Correspondence to Richenda Rhoden from Lawrence Kay dated Sunday, November 21st, 1943. (1/9)



Correspondence to Richenda Rhoden from Lawrence Kay dated Sunday, November 21st, 1943. (1/9)


Correspondence to Richenda Rhoden from Lawrence Kay, dated Sunday November 21, 1943. Letter discusses Lawrence hunting in North Africa and meeting a Arab Chief. (1/9)





Is Part Of

Box 10 Folder 3


8 w x 5 h




Kay, Lawrence Lew, 1914 -1943


personal correspondence
World War, 1939-1945
Africa, North
Rhoden, Richenda, 1917-2016





extracted text

Sunday , !lOl/ember 2 1 .
!fy da rli ng Richenda ,

I haven ' t written you for a week , but d ur ing this
I n3. ve been t ravellin g around for flve eta.. s on a hWitillt.
t r ip " tth l)an 'l. ~EI want into Frenc h "orocco c nd 5t:l)ed 0\"&1'night in Ou Jdn . 'Va had intended to hit c h a rlde in~o the
pr!lirle countl'Y the nex t :lay . but 'll'e co uld get no transporta t i on , so \VEl s at out for the hills about 9 Cliles a-.'~ ,,1 til o u r
rifles . " e d idn' t txpac t to see (lTV game , but at /fa
c ould see ';he Q01mtI""j and get same tar get pract i c e .
'II!) ate our cannell supp&r about 4 ; 30 and th en had
plenty of target pr 4ctiee . fl l1ttle Ar nb l a d of a bolot 1 7 c:ame
ove r and wntched u" eAt. We dave hi lll sO!1le cookie:; a n d can:!.,
~nd talked wlth h111l 1n French.
Ue s eellled to be a ver)- sm3. r t
1.1 ttle lad . l1e h3.d ou r ta r ge t pr a c: ti ee and then started off
for CSlIlP about 8 miles of[' . l.ou C3. n wall aa"i na ilOR "ore
',Te r e Wi feet l
The ['allOwi ng day He did toe t a rida 'Mith t,r;o pilOI..i
;;,ho wan ted us t o go hW'lting with thelll . lie drove thru a l1t.tle
tOMll ca l l ed Berguent ami want on for SO !lIile s 1ntu the plain5 .
The prai ries we re a ll _over ed wi th sage brush ab" .. t
a f oot high and they s t r etc hoci f e r Cliles s rounj us . lie 3ighte:1


~:~~ , of T~~z~i;e pii~t~t~~;:cl 1ghl~~nf , t~tllland"I~f0!Hid'''1r~eH!



the back. The t ... o in rron t h ad (lutOIl),tt c pl"to l,~ and ca.'b im; .
na.nll u n ci I had the reg ulilr , haDd- loadint: . Arav 1'::1'1&5 . Ii.;; a ll

cut loose 1'1'1 th a treroendou",


and .Hlcceede1 ':'n

·.' ound ':n ~


of the l'1ales . We set out a f ter hill! and '. hat a ri d e "e /lad l
The Je ep b oun c ed a llover the pla ce and '/fa had to h an" on fo !'
d ear life. The gll7.e11'9 lad us a marl'" chas e f or ~ome 15 or 20
minu tes ami he If:'l :> go ing at a .'lilaed of 20 milas pe r h u u!' on

thre e legs .
,~e shot t ll'O lIIa re out of t he he r d of 26 a nd e(l.oh of t nelll
I eel u s for 'Iuite a r un and aldo at the s J. il:e r a te or sr,eed • .;> vllla
ti mes t hey ran ,,-s f a s t a s .;.0 miles lin hour .
I "liQuld t ell ",au more ab ,jut the hunt , e )(ce;.t that i t
woul d sound to o cruel , for the gaze l le . "wh iCh i s a small
a ntel ope , 1s a beau t iful animal . I thillir. t he mus eum or Nat ural
His tory has some on exhibit .
After \fe s h o t thr ee , we re tur:Jed t o our trailer wtlie n
he h !ld dropped off to chase the ga a elles a nd Da n' 1 ..:le&ned t h e
g a~ e Wh i l e I br oke out the gru b and pa3sad i t ou t.
our meal /fa ,;et out 1n another d irec tion . I didnt t 11ke t hat
beca u s e it 113 S gett in g late and I llas afra id thllt Me :!Ilj';ht
not find a nother herd , besides tbis he rd ~,a s prob.'"tbly a t it
tired am '.fou1<'! be easier to hunt than a frelih hllrd of ~ho !!e
s'lift lit tle animals .
'Ye ·/fere s c on ha iled b;. n n t,rab who wa n ted to g.;.lde
us , but I \re.!! prett.. apprehe n sive a bc1.:t him , be c "u~e -;;ne ).l" a t~
in t lJWn Il re such r as cals and the;,· jus t take tbe "meric en;; for


suc ke r ;; and charge them outrageous .,-,r1ce:.; for eV oJr" ti' :!. D6 .


;=1'1~~~d O~r!~~. f~~;~\~~~ ~~u:~~p u;h!~t!:e,, ;r!~~ ~~k~~O~=a~n


'~;O~i~a~~. ~:t n~~~s c~;e 4a~~r !!~?i~~r~n~~c t~~i j~~~t:~d W!~~ i-1~.
betwsen the two u s in the back .
I '/las so astonished !>nd ~ leii:;e :i to find
fellow. He -.rn. :1 !l. p1cture book !\rab ')xcep t ;'le had a
br-:1c n l n ~tead of a '.;!'hi te silleed-. E/l.mOll:!.n was »0 ver;.
so dtfi'erent f ro;:] the city Arab " }w is .It;st a 1;rill'lp .

along pretty fleIl , as I seemed to u nda ro;tand hll:l b"tteJ:'
the other f e llo;lfs .
As f'lr as 1 cou ld 5 0S, h e was dre ss e d in a 1.,110 p i co <>
suit of D. blue denim , quite Clean. The trOltSel':I ... ere t lcd. a ;;
the ankle.; and he hud '/filite cu tTs t hat ",ere pret~i c le:m .

~:a::;~ ~~:~s~h;~v!~l~~e~~:i~ A~~~r ~~~~/~~\~~: \l;tk~f


woolen , robe tk, t h,~d a n e.ttache:;!. hood . :Ihlln htl t:ot i n t o ti,e
J eep, he took off the brown robe. he had on s. wh lte t " rban
end '"l t n his gr aJ' beard ,m-i bru.fned , seamed ;;k;in looke d :;he,
pic ture of Ii !'omantic --rab . He "cos enJ o.ine; tile , J1Wlt , \, OV.
J{ll.!:Iou i n guid e d us into ths prairies oeyund lIn:i ,Ie
s~cceeaed in gett 1ne; t o'o more l'la <le lle.
,Yo 'llOir.ted tu hun~

~~m~u~o~;~;kb~~ ~~ {ig~1~1d'oir,i~~at?al'1drl\'i1ea~tt~ \l~lt,:d


soon used that up and the jeep got !Io t and r ef us ed to blod.,e .
Boone and <Jne of the pilots g<Jt <Jut and started <J1..t wi th a can
t o look for wat er . 'Re told the Chief that we needed "ater anj
he umer5 t co d , but was quit e. surprised that the jeep had "talled .
He hopped r ight out a nd the thr ee set out over tile ::Ies,;ert.ed
pr airie tor 'll'J.ter . By this tiele it ....a5 I) PM a nd r;ettlnt,. da.!'k
quic:kl,y .
Hn.mouin le d Boone r itht to a wate r hole an\!. tlle~
f i lled t h" can a ne. came back in a~ ... ut Ei.n hour . The chief Rent
on and prepu r ed SOllla tea f or us.
;/hile ..e were 'Kai ting in t he jeep ile n oticed a lantern
l i ght far off t o the lef t . La t e r ,Ie <lis cove r ed that his falllil J
ha\!. put it ther e t o gui d eli' the Chief hOele . ,¥he n D::ln ' l came ba ck
'llith t he th e 'll&ter , 'lie pour e <l it into the leak;. rad1.a tor and
headed r igh t t or that light .
A, we got there , lIIe saw the chief and his sens walt.l.n"
f or us . They waven us onto t h e hou~e and we no t iced his wife

~J~~~:s lh~a ~t~r t~:m~~~~; h~~S:u~~r~~b~~i ~~:(l j:u~arLe
si lver

tr~ wit h a si l
~e t ea 'll'a,

ve r t ea pot an\!. five s::lall glalJ3es.
ho t , !111nt;/' a nd sugarecl , The Chief drank

!:~~ s~r~~~o v~Si~u~l:~Pb~~ In~~~~t t~~n~o~~ ~~~ . hi~n~~de.~n'l
I ga ve th ~ a s selllbl ed males sO!lle cookies an\!. su&ar and can~' .
All this til!!e , the WODlf,lll \Vere out of s!.ght in tf:..e
Ar a b f ashion, all the ma les of the household surroWlded Il!l



wi tb 15uc:h c:uri(.sity.

I guess Hamouil'l ' 50 bruthers

sons aOO

~l;h~~;e~~n ~;lh!~~re 'l!a:u~~O-~~}d u~s Ii t~~ ~i~ ~~~~~e t~~

;~~ ~~~ ~~t~~r~~a~~ ~~ ~!!~e1~ h~e t:~~cJu~~eu~~ot~e O~Jf!:ed

me the pelt, but I didn't take i t .

HamoUin asked us SIl} for dimer . b l.. .. i t was Q1,..i te
lat e and he understood 0.. that we wanted to ge'; bacll to 1liHliI"

~a~~~a;U:~o~~~~ts~r~Sh~;s f;~~tta~dnhe ~~j l~~eq~~~; ~:;:

:~~e d~::y::~~~i~ ur:~:~~::i'~;~!;'~~:~~!~:::

Jt:u::te:::: in-t~

day aOO hunt u ntil night fall and to brint h!.1l'I ->~lIIe soap anu
he patte:!. his purse, Indic «tlng ~ha;; he ... auld ps)' for 1~ . ;)61'. ' 1
had 11 Sl!I1I11 piece of LU'eb:loy amI gave 1t ~o ilim i and 1 got. B
bar Ollt of the jeep and hc;.nd ed him tha ~ also , he -""3 v el1
thankfu l .
We do rve back in the biting c old for for.!' hou rs and
got c hilled to the bone , but 'Ie ,yere happ;r for l.i al::'l.
We got back to ou r bese a day late , be ea,;.se rle
c oul in' t g et tran sportati(..n back. .Ie \'Iere lIonde l'in" nOli ~e
c ould ge t our gazelle cooked , but when I i"t bac.lf there Ill",
a note for me fror.l one of lQoth;::r ' s ,riends, A C"l onel !tiller

wh", was mothe , s commllOliin<! office r u t the InU'reeptor C(.;m:~aIl<l .


I o::al1&:1 him u p and asked him 11' he knelO' of a Frttncn f"'ilil;,
that could cook .. e ll. Sure. he 381d . Got sOl!letn :'Ib to cook .

;~~~t!r.' E;l~~r~t ~~~. ~~ ~~;i ' a~~Z~l~~; !l'f?J;~s::~Z:ph:!ld

the Col onel sen t h is ear out l'or us and 01'1' ... e ~·ollt to to.m .
Tha d inner and c ompany was e;,;.c ellant . All this ti me
.... h ave btlen _ ntin g to :Deat a real french J'a. m:!.M aJl..1 e at ;;ome
real Fr ench cookin li . liell, '.<e got our liish . The llIeal "td.l'teo.
~ l th a thick potage and than '~'e ha d a marv 610us c n icken pie that
was all chicken. It was r ound 11ke a .,ia antI "b ou t that size .

~~c~:~on~s~~!fln§u:~s m!~v;~~u;O~~~f ~!t;~~t b~:~~!;>l a~~L~:laQ

rO l ated :


c ~ llle

the gzelle, a hind !uarter ... hieh had been

It ilU~ t ender and jule.' . ::he Illes t '''as much like
t he fl'le d s qua b <lhicoh 'lfe like , except that the I:] ea: "..l ~ no t
quite so t ender or sweet . Bu t much better then venison, kl ~ C I. .
The gravy was a t hin mflat sauce with onion, t OlllStoes , j;ll.rll c
and "as just wonderf ul . The liver was the lIo e st that I t.ave
ever eaten. It was so smooth and tender . ~uch bet ter iilli.n
a.ny calf liver co~d be .
The n ... e h a d a dessrt o f s,,";;et potat o
pu:J.d1r.g with a wh.t t a ·.... 1ne _~auce . ,1onderful, too a nd 1. t lIa~
chilled and fi rm . ..£ co urs e ;ole had "in;;!e .

~~r:nd J~;t ::~:f:~~~r~~~~e!~3:E~:~?~ :e!~; t~!~t~ ~~~~~~~r:~::.

family g1r1s wl:to ai in ' t go Oll t '.,-ithout th eir familia!> and uf

~n wlI.r

tl:t1e , the)' donlt go ou t at night. tDhe yo glH' o ne
''',5 a blonde nl'.d pretty, but the older on e wa.:l a b run ette
with t he s~ spirit and spa rkle of an eli . Th8l'e"as JOllle-

i~~~~ ~!~k:e ~~Je;g:~ ~it 1;1~~ ~~~l~t!~ t~~:e c ~~~

see she t5 ve~ ke en]y !lware of ev 11 thint; and <Ner. body an:!.
e njoying life to its fullest every minute.
':'he other night , -" II c alled again , for \013 mi ght not
see t h&m again. Once IIIOre /fa '" ere delighted at .Heir .arm tb .
The f ather W0.3 not hor::le that night (he 1s a captain in tl,'"


i~e~~~ ~~ he~tt ~~: ~~~h:x'~a~~ m~.·If~~t~t~~r m~c~o t~e~e a~le
she kept lOoklf,g a t ma . If the " clornll had not bean tnere and
translating fo us , I am s ure that we could nave OlRIlBt;e:l. t o
get along some 10 ... .
I not iced a l ove~ c r :l.yon 'ae kt c h t.h_ t 1 had not seen
before a nd thi on close r lnspectlvn s s w "Ge!lf>!fe r
' 4",". 'i'r.sL
meant that on of the faillily had ,ara,ffl this lov8~ nead 01 an
angelic girl.
(The d fe of a IluJor) . I t.urned im~ed1atel,;
to the dark hal r ed , in l . Chri::nlenne. and &8i<.>. Ito... . 1:0 ,
she sa1d . but the Col onel sa1d Yes anJ. she f 1nalq 8..;!.1Il1tted !.L .
I asked. for her sketch bouk. but she d 1<.tn ' t h,,"Je one
and then i t developed th at she had used u}> her last b1t doin;;
this BloOP crmon sketch for t.he lbl.lgr a~ a slU'vrl :te . The loIuJIi'T

11.., .,,, "'1Coloool up",,,,,-,

_: n:'e ':'- .

':" ....


I asked her , thru the Cvlonel, if she t11dn't ha ve ot h -or ,.-or l!:
shf! h:1.d done, she br<;;ut>ht out two other hauo.:.o. One ",a~ oS.
charct er stud,;. of a fierce iu;a J. th ... t wa s \;"l'lfinished Ilni tw.

Irk: r aan:~e~ufo~~

~~~~1~~ t~K!~~!~aIl move! a c tr i'ei;s '.> re s.,eu

I felt 1t WIlS such e s h ame that she h a ei not been
able to d o nore, but H.rtist ' s mJ. tcri a ls c u ~ r. o t. bG
here. Christlenne 19 "ork1ng for tn".:: CGl~n e l &n 3 IJ J 01nt.
,Q rl9 posters and art wor k for the 8 1gnal Corps. n Oi/ever, I
;;hauld Ifre t ~ send her s o mething 11ith which to express h e r. ,
r.Jore truly c r. t i ve lQuods.
'o Ul you please send 5 01l)e dr!<'.71n .. pencIl., of v" r ::' 0\.. 3
colors and a
d of paper , buff woul d be sai ~ 3S t, I tnink .
Also son:e cha rcoal and a s ke tch book. Have the t h in;s 'lfel l
p '< cked for overs ea" and r C'.lfl: sh!.pllen t . 5rHI h s the tlirl' o
heads on largs paper, a b ou t 3 feet long 'c.; 2 ljS 111ds , o;rt

;e~h~~~1~t s~:t~f;i~!. b~ ~~~~t t.~~e~p ·u~~r~~~fd~
water colors


too expens ive?

i f not, pleCl.3e

g en"f;~~e

;;ut~~:~ ~:la~~~~~~~el~~!l v:~~~~:a t~~m illJ!!Ilm~ a4 ".-~ Z
Sen:! the p>'.cka ge to Colonel Harro:i S . l,Ii11,,,,
Eq . S . O. S . , Sif, 1ll1 3ec .i0 rl
APO 750
c/o PM NYC .




I do n ' t know a thint; about d r awing peneil~ . but the one
she used was a. pinkish pastel on butf paJ:8 r and lha soft
typ e thst spreidS . You knew What she needs, darling . I
Shall appreelft 8 it "'elj much , if ,au 'II'(;ulJ. do this for me .
Don ' t spend to r.lUch . Se nd he r the c f'Non and chUl'coa l and

~l~ :r~o~;r?~t~~ ;~~e;~e o~a~~~ ~~;~b::.(inl~a~~(ll ~1"1' .
gets los t.


That's all for no"ll' . I hOl-a s oon to b e Let:!.nt:
!O:!le of your l"tters . I Shall be s o v .. rJ happ~ t.u •. ear fl'c;!!
you . It ' s been two months no\/! . Have yo~en reoeivln";

:::~o~:~:~!~e S~;t ~r~~:~ ;:~~~:~;~:e~E~ r~~~~~!l~~~e


you so V8ry mu:h and J. think of ~U.l .,henever .. ses B.I\;tlhln!,
that .. like o r do anythl!l{.. You are eonstan:~ :in m.; mind
and I lova you 50 much n Il the time . Take ~ood c ar e 01

yourself and
ep ;veIl, !l1;r dea rest.
HaN ' t a.m1, I shall be aat,er to haur ablJl.t he.' , too ,

/0 r4_//

7 /,w,4 7 "'--"""P7

47 .r_,<'4__.(_


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