. and oth erWise assisting tIle S tudies and exciting the efforts
of Ihe Arlisls gradually 10 unfold. enligl1len. and invigorate Ih e lo len ls of ou r Countryme n ."

Instructor in Drawing and Painting.

Born in Windsor, North Carolina, 1896. Studied in the Corcoran School of Art, Washington,


and The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fin e Arts. Awards, Cresson Foreign Traveling

Schola rships, 1923 and 1925, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; The Fellowship of
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Gold Medal, 1926; First Prize in Landscape
Society of Washington Artists, 1929; The Fellowship of The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
Arts Prize, 1930; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1930; M. V. Kohmstamm

The schools are under the immediate core of the Curator and Committee on
Instruction appointed by the President and Boord of Directors, together w ith
a Faculty composed of celebrated Artists, who are experienced Teachers and
eminently qualified to discover and develop every tal ent which students may

Prize, The Art Institute of Chicago 1930; Landscape Prize, Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts,
1932; Third W. A. Clarke Prize and Bronze Medal, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington,
D C 1937. Gold Medal Philadelphia Sketch Club, 1938; The Jennie Sesnan Gold Medal,
. P'
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1940; The Academy-Fellowship me,
Member, Notional Academy of Design, New York City. Notional Academy of DeSign Altman
Prize 1951.


Book of Stiflmeadow," 1948; "Stiffmeadow Seasons" 1949 ' '[" I
III e Britches, " 1950 ; "Charle.
magne, ' 1950. On leave of absence for the school year 1951.52.

Instructor In Sculpture.

Born in St. louis, 1901. Studied in the St. louis School of Fine Arts and the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts. Awards , Edmund Stewardson Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts, 1921; William Emlen Cresson Foreign Traveling Scholarship, 1922 and 1923; Widener


Memorial Gold Medol, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1925; Fellowship Prize, 1932;

Instructor In Painting and General Coaching.

Helen Foster Barnett Prize National Academy of Design, 1935; National Sculpture Society
Prize for bas relief, 1940. Anonymous Prize for Sculpture, National Academy of Design, 1949.
Awarded Fellowship in the American Academy in Rome, 1925 to 1927. Represented , City Art
Museum, SI. louis; Theron Art Institute, Indianapolis; National Academy of Design, New York

Born in New. .York City, in 1894. Studied ',n Th e Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts .
Awarded, William Emlen Cresson Memorial Traveling Scholarship 1917 1918 S
d T


; eeon oppon
Pme, ennsylvanla Academy of the Fine Arts 1920· First Prize and l h
e man P'
nze, C arncgle


International Exhibition, 1931; Bronze Medal, Paris International Exposition 1937. B
M eo,
d I M usee de Jeu de Paume, Paris, 1938; First Prize and Corcoran Gold Medal, Corcoran

U.S.M.e. Expeditionary Medal; U. S. Air Mail Fliers Medal of Honor; Heroic Groups, St,

Gallery of Art, 1939; Second Prize, Unrestricted Division, Internotional Art Exhibit, Golden

louis Memorial Building; Bust of Stephen Foster, New York University Hall of Fame; Air Medal

Gate International Exposition, 1939; Beck Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine

(Army and Navy). Served Overseos as Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Officer 1943·45.

Arts, 1941; lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1942; Temple Gold

Member, Architectural leogue of New York; The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of

Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1944; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

the Fine Arts; Nationol Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design; National Institute of

Gold Medal of Honor 1949; Fellowship Prize 1950; Retrospective Exhibition Museum of Modern

Arts and letters.

Art, N. Y., 1950. Other awards-Philadelphia Sketch Club, Philodelphia Art Club, Chicago Art

City; Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, L

I., "Young lobsterman" Pennsylvania Academy

of the Fine Arts; "Squirrel Fountain," Brookgreen Gardens, Georgetown, S.


Institute. Member, National Institute of Arts and letters ; National Academy of Design. Served


Marine and Naval Camouflage Operations, First World War. Represented in Private and
Public Collections.

'nstructor In Drawing, lithography and Painting.

Born in Reading, Po., 1911. Studied at The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Ans, and
The Barnes Foundation. Awarded the William Emlen Cresson Foreign Traveling Scholarship,


1935; First Charles Toppan Memorial Prize, 1936; Honorable Mention Philodelphia Sketch

Instructor In Wate r Color.

Club, 1936. Fellowship Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1942.
Born in Pinole, California, 1910. Studied Cornell University, N . Y., American School at

'nstructor In Construction and Sculpture.

Fontainbleau, Fronce and private studios of N. e. Wyeth in Chadds Ford, Pa. Student of
landislas Medgys and Despujols, Paris. Awarded First Honorable Mention and Obrig Prize,
American Water Color Society 1946-47. Honorable Mention, Audubon Artists 1948. First

80rn in Philadelphia, December 21, 1897. Studied in The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine

Prize Philadelphia Water Color Club; Pennsylvania Week Exhibition 1949. Second Prize

Arts and in Paris. Awarded, Stewardson Prize for Sculpture; Cresson Traveling Scholarship,

Baltimore Water Color Club 1948. Obrig Prize National Academy of Design 1951. Member ,

1926; Widener Gold Medal, 1939; P. A. Fellowship Prize, 1941. Fellowship of P.A.F.A, Gold

National Academy of Design; Audubon Artists. Vice-President Philadelphia Water Calor

Medal Award, 1942; $1,000 grant from American Academy of Arts and lellers , 1946. Gold

Club. Director Wilmington Society of Fine Arts. Murals in Nemours Building, Wilmington,

Medal Award, Phi ladelphia Regional Exhibition, 1951. Represented, by work for the French

Del., and Metropolitan life In surance Building, New York City. Represented in Public and

Government on the island of Guadoloupe, French West Ind ies; a building in Papeele, Tahiti,

Private Collections.

South Seas; The Samuels Memorial, Schuylkill River, Philadelphio; Private ond Publi c Collections in london, Paris, Tohiti, New York and Philadelphio.

Instructor In Advanced Illustration .

:arn in


Pennsylvania, November 29, 1895. Studied in the Philadelphia Museum

ChoOI of Industnal Art; Pennsylvania Acodemy of the Fine Arts; pupil of Thornton Oakley.
Henry McCarter· George H d'
A d '
ar rng. war ed, lea Prize, 1922; Cresson Traveling Scholarship
"sennsydIvania Academy af the F'Ine A rts, 1922,1923. Represented, Illustrations "Scribner's"'
19;;ur"a Evening Post," "The Yearling," 1937; "Cross Creek," 1942; "Face of a Nation'"
; Dune Boy," 1943· "8rady's B d" 1946 "
en ,
; The Color of the Country," 1947; "The

Instrudor in Painting.

Born in Baden, Germany, 1888. Studied at The Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art,
Pennsylvania Academy of Ihe Fine Arts and the Barnes Foundation. Awarded Cresson Travel·














Worcester Art




Purchase Prize, Wanamaker Regional Art Exhibit 1934, Yarnall Abboll Memoriaf Prize, Philadelphia Art Alliance 1939. Represented in collection Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, Corcoran Art Gallery, Portrait in White House Collection.

Instructor In Composi tion and Ge ne ral Criticism .


Ph'l d I h'

1914 Studied at The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Awarded ,

Born In
Joe pia ,
Will iam Ernl en Cre sson Traveling Scholarship, 1935. Re presen ted in Publi c an d Private Collec-


tions. Member : N o tional Academy of Design .

Chairman ex-officio, as Chairman of the Committee on Instruction of the Board of Di re ctors.


JOHN F. HARBESON, M.S. in Architecture

Instructor in Composition and Advance d Painting.

Instructor in Perspective and Architectural Advisor in the Sculpture Class in Composi tion .

Born in Tarboro , North Carolina, January 14, 1900. Studied a t the Rou se Schoo l o f Art, Tar·

Born in Philade lphia , July 30, 1888. Stud ied in the University of Pennsylva nia . Re ceived B.S.
and Arthur Spayd Broo ke Gold Meda l in Design, 1910: M.S.A., 1911 : Cope Prize (Philadelphia
Cha pter, A . I. A. and T Square Club), 1913. Archite ct, Assoc iate of Pa ul P. Cret. Fellow,

bora, N orth Carolina, Pennsylvan ia State College, Stat e Co lleg e, Pennsylvan ia : Carneg ie
Institute of Te chno logy (Art School). Pittsburg h, Pennsylva nia : Col um bia University, New Yor k
City, New York. Traveled extensively o b raad in 1928, 1930, 1935, 1948. Awa rds, Honorable

American In stit ute of Archi tects ; Assoc ia te Professor in Architectural Design, School of Fine
Art s, Univers ity of Penn sylvani a; Aut ho r of "The Study of Archite ctural Design," Pen cil Points

Mention, Son Franci sco World's Fair, 1939: First Honorab le Mention , Butl er Art In stitute,

Pre ss, N . Y., 1926.

Youngstown, O hio, 1942: First Honorable Mention, Butle r Art Institute, Youngstow n, Ohio,
1943., Schiedt Memoria l Prize, The PennsylvanIa Academy of the Fi ne Arts , 1943: Da w son
Memorial Meda l, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1944 : Hono ra b le Mention ,

WILLIAM M. CAMPBELL, B.S. in Architecture; A.M.

New Hoven Pa int and Clay Club, 1946: Second Prize, San Fra ncisco Pa lace of legion o f

Assistant Instructor in Perspective and Instructor in l e tte ring .

Honor, Ame rican Exhibition, 1947: Fourth Clark Prize, Co rco ran Gallery o f Art, 1948: Third
Prize, Carneg ie Inst itute, American Exhi bition, 1949; Honora ble M e nlion, Pomona , California ,

Born in Germantown , Philad el phia , 1887: stud ied in the Univers ity of Pennsylvania . B.S. in
Archi tec ture , 1912. R.A. Ass istant Pro fesso r in Design Analysis in the School of Fine Arts,

Exh ib iti on of American Painting, 1949; Fi rst Pri z e, Flower Pa int ing, Bu tler A rt Institute, Youngs-

University of Pennsylvania.

town, O hio , 1950. Memberships, Phil adelphia Wa ter Co lor Cl ub , Phi lade lphia Art Allian ce ,
Audu bon Soci ety of Artis ts, Artis ts Equity Assoc iation, Contem porary Art Ass oc iation of Phi la -

del phia . Repre sent ed in: Metropol itan Museum of Art: The Pennsy lvan ia Academy of th e Fine


Art s: W hitney Museum of Ameri can A rt: Brooklyn Museum: Philli ps Memo rial Gal lery, Wa sh-

Instructor in Stone Cutting.

ington; Virgin ia M useum of Fine Arts; Neb ras ka Art Association; Bul ler Art In stitute , Young s·

town, Ohio: Cleveland Museum of Art: Carnegie Institute: Braaks Memoria l Ga llery, Memphis
Tennessee: Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massachusetts: Phil adel phia M useum
of Art ; John Heron Art M useum, Indianapolis, Indiana ; Santa Ba rba ra Art M us eum, San ta
Barbaro , Ca lifornia; Wilmington Society of Artists, Wi lmington, De laware ; In te rna tio na l Bu si-

Born in Co rleta Perticara , Ita ly. Studi ed draw ing and modeling at The Spring Garden Institute
and mode li ng at Drexel Insti tu te. Rece ived Honorable Ment ions .
Fo rem a n in charge of st one, marb le and grani te for different studios; also ston e ya rd.
fo rmer Chairman of the Architectura l Scul ptors and Carvers Assoc iation of Philade lphia a nd
Vicin ity.

ness Ma chines Col lection of American Pa inting; Pennsylvania Sta te Coll ege, Stat e Co llege,
Pennsylvan ia; En cycl opedia Britannica; Montc lair Mu seum of A rt,

M o ntc la ir, New Je rsey ;

Pepsi-Cola Coll ection of American Painting.

lecturer in Anatomy.
Born in Buffalo, N ew Yor k. Execu tive Director, Associate Member, The Wiste r Institute of

Anat o my and Bio logy . Auth o r, "Art Stud ents' Anatomy" (li ppincott): "Anatomy and Phys·
io logy, laboratory Guide " (lippincott).

Born in N orri stown, Po ., 1920. Stud ied a t Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Art s. Awar ded

Cre sson European Travel ing Scholarship 1947. J. Henry Sc hiedt Memo ria l Sc hola rs hip 1950,
both in Ill ust ration . Illustrations- " So Sure of life ,"

1950 : " Hungry Hal low," 1951.

lecturer in Art History.

Barn Odessa, Ukra ine, 1911. Studied Pennsylvania Academy of th e Fine Arts: University of
Pennsylvan ia, B.F.A. in Ed .: Temple Un ivers ity, M.F.A,: and in European Museums, 1936, .1938,
1939. Consultant to Education Division , Ph iladelph ia Museum of Art, 1944-45: lecturer ,n a.rt
education , Univers ity of Pennsylvania , 1946-; Speci a l Assistant to Art

Direc t~r ~f


Pub lic Schools, 1945-. Awards, 1st Prize, lithography, Tyler Alumni, 1947: DaVinc. Silver Meda l,
1949. Represen ted in Penn sylvania A cademy of the Fine Arts, Woodmere Art Gall~ry, Yale
Un iversity Museum and private collections. Contemporary

1946, Thi n;! Priz\l.

lifho~ ra phe r,

Rochester Pnnt Club,

f Arc hitecture and Dean of the School of Fine Arts, r e prese nting
the University In the Co ordina ted Co urses.
Chairman of he Department


Technlcol Advisor.

.In G ermany,.
1906 Stud'led in Munich Applied Chemistry and Technology in the
Fine Arts on the basis of Prof. Max Doerner, Munich, and Dr. ~ans Beahm, Ber In,
Academy of the
Docen t a f General Chemistry and Conservator at . the fPennsylvania
U '
f P
Technological Department; Technica l AdVisor
or t e
nlverslfy 0
en nsyF·Ine Ars,

fP ennsy 1
1946 .
1946. Conservator for the Un iversity Museum,
nlverslty 0
H OSpltO
. I• Ph'lI a d e I P h'la, Pa., E'
Conservotion o f various collections: Pennsylvania



HE Faculty constitutes the greatest single asset of the Academy's Schools.
. . Many other fact.ors, however, contribute to the strength of the present
Institution. Its strategic location, Galleries, Library and Print Collection, the
Coordinated Courses with the University of Pennsylvania, the Amer ican
Academy in Rome Collaborative problem and the many sc holarship advantages
will be brieny o utlined below. (See "Scholarships and Prizes" fo r details under
that hea d .)

Hospital, Philadelphia, Po .

Studied Art Students league, New York School of Fine and Applied Arts, and former Art

Simone Titone
Cresson Sch ola rship in Painting 1950

LOCATION . The Academy building is located in the heart of Philadelphia
w ithin one block of City Hall and within two or three blocks of the cent ral
city railroad stations. It is within walking distance of practically every gallery,
museum, librory, theatre and music hall of importance in the city. Consid ering
Philadelphia 's wealth in th ese cultural attributes, the student in the Academy
has immeasurable opportunities of augmenting his or her school work in ever~
possible field of in spiration for art and living.
ACADEMY GALLERIES. Th e Academy's Permanent Collection of Pa intings and
Sculpture affords an opportunity for the study of examples of famous masters,
and includes the Gallery of National Portraiture by Early American Pa inte rs;
the Templ e Collection of Modern A merican Painting s; The Gibson Collection,
largely composed of works of the Con tinental school s; and th e La mbert Col·
lection of Contemporary A rt.
The Annua l Exhibitions held by the Academy, of which th is year's will be the
One Hundred and Forty·seventh, bring together the best examples of current
Ame rican painting and sculpture, and enable studen ts to follow intelligentl y
the various movements of contemporary art, and to study the technical methods
by w hich th e art of today is achieving its results. These exhibitions have been
recognized for many years as being the foremost in America. Th e Water Color
Exhibition and th e Exhibit ion of Modern Miniatures are held in the Fall of each
year. Th e exhibition of work of students subm itted in competiti on for Cresson
European Tra ve ling Scholarships and other prizes is held at th e end of May.
Other spec ia l exhibitions continually change the aspect of the Galleries through out the Winter season . A student ticket en titles the holder, during attendance
at the Academy, to free admission to the Galleries, Special Exhi bitions, Lectures,
and to th e use of the Library and Print Collection.
LIBRARY. An excellent reference library is available to all registered students
at specified times. A valuable extension of this libra ry exists in a collection of
books, easy of access to students for individual research.
PRINT COLLECTION . The Academy is the owner of one of the largest and
most valuable print coll ections in the United States, with a tota l a!;lgref;late in
al l collections of 67,000 prints.

mitted must have the opprova l oi the Instructor oi the class in which it is ma de.


eneral method of instruction is by individual criticism of closs work, with-


repressing effect of fixed methods. The purpose of this troining is to

develop the students' natural abilities, to enable them to acquire technique,
and to stimulate their sense of beauty. The various classifications of study are
closely allied and students in one department are privileged to work in the
other departments by arrangement with the Curator. This entails no additional

If the Faculty finds the group of insufficient merit to warrant promotion the
student may submit another group to the Faculty at any subsequent meeting.

PAINTING. The painting classes are planned to assist each student, upon a
sound knowledge of drawing as a base, to a personal expression through
color; the whole built upon compositional understanding and sound technica l
Preliminary Classes,

life and landscape

ATTENDANCE. There is no compulsory attendance in any class or classes of
the Academy school, but every day student is afforded the fullest possible
opportunity to actively participate in a schedule which can completely fill six
or seven day hours five days of every school week plus three additional evening hours on five of those days, plus Saturday mornings.

SCHEDULE OF CLASSES. All new students, except those who enter the Sculp-


Portrait, Costume Sketch, and Croqui s
Still life
•• ••
General Criticism and Composit ion


Fran cis Speight
Roswell Weidner

Roy C. N use
Roswell Weidner
Franklin C. Watkins

Walter Stuempflg


John Harbeson
Dr. Edmond J. Farri,
Roswell Weidner

ture Classes, are required to work on trial in either the Antique Cast Head or

Admission to the Advanced Head and Advanced Life Painting classes is also

Antique Cast Figure drawing classes. Students who present evidence of work

by action of the Faculty upon the submission of one head or life painting

accomplished in accredited art schools may, upon consultation with the Curator,

(respectively) accompanied by a line draWing made from the life model as

be admitted into more advanced classes immediately.

posed in the class. Work submitted needs no Instructor approval.

DRAWING. These classes are maintained primarily to provide a groundwork

Advanced Classe"

in drawing which may be developed later in the Painting and Illustration Classes.

Advanced life and landscape

Working in monochrome (generally black and white) from the ploster ca st,

General Criticism and Advanced Composition

both head and figure with unchanging light, provides the beginner with that
opportunity to grasp the problems of light and shade toward the expression
of form more easily than by working from living models.

Francis Speight
Roswell Weidner
Frank lin C. Watkin'
Walter Stuempflg

General Criticism and Advanced life
Advanced Portrait
Costume Sketch and Croquis

Hobson Pittman

Julius Bloch
Roy C. Nu,e


First Antique Closses,
Antique Cast (Head)
Construction (life Model Proportions)

Sketch (Costumed

Roswell Weidner
Roy C. Nuse
Harry Rosin


Second Antique Classes,
Antique Cast (Figure)

Sketch (Costumed Model)
Still life
. . . . .

Roy C. Nuse

Harry Rosin

ILLUSTRATION. The purpose of the illustration class is to train the student as
an artist first, and then to apply his professional knowledge in the field of
magazine and book illustration.
Preli m i nary Cia sses,

Francis Speight
Roswell Weidner
Roy C. Nuse
Harry Rosin

Roy C. Nuse
Roswell Weidner

PROMOTION. Application for promotion from the First Antique Cast Drawing

John McCoy
John McCay
Roy C. Nuse

life • • .
Costumed Model (Water Color)
Coslume Sketch and Croquis
Illustration and Composition


Harry Rosin
John Harbeson

Dr. Edmond J. Farri,
Oliver Grimley

section to the Second Antique Cast Drawin g section and subsequently into

MURAL DECORATION. The chief purpose of this closs is to train advanced

Painting or Illustration may be made at any stated monthly meeting of the
FaCUlty. A group of Drawings or Painti}lgs, one each from all branches of

students in solving the architectural problems of decoration based upon a
sound compositional knowledge, and appreciation of scale. The actual

classes attended, is placed for judgment with the · application. Each work sub-

mechanics which this branch of the Fine Arts involves are thoroughly studied

so that the various pointing techniques employed in the mural expression may

life. Head. and Composition

be understood and acquired.

Stone Cutting .
George Harding
Fran cis Speight
Roy C. Nuse

Mural Composition and Technical Research

life .





CoslUme Sketch and Croquis




Franklin C. Watkins

Admission to the Mural Decoration Class is arranged by conference with the

Walter Hancock
Harry Rosin

Philip Aliano
John Harbeson
Roy C. Nuse


Croquis (Sketching from li fe, Ac tion Poses)




Dr. Edmond J. Forris
William M. Campbe ll

B oot~s are provided for students who, in their fourth year, corry out a com-

Instructor and the Curator.

posttlon as their malor work for that year. To be eligible for the use of a booth
a student must submit a sketch to the Instructor for approval.

SCULPTURE. This department introduces its students to and trains technically

COORDINATED COURSES. The Un iversity of Pennsylvania offers its degrees

in modelling and its application. Special emphasis is placed upon Sculpture as

of Bachelor and Moster of Fine Arts to students of Paintin g Sculpture Mural
Decoration, or "Iustration, ~ho have completed a course ~f academi~ study
In th e University and prescribed technical work In the Schools of The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fi ne Arts.

allied to its sister arts, Pointing and Arch itecture.
All students in the Sculpture classes begin, upon entrance and regardless of
what previous experience they have had, in the regular head and life classes.
Their entrance into the brooder activities of the Sculpture deportment is
arranged by conference with the Instructor and the Curator.

Th e Coordinated Courses are normally five year courses, during which time
58 semester credits must be completed in required academic courses at the
University and 122 semester credits In the technical work of the Academy.




Semester Credits

History of Art
Modern language


General History

A Science

Semester Credits



History of Pointing



Total Semester Credits





i\rnnemy (Technical)



. 122


Total Semester Credits

• 180

Advanced standing for academic work up to 22 semester credits may be
allowed by the University. For previous technical study of the Fine Arts the
Academy may allow credit up to 72 semester credits of the 122 required. Th is
does not apply to the terms of the Cresson Competition.
Th e technical work of the student is judged each term by the Committee on
the Coordinated Courses and the student is graded on one example from each
closs in which he is registered. Reports are rendered each term, and in the
academic courses standing is reported each term by the University.
Th e students in these courses share all privileges extended to the student-body
of each in stitu tion and are also subject to the regulations imposed.
Philip E. Fowler
Walker Hancock Prize 1950

Charles S. Parks
Stewardson Prize 1950
li.a Agnes Kennedy Hill Memorial Prize 1950

Applications should be mode as early as possible. Candidates for admission
to the Coordinated Courses must meet the requirements of each institution but
must be accepted and approved by the Academy before they can be admitted
t9 the University.

REGISTRATION OF WORK. Each student is required to register one example
of work, once eoch month, representing effort in each of the classes listed
under the department in which he or she is enrolled. For example: the student
in Preliminary Painting registers one life, Head, C~nstructlon, Costumed Sketch,
Composition and Still life per month. The exceptions and special classes are
listed below. The same work cannot be registered more than once. An unbroken record of registration is necessary for eligibility for competition, and is
required of all students in the Coordinated Course. Written requests for excuse
upon legitimate grounds (illness, unavoidable absence, etc.) must be addressed
to the Curator for approval.
Attendance upon the classes on Composition and General Criticism is not
compulsory but students are particularly urged to attend all through their
Academy experience. Composition studies and finished work will be registered
according to posted regulations. Perspective drawing is a two-term (onewinter) course and is compulsory of satisfactory completion before any student
may compete for a Cresson Traveling Scholarship, or receive the award of a
Collaborative Scholarship, and also upon all students taking the Coordinated
Course with the University of Pennsylvania. Every student is urged to get credit
for this course in his first or second year.
Anatomy lectures are not compulsory but every student is advised to attend
regularly for at least two terms (one winter).

COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM. It is the aim of the Academy's Schools to
approach the fine arts in the broadest sense. Toward that end and because
of the ideal coordination with the University of Pennsylvanio, through its School
of Fine Arts, o~e .of the most valuable features is the participation th rough and
with the ASSOCiation of the Alumni of the Amer ican Academy in Rome in their
Collaborative Problem. This project engages students in architecture, la ndscape
architecture, mural decoration and sculpture. Teams of four are formed the
latter two members from the Academy, in the study of these, the four gre~t art
departments, toward a perfect whole. The Academy deems the opportunities
thus afforded so valuable that it offers tuition scholarship prizes to those students whose teams place in the prize winning groups in the Rome Academy's
Two terms of free tuition in the Winter School are, therefore, to be awarded to
each painter or painters and sculptor or sculptors whose team or teams place
first, second or third in the Association of the Alumni of the American Academy
in Rome judgment; provided, that in the acceptance of such scholarship, the
students will major in their respective departments (Mural Decoration and Sculpture), and shall use this tuition credit in the school yea r directly following that
of the award.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR VETERANS. The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fin e
Arts offers opportunities for study to veterans who satisfy entrance requirements
and who are eligible for educational benefits under the Servicemen's Read justment Act of 1944.
Veterans who have interrupted training or wish to start their training are advised to contact their nearest Regional Office prior to June 1, 1951.
EVENING CLASSES. The evening classes are planned for those students whose
activities or livelihood do not permit them to attend the day sessions. Students
admitted under this head are not eligible to compete for prizes or scholarships
and credits are given only by special arrangement with the Curator. The fees
are set at a reasonab le figure so that many may enjoy the privilege of Drawing,
Pa inting, or Modelling in the life classes. See " Fees" for details. All day students
are entitled to work in the evening classes without extra fee. The evening
classes are conducted five nights of the wee k. Schedule of classes will be posted .
Peinting and Drawing

Li fe
Costumed Sketch

Franci s Speighl
Roswell Weidner
Roswell Weidner


life and Head



. . .





Walker Hancac ..
Harry Rosin

PART TIME CLA.SSES. Owing to the inability of the Academy to accept all of
theellgtble applicants for full-time study it is necessary to withdraw until furthe r
"ottce, the privilege granted to former stvdents to attend on a pa;t-time basis.

Arnold H. Piers on, Jr .

Henry W. Peacock
Cresson Scholorship in JllustfQlion 1 9~O

C;:res~on ~chQlorship in Poinlin!t 19SO

demand for such help, certain of these scholarships may be granted as half
The Board ?f Public Education of the City of Ph iladelphia awards a number
of scholarships to students who receive appointments. Graduates of all the Cit
High and Manual Training Schools are eligible for these appointments nomina~
tions for which are made by the Board of Education on ·the recom~endation
of the Principals of the several schools, to whom all applications should be

FREE TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS. Free tuition scholarships are available to
registered students whose financial obligations have been met in full, for at least
two terms. These scholorships are solely far the purpose of financially assisting
those who wou ld otherwise be unable to pursue thei r study of art. The maior
number of these are made available each year by George D. Widener in
memory of his father and mother, George D. Widener and Mrs. Alexander
Hamilton Rice, and through the John Lambert Memorial Fund. Others are made
available through bequests of various friends of the Academy to be used for
scholarship aid: The Louise Harrison Memorial Scholarships given by Thomas
S. Harrison in memory of his wife; The Mary R. Burton Scholarships; The Sarah
Kaighn Cooper Memorial Scholarship through the generosity of Mrs. George
K. Johnson; The Elizabeth H. Thomas Memorial Scholarship; and The George
M. Wiltbank Scholarships through the bequest of Annie C. Wiltbank.
Application may be made in the Spring of each year. These scholarships are
awarded by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Committee on Instruction and the Faculty. Applicants must fill in a prepared form
and subm it it together with no more than four unframed examples of their work
to the Curator before the stated meeting of the Faculty in April.
At the discretion of the management, and at times when there is a particular

One free tuit ion scholarship for two semesters is offered this year through the
Scholastic Magazine in their competition entitled Scholastic Awards.


By the liberal provisions of the wills of Emlen Cresson and Pri scilla P., his wife, a Fund hos been created
as a memorial to their deceased son , William Emlen Cresson, Academi cia n, IIle income of which is to be
applied by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in sending pupils of merit to Europe . These schola rships sholl be awarded under such rules and regulations as shall be adop ted from lime to time by Ihe
Boord of Directors of Ihe Pennsylvania Academy of th e Fine Arts.

The award of a Cresson Trave ling Scholarsh ip credits each student with $1250;
$950 to be used for a summer of travel and traveling expenses in Europe and
the remaining $300 pays for tuition in the ensuing two terms immediately following at the Academy. An award is not to be regarded as a certificate of proficiency . The winners should consider rather, that their industry and 'promise have
won for them the opportunity to introduce into their period of schooling this
inspirational and broadening incident. Each recipient is required to return to
the Academy for further study and the financial arrangement is thus planned
to insure this program.
The awards are divided among all departments of study and are allotted as to
standard of work as one factor, and the number of contestants proportionally
from each department as the other factor.
The awards are made by the Board of Directors through its Committee on
Instruction, upon the recommendotion of the Focu lty. N i ne . students were
awarded Cresson Traveling Scholarships in 1950. The student illustratlon~ in
this catalogue are selected chiefly from the work of tbe wLn!:lers in · th~ 1.950
competition . In the case of exceptional merit and when a ,:,e(y decided im·
provemen t is evident a student may, through the same autho,t:!\Y, receive tbe
award a second time . Competition for a second scholarship may qe entered
only during the year succeeding the first award, unless othe.i,wise iuled or a
satisfactory excuse be accepted by the Commltt~e on Instr,u.c~.lon.
The Faculty is not obliged to recommend awar.ds of Cresson_scholarships if,
in its opinion, the work submitted is not of suffrcien.t merit] to iustify suc;:h



Jonn A~ronlk
Cre!.son Schola rship in Painting 1949
Thomos Eak.ins and Susan M . Eokin~
ty.PlT1oriol Prize 1950



Cresson Scholarship in Pointing 1950

Cli*cilio ~oux Memorial Prize 1950

years of age or younger, in good health and withou t k(1owledge of any phYSIcal condition or any other reason to prevent accepting and properly USing
such Scholarship, is eligible for competition for a CressQn. Tmye!lng Scholqrship when they each have an aggregate of 96 Acad~ipy sc£l"o.o! weeks to th~lr
credit which must have been accumulated within five [~J year.s, of the date., of
comp~tition. The final 32 weeks [two terms) must be spent lnJb.e WiDter Scl19.o 1

· th A demy and must be within the school year oi competition. Time spent
a f e co
d (
'd d
in the Summer School of the Academy is counte
provi e certain requirements have been fulfilled) in the aggregate of the first 64 weeks.
All students must have a complete and unbroken reg istration record over the
time inclu ded in computing eligibility (see "Registration of Work"). They must
also have completed satisfactorily their work in Perspective (two terms) . Delinquencies due to absence for illness or other causes must be satisfactorily explained in writing to the Curator fo r excuse and all financial obligations must be


fully paid.
All students entering the competition are requ ired to procure an application for
permission to compete at the Curator's Office before the 10th day of March.


All work submitted in competition must be that which has been done in the
Academy classes or for Academy registration and has received criticism from
a member or members of the Faculty. It must also be work completed within
the last 32 weeks of the Winter School or in the Summer Session immediately
preceding. Either the stamp from monthly registration or one by special arrangement at the Curator's office must be upon each work exhibited.
All competitors are unrestricted as to the amount and variety of work they submit in the competition groups, provided they do not exceed the space allotted
to them but each Painter 's group must include a landscape and each Sculptor's
group must include a composition .
Paintings, Drawings, and Illustrations exhibited in the Painting or Il lustration
groups must not exceed 36 inches in either dimensi on, and must be exhibited
unframed and unglazed. If tape is used to trim unsightly edges of canvases it
may be used to give order rather than enhance and must not encroach upon
the face of the canvas.
Donald W. lull
Cresson Scholorship in Mural DecorOlion 1950

rial Scholarship, In accordance with the will of the Testator pro 'd
S hi
' .
VI es a uroT
peon rave Ing c a arshlp In amount and regulations similar to those of Cresson
Scholarships of that year. This scholarship will be available at intervals of
possibly three or four years and is to be awarded when available by the Board
of Directors through ItS Committee on Instruction on the advice of the Facult
to a student of outstanding merit who is not receiving a Cresson Scholarshi~
that year . One Schola rship was aworded in May, 1950.
MemOrial Scholarship, In accordance with the Will of Cornelia Schiedt, proVides for the award of Traveli ng Scholarships according to the in co me available. The amount ava ilable for the next school year will provide for one scholarship of $1200. The award of this Scholarship will be made to an advanced
student of outstanding merit on the recommendation of the Faculty by the Board
of Directors under regulations and programs to be authorized .
Elig ibility for this competition will be based on the same requirements as set up
for first Cresson awards, and the written appl ication, covering a specific objective for carrying for w ard his or her training throug h travel, placed in the
hands of the Curator of the Schools before January 1st of the year of compe Jim lueders
Cresson Scholorship in Pointing 1950

ti;ioA. A student may compete for 0 'Schiedt Schol~rship and at the same t ime
for a Cresson Scholarship, but may not win both In anyone year.

THE CHARLE S TOPPAN PRI ZES. The Charles Toppan Prizes for 1950 are: First
Prize $300.00; Second Prize, $200.00; and one honorable mention of $100.~0.
These prizes were established in 1881 by the gift of Mrs. Charles Toppan, MISS
Harriette R. Toppan, and Mr. Robert N. Toppan. The prizes are awarded only
to students who have previously rece ived and used a Cresson Scholarship.
Competitors who fulfill all o f the requirements for a Second Cresson Traveling
Scholarship will, at the same time, be considered eligible to compete for a
Toppan Prize. Competitors who have previously won two Cresson Scholarships
and who are attending school, following the award of the Second Cresson
Scholarship, are required to register one piece of work each mon th and will
arrange individually with the Curator in regard to the requirements in the
various departments.
Any student having received one Toppan prize is debarred from receiving another
Tappan prize of the same or lower value. The work submitted in competition
must be an original pointing, in oil, tempera or water color, the unaided work
of the student without criticism. The subiect for the paintings to be submitted
will be announced Friday, November 2, 1951. All work in competition must be
submitted without signature by Saturday, May 3, 1952, 12 o'clock noon. No
student may submit mare than one example. Work submitted must not measure
less than twelve inches nor more than fifty inches in either dimension and must
not be framed or presented under glass, though paintings upon paper may be
Canvases are numbered by the Curator, and a memorandum of the numbers

and competitors' names is kept in a sealed envelope h' h .
prize-winning canvases have been selected by the Wc IC 'tt opened after the
t th
.. I
omml ee on Instruction
ccor mg 0 e positive y expressed terms of the gift the d
f h
submitted will receive first consideration.
,rawmg 0 t e work
The Con:mittee on .awards is not obliged to award prizes or honorable mentlon~ If, m ItS opinion, the work submitted is not of sufficient merit t . t'f
making the awards.

THE . RAMBORGER PRIZE. From the income of a fund established by the late
William K. Rambarger, Esq ., as a memorial to his sister, Aspa sia Eckert Ramborger, who for some years was a student of the Academy an an
I .
$25.00 is awa.rded for the best line drawing in black and V:hite of ~u~e~~zf~o~
life by a pupil of the Academy who has not been under instruction over two
years, but who has been reg istered in the Acad emy for both terms of the current school year. Each competitor may submit one unmounted drawing on wh't
paper 19 by 25 in~he~ ~n size. Having once received an a ward, a stud~n~
becomes thereafter mellglble to compete again.
-:he C:0n:mit:ee o~ .awards is not obliged to award prizes or honorable mentlon~ If, In ItS opinion, the work submitted is not of sufficient merit to iustify
makmg the awards.

THE EDMUND STEWARDSON PRIZE. The Edmund Stewardson Prize of One
Hundred Dollors in the Deportment of Sculpture will be awarded for the 52nd
time at the close of the school year. This is an annual prize, com peted for by
present students of the Academy with such pupils of other art schools as may be
approved by the Committee on Instruction.
The subiect for the competition is a full-length figure from life in the round.
Studies must not be less than two feet six inches in heig ht, and not more than
three feet in height, and must be made within eighteen hours, during th ree consecutive days, in six sessions of three hours each.
A student receiving one Stewordson Award is ineligible to compete a second
No one except the competitors is admitted to the competition room at any time
during the days of the competition, and no one except the members of the Jury
is present during the iudging of the studies.
Each competitor draws a number by lot. This number determines the competitor's position in the competition room ond a co rrespo nding number is placed
upon an envelope which contains the competitor's name and is deposited
sealed, with the Secretary of the Academy. Upon complet ion of th e work th e
competitor places a corresponding number upon the study to be submitted to
the Jury of Award.

P. Allen Horri ~
Cresson Scnolof!hip in Scuiplul<; 1950
Sfim~on Prize 1949

Joan Knight
Cres!on Schola rship in Pointing 1950

The Jury of Aword consists of three professional sculptors, having no official
connection with the Academy, or any other schools whose pupils may have
token part in the competit ion. If no study be satisfactory to the Jury. the prize

th . d'scretion be withheld. When no award is made, the amount of
may, at elr I t the discretion of the Board of Directors, be added to the
the prize may, a
. '
principal of the prize fund or distributed With futu re prizes..

The Committee on awards is not obliged to award prizes or honorable mentions if, in its opinion, the work submitted is not of sufficient merit to iustify
moking th e awards.

The cloy models offered in competition must be kept standing In good condition until otherwise ordered and figures cost by the Academy become Its

THE CECILIA BEAUX MEMORIAL PRIZE. Th e gold medals which Cecilia Beaux


THE STIMSON PRIZE. This prize was established in memory.of Emma Burnham
Stimson and was created for the award each year of a prize In sculpture of
$100.00 for the best work done by the students in the regu lar course of the class.
The contest is open to students who have been registered for three terms and
who are members of the life Modeling Classes,. but IS not open to former students who work in the class by speCial permiSSion . Ti me spent at work In the
Sculpture Classes at the Chester Springs Country School will be counted up to
two of the three terms.
The subject for competition is 0 full-length figure from life, i.n the round , not less
than two feet six inches in height, and must be made during class hours as a
part of the regular work in the class. The work must be submitted anonymously
to a iury appointed by the Committee on Instruction of the Boar~ of Dlrec:ors.
The Jury must not include any instructor in the School. The Jury IS not obllge~
to award prizes or honorable mentions if, in its opinion, the work submitted IS
not of sufficient merit to iustify making the awards.
The Jury of Award iudging the Competition held during the first term o f the
school year 1950-51 consisted of Adlai S. Hardin, Nina Winkel and Maurice

received during her life in recognition of her work as a portrait painter have
been donated to the Academy by Miss Beaux's residuary legatees and converted
into a fund, the income of which will provide a prize to be given for the best
portrait painted during a school year by a student of the Academy. This prize
of $100 will be available at intervals of possibly three or four years and is to
be awarded, when available, by the President with the advice of the Faculty.
Students eligible for the prize must have been enrolled in the day classes for
two consecutive terms and at the time of competition be members of the advanced portrait cla ss. The award is to be for the outstanding portrait accomplished within such two terms then current and not more than three examples
of work may be submitted. Any student can receive the award but once and it
is particularly stipulated that the award does not need to be made if in the
opinion of the Faculty no work is submitted of sufficient distinction.

THE THOMAS EAKINS MEMORIAL PRIZE. A prize will be offered for the best
figure canvas painted in the regular life closs in the winter immediately preceding the competition. This prize of $100.00 will be owarded by the Faculty
and available through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gwinn.

of Mr. Walter Stuempflg a prize of $50.00 will be awarded to the best single
piece of sculpture entered in the William Emlen Cresson Competition.

THE TH OU RON PRIZES. These awards were founded by the late Henry J.
Thouron, a former Instructor in Composition.
A prize of $50.00 and a prize of $25.00 for compositions completed during
the current season are offered, the first to be decided by the Faculty, the second
by a vote of the students; and a prize of $50.00 and a prize of $25.00 both to
be awarded by the Instructor of the class.
A competitor is not eligible a second time for the same prize, and cannot receive
more than one award the same season .
The Committee on awards is not obliged to award prizes or honorable mentions if, in its opinion, the work submitted is not of sufficient merit to iustify
making the awards.

THE PACKARD PRIZES . From the income of the John H. Packard Fund, established by the children of the late John H. Packard, M.D., for many years chair man of the Academy's Committee on Instruction, annual prizes of $30.00 and
$20.00 are awarded for the best and second best groups of orig ina l studies
made from living animals in the Zoological Garden .
These prizes are open to all students of the Academy who have registered for
both terms of the school year. A student may not submit more than one set of
drowings mounted on a sheet not to exceed 30 x 40 inches. A student having
once received a prize becomes ineligible to receive the sam e prize the second


Oliver Grimley. Jr.

William A. Hirsch
Cresson Schola rship in Pointing 1950

Cre5~on Scholarship in Illustration 1949
S,:niedt Memorial Scholarship 1950

ADMISSION. Applicatian blank, sent upon request, must be filled in and ret rned to the Curator with letters of character reference, a doctor's certificate
health a full-length snapshot, passport photograph, and the applicant must
submit ex~mples of work in which the Faculty can find an apparent ability and
promise and an evident sincerity of purpose, before the student may reg ister.
Admission is contingent upon complete satisfaction to Faculty and Management
in each and every particular and is always subject to the unrestricted right of
dismissal. No student is eligible unless at leost sixteen years of age and
possessed of a campleted high school educa tion or its equivalent. The Committee on Instruction reserves the right to limit the number of students under any
or all classifications.


FEES. Day School,
Students paying the Day School fees are entitled to all the privileges of the
Evening School classes.
Tuition Fee per term • • . ;
Matriculation Fee (paid only on entrance)
locker and library Fees per term
Total, First Term
Tuition Fee, all Subsequent Terms
locker and library Fees per term
Total Fees, First Two Winter Te rms


Evening School,
Tuition Fee per term
. .
Matriculation Fee (paid only on entrance)
locker fee per term. . . . . . .


Total per Single Term, Evening School


These fees do not include the cost of any ma terials.
Summer School, apply to the Curator for information.

PAY~ENT REGULATIONS. All fees are payable in advance and no deduction IS made for late registration or for absence and no refund is made for any
reason whatsoever. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for late registration.
Payment shall be made in cash or by ch eck drawn to the order of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts for the exact amount due.
Tuition fees are payable in two equal instalments. The first payment shall be
~ade on or before September 17th and the second payment on or before
anuary 21 sl. Official credit or recommendation or the issuing of registration

cards will not be granted by the Academy either to a student or a former student ":,,ho ha.s n?t completely satisfied, in the opinion of the management his
finanCial obligations to the Academy.

Non-pay~ent of fees according to the announced dates, as stated above,
shall prohibit such delinquent students from attendance in all classes lectures
New re~istration cards shall be issued at th e beginning of each term to students
at the time of the payment of fees. Admission to classes by registration card
Day classes are held from nine to twel~e and from one to four o'clock five days
per week, and from nine to twelve 0 clock on Saturdays. Evening classes are
held from seven to ten o'clock from Monday to Friday, inclusive. All exceptions
are noted in the Calendar.
CALENDAR, School year 1951-1952.
Regist ratian
. September 10th to 15th
First Term Begins .
September 17th
First Day of Pose for Stim son Competion in Sculpture
. October 15th
Stimson Prize, Judgment and A ward
November 9th
Thanksgiving Day Hol iday
November 22nd
Christmas Holiday
December 20th to January 2nd
Registration for Second Term
January 14th to 19th
Secand Term Beg ins .
January 21 st
Washington's Birthday Holida y
February 22nd
Stewardson Campetition
March 12th, 13th and 14th
Stewardson Prize, Judgment and Award
March 14th
Easter Holiday
April 11th and 12th
Placement of Cresson Competitions and Exhibits.
May 5th ta 9th
May 5th
Judgment for Tappan Prizes .
May 9th
last Evening Class
Judgment for Cresson, Ware and Schiedt Scholarships,
May 13th
Thouron, Packard and Ramborger Prizes .
May 14th
Exe rcises in the Gallery for Awarding of Prizes.
May 15th to June 2nd
Exhibition of Competitors' Work
May 17th
last Day of Winter School
No models a re engaged to pose nor criticism given for the last week of the
Second Term except by specia l arrangement.
Summer Sc;:hool (apply to Curator of the Schools for information).


fY/v-//~a~-'£~ e.../~~t""~

(~'e6jOn fkavelt~
Students are expected to know how to cond uct th emse lves upon pr inciples of
honor without specific rules.
The management of the school reserves th e right, a t any time and w ith out
advance notice, to reject or dismiss any studen t w ithout recou rse, fo r any
reason which may seem sufficient in the opinion of th e management, and w ithout assigning any reason.
Art supplies must be provided by the students. These supp lies may be p urchased at the school store at reasonable prices.
A lunch room and kitchen are provided for the use of those stu dents w ho
prefer to prepare their lunches and suppers at the sc hool. N o food is on sale
in the Academy Buildings.



t7 {)

5!/./w {a'Jfj/u/tj

Mural Decoration




;/t%JlOJ,(:(,,{{e JIie'J"dionJPainting -

IIlustratian - KATHRYN FliGG

f/1I/wJl.f.' ~fJ'n1.m",cd !/:;/W/WJl.,/uft

The Academy claims the right to reproduce and retain, tempo rarily, examples
of students' work for use in exhibition held both in the Aca d emy and fo r rotary
or special exhibitions for which the school may arrange.


Visitors are admitted to th e sc hool between the hours of 4:00 a nd 5:00 P.M.


Application forms and any further information desired con cern ing the schools
may be obtained by addressing the Curator, Brood and Cherry Streets,
Ph iladelphia.


Painting -


f. Yokted( JlemO'J''-al !J;.kO/rf'7<dkfi,

Illustration -


Y;'-/nJO'J'b ~ci;Je Ji/01ffJ'n'b1cc;r

/ ,95()



:?Jarka?,d ~f1'e6

f?llw3jtecti-v.e ~~



~ci!ta f?#eaua:; J!!emO?<tal ~ci;Je

!mou-JCon ~'3e6

~lk(Ml ;I{~cock ~tje



!fda dJ,ne6 Xnne~ ~I/ Jlenw?tUd Pfitje

g1e?-JCe~ .xiwa-JCded
Mary Poller love
Stimson Prize 1950

'-Jf dw o/In~:J~ 0/ [!lJ,mn:J!I/vant'a

(() ,9J,,,,d enl3. in, the Y5a()?fClr"naled C(b:.JU?,je1
Bachelor of Fine Arts



Master of Fine Arts



3/w J(a/Jta?emen£ oj '

cord/ally i-nl!-deJ (/wJe i-n,teJ'e3led i'J~




leconw n'tent"-mtJ

Persons wh o co ntribute yearly toward the maintenance of the Academy, as
indicated, may become: Annual Members, $10; Sustaining Members, $25; Contributing Members, $100.
Persons who contribute $300 outright may become life Members.

The Object of the Fellowship is to foster a spirit of fraternity among the
former and present students of THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE
FI NE ARTS in the interests of art. It functions somewhat as an Alumni, establishing a continuing link with the Academy after student days. The FELLOWSHIP
activities include exhibitions of the work of its members in the various medii, and
it conducts a series of evening talks in the Academy Lecture Room on subjects
of interest to all art workers, and also fosters social activities. Adm ission is free
and advance notices are sent by mail to all members.
Dues for Resident Members are Four Dollars a year, and for Non-Resident
Members (living more than fifty miles from Philadelphia) Two Dollars a year.
life Membership Fifty Dollars. Bills for dues will be rendered by mail.

life and Annual Members receive notices of all activities, invitations to all
Private Views, access to the Print Collection (67,000 items, plates and original
drawings), use of the Art Reference library, and participation in the Academy's
educational program through lectures, demonstrations, etc. Checks may be
made payable to The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Membership
cards will be mailed. Membership dates from one year, beginning from the
date of subscription. Under a rul ing by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
any contributions to The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts are deductible
from income.

If you have been, or are, a student at The Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts you are cordially invited to become a member of the Fellowship
and to join with it in building up and preserving a united spirit of true fel-

give, devise and bequeath to "The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
Arts" .. ·....................................................... .Dollars, in trust to invest and keep invested
and apply the income only to the maintenance of the said Academy.

lowship in the interest of Art and in association with your Academy.