153rd Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts


153rd Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
annual report
finance report
school report
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
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extracted text




Cover: The Fish House Door by John F. Peto
Collection Fund Purchase 1958

the One-Hundred and Fifty-third
Annual Report



Presented to the Meeting of the Stockholders
of the Academy on February 2, 1959

John F. Lewis, Jr.
President, 1949-0ctober, 1958
Henry S. Drinker Vice-Pres., 1933-0ctober, 1958; President, October, 1958C. Newbold Taylor .
Joseph T. Fraser, Jr. .
Director and Secretary

Mrs. Leonard T. Beale
Arthur C. Kaufmann
Mrs. Richardson Dilworth*
John F. Lewis, Jr.
Henry S. Drinker
James P. Magill
David Gwinn
Fredric R. Mann*
George Harding*
Sydney E. Martin
Frank T. Howard
Mrs. Herbert C. Morris
R. Sturgis Ingersoll
George P. Orr**
* Ex-officio

Howard C. Petersen
George B. Roberts
Raymond A. Speiser
John Stewart
C. Newbold Taylor
Mrs. Elias Wolf*
Sydney L. Wright
Alfred Zantzinger

**Resigned Sept_ 1958


George B. Roberts, Chairman
R. Sturgis Ingersoll
Mrs. Leonard T. Beale

Alfred Zantzinger


C. Newbold Taylor Chairman

James P. Magill

John Stewart


James P. Magill, Chairman
Mrs. Leonard T. Beale
David Gwinn

Mrs. Richardson Dilworth
Mrs. Elias Wolf


Maurice B. Saul

Mrs. Hart McMichael
. Chairman to May, 1958
Mrs. Elias Wolf .
Chairman, May, 1958Mrs. George B. Roberts
Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer
Mrs. John G. Bartol, Jr.
Mrs. David Grossman
Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, "
Mrs. H. Lea Hudson
Mrs. R. Barclay Scull
Mrs. Leonard T. Beale
Mrs. Francis T. Chambers Mrs. Arthur C. Kaufmann Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith
Mrs. John F. Lewis, Jr.
Miss Anna K. Stimson
Mrs. Joseph S. Clark, Jr.
Mrs. Boudinot Stimson
Mrs. Richardson Dilworth Mrs. James P. Magill
Mrs. Samuel W. Pray Mrs. Franklin C. Watkins
Mrs. Emlen P. Etting
Mrs. Evan Randolph, Jr.
Mrs. Walter H. West
Mrs. John A. Griswold
Mrs. David Gwinn
Mrs. Sydney L. Wright

Joseph T. Fraser, Jr.
Mabel l. Eiseley
Charles J. Marsh
Ann Evans .
August V. Viilu .
E. Elizabeth Fermanis
Frances M. Vanderpool
Elizabeth Z. Swenson

Director and Secretary
Assistant Director
.Assistant to the Secretary
· Secretary to the Director
. Comptroller
Billing Clerk and Receptionist
Exhibition and Membership Clerk
Director of Public Relations and Membership

5 C H 0 0 L 5 (Day and Evening)
. Curator
· Secretary to the Curator

Raymond T. Entenmann
Catherine R. Newbold
Ethel Ashton

F A C U L T Y (Day School) (Winter 1958-59)
George Harding
Francis Speight
Walker Hancock
Roswell Weidner
Harry Rosin

Edward Shenton
Franklin C. Watkins
John W. McCoy
Walter Stuempfig
Hobson Pittman

Julius Bloch
Morris Blackburn
John Hanlen
Daniel Garber*
Roy C. Nuse*

*Professional Advisers

AUG MEN TIN G FA C U L T Y (Day School)
William M. Campbell
Philip Aliano
Edmond J. Farris
Jack Bookbinder

Theodor Siegl
Wallace Peters
Jim C. Lueders
Ben Kamihira

J. Stephen Lewis
Allen Harris
George J. Kreier, Jr.
Frances Serber

F A C U L T Y (Evening School)
Francis Speight
Roswell Weidner

Morris Blackburn
Jim C. Lueders

Ben Kamihira
J. Stephen Lewis

FA C U L T Y (Summer Day School)
Francis Speight
Roswell Weidner

Julius Bloch

Morris Blackburn
Wallace Peters

Isaiah J. Sellers, Superintendent


The year 1958 opened in history-making fashion by an innovation in our long
series of annual exhibitions. This year we collaborated with the Detroit Institute
of Arts, and the entire 153rd Annual Exhibition of Oil Painting and Sculpture,
on view in Philadelphia from January 26th to February 23rd, was shown in
Detroit from March 18th through April 13th.

Our exhibition schedule was further enriched by the staging of a large show
titled 20th Century American Painting and Sculpture from Philadelphia
Private Collections, October 25th through 30th. Fifteen generous, and coop-

erative, lenders made possible an activity which proved to be one of the most
attractive we have ever staged. It was very warmly received and was seen
by many visitors. It also acted as a most ideal project in public relations, and
we believe that many new friends were made, and, most certainly, many
old friends feel their interest the more devoted to us. Our City also can take
renewed pride in the sensitive perception and breadth of cultural interest
evidenced by this show.

The Spring of the year marked the beginning of a much-needed project by
which the physical condition of our School department might be improved.
Excellent enrollment, the sale of our Arch Street annex, with the subsequent
moving of the activities carried on there to Broad and Cherry Streets, and the
long-standing handicap of bad light in several of our studios due to the tall
buildings on the North side of Cherry Street, ail combined in acc::entuated
need of study for correction. Under the leadership of Mr. James P. Magill,
currently the Chairman of our Committee on Instruction, plans were discussed.


Mr. Magill took the personal financial responsibility for the cost of tentative
plans prepared by the firm of Harbeson Hough Livingston & Larson. In brief,
the initial studies provided for a simple loft construction of four additional
stories to be erected over the Southwest section of our present building to
house, chiefly, the painting and print classes, the old quarters to be revamped
to give much-needed space to the sculpture department, and providing a
new School entrance from Cherry Street. In the Fall of the year. when the
above scheme was reaching a point when fund-raising was considered for
accomplishing some such ends, two of our Directors expressed disapproval
and suggested several alternate schemes for the general continuance of our
life and activities. It was, therefore, deemed wise to explore all ideas in this
connection, and the year closed with no definite conclusions. It seems time,
however, in this report to say that all these developments are an indication of renewed life, and interest in our well-being, and point toward an
ultimate conclusion which will open a new era of even greater importance
for this venerable institution.

Another important innovation was inaugurated in January, when the Board
of Directors asked the Faculty of our School to designate, by election, one
of their number to act as an ex-officio member of that body. Mr. George
Harding subsequently took his place on the Board and, by his broad experience and wise judgment, provided splendid counsel.

In each of these annual reports it is of utmost importance to give credit to
the Mayor and City Council, who continue to favor this Academy by granting
a yearly contribution of $25,000.00. Without this financial boon we would
find it impossible to carry forward our many-sided activities through which
we serve our students, our members, and the public.


This year has also been marked by considerable changes in our official body,
the most important being the resignation of Mr. John F. Lewis, Jr., from the
Presidency in October. Mr. Lewis's resignation was accepted with genuine
regret after his nine years of devoted service in that capacity. It is gratifying,
however, to report that he continues as a member of our Board of Directors
with unchanged devotion to the Academy's interests. Mr. Henry S. Drinker,
Vice-President since 1933, was elected to the Presidency. We regret to report
the resignation of Mr. George P. Orr, who has served faithfully on our Board
since 1949. Three new members have been elected to the Board of Directors:
Mrs. Herbert Cameron Morris, Mr. Frank T. Howard, and Mr. Raymond A.
Speiser. We also note that, due to a change in the Chairmanship of our
Women's Committee, Mrs. Elias Wolf, as the present Chairman, becomes an
ex-officio member of our Board.

All of the above is but a thumbnail sketch of our Academy life through the
year 1958. Our activities in detail follow under department headings.


(Private View - January 24th; open to public January 26th through February
23rd [Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts]. Open to public March 18th
through April 13th [Detroit Institute of Arts]).
This year, for the first time in its long history, the Academy broke with tradition and, through collaboration with The Detroit Institue of Arts, sent the
entire exhibition there for showing after it closed in Philadelphia. This ideally
combined effort permitted us to advertise purchase funds of $20,000.00:
$10,000.00 - Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; $6,000.00 - Fleisher
Memorial Fund; $4,000.00 - Detroit Institute of Arts. Actually, this sum was
exceeded by the purchasing committees from each of the institutions, and,
together with a most unusual amount of individual buying, an all-time record
for sales was achieved. (The total appears at the end' of this section of the
Report.) This coupling of management also had the virtue of giving the Detroit
Institute of Arts an important contemporary cross-section for much less than
they could have done it alone, and the costs to us were considerably less
than when we had last done a similar show. It is expected that in alternate
years, when we dedicate our annuals to oil painting and sculpture, similar
arrangements may be ' made.









Joseph E. Temple Gold Medal-Philip Evergood for Threshold to Success.
Jennie Sesnan Gold Medal-Gabor Peterdi for Sum':"er IV.
Carol H. Beck Gold Medal-Robert Brackman for Portrait of Peter Freuchen.
J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize ($l,OOO.OO)-Charies Burchfield for June
George D. Widener Gold Medal-Kahil Gibran for Voice ;n the Wilderness.
Walter Lippincott Prize ($300.00)-Ben Kamihira for Lowering from the
Mary Smith Prize ($100.00)-Jane Sperry Eisenstat for Dead Opossum.
Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize ($300.00)-Victor Riu for Resurgent


Honorable Mentions in Sculpture:
Juan Nickford for Opposing Forces; Roy Gussow for Icosoma; Philip
Fowler for Miriam.
Honorable Mention in Painting:
Marca-Relli for Figure .
Works sold (by P.A.F.A.)-4S; total sales- $37,432.25.

FELLOWSHIP EXHIBITION (Private View March 6th; open to public March
7th through April 6th.)
This partly-invited, partly-juried, exhibition consisted (as in past years) of
work by professional artists who, during their students days, attended the
Academy's Schools on either a partial or full-time basis. A Fellowshipsponsored Student show, in the Students' Gallery on the Main Floor, was on
view during this exhibition.













Harrison S. Morris Memorial Prize (divided)-Oliver Nuse ($50.00) for
Circus Section; Hilbert Sabin ($50.00) for Sleep.
Mary Butler Memorial Prize ($100.00)-Abraham Rattner for Winter
Leona Karp Braverman Memorial Prize ($50.00)-Raphael Sabatini for
May Audubon Post Prize ($50.00)-Hugh Mesibov for Dance Diabolique.
Caroline Gibbons Granger Memorial Prize ($50.00)-Homer Johnson for
for Bathers.


Honorable Mentions: Jane Piper for Painting '57; Walter Redding for
Three Pears; Gerard Negelspach for Mariachis.

Mabel Wilson Woodrow Prize (divided)- Elizabeth Osborne ($25.00) for
Edward; David Porinchak ($25.00) for Still Life.
Honorable Mention: Ronald Williams for Sti/l Life and Life.
Works sold- S; total- $715.00.


(April 10th through May 4th: Reception-April 16th.)
The Academy was pleased to play host to the annual exhibition organized
by the Philadelphia Art Teachers' Association. A section of this show was
devoted to the work of members who partiCipated in the painting and print
workshops held in cooperation with the Academy during the current year.
This was an invited group and not, therefore, subject to jury action. The
exhibition consisted of 67 items, several of them by former Academy student
presently affiliated with the public education system.





Art Teachers' Association Plaque-Lois Eaton.
Honorable Mentions-Lee Bienstein; Thomas Gaughan; Stewart Wheeler

THE STUDENT EXHIBITION (May 15th through June 8th.)
At Special Exercises held on May 14t~ at 4 P. M., Mr. John F. Lewis, Jr.,
President, announced seventeen traveling scholarships, and other prizes,
amounting to $25,770.00, to students of The Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts. After the address, which was given by Mr. Henry Allen Moe,
Executive Director of the Guggenheim Foundation, New York City, the following awards were made on the recommendation of the Faculty:
William Emlen Cresson Memorial European Traveling Scholarships
(Est. 1902) ($1400 each):
Painters-Joseph Amarotico; Richard S. Chew, Jr.; Cecelia Finberg; Dorothy
M. Grant; Clifford C. Huff; Herbert Lautman; Christine McGinnis; Daniel D.
Miller, Jr.
Muralist---'Phoebe Chu
Sculptor-Sally Laird
Lewis S. Ware Memorial European Traveling Scholarship (Est. 1938)
Sculptor-Francis Acquaye

J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Traveling Scholarships (Est. 1949) ($1200
Painters-Millicent Krouse; Elizabeth C. Osborne; Joseph Roccamo
Special European Traveling Scholarships ($1200 each>:
Painters-James E. Brewton; John W. Chumley
Muralist-Morris Blackman

Honorable Mentions in Painting: William E. All ex; Jack Fishbein
Honorable Mentions (with free tuition>:
Painters- Victor Lasuchin; Edward G. Ruestow; Albert Sanski
Muralist- Frank Vavricka
Charles Toppan Prizes (Est. 1882) were not awarded this year
Packard Prizes (Est. 1899):
First Prize ($30)-Howard Grant
Second Prize ($10)-Socrates Perakis
Third Prize ($10)-Josephine Chapman
Edmund Stewardson Prize (Est. 1901 ) ($100), awarded on March 14th by
a jury of sculptors composed of Koren der Harootian, Gleb Derujinsky, and
Raphael Sabatini to Anatole Bilokur; Honorable Mention to Eva Tiesler
Henry J.

Thouron Prize (Est. 1903):
by the Faculty ($50)-Pierre Brownell
by Instructors ($50)-Barbara A. Brown
by Instructors ($25)-Robert Taub
by vote of the students ($25)-"'"David Porinchak

Ramborger Prize (Est. 1911 ) ($25)-Lawrence Glasson
Stimson Prize (Est. 1917) ($100), awarded on November 15th by Miss Lu
Dubie, sculptor, juror, to Michael Piper; Honorable Mention to Charles
Cecilia Beaux Memorial Prize (Est. 1946) ($1 OO)-Millicent Krouse
Honorable Mentions- Joseph Amarotico; Victor Lasuchin
Thomas Eakins Memorial Prize (Est. 1951 ) ($100)-Christine McGinnis
Honorable Mentions- Victor Lasuchin; Wassily Sommers
Lila Hill Sculpture Prize (Est. 1952) ($50)-Francis Acquaye
The Philadelphia Print Club Graphics Prize (Est. 1953), consisting of one
year's membership in the Club and the use of its workshop facilities- Harriet
The John Wanamaker Store Water Color Prize (Est~ 1954),' consisting of
art materials to the value of $50- John W. Chumley
Honorable Mention- Alfred Nicholson
Lux Prize in Graphics (Est. 1955 in memory of John R. Conner) ($50)-Alice
Van Ormer
Catharine Grant Memorial Prize (Est. 1955) ($100)-Marguerite Biddle
Honorable Mention - Joseph Amarotico
Woodrow Prize in Graphics (Est. 1955 in memory of Mabel Wilson Woodrow) ($50)-DanieJ D. Miller

Class Prizes:
Antique Cast Drawing (Est. 1958), donated by Gimbel Brothers, and consisting of art materials to the value of $50-Ruta lidkus
Mindel Caplan Kleinbard Award (Est. 1958) ($25)-Jack Fishbein
Catharine Grant Memorial Prize for Drawing (Est. 1958) ($50)-Albert
William Clarke Mason Memorial
($l00)-Anatole Bilokur
Works sold-36; total-$2,016.00.

Prize for Sculpture (Est. 1958)

October 24th; open to public October 25th through November 30th.)
This show included 417 paintings and 61 sculptures by 199 artists, lent by
the following collectors, from the treasures that adorn their homes:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Breyer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bortin
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Grossman
The Ingersoll CollectionMr. and Mrs. R. Sturgis Ingersoll
Miss Anna Warren Ingersoll
Mrs. Phebe Ingersoll Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ingersoll
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Ingersoll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. lewis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Gate~ lloyd

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Magill
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Speiser
The Beale CollectionMr. and Mrs. leonard T. Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Putnam
Mr. and Mrs.' Evan Randolph, Jr.
Mrs. Morris Wenger
The Michael and Sonia Watter
Mrs. John Wintersteen

The work in the exhibition was largely representational, although one entire
collection, and some works from other lenders, were abstractions. This exhibition naturally did not pretend to represent all of the distinguished private art
collections for which our City is well known, the problem of space alone
making that impossible. Nor, in any case, did the Academy show an entire
private collection; ofttimes only a limited part was included. But each collection was shown as an entity, and the show consumed the entire gallery space.

open to public December 9, 1958 through January 11, 1959.)
This exh ibition was arranged by the loan Exhibition Committee of ~he local
chapter of The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, as a part

of its plan for an annual exhibition which must always include only those
works of historical, nne, or decorative arts, interest, in possession of members
of the Society. All of the 85 works included were painted before 1840.

January 31 st-Works by Brahms, Rachmaninoff and Shostakovitch-lorne
Munroe, cello; Vladimir Sokoloff, piano.
February 14th-Works fo r Four Hands at One Piano by Mozart, Schubert,
Faure 'and Barber-Eleanor and Vladimir Sokoloff. '
April 18th-Works by Victoria-Vyner, Sammartini, Geminiani-Sabatini, Bach,
Mennini, Handel, Tenaglia, Paradis-Vyner, Zhelobinsky and Johann StraussPhiladelphia ' String Virtuosi, louis Vyner, Conductor; Jacob Krachmalnick,
violin; Robert Cole, flu te; Vladimir Sokoloff, piano.
November 7th-Works by J. S. Bach, Beethoven, Debussy and Brahms-Jaime
laredo, violin; Vladimir Sokoloff, piano.
December 5th-Works by Schumann, Honegger, Brahms and Bloch-Carlton
Cooley, viola; Vladimir Sokoloff, piano.
For the ninth year in succession these concerts, planned by Elizabeth Z.
Swenson, Director of Public Relations, and Mr. Vladimir Sokoloff, were presented by the Academy in collaboration with the Music Performance Trust
Fund of the American Phonograph Industry, and th rough the courtesy of
local 77, American Federation of Musicians.

GALLERY TALKS (Sponsored by the Fellowship of the Academy;)
January 30th-Harry Rosin
February 6th-Dorothy Grafly
February 13th-Hobson Pittman
February 20th-Dr. Robert Walker
February 18th-Museum Council of Philadelphia luncheon
February 21 st-Franklin Inn Club members' evening
Th,e Academy also played host to other outside groups and organizations
(local and otherwise), in addition to those mentioned above.


Purchas e s
Through the Temple Fund:
Threshold to Success (painting) by Philip Evergood.
Morning Thought * (painting) by Jimmy Ernst. (*Released in March by the

Committee on Collections to Mr. and Mrs. James P. Magill and, through
their purchase, becoming an item in their permanent collection.)
Through the Gilpin Fund:
Across the Bosphorus (painting) by lamar Dodd.
The Lions of the Arsenal-Venice (painting) by Eugene Berman.
Reach (sculpture) by Robert Cook.
Wounded Falcon (sculpture) by Bernard Frazier.
. Resurgent Harmony (sculpture) by Victor Riu.
Through the lambert Fund (all paintings):
Sti/l Life with Melon by David Adickes.
Santorini Churches by Donald Carrick.
Fishermen at San Felice-Circeo by lucius Crowell.
Flight by Barbara K. lewis.
Still Life by John Bannon.
[nterior by William Barnett.
In the Hand by Jobn Wilde.
I Believe by Barclay Rubincam.
Corn, Wind and Snow by Paul Froelich.
Wooden Horses by Howard Warshaw.
Old Man's Park-Houston Street by Mary M. Koffler.
Through the Collection Fund:
Morning (water color); Man on Dock (water color); Tulips (water color
and pencil); by Charles Demuth.
The Fish House Door by John Frederick Peto.



Book of 100 engravings from drawings on wood, published by The Cornhill
Gallery in 1864; and The Connoisseur (portrait of the noted art critic, Eugene
Costello), painted by her late husband, Maurice Molarsky, in 1925; from Mrs.
Maurice Molarsky.
Book of 18 reproductions, in color, from the Manesse Manuscript of Songs,
from the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, Philadelphia.
A rare copy of the catalogue for the Second Annual Exhibition of the Society
of Artists and The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1812, from Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Wolf.
Petrarch's Laura (oil painting) attributed to Giovanni B. Cariani, from Sir Colin
Garbett and Mrs. Carmen Murray-Carrington of England.
Venice (water color) by Edwin H. Denby, from Professor and Mrs. Joseph
Seronde of Salisbury Cove, Mass.
Hauling (water color on paper) by Andrew Wyeth, from Mr. John F. lewis, Jr.






Karl Knaths

Whitney Museum of Art, New York
City; Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire; Colorado
Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado;
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio;
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Texas.

Table with Fish and Scales

Carlyle Brown

Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company,

Seated Figure

Gladys Rockmore Davis

End of the Day

Charles Burchfield

The Fisherman

John R. Conner

Mrs. William Montgomery

Gilbert Stuart

Western Mountain, Mt. Desert

Carroll S. Tyson

Bather's Picnic

Jon Corbino

Melons on a Red Floor

William Lester

Saturday Afternoon

Nancy M. Ferguson

Shooting Gallery

Louis Bouche


Thomas Meehan

Wind over Weehawken

Edward Hopper

4th of July in Center Square

John Lewis Krimmel

Noah and His Ark

Charles Willson Peale

Elizabeth Willing Powel

Matthew Pratt

William Montgomery

Gilbert Stuart

Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Mrs. William Montgomery
Elizabeth Peale

Benjamin West

Fox Grapes and Peaches

Raphaelle Peale

Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin.

Lamar Dodd

Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin; M.
Knoedler & Co. Inc., New York City.

Apples and Fox Grapes
Across the Bosphorus


Jo Davidson

Dexter Jones

Artist-for exhibition at Philadelphia
Art Alliance.

Fishermen at San Felice-Circeo Lucius Crowell

Artist-for exhibition at Philadelphia
Art Alliance.

Medicine Show

Jack Levine

University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Melons on a Red Floor

William Lester

Quaker City Federal Savings & Loan
Association, Philadelphia.


Frederick Harer

Pekin Drake

Charles Rudy

Flag Station

Harry Leith-Ross


Woodmere Art Gallery, Philadelphia.
Woodmere Art Gallery, Philadelphia;
National Academy of Design, New
York City.

Still Life, Fish

William M. Chase

Newark Museum, New Jersey.

Still Life with Green Bowl

Nicholas Vasilieff

John Heller Gallery, New York City.


Wharton Esherick

Museum School of Art, Philadelphia;
Museum of Contemporary Crafts,
New York City.

Penn's Treaty with the Indians

Benjamin West

University Museum of Philadelphia.

The Fox Hunt

Winslow Homer

National Gallery of Art, Washington,
D. c.; Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York City.

Hills and Red Bones

Georgia O'Keefe

Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Girl Combing her Hair

Peppi no Mangravite

Sharon Playhouse Gallery, Millerton,
New York.

Buchenwald Cart

Rico Lebrun

Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio.

Walt Whitman

Thomas Eakins

Dallas Mus. of Fine Arts, Texas; Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City.

A Little Girl

Cecilia Beaux

Portraits, Inc., New York City.


Stuart Davis

United States Information Agency,
Washington, D. C.


The fellewing nine werks received attentien during the year frem Theeder
Siegl, the Academy's censervater and technical adviser:
Richard Peters, Jr. by Rembrandt Peale; Reman Landscape by Jasper Francis
Crepsey; View in Devedale, England by Isaac L. Williams; The Fish Heuse
Deer by Jehn F. Pete; Predigal Sen by Russell Cewles; Nicedemus by Henry
O . Tanner; Crucifixien by Franklin C. Watkins; Petrarch's Laura attributed to'
Gievanni B. Carianni; Trial ef General Jacksen befere Judge Hall by Christian

We can ence again repert an excellent ScheO'I year. Enrellments have increased in , beth the Day and Evening classes, and the Faculty members are
enceuraged by the number ef yeung and premising talents whO' ceme to' us
fer study.
Genuine handicaps, hewever, are centinually evident in eur physical set-up.
A general statement cencerning an enceuraging mevement en the part ef
eur Beard ef Directers to' remedy this situatien is presented in detail in the
Repert ef the Officers and Beard ef Directers. Seme imprevements were
accemplished in the Scheel area. The ceilings, walls and weedwerk in the
mural studiO', beth sculpture , studies, and the large antique studiO', were
painted by an eutside centracter. In additien, eur ewn maintenance crew
painted the walls and the fleer ef the advanced studiO', the remaining leckers
en the main fleer, and the hall fleers. Additienal leckers were installed in
the basement.
After a peried ef many rewarding years under the directien ef Henry
McCarter, Geerge Harding, and Edward Shenten, the Management decided
to' discentinue the lIIustratien Department in the Fall ef 1958. In place ef
teaching the illustraters, Mr. Shenten new cenducts a weekly discussien ef
fameus authers and their werks. These classes have censidered the werks ef
Jeyce, Elliet, Melville, Hemingway, and ether similar men ef letters.
At the very beginning ef eur Fall semester the illness ef Geerge Harding
necessitated adjustments in the Mural o-epartment. Jehn Hanlen centinued his
excellent assistantship, and we were fertunate in precuring the services ef
Henry Varnum Peer, natienally knewn fer his murals, paintings and ceramics.
A sessien in graphic techniques, under the directien ef Merris Blackburn, was
included in the Evening Scheel pregram. We are sure that this is a very
werthwhile additien to' the eppertunities afferded eur evening students, and

opens the way for day students to supplement their day-time instruction.
The Academy was honored, in the month of October, by having the State
Department send Franklin C. Watkins to Russia with a group of American
artists to visit with artists of that country. During the absence of Mr. Watkins
we engaged guest critics - Mr. Benon Spruance of Philadelphia, and Mr.
Jack levine of , New York City.
In the Summer, through a project organized and sponsored by the Carl
Schurz Memorial Foundation, a group of 30 examples ~f our students' graphic
work was sent as a traveling exhibition to Germany, and a similar group of
German students' graphic work, from the Akademie der Bildenden Kureste in
Munich, came to America. In August the combined group was on display at
the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation in Philadelphia.
On Thursday afternoon, May 15th, Mr. and Mrs. David Gwinn entertained
in the Galleries to give Academy members, and their guests, the opportunity
to purchase student work submitted in competition for European Traveling
Scholarships and other awards.
Present and former students were honored by various national grants and
awards, as follows: David De long, Tiffany Foundation award of $2,000.00;
Jack Massey, painter, and Allen Harris, sculptor, American Academy in Rome
Fellowships for one year of residence in Rome; Francis Speight and Ben
Kamihira, National Academy Altman Prizes of $2,000.00 each. Ben Kamihira
also received a grant of $2,500.00 from the Tiffany Foundation.

Books and clippings withdrawn ... : . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


30 by purchase
145 as gifts


The membership department has had a good year. We have enrolled 227
new annual and 10 new sustaining members; 1o members have increased
their classifications; others have sent contributions with dues, all amounting
to $3965.00 in new funds. Many members also have sent lists of persons they
suggested we invite to become members. Again, I urge each niember to keep
this important service in mind. No one is better qualified to interest others in
Academy membership than the satisfied member.

During this period, because of their gifts or contributions to the Academy,
the following were elected to higher form memberships, in perpetuity: John F.
Lewis, Jr., Benefactor; Mr. and Mrs. James P. Magill, Patrons; Edward R:
Anshutz, Mrs. Thomas S. Gates, Miss Dorothy Grafly, Miss Marguerite Keasby~
Mrs. William Clarke Mason, Albin Polasek, Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler, Joseph
Wood, and Carl Zig rosser, Fellows.
Twenty-four public, private and parochial schools, women's clubs and organizations with a varying type of activity, made 45 visits to our two principal
exhibitions from the Greater Philadelphia area and southern New Jersey.
Other group visits continued through the year.
The local chapter of Artists' Equity Association, the American Institute of
Planners, the Philadelphia Water Color Club, and the Bargain Shop Committee of the Pennsylvania Hospital, had special meetings here. We entertained the Museum Council of Philadelphia for lunch. The local Miniature
Camera Club has continued to use our auditorium for its regular meetings.
The Helvetic Society of Philadelphia presented a lecture here by Professor
Marcel Rotlisberger of Yale University on Paul Klee, which attracted a large
and interested audience.
For the ninth consecutive season free chamber music concerts were held in
the Rotunda. These events continue to maintain a high level of performance
and public appeal. In spite of blizzards or heavy storms, well over 2000
persons attended the five 1958 programs. Their musical direction continues
in the able hands of Vladimir Sokoloff. The Recording Industries' Trust Funds
and the Fredric R. Mann Foundation have continued their cooperation with
the Academy .in making fhe concerts free to the public. We feel proud in
being able to bring these excellent opportunities to Philadelphia audiences,
and a great debt of gratitude to all who help us do so.
Our publicity must be accomplished on a national basis. In addition to newspapers and periodicals, many of the latter also listing our activities in their
calendars of events, we have had excellent cooperation from radio and television stations. There have been innumerable IIspotll announcements in
ad9ition to personal appearances of faculty members, exhibiting artists,
prize-winning students, and others.
Where publicity and public relations are concerned, cooperation with every
branch of Academy activity - museum, schools, Board of Directors, Women's
Committee, Fellowship, and organizations holding activities in our building continues to be a responsibility of this department.

The Women's Committee arranged a buffet dinner for some 340 persons on
Januqry 24th, preceding the private view for the 153rd Annual Exhibition.
Held in Gallery F, this was a gala occasion, attended by members of the
Board of Directors and the Faculty, as well as by the Committee and their
Our members presided at the refreshment tables for the private view, as well
as at other functions, including the reception at the opening of the exhibition
Twentieth Century American Painting and Sculpture from Philadelphia Private
Collections, on October 24th.
In the hope of interesting more people in membership in the Academy, the
members of the Women's Committee are ever on the alert for ways in which
to bring people to the exhibitions, both temporary and permanent. We
sponsored a series of luncheons during the "Twentieth Century" show, at
which some of the exhibitors were hostesses and the Director or a Faculty
member spoke briefly.
In order that our Committee members may be kept informed about the work
of the school and the program of the Academy, we have carried forward a
plan begun last season, of inviting the Director, the Curator of Schools, or a
Faculty member to talk to us from time to time on the activities which are
their particular concerns.
We continue to work in the interest of the stud~nts, as our services are
needed, and we maintain a Student. Aid Fund to help when emergencies
arise. We still have the attractive note pads available for a modest sum,
as one means of adding to this Fund.
During the year Mrs. David J. Grossman, Mrs. James P. Magill, and Mrs.
Evan Randolph, Jr., were elected to membership on the Committee and on
May 1st I assumed the chairmanship succeeding Mrs. Hart McMichael who,
during her three-year term of office, gave very generously of her time, her
enthusiasm, and her great abilities.



Roswell Weidner ......... . ............................... President
Roy C. Nuse ............... . ...................... First Vice-President
Mabel Woodrow Gill ................ . ... . ............. Vice-President
Mary Townsend Mason .... . . . .......................... Vice-President
George Harding ..................................... Vice-President
Violet Oakley ........ . .............................. Vice-President
Franklin C. Watkins ... . .... . ...................... . ... Vice-President
Ethel V. Ashton .................................. Recording Secretary
Elizabeth Eichman ........................... Corresponding Secretary
Irene Denney ............................................ Treasurer
The main purpose of the Fellowship (organized in 1897) is to foster a spirit
of fraternity among former and present students of the Academy.

Mabel W. Gill, Chairman-Treasurer
Mary Mullineux

Roy C. Nuse

Ethel Ashton

Irene Denney

Alma Anderson Patterson

The function of the Committee is to administer the following four funds: Henry
J. Thouron Memorial Fund; Picture Purchase Fund; Special Fund; Mary Butler
Memorial Fund; all for the benefit of Fellowship members, and present or
former students. The Committee ' also endeavors to be useful to both the
Fellowship and the Academy, whenever possible.
In addition, the Committee is responsible for (1) the purchase of painting and
sculpture to encourage or assist artists, or improving the Loan Collection from
which works are currently on exhibition in various institutions; (2) providing
art classes, usually in settlement houses, to give study opportunities for the
youth of those neighborhoods, as well as teaching experience and income
for present and/ or former Academy students; and (3) giving a type of financial assistance not permissible from the regular Fellowship treasury to current
and former Academy students with tuition, artists' materials, living 'e xpenses.
The Butler Fund now amounts to approximately $9,500.00; its goal is
$15,000.00. There is also an annual gift from Mrs. John S. Hurlbut in memory
of Mrs. Philip S. Collins.


September 1, 1957, to August 31, 1958

Art Gallery and Exhibitions .............................. $ 45,930.12
School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Trust Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Membership Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


City Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Contributions (unrestricted) ................. . ............


Directors' Fund (contributions). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Total ................ ', ' ........................ $249,056.77
Art Gallery and Exhibitions .............................. $161,709.49
School ,................. ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Total .......................................... $250,653.13
Net Operating Deficit .... . ...................... $


Profit on sale of General Fund Investments .................. $ 17,060.90
Cancellation of shares of stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Increase in Student Aid Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Total ......................... : ................ $ 28,985.90


Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler ................................ $ 1,000.00
Dr. and Mrs. I. S. Ravdin ............... .. ............. .


Mr. and Mrs. Edgar P. Richardson ....................... .


Mr~. Williamina de Schauensee ................ .. ....... .


Charles Cadwalader ....... ... ........................ .


Bertha Clark ..... . . ... .. ... ......................... .


Margaret S. Leidner .......... . .. . ............... . ..... .


Marshall G. Fine . . ............ . ... . ................ . . .


Dora K. Valentine .. .. ........ .. .. ... ................. .


$ 1,765.16

City of Philadelphia-1958-59 Appropriation .............. . 25,000.00
Anonymous-153rd Annual Exhibition Purchase Fund ... .... .


Anonymous ... . .... .. .. ... ........... . ............. . .


Anonymous-Women's Committee (Dinner) .... .. : . ....... .


Anonymous ... . . . ....... . ... . ..... . ................. .


Anonymous-Director's Membership Dues ................ .


Anonymous .......................... . ......... .... .. .


Academy Fellowship-Annual Exhibition ........... . ...... .


Mrs. Thomas S. Gates ..... .. ......... ...... ... ........ .


John F. Lewis, Jr.-Directors' Fund . .... . ............ .... .


Henry S. Drinker-Directors' Fund .... . .............. . ... .


Sydney E. Martin-Directors' Fund ............. .. ........ .


Howard C. Petersen-Directors' Fund ........... ; ......... .


George P. Orr-Directors' Fund ......................... .


C. Newbold Taylor-Directors' Fund . . .. . ........ ......... .


Alfred Zantzinger-Directors' Fund . ... .. ................ .


Fredric R. Mann Foundation-Concerts ........... . ........ .


20th Century American Painting & Sculpture ExhibitionR. Sturgis Ingersoll .... ....... ..... .............. .


John F. Lewis, Jr ........................ ·. '.' . ..' ... .


James P. Magill ................ . . . ......... .. .... .


Mrs. Henry W. Breyer, Jr ....................... . ... .


Mrs. Herbert C. Morris ....... .......... ........... .


Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin ......................... . . .


Carried Forward
*(Mr. Orr-$100.00; John Wanamaker Store-$500.00.)




Brought forward

Student Aid fund-in Memory of Wm. Clarke Mason Mrs. Richardson Dilworth . . . .... . ............ . ... . .


Mr. and Mrs. H, Lea Hudson ..... . .. .. ........ . .... .


Mrs. Lionel f. Levy-for School Stone-carving Room ......... .


Mabel Gill-Woodrow Student Prizes ... . ................ .


Miss Mae Diffenbaugh-Catharine Grant Memorial Prize ..... .


David Gwinn-Eakins Prize . . ... . ......... . . . ....... . . . .


Walter Stuemptig, Jr.-Hill Student Prize .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .


Samuel Pesin-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pesin Student Prize ..... .


George D. Widener-Scholarships ....... _ . . . ...... .. .... . .


fidelity-Phila. Trust Company-Leona Karp Braverman Prize .. .


David Gwinn-Student Party . . . . . . .... . . . ............... .


Anonymous-Student Party .. .. ....... ... .......... . ... .


Albin Polasek-Building fund . . ............ . .... . ....... .


Mrs. Leonard T. Beale-Building fund ....... . ............ .


James P. Magill-Building Fund . .... . . . ..... .. .... . ..... .


Mrs. Herbert C. Morris-Building fund..... . ....... . ......



Total . .................................. . ........ $46,285.46



On Record During All or Part of 1958
Higher form memberships electing Benefactors, Patrons, or Fellows, in perpetuity, were not created until October, 1948. Therefore, the following list
does not include the many friends of the Academy who gave works of art"
or funds for various purposes, from 1805 to 1948.

* Benefactors
J ohn F. Lewis, Jr.

Mrs. Harrison S. Morris


D. Widener

Alfred G . 8. Steel

*Patrons '
James P. Magill
Mrs. James P. Magill

Miss Fanny Travis Cochran
Van Antwerp Lea

William Clarke Mason

* Fellows

Edward R. Anshutz
Miss Mae Diffenbaugh
Mrs. Thomas E. Drake
Henry S. Drinker
A. J. Fink
Mrs. Thomas S. Gates
Miss Dorothy Grafly
Joseph J. Greenberg
Mrs. Henry V. Greenough

David Gwinn
Stewart Huston
R. Sturgis Ingersoll
Miss Marguerite A. Keasbey
Mrs. Frances Weeks Lux
Mrs. William Clarke Mason
Sydney E. Martin
Mrs. Herbert C. Morris
Albin Polasek
Joseph Wood

Dr. Abraham J. Rosenfeld
Mrs. R ~ Barclay Scull
Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler
Miss Anna K. Stimson
Miss Eleanor L. Tingley
William S. Wassell
Mrs. Morris Wenger
Carl Zig rosser

Life Members
Dr. Francis Heed Adler
Mrs. Donald Alexander
William C. Avery
Miss Eleanor A. Bareiss
Walter J. Beadle
Mrs. Leonard T. Beale
Charles G . Berwind
Miss Alice McMurtrie Biddle
John S. Blackburne, Jr.
William W. Bodine
Harry Buten
tSeth Bunker Capp
Miss Catharine Fow Casnet
Frederick T. Chandler, Jr.
Mrs. Radcliffe Cheston
Miss Darth ela Clark
Percy H. Clark
Eugene C. Clarke
Mrs. M. Withington Clement
Isaac H. Clothier, Jr.
Mrs. John Darlington Corbit


William de Krafft
Mrs. Rodolphe M.
de Schauensee
Mrs. Halsey De Wolf
Mrs. Widener Dixon
Mrs. Norton Downs
Mrs. Irenee du Pont
Ralph Earle
Mrs. Spencer Ervin
tM iss Emma Lowry Fagan
Mrs. M. Virginia "Fisler
Mrs. S. Griswold Flagg
Percival E. Foerde rer
Mrs. John Ford
Mrs. Stanley Ford
Mrs. Edith L. Foster
Mrs. Melvin Fo'x
Walter S. Franklin
Mrs. A. G. Fromuth
tMrs. F. Draeger Gebbie

Mrs. John W. Gibson
Miss Mary K. Gibson
Mrs. Thomas Graham
Mrs. William Houston Green
Albert M. Greenfield
Miss Lena L. Hale
Mrs . J. Andrews Harris, 3rd
Mrs. Romain C. Hassrick
Charles E. Hires, Jr.
Rudolph M. Hirschwald
Milton L. Hofkin
Mrs. Joseph Horner
, Mrs. Harold W. How
Miss Anna Warren Ingersoll
Miss Anna R. Kay
A. Atwater Kent, Jr .
Philip Klein
Mrs. Isidore Kohn
Mrs. Jules C. Lavin
Miss A. Adele Leach

Mrs. Josiah H. Penniman
Dr. O. H. Perry Pepper
Mrs. Charles C. Perkins
Raymond Pitcairn
Mrs. Edgar Allan Poe
Louis R. Porteous
Mrs. Thomas Harris Powers
Thomas L. Prendergast

Howard S. Levy
Mrs. Margaret Wasserman
Edwin O. Lewis
Mrs. Malcolm Lloyd, Jr.
Mrs. Richard W. Lloyd
William S. Louchheim
Edward S. Lower
tMrs. H. Spencer Lucas
Mrs. Walter K. Lyon

Mrs. Alan H. Reed
Miss Bertha M. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. George
B. Roberts
Talbot M. Rogers
T. Edward Ross
Miss Mary A. Rumsey

Mrs. William J. McCahan, Jr.
William J. McCahan, 3rd
M. A. Mathiasen
William M. Measey
Mrs. Samuel Wright Mifflin
Mrs. A. O. Moore
Mrs. George Washington

Maurice B. Saul
Dr. Helen F. Schrack
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
C. Sellers
Miss Helen Semple
Joseph K. Skilling
G . Allen Smith
Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smit.h
Mrs. J. Duncan Spaeth
Mrs. A. L. Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.
Mrs. William C. Spruance
John Stewart

Miss Violet Oakley
Samuel Paley
Walter Palmer
Dr. Charles S. Pancoast
tGeorge Gowan Parry
tMrs. Alma V. A. Patterson
tAo J. Drexel Paul
Mrs. Henry H. Pease
Miss Mary B. Peirce

Charles Wharton Stork
Mrs. Ralph B. Strassburger
tFrancis R. Strawbridge
Frederic H. Strawbridge
Robert E. Strawbridge
Mrs. Leon Sunstein, Jr.

William T. Tonner
John Barnes Townsend
Mathilda H. Turner
Carroll S. Tyson

Joseph J. Vogdes
Mrs. Charles C. Walbridge
Mrs. Clarence A. Warden
Charles J. Webb
Warren Webster, Jr.
Mrs. S. Dana Weeder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wescott
Francis M. Wetherill, D.O.
Bryant H. Whisenant
Mrs. David R. Wilmerding
Mrs. John Wintersteen
Mrs. Edward F. R. Wood
Mrs. George Woodward
Mrs. Raymond D. B. Wright
Mrs. Arthur M. Young
Mrs. Efrem Zimbalist

Contributing Members
Mrs. T. R. C. Jordan
Dr. Elizabeth G. Ravdin

Francis Boyer
George Friedland
Dr. I. S. Ravdin

Sustaining Members
Miss Katharine Ad.a ms
Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg
Mrs. John C. Atwood, Jr.

James S. Collins
Roy B. Davis
Miss Florence E. de Cerkez
James J . Deeney
Dr. John E. Deitrick
Mrs. Henry S. Drinker

Henry E. Baton, Jr·.
Mrs. William L. Beck
Alfr~d Bendiner
L. O. Benoliel
Benjamin D. Bernstein
Everett H. Bickley
Miss Winifred Boericke
Mrs. Henry Bonnell
Mrs. Henry W. Breyer
Edmund B. Brickley
Mrs. Clarence C. Brinton
ReVf~lIe W. Brown
James T. Buckley
Mrs. Leonard F. Bush

Mrs. Horace Binney Hare
Mrs. Flagler Harris
Mrs. W. Oakley Hermance
Frank T. Howard

Aaron E. Carpenter

Mrs. Arthur C. Kaufmann
Miss Marguerite Keasbey

Mrs. Abram Eastwick
Lawrence H. Eldredge
Mrs. Charles Fearon
Miss Edith T. Fisher
Samuel Y. Gibbon

Mrs. Frederick S. Kirk
Charles H. Krumbhaar, Jr.
Mrs. Louis M. Lapensohn
Mrs. Sydney L. W . Lea
Mrs . Howe Low
William McCarthy
Mrs . John B. McClatchy
Mrs. J . Aubrey McCurdy
Robert Mclean
Mrs. William L. Mclean, Jr.
William L. Mclean, 3rd
Mrs. Hart McMichael
Crawford C. Madeira
James Kirk Merrick
Allan Miller
Mrs. W. B. Murphy
Mrs. Richard L. Newburger
Mrs. Charles O ' Connor


Samuel Pesin
Howard C. Petersen
Mrs. M. P. Potamkin
Robert Rosenbaum

A. G. Rosengarten, Jr.
Joseph G . Rosengarten, Jr.
Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, 2nd
Mrs. Lessing J. Rosenwald
Mrs. Frank E. Rutan, Jr.
Morris W. Satinsky
Mrs. Ira Schwartz
Mrs. Leonard Schwartz
Mrs. Alexander H. Scott
Mrs. William M. Scott, Jr.
Maurice Segal

Mrs. Felix B. Shay
Mrs. Stanley I. Scheerr
Mrs. Wharton Sinkler
Louis Snyder
Mrs. Walter J. Sprankle
I. Melvillf' Stein
Mrs. John F. Steinman
Miss Ann R. Stokes
Hugh E. Stone
Mrs. E. Homan Stroud

Miss Laura B. Wagner
Mrs. Irving Warner
Mrs. C. Newbold Welsh
Ralph W. Whitaker
William White, Jr.
Mrs. Elias Wolf
Mrs. George Brand Wood
Miss Marion Biddle Wood
Mrs. Charles H. Woodward
D. Robert.Yarnall

Mrs. Thomas D. Thacher
Thaddeus R. Trout
Mrs. Harry S. Valentine

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
A. Addis Ziegler

Annual Members
Mrs. Stanley L. Abrams
Miss Frances C. Adams
Miss Margaret Adams
Walter Z. Adamson
W. H. F. Addison
Seymour Adelman
Mrs. William M. Alber
Daniel J. Albert
G. P. Albrecht
Harry J. Alker, Jr.
Mrs. Albert S. Allen
Curtis Allen
Mrs. Eugene Y. Allen
George R. Allen
Mrs. William H. Allen
Miss Bertha A. Alteneder
Mrs. Gustave G. Amsterdam
Laurence L. Ancker
Bart Anderson
Richard V. Anderson
C. Preston Andrade, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Angus
Mrs. Whiting Anthony
Mrs. E. Hulings Antrim
George F. B. Appel
John H. Archer
Miss Elizabeth Arden
Mrs. Edward C. Arend
Mrs. C. Dudley Armstrong
Mrs. F. Wallis Armstrong
Mrs. Harry J. Armstrong
Mrs. Russell W. Armstrong
Mrs. Max Aron
John S. Arscott
Leo Asbell
Dr. Milton B. Asbell
Miss Ethel V. Ashton
Mrs. Alfred C. Aurich
Harry H. Ayers


Mrs. Malcolm J. Baber
Miss Marian L. Bach
Edmund N. Bacon
Mrs. Francis L. Bacon
Mrs. James V. Baily
Frank D. Bain
Andrew M. Baird
Miss Stella M. Balderston
William Balderston
Alfred J. Ball
Mrs. Thomas Hand Ball
Samuel H. Ballam, Jr.
Mrs. Frederic L. Ballard
.Mrs. Raymond A. Ballinger
tEari N. Barber
Mrs. Alexander F. Barbieri
Miss Sara Bard
Joseph P. Barker, Jr.
Aaron B. Barmach
Mrs. Maxwell Barnett
Miss Mary M. Barr
Miss Olivia L. Barres
Mrs. Brandon Barringer
Miss Amy Barth
Miss Eleanor Bartol
George E. Bartol, 3rd
Mrs. John G. Bartol, Jr.
Mrs. Arnold Bartschi
G. A. Barwig
Arthur W. L. Basy
Mrs. Daniel Moore Bates
t Mrs. William D. Battersby
Edward E. Baudis
Mrs. Howard K. Bauernfeind
Mrs. Edward W. Beach
Mrs. James H. Beal
Mrs. Edward F. Beale
Mrs. John C. C. Beale
Leonard T. Beale
Miss Anna M. Bean

Lewis B. Beatty
Mrs. George D. Beck
Mrs. Wallace E. Belcher
John C. Bell, Jr.
Dr. Samuel Bellett
Mrs. Alfred Bendiner
Mrs. Sabato M. Bendiner
Mrs. Henry H. Benedict
Mrs. Henry L. Benner
Charles W. Bentz
Mrs. Harold P. Berger
Martin M. Berger
Bernard A. Bergman
Mrs. Leon L. Berkowitz
Edward Bernstein
Irwin L. Bernstein
Miss Elizabeth C. Berrang
Mrs. Byron Besse, Jr.
Mrs. Lindley S. Bettison
Miss Clotilde Biagini
Mrs. Alexander Biddle
Mrs. A. Mercer Biddle
Ernest L. Biddle
Livingston L. Biddie
Mrs. Nicholas Biddle
Mrs. Owen Biddle
Mrs. Lawrence J. Bigar
Frank G. Binswanger
Mrs. John S. Bioren
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bishop
Mrs. Richard E. Bishop
Miss Agnes C. Blackburne
Mrs. Ralph Blake
Jack Blanckensee
Mrs. Pascal Brooke Bland
Alfred Blasband
Miss Eleanor A. Bliss
Mrs. Ephraim F. Bloch
Gordon A. Block, Jr.
Robert B. Blum

John W. Bodine
Miss Margaret L. Bodine
Mrs. Gideon Boericke
Mrs. Curtis Bok
Miss E. Helen Bongard
Mrs. Robert B. Bonniwell
Mrs. James Bontemps
Edwin T. P. Boone, Jr.
Edward W. G . Borer
Mrs. Adolph Borie
David Bortin
George Bortin
Dr. Edward L. Bortz
Mrs. Lem W . Bowen
Miss Frances M. Bradford
Mrs. William O . Bradley
Miss Ruth W. Brainerd
Mrs. W. R. Bready, 3rd
t Vincent B. Brecht
te. Barton Brewster
Henry W. Breyer, Jr.
Mrs. Charles E. Brinley
Clarence C. Brinton
Miss Elizabeth N. Brock
Mrs. John Penn Brock
Mrs. Lynmar Brock
Sol Brody
Mrs. Edward T. Brogan
Mrs. Clarence W . Brooks, Jr.
Charles T. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Charles W. Brown
Dee Carlton Brown
Francis Shunk Brown, Jr.
Miss Haidee Brown
Mrs. Moreau D. Brown
Richard P. Brown
Robert Montgomery Brown
Paul E. Brownin
Mrs. W. G. Brubaker
Miss Vera D. Bruestle
Henry B. Bryans
Mrs. George e. Bryant
M. Alan Bucks
Edward G. Budd, Jr.
Dr. David Budin
Mrs. C. A. Buell
Mrs. Frieda B. Bulger
Mrs. C. Rex Bt;lIey
Mr. and Mrs. Orville H. Bullitt
Mrs. J . Paul Esurleigh
E. Lewis Burnham
Nathaniel Burt
P. B. Burtis
Felix Buskey
Howard Butcher, Jr.
.George C. Buzby
Miss Nina Buzby
Daniel Cades
Mrs. Joh"n Cadwalader

Mrs. Lambert Cadwalader
James G. Calhoun
Mrs. Charles S. Calwell
Theodore Campbell, Jr.
Mrs, H. Clifford Campion
John E. Canaday
Mrs. Arthur R. Cannon
Thomas J. Cannon
Albert J. Caplan
Miss Syd A. Caplan
Mrs. E. G. Carlisle
Dr. Elsie R. Carrington
J. Roy Carroll, Jr.
John S. Carver
Mrs. Richard L. Cary
Mrs. Nicholson Cash
Mrs. James M. Castle
Mrs. Theodore D. Casto
Cummins Catherwood
Francis T. Chambers
Miss Cathleen M. Champlin
Mrs. Charles W. Charny
Mrs. Edward M. Cheston
George M. Cheston
M. C. Cameron Chisholm
Mrs. Arthur o. Choate, Jr.
Herbert Church
John o. Claflin
Miss Frances Clark
Mrs. Joseph S. Clark, Jr.
Sydney P. Clark
Mrs. David Clarke
Francis P. Clarke
Theodore Clattenburg
Mrs. David C. Cleland
e. Francis Clement
M. Withington Clement
Henry Clifford
Gifford A. Cochran
Mrs. Ralston H. Coffin ·
Mrs. Abraham Cohen
Mrs. Hyman Cohen
Mrs. Jerome M. Cohen
Mrs. Marion K. Cohen
Sylvan M. Cohen
Mrs. Sidney M. Cohn
David Coleman
Mrs. F. Stokes Coleman
Mrs . G. Dawson Coleman
Aaron Colish
Mrs. Tristram C. Colket
Mrs. Alexander Colville, Jr.
Mrs. Thomas E. Comber, Jr.
Mrs. Earle R. Comer
Mrs. Walter D; Condit
Mrs. Lily S. Converse
Mrs. William H. Conyngham
Morris L. Cooke
Mrs. Myrl E. Cooke
Nathan Cooper

Mrs. Walter I. Cooper
Randall E. CopelC;;nd
Mrs. C. Daniel Cop pes
Mrs. August Cordes
Mrs. Gribbel Corkran
Allen D. Cornell
Mrs. Ralph M. Cornman
Mrs. Ralph T. K. Cornwell
Mrs. A. R. Corse
Mrs. Bolton L. Corson
Miss Helen F. Corson
Walter H. Corson, 2nd
Dr. Noel J . Cortes
Dr. Win. J. Coverley-Smith
Dr. Alfred Cowan
Bart Cox
Mrs. Frank G. Cox
Dr. Reavis Cox
Mrs. Henry B. Coxe, Jr.
Miss Elizabeth K. Coyne
Miss Alice M. Craft
Mrs. A. Reynolds Crane
Dr. William R. Crawford
W. Rex Crawford
Mrs. Winfield W. Crawford
Arthur U. Crosby
Miss Emma A. Crowder
William S. Crowder
Mrs. Samuel A. Crozer
Richard G. Cummins
Mrs. Edward C. Daie
Mrs. William Dall
George M. Dallas
Mrs. Francis J . Dallett, Sr.
Sylvan. Dalsimer
Mrs. Walter D. Dalsimer
Mrs. Arthur M. Dannenberg
Mrs. Michael Daroff
Albert M. Davis
Bernard Davis
Miss May J. Davis
Mrs. Newlin F. Davis
David H. Dawson
Mrs. Kenneth Day
Mrs. Philip Dechert
Ralph D. Deily
Miss Meribah e. Delaplaine
Mrs. Carl de Moll
Ro~olphe M. de Schauensee
Mrs. Eric de Spoelberch
Mrs. Charles W . Detweiler
Mrs. Howard R. Detweiler
Charles W. Detweiler, Jr.
Antelo Devereux
W. Howard Dilks, Jr.
Leonard C. Dill, Jr.
Mrs. Richardson Dilworth
Paul Dinnerman
Mrs. Arthur Dintenfass


Mrs. Benjamin Dintenfass
Daniel A. Dintenfass
Mrs. William D. Disston
F. Eugene Dixon, Jr.
Mrs. Samuel E. Doak
Donald D. Dodge
Mrs. Kern Dodge
Mrs. John P. Doerr
Miss Victoria Donohoe
Mrs. James T Dooley
Mrs. J ohn T. Dorrance, Jr.
Mrs. T. Harvey Dougherty, Jr.
Miss Edna R. Dowland
Mrs. T. McKean Downs
Mrs. Stella Drabkin
Louis Dreifus
Mrs. Jessie Drew-Bear
Albert J. Drueding
Mrs. Charles H. Drummond
Joseph N. Du Barry
Mrs. Charles M. Dudley
Miss Helen Morris Duffield
Jay J. Dugan
Mrs. Frank Du Moulin
Mrs. T. Evans Dunn, Jr.
A. Felix du Pont, Jr.
Mrs. Eugene Dutten
Mrs. W. Kirkland Dwier
Miss Carolyn H. Earle
George G . Meade Easby
Mrs. M. Stevenson Easby
Joseph L. Eastwick
Miss FriedaL. Ebeling
Harry A. Eberhardt
Mrs. P. D. Eddy, Jr.
Milton Edelman
Mrs. Franklin D. Edmunds
E. Nelson Edwards
Michael H. Egnal
Rev. Charles Francis Ehly
Mrs. Alexander Ehmling
Loren C. Eiseley
Victor Eisenberg
Mrs. Laurece H. Eldredge
Mrs. W . Henry Elfreth
Mrs. Henri Elkan
Edwin Elliot
Mrs. R. H. Elliott
Mrs. Richard A. Ellis
H. Howard Ellison
Victor F. Emerson
Miss Elizabeth R. England
HO\\lord C. Engle
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Mrs. Robert P. Esty
Mrs. E. Royal Evans
Haro ld Evans
Mrs. Helen Lowden Evans


Louis E. Evans
Thomas Evans
Mrs. William W. Evans
Mrs. Leonard Evelev
Mr. and Mrs. John K.
Ewing, 3rd
Miss Emily E;x ley
Mrs. McClure Fahnestock
Mrs. M. E. Falik
Mrs. Adolf C. Falk
Henry W. Farnum
Dr. ·Clifford B. Farr
Mrs. F. W. Elliott Farr
Joseph Farrell
John H. Fassitt
Mrs. J. E. Fauser
Mrs. E. N. Feind
Myer Feinstein
Mrs. David N. Feldman
Miss Emma Feldman
Mrs. Joseph G. Feldman
Mrs. Robert G. Fell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W.
Mrs. James Fentress
Mrs. Mason Fernald
Edward Fernberger
Dr. Ferdinand Fetter
Dr. Faith S. Fetterman
Mrs. Charles A. Fife
Arnold Finkel
Mrs. A. Koerting Fischer
Mrs. Margaret R. Fischer
Mrs. Thomas Fisher, Jr.
Charles J . Fitti
Mrs. Alexander Fleisher
Mrs. James A. Fligg
Mrs. Harrison F. Flippin.
Sol M. Flock
Reginald D. Forbes
Miss Fran ces L. Ford
Mrs. George J. Ford
Mrs. Isador Forman
William G. Foulke, 2nd
Mrs. Joseph M. Fox, Jr.
Mrs. William Logan Fox
Mrs. Frederick Fraley
Mrs. Douglas W. Franck
Joseph T. Fraser, 3rd
W. West Frazier, 4th
Mrs. Abraham L. Freedman
Rudolf Freu nd
Dr. Paul H. Fried
Mrs. A. M. Friedenberg
Mrs. George Friedland
Mrs. H. J. Friedman
Francis S. Friel
Dr. Wilfred E. Fry
Mrs. Walter D. Fuller

Roy E. Fullmer
Carl W. Funk
Mrs. N. E. Funk
Mrs. Edward V. Furlong
George Wood Furness
Pearce M. Gabell
Miss Martha A. Gable
tHarold F. Gade
Mrs. Hudson Gade
Edward Gallob
Mrs. E. L. Gangwere, Jr.
Mrs. Otto Gardner
Milton B. Garner
Miss Dorothy Gaskill
Albert M. Gates
Dr. Anna E. Gaydos
Dr. Joseph C. Gayl
Mrs. Alfred H. Geary
Titus C. Geesey
Walter H. Geisler
Samuel Genel
Mrs. Helen Gerlach
Dr. J. Gershon-Cohen
Henry E. Gerstley
,Miss Lillian Gest
Miss Margaret R. Gest
Dr. John H. Gibbon, Jr.
Mrs. George F. Gibbs, Jr.
Philip R. Gibson
Dr. Edward S. Gifford, Jr.
Mrs. Gwendolyn T. Gilbert
Mrs. Jack C. Gilbert
Mrs. Samuel E. Gilbert
Mrs. Hamilton H.
Gilkyson, Jr.
Mrs. A. Bruce Gill
Mrs. Paul L. Gill
Mrs. George C. Gillies
Joseph H. Gillies
Benedict Gimbel, Jr.
Mrs. Lawrence H. Gipson
Mrs. Miriam H. Girsh
Mrs. Myers L. Girsh
Frank S. Glendening
Graeff W. Glenn
Joseph E. Gold
Michael B. Goldenberg
David Goldman
Harold C. Goldman
Herman Goldman .
Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith
louis N. Goldsmith
Mrs. Arthur N. Goodfellow
Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Mrs. William D. Gordon
Joseph N. Gorson
Mrs. F. Hamilton Gouge
Bruce Gould


Erl C. B. Gould
Howard H. Gowen
Mrs. James E. Gowen
Mrs. Charles B. Grace
Mrs. Herbert J. Graham
Mrs. Warren C. Graham
Willard P. Graham
Percival H. Granger
Mrs. Frederick M. Grauer
Mrs. Ragnvald A. Gravdahl
Mr. and Mrs. J. Maurice Gray
Mrs. Jack Green
Mrs. Robert McCay Green
Mrs. Joseph i Greenberg, Jr.
Mrs. Sydney N.Greenberg,Jr.
Mrs. D. Douglas Greene
Dr. Lloyd B. Greene
L. Arthur Greenstein
Mrs. Robson L. Greer
Mrs. Euphemia G. Gregory
Mrs. J. Bancker Gribbel
Mrs. W. Griffin Gribbel
Miss Gladys H. Griscom
John T. Grisdale
Mrs. John A. Griswold
Dr. Julius Grodinsky
Mrs. Marshall I. Groff
Mrs. Richard Grosholz
David J. Grossman
Dr. Joseph Gr.o ssman
Mrs. Frederick Grubnau
Mrs. S. Jean Guthrie
Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman
Jacob C. Gutman
Chester C. Gutner
Mrs. Stephen Haas
Harry W. Haenigsen
Mrs. Henry Hagert
Mrs. Roger W. Hagy
Mrs. _D. Jansen Haines
Mrs. W. H. Haines
tMiss Martha B. Haldeman
John H. Halford
Henry R. Hallowell
Miss Edith Hammond
Mrs. L. Jay Hammond
Dr. John L. Haney
John B. Hannum, 3rd
Standish F. Hansell
Mrs. Alfred M. Hanson, Jr.
Paul C. Harbeson
Miss Anne Harbison
Mrs. Robert J. Harbison, Jr.
Ernest A. Harding, D.O.
J. William Hardt
Aaron W. Hardwick, Jr.
Mrs. J. P. Harmer
Gaylord P. Harnwell
Ber; Harootunian

Miss Jane Harper
Mrs. N. Francis Harper
Mrs. Earl G. Harrison
Mrs. John Harrison
Mrs. Hardcastle Hart
Mrs. Fred H. Harvie
Dr. Benjamin Haskell
Geoge 1. Haskins
Miss Ethel Hastings
John W. Hathaway
Leopold Hauf, Jr.
Miss Mary A. Haviland
Miss Dorothy G. Hay
Mrs. Todd Hayt
John F. Headly
Mrs. J. Howell Healy
Joseph M. Heavey
Mrs. William A. Heine
Mrs. Harry Heller
Mr. and Mrs. J. Welles
Dr. George C. Henny
J. E. Henry
Mrs. Lennig Henry
Mrs. T. Carlton Henry
Mrs. M. G. Herbach
L. C. Herkness
Mrs. James M. Herring
H. Ober Hess
Mrs. Frank O. Y. Hiergesell
Mrs. J. Bennett Hill
Mrs. Julian W. Hill
Mrs. C. Edgar Hires
Harrison S. Hires
Barry Hirschwald
Mrs. Marshall D. Hitch
Mrs. Benjamin R. Hoffman
Mrs. C. Fenno Hoffman
Mrs. Donald S. Hoffman
Mrs. Edward F. Hoffman
Mrs. J. Sydney Hoffman
Mrs. R. Carroll Hoke
Mrs. R. M. Hollingshead
Mrs. Sidney J. Holloway
Austin Homer
Francis Rush Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Hopkinson, Jr.
Miss Marie Louise Hopper
Miss Marion R. -Horn
Francis X. Horstmann
William J. H. Hough
Mrs. Almern C. Howard
Morton Howard
Mrs. Elizabeth R. R.
Howell, Jr.
Miss Josephine F. Howell
Mrs. Joel C. Hube r, Jr.
Mrs. Thomas Huber
Mrs. Harry Hubschman

Mrs. H. Lea Hudson
Mrs. Lea Hudson
Miss Esther M. Hughes
Mrs. Joseph Hughes
Mrs. Arthur K. Hulme
David M. Hunt
Barton H. Hunter
Harry Hurst
Miss Anne P. Hutchinson
J. Edward Hutchinson
James F. Hutton
George S. Idell
Mrs. Bernard Illoway
Mrs. David A. Ingber
Mrs. C. Jared Ingersoll
Harry Ingersoll
Frank A. Ireland
Mrs. George Ireland
Mrs. Murray G . Isard
Dr. S. Leon Israel
Mrs. Clifford B. Ives
Mrs. Meredith M. Jack
Mrs. Albert A. Jackson
Mrs. Irene Williams Jackson
Mrs. Orton P. Jackson
Helmer S. Jacobsen
Mrs. James J. Jameson
Miss Helen T. Jamieson
Miss Janet P. Jamieson
Mrs. Morris Jaron
Mrs. William W. Jeanes
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Mrs. H. Lawrence Jenkins'
John H. Jensen
Miss Florence E. Jesanker
Charles M. Johnson
Mrs. Edwin J . Johnson
Mrs. Eldredge R.
Johnson, 2nd
Mrs. George C. Johnson
Mrs. Julian Johnson
Robert L. Johnson
Mrs . Clifford B. Jones
Miss Constance A. Jones
Mrs. Edward M. Jones
Miss Helen M. Jones
tHenry Hand Jones
Mrs. J . Barclay Jones
Mrs. M. Troy Jones
Mrs. Russell B. Jones
Miss Joan L. Josephson
Henry M. Justi, Jr.
Mrs. Jack Kahn
Louis I. Kahn
Mrs. Paul R. Kaiser
Mrs. Joseph C. Kall
Mrs. David Kaplan


Mrs. William H. Katz
Mrs. Alma Katze
David E. Kaufman
Eugene M. Kaufmann, Jr.
Mrs. William M. Keast
Frank A. Keen
Clarence E. Keiser
Mrs. Richard C. Kelley
Richard Kendrick
Mrs. Albert E. Kennedy
Mrs. Donald W. Kent
Mrs. Ward Dix Kerlin
George H. Kern
G. Michael Kern
Edward Kesler
Mrs. Collins M. Ketcham
Miss Eugenia Ketterlinus
Mrs. Robert A.
Kimbrough, Jr.
Mrs. Andrew King
Dr. Lois I. King
Miss Helen F. Kinsey
Mrs. Charles K. Kirby
Earle R. Kirkbride
Frederic R. Kirkland
Alan B. Kirschbaum
Miss Anna M. Klauder
Benjamin Klebanoff
Emanuel H. Klein
Mrs. Henry Klein
Mrs. Morris H. Klein
Mrs. Thomas Klein
C. Mahlon Kline
Mrs. Hess Kline
Vincent G. Kling
Mrs. Howard S. Kneedler
Mrs. Lewi~ C. Knox
Mrs. Barbara E. Koener
Miss Dorothy Kohl
William Kohler
Mrs. Irving Kohn
Mrs. M. Roseman Kohn
Samuel Kornfeld
Albert Kraftsow
Miss Muriel Krall
Dr. Stella Kramrisch
Mrs. Milton F. Krauser
Mrs. Sidney l. Krauss
Mrs. Samuel l. Kreizman
I. H. Krekstein
Mrs. Edna Hill Krell
W. Stanleigh Krewson
Mrs. Lalen C. Krisher
Dr. Theodore B. Krouse
Charles Kurtz
Wi·lliam Fulton Kurtz
Charles Kurz
Dr. and Mrs. Martin
D. Kushne
H. H. Kynett


Dr. Joseph Lachman
Robert W. Lafore
Mrs. J. Packard Laird
Mrs. Austin Lamont
Mrs. Edwin A. Landell, Jr.
Mrs. C. Henry Landenberger
Mrs. Nathan Lane
Mrs. Otho E. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant W.
Mrs. Samuel M. Langston
Mrs. Rhea Lapsley
Mrs. George Larer
James M. Large
Roy F. Larson
S. R. Laslocky
Mrs. John Y. Latta
Miss Anna l. Laughlin
Jay Lavenson
'Mrs . .Lewis J. Laventhol
E. George Lavino
Edwin M. Lavino
Miss Gladys C. Lawrence
Mrs. Raymond Lawrence
Miss Mary Lawser
Miss Elizabeth G. Lea
Mrs. H. Fairfax Leary, Jr.
Miss Mabel A. Leas
Mrs. Irma D. Lebing
Mrs. Richard W. Ledwith
Miss Jean Gordon Lee
P. Blair Lee
Philip l. Lee
Mrs. Walter Lefferts
AI Paul Lefton
Mrs. Carl B. Lehr
Mrs. Milton Leidner
Mrs. Edward B.
Leisenring, Jr.
Mrs. Nelson Leidner
Harry Leiter
Mrs. William Otis Lentz
Mrs. Charles E. Leonard
Miss Edith l. Leonard
Dr. Irving H. Leopold
Mrs. George J. Lerch
Morris Lerner
Mrs. Frederick H. Levis
Mrs. Della B. Levy
'l ionel F. Levy
Louis E. Levy
Miss Violet I. Levy
Alfred G. Baker Lewis
Clifford Lewis, 3rd
Miss Ernestine G. Lewis
Mrs. Eugene J. Lewis
Mrs. Fraricis A. Lewis
Henry Carvill Lewis
Mrs. Leroy M . . Lewis
Miss Mary C. Lewis

Ralph R. Lewis
Walter D. Lewis
Mrs. Samuel lichtenfield
Mrs. Aaron lichtin
Miss Jane Stewart ligget
Robert C. ligget
Robert C. linck
Mrs. August A. lincoln
Mrs. George J. Lincoln, Jr.
Mrs. L. W,.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
lingelbach, Jr.
M. Albert linton
, Mrs. Bertram lippincott
Harold B. lipsius
Mrs. Clifton Lisle
A. Gordon List
Arthur Littleton
J. A. Livingston
William H. Livingston
Mrs. Rawson G. lizars
Mrs. H. Gates Lloyd
Miss Anne J. Lochhead
Mrs. Robert Locke
Mrs. Arthur Loeb
tMrs. Howard A. Loeb
Mrs. Joel T. Loeb
Mrs. Richard Loeb
Mrs. Louis Loewenstein
Mrs. Josephine K. Long
Mrs. J. H. long maid
John C. Longstreth
Graeme Lorimer
Mrs. Elizabeth Lotterer
Mrs. Jerome H. Louchheim
Mrs. Stuart F. Louchheim
Miss Mary A. Loughran
George I. Lovatt, Jr.
Mrs. Edward S. Lower
Miss Caroline l. Lucas
Mrs. Edwin A. Lucas
Giovanni Luciolli
Miss Jessie H. Ludgate
Mrs. Nicholas S. Ludington
Wright S. Ludington
Mrs. George T. Lukens
Lewis N. Lukens, Jr.
Mrs. William W. Lukens
Mrs. Paul W. Lunkenheimer
Mrs. Herbert Luria
S. Beryl Lush
Mrs. Frank C. Lutman
Herbert B. Lutz


Mrs. J. R. McAllister
Louis E. McAllister
Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe
Mrs. J. B. McCall, Jr.
Miss Virginia A. McCall
Martin B. McCann

Mrs. John F. McCloskey
W. H. McClure
Robert T. McCracken
Mrs. George D. McCreary, Jr.
Mrs. R. Wilson McCredy
Mrs. Samuel McCreery
Mrs. Osea Kerr McDonald
Mrs. Clayton McElroy, Jr.
Mrs. James McGarvey
Dr. John S. McGa'{ic
Joseph A. McGoldrick
Robert R. McGoodwin
Mrs. Catherire C. McGranary
Francis S. Mcilhenny
Henry P. Mcilhenny
Joseph G. McKenna
Mrs. Walter B. McKinney
Mrs. Louis Mclain
Mrs. James McMullan
Mrs. John S. McQuade, Jr.
Mrs. W. Logan MacCoy
William F. MacDonald
Gregor Macfarlan, Jr.
Dr. Norman M. Macfarlane
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
B. H. Mackey
Mrs. Edward W. Madeira
Mrs. Irving P. Magasiny
Mrs. Louis C. Madeira, 4th
Percy C. Madeira, Jr.
Dr. Reuben J. Magil
Mrs. Robert F. Maine
J. J. Malazinskas
Frank H. Mancill
Mrs. Richard H. Manganaro
Fredric R. Mann
Yale Mann
Miss Carmelita A. Manning
Mrs. Edward Manning
Mrs. M. Jane Mansmann
Mrs. David Marder
Mrs. Irene Marik
Mrs. John Markle, 2nd
Briton Martin
Dr. Gustav J. Martin
J . Stanwood Martin
Sydney E. Martin, Jr.
H. B. Martling
Mrs. Josiah Marvel
Mrs. I. Edward Master
Miss Dorothy R. Masterman
Mrs. Joseph Materi
Charles E. Mather, 2nd
Robert J. Mathewson
Mrs. Rufus W. Mathewson
Mrs. Charles J. Matthews
Mrs. Robert A. Matthews
Jay H. Mattis
Mrs. John R. Maxwell, Jr.

Joseph R. Maxwell
William B. May
Mrs. George Gordon Meade
Edward D. Meanor
Richard W. Mecaskey
Mrs. B. Franklin Mechling
Mrs. Robert R. Meigs
Mrs. Webster A. Melcher
Arthur Meltzer
Mrs. William R. Mercer
Mrs. John W. Merriam
Miss Mary H. Merrick
Mrs. Oscar E. Mertz
Charles O. Metzger
Martin T. Meyer
Mrs. Lester Meyerhoff
Clarence L. Meyers
Mrs. Morton J. Meyers
F. Clyde Michel
Walter C. Mickleburgh
Mrs. G . Plantou Middleton
Mrs. Joseph Miller
Mrs. Sarah G . Miller
Earl B. Milliette
Mrs. T. Harry Milliken
Mrs. Henry D. Mirick
Mrs. William I. Mirkil
Henry W. Mitchell
Mrs. James F. Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Herbert H. Mohrfeld
Mrs. Maurice Molarsky
Miss Rosalie M. Mongel
Mrs. Nicola A. Montani
D. Cortlandt Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. James Alan
Montgomery, Jr.
Dr. Thaddeus L. Montgomery
Herbert R. Moody
Dr. Matthew T. Moore
Arthurc' Morgan
C. Michael Morrell
Mrs. A. Saunders Morris
Mrs. Caspar W. Morris
C. Christopher Morris
Clarence Morris
Edw"a rd Shippen Morris
Mrs. I. Wistar Morris, Jr.
Dr. Paul Morris
Mrs. Joseph Moss
Dr. Paul T. Moyer
Samuel Moyerman
Mrs. John H. Muller
Mrs. Gonzalo C. Munoz
Mrs. J. E~rnshaw Murdoch
Mrs. Charles S. Musser
Dr. David Myers
Mrs. Edward B. Myers
Willard G. Myers
Mrs. William K. Myers

Dr. Meyer Naide
Mr. and Mn•. Richard T. Nalle
Miss May A. Naylor
Miss Margaret R. Neely
Mrs. Stanley E. Neiman
Dr. Murray H. Nelligan
John Netzky
Mrs. Abraham A. Neuman
Mrs. Arthur E. Newbold, Jr.
Mrs. William T. Newbold
James P. Newell
Mrs. William P. Newhall
Mrs. Harry B. Newland
Mrs. E. Mortimer Newlin
Mrs. Philip F. Newman
Miss Caroline Newton
tThe Rev. James M. Niblo
Mrs. Frederick S. Nicholas
Miss Edythe Nicholson
Mrs. C. Niscemi
Dr. Norman Nixon
William H. Noble, Jr.
Miss Anna W. Nock
C. F. Norberg
Mrs. Charles C. Norris, Jr.
Mrs. C:;eorge W ; Norris
Mrs. Joseph L. O'Brien
Mrs. Julius Oelbermann
Mrs. C. Warwick Ogelsby
W. Paul O'Neill
Mrs. Marvin Orleans
Eugene Ormandy
George P. Orr
Harry F. Ortlip
Miss Judi Oser
Mrs. Alfred J. Ostheimer,3rd
t Mrs. Francis R. Packard
Mrs. John H. Packard, 3rd
Dr. Nicholas Padis
Edward C. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Sydenham Page
Mrs. George Bispham Page
Wheeler H. Page
Harry E. Paisley
Mrs. H. H. Pakradooni
Mrs. Mary A. Palmer
Dr. Samuel C. palmer
George Papashvily
Dr. H. Herbert Parcher
Mrs. William Park
Mrs. Frederick A. Patman
Mrs. George Patterson
Mrs. George S. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Patzau
Mrs. William A. B. Paul, Jr.
Miss Frances E. Paulson
Mrs. Harald Paumgarten
Dr. Franklin L. Payne


Mrs. William S. Peace
Dr. Georgiana M. Peacher
tMrs. Chauncey H. Peacock
Mrs. May T. Peacock
tCharles H. Pearson
Mrs. Joseph T. Pearson, Jr.
Arthur Peck
Miss Lyola C. Pedrick
George Wharton Pepper
Heyward M. Pepper
Mrs. Charles M. Peterson
Mrs. John Petroskas
Dr. Horace Pettit
Mr. and Mrs.Arthur E. Pew,Jr.
Mrs. John G. Pew, Jr.
Mrs. J. Howard Pew
Joseph N. Pew, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph N. Pew, 3rd
Mrs. William E. Phelps
Mrs. William W. Phillips
Frederick C. Phillis
Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Hyman A. Pinkovitz
Mrs. Webster Plass
Mrs. Henry Norris Platt
Albert K. PI one
James J. Pocock., Jr.
Edwin Morgan Pollock
J ohn Nevin Pomeroy
Mrs. William McL. Pomeroy
Mrs. Alexander Portnoff
Miss Ruth Potter
Mrs. George R. Powell
Mrs. Stanley Powell
Mrs. Samuel W. Pray
Mrs. Robert W. Preucel
Philip Price
Mrs. Peter Prichett
John B. Prizer
Mrs. Vincent J. Pro
Mrs. Richard B. Prunty
Mrs. Joseph J. Pugh
Miss Josephine M. Pura
Mrs. AlfredW. Putnam
Mrs. M. R. Raby
Mrs. Samuel Radbill
Claude Rains
Mrs. J . .Richard Ranck
John L. Randall
William A. Randall
David S. Randolph
Mrs. Evan Randolph, Jr.
Claude J. Ranney
Miss Lois Rapp
Mrs. William A. Rawak
Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath
Mrs. J. Howard Reber
Mrs. G. R. Rebmann, Jr.
tCharies S. Redding


Mrs. Edward A. Reed
james R. Ruban
The Rev. Luther D. Reed
Mrs. George C. Ruby
Wesley s. Reed
Charles Rudy
Charles Reese
Mrs. Francis John Rumpf
Mrs. Agnis Rushton
Joseph H. Reese
Dr. Warren S. Reese
Mrs. Norman F. S. Russell
Mrs. Alfred S. Reeves
Harry' B. Rust
Walter Reinsel
Mrs. Edwin M. Sabol
Mrs. Richard O. Rex
Dr. A, K. Sallom
Mrs. Walter E. Rex, Jr.
Mrs. E. J. Salter
Dr. Jonathan Rhoads
Edward Samuel, Jr.
Owen B. Rhoads
Mrs. Joseph Sanders
Harold R. Rice
David H. Sanford
John F. Rich
Aaron I. Sanson, 3rd
Mrs. Everett Richard
Mrs. Albert W. Sanson
Dr. Alfred N. Richards
Mrs. Zonia Sargent
Mrs. R. K. Richards
I. Erwin Satinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar P. Richar!
Philip Satinsky
Mrs. Sheppard Richardson
Sol Satinsky
Mrs. Wolfgang D. Richter
Linton Satterthwaite
Mrs. Charles R. Ridington
Walter Biddle Saul
R. G. Rincliffe
Lawrence Saunders
Mrs. Charles S. Ristine
Ernest C. Savage
Adolph Ritter
Henry W. Sawyer, 3rd
Miss Deborah C. Ritter
James E. Sax
Mrs. Henry S. Ritter
Nathaniel Saxe
Victor Riu
tM rs. Edwin F. Saxman, Jr.
Mrs. E. F. Rivinus
M·iss E. Josephine Saylor
Mrs. John Craig Roak
Harold D. Saylor
Max Robb
Jules Scalella
Mrs. Brooke Roberts
Dr. Sondra N. Scarf
E. A. Roberts
Mrs. Alfred G. Scattergood
Mrs. Frederick M. Roberts
Adolf Schaap
Mrs. Graham Roberts
Mrs. Merle s. Schaff
H. Radclyffe Roberts
Miss Sophia R. Schaffer
Mrs. Helen L. Roberts
Mrs. F. Carter Schaub
Mrs. Marion N. Robertson
Francis H. Scheetz
Mrs. Edward Robins
Dr. Lewis C. Scheffey
Mrs. Milton L. Rock
Mrs. Harold G. Scheie
Mrs. Charles S. Rockey
Henry Emil Scherer
Miss Mary Middleton Rogers
Herbert F. Schiffer
Mrs. Theodore O. Rogers
Mrs. Carl A. Schlegel
S. Wyman Rolph
Leonard s. Schloss
Mrs. Nicholas G. Roosevelt
Allan Schmidt
Mrs. Raymond Rosen
Samuel K. Schneid man
Mrs. Leo M. Rosenau
George Schobinger
Paul Rosenbaum
Samuel R. Rosenbaum
Mrs. Edwin J. Schoettle
Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle
A. J. Rosenfeld
Mrs. Philip A. Schoettle
Rudolph H. Rosenfeld
D. H. Schultz
Mrs. Adolph G. Rose ngarten
Mrs. Albert H. Rosengarten
James T. F. Schultz
Mrs. Max Schultz
Mrs. J. Clifford Rosengarten
Lessing J. Rosenwald
Harold S. Schutt
Mrs. Anthony Schwartz
Robert S. Ross
Mrs. Axel Rossell
Mrs. H. W. Schwartz
Mrs. Samuel P. Rotan
Mrs. Earl Scott
Dr. George J. Roth
Mrs. Edgar Scott
Mrs. Frazier Scott
John H. Rothenhausler
Mrs. Hardie Scott
Mrs. Edmund Rowland

Miss Helen P. Scott
Mrs. Hugh D. Scott, Jr.
Mrs. I. M. Scott
Mrs. Edwin G. Scovel
Mrs. Theodore C. Scull
Mrs. C. Alison Scully
Theodore E. Seelye
Mrs. Samuel Seitchik
Mrs. Sol Selig
Mrs. William W. Sellers
Dr. William Serber
Mrs. Charles Sernaker
Mrs. Robert E. Sessions
Mrs. Frank E. Seymour
Mrs. E. O. Shakespeare
Mrs. Benjamin Shapiro
Mrs. Harold B. Shaw
Howell Lewis Shay
tMrs. Frank J. Sheble
Mrs. Warren Sheble
Maurice J. Sheerr
Mrs. Stanley I. Sheerr
Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield
Mrs. Emily H. Shekerjian
Mrs. Warner S. Shelly
Miss Carolyn Shepard
Willard C. Shepard
Miss Mary G. Sheppard
tMrs. William D. Sherrerd
Mrs. William D. Sherrerd, Jr.
Mrs. G. Dunbar Shewell
Irving Shipkin
Mrs. Lesther B. Shoemaker
R. M. Shoemaker
Dr. Thomas E.
Shoematker, 2nd
Mrs. C. L. Shollenberger
Mrs. Clayton Shore
. Max B. Shubin
Benjamin S. Shulman
Mrs. Adrian Siegel
Theodor Siegl
C. A. Sienkiewicz
Grant M. Simon
Stanley A. Simon
Dr. Louis W. Sipley
Mrs. D. Wielland Sit ley
Mrs. James M. Skinner
Mrs. James M. Skinner, Jr.
Arthur F. Skwierzynski
Dr. David Slade
John A. Slag en
Mrs. J. H. Slater
Julian B. Slevin, 3~d
Richard J. Sliwinski
Dr. Norman G. Sloane
Mrs. Alfred Smalley, Jr.
Arthur T. Smith
Mrs. Carolyn F. Smith
Mrs. Dudley S. Smith

Dr. Frances T. Smith
Frederick B. Stimson
Mrs. Francis J. Stokes
John Story Smith
Miss Maria W. Smith
Mrs. J. Stogdell Stokes
Morton Smith
Mrs. S. Emlen Stokes
Mrs. W. Singerly Smith
Oskar Stonorov
Mrs. William Wharton Smith
Mrs. George L. Storm
Mrs. Franklin P. Stow
Maxwell Smolens
Mrs. Michael J. Smylie
Robert Strausz-Hupe
Dr. Murray G. Smyth, Jr.
Mrs. L. R. Streander
Mrs. Morton Snellen burg
Mrs. George V. Strong
Nathan J. Snellen burg
William V. Suckle
Stanley S. Snellenburg
Mrs. Catherine . B. Sullivan
Dr. L. E. Snodgrass
Miss Mary E. Sumerfield
Mrs. Benjamin Snyder
Mrs. Charles G. Sunstein
Edwin A. Soast
tLeon C. Sunstein
Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein
Mrs. K. A. Solmssen
Mrs. Louis A. Soloff
Miss Elaine F. Suplee
Irwin W. Solomon
David Supowitz
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sordoni, Jr. Henderson Supplee, Jr.
Mrs. H. Mc C. Southworth
Miss Anne Surgent
Mrs. Horace B. Spackman
t Arthur Sussel
Mrs. Boyd Lee Spahr, Jr.
Miss Hannah M. Sweeton
Maurice Spector
Alvin A. Swenson
Morton D. Spector
Herbert H. Swinburne
Mrs. M. G. Speiser
Israel Switt
Raymond A. Speiser
Leslie M. Swope
Mrs. Rosalie K. Spencer
James M. Symes
Miss Selma I. Spielberger
Dr. Harold L. Springer
Mr.s. W. Allen Taft
Mrs. Harry A. Takiff
Benton Spruance
Dr. Timothy R. Talbot, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Squie
Edward Stapler
William R. Talbot
Mrs. Chorles W. Staples
Susumu Tanaka
Mrs. S. A. Tannenbaum
Mrs. Charles S. Starr
Mrs. Edward Starr, Jr.
George B. Tatum
C. Newbold Taylor
Dr. Isaac Starr
Joseph Stasinski
George W. Taylor
Mrs. Howard Taylor, Jr.
Harold E. Stassen
Mrs. Philip J. Taylor
Mrs. Rose Gimbel Stecker
Mrs. Alonzo W. Stedman
Mrs. Rollo L. Taylor
Mrs. R. Stockton Taylor
Mrs. William Hill Steeble
Mrs. Howard Steel
Mrs. Arthur S. Teague
Mrs. Frederick M. Thayer
Mrs. E. A. Steele
Dr. Per-Olof G. Therman
Mrs. William A. Steiger
Rodman E. Thompson '
H. P. Stellwagen
Miss Valentine J. Stephano
Miss Ethel H. Tily
Robert C. Stephenson
Mrs. Robert R. Titus
Dr. David S. Stern
Mrs. Floyd Todd
Mrs. Horace Stern
Dr. Owen Jones Toland
Lawrence M. Stevens
Mrs. Raymond A. Townley
Mrs. Charles A. Townsend
Mrs. William J. Stevens, Jr.
Mrs. John A. Stevenson
. Miss Elizabeth S. Trotter
Mrs. S. H. K. Stevenson
Miss Iro C. Trueblood
Mrs. R. Marshall Truitt
Miss Dorothy E. Stewart
Harry G. Stewart
Dr. Henry Tumen
Mrs. Rodgers Stewart
Mrs. Charles R. Tyson
Miss Susan B. Stewart
Mrs. Gerd Utescher
Frank Carl Stiefel
Mrs. W. N. Stilwell
Mrs. E. Miles Valentine
Mrs. Boudinot Stimson


Mr. and M,rs. William L.
Van Alen
Mrs. H. G. Van der Eb
Miss Dorothy L. Van Loan
Elmer G. Van Name
Mrs. Lloyd Van Sciver
Anthony J. Vassallo
Mrs. Jacques L. Vauclain
Miss Mary Jane Venger
Paul J. Vinicoff
Miss Marie B. Viti
Mrs. Carl Paul Vogt
Mrs. Schuyler Volkmar
Miss Lecian von Bernuth
Mrs. Michael von Moschzisker
Mrs. Theodore C. Voorhees
Robert M. Waddington
Mrs. T. F. Dixon Wainwright
Miss Isabella Walker
Mrs. Robert M. Walker
Mrs. Theodore B. Wallace
L. W. T. Waller, Jr.
Brendan D. Walsh
Mrs. Otis Walter
Mrs. Henry F. Walton, Jr.
W. Wyclif Walton
Mrs. Charles F. Ward, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Kimball Ward
Mrs. R. B. Ward
Miss Mary E. Wardle
Miss Margaret W. Warner
Dr. Miriam Warner
J. Henry Warren
Jesse B. Warriner
Mrs. Edward WarwiCk
Mrs. Lindsley M" Washburn
Louis M. Washburn
Mrs. Howard Wasserman
Mrs. Joseph Wasserman
Dr. Michael Watter
Harold Watts
Mrs. Henry M. Watts, Jr.
Herbert K. Webb
Frederick W. Weber
Mrs. Glenn L. Weber
Mrs. Livia Mann Weber
Mrs. John S. Webster
Lawrence R. Wechsler
Mrs. Robert V. Wehrheim
Mrs. S. P. Weinberg
James R. Weiner
Mrs. Samuel Weisberg
Albert N. Weiss
Mrs. George A. Welsh

-r Deceased.


Mrs. Paul B. Wendler
Mrs. Herman E. Wenograd
Dr. Nathaniel Werrin
Mrs. James M. West, 3rd
Walter H. West, Jr.
Mrs. Frederick W. Weston
Morris M. Wexler
Mrs. S. Brinton Wharton
Miss Ellen C. Wharton
H. Eugene Wheeler
Mrs. Robert Wheelwright
Mrs. T. Duncan Whelen
Mrs. William B. Whelen
Anthony H. Whitaker
Edward J. White
MiChael M. White
Mrs. S. S. White, 3rd
Theo B. White
Thomas Raeburn White
Mrs. William White
Mrs. Daniel S. Whiteman
Thomas Whyte, Jr.
Mrs. Harriet M. Wickersham
Mrs. George D. Widener
Mrs. Alfred Wielopolski
Norman S. Wiggins
J. Roffe Wike, 2nd
Franklin B. Wildman, Jr.
Mrs. Edward Wiler
George W. Wiley
Miss Hedwig Wiley
Mrs. E. Burke Wilford
Miss Deborah A. Wilkinson
Mrs. De Forest P. Willard
Mr. and Mrs.J. TaneyWilicox
Henry Lee Willet
Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Mrs. Harvey L. Williams
H. Justice Williams
Mrs. Horace J. Williams
Ira Jewell Williams, Jr.
John S. Williams
Richard N. Williams, 2nd
Mrs. Robert J. Williams
Mrs. Thomas S. Williams
Charles Willing
Mrs. M. N. Willits
Dr. Elizabeth D. Wilson
Mrs. Hamilton M. Wilson
Dr. N. William Winkelman, Jr.
Mrs. Merrill B. Winn
Miss Ellen Winsor
Dr. C. Wilmer Wirts
Mrs. Burton S. Wirtschafter

Mrs. Charles K. B. Wister
Owen J. Wister
George Walter Witney
D. Colman Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C.
Mrs. Robert W. Wolcott
Robert D. Woldow
Edwin Wolf, 2nd
Howard A. Wolf
Dr. John H. Wolf
Morris Wolf
Walter L. Wolf
Mrs. Frank B. Wolff
Miss Katharine Wolff
Miss Ruth M. Wolff
Mrs. William Wolgin
Mrs. Hollis Wolstenholme
Mrs. Alan D. Wood
Alexander C. Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Charles R. Wood
Harvard C. Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Howard Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph Wood
Mrs. P. Erskine Wood
Mrs. Richard D. Wood
William Wood
Mrs. John Woodall
Mrs. Edna M. Woodcock
William I. Woodcock, Jr.
,Miss Allegra Woodworth
Mrs. Henry N. Woolman
Mrs. Charles C. Wriggins
-rMrs. Harrison B. Wright
tOr. Harry B. Wright
Sydney L. Wright
Mrs. Harold Wurzel
Mrs. M. L. Wurzel
Thomas E. Wynne
Miss Agnes Yarnall
Mrs. Karl T. Yarnall
Dr. J. B. Yasinow
Mrs. Richard W. Yerkes
Mrs. Susan F. Yocum
Vincent Young
Frank Zachary
Mrs. Joseph A. Zang
C. Clark Zantzinger, Jr.
Mrs. David E. Zeitlin
Julius Zieget
William Zimmermann
Manuel K. Zinn
Joseph H. Zinni
tChristian H. Zoller


Yearly Members

Annual $10.00
Sustaining $25.00
{ Contributi ng $100.00

life Mem ber ..... .. ...... . ... .. .. . .. . .. . .... • ..... . . . ... . . . . $300
Fellow ....... . . ... ........ . ........... . ... . .. . .... $1000 to $5000
Patron .. . ....... . ... . .... .. ....... .. . . ...... .. .. $5000 to $25,000
Benefactor ..... .. ......... . ..... . ................. $25,000 or more
(Fellows, Patrons and Benefactors are enrolled in perpetuity.)

A membership in the Academy helps to support and affiliates you with the
oldest art institution in the country and one of the most important in the
community and the nation. Founded in 1805 and chartered in 1806, its origin
actually dates from the efforts made in 1791 by Charles Willson Peale to
organize a school for the fine arts in Philadelphia.
In the Academy's schools, many distinguished American painters, sculptors
and illustrators have been trained, and its students of today rank with the
In its galleries are shown two of America's major annual art exhibitions;
American Painting and Sculpture; Water Colors and Prints; other special
exhibitions; and the Academy's permanent collection, representing a crosssection of American art from the early eighteenth century through its current
Members receive notices of all activities (concerts, lectures, motion pictures),
invitations to private views, catalogues of exhibitions and schools, the Annual
Report, a discount on art works purchased from Academy-sponsored professional exhibitions, and have use of the art reference library.

give, devise and bequeath to The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
Dollars, in trust, to invest and keep
invested and apply the income to the maintenance of the said Academy.

The Academy is open weekdays (except Mondays) from 10 A.M~ to 5 P.M.;
Sundays and Holidays from 1 to 5 P.M. Closed Mondays, New Year's Day,
Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

