144th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts


144th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
annual report
finance report
school report
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
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The One-Hundred and Forty-Fourth
Annual Report



Presented to the Meeti ng of the Stockholders
of the Academy on Feb ruary 6, 7950

Cover: "Bacchanalian Revel" by Gustavu! Hesselius .
Acquired by purchase May 3, 1949.


. Director and Secretary


. Assisl'ant Secretary and Comptroller


Assisiant to the Secretary


Secretary to the Director


. Registrar and Research


Exhibition and Membership Clerk


Director of Public Relations and


(Philadelphia and Chester Springs)


Secretary to the Curator


. Librarian and Sales

(Philadel phia)

Daniel Garber
George Harding
Roy C. Nuse
Francis Speig ht
Walker Hancock
Roswell Weidner
Harry Rosin
Edward Shenton
Franklin Chenault Watkins
Allan Jones

John W. McCoy
Julius Bloch
Walter Stuempfig
John F. Harbeson
William M. Campbell
Philip Aliano
Edmond J. Farris
Jack Bookbinder
Joseph Schindler

(Chester Springs)

Roy C. Nuse
Francis Spei9ht
Paul Froelich

George Harding
Charles Rudy
Roswell Weidner

Mayland T. McAvoy, Superintendent



. President










Henry S. Drinker
George P. Orr
Henry C. Gibson
George Brooke Roberts
C. Alison Scully
Sydney E. Martin
William Clarke Mason
John Stewart
C. Newbold Taylor
Marshall S. Morgan
Sydney l. Wright, Jr.






Henry S. Drinker, Chairman
George Brooke Roberts
George P. Orr
Sydney l. Wright, Jr.
Sydney E. Martin



C. Newbold Taylor, Chairman
John Stewart

C. Alison Scully



William Clarke Mason, Chairman
Mar~ hall S. Morgan
C. Newbold Taylor
C. Alison Scully




William Clarke Mason, Chairman
George Brooke Roberts
- Sydney E. Martin



George P. Orr, Chairman
Sydney E. Martin

George Brooke Roberts




C. Alison Scully, Chairman
John Stewart

Marshall S. Morgan

Maurice B. Saul





After a very long interval, this is the first annual report to be printed and
sent to the Academy's members and stockholders. This is done in order to
arouse interest among our members in our achievements and problems.
Our achi~vements speak for themselves. The Academy is the oldest and
still the best school of the fine arts in the United States. An extraordinary
proportion of the really outstanding American artists through all the generations have been either students or teachers at this institution. Its permanent collection of An;Jerican art is outstanding . It holds annually two great
exhibitions of. water-color, prints, drawings and miniatures in the Autumn,
and of oils and sculpture in the Winter, together with numerous other
exhibitions which do not always attract the attention they deserve. Its
Chester Springs summer school is unique in . that the Academy itself provides board and lodging for its ~tudents.
So much for our achievements. But we are not without serious problems
and needs, all of which center around the facts that far too · few Philc:'delphians are members of this great Philadelphia cultural institution, and
that our present members themselves take too little interest in our problems and achievements. Nothing could help our work more than if our
present members and stockholders induced more of their friends and
acquaintances to join the Academy as annual members.
All other problems facing us are only reflections of our central problem
of increasing our membership and stimulating the interest of these members in our work. For example, considering the current nation-wide resurgence of interest in the fine arts, Philadelphians purchase far too few
works of art from our annual exhibitions, which represent the best crosssection of current American production and achievement in the arts which
we can assemble.
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts has been receiving far too
few gifts recently of outstanding works by American artists from .the collections of our members and patrons. In this connection, and in order to
maintain our present great American collection in its rightful outstanding
position, we will circulate shortly to our members and stockholders a nst
of leading American artists who are not at present adequately represent'ld
in our permanent collection . .
Finally, our building itself is badly in need of certain physical improvements to maintain its adequacy as a teaching school and exhibiting
m~seum, specifically, improved lighting in our galleries and alterations to


"The scope of his participation in the cultural life of this City is indicated by the following affiliations and honors:,
"He was elected as follows:
A Director of the Board ·of Trustees of Moore Institute, June 17,
1929; Vice-President on April 12, 1932; and President on
January 27, 1933.
A Director of the Academy of Music, March 12, 1931 and
Vice-President February 13, 1940.
A member of the Board of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania,
May 12, 1933.
A member of the Philadelphia Art Jury, June 11, 193~; and
President, February 13, 1948.
A Director of the Fairmount Park Art Association in 1933.
A Director of the Woodmere Art Gallery, 1940.
He was serving all of the above at the time of his death.
"He was the recipient of the Philadelphia Art Alliance Medal of
Achievement, March 22, 1949; and
"The Pennsylvania Academy of the. Fine Arts Gold Medal of Honor
on Cresson Day, May 18, 1949.
"His devotion to the Academy was uniquely enriched by his background~ Through family and friends of the previous generations he
was steeped in the traditions 9nd aims of this venerable institution.
His financial ability brought the Academy stability with which to face
the material problems of the future and his understanding of the
museum and school problems has greatly aided the Academy to move
forward to leadership in the world of art through the value .of its
possessions, the quality of its instruction to students of art, the
ability and distinction of its faculty and the education value ' and
outstanding characteristics of its exhibitions. -His memory will be
long revered."
Mrs. Alfred G. B. -Steel made the request at the time of Mr. -Steelis funeral
that those friends inclined to ,send flowers make contributions instead to
the Academy toward building up a fund as a memorial to Mr. Steel, the
interest of which, when the fund , shall have grown sufficiently large, to
be used in connection with the Annual Exhibitions of Painting and Sculpture for prizes and/or for purchase. The fund has a balance of $;3991.00 .


the rather forbidding and obsolete entrance and foyer. The probable cost
of these improvements appears to range from $50,000.00 to $75,000.00,
a very small sum when compared to the needs of, and actual gifts to,
. comparable Philadelphia cultural and educational institutions, but a large
sum compared to current gifts and expenditures at the Academy.
In concl~sion, our achi~~en'1ents lie behind us for about a century and a
half. Our problems lie ahead. They are soluble and our deficiencies remediable in terms of the awakened and renewed interest of our members
and stockholders, an interest which I am sure will be demonstrated in the
years immediately ahead.









The President and Board of Directors of The Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts have the honor to present their 144th Annual Report. It is
accompanied by a report from the Director containing specific statistics,
lists of Jurymen, Prize Awards, Acquisitions, Loans, Purchases, et cetera.




Mr. Alfred G. B. Steel, President Emeritus, · died on June 7, 1949. The
-Following resolution is inscribed upon the Minutes . of the Board of Directors of June 13, 1949:
lilt is with profound regret that we record the passing of -Alfred G. B.
Steel who served The Pennsylyania Academy of the Fine Arts as a
Director from May 7, 1923 u.ntil his election as Vice ~ President on
January 4, 1933 and as President from May 24, 1933 until _February
7, 1949, and as a Director from that date until his death on June

"His ever diligent and wise guidance of the affairs of the Acad~my
was but one of those many interests which filled his life. The breadth
of his activity in business, banking, and the cultural life of Philadelphia was exemplary and his ability to understand and solve the
problems arising in each and the kind of friendly relationships which
he inevitably built stand as lasting tributes to his character.





The Academy staff welcomes the opportunity to take part in this, the publication of an Annual Report. As with the world around us, we find that
the activities at this venerable Academy are ever more complicated and
numerous and our double function ·as museum and school is a constant
challenge in the support of American art and artists. We are not largely
staffed and I believe that the following record of the activities carried on
this year, 1949, is a very real tribute to this small group.
The two great contemporary exhibitions of this year again achieved their
objectives in being thorough cross-sections of current work presented on
a catholic basis and under our long standing practice of advice through
. professional juries. The Philadelphia Gallery, now in its fourth season and
with a record of 43 exhibitions, has served our local artists well. The
periods between special exhibitions gave ample opportunity to show large
sections of the best works in our permanent collection. We are constantly
examining ways to publicize this aspect of our life. The steady increase
in attendance upon our special shows should also be reflected throughout
the whole year and; indeed, those of our friends who are- unhappy with
or fail to understand much of contemporary art should find delight and
stimulation in these periods when the permanent collection . hangs.
In addition to the exhibition program which engages a major portion of
our energy as a museum we have embarked on a thorough re-examination
of our permanent collection. Many of our treasures are in great need of
expert attention and we hope that pictures such as Benjamin West's
other major smaller works may not have to wait long before their conservation may be advanced. Our survey has called attention not only to
our treasures but has pointed up the deficiencies in our collection. We
are ambitious to fill all gaps with examples only of the highest quality.
The re-introduction of music in the galleries both through concert and by
radio and recordings, after a lapse of many years, has heen a rewarding
and delightful experience and plans are underway to carryon an even
broader program in years ahead.
The schools ar.e in a most healthy condition. The abnormally large enrollment of students in the winter school, largely due to the many enjoying
education privileges through, the G.1. Bill of Rights, has had the opportunity to study under a faculty of artists who are very able and inspiring
teachers and of the highest professional standing. The availability of a




At the Annual Meeting held February 7, 1949 John F. Lewis, Jr., was
elected President.


The vacancy on the Board of Directors occasioned by the death of Mr.
Thomas S. Gates was filled by the election on January 10, 1949 of Mr.
George P. Orr who will fill Mr. Gates' unexpired term, the anniversary of
which is 1950.
At the meeting of the Board, March 4, 1949, the President appointed the
following gentlemen as composing a new committee to be known as the
Committee on Collections whose particular responsibilities area study of
our Permanent Collection: George P. Orr, Chairman, Sydney E. Martin
and George B. Roberts.

By action of the Board, February 14, 1949, two Academy Gold Medals
were authorized, one to Mr. Alfred G . B. Steel, for .his eminent services in
the cause of art and the Academy; and Franklin Watkins (a member of
the Academy faculty) in recognition of high achievement in his profession.
The Awards were given May 18, 1949.

Upon application to the American Philosophical Society that Society has
made a grant of $1000.00 toward the compiling of an index of the exhibitions presented by the Academy from 1805 through 1875. This work
is being carried forward by Miss Anna Rutledge. Five hundred dollars has
been received as a half payment to inaugurate the work. It is hoped that
further grants may be available for the completion of the project and its

The President and Board of Directors wish to thank the Board of Education
and . the Veterans' Administration for sending promising students to our
Schools; the press for their intelligent criticisms and general inclusion of
news items relating to the Academy; and all employees of the Academy
for the faithful performance of their duties.


Honorable Mention in Sculpture -

Saul Baizerman for his Silence .

Honorable Mention in Sculpture -

William Talbot for his Mother

and Child.
The Committee on Exhibition awarded the following:
Walter Lippincott Prize - Max S. Wilkes for his oil Girl Resting as
being the best figure in oil.
Mary Smith Prize - Catharine Grant for her oil The Villa M aria as
being the best work by a Philadelphia woman .

The Exhibition consisted of 314 paintings and 92 pieces of sculpture; 4 0 6
artists were represented. The Academy purchased 3 oils through the Temple
Fund, 7 oils through the Lambert Fund, and one piece of sculpture th rough
the Gilpin Fund. Two oils and 4 pieces of sculpture were sold to the pu blic.
A total of 17 items were sold from the Exhibition, representing a sales value
of $8760.00. The total attendance was 10,436.




The Fellowship Annual Exhibition of Oil Painting, Sculpture, Wate r Colors,
and Graphics, and the Fellowship-Sponsored Exhibition of Student Work
Was held in Galleries A, B, C, D, and N from March 12th throug h April
3rd, wifh a ' Private View on Friday, March 11th from 3 ,to 5 P. M,




. Georges de Braux
William Goodell
Allan Jones

Norman Carton
Albert Gold
Dorothy Grafly


Ha rry Rosin
Edward F. Hoffman, 3rd
John Hoppe



Paul Froelich
Charles Evans
Joseph Oliver

The Juries


Jane Ligget
Mary Klauder Jones
John Hoppe


the following:

Harrison S. Morris Prize ($100), equally divided -

louise Pershing


generous number of memorial European traveling scholarships {eight William Emlen Cresson, two Lewis S. Ware, and one J: Henry Schiedt} continues to be a very important stimulus in enrollment and in the high caliber
of work of all four departments (painting, sculpture, illustration, and
mural decoration).
I hope that these few words, retelling a story already familiar to mcmy
of our members and stockholders, may, however, added to the more
explicit data following, enliven and newly kindle enjoyable and keen interest in our many sided program.
JOSEPH T. · FRASER, JR., Director

The 144th Annual Exhibition of Oil ~ainting and Sculpture was held in
the Galleries from January 23rd through February 27th, with a Private
View on Saturday, January 22nd, from 9 to 11 P. M.



Henry Varnum Poor, Chairman
Isabel Bishop ·
george Grosz
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Hobson Pittman


Henry Kreis, Chairman
Alexander Archipenko
Gaetano Cecere



The Painting Jury awarded the following:
Temple Gold Medal- Henry Koerner for his oil Junk Yard as being
the best painting regardless of subject.
Jennie Sesnan Gold Medal - Maurice Sterne for his oil, Sea, Sand
and Wind as being the best landscape in the Exhibition.

Carol H. Beck Gold Medal- Philip Evergood for his oil Her World
as being the best portrait in oil. .
. J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize - Karl Zerbe for his oil Survivors
as being of special importance in the Exhibition.
The Sculpture Jury awarded the following:
George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal- Mitzi Solomon for her
sculpture Voluptuous Object as being the most .meritorious work in


The Board of Directors, on recommendation of rhe faculty, awarded the

William Emlen Cresson Memorial European Traveling Scholarships
John Antonik
Herbert V. Auspitz
Philip Cohn
Kathryn Fligg

James A. Hanes
Edward Fenno Hoffman, 3rd
Marguerite E. Julius
Mary Kiisel Greenwood

Lewis S. Ware Memorial European Traveling Scholarships ($1250);
Daniel J. Murphy

Kenneth C. Lochhead

1. Henry Schiedt Memorial Scholarship ($1200):
Angelo W. Frudakis

Thomas Eakins and Susan M. Eakins Memorial Prize ($100):
Philip Cohn

Ramborger Prize ($25):
Robert Sonoga

Packard Prizes:
First Prize ($30) - Charles Hewins
Second Prize ($25) - Carl Weller

Toppan Prizes (Awarded by Committee on Instructionl:
First Prize ($300) -

Daniel Murphy

Second Prize ($200) - . Hugh Wiley
Honorable Mention ($100) - Kenneth C. Lochhead

Thouron Prizes:

by the
by the
by the
by the

Faculty. ($50) - Wilbert Wilkins
Students ($25) - Carl Weller
Instructor ($50) -William Gray
Instructor ($25) - Minoru Azama

Perspective Class Prize, awarded by instructors, John F. Harbeson
and William M. Campbell ($20) Honorable Mention -

Jervina Kerbechian
Clarence Sherdon

The Stewardson Prize ($100), awarded on March 18th, by a Jury consisting
of Clara Fasano, Carl Schmitz and Bruce Moore - Donald Chandler
Honorable Mention - John Gardner


for her water color The Staircase, and Charles Semser for his pastel
Beach Sunset.

May Audubon Post Prize ($50) Parade.

William Gray for his oil The Big

Fellowship Gold Medal Award ($50) - Angelo Frudakis for his sculpture Maizie, and Honorable Mention - Jane Ligget for her sculpture
Young Eagle.
William Penn Charter School Prize ($50) oil Pose de Derecho.

Hugh S. Wiley for his

Two Laughlin Morgan Prizes ($50 each) - George BidClle for his oil
Michael John, and Charles Rudy for his sculpture Frustration.
Two Student Prizes ($25 each) - Wesley J. Wagner for his oil Color
Composition, and John Gardner for his sculpture Jeanine.
The Fellowship Exhibition consisted of 163 works; the Student Exhibition
57 works. Twenty-or:le items were sold, representing a sales value of
$318.50. The total attendance was 4610.
A Memorial Exhibition of Water Colors by John Dull (1859-1949) was
held in Galleries C and D from April 9th through May 8th, opening with a
Private View on Friday, April 8th, from 4 to 6 P. M. It was sponsored by
The Academy, the Fellowship of the Academy, the Pennsylvania Society
of Miniature Painters, the Philadelphia Museum School of . Industrial Art,
the Philadelphia Sketch Club and the Philadelphia Water Color Club. A
total of 61 works were sold representing a sales value of $698.00. The
total attendance was 3214.
The Student Exhibiti5>n held in conjunction with the Competition for the
William Emlen Cresson Memorial European Traveling Scholarships was on
view in Galleries C, D, E, F, J, and the Rotunda from May 18th through
June 5th, opening · with exercises for the students and their friends on
May 18th at 4 P. M.
An address was made in Gallery F by Mr. Benton Spruance, artist and
teacher, before the awarding of Cresson Scholarships and other prizes.
Academy Gold Medals were awarded to Mr. Alfred G. B. Steel, former
President of the Academy, for his eminent service in the cause of art and
the Academy; and to Franklin Watkins, a member of the Academy faculty,
in recognition of high achievement in his profession.


The Directors of the Water Color Club awarded the following:
Pennell Memorial Meda/- Pablo Picasso for his The Dove, for
achievement in the graphic arts.
Dawson Memorial Meda/- Fred Yost for his In a Garden, for distinction in paint,ing or drawing of flowers, or of gardens.
Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award - J. Frank Copeland. Conferred at the discretion of the Club, upon that individual,
or group of individuals, or Museum, Publisher, Dealer, or Corpora- .
tion, or any other agency wbose sincerity of purpose is recognized.

A totol of 29 water colors and prints were sold, representing a sales
of $1737.50. The Exhibition consisted of 633 items; 411 artists were
represented. The total attendance was 6966.






The 48th Annual Exhibition of Miniatures, held in collaboration with the
Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters, was hung in Gallery A from
October 29th through December 4th, opening with a Private View on
Saturday, October 29th, from 9 to 11 P. M., . concurrent with the Water '
Color and Print Exhibition.
Agnes Allen
Harry L. Johnson
Marguerite Car iss
John Lear, Jr.
Robert Cheston Smith



A Jury composed of Violet Oakley, Emily Drayton Taylor and Harry L.
Johnson awarded the following:
D. J. McCarthy Prize - Betsy Flagg Melcher for My Daughter as
being the best portrait miniature in the Exhibition.
Miniature Society Prize- Rosina Cox Boardman for Green Coat as
being of outstanding worth. Honorable Mention - John Lear, Jr.,
for Mac.
Miniature Society Prize - Louisa Cobb for The Christmas Visitor as
being the best miniature landscape in the Exhibition ..

The Jury of Selection awarded the following:
Society's Medal of Honor -

Lisbeth Stone Barrett for Mrs. J. Madi-


The Stimson Prize ($100), awarded on November 12th, by a Jury consisting
of Jean de Marco, Koren der Harootian and Mary Lawser- Alan Harris
Honorable Mention - Matthew Gordon
. John J. Myers
The University of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Academy, through
the <;:o-Ordinated Courses, awarded fo the following Bachelor of Fine Arts
Joan Benson
Donald Meeker
Carolyn Moore
Naomi Nissley

Mary Jane Walters
Thomas Golding
Henry Peacock
William l. White, Jr . .
Rebecca Russell

and to the following Master of Fine Arts degrees:
Harrison Hampel

Ann O'Hara Yeomans

Total attendance at the Exhibition was 2401.
The 47th Annual Water Color and Print Exhibition, held in collaboration
with the Philadelphia Water Color Club, was hung in all of the Galleries
with the exception of G, H, I, and M from October 29th through Decembe.r 4th, opening with a Private View on Saturday, October 28th, from
9 to 11 P. M.




Adolf Dehn
Albert Gold
Stanley William Hayter


Xavier Gonzalez
W. Emerton Heitland
Martin 'Jackson



The Jury of Selection awarded the following:
Philadelphia Water Color Prize - Allan Jones for his Dockside as
being the strongest work in the Exhibition excuted in water coloi'.
Dana Water Color Medal- Gertrude Lippman for her .Duanset
Pond as being outstanding for its boldness, simplicity and frankn~ss.
Alice McFadden Eyre Medal the best print entered.


Misch Kohn for his Prisoners as being

By purchase:

Through the Temple Fund, the painting BACCHANALIAN
REVEL by Gustavus Hesselius, from Dr. and Mrs. Francis
H. Hogson. (At the time of this report, this picture is still
in the hands of our Conservator, Joseph Schindler, but
will soon be ready to exhi~it.)
Through the Temple Fund, from the 144th Annual Exhibition:
JEWELER'S WINDOW by Benton Spruance (painting)
GIRL RESTING by Max S. Wilkes (painting)
THE VIRTUE OF ALEXANDER by Kurt Selig mann (painting)
Through the Gilpin Fund, from the 144th Annual Exhibition:
GEMINI #2 by Oronzio Maldarelli (sculpture)
Through the Lambert Fund, from the 144th Annual Exhibition:
VILLA MARIA by Catharine Grant (painting)
TRANSIENT by Robert Braun (painting)
PIGEONRY by Thomas F. Meehan (painting)
THREE GIFTS by Norman Carton (painting)
ESCAPE by John Hanlen (painting)
JERSEY SHORE by Morris Blackburn (painting)
. PLACE OF ECHOES by Martin Jackson (painting)
Through Temple Fund, a portrait of JAMES THACKARA,
an early caretaker of the Academy, by John Neagle.

By gift:

Painting, APPROACH TO MODERN ART by Alfred Bendiner, from the artist.
Bronze, BLiGHTIE by R. Tait McKenzie, bequest from the
Estate of Emaline Maddock, Jr.
Painting, ANITA by Channing Hare, an unconditional gift
from a friend of the artist.
by J. Henry Brown, from Mrs. J. Howard Brown.
An original letter (framed) dated Philadelphia, December 29, 1794, concerning the establishment of a school


son Taylor, for high achievement to a miniature painter whose work
is in the Exhibition.
The Exhibition consisted of 108 miniatures; 57 artists were represented.
Eight miniatures were sold, representing a sales value of $225 .00. The
total attendance was 6966.

Paintings and Drawings by Alfred Bendiner Paintings by Nancy Maybin Ferguson -

March 8th through 20 th

March 22nd through Ap ril 3rd

Paintings, Drawings, and Prints by Henry Pitz -

April 5th throug h 17th

Paintings and lithographs by Doris Kunzie Weidner May 1 Sf
Paintings .by Alice Kent Stoddard Paintings by Martin Jackson -

April 19th through

October 4th through 16th

October 30th through November 13th

Paintings and Fabric Designs by June Groff - November 15th th rough
December 4th
Paintings by Pau'l Wescott -:- December 13th thro,ugh 31 st


Paintings arid Drawings by Marie Celeste Fadden-March 1 st throug h 12th
Prints from life Magazine series - "Age of Enlightenment": " The Incas
of Peru" with paintings of Peru by John Hanlen and A. Brockie
Stevenson - March 21 st through April ,3rd; "England" fro m April
5th through 10th
Photographs of Sculpture by Waldemar Raemisch taken in Berlin 11 th through 17th
-Paintings by Marsha Picker -


April 18th through May 1 st

Original Water Colors and their Reproductions by Joseph W. JickaOctober 10th through 16th
Recently-acquired paintings by Pennsylvania Artists from the Pe rmanent
Collection, during Pennsylvania Week - October 17th through 24th
Paintings by Herbert Auspitz


November 8th through 13th



Connecticut, and On the Susquehanna Near Harrisburg, by Thomas
Martin Jackson, for use at the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in connection with his application for Guggenheim Fellowship, March 2nd to
9th, View to the East by Martin Jackson.

Norman Carton, for use at the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in Connection with his application for Guggenheim Fellowship, for indefinite
period, Three Gifts by Norman Carton.
Bonwit Teller, Philadelphia, for exhibition in their windows as a publicity
feature for the 1949 Fellowship Exhibi~ion, during lost two weeks in
March, Pekin Drake by Charles Rudy and Faun by Bruce Moore.
Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, April 1 st, on indefinite loan, Abraham
Lincoln by "Shaw."
Henry C. Potts, Germantown, Philadelphia, portrait of Margaret Sarah
Page by Thomas Sully, "lent as long as he wishes during his lifetime./I
(The portrait had been presented to the Academy in 1921 by Mr. Potts'
Bbnwit Teller, Philadelphia, for window displays, April 6th through 15th r
Love Awakening the Passions by Donato Barcaglia, Bacchante and Young
Satyr by Louis c. .M. Clod ian, Ceres by Unknown Artist, Shell Girl by
Carl Steinhauser, Ruth by G. B. Lombardi.
Philadelphia Art Alliance, for exhibition The Artist Looks at Himself, May
2nd through June 4th, Self Portrait by Lazar Raditz.
Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois, for exhibition From Colony: to Nation,
April 20H1 through June 19, George Washington (Lansdowne) and Bishop
William White by Gilbert Stuart, Fourth of July in Center Square by John
Lewis Krimmel, Benjamin Franklin by Charles Willson Peale, James Peale
and Family by James Peale, and Gilt Eagle, Joseph Wright and Caspar
Wistar by William Rush.
Joseph Luyber Galleries, New York City, for their Second Annual Exhibition of Museum Selections of the Year, September 12th through October
1st, Jersey Shore by Morris Blackburn.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, for exhibition Goethe as a Printer Lover,
September 20th through November 13th, 21 Chiaoscuros and Engravings,
from the Print Collection.


of fine arts in Philadelphia, in which are many interesting
signatures, including those of Charles Willson Peale,
William Birch, William Rush, and Raphael and Rembrandt
Peale. The letter represents the beginning of efforts for
fine arts education in the United States, and comes
from Mr. John F. Lewis, Jr.
Sixty-Four Copies of the book, CECILIA BEAUX, by Thornton Oakley, from Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Drinker.
Twenty-five books to the Library (September 1948 to
September 1949) from: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. B. Steel, Mr.
Harry B. Lee, Mr. Edward Shenton, Mr. Thornton Oakley,
Mrs. Francis H. Hodgson, Mrs. William R. Mercer, and
Mr. John F. Lewis, Jr.

Seventy-seven loans were made from the Permanent Collection, as follows:
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. c., for exhibition De Gustibus,
January 7th to February 20th, Fox Hunt by Winslow Homer.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, California, for
exhibition Four Contemporary Artists, January 20th to February 28th, The
Wall by Walter Stuempfig.
Albion College, Albion, Michigan for exhibition Critic's Choice - Picture
of the Month, February 1st to March 1st, Maiestic Tenement by Arthur
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, for one-man exhibition of the work of
Francis Speight, February 2nd through 26th, Schuylkill Valley Town by
Francis Speight.
Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, for its 90th Anniversary Dinner, February ·
9th, Abraham Lincoln by Samuel Waugh.
Steve Raffo, for use at the . Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in connection with his application for Guggenheim Fellowship, and for exhibition
at the Rehn Gallery, New York City, February 28th through March 21 st,
La Coso de Dios by Steve Raffo.
William Macbeth, Inc., New York City, for exhibition of the work of
Thomas Doughty, February 28th through March 21 st, View Near Hartford,


All sessions of our schools, winter and summer, city and country, were
successfully conducted. The present enrollment in the two sessions of the
winter school has reached a physical capacity. The Chester Springs Summer School was open for twelve weeks - June 13th through September
3rd - with a total attendance of eighty and an average · attendance of
sixty and two-thirds, which is below capacity. The operating loss for the
year ending August 31, 1949 was $6879.51. It is hoped that all Academy
members and stockholders will be alert to call the assets and advantages
of Chester Springs to the attention of their friends and particularly to
prospective students. The attendance of students studying under the G. I.
Bill of Rights has' fallen off slightly in both schools from the number studying a year ago but the non-G. I. applications for the winter school (194950) more than made up the difference. The report of the Faculty on. the
calibre of work in both schools is very satisfactory.
Mr. Walter Stuempfig was added to the Faculty for the year 1949-50, as
instructor in General Criticism and Advanced Composition. Dr. David
Robb, who conducted a course in the History of Art for the winter term
1948-49, is on sabbatical leave from the University of Pennsylvania and
unable' to conduct this course for the full school year 1949-50. Mr. Jack
Bookbinder was engaged to give these lectures for the two semesters.
Mr. Walker Hancock, due .to great pressure of outside work, obtained
leave of absence for the fall term of 1949-50, and his place has been
competently filled by Mr. Charles Rudy.
The more complete report on enrollment in both schools is as follows:
Winter School:

September 1948 through January 1949
January 1949 through May 1949 .
September 1949 through January 1950

Summer School: June 13 through September 3 .


The Library continues to serve the research and inspirational needs of
the students a..nd is broadly used. The record shows that 1255 books and
clippings were withdrawn in this calendar year and that only seven items
remain unaccounted for.


Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, for Memorial Exhibition for Juliana Force, September 23rd through October 30th, Suzanne
by Salvatore Bilotti, and The Upper House by William Gropper.
Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, for window display, September 29th
through October 20th, William Rush by William Rush, John. Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder by Jacob Eichholtz, Mrs. Wilmon Whilldin and Levi Taylor
Dickson by John Neagle.
laurel Gallery, New York City, for one-man exhibition of the work of
Norman Carton, October 10th to the 27th, Three Gifts by Norman Carton.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, for exhibition Faces and Fashions, October
14th through November 30th, The Tanagra by Thomas P. Anshutz, Madame
Helena Modjeska by Charles Carolus-Duran, Miss Anna Gibbon Johnson
by John Neagle, Miss Eliza Leslie and Mrs. David Hoffman by Thomas
Sully, Lady Unknown by Jacob Eichholtz.
Philadelphia Art Alliance, for exhibition Etchings and Drawings by Daniel
Garber, October 26th through November 27th, Sheep Fold and Winter
Night by Daniel Garber.
Woodmere Gallery, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia for Exhibition of Invited
Portraits, October 30th through November 19th, Young Lobsterman by
Walker Hancock.
John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, for Exhibition of Paintings by William Chase, commemorating his birth in Indiana one hundred
years ago, November 1st through December 11 th, Lady With a White
Shawl and Still Life by William M. Chase.
Art Gallery . of Toronto, Canada, for exhibition · Contemporary Painting
from the United States, Great Britain and France, November 4th through
December 25th, The Wall by Walter Stuempfig.
American Federation of Arts, Washington, D. c., for traveling exhibition Juliana Force and American Art, December 1949 through November
1950, The Upper House by William Gropper.
Morris House, Germantown, Philadetphia, December 2nd, on indefinite
loan, Militia Training by James G. Clonney, Lawrence Washington by
Joseph Badger, Captain Wilmon Whilldin and Mrs. Wilmon Whilldin by
.John Neagle, Lady, Unknown by Joseph Biays Ord, Washington Family
at Mt. Vernon after Savage, and Anna Warner Bailey by an unknown




One of the principal tasks of the Director of Public Relations continues to
be that .of giving increased notice . through newspapers and magazines
(local and national) and the radio of the exhibitions of the Academy and
the activities of its schools. Due to ·the fact that there are but two major
newspapers in the City, it has been found necessary to make use of neighborhood newspapers, organization publications, local magazines, et cetera,
to keep the Academy more actively in t he minds of Philadelphians and in
turn make for greater gallery attendance. Efforts to build up a larger group
attel1dance through schools, Women's clubs, and others, by personal con tact, correspondence, and post card notices of exhibitions, continues.
She has collaborated with the Fellowship in providing publicity for its
events, and particularly its Annual Exhibition which this year held several
innovations, one being three open Wednesday evenings, with cham b er
music concerts by students of The Curtis Institute of Music and ta lks on
art and music by Dr. Domenico Vittorini of the University of Pennsylvan ia
and Mr. George Rochberg of the Curtis Institute. In addition, there w as
the piano recital by David Garvey given on the evening of May 3, 1949
for the benefit of the Mary Butler Memorial Fund.
Through the Education Department of the RCA-Victor Company, the loan
of a fine Radio-Record Player, and records, has made possible
series of
record programs of works of the masters each Friday noon at 12:30 and
on Sunday afternoons, the broadcasts of the New York Philhar monic
Symphony Orchestra, both of which have drawn listeners to the galleries.
Membership, an important responsibility of the department, continues to
grow in an encouraging manner, adding during the year 136 new members and $2722 in new funds. The full report follows:



new members
continuing members

Sus taining

new members
(5 increased from Annual to Sus taining)
continuing members


new members
continuing members


new members
continuing members
(1 increased from Annual to Life)
(1 increased from Con tributing to
Life) .
total members

Stockholde rs








6 • . 11

2 14






very major improvement was accomplished, chiefly in the summer

months, by the installation of a passenger elevator which gives service
between our entrance lobby and the gallery floor. The impetus for the
accomplishment of this alteration was the generous gift of $15,000 from
Mrs. Harrison S. Morris. This sum was presented as a memorial to the late
Harrison S. Morris, who served the Academy as Managing Director with
great distinction between 1892 and 1905.
Unfortunately, technical difficulties interrupted continuous use of the new
elevator for a time, but the Otis Elevator Company has made corrections
and the Academy looks forward to uninterrupted service for its members,
stockholders, and guests.
The Installation of the new elevator involved the refurbishing of Gallery
N, and marks the completion of redecoration in all of the public galleries
within the past two years. The great stairhall and entrance lobby remain as the portions incomplete under the general plan for improvem~nts.
The elevator shaft encroached upon the wall space occupied by the large
painting by Benjamin West entitled Christ Reiected. Because funds were
not immediately available for cleaning and reconditioning this large can,

vas, it was temporarily rolled upon an especially prepared drum and is
stored until the work of conservation may be accomplished. Two other
pictures of major size -

Benjamin West's Paul and Barnabas at Lystra

and Washington Allston's Dead Man Restored to Life -

were removed

from the stairhall at the same time and plans are now under way for their
cleaning and rehanging. In the main school,t wash rooms, and corridors,
painting was accomplished.
No major renovations were necessary at the School Annex, 1834 Arch
Street, and only general repairs were made.
By authorization of the Board at its meeting of March 14, 1949, the Director rehung the galleries dedicated to the Gibson Collection. Fewer pictures were hung so that those on ,exhibition could be seen and enjoyed
with greater ease and more justice done to the individual paintings and
their artists.





No expenditure above normal maintenance was made for Chester Springs.
The routine painting, as laid out in our general program, was accomplished in the spring of the year by the maintenance crew from Broad
and Cherry _Streets. The five-year plan for re-wiring the buildings continued, as reported last year. The rail fence which lines the entrance drive
from the bridge over the Creek to the main buildings, having fallen into
complete dis-repair, was renewed.


September 7, 7948, to August 31, 1949

Art Gallery and Exhibitions
Philadelphia School
Chester Springs School
Trust Funds .
Membership Dues

$ 15,243.97

Totai Income


Art Gallery and Exhibitions
Philadelphia School
Chester Springs School

$ 87,568.19

Total Expenses


Net Operating Surplus

$ 21,445.34


February 7949 to January 1950, inclusive
Anonymous, for Philadelphia Flower Show Prizes '.
Anonymous, for Honorable Mentions in Sculpture .
Philadelphia Water Color Club, for Water Color Exhibition
Pennsylvonia Miniature Society for Miniature Exhibition .
American Philosophical Society, for Index of Academy
1805-1875. . . . . . . . . . •
Charles Bregler, for Eakins Prize
. . . . . .
Fellowship of the Academy, for Fellowship Exhibition
George D. Widener, for Scholarships . .
Mrs. Harrison Morris, for Passenger Elevator
For General Purposes






On June 8, 1949, the Academy was advised, through the office of its Solicitor, that notice
had been received from the Guarantee Bank and Trust Company, Atlantic City, New Jersey,
that Frank Snyder, the life beneficiary under the Wills of Jessie P. and Willard P. Snyder,
died on May 13, 1949, thereby terminating the Trust created by their Wills. The notification
further advised that corpus of these Trusts is now payable to The Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine' Arts to become part of the Endowment Fund to apply the income only for the
maintenance of . the Academy. The approximate value of these combined trusts will amount
to about $68,000.00.


This list does not include Benefactors, Fellows, or
Patrons pf the Academy

Life Members
Acker, Mrs. Finley
Adler, Dr. Francis Heed
Allen, Mrs. Maria McKean
AVery, William C.
Bareiss, Miss Eleanor A.
Beadle, Walter J.
Beardwood, Mrs. Joseph T., Jr.
Bens'o n, E. N.
Berwind, Charles G.
Biddle, Miss Alice McMurtrie
Bidd le, Miss Constance E.
Blackburne, John 5., Jr.
Bodine,'William W.
Boericke, Gideon
Brazier, Miss E. Josephine
Bromley, Mrs. Henry S.
Buten, Harry
Butler, George T.
Capp, Seth Bunker
Carlon, Miss Ruth P.
Casnet, Miss Catharine Fow
Chandler, Frederick T., Jr.
Cheston, Mrs. Radcliffe
Clark, Miss Darthela
Clark, Percy H.
Clarke, Eugene C.
Clement, Mrs. M. Withi,ngton
Clothier, Isaac H., Jr.
Cochran, Miss Fanny Travis
Cox, John lyman
Dawes, James H.
de Krafft, William
de Wolf, Mrs. Halsey
Disston, William Dunlop
Dixon, Mrs. Widener
Donner, W. H.
Dorrance, Mrs. John T.
Dougherty, Rev. Cardinal D. J.
Downs, Mrs. Norton
du Pont, Mrs. Ire nee
du Pont, Mrs. William Kemble
Earle, Ralph
Elkins, George W.
Engiish, Mrs. Chancellor C.
Ervin, Mrs. Spencer
Fagan, Miss ·Emma lowry
Fels, Maurice


Fels, Samuel
Fisler, Miss M. Virginia
Flagg', Mrs. S. Griswold
Foerderer, Percival E.
Ford, Mrs. John
Ford, Mrs. Stanley
FO's ter, Mrs. Edith l.
Fox, Mrs. Melvin
Gebbie, Mrs. F. Draeger
Gibson, Mrs. John W.
Gibson, Miss Mary K.
Greene, Mrs. William Houston
Greenfield, Albert M.
Halstead, Mrs. David
Hamilton, Mrs. Charles l.
Harris, Alan C.
Harris, Henry Frazer
Harris, Mrs. J. Andrews, 3rd
Hassrick, Mrs. Romain C.
Highley, Mrs. George N.
Hinchman, Miss Margaretta S,
Hires, Charles E., Jr.
Hirschwald, Rudolph M.
Hofkin, Milton l.
How, Mrs, Harold W.
. Ingersoll, Miss Anna Warren
Jefferys, Mrs. Edward M.
Jenkins, Mrs. Brooks U.
Jordan, Mrs. Frederick
Kay, Miss Anna R.
Klein, Philip
Kohn, Mrs. Isidore
lea, Van Antwerp
leach, Miss A. Adele
levy, Howard·S.
lewis, Edwin O .
lewis, John F., Jr.
Lloyd, Mrs. Malcolm, Jr.
Lloyd, Mrs. Richard W.
louchheim, William S.
lucas, Mrs. H. Spencer
lyon, Mrs. Walter K.
McCahan, William J., 3rd
McFadden, George H.
Mallery, Otto T.

Martin, Mrs. Sydney E.
Mason, William Clarke
Maulsby; Miss Matilda
Matteossian, Mrs. H. B.
Measy, William M.
Mifflin, Mrs. Samuel Wright
Moore, Mrs. A. O.
Morgan, Marshall S.
Moss, Frank H.
Myers, Mrs. George Washingtoll
Oakley, Miss Violet
Paley, Samuel
Palmer, Walter
Parry, George Gowen
Paul, A. J. Drexel
Peirce,Miss Mary B.
Penniman, Mrs. Josiah H.
'Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters, The
Pepper, Dr. O. H. Perry
Perkins, Mrs. Charles C.
Pfahler, Dr. George E.
Phillips, Mrs. ,Herbert l.
Pitcairn, Raymo,n d
Poe, Mrs, Edgar Allan
Powers, Thoma's Harris
Powers, Mrs. Thomas Harris
Reed, Mrs. Alan H.
Reed, Miss Bertha M.
Reilly, Garrett Lloyd
Roberts, Mrs. G. Bri nton
Roberts, George Brooke
Roberts, Mrs. George Brooke
Rogers, Talbot M.
Ross, T. Edward
Saul, Maurice B.
Schrack, Dr. Helen F.
Scully, C. Alison
Sellers, Alexander
Semple, Miss Helen
Shand, Miss Helen E.
Shrenk, Mrs. Adele Rogers
Slattery, Joseph A.
Smith, G. Allen
Smith, Mrs. George M.
Smith, Mrs. lawrence M. C.
Spaeth, Mrs. J. Duncan
Spalding, Mrs. Philip l.

Sprogell, Harry E.
, Sprogell, Mrs. Harry E.
Starr, Mrs. James
'Steel, Mrs. Alfred G. B.
Stetson, John B., Jr.
Stewart, John
Stork, Charles Wharton
Strassburger, Mrs. Ralph Beaver
Strawbridge, Francis R.
Strawbridge, Frederic H.
Strawbridge, Robert E.

Thomson, Miss Anne
Tyson, Mrs. Carroll S.
Yon Pelt, Miss Gertrude
Walbridge, Mrs. Charles C.
Warden, Mrs. Clarence A.
Watson, Thomas J.
Webb, Charles J.
Webster, Warren, Jr.
Weeder, Mrs. S. Dana
• Wetherill, Francis M., D. D.

Whisenant, Bryant H.
Widener, George D.
Wilmerding, Mrs. David R.
Wintersteen, Mrs. John
Wood, Mrs. Arthur King
Wood, Mrs. Edward F. R.
Woodward, Mrs. George
Wright, Mrs. Raymond D. B. .
Young, Mrs. Charles Morris
Zimbcilist, Mrs. Efrem

Contributing Members
Arden, Miss Elizabeth

Emerson, Miss Edith

Wriggins, Thomas

l3regler, Charles

Martin, Sydney

Ziegler, A. Addis

Sustaining Members
Bortz, Dr. Edward l.
Breyer, Mrs. Henry W .
Brinton, Mrs. Clarence C.
Brown, Revelle W ..
. Carpenter, Aaron E.
Currie, Barton W.

Garson, Samuel
Grace, Mrs. Charles B.
Gwinn, David

Morris, Miss Mary W,.

Hale, Miss lena l.
Henderson, Mrs. Joseph Welles
Henderson, Mrs. Samuel J.

Rhoads, W. W.
Rosenbaum, Robert
Rosengarten, Frederic
Rosengarten, Joseph G., Jr.

Drinker, Mrs. Henry S.

Jordan, Mrs. T. C.

Ebert, Charles E.
Elkins, Mrs. William M.

lamont, Mrs. Austin

Fisher, Mrs. Howell T.
Freeman, Mrs . Harold A.
Friedman, Edward

McKean, Mrs. Thomas
Mason, John H.
Mehorter, James B.

Peck, Staunton B.

Sinkler, Mrs. Wharton
Sparks, W. E.
Squier, Arthur A.
Townsend, Mrs. John Barnes
Trout, Thaddeus R.

Annual Members
Abronski, Raymond W.
Adam, John Niel
Albers, H. Michael
Albrecht, Mrs. Emil Poole
Alker, Horry' J., Jr.
Allan, Mrs. J. Hamilton
Allen, Clifford P., Jr.
Allen, Eugene Y.
Allen, Henry Butler
Alteneder, Miss Bertha A.
Alvare, Carlos
Appel, George F. B.
Archer, Mrs. F. Morse
Armstrong, Mrs. F. Wallis
Bachman, Frank H.
Sacon, Francis l.
Boer, Mrs. B. F.
Bailey, Mrs. James B.

Bailey, Sidney, Jr.
Balch, Mrs. Edwin Swift
Balderston, William
Balis, C. Wanton, Jr.
Balis, Mark E.
Ball, Alfred J.
Ballard, Frederic l.
Ballinger, Mrs. Raymond A.
Barclay, Miss Emily
Barmoch, Aaron B.
Barmach, Miss Tilly
Barnes, John Hampton
Barr, Miss Mary M.
Barringer, Mrs. Brandon
Bartol, Miss Eleanor
Baf'eman, T. H.
Bates, Daniel Moore
Battersby, Mrs. William D.
Bayard, Miss Mabel

Beach, Mrs. Edward Warren
Beale, Mrs. John C. C.
Beale, leonard T.
Beatty, lewis B.
Beck, Charles l. '
Beck, Mrs. William l.
Belcher, Mrs. 'Waliace E.
Bell, C. Herbert
Bendiner, Alfred
,Bendiner, Mrs. Alfred
Benny, Miss Florence
Benson, Mrs. James F.
Berguido, Carlos, Jr.
Bernstein, Benjamin D.
Biddle, Ernest l.
Biddle, Mrs. H. W.
Biddle, livingston l.
Biddle, Mrs. Moncure
Biddle, Mrs. Nicholas


Binswanger, Isidore ,
Bioren, John S.
Bioren, Mrs. John S.
Bishop, Mrs. Richard E.
Blackburne, Miss Agnes C.
Blond, Mrs. Pascal Brooke
Bloch, Arthur
Bodine, John W.
Bodine, Mrs. S. Laurence
Bodine, William B.
Bok, Mrs. Curtis
Bond, Charles
Bonnell, Mrs. Henry
Boone, Edwin T. P., Jr.
Borie, Mrs. Adolphe
Borowsky, Mrs. A. G.
Boyer, Francis
Bradley, Mrs. Newell C.
Brand, Louis W., Jr.
Breyer, Henry W., Jr.
Bright, Mrs. O. Percy
Brinley, Mrs. Charles E.
Brinton, Clarence C.
Brock, Miss Elizabeth Norris
Bromley, John
Brooke, George
Brooks, Mrs. Clarence"W., Jr.
Brown, Alexander
Brown, Coleman P.
Brown, Dee Carlton
Brown, Mrs. Everett H., Jr.
Brown, Mrs. Reynolds D., Jr.
Brown, Richard P.
Brown, Mrs. Wilson H.
Browning, Edward, Jr.
Bryans, Henry B.
Bryant, Mrs. George C.
Buck, J. Clifton
Budin, Dr. David
Budworth, W. S., Jr.
Bullitt, Orville H.
Bullitt, Mrs. Orville H.
Burk, Edwi n H.
Burt, Miss Edith Brooke
Butcher, Mrs. Howard
Butler, Mrs. Smedley D.
Buzby, George C.
Buzek, Mrs. Irene
Bye, Arthu r E.
Cadwalader, Mrs. John
Cadwalader, Miss Sophia
Colwell, Mrs. Charles S.
Campbell, Mil ton
Cancelmo, Mrs. A. J.
Caner, Mrs. Gerald W .
Carroll, J. Roy, Jr.
Cash, Mrs. Nicholson
Castaldi, Mrs. Joseph S.
Catherwood, Cummins
Ceramic League of Philadelphia


Chambers, Francis T., Jr.
Chambers, Miss Mary Barnsley
Chapman, Joseph C.
Church, Herbert
Clark, Edwin M.
Clark, Joseph S.
Clarke, Mrs. David
Cleland, Mrs. David C.
Clement, C. Francis
Clement, M. W ithington
Clifford, Henry
Clothier, Jean S.
Clothier, Mrs. William J.
Coale, William E.
Cobb, Augustus A.
Cochran, Gifford A.
Coleman, Mrs. F. Stokes
Coleman, Mrs. G. Dawson
Collington, Mrs. D. L.
Collins, Benjamin F.
Comegys, Miss Amy
Condit, Mrs. Walter D.
Conlen, William J.
Conradi, Mrs. Luther
Converse, Miss Lily S.
Cook, Mrs. Gustavus Wynne
Cooke, Mrs. Jay
Cooke, Morris L.
Cooper, Mrs. Walter I.
Cornelius, Mrs. N. M.
Corse, Mrs. A. R.
Corson, Mrs. Bolton L.
Cortese, Americo
Cousley, Stanley W.
Cowan, Dr. Alfred
Coward, ·Halton A.
Cox, Robert C.
Coyne, Miss Elizabeth K.
Crawford, W. Rex
Crease, James
Crosby, Arthur U.
Crowder, Miss Emma A.
Dale, Mrs. Edward C.
Dana, Miss Millicent W.
Dannenberg, Mrs. Arthur M.
Davis, Albert M.
Davis, Bernard
Davis, Henry L., Jr.
Dearnley, Charles E.
de Braux, Georges
Dehan, Mrs. Bornot
De Long, Warren B.
De Moll, Carl
De Moll, Mrs. Carl
de Schauensee, Rodolphe M.
de Schauensee, Mrs. Rodolphe M.
de Spoelberch, Mrs. Eric
Dick, Mrs. Langhorne B.
Dickey, Miss Eloise P.
Dickinson, John

Dittman, Harry M.
Doak, Mrs. Samuel E.
Dodge, Donald D.
Dodge, Mrs. James Mapes
Dolan, Mrs. Clarence W.
Dolbow, Miss Marie G.
Doll, Dr. Eugene
Donato, Giuseppe
Donner, Mrs. W. H.
Dooner, Mrs. Richard T.
Dorward, Cli nton V.
Dougherty, Mrs. T. Harvey, Jr.
Doughten, William W .
Downes, Mrs. James R.
Drabenstadt, George R.
Drabkin, Mrs. David
Drew-Bear, Mrs.. Jessie
Duane, Mrs. William
Du Barry, Joseph N.
Du Barry, William H.
Dubbs, Miss Lois
Dudley, Mrs. Charles M.
Dunham, James H., D. D.
du Pont, Mrs. Henry Belin
Dyer, Dr. W. Wallace
Earle, Miss Elinor
Earle, Mrs. Ralph
Easby, George G. Meade
Easby, Mrs. M. Stevenso"n
Eastwick, Joseph Lees
Egerland, Miss Trudy
Ehmling, Mrs. Alexander
Eldredge, Mrs. Laurence H.
Elliot, J. Mitchell
Eltinge, Miss Lynette Forde
Emerson, Victor Frederi ck
Engle, Howard C.
Entwistle, John E.
Eshleman, Benjam in
Etting, Emlen
Evans, Lewis M.
Evans, Thomas
Ewertz, Henry
Exley, Miss Emily
Farber, Mrs. J. D.
Farnum, Henry W .
Farr, Mrs. F. W. Elliott
Feinstein, Meyer
Feldman, Mrs. David N.
FeJdman, Miss Emma
Feldman, Dr. Jacob B.
Fenninger, Carl W.
Ferguson, Mrs. Bassett
Fernberger, Mrs. Samuel W.
Fetter, Dr. Ferdinand
Finkenauer, Theodore, Jr.
Fischer, Mrs. A. Koerting
Fisher, Miss Edith T.
Fisher, Mrs. Thomas, Jr.

Fitz-Patrick, Patrick
Flock, Emanuel D.
flock, S. M.
Foltz, Mrs. Charles S.
folz, Stanley
Ford, Miss Frances L.
Foulke, William G., 2nd
Fox, Mrs. Caleb F., Jr.
Fox, Paul Drewry
Fraley, Mrs. Frederick
Frame, T. Ellwood
franck, Douglas
Frazer, John E.
Freehafer, Carl R.
frescoln, Dr. Leonard D.
freund, Rudolf
friedman, Lionel
Friedman, Miss Ruth
friel~ Francis S.
frontz, Clinton W.
Fry, Dr. Wilfred E.
fuller, Mrs. Walter D.
Funk, Mrs. N. E.
Gobeli, Pearce M.
Gade, Harald F.
Gallaudet, John C.
Gates, Mrs. Thomas S.
Geary, Mrs. Alfred H.
Gerenbeck, Franklin C.
Gerstley, Henry E.
Gerstley, Mrs. Isaac
Gest, Miss lillian
Gest, Miss Margaret R.
Gest, Mrs. William P.
Gibbon, Dr. John H., Jr.
Gibbs, Mrs. George F., Jr.
Gilkyson, Mrs. Hamilton H., Jr.
Gill, Mrs. A. Bruce
Gold, Albert
Golden, Louis M., Jr.
Goldsmith, Louis N.
Goodwin, Mrs. Harold, Jr.
Gordon, Mrs. Thomas E.
Gould, Bruce
Gowen, Mrs. James E.
GraAy, Miss Dorothy
Gribbel, Mrs. J. Bancker
Gribbel, Mrs. W. Griffin
Grisdale, John T.
Hagstoz, Arthur T.
Haines, Mrs. D. Jansen
Halford, John H.
Halford, Mrs. John H.
Hallowell, Miss Helen R.
Hallowell, Henry R.
Halsey, Mrs. Edward B.
Hancock, James
Haney, John L.
Harbison, Miss Anne

Harbison, Miss Helen D.
Hardt, J. William
Hare, T. Truxton
, Hare, Mrs. T. Truxtun, Jr.
Harris, Mrs. Flagler
Harrison, Mrs. Earl G.
Harrison, Mrs. Edith Ogden
Harvey, Mrs. John S. C., Jr.
Haskell, Dr. Benjamin F.
Hastings, Miss Elhel
Haupt, William M.
Hay, Mrs. Charles
Haydock, Charles
Hays, Miss Annie B.
Hoyt, Mrs. Todd
Hazard, Spencer' P.
Headley, John F.
Healy, Mrs. J. Howell
Heath, Mrs. Leslie
Henry, J. E.
Henry, Mrs. T. Charlton
Hensel, Mrs. E. Caven
Herkness, Li ndsay C.
Hill, Mrs. J. Bennett
Hilles, Miss Elizabeth
Hires, Harrison S.
Hoffman, Mrs. Benjamin R.
Hoffman, Mrs. Edward F.
Holladay, Mrs. Charles B.
Hood, Mrs. George Gowen
Hopkins, Dr. Arthur H.
Hopkins, Mrs. David W.
Hopkinson, Edward, Jr.
Hopkinson, Mrs. Edward, Jr.
Hopper, Miss Marie Louise
Houston, Samuel F.
Howard, Mrs. Willing
Howell, Miss Elizabeth R. R.
Huber, Mrs. John Y., Jr.
Huston, Stewart
Hultinger, Mrs. E. Paul
Ingersoll, Mrs. C. Jared
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis
Israel, Dr. S. Leon
Jackson, Mrs. Albert A.
Jackson, Dr. A. F.
Jacobs, Mrs. Yarnall
Jameson, Mrs. M. B~
Janney, Mrs. Walter C.
Jeffords, Walter M.
Jeffords, Mrs. Walter M.
. Jenks, Mrs. Horace H.
Jenks, Mrs. John Story
Jenks, Morton
Jennings, Charles B.
Jensen, Frank A.
Johnson, Mrs. Edwin J.
Johnson, Eric G.
Johnson, Mrs. Harry E.

Johnson, Mrs. Julian
Johnson, Robert L.
Johnson, Roland E.
Jones, Mrs. Clifford B.
Jones, Mrs. Edward Morris
Jones, Mrs. J. Barclay
Justi, Henry M., Jr.
Katzman, Max
Kearney, George Fairfax
Keast, Mrs. William Morton
Keely, David Fulmer
Kent, S. K~ider
Kephart, Mrs. Hill
Kerlin, Mrs. Ward Dix
Kerr, Miss Carlota T.
Kesler, Edward
Kimball, Fiske
King, Mrs. R. Gans
Kinsey, Miss Helen F.
' Kirchmann, Mrs. Julian J.
Kirk, Mrs. M. Day
Kirkland, Frederic R.
Kitchen, Miss Ruth Custis
Kline, Henry S.
Kneedler, Mrs. Howard S.
Kohl, Miss Dorothy
Kohn, Mrs. Irving
Korte, Miss Hilda
Koyl, Mrs. George Simpson
Krauss, Sidney L.
Krewson, W. Stanleigh
Kriebel, Mrs. William F.
Kuemmerle, Gustav C.
Kurtz, Willidm Fulton
Kurz, Charles
Kushner, Dr. Martin D.
Kushner, Mrs. Martin D.
Landenberger, C. H., Jr.
Lane, Mrs. Otho E.
Langston, Bryant W.
Langston, Mrs. Bryant W.
Large, James M.
Larson, Roy F.
Lauder, Miss Ethel
laughlin, Miss Anna Livezy
Lavino, Edwin M.
Lawser, Miss Mary L.
Lear, Mrs. John B.
Learned, Henry Dexter
leary, Mrs. Fairfax, Jr.
Leas, Miss Mabel A.
Le Boutillier, Mrs. B. Homer
ledwith, Mrs. Richard
Lee, Philip L
. lee, William H.
Leeds, Morris
Lefton, AI Paul
lefton, James A.
Lehman, Walter J.


Lentz, Mrs. William Otis
~ eon, Max M.
Leonard, Miss Edith 'Lincoln
Le Page, Mrs. W . Laurence
Le vin, Dr. Israel
Le vy, Mrs. Della B.
l evy, Lionel F.
lewis, Clifford, Jr.
lewis, Mrs. Clifford, Jr.
Le wis, Miss Ernestine G.
Lewi~, Mrs. Francis A.
lewis, Miss Julia L
lewis, Ludwig C.
Lewis, Shippen
lewis, Walter D.
lichtin, Mrs. Aaron
Li eber, Mrs. Francis A.
·lieber, Mrs. William A.
liebman, Joseph
Ligget, Miss Jane Stewart
ligget, Robert C.
linck, Robert C.
Lincoln, Mrs. August A.
lincoln, Mrs. George J., Jr.
Lindback, C. R.
Lingell~ach, William E" Jr.
Li nton, M. Albert
Lippincott, Miss Barbara
Lippincott, Mrs, Bertram
lit, Jack E.
li ttleton, Arthur
li versidge, Horace P.
livingston, William H.
'Lloyd, H. Gates
Lloyd, Mrs. H. Gates
Lockhead, Miss Catherine P.
Loeb, Mrs. Adolf
Loeb, Mrs. Howard A.
logan, Robert R.
Long, Mrs. Joseph ine Klepper
Lo rimer,Graeme
Louchheim, Mrs. Jerome H.
lowdermilk, Mrs. Ford R.
Lower, Mrs. S. Edward
Ludgate, Bruce A., Jr.
l udington, Mrs. Nicholas S.
Ludington, Wright S.
lukens, Mrs. George T.
lukens, lewis N., Jr.
McAllister; Louis E.
McCabe, Mrs. Thomas Bayard
McCahan, Mrs. William J., Jr.
McClelland, Mrs. Geo rge W.
McClos key, Mrs. John F.
McClure, William H:
McCracken, Robert T.
McCreary, Mrs. George D., Jr.
McCreery, Mrs. Samuel
McCurdy, Mrs. J. Aubrey ,
McDonald, E. D.


McGoodwin, Robert R.
McGowan, James, Jr.
Mcilhenny, Francis S.
Mcilhenny, Henry P.
Mcilvain, Mrs. M. Dickerson
Mclain, Mrs. louis
Mclaughlin, Dr. Edwa rd F.
Mclean, Rob'e rt
Mclean, Mrs. William l., Jr.
McMichael, Mrs. Morton
MacCoy, Miss Mary Helen
MacCoy, Mrs•. W. Logan
Madeira, Mrs. Edward W.
Madeira, Mrs. Louis c., 4th
Madeira, Percy C. .
Madeira, Mrs. Percy C.
Magaziner, louis
Magill, James P.
Mann, Edward M.
Marriner, Guy
Martin, Miss E. Gwen .
Martin, J. Stanwoo,d .
Martin, Mrs. John' C.
Martino, Antonio P.
Martino, Giovanni
Mason, Miss Jane G .
Ma ther, Chades E.
Mauran, Frank
Mechling, Mrs. B. Frc;mklin
Meigs, Mrs. Robert R. .
Melcher, Mrs. Laura B.
Mendenhall,·John C.
Mercer, Dr. Warren C.
Mercer, Mrs. Willial)'l .R.
Merrick, Miss Mary H.
Meyers, C. Harold
Meyers, Clarence L.
Meyers, Mrs. Morton J.
Miller, Decius
Miller, Karl G .
Miller, Mrs. T. Grier
Milliette, Earl B.
Milne, Francis F., Jr.
Minds, John H.
Mi tchell, Mrs. James F., Jr.
Molthan, E. Henry
Montgomery, James Alan, Jr.
Montgomery, Mrs. James Alan, Jr.
Montgomery, Mrs. W. W., Jr.
Moore,·Mrs. H. McKnight
Morgan, Mrs. Marshall S.
Morgan, Mrs. Randal
Morris, C. Christopher
Morris, Mrs. Herbert Cameron
Morrow, Glenn R.
Moulinier, J . Rodman
Muller, Mrs. Florence C.
. Munson, George S.
Musselman, Mrs. Clarence
Musser, Mrs. Charles S.
Musser, Pa'ul H.

Myers, Mrs. Dorothy R.
Myers, Willard G .
Nagin, Mrs. Harry S.
Nalle, Richard T.
Nalle, Mrs. Richard 1.
Nasife"Mrs. Sidney
Neilson, Mrs. Lewis
Nelson, Miss Mary Ann
Newbold, Mrs. Arthur Emlen
Newhall, Mrs. William Price
Newton, Miss Caroline
Newton, Dorr E.
Niblo, Rev. James M.
Noble, William H., Jr.
Norris, Charles c., Jr.
Oakley, Thornton
Oelbermann, Mrs. Julius ..
O'Neal, Dr. A. H.
O'Neill, W . Paul
Ormandy, Eugene
Ormandy, Mrs. Stephanie G.
Orr, George P.
Ortlip, Harry F.
Packard, Mrs. Francis R. :
Packard, Mrs. John H., 3rd
Pagon, Mrs. Garrett Dun .
Paisley, Harry E.
Pakradooni, Mrs. H. H.
Pardee, Miss Olive
Park, Mrs. William
Parker, J. Brooks B.
Patterson, Mrs. Al va V. A.
Paul, Mrs. A. J. Drexe l
Paulson, Miss Frances E.
Paumgarten, Mrs. Ha rald
Payne, Dr. Franklin L.
Pearson, J. A.
Pease, Mrs. Henry H. .
Pec k, Arth ur
. Pennypac ker, Bevan Aubrey
Pepper, George Wharton
Pepper, Mrs. George W., Jr.
Pepper, William, Jr.,
Pepper, Mrs. William, Jr.
Perot, Mrs. L Knowles
Perrin, Mrs. Charles C.
Peterson, Howard C:
Pettit, Dr. Horace
Pew, Arthu r E., Jr.:
Pew, Mrs. Arthur E., Jr.
Pew, Mrs. J. Howard
Pew, N. J., Jr.
Philler, Mrs. W . Wi nsor
Pileggi, Vincent
Platt, John 0., Jr.
Polasek, Albin
Polloc k, Mrs. Walter W .
Pomeroy, John Ne vin

Pomeroy, Mrs. William MeL.
Potter, Mrs. Beverley R.
Powell, John H.
Price, Eli K., 3rd
Price, Philip
Prime, Miss Alice M.
Prizer, John B.
Purviance, Miss Julia Evelyn
Putnam, Mrs. Alfred
Raby, Dr. M. R.
Rader, Mrs. Archibald F.
Raditz, Lazar
Raine.a r, Mrs. Frank .R.
Randolph; Miss Anna
Ravdin, Dr. I. S.
, Read, Mrs. Adele von Helmold
Reath, Mrs. Benjamin
Reber, Mrs. J. Howard
Redding, Charles S.
Reese, Joseph H.
Reese, Dr. Warren S.
Reeves, Miss Mory T.
Reeves, Mrs. Samuel J.
Remington" Mrs. William P.
Remlinger , Joseph J.
Reynolds, Miss Mabel I.
Rhoads, Charles J.
'Rhoads, Owen B.
Rhoads, Mrs. Philip
Rice, Mrs. Harold R.
Richardson, Mrs. Sheppard
Ringe, Thomas B. K.
Ristine, Mrs. Charles S.
Ritter, Mrs. Henry S.
Rivinus, Mrs. E. Florens
Robb, Max, .
Roberts, Ellsworth A. '.
Roberts, H. Radclyffe
Roberts, Mrs. Isaac W.
Robinson, Mrs. Louis Barclay
Rogers, Miss Mary Middleton
Rolph, S. Wyman
Roma, Mrs. Frank
Roosevelt, Mrs. Nicholas G.
Rosenbach, Philip H.
Rosenbaum, Samuel R.
Rosengarten, Mrs. Adolph G.
Rossell, Mrs. Axel
Rotan, Mrs. Samuel P.
Rothenhausler, J. Herman
Rothermel, Frederic de P.
Rowland, Edmund
Royster, Dr. Henry
Rudy, Charles
Rumpf, Mrs. Francis John
Rust, Harry B.
Ryder, Thomas E.
Sales, Mrs. Retha M. Goodwin
Salisbury, Dr. G. B.

S ~ ltus, R. Sanford
Sano, ·Dr. Machtold E.
Sanson, Mrs. Albert W.
Sargent, S. Worcester
Sartain, Miss Harriet
Saul, Walter Biddle
Saunders, Laurence
Sayen, Mrs. William Henry
Saylor, Harold D.
Scattergood, Alfred G.
Scheetz, Francis H.
Scheffey, Dr. Lewis C.
Schiffer, Mrs. Herbert F.
Schiro, Mrs. Sidney L. .
Schmidt, John D.
Schoettle, Mrs. Edwin J.
Schoettle, Mrs. Karl R.
Schutt, Harold S.
Schwartz, Mrs. H. W.
'Scott, Mrs. I. M.
Scott, Mrs . .William Maxwell, Jr.
Seiler, Walter
Seitter, Mrs. Charles F.
Shapiro, Mrs. Benjamin
Shapiro, Mrs. Samuel
Sharpe, Mrs. Leo Nelson
Shay, Howell Lewis
Sheble, Mrs. Frank J.
Shellhammer, Miss Lydia M.
Sheronas, Mrs. Victor F.
Sherrerd, William D.
Sherrerd, Mrs. William D., Jr. \
Shoemaker, Mrs. Lester B.
-Sibley, Miss Florence
. Sibley, Walter G.
Siegel, Mrs. Adrian
Sienkiewicz, C. A.
Simon, Joseph B.
Simon, Stanley A.
.Sinkler, Mrs. James M. R.
Sitley, Mrs. S. Wielland
Skilling, Joseph Kennard
Skilling, Mrs. Joseph Kennard
Skinner, Mrs. James M.
Skinner, Mrs. Jcimes M., Jr.
Slevin, Julian B., 3rd
Slifer, Miss Levina
Smalley, Mrs. Alfred, Jr.
Smith, Mrs. C. Shillard
Smith, Mrs. Dudley S.
Smith, Mrs. Erskine W.
Smith, John Story
Smith, Mrs. Lewis De G.
Smith, Mrs. William Wharton
Smith, William Wikoff
Snedaker, E. Raymond
Snedaker, Miss Patricia Hamilton
Snelienburg, .Mrs. Morton
Snellenburg, Nathan J.
Snellenburg, Stanley S.
Southworth, Mrs. H. McCorkle

Spahr, Mrs. Boyd Lee, Jr.
Springer, Dr. Harold L.
Spruance, F. P.
Spruance, Mrs. William C.
Stapko, Mrs. C. Gregory
Starr, Mrs. Isaac Tatnall
Stedman, Mrs. Alonzo W.
Steele, Mrs. Edward A.
'Steele, Dr. Eleanor A.
Steele, Joseph M.
Steinman, Miss Elizabeth Duncan
Stellwagen, Herbert P.
Stern, Mrs. Horace
Stewart, Mr·s. Rodgers
Stiefel, Frank C.
Stimson, Frederick F. B,
Stokes, Francis J.
Stokes, Mrs. J. Stogdell
Stokes, Mrs. S. Emlen
Stout, C. F. C.
Strauss, Berthold
Strawbridge, Mrs. Francis R., Jr.
Sullivan, Jerel"(liah J.~ Jr. ' . .
Sunstein, Mrs. Leon C.
Supplee, Henderson, Jr.
Sussel, Arihur
Sweeton, Miss Hannah M.
Symes, James M.
Talbot, William R.
Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison
Taylor, Mrs. Norman H.
Temple, Mrs. Edward B.
Thomas, Miss Mabel L. H.
Thompson, Mrs. Arthur W.
Titus, Mrs. Robert R.
Toland, Dr. Owen Jones
TOnner, Mrs. William T.
Torrey, Mrs. Robert G.
Tower, Mrs. Charlemagne
Townsend, Mrs. Joseph B.
Townsend, Joseph B., Jr.
Townsend, Mrs. Joseph B., Jr.
Truitt, Mrs. R. Marshall
Tyson, Mrs. Charles R.
Van Alen, William L.
Van Alen, Mrs. William L.
Van Name, Elmer G.
Van Pelt,David
Van Sciver, Lloyd
Vauclain,-Mrs. Andrew C.
Vauclain, Mrs. Jacques
Vaux, Mrs. George
Volkmar, Mrs. Schuyler
Wainwright, F. King
Wainright, Mrs. T. F. .Dixon
Waller, L. W. T.
Walther, Frederick
Walther, Mrs. John L.


Walton, Mrs. J. Gardener
Warden, Clarence A., Sr.
Warden, Mrs. Clarence A., Jr.
Warden, David J •.
Warden, Mrs. David J.
Warfield, D. R.
Warner, Mrs. Irving
Warriner, Jesse B.
Warriner, Mrs. Samuel D.
Warwick, Mrs. Edward W.
Washburn, louis M.
Wasserman, Mrs. Joseph
Watts, Harold
Wear, Mrs. William Potter
Weaver, Mrs. William M., Jr.
Webb, Herbert K.
Weber, Frederick W.
Wechsler, Mrs. L. R.
Weiss, Albert N.
Wenger, Mrs. Morris
West, G. S.
West, Walter H., Jr.
Wetherill, Mrs. William Chattin
Wheeler, H. Eugene
Wheelwright, Mrs. Robert
Whelen, Mrs. T. Duncan
Whelen, Mrs. William Baker
Whitaker, Anthony H.
Whitaker, Ralph W.
White, Edward J.
White, Mrs. SamuelS., 3rd
White, Thomas Raeburn

Widener, Mrs. George D.
Wied~rsheim, Mrs. Wm. A., 2nd
·Wielopolski, Alfred
Wierman, Victor, Jr.
Wildman, Franklin B.
Wiley, George W.
Wilford, Mrs. E. Burke
Willard, Dr. De Forest P.
Willcox, J. Taney
Willcox, Mrs. J. Toney
Willet, Henry lee
Williams, David E.
Williams, Mrs. David E.
Williams, Ira Jewell, Jr.
Williams, John S.
Williams, Richard N., 2nd
Williams, Mrs. Thomas S.
Willing, Miss Frances Hopkinson
Willits, Mrs. M. N., Jr.
Wilson, Miss Deborah
Wilson, John G.
Winsor, Mrs. James D., Jr.
Wirts, Dr. Charles W.
Wister, Dr. James W.
Wister, Owen J.
Witney, George Walter
Wittman, louis C.
Wittman, Mrs. louis C.
Wolf, Mrs. Benjamin K.
Wolf, Edwin, 2nd
Wolf, Mrs. Elias
Wolf, Howard A.

Wolf, Mrs. Morris
Wolf, Walter l.
Wollman, Milton
Wolstenholme, Mrs. Hollis
Wood, Mrs. Alan D.
Wood, Mrs. Charles R.
Wood, Miss Eleanor P.
Wood, Mrs. George Brand
Wood, Grahme
Wood, Mrs. Howard, Jr.
Wood, Miss Marion Biddle
Wood, Mrs. Richard D.
Wood, Victor E.
Woodcock, W. I., Jr.
Wood roffe, G. Henry
Woodward, George
Woolman~ Mrs. Henry N., Jr.
Woolman, Mrs. Henry Newbold
Worrall, Mrs. J. Harrison
Wriggins, Mrs. Charles C.
Wurts, Mrs. Charles Stewart
Yoder, J. Arthur
Zantzinger, Mrs. Alfred
Zentmayer, Dr. William
Zesinger, Mrs. Frank O.
Zimmerman, Dr. Mason W.
Zimmerman, William
Zinsser, Mrs. John S.
Zisman, Samuel B.
Zvegintzov, Alexander

Alcorn, Miss Annie Neely
Alexander, Mrs. Mazie R.
Allen, Mrs. Mciria McKean
Andrews, Joseph Dixon
Angevine, Mrs. Sorin D.
Appleton, Mrs. Henry L.
Appleton, J. d'Arcy logan
Archambault, Miss A. Margaretta
Archer, Pierce, Jr.
Archer, Mrs. Pierce, Jr.
Armstrong, Mrs. Robert W.
Arnett, Mrs. William W.
Arny, l. Wayne
Ashton, William H.
Boeder, Charles S.
Bailey, Mrs. lewis P.
Bailey, Meredith, Jr.
Baird,Mrs. Donald G.
Baird, E. W., Jr.
Bancroft, J. Sellers
Bancroft, Mrs. J. Sellers
Bancroft, Miss Mary R.
Bancroft, Wilfred
Barclay, William K.


Barclay, Mrs. W. K.
Barnett,.Mrs. Frank N.
Barratt, Norris 5., Jr.
Barrett, Mrs. Eugene T.
Barrie, George, Jr.
Barrie, Miss Margaret
Barrie, Mrs. Robert, Jr.
Barrows, Mrs. Anna Newbold
Bast, A. Robert .
Bast, Mrs. A. Robert
Bast, Miss Mary Elizabeth
Battles, Mrs. Frank
Baugh, Mrs. Arthur P.
Baugh, Mrs. Arthur P., Jr.
Baugh, Mrs. Harman E.
Baugh, Miss Helena A.
Baum, Walter Emerson
Baumann, Mrs. Gustav A.
Beal, Albert
Beal, Miss Mary
Beebe, Mrs. Robert L.
Bein, Miss Amelia E.
Bein, Paul A.
Bell, Mrs. Gibson
Bement, Frank

Bender, Oscar G.
Benson, Mrs. Edwin N . .
Bernhardt, Mrs. Albion A.
Biddle, Alfred A.
Biddle, Miss Alice McMurtrie
Biddle, Mrs. Arthur
Biddle, George
Birdsall, Miss Anita L.
Blagden, Mrs. C. Valentine
Blaustein, Mrs. Betty
Blaustein, Samuel
Blight, Mrs. William 5., Jr.
Blizzard, Miss Ailene M.
Blizzard, Miss Gale M.
Blizard, Miss Marion
Blizard, Mrs. Virginia F.
Bachman, Mrs. Charles F.
Bockius, Miss Elizabeth G.
Bodine, Miss Helen
Boeddle, Dr. W. Wallace
Boericke, Mrs. Gideon
Borst, George H..
Bostwick, Miss lucy M.
Boswell, William l.
Bower, Alexander

Bradford, Miss Katharine N.
Bratten, Miss Lillian M.
Brayton, Mrs. Annie H.
Brice, C. Frederick
Brice, Philip H., 3rd
Broadhurst, Mrs. Edward M.
Brock, Mrs. John Penn
Brock, Mrs. Margaret B.
Brooks, Mrs. Edward, Jr.
Brown, Miss Annie
Brown, Miss Charlotte Houston
Brown, Mrs. Lawrence A.
Brown, Mrs. T. Wistar
Browne, Aldis B., 2nd
Brusstar, Miss Margaret E.
Buck, William N.
Bulley, Miss Hebe
Bullitt, Mrs. William Marshall
Bullock, John Emlen
Bunting, Miss Kezia R.
Bunting, Samuel J., Jr.
Burnham, Miss Anna l.
Burns, Mrs. Mary Jane
Burroughs, Miss Josephine l.
Busch, Mrs. Henry Paul
Butler, Mrs. Margaret R.

Clark, Miss Lauro
Clews, M. Madison
Clews, Mrs. M. Madison
Clothier, Miss Caroline
Cloud, Mrs. J. Howard
Clymer, Dr. "George
Coates, Mrs. George M., 2nd
Coates, Mrs. J. Lloyd
Cole", Mrs. Dorothy Stevens
Coles, Mrs. Stricker
Colfelt, Mrs. Brinton W.
Comegys, Miss Amy
Conklin, Mrs. Frances S.
Cooper, Edward B.
Cooper, Henry
Cope, Porter Farquharson
Corbin, Mrs. Marion G. F.
Cox, Mrs. Frank G.
Crane, Mrs. Emilie M.
Creamer, Fred B.
Croasdale, Mrs. Olney
Crouter, Mrs. Emily D.
Crozier, Mrs. David E.
Cruice, Miss Margaret de C.
Cumner, Miss Peggy Lou
Cute, Mrs. James F.

Cadwalader, Charles M. B.
Cadwalader, Lambert
Cadwalader, Mrs. Lambert
Cadwalader, Richard M., Jr.
Cadwalader, Dr. William B.
Call, Mrs. Regina C.
Campbell, Miss Elizabeth M.
Campbell, Mrs. Emily K.
Campbell, Miss Frances M.
Campbell, John J. "
Campbell, William M.
Capp, Seth Bunker
Carnell, Mrs. William C.
Carson, Joseph
Carstairs, Mrs. J. Hazeltine
Carter, Miss Katherine B.
.Carter, Mrs. Samuel R.
Carver, Alexander Henry
Carver, Mrs. Charles
Carvill, Mrs. Edward T.
Cauldwell, Mrs. Frederic
Cheston, Mrs. Caroline Ashton
Cheston, Mrs. J. Hamilton
Cheston, Radcliffe, Jr.
Chew, Miss Elizabeth B.
Childs, Miss Janet Sayee
Childs, Miss Katherine M.
Christensen, Mrs. Gladys York
Claghorn, Allan
Claghorn, Charles Eugene, 3rd
Claghorn, Clarence R.
C1aghorn, John W., Jr.
Clark, Miss Bertha
Clark, Miss Frances

Daniel, Miss Elizabeth J.
Danley, Hollis l.
Darling, Joseph Warren
Darling, Mrs. Joseph Warren
Darling, Miss Venie H. McNab
Darling-McNab, Albert Kelsey
D'Ascenzo, Nicola
Davis, Mrs. Alice B.
Davis, Bernard
Davis, Paul J.
Davis, Mrs. S. Boyer
Day, Mrs. Frank Miles
de Hellenbranth, Mrs. Emile
Dengler, G. MacDonald
Derr, Mrs. Lewis
De Wolf, Mrs. Halsey
De Young, B. I.
Dickerman, Mrs. William C.
Dickson, Arthur G.
Dilkes, Kenneth W.
Dohan, David H. W.
Dooner, Richard T.
Dorr, Hayes A.
Downs, Mrs. Norton
Doyle, Michael Francis
Doyle, William J.
Doyle, Mrs. William J.
Drake, Mrs. Thomas E.
Drayton, Frederick R.
Dresner, Samuel R.
Dresner, Mrs. Saml/el R.
Drinker, Henry S.
Drinker, Mrs. Henry S.
Du Bois, Mrs. Frederic M.

Du Bois; Henry C.
Du Bois, Mrs. Henry C.
du Marias, Mrs. Maurice B.
Dunne, Miss Verner G.
Earle, Miss Elinor
Earle, Murray
Earp, Miss Anne Tucker
Easby, M. S.tevenson
Eaton, Mrs. Sidney l.
Egbert, Victor
Ehle, Mrs. Archibald H.
Elliott, Mrs. Hannah Marim B.
Elliott, William C.
Elliott, Mrs. William J.
Ellis, Thomas S.
Ellis, Mrs. William S.
Elmaleh, J. David A. "
Emerson, Miss Edith
Emlen, Mrs. Samuel
Ernst, Miss Marie
Esty, Mrs. Robert P.
Evans, Mrs. Helen Lowden
Ewing, Miss Alice
Ewing, Mrs. Anne Ashton
Fair, Mrs. Howard B.
Farmer, Miss Helen E.
Farr, Daniel Haddock
Farr, John W.
Farr, Mrs. William W.
Faser, Miss Amena
Fea ron, Mrs. Charles
Febiger, William Sellers
Felber, M. Earle
Feld, Martin J.
Fenninger, Carl W.
Fenninger, Mrs. Carl W.
Fenninger, Carl W ., Jr.
Field, Frank l.
Fife, Mrs. Charles A.
Finletter, Mrs. Edwin M.
Fischer, Frederick S., Jr.
Fisher, Mrs. Charles W .
Flanigen, Mrs. Donald
Fleming, George N.
Fleming, Mrs. Irene S.
Flood, Mrs. Gerold E.
Focht, Mrs. William
Fox, Mrs. Florence F. Lees
Fox, Holstein De Hove n
Fox, Mrs. Holstein De Hove n
Fox, William H.
Francine, Mrs. Horace H.
Franklin, Miss Gwendolen C.
Fraser, Joseph T., Jr.
Frazier, Mrs. Charlotte B.
Freemon, Mrs. Harold A.
Freeman, Mrs. William S.
French, J. Hansell
Froelich, Miss Marie M.


Fuller, Mrs. Horace N.
Fuller, W. A. M.
Fuller, Mrs. W. A. M.
Funk, Carl W.
Furness, Fairman Rogers
Garrigues, Edwin B.
Gaskill, Miss Dorothy
Gemberling, Mrs. Joseph B.
Gerhard, Mrs. Albert P.
Gerson, Miss Dorothy G.
Gibson, Henry C.
Gibson, James E.
Gibson, Miss Mary K.
Gilbert, John
. Gill, Logon B.
Gill, Mrs. Logon B.
Gillingham, Harrold E.
Girvin, Robert M., 3rd
Goddard, George Willis, Jr.
Gold, Ben
Goldner, Samuel
Good, Stafford
Goodrich, Mrs. Caspar F.
Gorham, Mrs. William K.
Groff, Mrs. Charles F. '
Graham, Mrs. Dorothy Van H.
Gr.aham, Mrs. George J.
Graham, Miss Louise
Greene, Miss Nancy E. ~
Greenfield, Albert M.
Griesinger, Mrs. William K.
Griffith, Paul A.
Grim, Mrs. Lawrence
Gross, Mrs. Karl E.
Grosholz, Mrs. Richard
Grosser, E. Morton
Groves, Mrs. Hannah Cutler
Gurney, Mrs. Elizabeth C.
Hocker, Mrs. William
Hadley, Will B
Haehnlen, Mrs. Walter L.
Hain.es, Mrs. John Benezett, 3rd
Hall, Thomas H.
Hancock, Mrs. F. Woodson
Handy, Edward S.
Hanna, Meredith
Hardy, Mrs. George_H.
Harris, Henry Frazer
Harrison, Charles c., 3rd
Harrison, Leland
Hart; Dr. Charles D.
Hart, Miss Mary M.
. Hart, Thomas
Hart, Mrs. Thomas .
Hart, William H.
Hartsh~rne, Miss Anna ·C.
Hartshorne, Mrs. Clementina R.
Hartshorne, Rev. FrancisCope


Harvey, Edward F.
Havens, Mrs. W. Paul, Jr.
Hawkins, Mrs. Gardiner
Hecksher, Ledyard H.
Helmuth, Dr. William T.
Henry, Mrs. J. Nqrman
Hepburn, Mrs. Philip Roman
Herrick, Colin J.
Herrman, A. Walker
Hessenbruch, Mrs. Florence M. D.
Hill ," Mrs. John E.
Hillman, Miss Maxine E.
Hinlein, Mrs. ·Stanley
Hippel, Miss Barbara P.
Hires, William L.
Hoffman, Alfred F.
Hoffman, Mrs. Emma Rigg s
Hofstetter, Julius Mann
Hofstetter, William J. M.
Holmes, Wesley S.
Hood, Miss Ellen Gowen
Hood, Thomas R., Jr.
Hoopes, Albert W.
Hoopes, Edward
Horner, Miss Hannah Mee
Horstman, Mrs. Walte~
Horton, Arthur
Hospital of th~ Protestant Ep is. copal Church of Philadelphia
Howard, Mrs. Rowland H.
Howell, Cooper
Howell, Mrs. John L.
Howell, William R.
Huber, Mrs. Joel C.
Hudgins, Mrs. LA.
Hudson, Mrs. Marjorie V. L.
Hull, Mrs. Wolter A.
Hull, Mrs. W. I.
Hutchinson, Arthur Emlen
Hutchinson, Mrs. Arthur Emlen
'Hutchinson, Miss Nancy Powel
Hutchinson, S. Pemberton, Jr.
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis
Jacobs, Mrs. George W., Jr.
Jac9bs, Miss Katharine K.
Jayne, Horace Howard Furness
Jeafles, Mrs. Henry S.
Jeanes, Henry S., Jr.
Jeane.s, Isaac W.
Jeanes, Joseph Y., Jr.
Jeanes, William Warner
Jefferys; Mrs. Robe.rt .F.
Jenkins, Charles F•
Jenkins, Mrs. Theodore F.
Jens, Mrs. Marien Gallien
Joachim ; Miss Reba E.
Jockheck, Mrs. Cdrl F., Jr.Johnso'1, Mrs. Christine E.
Johnson, Miss Madan K.

Johnson, Mrs. Oscar D.
Joiner, Rev. Franklin
Jones, Arthur W.
Jones, Mrs. Bradford S.
Jones, Mrs. B. Griffith
Jones, Mrs. Edith Bolling
Jordan, Mrs. Frederick
Jost, Mrs. Frederick
Joyce, Miss Eleanor M.
Justice, Miss Marion T.
Kane, E. Kent
Kase, Mrs. Edmund H.
Katz, Mrs. Rachel L.
Keast, Mrs. William Morton ..
Kelsey, Miss Bonnibel
Kelsey, Miss Kate
Kennedy, Herbert D.
Kennedy, Mrs. Morehead C.
Kevorkian, Mrs. Mihran
Keyser, Gerson
Kimball, Fiske
Klapp, Edward M. K.
Klapp, Wilbur P., Jr.
Klapp; Mrs. Wilb'ur P., Jr.
Klingsberg, Michael
Klose, Mrs. Henry C.
Kneass, George B•
Kneass, Mrs. Louise H.
Kneass, Strickland,. Jr.
Knight, D. Allen
Knowles, Archibald c., D. D.
Knowles, Nathaniel, Jr.
Kolb, Joseph E.
Kosove, Mrs. A. Harrison
K~~h, Leonard G.
Kurrie, Mrs'. Josephine M.
Ladner, Albert H., Jr.
Lahens, Mrs. Charles E. B.
Lambert, Mrs. Hannah E.
Landell, Mrs. Edwin A.
Landreth, Rodney N.
Langfeld, Mrs. William R.
Lay, Mrs. J. Tracy
Lebo, Mrs. E;lIerslie A.
Le Boutillier, Benjamin H., Jr.
Lee, Philip L.
Leek, J. Raymond
Leidy, Carter Randolph
Leidy, Philip L. •
Lenssen, Mrs. Nic'holas S.
Levis, Mrs. Eleanor Hart ·
Levis, William B. .
Lewis, Alfred G. Baker '
Lewis, Edward Stotesbury
Lewis, Edwin 0. . .
Lewis, Miss Elizabeth H.
Lewis, Mrs; Evelyn C.
Lewis, Mrs. Flora' B.
Lewis, John F., Jr.

lewis, Mrs. John F., Jr.
l ewis, Mrs. He'n ry A.
l ewis, S. Weir
tewis, Mrs. S. Weir
Lewis, Wolter G .
l ewis, Mrs. William Draper
Li lley, Miss Jane Co
Li ppincott, Joseph Whorton
l ister, Mrs. John E.
li vingston, Miss Anno
Lloyd, Mrs. H. Gates
i1oyd, Richard W.
I.,o ckhart, Mrs. Hazel P.
'lofting, Mrs. Ida Kerr
t ogue, Mrs . Edward J.
longacre, Miss Lydia E.
t ongstreth, Edward
t.ongstreth, Mrs: Howard
'longstreth, W illiam Co
Longstreth ; Mrs. William Co
:l ochheim, Mrs. Beulah B.
'low, Mrs. Howe
l oxley, Mrs. Morris J.
I. ucas, Miss Lenore
McCaffrey, Joseph J.
McCall, Miss Virginia A.
McCurdy, Samuel
McElroy, Nathaniel Co
Mcilhenny, Henry P.
Mcilvaine, Mrs. Donald
Mcilvaine, Miss Frances E.
McKaig, Edgar S.
McKaig, Mrs .. Edgar S.
McKernan, Rev. Francis H.
McK~r'nan, Mrs. K. Von Kleec k
McMichael, Mrs. Clayton
McNeal, Mrs. J. Hector' '
MacGeorge, Miss Beatrice·
Mackenzie, Mrs; Richard S.
Madora, Mrs. Edward S;
Ma guire, Mrs. Blanche Co
Marceau, Henri
Markovitz, Miss Carol Ann
Ma rkovitz, Victor S.
Ma rks, Clarence l.
Mar ks, Miss Helene
Marsh, Charles J.
Marshall, Miss Margaret J:
Martin, Mrs. C:arl N.
Martin, Sydney E.
Marti'n, Mrs. Sydney E.
Martin, Robert S., Jr.
Mart in, William J.
Mason, Mrs. Katherine E.
Mason, W illiam Clarke
Mason, Mrs. William Clarke
Mossey, Edward M.
Mossey, Mrs. Gladys Kerr
Mastbaurri ; Mrs. Jules E.
Matthews, Kenneth ' D., Jr.

Meade, Mrs. George Gordon
Meigs, Mrs. Robert R. '
Melcher, Miss Helen S.
Melcher, Mrs. Laura B.
Mellon, Mrs. Charles H.
Merrick, Miss Mary H.
Merric k, Miss Mary R.
Meryweather, Miss Juliana
Merritt, Mrs. Mary Lennig
Messervy, Miss Essie Leah
Messervy, J. Ehrichs
Meyers, David Co
Meyers, Mrs. Samuel
Micou, Miss Janet Co
Middleton, Miss Ka thryn l.
Miller, Miss Christina M.
Miller, E. Clarence, Jr.
Miller, Miss Elizabeth
Miller, Ewing l., Jr.
, Miller, Miss Helen K.
Miln e , Caleb J., 3rd
Milne, Mrs. Helen W. B.
Milne, Norman F.
Mitchell, Mrs. Elmer S.
Mitche'son, Mrs. Robert S. J.
Mogridge, Miss Emma M.
Moody; William M.
Moore, Mrs. A. O.
Moore I nstitute of Art, Scien'ce
and Industry ,
Morgan, John B.
Morgan, Mrs. John B.
Morgan, Mrs. 'H. V.
Morgan, Mrs. Helen D.
Morgan, Marshall S.
Morgan, Rodman
Morg'an, S. Rowland
Morgan, Mrs. S. Rowland
Morgan, S. Rowland, Jr.
Morgan, Wal ter l.
Morgan, William B., 2nd
Moorhouse, Robert T.
Morley, Joseph E.
Morris, Effingham B., Jr.
Morris, Miss Elizabeth R.
M,o rris,'Mrs. Harrison S.
Mortimer, Miss Sarah B. M.
Mosser, Mrs. Henry S.
Moyer, Mrs. Florence Esler
Muckle, Dr. Craig W.
Murphy, Daniel F.
Mu rphy, William R.
Mutschler, Dr. Louis H.
Myers, Mrs. W. Heyward, Jr.
Naylor, Miss Gloria
Nead, Robert Hayes
Neall, Miss Margaret A.
Neel, Mrs. Bessie N.
Neel, Mrs., Joanne l.
Neilson, Mrs. Winthrop Co

Newbold, Clement"B:
Newbold, Fitz Eugene
Newburger, Mrs. Fronk l.
Newlin, Mrs. Earl M.
Noble, Miss Ethel R.
Norton, Mrs. Nathaniel R.
Nunn, Frederic
Nunn, Mrs. Frederic
Oakley, Miss Lonsdale ,
Oakley, Thornton
Oakley, Mrs. Thornton
Oakley, MisS Violet
O'Connor, Mrs. Lauro EUis
O'Harra, Ernest Tustin
Orr, George P.
Outerbridge, Dr. George W .
Packard, John H., 3rd
Paine, Mrs. George Eustis
Pointer, Mrs. H. B.
Pakradooni, Mrs. ~ram P.
Palmer, Mrs. Francis
Pancoast, Henry B., Jr.
Parry, Mrs. Richard M.
Paul, Mrs. Clyde l.
Peace, Mrs. K. F. H.
Peacock, Henry Wilson
Pearson, Miss Sora S.
Perrin, Mrs. Oliver W .
Peterson, Mrs. Louis D.
Phillips, Mrs. linda Sayres
Phoenix Iron Company
Pie rce, Mrs. Art hur Co
Platt, Miss EffieA.
Polisher, Mrs. Regina K.
Pollock, Mrs. Eleanor Co
Poole, J. Morton
Potts, Mrs. Florence W .
Poultney, Mrs. J. Livingston
Po;""ers, T. Harris
Psaki, Miss Evelyn
Quinta rd, Mrs. Natalie J.
Ramborger, Miss Ellen 'to
Ramsay, Miss Helen '
Read, 'Mrs. Fronk
Rebman, Henry J.
Redfield, Miss Heloise G .
Reed, Miss Dorothy ._
Reese, Miss EIi;zabeth
Reese, John E.
Reeves, Mrs. Frank 'A.
Rehfuss, Mrs. Alice Cope
Reimann, Mrs. Stanley P.
Reynolds, MissJulia Co
Richardson, Mrs. Frances Redfield
Ridpath, Robert F.
Robbins, George A.,


Roberts, George B.
Robi ns, Mrs. Edward
Robinson, Mrs. Frances B. T.
Robinson, Miss Lydia S. M.
Roman, Mrs. Desiderio
Rommel, Mrs. Lewis Audenried
Rosenberg, Mrs. Charles R., 3rd
Rosenwald, Lessing J.
Rowland, John C.
Rowland, Louis H.
Rugart, Mrs. Karl
Rulon·Miller, Mrs. Eleanor F.
Runk, Louis B.
Runk, Marshall H.
Rush, Mrs. Benjamin
Sachse, Mrs. Julius F.
Sacklarian, Mrs. Ayne
Sailer, Mrs. Thomas H. P.
Sanders, Albert J.
Sartori, Mrs. Frank A.
Sartori, Frank A., Jr.
Saunders, Lawrence
Schade, Herman P.
Schaef, Mrs. Miriam A.
Schaffhauser, Miss Elizabeth D.
Schoff, Mrs. Leonard Hastings
Schwehm, Harry J.
Scott, Mrs. Alice Wailes
Scott, Edgar
Scott, J. F. Reynolds
Scully, C. Alison
Seagraves, Mrs. Anne G.
Sellers, Alexander
Sellers, Coleman, 3rd
Sellers, Mrs. Horace W.
Sellers, J. Townsend
Sellers, Mrs. William F.
Semple, Miss Helen
Shellenberger, John O. J.
Shepherd, Mrs. Elizabeth C.
Sheridan, Miss Kathleen
Sheridan, Miss Patricia M.
Sheridan, Mrs. Thomas A.
Shober, Edward W.
Shober, Miss Elizabeth
Shober, Pemberton' H.
Shober, Samuel L., 3rd
Shoemaker, Owen
Shriver, Mrs. G. Howard
Shriver, Miss Rebecca H.
Shryock, Miss Ge'n evieve A.
Shryock, Joseph G.
Shryock, Miss Virginia F.
Shryock, William A.
Sill, Mrs. Harold M.
Sill, Miss Margaret
Silverman, Edwin H.
Sinnickson, Charles
Slade, Mrs. Alex T.
Slaymaker, Mrs. Eugenia B.


Smaltz, Miss Rebecca G.
Smith, Mrs. Edwina C. W.
Smith, Ely J.
Smith, James Somers, Jr.
Smith, Mrs. Lawrence M. C.
Smith, T. Leaming
Smith, William Wikoff
Smucker, Mrs. Arthur C.
Snader, Craige McC.
Snowden, Mrs. Allan H.
Snowden, Mrs. George G., Jr.
Spackman, Mrs. Ellis Leeds
Spackman, Mrs. Henry S.
Spahr, Boyd Lee
Spahr, Mrs. Boyd Lee
Sparks, George C.
Sparks, Mrs. Lee
Spencer, Mrs. F. Gilman
Sperling, Mrs. William W.
Steel, Alfred
Steel, Mrs. Alfred G. B.
Steel, Miss Amanda Fell
Steel, Francis P.
Steere, Jonathan M.
Steppacher, Mrs. Leah G .
Stevens, Mrs. John Conyngham
Stevenson, Mrs. Frederick F.
Stevenson, George, 2nd
Stevenson, Mrs. George, 2nd
Stewart, Miss Grace D.
Stewart, John
Stewart, Walter D.
Stimson, Miss Anna Katharine
Stokes, Frank W.
Stone, Frank S.
Stove II, Mrs. Charles L.
St. Paul's Orphans' Home
Stretch, Miss Carolyn Wood
Stroud, Mrs. William D.
Sumner, Robert E.
Supplee, Mrs. William L.
Swain, Mrs. Edward
Swann, Miss Marilyn E.
Swasey, David L.
Tabor, Mrs. Lewis Pearson
Tatnall, H. Chace
Taulane, Mrs. Edward G., Jr.
Taylor, C. Newbold
Terry, Miss Frances W.
Terry, Mrs. Duncan Niles
Thackara, Miss Elizabeth
Thayer, Mrs. Joseph T.
Thomas, Mrs. T. c., Jr.
Thompson, Mrs. Wirt L.
Thori ngton, Mrs. James
Thorn, Mrs. Mar'g uerite
Tilton, Mrs. M. Thurston
Todd, Mrs. Forde A.
Todd, Nicholas L.
Tolan, Henry L.

Trask, Mrs. John E. D.
- Trotter, Miss Elizabeth S.
Trowbridge, Mrs. Edmund Q.
Turner, Mrs. Anne Buzby
Turner, Miss Marian Jane
Turner, Miss Matilda H.
Tutein, Mrs. Dexter A.
Tuttle, Miss Helen Norris
Tuttle, James H.
Tyler, George F.
Valentine, Mrs. Abram S.
Valentine, Mrs. Harvey H.
Van Alen, William L.
Van Court, Miss Helen
Van Deusen, Mrs. Wright
Van Dyke, Miss Josephine M.
Van Dyke, Theodore A.
Van Harlingen, J. Martin
Verlenden, Miss Mary
Waller, Mrs. Littleton W. T.
Wallerstein; Mrs. Edward
Wallerstein, Miss Helen C.
Wallingford, Mrs. Genevieve D.
Ward, Mrs. Charles R.
Wattles, Mrs. William P.
Weatherly, Mrs. L. Howard
Weber, Ernest G.
Weber, Mrs. Livia M.
Webber, Harold
Webber, Mrs. Harold
Weidemann, Mrs. Edith J.
Weightman, Aubrey H.
Wells, Mrs. Adele A.
Welsh, Mrs. Dorothy M.
Welsh, Miss Margaret
Welsh, Richard B.
Welsh, Sam'uel
Welsh, Miss Violet
Welsh, William
West, William N., 3rd
Weston, Mrs. Frederick W.
Weston, Harold
Wetherald, Miss Anne E.
Wetherill, Mrs. A. P.
Wetherill, Herbert J.
Wetherill, Mrs. Herbert J.
Wetherill, Webster K.
Wetherill, Mrs. Webster K.
Wetzel, Mrs. Carroll R.
Weyl, Edward S.
Wheeler, Mrs. Alexander B.
Wheeler, Mrs. Walter S.
Wheelock, Mrs. Arthur K.
Whelen, Mrs. William Baker
Whitaker, Mrs. Catharine T.
Whitaker, Miss Emma
Whitaker, James L.
Whitaker, Mrs. J. Neafie
Whitaker, Dr. William, Jr.

Whit'all, Miss Matilda French
White, Mrs. Thomas Raeburn
White, William
Wichfeld, Mrs. Axel
Widener, George D., Jr.
Wiener, Mrs. Edward
Wiener, Edward, 3rd
Wiener, Henry, Jr.
Wiley, Mrs. Channing P.
Williams, Amo ry l.
Williams, Mrs. Harriet C.
Willi ams, Mrs. Jennie B.
Williamson, Miss Ada "c.
Wilson .. Mrs. Joseph R.

Wilson, Stanley Eyre
Wilson, Mrs. Stanley Eyre
Wiltse, Mrs. Mary Wood
Wireman, Mrs. Henry F.
Wolff, Mrs. Dorothy D.
Wood, Miss Dorothea
Wood, Miss Elizabeth A.
Wood, Dr. George B.
Wood, Mrs. Richard G., 3rd
Wood, Robert l.
Woodhouse, Mrs. Catherine F.
Woodward, Charles H.
Woodward, George, Jr.
Woodward, Stanley

Woolman, Mrs. Edward
Worthington, Mrs. Mary S.
Wright, Sydney lo, Jr.
Wright, Mrs. Sydney L., Jr.
Wright, W. D. Craig
Wurts, Mrs. Charles Stewart
Wurts, Charles Stewart, Jr.
Wurts, John Wister
York, Mrs. Edward H., Jr.
Young, Mrs. Robert G.
Zantzinger, Clarence C.
Zimmer, Mrs. George R.





Yearly Members: I Sustaining $25.00
t Contributing : $100.00
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$1000 to $5000

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(Fellows, Patrons and Benefactors are enrolled in perpetuity.)

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The Academy is maintained entirely by private funds. Through their subscriptions, members share in the support of the Institution, and in its encouragement of American art and the American artist.




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The Academy is open weekdays (except Mondays) from lOA. M. to 5 P. M.;
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