182nd Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts


182nd Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
annual report
finance report
school report
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
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Board of Trustees
Harold A. Sorgenti
Charles J. Kenkelen
First Vice Chairman
and Treasurer
J. Roffe Wike
Second Vice Chairman
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner

John B. Bartlett
George A. Beach
George R. Burrell, Jr.
Carpenter Dewey
Mrs. Kenneth W. Gemmill
Milton Ginsburg
William L. Grala
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
Samuel M. V. Hamilton
Frederick S. Hammer
Stephen B. Klein
Mrs. Morton M. Kligerman
Leonard l. Korman
B. Herbert Lee
Charles E. Mather III
Mrs. Henry S. McNeil
Harvey S. Shipley Miller
Allen J. Model
Dr. Charles W. Nichols
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Lyn M. Ross
Mrs. Herbert F. Schiffer
Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Mrs. Stanley C. T uttleman
Archbold D. van Beuren
Frank R. Veale
Robert G. Wilder
Elective Trustees
Hon. Oliver Franklin
Richard S. Ranck
Bruce Samuelson
Hon. Joan Specter
Ex Officio Trustees



I am proud to share with you, in
this my first year as chairman of
the Pennsylvania Academy's Board
of Trustees, the many positive results of 1987. It was a year in
which important initiatives, begun
under the able chairmanship of my
predecessor, Samuel M. V. Hamilton, were realized-for instance,
the successful completion of the
$1.6 million Scholarship Endowment Campaign. Also, important
steps were taken to redefine the
physical dimensions of the Pennsylvania Academy in accord With
the master plan to consolidate the
Academy's facilities in the area of
Broad and Cherry streets. The result will be a significant advance in
both the quality and quantity of
space available for Museum and
School programs. The first of these
steps was the signing of an agreement to buy a nine-story loft at
13th and Cherry streets. We are
now developing plans for state-ofthe-art studios in the 87,000
square feet of this building. Plans
are also being made for muchneeded renovations to the areas
behind the scenes in the Museum.
Based on extensive architectural

Harold A. Sorgenti, chairman

studies, we have quantified, for the
first time in its history, the physical needs of the Museum. We
must acquire additional gallery
space if we are to exhibit adequately the Academy's great collection
of American art. A considerable
amount of money will have to be
raised to support these plans and
insure the continued economic
health of the Academy. The officers and the Board of Trustees are
committed to strengthening the
Academy's finances through professional management and creative
The Pennsylvania Academy has
been historically, and remains today, a partnership of interests. As


chairman, I am aware of the extraordinary contributions of the
hundreds of volunteers who give of
their time, money, and expertise
to make the Academy a stronger
institution. I am particularly grateful for the work and support of the
Academy's Board of Trustees and
its Women's Committee. It gives
me pleasure to record the reelection of three trustees in 1987Milton Ginsburg, B. Herbert Lee,
and Leonard 1. Korman - and the
election of Stephen B. Klein, Lyn
M. Ross, and Mrs. Stanley C.
Tuttleman. I also acknowledge,
with thanks, the support of Mrs.
Henry S. McNeil, Mrs. Meyer P.
Potamkin, and Mrs. E. Newbold
Smith, trustees whose terms expired at the end of 1987.
Finally, it is the professional staff
and faculty who work daily to give
the Pennsylvania Academy its distinction and place of honor in the
cultural life of our nation. For their
outstanding efforts in 1987, I salute them.
Harold A. Sorgenti

Detail of Broad Street facade


During the five years that I have
been privileged to serve as president of the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts, a great amount of
time has been devoted to planning
for the future. In order to plan
well, one must understand the real
needs of an institution and how
those needs can be best realized.
An institution without carefully
considered, realistic plans probably
does not have a very bright future.
The year 1987 witnessed the realization of a number of our plans.
The chairman's report discusses
the first step in implementing the
master plan, which describes the
physical needs of the Pennsylvania
Academy for the foreseeable future. The director of marketing,
Elaine M. Lomenzo, presented
marketing and media plans that
were approved by the Board of
Trustees. As part of these efforts,
the Pennsylvania Academy has established a unified institutional
look through its new logo, designed by Lewis, Gilman and Kynett. Campaigns to increase our
audience and improve public relations brought 74,000 visitors to the
Museum and the Peale House Gallery and generated free print and
electronic coverage worth $1.5
million. Membership set a record - 8,112 members - as a result
of vigorous efforts by Elaine Breslow, director of development, and
her staff.

Frank H. Goodyear,



In the Museum, plans are underway to make sorely needed improvements to staff offices and support facilities. This follows upon
the successful renovation of the
auditorium - now the Hamilton
Auditorium - made possible by
the generosity of Samuel M. V.
Hamilton's family and executed
with great sensitivity by the firm of
Susan Maxman Architects. With
occupancy of its new studio facility
scheduled for the fall of 1988, the
School also will acquire better and
bigger space. The successful completion of the Scholarship Endowment Campaign, chaired by
Charles E. Mather III and ably coordinated by Ruth Oliver DuBois,
will make possible greater financial
aid to needy students. After surveying members of the Peale
Club, the Board of Trustees
reached the decision to discontinue serving dinner and concentrate
on developing the luncheon business and special functions.


The Pennsylvania Academy continues to maintain its financial
strength, with assets in excess of
$25 million and a net worth over
$17 million. Private gifts and
grants appeared to drop in 1987,
but this was merely a return to normal from the higher level of the
previous year, when changes in the
tax law and economic uncertainty
prompted accelerated giving. As
our program to dispose of European
art that is no longer relevant to the
collection nears completion, proceeds from deaccessioning naturally were down. All of the deaccessioning funds are being used for the
acquisition of works of art. Income
from capital gains, while lower
than in 1986, was significant because we made adjustments early in
the year to take advantage of
strong market conditions. By stringently containing expenses, we
were able largely to offset the unfavorable decrease in income.
The challenges that have been successfully met and the planning for
the future that has been accomplished thus far would not have
been possible without the extraordinary commitment and support of
hundreds of individuals. It is the
people that make an institution
work, and the Pennsylvania Academy is blessed with good people.
They made a difference in many
areas in 1987. The success of the
Scholarship Endowment Cam-

paign was due to the generosity of
over 700 donors; to the hard work
of its steering committee; and to
the contribution, by distinguished
American artists, Academy faculty, and students, of works for sale
to benefit the campaign. I am particularly grateful to Will Barnet,
Mr. and Mrs. James Havard, Alfred Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Pearlstein, Mr. and Mrs. James
Rosati, and Judith Rothschild for
hosting campaign-benefit receptions in New York and to Ben and
Debbie Mangel for allowing the
Academy to organize a campaignbenefit exhibition in their Philadelphia gallery.
Louise Nevelson and Frank H. Goodyear,


at Masked Ball

Masked Ball
Left to right, Denise De Laurentis, Currie Smith, Pierce Archer,
Sharon Erwin, and Francie Rogers at Young Friends of the
Pennsylvania Academy party


I acknowledge, with thanks, the
work of the Alumni Association
and its president, Richard S.
Ranck. The co-chairmen of the
Young Friends, Pierce Archer and
Denise De Laurentis, continued
the exciting growth of this new
group of Pennsylvania Academy
supporters. Mrs. Richard J. Fox
and W. Gresham O'Malley III ably
co-chaired the Charles Willson
Peale Society, .a vitally important
membership support group. As always, the Women's Committee,
chaired so graciously by Mrs. Morton M. Kligerman, produced a
series of dazzling events and trips
that raised handsome sums for the
Pennsylvania Academy. In this regard, lowe sincere thanks to two
very special people, Mrs. Karl E.
Wenk, Jr., and Mrs. Jane Medveckis, who co-chaired the magnificent Masked Ball, which raised
over $80,000 for the Scholarship
Endowment Campaign. I am indebted to the members of the Ad-

visory Task Force, who worked diligently to advise me on the most
appropriate use of the studio space
at Broad and Cherry streets, and
particularly to Richard Tyler, historic preservation officer of the
Philadelphia Historical Commission, who prepared the task force's
final document. The Pennsylvania
Academy is extremely fortunate to
have as its chairman Harold A.
Sorgenti, a matchless leader with
vision as well as the ability to realize dreams. To the Academy's officers and the members of the Board
of Trustees, especially the eleven
committee chairmen, I extend
hearty thanks.
The staff of any organization constitute its heartbeat, its most vital
center. They are charged with daily operational responsibilities:
making budgets, raising funds for
projects, planning and executing
educational programs, securing
and maintaining priceless facilities
and collections, and, most important, making the institution
prominently visible in the community. Such responsibilities grow
increasingly complex and take
place in an increasingly competitive environment.

In 1987 the staff of the School, the
Museum, and the departments of
Development, Finance and Administration, and Marketing continued to meet their responsibilities with extraordinary
professionalism and dedication.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. V. Hamilton (center) with their family at dedication of
Hamilton Auditorium

Daniel] . Terra, ambassador-at-large for cultural affairs (center) with Harvey S.
Shipley Miller and Linda Bantel at Iconography of William Penn exhibition

Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.


Students drawing casts in a Preliminary Studio


The year 1987 was a landmark. Its
most prominent features have already been noted by the chairman
and the president: the splendid
success of the School's first major
Scholarship Endowment Campaign and the purchase of 1301
Cherry Street, which will be made
into a state-of-the-art studio building. There we will be able to consolidate all the sculpture facilities,
improve those for printmaking,
and provide more painting studios.
Everyone is looking forward to
greatly improved space, better
light, and easy access to the main
building - in short, to a physical
plant that truly complements the
instruction program. The move
from the current Peale House,
which is ten blocks away, to a location just one block east of the main
building will provide the Academy
with its first real campus.
The Academy continues to attract
students from across the United
States and from many foreign
countries, including China, Poland, Australia, and the West
Indies. Such a diverse group makes
for a highly stimulating environment. No one who witnesses a
class in session fails to comment on
the intensity of its activity. The
curriculum is under constant review in order to present the best
possible program. In 1987, we instituted advanced drawing seminars in which third-year and
fourth-year students discuss important issues of contemporary art.

artist Betye Saar each spent a day
critiquing student work, as did the
sculptor Nancy Graves, during her
visit to receive the Award of
American Art from the Academy.

Frederick S. Osborne, Jr. , dean and
director of the Schools

The Academy is often thought of
as a school for painters; but, in recent years, the printmaking and
the sculpture departments have
grown and developed dramatically.
Both have enlisted additional faculty members to bring new energies
to the interaction with students in
the studio. Natalie Charkow, a
faculty member at Yale University,
served as a guest critic in sculpture
and as a judge for the Stewardson
Sculpture Prize. Judy Brodsky, a
New York printmaker, gave critiques of students' graphics. The
visiting artists who have lectured
this year are Irving Petlin, whose
painting The Disappeared is in the
Academy's permanent collection;
Steven Hawley, from Boston, who
works in encaustic; Charles Cajori,
a founding faculty member of the
New York Studio School; the conceptual artist Lowry Burgess, an
Academy alumnus; Susie Gablik,
an art critic and writer; and Louise
Fishman, a faculty member at the
Cooper Union Art School and a
prominent abstract painter.
Lowry Burgess and the assemblage


Enrollment in the evening-school
program has continued to grow,
and more classes have been added
to accommodate this expansion.
The courses, which are open to the
public, are designed so that beginners and advanced students can
work together. Courses taught in
the daytime, such as watercolor,
life drawing, portrait painting, and
still life are available to evening
students as well. Thus, people who
cannot study during the day are assured the same high level of instruction. Many evening students
register for more than one class per
session. The evening program has
proved to be of special benefit to
beginners who need direction in
preparing portfolios in order to apply for a full-time day program.
In addition to these curricula offered in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Academy is conducting
classes at nearby Chester Springs,
where it once operated a major
branch campus.
The year-end annual student exhibition was one of the most successful ever. The artist Miriam Shapiro, who spoke at graduation,
noted that she was extremely impressed with the caliber and variety
of the work.

Opening reception for annual students' exhibition

Left to right, Ed O'Brien, Warren Spindler, Teri Ceraso,
Ron Wyffels, and Frederick S. Osborne, Jr., at opening of
annual students' exhibition
Harold A. Sorgenti and B. Herbert Lee congratulating
one of the Academy graduates, Dawn Laurie, at
graduation ceremonies


Peter Paone (right) with students

The Peale House Gallery had an
exceptional roster of exhibitions
that drew record attendance. Participants in the graphics faculty
show included Peter Paone, Dan
Miller, Ron Wyffels, Tony Rosati,
and Harry Hasheia~. Bill Scott
and Mary Nomecos, both abstractionists and Academy alumni, exhibited jointly. Gail Levin showed
photographs of locations painted
by Edward Hopper. Six student
shows, including the eveningschool exhibit, rounded out the
successful schedule.

Many people are responsible for
the successes of this eventful year.
A great debt of gratitude is owed to
the Board of Trustees, especially
the chairman, Harold A. Sorgenti,
and the Instruction Committee
and its chairman, B. Herbert Lee.
The steadfast commitment of staff,
faculty, students, alumni, and the
enormous number of friends outside the institution has contributed
to the School's welfare and provided inspiration and a reaffirmation of its mission.

In 1987, Dan Miller spent a longoverdue sabbatical in Great Britain
and Germany. Upon his return, he
presented a slide lecture for students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
Moe Brooker was selected as one of
the artists to represent Philadelphia on a recent visit to its sister
city, Tianjin, China.

Dean and Director of the Schools

Frederick S. Osborne, Jr.

Roswell Weidner teaching life painting

Ed Lewis, an advanced student, working in
private studio

The School staff was greatly enhanced by several new members.
Betty Huston, arl Academy alumna, became assi~tant to the director. Aquila Galgon was appointed
models and props coordinator; and
Lizanne McBride, formerly financial-aid director, returned from a
stint with the Peace Corps to manage the extension program. Andrea Miskiewicz, who studied at
the Philadelphia College of the
Arts, has been appointed assistant
to the schools. Bill Scott has been
hired as part-time curator of the
Peale House Gallery.


Nancy Graves, Hay Fervor, 1985





A museum like the Pennsylvania
Academy has three important responsibilities. As you will see from
the discussions of acquisitions and
exhibitions later in this report,
1987 has been a success in the first
two areas: expanding the collections and displaying the best of
both historical and contemporary
art. The third responsibility is less
visible but no less important - to
interpret the collections. Accordingly, the Pennsylvania Academy
set out on an ambitious program to
make all its collections available to
a much wider audience through
publications. Extensive research
has been done thus far, leading to
fresh insights into the history of
the objects. I am happy to report
that significant progress took place
in 1987. Research on more than
1600 paintings was completed and
organized by Nancy Fresella-Lee
into a checklist, soon to be published. Most of the Academy's
large sculpture collection was catalogued by Susan James-Gadzinski,
Mary Mullen Cunningham, and
Theresa Esperdy. Over 12,000
graphics were documented under
the direction of Kathleen A. Foster, assisted by Jeanette Toohey
and Cynthia Veloric. Cheryl
Leibold did a substantial amount
of work on A Guide to the
Manuscripts in Charles Bregler's
Thomas Eakins Collection, the first
in a series of publications about
this landmark collection, acquired
by the Pennsylvania Academy in
1985. The guide, which will be
published in 1989 by the University of Pennsylvania Press, has been
made possible by a grant from the

scape. Although less well known
than his brother Maurice, Charles
Prendergast was widely recognized
during the 1920s for his popular
panel paintings, drawings, and
decorated chests.

Linda Bantel, director of the Museum

Henry Luce Foundation. This will
be the first major publication to focus attention on the richness of the
archives at the Academy.

Throughout 1987, the Pennsylvania Academy has been the grateful
beneficiary of the generosity of
many donors. Their gifts are detailed in the list of acquisitions on
pages 20 and 21.
Notable gifts of twentieth-century
art included John Sloan's portrait
Mary Kerr, presented by Helen
Farr Sloan, and a watercolor by
Charles Demuth entitled Vaudeville Dancers, given by Margot
Newman Stickley in memory of
her parents, Philip and Helene S.
Newman. Mrs. Stickley also donated three other works: Woman in
Red Dress and Beach Scene by William Glackens and North Shore by
Charles Prendergast. The original
gilt and gesso frame still accompanies Prendergast's delightful arrangement of figures in a land-


The collection received a major
boost from the gift of more than
4,000 objects, including paintings,
books, and hundreds of drawings
and pastels, from the estate of the
prominent Philadelphia artist Violet Oakley. She was an alumna of
the Pennsylvania Academy, a recipient of the Academy's prestigious Gold Medal, and a faculty
member. She is best known for her
murals in the Senate and Supreme
Court buildings in Harrisburg and
in the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia. The collection was donated by the Violet
Oakley Memorial Foundation,
which was being disbanded. Accompanying the gift was a fund to
help maintain the collection and
support an annual lecture on public art. During the summer, the
material was inventoried by Patricia Likos, the former curator of
the Violet Oakley Memorial
A major gift in 1987 was Indian Red
Series #2, an oil painting by Jack
Tworkov, who was the subject of
an important retrospective at the
Pennsylvania Academy at the beginning of the year. One of the
Academy's goals has been to address the gap in its collection of
representative works from the
1950s through the 1970s, and this
uncompromisingly geometric

John Sloan, Mary Kerr, 1902

Henry Benbridge, The Gordon Family,
ca. 1760

painting in subtle ochers and grays
is one of Tworkov's strongest of the
early 1970s.
The collection was also augmented
by major purchases, which span
three centuries. John Singleton
Copley's rare pastel portrait of
John Scollay is the first drawing by
this Boston artist to come into the
Academy's collection, where it
joins his striking oil Robert "King"
Hooper, acquired in 1984. The
monochrome drawing of Scollay
may represent the early experiments that led to Copley's rich pastel portraits of the period from
1765 to 1770. Another eighteenth-century work, of tremendous importance to the Academy
and to Philadelphia, is the group
portrait of a local family: the oil
painting The Gordon Family by the
Philadelphia-born artist Henry

Benbridge was one of a series that
Benbridge made of various relatives before he went to Italy in
1764. Bought with funds from the
Henry S. McNeil Fund, The Gordon Family is Benbridge's most important and complex composition
of that period. It is also the most
impressive conversation picture of
the colonial era in the Academy's
In 1987, the Academy was able to
buy two works by Morris Blackburn, thereby realizing a longstanding goal of expanding its examples of American modernism.
Blackburn, who taught at the
Academy from 1953 until his
death in 1979, had studied here in
the 1920s and with Arthur B.
Carles in the 1930s when Carles
was experimenting with abstraction. Blackburn progressed from


synthetic cubism to pure abstraction, and his Appalachian Spring I
- inspired by Aaron Copeland's
music - successfully combines
both these styles. The Academy
acquired not only the oil painting
but also, thanks to the generosity
of Mrs. C. Graham Berwind, Jr.,
the watercolor study. Our collection of Blackburn's work was augmented earlier in the year by Mrs.
Blackburn's gift of a five-color serigraph. The Academy is now a major repository for the work of this
important Philadelphia artist.
With the support of an acquisition
grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Academy
was able to purchase its first work
by Jacob Lawrence, one of America's premier black artists and
teachers. The painting, entitled
Dream Series #5: The Library, sym-

Jacob Lawrence, Dream Series #5: The Library, 1967

Jack Tworkov, Indian Red Series #2, 1979

bolizes one of the artist's favorite
themes - the value of education.
This painting was selected by the
members of the Collectors' Circle
from works recommended by the
curatorial staff during a visit to
New York galleries. It was the second object purchased in part with
funds generated by the Collectors'
Circle, a special category of Academy membership. The purchase
was also supported by funds raised
by the Women's Committee.
There were two other significant
purchases of contemporary art:
Deep Swimmers and Mountain
Climbers, a monumental drawing
by Robert Stackhouse, and Hay
Fervor by Nancy Graves, the major
piece of sculpture acquired this year.
Nancy Graves had her first solo
show in 1965 at the Whitney Museum of American Art and in 1987

was the subject of a major traveling
exhibition. She received the Pennsylvania Academy's Award of
American Art on November 20,
1987, at a gala party graciously
hosted by the Women's Committee. It is due to the generosity of
the Women's Committee and the
other donors listed on page 21 that
we were able to purchase such a
key work by Nancy Graves. Hay
Fervor is typical of her recent
sculpture in which casts in bronze
of natural and man-made objects
are combined with farm implements. It is a tough, brilliantly colored image - quintessentially

The 1987 program (shown on
pages 22 and 23) was highlighted
by three exhibitions: Jack Tworkov:
Paintings, 1928-1982; Hidden Heri-


tage: Afro-American Art, 18001950; and Monotypes by Maurice
Prendergast from the Terra Museum
of American Art. As part of Philadelphia's enthusiastic participation
in the bicentennial of the United
States Constitution, the Pennsylvania Academy mounted a series of
exhibitions, including Framing the
Constitution: The Artists' Record
and Sentimental Sojourn: Strangers
and Souvenirs. The latter, an installation by the West Coast artist
Betye Saar, was specially commissioned by the Pennsylvania Academy. The Academy was also pleased
to join with the Italian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs in exhibiting
sketches by the Italian sculptor
Antonio Canova for his statue of
George Washington, along with
some rare early-nineteenth-century letters from Americans to

Contemporary art was the focus of
our summer exhibition: Selections
from the Frederick R. Weisman Collection included paintings, prints,
sculpture, and drawings by artists
such as Jonathan Borofsky, Red
Grooms, Duane Hanson, George
Segal, Ed Ruscha, and Andy Warhol. At the preview reception, the
City of Philadelphia awarded Mr.
Weisman the Philadelphia Medallion. An important Los Angeles
collector, he bought works from
Herbert George's Morris Gallery
show and from the Academy's student show.

Nancy Graves receiving Award of American Art from Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.

Claude Clark, Selma Burke, and Elizabeth
Catlett at opening of Hidden Heritage

Works from our permanent collection were displayed on a rotating
basis throughout the year. In
April, sixty paintings were lent to
the opening exhibition at the new
facilities of the Terra Museum of
American Art in Chicago. Entitled Proud Heritage: Two Centuries
of American Art, the exhibitio'n
marked the first time so many of
the Academy's masterpieces had
been seen in the Midwest. Philadelphians had the opportunity to
view this exhibition beforehand at
the Academy. Also held in the
spring, Gifts of a Collector introduced to the public the objects in
the 1986 bequest of Bernice McIlhenny Wintersteen.


For the first time in fifteen years,
the annual exhibition of the Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy was held in the galleries at
Broad and Cherry streets. Approximately 300 works were chosen for the Ninetieth Annual Fellowship Exhibition from submissions by
more than 600 members. The Fellowship was founded in 1890 to
provide a network of artists associated with the Academy and to create opportunities for communication between recognized artists and
students. The exhibition was complemented by a selection, made by
Associate Curator Judith E. Stein,
of the Academy's own works by
Fellowship artists.

Mark Bockrath, who has been
paintings conservator at the Academy since 1986, continued to upgrade the equipment in the conservation laboratory through grants
from the National Endowment for
the Arts. The Conservation Department cleaned a number of
paintings for the Proud Heritage exhibition and six works lent to
American Women Artists, 18301930, the inaugural exhibition of
the National Museum of Women
in the Arts, in Washington.

In January of 1987, Mr. Bockrath
also joined the faculty of our
school as an instructor of materials
and techniques. An artist in his
own right, he received a prize for
painting at the Sixty~ninth Annual
Delaware Exhibition of the Delaware Art Museum, in Wilmington.

The Education Department ex~
panded its efforts in many ways
during 1987. Margaret Goodale
bec;ame assistant curator in charge
of developing and implementing
programs for schools, families,
children, and senior citizens. Judith Ringold assumed the position
of coordinator of volunteers, overseeing the expansion of the program and working closely with the
docent program. Three volunteer .
interns - Michelle Barbone, Jane
Friedman, and Paulette Rackowdesigned teachers' packets and docents' notes for special exhibitions.
This marked the third year of our
participation in two important programs: Phil-A-Job and FAME (Fellowship in Arts Management Enterprise). Under the citywide PhilA-Job program, which provides
summer employment for young
people, six enthusiastic highschool students gained valuable
experience working in several
departments of the Pennsylvania
Academy's museum and school.
The Pennsylvania Council of the
Arts' FAME program brought to
the Academy Kofi Yomoa, a native
of Ghana and founder of the African Art and Resource Institute of
Philadelphia, and Charles Harper,
a recent graduate of the Drexel
University Arts Management program. They developed ways to encourage minorities to join in Academy activities and designed special
tours for groups of adults.

Frederick R. Weisman and Harold A. Sorgenti (center) with Henry Hopkins,
Billie Milan, and Linda Bantel

During the summer, we celebrated
the bicentennial of the Constitution with a series of family programs about life in the 1780s and a
specially commissioned play, Re~
becca Doz. Both proved very popular. The play is available on videotape for loan to schools in the
Delaware valley. Also well attended were special programs for Women's History Month, Black History
Month, and the citywide Voices of
Dissent program. During the winter, there was an exciting film
series, Before Hollywood: Turn~of­
the-Century Films from American
Archives. Organized by the American Federation of Arts, the
presentation was enhanced by introductory speakers and a pianist to
accompany the films.


Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Tuttleman with
Harvey S. Shipley Miller at Award of
American Art reception

In addition to a wide range of adult
programs related to the major exhibitions, the Education Department
offered eleven activities for families.
They included tours, workshops,
and performances. Workshops
were also held for Philadelphia
school teachers. In collaboration
with the Friends Select Summer
Camp, the Academy helped
introduce children to the elements
of design through gallery tours and
studio projects. We also began
SUMMER FUNdamentals, a
week-long day camp. Under the
direction of Margaret Goodale, the
campers examined works from the
Frederick R. Weisman Collection
and then used what they had
learned about the vocabulary of art
to create their own projects in the
School's studios. They also organized an exhibition of their works
with a reception for their parents
and friends.
In October, the Education Department began a program called Art
Reach in collaboration with Saint
Christopher's Hospital for Children. The program is supported by
the Rohm and Haas Company.
Once a month, patients are given a
slide presentation organized
around a specific theme, and then
they participate in related activities. For example, the children
sculpted self-portraits, made
stained-glass windows of tissue paper on translucent backing, and
created mixed-media collages
about contemporary life in Philadelphia. This program has proven
very successful and will be increased to twice a month in 1988.
The Academy continued to participate in Philadelphia's Adopt-aSchool program. Education Department staff made weekly visits
to Stoddart-Fleisher Junior High
School to work with students on a

lifesize, papier-mache sculpture of
a horse, the school mascot. We
also offered special enrichment
programs throughout the year for
the teachers. During the fall, more
than two hundred Girl Scouts
came to the Academy for studio
activities (such as making monoprints and sculpting in mixed media) that were developed around
the exhibitions Monotypes by Maurice Prendergast and The Boundless
Cubic Lunar Aperture. Also, an art
appreciation program was given at
forty-six centers for senior citizens.
Each program began with a slide
presentation on a basic theme in
art and led to a lively discussion.
The staff of the Education Department participated in several professional conferences. The curator of
education, Regina Neu, attended
the National Docent Symposium
in Toledo in March, was a fellow
in the Kellogg Foundation Fellowship Program Museum Education:
Effective Programming in April, and
served as a panelist in a discussion
entitled Hands Across the Object:
Museums and Therapy at the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums. Margaret
Goodale attended the Pennsylvania Art Education Association
conference in Harrisburg and participated in the Arts Resource
One of the goals of 1987 was to increase our involvement with other
cultural and educational institutions in the Philadelphia area.
With this in mind, the Education
Department collaborated with the
Afro-American Historical and
Cultural Museum to develop pro-


Judith Ringold with patients at Saint
Christopher's Hospital for Children

Puppeteer Steve Ruzansky performing at a
family workshop in conjunction with lack

grams to accompany the Pennsylvania Academy's Hidden Heritage
exhibition. We also co-sponsored a
two-day adult workshop with the
Abington Art Center and worked
with the Women's Caucus for Art
on several programs by women artists. Continuing education programs have been offered through
the University of Pennsylvania's
College of General Studies. Man y
of the Education Department's
goals for 1987 apply to 1988 as
well: continue to improve attendance for adult group tours of the
Academy's collection, offer still
more varied programs for all ages
and interests, and increase joint ef-


A Long .. Term Goal Achieved

forts with local cultural and educational institutions.
The Pennsylvania Academy is fortunate to have a very enthusiastic
and dedicated group of docents,
who gave tours to nearly 15,000
people. The graduates of our spring
training program raised the total
number to fifty-seven. They are
listed on page 46, with our thanks
for their tireless service.
The volunteer program began in
the fall of 1987 with twenty dedicated workers, who are listed on
page 46. They assisted in the Museum director's office; the curatorial, marketing, and education departments; the library; and the
archives. Their help contributed to
the success of events such as opening receptions for exhibitions, registration for programs, weekend
workshops for children and adults,
and the outreach program conducted at Saint Christopher's Hospital for Children.

Charles Prendergast, North Shore, 1939

Nona Hershey, Wall II, 1987

Staff Changes
Kathleen A. Foster, curator of research and publications, changed
her status to adjunct curator of research in order to devote all her
energies to our recently acquired
Charles Bregler collection of materials related to Thomas Eakins.
With the curator's position vacant,
I spent several months looking for
a replacement and, at year's end,
chose Susan Danly, who will begin
work at the Academy in January of
1988. Formerly associate curator of
American art at the Henry E.
Huntington Library and Art Gallery in San Marino, California, she

holds a doctorate from Brown University and has broad experience in
photography, drawings, watercolors, and nineteenth-century
American painting.
In the fall of 1987, Jacolyn A.
Mott, who had been working on
Academy publications since 1986,
was appointed editor in chief. She
edited the catalogue Jack Tworkov:
Paintings, 1928-1982 and descriptive labels for various exhibitions
and has also been working on the
sculpture and graphics catalogues
and the paintings checklist. Ms.
Mott comes to the Pennsylvania
Academy with over twenty years of
writing and editorial experience,
most recently at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art.


This has been a year of great challenge and accomplishment. The
chairman and the president have
already reported on the master
plan for the Pennsylvania Academy's facilities. In accordance with
that plan, the Museum staff, together with the architectural firm
of Atkin, Voith and Associates,
has created a long-range plan that
addresses the pressing need for increased space for the permanent
collection and for temporary exhibitions, expanded storage areas,
and more efficient and attractive
public areas and staff offices.
Along with this exciting opportunity to meet the physical needs of
the Museum, we will be able to upgrade our collections management
policy through a National Endowment for the Arts MAP II grant.
Many people have contributed to
the accomplishments of this year,
and I am grateful to them all- especially the members of the Collections and Exhibitions Committee and its chairman, Harvey S.
Shipley Miller, and vice chairman,
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin. Mrs. Potamkin also deserves special acknowledgment for the many hours
she devoted to making the Collectors' Circle the success it is today.
The trustees, in spite of numerous
personal and professional commitments, have also given selflessly of
their time and energies. I particularly commend the chairman, Harold A. Sorgenti, and the president,
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr., for leading the Pennsylvania Academy
into the exciting renaissance of
which we all feel a part.
Linda Bantel
Director of the Museum


Edna Andrade
Star Night, 1970s
Three-color serigraph
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Jack
Solomon, 1987.26.1
Will Barnet
Woman Reading, 1970
Seven-color serigraph
Gift of the artist, 1987.6
Morris Blackburn

Landscape Forms, 1944
Five-color serigraph
Gift of Mrs. Morris
Blackburn, 1987.3
Larry Day
Untitled (Nude in armchair),
Gift of Christopher K. and
Barbara A. Bullard, 1987.13
Charles Demuth
Vauaeville Dancers, 1916-18
Black watercolor over
Gift of Margot Newman
Stickley in memory of her
parents, Philip and Helene S.
Newman, 1987.18.1
Mabel Dwight
Carl Zigrosser, 1930
Gift of Priscilla Warneke
Norton, 1987.2
Beatrice Fenton

Bacchanale, 1934
Gift of Joan S. Martin,

William Glackens
Beach Scene, after 1910
Woman in Red Dress, after
Oil on canvas
Gift of Margot Newman
Stickley in memory of her
parents, Philip and Helene S.
Newman, 1987.18.3,2
Charles Grafly
The Evangelist Felix, 1919;
From Generation to
Generation, 1897-98; Walter
Elmer Schofield, 1905; and
John E. D. Trask, ca. 1926
Gift of Dr. Charles H.
Drummond, 1987.1.1-4

Morris Blackburn, Appalachian Spring I, 1946-47

Earle Horter

Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts Graphics

The Orchard, before 1940
Gift of Thomas E. Drake in
memory of his wife,
Constance LaBoiteaux
Drake, 1987.25

Hidden Places, 1987
Twenty prints in various
Gift of the School of the
Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts, 1987.12.1-20

Brice Marden
Untitled, 1979
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Jack
Solomon, 1987.26.2

Irving Pedin

Study for "The Disappeared,"
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer
P. Potamkin as trustees for
the Vipa Foundation and Mr.
and Mrs. Allen J. ModelLeo Model Foundation,

Alexander Masley
Seven prints, six crayon
sketches, 1926-32
Gift of the artist,
Hubert Mesibov

Smoke en' Gin, 1938
Color carborundum print
Gift of the artist, 1987.14

Charles Prendergast

North Shore, 1939
Oil over graphite on
Gift of Margot Newman
Stickley in memory of her
parents, Philip and Helene S.
Newman, 1987.18.4

Violet Oakley
Collection of art and
miscellaneous property,
Gift of the Violet Oakley
Memorial Foundation,

Frederick G. Robbins
Betsy Ross's House, after 1922
Etching in brown ink
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
E. Gingrich, 1987.22
Sartain Family
Miscellaneous works on
paper, 2nd half of 19th
Gift of Frank Deger and
Margaret Eachus,
1987.27.1 +
John Sloan

Mary Kerr, 1902
Oil on canvas
Gift of Helen Farr Sloan,
Paul Kirk Middlebrook
Untitled (Portrait of a young
man), 1898
Charcoal and sepia conte
Gift of Arthur DeCosta in
memory of Seldon Mudge
Cary, 1987.28
Jack Tworkov

Indian Red Series #2, 1979
Oil on canvas
Gift of Rachel T workov,


Edwin Austin Abbey

Seated Woman with a Palette,
Black chalk or crayon
John S. Phillips Fund,
Henry Benbridge

The Gordon Family, ca. 1760
Oil on canvas
Henry S. McNeil Fund,
Morris Blackburn

Appalachian Spring I, 1946-47
Oil on canvas
Joseph E. Temple Fund,
Study for "Appalachian
Spring," 1946
Watercolor, gouache, and
ink over graphite
Purchased with funds
provided by Mrs. C. Graham
Berwind, Jr., 1987.32

Nancy Graves

Hay Fervor, 1985
Bronze and steel with
polychrome patina, baked
enamel, and polyurethane
Purchased with funds
provided by Dr. Luther W.
Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
W. Dietrich II, Mrs. Robert
English, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
F. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Welles Henderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard I. Korman, Mr.
Harvey S. Shipley Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Model,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Resnick, Mr. and Mrs.
George M. Ross, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley C. T uttleman,
and the Women's
Committee, 1987.7

Salvatore Pinto
Unidentified Artist
Trolley Car, late 1930s
Cast drawing: architectural
Wood engraving
fragment, after 1876
Lewis S. Ware Fund, 1987.37 John S. Phillips Fund, 1987.29

Nona Hershey
Wall II, 1987
John Lambert Fund, 1987. 15

Peter Frederick Rothermel
De Soto Raising the Cross on

Jacob Lawrence
Charles Burwell
Untitled, 1986
Oil stick, crayon, and
John S. Phillips Fund,
John Singleton Copley
John Seallay, 1764
Charcoal and pastel
John S. Phillips Fund, 1987.4
Wharton Esherick
Two Friends, 1923
Woodblock print
John S. Phillips Fund,
Herbert George
Head #17, 1985
Painted Hydro-cal and steel
John Lambert Fund, 1987.17

Robert Stackhouse, Deep Swimmers and Mountain Climbers, 1985

Dream Series #5: The Library,
Tempera on board
Purchased with funds
provided by the Collectors'
Circle, the Henry D. Gilpin
and John Lambert funds, the
National Endowment for the
Arts, and the Women's
Committee, 1987.34

the Banks of the MississiPPi,
Oil on canvas
Purchased with funds
provided by the Henry C.
Gibson Fund and Mrs. Elliot
R. Detchon, 1987.31
Robert Stackhouse

Deep Swimmers and Mountain
Climbers, 1985
Charcoal, graphite,
watercolor, and chinese
John S. Phillips Fund, 1987.9

Hubert Mesibov
Subway Express and Homeless,
John S. Phillips Fund,

Evan Summer

Shoji Okutani

Untitled, 1987
Gouache, ink, and
watercolor on museum board
Pennsylvania Academy
Purchase Prize from the
Ninetieth Annual Fellowship
Exhibition, Picture Trust
Fund, 1987.36


Storm, 1986
Collage with graphite, pastel,
and acrylic
John Lambert Fund, 1987.16
Stanley Whitney
Untitled abstract
composition, 1984
India ink and wash on
translucent mylar
John Lambert Fund, 1987.5

For the Archives
Henry Bisbing
Two letters to the artist,
ca. 1895
Gift of Leonard Schoonman
Sartain Family
Collection of scrapbooks,
photographs, and
manuscripts, 2nd half of 19th
Gift of Frank Deger and
Margaret Eachus
Benjamin Tanner
Hand-colored engraving of
the Pennsylvania Academy's
first building, ca. 1809
Gift of Martie Helweg

Will Brown
Twelve color transparencies
of the Pennsylvania
Academy's main building at
Broad and Cherry streets, 1986


Eighty-Sixth Annual Student Exhibition
May 7 through June 7
Eighty students showed nearly 500 works that included
paintings, sculpture, prints, mixed media, and installations. The exhibition, one of the oldest of its kind in the
country, is a competition by upperclassmen for travel grants
as well as a showcase that attracts collectors and gallery
owners who want to buy the work of new artists.

The Museum is supported by grants from the Pennsylvania
Council on the Arts and the City of Philadelphia.

Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Collection
June 19 through October 4
These fifty-five works constituted a cross section of international art after World War II. Mr. Weisman, a distinguished businessman and an astute collector, is known for
his support of emerging artists. The exhibition reflected the
composition of his collection by combining the works of
such well-known artists as Red Grooms, Robert
Motherwell, and George Segal with those of recently established and emerging artists. Linda Bantel, director of the
Museum, coordinated the exhibition. It was organized by
Brenda Richardson, assistant director of art and curator of
painting and sculpture at the Baltimore Museum of Art,
and Nora Halpern, curator of the Weisman collection in
Los Angeles.

Jack Tworkov: Paintings, 1928-1982
January 30 through April 5
The first full retrospective of Tworkov's career, this exhibition of fifty-two works included a range of styles from
representation through abstract-expressionism to his late
geometric abstractions. A colorful accompanying catalogue
illustrated ninety-one of Tworkov's paintings and published, for the first time, excerpts from his journals. Judith
E. Stein, associate curator, coordinated the exhibition; and
Richard Armstrong, adjunct curator at the Whitney
Museum of American Art, was guest curator. The exhibition was supported by grants from the National Endowment
for the Arts and the Pew Charitable Trusts.
The Iconography of William Penn
February 26 through December 13
Hosted by Harvey S. Shipley Miller, this exhibition included Benjamin West's study in ink for William Penn's
Treaty with the Indians and several objects that were lent by
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin.

Hidden Heritage: Afro-American Art, 1800-1950
August 21 through October 18
Over eighty works, spanning 150 years, documented the
accomplishments of black American artists. They included
unknown limners of the eighteenth century, prominent
nineteenth-century painters and sculptors, artists of the
dynamic Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s, and neo-primitives of the 1930s and 1940s. The exhibition was organized
by the Bellevue Art Museum in Bellevue, Washington, and
the guest curator, David C. Driskell, professor of art and
chairman of art history at the University of Maryland. It
was sponsored by the Philip Morris Companies, the Pew
Charitable Trusts, Arco Chemical Company, WDAS
Radio, McDonald's Restaurants of Philadelphia, Beach
Advertising, and the Alexis R. Rosenberg Foundation.

Framing the Constitution: The Artist's Record
February 27 through December 31
Portraiture was the most popular art form in the colonial
period and therefore provides an excellent record of lifestyles and social values. As part of the national celebration
of the bicentennial of the U. S. Constitution, the Pennsylvania Academy mounted an exhibition of fifty-eight
works that included portraits of the delegates to the
Constitutional Convention and of Philadelphians who
helped to shape the nation. Works lent by the Independence National Historical Park were supplemented by
paintings, prints, and sculpture from the Academy's permanent collection. The exhibition was made possible by a
generous grant from the Mutual Assurance Company.

Sentimental Sojourn: Strangers and Souvenirs
August 21 through October 18
In search of an "intimate yet anonymous look at 'We the
People,' " the assemblage artist Betye Saar traveled across
the United States, gathering mass-produced and handcrafted curios and taking photographs of her feet in various
locations. She incorporated these souvenirs into an installation that was part of Philadelphia's We the People 200
bicentennial celebration of the signing of the U. S. Constitution. This exhibition was supported by grants from the
National Endowment for the Arts and the Metropolitan
Life Foundation.

Gifts of a Collector: Bernice McIlhenny Wintersteen,
March 6 through April 5
The sixteen outstanding works in this exhibition were
given or recently bequeathed by the late Bernice
Mcilhenny Wintersteen or purchased with her assistance.
They included works by Arthur B. Carles, Winslow
Homer, Eastman Johnson, Louise Nevelson, Georgia
O'Keeffe, Mark Rothko, Frank Stella, Andy Warhol, Benjamin West, and Andrew Wyeth. The exhibition was part
of the Academy's celebration of Women's History Month.


Morris Gallery
The Morris Gallery exhibitions have been partially and
generously funded by grants from the Harold S. Truitt Fund
and the Henry G. Keasbey Fund of the Philadelphia

A Telling Impulse
January 9 through March 1
The first group show with a theme in the Morris Gallery's
history, this exhibition displayed narrative works by seven
artists: Paolo Colombo, Anda Dubinskis, Suzanne Horvitz,
Marilyn Keating, Alexandra Kleinbard, and Susan Chrysler
White. The art - evocative, thought-provoking, sometimes witty - was a stimulating array of varied styles and
widely differing approaches, united in having compelling

View of exhibition Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman


Stephen Talasnik: Mythology - Recent Drawings
March 13 through April 26
These charcoal and graphite images of mosaics and fossillike objects evoked a strong sense of history. Stephen
Talasnik exhibited seventeen drawings of mysterious scenes
and figures reminiscent of ancient legends.

Ninetieth Annual Fellowship Exhibition
October 30 through November 29
Works by approximately 300 Fellowship members, all past
or present students of the Academy, were selected to be
exhibited and to compete for about $10,000 in prizes. The
jurors were Linda Bantel, director of the Museum; Judith E.
Stein, associate curator; and Thomas Chimes, a wellknown painter and a member of the Fellowship.

Herbert George: Portrait Sculpture Series; Nona
Hershey: Prints; Evan Summer: Works on Paper
May 8 through June 21
Dramatic portraits, delicate prints of architectural details,
and bold drawings of landscapes dominated by architectural
elements made an exciting display of contrasts.

Monotypes by Maurice Prendergast from the Terra
Museum of American Art
November 27, 1987, through January 10, 1988
Fifty-five monotypes showed the idyllic vision of the world
that made Prendergast one of the most popular painters of
the late nineteenth century. The works depicted people at
leisure, including graceful women and charming children in
parks and on beaches, and also showed street scenes and
circuses. This exhibition was made possible by a grant from
the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Judith Joy Ross: Portraits of the United States Congress
July 2 through August 30
This exhibition of 119 8" x 10" photographs of senators,
members of Congress, and administrative staff was
scheduled to coincide with the We the People 200
celebration. The series gave important insights into the
personalities of diverse individuals involved in the political

The Boundless Cubic Lunar Aperture
October 8, 1987, through February 7, 1988
Part of this mixed-media sculpture by the Academy alumnus Lowry Burgess will be aboard NASA's space shuttle in
1988 in the first nonscientific payload. The work has two
components, each consisting of cubes within cubes. One
component will eventually be placed at a site on earth, the
other on the moon. It is the core of the terrestrial piece, a
five-inch cube, that will be on the shuttle and will be
released temporarily to float in space.

Helene Brandt: Sculptures and Drawings
September 11 through October 18
Eleven skeletonlike welded-steel sculptures inspired by the
animal world addressed themes of strength and vulnerability, freedom and restraint. They were complemented by
pastel-and-charcoal figure drawings.
Martha Zeit: Recent Work
October 30, 1987, through January 3, 1988
This colorful exhibition featured ten bold, fabric and handmade-paper collages and five monoprints. The works incorporated elements of the New Mexico landscape and American Indian motifs.


Institutions and Organizations
Receiving Loans of Artwork
Long Island University, Hillwood Art Gallery, Brookville, N . Y.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum of Fine Arts, Saint Petersburg
National Academy of Design, New York
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington
National Portrait Gallery, Washington
National Sculpture Society, New York
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton
New York Public Library
Norton Gallery and School of Art, West Palm Beach
Paine Art Center and Arboretum, Oshkosh
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Phoenix Art Museum
Port of History Museum, Philadelphia
Powel House, Philadelphia
Racquet Club, Philadelphia
Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Rittenhouse Club, Philadelphia
Roberson Center for the Arts and Sciences, Binghamton, N. Y.
Saint Louis Art Museum
Salander-O'Reilly Galleries, New York
San Diego Museum of Art
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
State in Schuylkill, Cornwells Heights, Pa.
State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg
Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago
University of California at Los Angeles, Frederick S. Wight
Art Gallery
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford
Wharton Esherick Museum, Paoli
White House, Washington
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Albuquerque Museum
Allentown Art Museum
American embassies in Bern, Bonn, and London
American Institute of Architects , Washington
Art Institute of Chicago
Baltimore Museum of Art
Berry Hill Galleries, New York
Birmingham Museum of Art
Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford
Brooklyn Museum
Brown University, David Winton Bell Gallery, Providence
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh
Cincinnati Art Museum
Colonial Dames of America, Lemon Hill Mansion,
Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Smithsonian Institution, New York
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington
Cummer Gallery of Art, Jacksonville
Denver Art Museum
Designer's Corner Gallery, Philadelphia
Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Memphis
Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion, Philadelphia
Fischbach Gallery, New York
Fort Worth Art Museum
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary
Governor's Residence, Harrisburg
Hickory Museum of Art, N. C.
High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington
Huntington Museum of Art, W. Va.
Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia:
Bishop White House, Deshler-Morris House, Second
National Bank
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Kent Fine Art, New York
Library Company of Philadelphia



as of December 31, 1987


(with comparative figures as of December 31, 1986)

for the years ended December 31, 1987 and 1986







(In $OOOs)

(In $OOOs)

Net property
Current assets
Pledges receivable
Notes receivable
All other
Total assets

$ 9,698

$ 9,681











$ 7,030

$ 5,833

Deferred revenue



Retirement plan liability





Current liabilities

Fund balance (net worth)

Private gifts and grants
Proceeds from deaccessioning

$ 1,350

$ 2,687



T uition



1, 103





Government grants



Retail sales



Museum admissions



All other





Investment income
Net realized gain on investments

Total income



Accessioning and conservation



Exhibitions and projects

66 1


Insurance, interest, and depreciation



U tilities and maintenance






Net Peale C lub expense



Payroll costs
T otalliabilities and
fund balances






Office expense



Student prizes and grants in aid



Retail cost of sales



Professional fees



All other



6,78 1



$ 1,238

Total expenses

Amount of income over (under )




Major Donors
Air Products and Chemical,
Allied Signal, Inc.
ARA Services, Inc.
ARCO Chemical Company
Bell of Pennsylvania
Berwind Corporation
The Bradford Exchange
Campbell Soup Company
CIGNA Corporation
Coopers and Lybrand
Fidelity Bank
FMC Corporation
E. F. HoughtOn and Company
Hunt Manufacturing Company
Jetronic Industries, Inc.
Kraft, Inc., Dairy Group
McNeil Consumer Products
Metropolitan Life Insurance
Mid-Atlantic Toyota
' MitchelllGiurgola Architects
Parkway Corporation
The Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Company
Pennwalt Corporation
The Pep Boys
Philadelphia National Bank
Price Waterhouse and
Provident National Bank
Rohm and Haas Company
Rorer Group, Inc.
Saul Ewing Remick and Saul
Frank S. Schwarz and Son
Scott Paper Company
. SmithKline Beckman
Strawbridge and Clothier
Sun Company, Inc.
Tasty Baking Company
Teleflex, Inc.
Touche Ross and Company
Vanguard Group, Inc.

. Donors
Advest, Inc.
ALCO Standard Corporation
American Telephone and
Telegraph Company
Ashton Terrace
Atlantic Financial Federal
Baggage Room, Inc.
Baker's Bay Travel Club

' i.


Balis and Company, Inc.
Barclay White, Inc.
Berkowitz and Son, Inc.
Betz Laboratories, Inc.
The Bookhouse of Suburban
Square, Inc.
M. A. Bruder and Sons, Inc.
Carey-Pacifico Limousine
Service, Inc.
Certainteed Corporation
Chevron USA, Inc.
Chubb and Son, Inc.
Clement and Muller, Inc.
Colonial Penn Group, Inc.
John Condax Photography
Continental Bank
Elaine Cooper and
Company, Ltd.
Sophie Curson of Philadelphia
Day and Zimmerman, Inc.
de Vecchis Gallery
Dolan/Maxwell Gallery
Nan Duskin, Inc.
Eagle Transfer Corporation
Eichler and Moffley, Inc
Ellsworth-Scott, Inc.
Ewing Cole Cherry Parsky
Jacques Ferber Furs
First Boston Corporation
First Pennsylvania Bank
First Trust Savings Bank
Fischer and Porter Company
Framing by Walter
Frog/Commissary Catering
General Refractories Company
Geriatric and Medical Centers
Germantown Savings Bank
Globe Security Systems, Inc.
GMAC Mortgage Corporation
Goldman, Sachs and Company
Suzanne Gross Gallery
The Hahn Gallery
Harleysville Group, Inc.
Helmsley-Greenfield, Inc.
Henkels and McCoy, Inc.
Heyser Landscaping, Inc.
HGO, Inc.
IU International Corporation
Janney Montgomery Scott, Inc.
Kidder, Peabody and
Company, Inc.
The KlingoLiridquist
Partnership, Inc.
Kraushaar Galleries
La Terrasse
Lagakos-Turak Gallery
Kenneth Jay Lane, Inc.
Toby Lerner
Lewis, Gilman and Kynett,
The Little House Shop
Marian Locks Gallery
George MacManus Company
Marcolina Brothers, Inc.

Maritrans GP, Inc.
Mather and Company
McDonald's Restaurants of
Alan Mcilvain Company
Meadowbrook Farm and
Mellon Bank
Merck, Sharp and Dohme
Merit Oil Corporation
Montgomery, McCracken,
Walker and Rhoads
Nanette Manufacturing
National Envelope Advertising
Company, Inc.
Newman Galleries
O'Brien Energy Systems
The Palace Hotel
Peat Marwick Mitchell and
J. C. Penney Company, Inc.
Pennoni Associates
The Philadelphia
Philadelphia Electric Company
Philadelphia Suburban
Pilgrim Construction
PQ Corporation
Provident Mutual Life
Insurance Company
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Quaker Storage Company
RCA Corporation
Reliance Insurance Company
Rosenbluth Travel Agency, Inc.
Rouse and Associates
Richard \. Rubin and Company
Seidenburg Luggage
Charles Sessler, Inc.
Shared Medical Systems
Helen Siki
SPS Technologies, Inc.
Stait Outdoor Advertising
Herb Stein's Hardware
Subaru of America, Inc.
Travel Answers, Inc.
United Engineer and
Constructors, Inc.
USAir, Inc.
Vanguard Gallery
Warner Company
John F. Warren Art Books
Wawa, Inc.
Winsor and Newton, Inc.


Matching Gifts
American Home Products
American Telephone and
Telegraph Company
ARCO Chemical Company
Bechtel Group, Inc.
Bell of Pennsylvania
Berwind Corporation
The Boeing Company
Burlington Industries, Inc.
CIGNA Corporation
Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United States
FMC Corporation
Goldman, Sachs and Company
International Business
Machines Corporation
IU International Corporation
Johnson and Johnson Family of
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Mobil Oil Company
Olin Corporation
PQ Corporation
Provident National Bank
Reliance Insurance Company
Rohm and Haas Company
SmithKline Beckman
Sun Company, Inc.
Towers, Perrin , Forster and
Crosby, Inc.

Major Donors
The Annenberg Fund
The Arcadia Foundation
Claniel Foundation
The Dietrich Foundation
The J. Pau l Getty Trust
The Albert M. Greenfield
Knight Foundation
The Henry W. Luce
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Nineteen Fifty Seven Charity
William Penn Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Philadelphia Foundation
Gilroy and Lillian P. Roberts
Charitable Foundation
John Sloan Memorial
Smith Foundation

The Barra Foundation
The Allen H. and Selma W.
Berkman Charitable Trust

Alice Gibson Brock Jr. Trust
Alpin). and Alpin W.
Cameron Memorial Trust
Louis N. Cassett Foundation
The Catherwood Foundation
Columbia Funds
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Daniel Garber Foundation
Colin Gardner Foundation
The Elsie Lee Garthwaite
Memorial Foundation
Gelb Foundation
Gibson Foundation
Haney Foundation Trust
John S. Holton Trust
Elizabeth S. Hooper
The JOB Fund
Kent-Lucas Foundation
The Christian R. and Mary F.
Lindback Trust
Irving and Edith May
). ). Medveckis Foundation
Leo Model Foundation
Albin Polasek Foundation
Alexis R. Rosenberg
Sordoni Foundation
Louis and Bessie Stein
The John Frederick Steinman
Stockton Rush Bartol
Thanhauser Foundation
Geraldine S. Tyson Trust
Vesper Foundation
VIPA Foundation
The Warwick Foundation
Jesse R. Wike Charitable Trust
Anonymous (2)

Institute of Museum Services (2)
National Endowment for the
Arts (4)
National Endowment for the
Humanities (2)

Pennsylvania Council on the
Arts (2)
Pennsylvania Historical and
Museum Commission

City of Philadelphia

Major Donors
Lorraine and Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andes
Hon. and Mrs. Walter H.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Arader
Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham
Arader III
R. Adm. and Mrs. Theodore
C. Aylward
Mrs. Malcolm J. Baber
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wanton
Balis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Bartol
Mrs. Alfred Bendiner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Benoliel
Max and Linda Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. Bennan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Binswanger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Binswanger, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Homer
Mrs. Henry W. Breyer, Jr.
Mrs. Clarence C. Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Mrs. J. Mahlon Buck
Dr. and Mrs. Orville H.
Bullitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R.
Mr. and Mrs. AlbertJ. Caplan
Mrs. Avery B. Clark
Mrs. Philip A. Coletta
Collectors' Circle of the
Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Coons
Ms. Rurh N. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Coslett, Jr.
Mr. Fred Danziger
Mr. and Mrs. Newlin F. Davis
Mr. J. Garfield DeMarco
Mrs. R. Meyer deSchauensee
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R.
Detchon, Jr.
Carpenter Dewey, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene
Dixon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan IV
Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Dorrance, Jr.
Mrs. Alfred Douty

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N.
DuBarry IV
Mrs. Robert McC. English
Faculty, Student, Staff Show
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Elliott Farr
Drs. Sylvia Beck and Jay
The Fellowship of the'
Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts
Mrs. Marjorie M. Findlay
Mr. Daniel W. Foster
Foundation for Architecture
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M.
Friedland, Jr.
Mr. John F. Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
David and Ethel Ginsburg
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ginsburg
Dr. and Mrs. Allen S.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Goodyear, Jr.
Mr. Frank H. Goodyear, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Neil R. Gottehrer
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Grala
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Granik
Mrs. Robert McCay Green
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Greenfield, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gribbel II
Mr. Bernard M. Guth
Dr. F. Otto Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. V.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Harkins, Jr.
Mrs. Avery D. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mrs. June De Frees Heelan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Welles
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie High
Deborah Curtiss and William
M. Hollis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian S. Hooper
Mrs. Henry Lea Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Josef Jaffe
Mrs. Joseph N. Janney
Miss Constance A. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Atwater
Kent, Jr.
Mr. Herman F. Kerner
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kind, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Klein
Dr. and Mrs. Morton M.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard I.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon Landis
Mr. and Mrs. B. Herbert Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Al Paul Lefton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Mr. Rudy Leis
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Mrs. Margaret Wasserman Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mr. William S. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Littleton II
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Locks
Ms. Marian Locks
Mrs. Edward S. Lower
Mrs. A. Basil Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E.
Mrs. Edward S. Madara
Mrs. Crawford C. Madeira
Dr. and Mrs. Morton S.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mangel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Mather III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McEwen
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. McKeel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Mrs. Henry S. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. John Medveckis
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Merves
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Warrin C. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. C. Earle Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Allen John Model
Mrs. Knowlton Dodd
Mrs. Herbert R. Moody
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Morgan
Ms. Kathleen Mulhern
Jeffrey L. Naftulin
Dr. Charles W. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun F.
Mr. W. Gresham O'Malley III
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. Frederick W. G. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Pincus


Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S.
Riband, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy Roberts
Mrs. Gerald F. Rorer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph G.
Rosengarten, Jr.
Mr. Arthur O. Rosenlund
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Rounick
Dr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rugart
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F.
Mr. Harry Schwartz
Mr. Robert D. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Montgomery Scott
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Scudder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Shein
Mr. and Mrs. E. Newbold
Mr. and Mrs. Langhorne B.
Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith
Mrs. Mary L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.
Sordoni III
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A.
Ms. Barbara Sosson
Alice Miller and Kenneth
Dr. and Mrs. Paschal M.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Sullivan III
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E.
Mrs. Marion Boulton Swingle
Mrs. Charles Tabas
Mrs. Edward T. Taws
Mrs. Harrison Thennan
Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert
Edna and Stanley Tuttleman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph
Mr. Archbold D. van Beuren
Ms. Barbara van Beuren
Mr. George Vaux
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Webb II
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Wenk, Jr.
Anita Weschler

Mr. and Mrs. J. Roffe Wike II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilder
Miss Elinor Tama Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mrs. John Wintersteen
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. William Wolgin
The Women's Committee of
the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts
Mrs. Grahame Wood
Mr. and Mrs. David C.
Mrs. George Woodward, Jr.
Mrs. Sydney L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Young
Deborah and Bruce Zakheim
Mr. William Zamprelli
Anonymous (5)

Mr. Robert Abel
Drs. Hans and Lillian Abrahllm
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Abraham
Mrs. Robert D. Abrahams
Dr. David J. Abrams
Ms. Bernice Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Acker
Mr. and Mrs. Francis T.
Adams, Jr.
Louise Curl Adams
Ms. Evelyn H. Adams
Rabbi Richard F. Address
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Adkins
Edwina Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adler
Ms. Nancy Adler
Ms. Zena Adler
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Aeugle
Mr. Ralph D. Affleck
Dr. Yvonne M. Agazarian
Mr. and Mrs. John Aglialoro
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Ms. Susan Aisen
Mrs. James R. Albany
Ms. Wanda Albright
Mr. George C. Alburger
Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Mrs. Blanche Alexander
Mrs. Constantin G. Alio
Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Allam
Dr. Mary Berninger Allan
Mrs. William W. Allen III
Martina j. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Allen
Mrs. David W. Allen
Mrs. Diana R. Allen
Ms. Jacqueline F. Allen
Ms. Karen M. Allen
Ms. Margaret P. Allen
Mrs. Harris C. Aller, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Samie Alley
Dorian Allworthy
Robert J. Almeida
Diana and Jerry Alten
Ashley J. Altman
Antonio F. Alvarez
Mr. Michael A. Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
American Art League
American Federation of
David Eynon and Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L.
Valla Amsterdam
Ms. Carolyn R. Ancker
Ms. Anita Andar-Kessler
Ms. Joan S. Andern
Alice V. Anderson
Decima M. Anderson
Juliette Perry Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Clive
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mr. David Anderson
Mrs. Carl H. Anderson
Mrs. Earle M. Anderson
Mrs. Lois R. Anderson
Robert H. Anderson
Ms. Edna Andrade
Francoise Andre
Mrs. Philip M. Andress
Dr. Barbara J. and C. B.
Mr. Joseph P. Anlage
Ellen Graham Anspon
Harry J. and Theresa R.
Mrs. Catherine Apothaker
Mr. and Dr. Harry H. Appel
Mr. Louis J. Appell
Florence K. Applebaum
Cynthia and Pierce Archer
Ms. Charlotte L. Archer
Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald
Ms. Elaine Arenson
Dr. James B. Arey
Mr. Peter F. Arfaa
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Armstrong, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Arnold
Dr. Eva Aronfreed
Ms. Barbara B. Aronson
Ms. Marlene Arronson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash
Mr. Richard A. Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M.
Ms. Jeanette K. Asher

Mr. and Mrs. Duffield
Ashmead 1II
Mr. Alfred W. Aspen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K.
Mr. Richard A. Atella II
Dr. and Mrs. G. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C.
Atkinson, Jr.
Mrs. S. John Atlee
Mr. George R. Atterbury
W. B. Atterbury
Mrs. H. P. Austin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Austrian
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Auten
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. George M.
David S. Azzolina
David L. Babb
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Babich
Mr. Michael Baccellieri
Mr. Leonard E. Bach
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Mr. Charles K. Bacharach
Mrs. Barbara C. Bachman
Mrs. Joel Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund N.
Mr. Frederic H. Bacon
Frederick C. Bader
Faye Swengel Badura
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Baer II
Mr. Alan J. Baer
Mr. John Baesch
Rev. and Mrs. Ralph W. Bagger
Gwen R. Baile
B. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bailey
Mrs. Marian H. Baillie
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baird
Mr. Thomas R. Baird
Mrs. Donald L. Baird
Cecil Baker AlA
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Baker
Mr. Raymond N. Baker
Mrs. Catherine E. Baker
Ms. Elizabeth R. Balderston
Robert G. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Balis
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Balka
John R. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mrs. Raymond A. Ballinger
Dr. William H. Baltzell

E. Digby Baltzell
Mr. John E. Bandy II
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bangert, Jr.
Dr. Lois H. Banks
Joseph Barbieri
Mrs. Edward A. Barbieri
Ms. Michele M. Barbone
John A. Barbour
Mr. Charles B. Barclay
Mrs. Katharine B. Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barg
Mrs. Robert W. Barker
Ms. Dorothy Barker
Mr. D. Brooks Barlow
K. A. Barnes
Mrs. Irma Barness
Bonnie Barnett, Esq.
Mrs. Benjamin H. Barnett
Mrs. Ellen Barnett
Ms. Eleanor F. Barnett
Dr. Harold D. Barnshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Marten B. Baron
Leonard Barrack, Esq.
Mrs. Norris S. Barratt
Robert and Lisa Barretta
Mr. Winston Alexander Barrie
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Barrie
Ms. Mary Adams Barrie
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon
Mrs. Charles M. Barringer
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barrows
Margaret Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry
Mrs. Robert A. J. Barry
Dr. and Mrs. Francis E. Barse
Mr. Barry Barsky
Mr. W. L. Bartlett
Richard Thomas Bascome
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley S.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Dolf Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bass
Mr. Robert L. Bast
John and Nancy E. Bastian
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert .R. Batt
Mrs. Harry Batt
Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop H.
Mr. Walter S. Batty, Jr.
Mr. Bruce Edgar Batzer
Dr. Nancy W. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alan
Faith D. Baum
Ms. Bernice Baum
Ms. Donna Baum
Mr. Donald O. Baumann


Mrs. John A. Baumann
Col. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Bayliss
Mr. George Beach
Mr. Walter W. Beachboard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bean
Mrs. Joseph T. Beardwood
Maureen Beary
Mr. John P. Beattie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Beatty
Mr. David E. Beavers
Mr. Richard C. Bechtel
Hon. Phyllis W. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Beck
Mrs. Lillian A. Beck
Mr. Lavelle V. Beene
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Beerman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Behr
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Behrend
Ms. Susan C. Behrend
Dr. and Mrs. Jere R. Behrman
Sister Mary Paula Beierschmitt
Mr. David Beilman
Mr. Bernard D. Beitch
Mr. Henry S. Belber II
Mr. Edward A. Belcher
Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Bell
Joseph and Helen Bell
Dr. WhitfieldJ. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bell, Jr.
MaryT. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bellet
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bellet
Mr. Morris Bellow
Ms. Dorothy G. Belmont
Mrs. Jean R. Beloff
Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Bemis
Ms. Constance Benami
Mrs. Jay Beneman
Joan S. Kaplan and Joel
Paul Benn
Mary D. Benner
Dr. Lee C. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Bennett, Jr.
Mr. John C. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. George C. Benson
Mr. Perry Benson
Mark A. Berenato, Esq.
Clair Berg
Mr. David S. Berg
Solomon and Lillian Berg
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Berger
Mr. Albert 1. Berger
Mr. Bud Berger
Mrs. Harriet Berger

Ms. Doris Cummins Berger
Ms. Florence Berggren
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bergin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bergman
Mr. James R. Bergman
Judy and Richard Berkman
Mr. and Mrs. James Berkman
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Berkowitz
Mrs. Henry Berkowitz
Mrs. D. W. Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Ethel and Leon L. Berman
Ken and Beth Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Berman
Mr. Myron J. Berman
Mr. Richard F. Berman
Mrs. Evelyne H. Berman
Ms. Linda F. Berman
Mr. Lynford P. Bernhardt
Penny Bernick
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J.
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael
Mr. Edward Bernstein
Mr. Irwin L. Bernstein
Mrs. Edgar Bernstein
Ms. Alexandra Cyr Berret
Dr. Ernest R. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Bers
Ms. Elain M. Bertolet
Jessica Berwind
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berwind
Ms. Sandra Bess
Mr. Walter L. Bethel
Ellen Betsch
Ms. Claire S. Betz
Dr. Emma B. Bevan
Dr. Avery W. Beverly
Aaron and Francine Beyer
Mrs. Audrey Bickley Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bick
Mr. and Mrs. David Biddington
Capt. and Mrs. Edward Biddle
Mr. Craig Biddle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bieber
Lawrence D. Biele, Esq.
Mr. Brett Bigbee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Biggs
Mr. Sewell C. Biggs
Mrs. Thomas W. Bigoney
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Billet, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy L. Billington
Mr. David F. Binder
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Birnhak
Mrs. Lillian G. Biron
Mrs. Arthur L. Bisbee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bishop
Mrs. Harry Bishop

Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr.
Mr. Samuel P. Bitonti
Alice Bittle
Mrs. Joan Bitzer
Jamie Ann Black
Miss Joan Blackburn
Mrs. Morris Blackburn
Mr. Murray I. Blackman
Amy Blake
Miss Nancy E. Blake
Mrs. Maurice J. Blake
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blanc
Lester and Eleanor S. Blank
Ms. Leonora Blankenberg
Ms. Carol B. Blanning
Mr. John W. Blatteau
Ms. Shirley Blaufeld
Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Blenko
Mr. C. Ronald Bleznak
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Seth M. Blitzer
Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Block
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Block
Ms. Anne Blodgett
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bloom
Mr. Joel N. Bloom
Ms. Rosalind Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. David Earley
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N.
Hon. Lynwood F. Blount
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Blum
Ms. Adelaide Blum
Ms. Leslie R. Blum
Jean Blumberg
Ms. June Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard
Dr. and Mrs. George I.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Dr. Claire Boasi
Mr. Paul T. Bockenhauer
Mrs. Henry L. Bockus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S.
Mrs. William W. Bodine, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bodine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bodo
Mr. H. Dickson S. Boenning
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bogle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Bogutz
Mrs. Cary W. Bok
Susan Rae Boldt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V.
Bolger II
Frances C. Bolno
Mr. John S. Bomalaski
Marc A. Bonavitacola
Mrs. Barbara Bond
Ms. Deborah Bonder
James P. Bonelli

Jane and Harry Bonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Bonier
Stephen M. Bonitatibus
Mrs. Jill F. Bonovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. James D. Book
Mr. Jack Bookbinder
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P.
Mrs. Morton Bookler
Mr. Richard H. Booth
Mr. Thomas E. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Willard S.
Boothby, Jr.
Ms. Veronica Borcich
Mrs. Roland D. Borgersen
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Borghese
Judith H. Borie
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borie
Mr. and Mrs. William J. S.
Mr. Jack C. Borland
Mr. William J. Borns
Dr. Sydney Borow
Mr. and Mrs. Milton M.
Mr. Irvin J. Borowsky
Mrs. David Bortin
Mrs. George Bortin
Ruth A. Jones and Mary E.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bosworth, Jr.
Mr. John T. Bourger
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Bove
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Bowden, Jr.
Mrs. Lem W. Bowen
Mrs. Osborne T. Boyd
Robert Boyer
Mrs. J. Richard Boylan
Ms. Eileen Mae Boylan
Mr. JamesJ. Boyle, Jr.
Miss Sidney Boyle
Jeffrey Boys
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bradburd
Mrs. Gene Bradford
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Bradley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bradley
Mr. Harry W. Brady
Mrs. Frank S. Brainard
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan J.
Phyllis Ann Brandoin
Mrs. Matilda Brandolini
Ms. Jessamine Brandt
Frank D. Branella, Esq.
Ms. Shirley Bransfield
Mrs. Lillian Brasier
Mrs. Isabelle Braude
Ms. Linda Braun
Anne Brautigam
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bray

Mrs. William R. Bready
Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Barry H. Bredt
Mr. Horace W. Breece, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Breen
Mrs. Philip A. Bregy
Mrs. Robert Breidenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Brennan
Ms. Edwina Brennan
Ms. Ellen Brennan
Ms. Linda Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S.
Mr. and Mrs. George Breslow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kain
Mrs. Robert Brest
Ms. Emily Brett
Mr. Robert N. Brey, Jr.
Ms. Barbara A. Brichkow
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Bricklin
Miss Agnes A. Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bright, Jr.
Mrs. Martha W. Bright
Dale Briliant
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brind
Mr. and Mrs. Alfio J. Brindisi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Brinley II
Dr. Margo A. Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. Iso Briselli
Joshua M. Briskin, Esq.
Mrs. Michael W. Bristol
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Britchkow
Ms. Maisha D. Britt
Mrs. John Brittain
Ms. Madeline Britton
Mrs. Carolyn A. Brobyn
Mrs. John W. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brockman
Alice K. Brodhead
Ms. Quita Brodhead
Don and Linda Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Mr. Albert Brodsky
Mrs. Frank Brodsky
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Brody
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Broennle
Mr. and Mrs. Bronseaux
Dr. Audrey F. Bronson
Mrs. Robert C. Brooke
Beth Brooks
Mrs. Clarence W. Brooks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks
Mr. Melvin Brooks
Ms. Mary Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. Alex B.
Brouwer, Jr.
Benjamin and Gayle Brown
Dr. Stephen and Pelley Brown
Louise W. Brown


Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown
Mr. Joseph W. Brown
Mrs. Bernard Brown
Mrs. Clinton H. Brown
Mrs. George H. Brown
Mrs. Gerald A. Brown
Mrs. Lawrance A. Brown
Mrs. Nonnan R. Brown
Mrs. Revelle W. Brown
Mrs. W. Thacher Brown
Ms. C. M. Brown
Ms. Lynn Brown
Ms. Margaret C. Brown
Revs. Robert and Marilynn
Mr. and Mrs. M. R.
Brownell, Jr.
Nora Mead Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. David B.
Mrs. Stanley Broza
Mr. Mark Brozina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Kathy Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bruce
Miss Vera D. Bruestle
Miss Elizabeth T. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brusick
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bruton
Milton Brutten, Ph.D.
Miss Lois Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bryan
Mayo and Corinne Bryce
Ms. June M. Bryde
Mrs. Louise Bryngelsson
Mr. James H. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T.
Miss H. Patricia Buck
Mr. Robert L. Buck
Kate Budlong
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Buell
Mrs. Kathleen D. B. Buffum
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Miss Hebe Bulley
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ridgely
Mrs. John Emlen Bullock
Jane Bulmash
Mrs. Rebecca Bunkin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Mrs. Clifton D. Bunting
Karla and Michael Burch
Geraldine Burd
Mrs. Joseph A. Burke
Cannen W. Burket

Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore
Ms. Myrl H. Burkett
Ms. E. Madeline Burleigh
Mr. Robert Burleson
Mr. George B. Burpee
Mr. William K. Burriss
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Burstein
Mr. Isadore S. Burstein
Mrs. David C. Burton
Captain J. C. Busby USN
Mr. and Mrs. H. Donald Busch
Thomas Jay Bushyager
Mrs. Howard Butcher III
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Butcher IV
Mrs. Mac Bee Butcher
Mr. H. Kenneth Butera
Mr. Robert J. Butler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Buxbaum
James T. Buysse
George Funderburg and
Lois Bye
Ms. Hope Byer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ. Byrne
Mrs. E. M. Byrne
J. Wayne Bystrom
Mrs. John Cadwalader
Bea Goldman Cahan
Ms. Joan O. Cahan
Mr. James N. Calabrese
Fred and Ruth Calandra
Mr. Charles A. Calhoon
Amy R. Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caliri
Bruce and Lynda Calkins
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Callahan
Peter Goodman and Clara
Dr. Mark O. Camp
Dr. William P. Camp
Mr. William H. Campbell
Mrs. Roy E. Campbell
Ms. Eleanor E. Campion
Mrs. Marie W. Cancelmo
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Cander
Mrs. Harrison K. Caner, Jr.
James and Anne Cannon
Terry Canny
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cantor
Mr. Matthew Cantor
Mrs. Daniel J. Cantor
Mrs. Gilbert M. Cantor
Dr. and Mrs. Bernerd Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Caplan
Mr. Benjamin Caplan
Ralph D. Capparullo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Capps
Ms. Angele Carbone
Mr. Thomas J. Cardwell
Jean Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Carey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlen
Mr. Rodney Carlisle
Mr. Victor Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carneal
Mrs. William C. Carnell, Jr.
Rebecca Carney
Ms. Helen Caro
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Carota
Mrs. Pearl M. Carpel
Dr. Gary G. Carpenter
Mrs. Donald F. Carpenter
M. Virginia Carr
J. Daniel Carrier
Mr. James H. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carson
Mrs. Joseph Carson
Charles A. Carter III
Ms. Francis B. Carter
Mr. John E. Caruso
Roger Prichard and Astrid
Mr. G. Dewey Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Case
Mr. Harry John Case
Ms. Donna Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Casper
Mr. Howard M. Casper
Mrs. Edwin J. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Castle
Mr. Joseph L. Castle
Ms. Rebecca K. Kline and S.
R. Catanese
Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert
Mr. F. Daniel Cathers
Mr. John R. Caulk
Mrs. Emily R. Cautilli
Mrs. Alfred Cavallaro
Mr. James R. Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S.
Marguerite Celani
Ms. Linda M. Celia
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A.
Mr. Ralph Cericola, Jr.
June and Dean Chaapel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chaffe
Hon. and Mrs. Paul M. Chaflin
Mrs. E. Dean Chagan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chait
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Chait
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Muriel George Challinor
Howard K. Chambers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Plato Chan
Mrs. Lalla Chandlee
Mr. and Mrs. Fred T.
Chandler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Chapin, Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth P. Chapin
Mrs. William A. Chapman
Ms. Ellen Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Ms. Sylvia B. Charleston
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Charny
Mr. Elwyn F. Chase, Jr.
Sandra W. Chatfield
Ms. Roz Chatt
Mr. Vincent P. Checchia
Mr. John Check
Harry S. Cherken, Jr.
Linda Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Cheston, Jr.
Miss Sydney Cheston
Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Mr. Morris Cheston, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Caesar F.
Ms. Matina Chigounis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Childress
Sophia Chitj ian
Wei-Wei Chiu
Mrs. Gladys York Christensen
Ms. Eileen S. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Christy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
Mr. Sing Yung Chu
Mr. Joseph Chudnoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Chudnow
Mrs. Henry S. Churchill
David Churilla
Mrs. Angelo Cianciosi
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. Anthony G. Cinelli
Mr. Louis J. Cissone
Mr. Edward Taws Claghorn
Mr. Frederic S. Claghorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clair
Mrs. Maurice L. Clancy
Mr. Tom W. Clapham
Ms. Beth Lea Clardy
Miss Carol Clarfeld
Mr. Carl T. Clark AlA
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Clark
Dr. James E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. Clark
Mr. Edward O. Clark
Ms. Ginna Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Clement J.
Clarke, Jr.
Michael Clarke
Ms. Constance G. Class
Mr. Theodore Clattenburg
Mr. Edward B. Clay, Jr.
Samuel B. Claypoole
Dr. Constance E. Clayton
Ms. Judy Clayton

Mr. Herbert D. Cleaver
Donald L. Clement, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Y.
Mrs. Harrison H. Clement
Fred E. and Elaine Cox Clever
Mrs. Margaret S. Clews
Sylvan Clews
Muriel Patricia Clifford
Mr. Jack Clifton
Mr. Raymond A. Cline
Mr. H. Lawrence Clofine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H.
Clothier IV
Ann H. Clothier
Ms. Helen Clouis
Ms. Isabelle L. Clouser
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Clover
Mr. Benjamin Coates
Ms. Mildred Cobrin
Dr. Thomas C. Cochran
Mr. Alan E. Coddington
Ruth Cogan
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore B.
Frances L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Elias S. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben E. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Cohen
Mr. Albert M. Cohen
Mr. Hennig Cohen
Mr. Kenneth M. Cohen
Mr. Leon Cohen
Mrs. Gretta B. Cohen
Mrs. Max H. Cohen
Mrs. Norman N. Cohen
Ms. Cheryl Cohen
Ms. Florence Tyson Cohen
Ms. Gaela Cohen
Ms. Hanni L. Cohen
Ruth G. Cohen
Selma Cohen
Sibyl S. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole
Mrs. Grace M. Cole
Dr. Thomas Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. Robert J. Coleman
Mrs. Jean Coleman
Mrs. Robert J. Coleman
Mrs. William B. Coleman
Ms. Nancy J. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colino
Joseph A. Coli, Esq.
Mr. John R. Collett
Paul Colletti


Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C.
Collings, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Collins
Mr. Daniel W. Collins
Mr. David Monroe Collins
Mrs. James S. Collins
Mrs. Robert F. Collins
Mr. Larry A. Colston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Dr. and Mrs. N. H. Colton
Hanna Comarnitsky
Ms. Mary Jayne Corney
Matthew J. Comisky, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Comisky
Susan H. Compton
David B. Comroe, Esq.
Francesca Cona
Michael Conaway
Mr. John Condax
Mr. Robert G. Condiff
Mr. Walter Condit
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Dr. M. E. Conley
Ms. Lorraine Conley
Mr. Edward T. Connelly
Mr. Harold J. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. J.
Mr. William Connor
Miss Elizabeth E. Conover
Ms. Gianne P. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Contakos
Ms. Mimi C. Converse
Alexander T. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrew Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cook
Mr. Howard Cook
Ms. Rebecca C. Cooke
Mrs. James L. Coombs
Dr. Barry R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper
Dr. Adrian D. Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Copeland
Mrs. Randall E. Copeland
Mrs. Robert Copeland
Mr. John W. Copley
Mrs. C. Daniel Coppes
Mr. Robert L. Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cordek
Mr. and Mrs. Woodward W.
Corkran, Jr.
Mrs. Selma Com
Dr. and Mrs. Chalmers
Cornelius III
Miss Helen F. Corson
Mrs. Bolton L. Corson
Ms. Linda C. Corson
Sara Douglas and Eric Corty
Jeanne Coryell

Janine A. Coslett
Susan Coslett
Dr. Marie Costello
Mr. Timothy C. Costello
Mr. William Costello
Ms. Tracey A. Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W.
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Couch
Julie and Neil Courtney
Ms. Ann l. Courtney
Robert Covelli
Mr. Nick Coviello
Mrs. Walter J. Cowan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gardner Cox
Mr. Samuel R. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Coyle
Mr. Thomas Joseph Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Coyne
Joseph and Joann Cozza
Ms. Rebecca A. Craft
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Philip U. Crane
Mrs. A. Reynolds Crane
Ms. Julia M. Crane
Mr. Thomas Neil Crater
Mrs. E. K. Cratsley
Mr. Albert J. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. James D. Crawford
Mr. Richard T. Crawford
Mr. William H. Crawford
Mr. Fred B. Creamer
Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Creed
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cresswell
Mr. Walter L. Crimm
Mr. O. R. Croasdale
Mr. Carmen R. Croce
Mr. W. Stephen Croddy
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Cronan II
Doreen and David Cronrath
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Crough
Mrs. William W. Crowder
Lynda M. Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crowell
Mrs. Mary M. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Crown
Mrs. Charles H. Crozer
Paul and Stevie Crum
Hon. and Mrs. James
Crumlish, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cryan
Mr. Richard W. Culbertson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Milton L. Cullen
Miss Rose M. Cullen
Ms. Florence P. Culshaw
Elizabeth Starr Cummin
Mrs. Pearson C. Cummin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Cunard

Hester Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Ms. Mary E. Cunningham
Mr. Robert A Cuomo
Annabelle and James Curran
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Curran
Mr. Cornelius G. Curran
Mr. JamesJ. Curran
Susanne Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Curson
T. K. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Cushing
Dr. R. Philip Custer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Custer
Mr. Herbert S. Cutler
Chester T. Cyzio, Esq.
Phyllis 0' Alessandro
Ms. Carolyn D'Alfonso
Dr. Samuel L. D'Amato
Ms. Velma D'Andrea
David S. D'Angelo
Christopher Scott D'Angelo, Esq.
Mr. Frank A. D'Lauro, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Dr. A. Orville Dahl
Fani Daitz
Ms. Nancy Dall
Dr. C. K. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Daly
Ms. E. Loretta Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dalzell
Mr. David A. Dambly
Mr. Robert S. Damerjian
Mr. Joe Danciger
Mr. and Mrs. WiltOn R. Danien
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Albert K. Dannenbaum
Dr. Arthur M. Dannenberg
Myrna Darrig
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
Mrs. Ethel J. David
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson
Mrs. Marta A. Davidson
Dr. Richard A. and Patricia D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. B. Dale Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Davis
Mr. Charles H. Davis
Mr. Craig C. Davis
Mr. William K. Davis
Mrs. Betsey Davis
Ms. Carol Davis
Ms. Ruth C. Davis
Nancy M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T.
Davy, Jr.

Mr. Louis D. Day, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
R. Day
Mr. S. Grey Dayton, Jr.
Mr. Stephen J. De Baun
Mr. and Mrs. Willis S. De
La Cour
Ms. Jeanette D. de Moll
Miss Denise De Paolo
Mrs. Eric De Spoelberch
Marie M. deBenneville
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore M.
Mrs. Roger W. DeBusk
John S. deCani
Ms. Virginia M. DeCicco
Mr. Arthur A. De Costa
Ms. Anna DeDominicis
William Howe DeGraff
Mr. Ron DeGregorio
Paul A. DeJuliis
Rev. and Mrs. A. Myrvin
Ms. Denise DeLaurentis
Ms. Pamela A. DeLissioJohnson
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L.
Mr. Joseph E. DeSantis
Ms. Maude deSchauensee
Mr. and Mrs. Norman DeSouza
Miss Justine DeVan
Mrs. W. Todd DeVan
Rita and John deVecchis
Mr. David R. DeVoe
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mr. Benjamin H. Deacon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Deacon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deacon
Beryl R. Dean, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Dean
Mrs. James A. Deane
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Deas
Mr. Fred Decker
Ms. Marion E. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. Deibler
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H.
Miss Meribah C. Delaplaine
Mrs. C. Paul Denckla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Dennis
Mrs. Sharon A. Dennison
Deborah Denno
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Finley Derr
Dr. Vincent Desiderio
Mrs. Eric Despoelberch
Mrs. H. R. Detweiler
Mr. Charles W. Detwiler
Mr. Antelo Devereux

Janet Devine
Ms. Frances M. Devlin
Ms. Ethel M. Dewsbury
Mrs. G. M. DiGiorgio
Karyn DiGiorgio-Ensalada
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. Perry R. DiGiovanniantonio
Mr. Gerald J. DiRusso
Mr. Victor Diamond
Mr. Brian Dickerson
Miss Anne E. Dickeson
Ms. Judith E. Dickinson
Mr. Charles A. DickinsonMarks
Mr. Armon W. Diedrich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David P.
Mr. Robert C. Dieter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.
Dietrich 1I
Mrs. Celia Dietz
Mrs. Helen L. Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Willem K.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Dilks
Mrs. John Dilks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dillard
Mr. Thomas F. Dinardo
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Melvin Dion, Esq.
Mr. Sam Dion
Melva Dipper
Mr. Kenneth J. Dirsa
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Disston
Mr. Willard M. Dix
Mr. Thomas L. Doak
Mr. George R. Doan
Ms. Charlotte Dobrasin
Docents of the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Dodd
Ms. Carreen Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson
Drs. Jan and Annick Doeff
Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison
Mrs. David H. W. Dohan
Lois Eaton Dollin
Ms. Alice Domineske
Carmel B. Dominic
Ms. Lois L. Domm
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Domsky
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C.
Donaghy, Jr.
Broad and Cherry Donation
Peale House Donation Boxes
Mrs. Judith Donley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Mr. Jay M. Donner
Louis and Joyce Donnini


Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F.
Mrs. Frances Donovan
C. H. Dare III
Mr. Art Dorfman
Mrs. William F. Dormire
Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris
Dorrance, Jr.
Mr. Charles R. Dorsey
Mr. James B. Dorsey
Claire S. Dorsky
Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Dougherty, Jr.
Miss Catherine A. Dougherty
Ms. Dolores R. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Ms. Catherine Douglas
Mr. Ronald Dove
Miss Ruth S. Dawley
Miss Mary Houston Downing
Miss Sally F. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Downs
Mr. Anthony L. Dragonetti
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Drake
Ms. Nancy J. Drake
Thomas E. Drake
Dr. Mary B. Dratman
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Drayton
Janet H. Dreher
Bernice L. Dreifus
Mr. William D. Drew
Amy and Dean Drezner
Robin Matlin and Richard
David F. Driesbach
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
James A. Drobile, Esq.
Robert Dromboski
Mr. and Mrs. William Drutt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dry
Rev. and Mrs. Robert DuBois
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Duane
Dr. Stanley Dubin
Miss Evette Dubin
Mr. Stephen V. Dubin
Ms. Mary Duckert
Susan Duckett
Mr. and Mrs. JosephJ. Duffy
Mr. Edward J. Duffy
Mrs. Alice B. Duffy
Mrs. Andrew B. Duffy
Ms. Catherine M. Duffy
Mr. Paul J. Duffy, Sr.
Dr. Virginia Dugan
Jean M. Dugan
H. Richard Duhme, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Duke
Ms. Sadie Dumoff
Alice Clarke and Barrows
Roberta and Howard Dunitz
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dunn

Mr. Newbold Dunn
Mrs. Augusta Dunn
Ms. Gloria Dunoff
Robert B. Durham, Jr.
Mr. John H. Durham
Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ. Durkin
Ms. Martha Durkin
Mr. Sadhan C. Dutt
Mr. and Mrs. L. Garrett
Oliver J. Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dwyer
Ms. Kathryn Dwyer
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Dyson
Mr. Robert H. Dyson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dzuba
Ms. Leslie Eadeh
Alice L. Eakin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Eanes
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Earle
Mrs. Ralph Earle
Ms. Naomi Early
Miss Frances B. Earnest
Dr. Gene Guill and Susan H.
Mrs. James T. Eaton
Mrs. Landis Stevenson Eaton
Mrs. Lester K. Eaton
Mr. Ballard Ebbett
Mr. Rick Echelmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Eckhardt
Mr. Joseph P. Eckhardt
Ms. Donna R. Ecton
Mr. Milton Edelman
Ms. Joy M. Edelman
Dr. Joel Edelstein
Mrs. John P. Eden
Jane P. Edmund
Martha Mel Edmunds
Mr. Ted L. Edwards
Ms. Lynn Edwards
Renard E. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Egnal
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Ehmann, Jr.
Mrs. Harriette W. Ehrlich
Katherine M. Eilers
Mrs. James Eiseman
Dr. and Mrs. David Eisenberg
Mrs. Martin Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
Eiteljorg 1I
Mr. Rune G. Eklund
Mr. and Mrs. David Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Elder
Ms. Karen E. Elder
Mrs. Henri Elkan
Mrs. William L. Elkins
Mr. George F. Elling
Doug Elliott
Mr. Joseph G. Elliott
Mrs. William C. Elliott
Ms. Wendy Elliott "
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Ellis
Mr. Charles Ellis

Mrs. Herman M. Ellis
Mrs. Lysle E. Ellis
Mrs. Thomas S. Ellis
Ms. Gilda M. Ellis
Marian G. Elmont
Ms. Sandra J. Elms
Mrs. Edward Emanuel
Mr. William E. Emerson
Barbara and Thomas Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Emling
Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Emory
Mrs. E. Schuyler English
Deborah Reich Epstein
Mrs. Gertrude Epstein
Mrs. Perez Epstein
Otis W. Erisman, Esq.
Mrs. Dorothea Erk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erskine
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Ertel
Ms. Marlene Ertingshausen
Ms. Janet Ertz
Sharon M. Erwin, Esq.
Mrs. Adrien R. Eschall ier
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Essick, Jr.
Jeffrey S. Estabrook
Mr. and Mrs. John Estey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John Lane Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Evans
Mr. David A. Evans
Mr. Tilghman Evans
Mrs. Helen Lowden Evans
Mrs. Rowland Evans
Mrs. William O. Evans
Ms. Elaine Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Evelev
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N.
Ewing, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy H. Ewing
Mr. Donato Ezzio
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fabian
Kathleen and Marvin Fac tor
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Fader
June Siegel and Ronald Fagan
Dr. Claire M. Fagin
Mrs. McClure Fahnestock
Ms. Carol E. Faill
Ms. Evelyn Fair
Ms. Angela R. Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M.
Dr. and Mrs. Manucher
Fallahnej ad
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Fall ick
Ms. Marylon H. Falls
Toni Famulari
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O.
Fanning, Jr.
Mrs. P. F. N. Fanning
Mrs. Miriam B. Farber
Phyllis S. Farber
Richard and Bonnie Farber
Ms. Lynn E. Farkas

David J. and Pegge Farling
Mr. Larry W. Farmbry
Mrs. Henry W. Farnum
Mr. and Mrs. Supplee E.
Farquhar, Jr.
Mr. John W. Farr III
Miss Ann L. Farr
Mr. John E. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fass
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Featherman
C. Donald and June A.
Ms. Ruta Lidkus Fee
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Fehr
Mary Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Feinberg
Mr. Edwin H. Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B.
David Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Miss Anne R. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Feldman
Ms. Judith Feldman
Ms. Rhea K. Feldman
Mr. Anthony G. Felix, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Felley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Felter
Ms. Diane Fendo
Lt. Col. Norbert J. Fenerty
Mr. and Mrs. James Fentress
Dr. and Mrs. Guerrant H.
Ferguson, Jr.
Mr. Gordon F. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Fernberger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Miss Mary Elizabeth Fernley
Ms. Frances S. Fernley
Ms. Nina P. Ferrant
Ms. Jean Ferson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Ferst
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fertman
Mrs. Lester Fertman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W.
Mr. Robert G. Fest
Dr. Ferdinand Fetter
Col. Matthew J. Fevang
Michael F. Fey
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Fichman
Dr. Sylvia K. Fields
Miss Pearl M. Fields
Mrs. Harry Fields
Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Louis S. Fine, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Fine
Ms. Stephanie F. Fine
Mrs. Joseph N. Fineberg
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin B. Fineman
Mrs. E. Elizabeth Fineman
Mrs. Fran Fineman

Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.
Mr. Peter Fingesten
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Fink
Mrs. Morris Finkel
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Anne Shenberger and Robert
Mrs. Werner Finks
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Finn, Sr.
Dr. Loretta P. Finnegan
Geraldine C. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Graham S.
Mr. Michael T. Fiorillo
Caral Firestone
Jane and Vincent Firth
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Fischer
Mr. Joseph Fischer
Mrs. Edward Fischer
Mrs. Margaret R. Fischer
Ms. Sue Fischman
Mr. Peter D. Fish
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Fisher, Jr.
Mr. Mulford K. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Fisher
Mr. Mel Fisher
Libby G. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fishman
Mr. Charles J. Fitti
Ms. Hettie J. Fitts
Mrs. Dorothy S. Fitzpatrick
Mr. John E. Fitzsimmons
H. William Flack
Dr. Scott Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.
Mr. and Mrs. Cary B. Fleisher
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleisher
Anne Marie Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. William M. B.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. Herbert Fletcher
Dr. Eleanor Flick
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R.
Eleanore Flom
Mr. Milton Embick Flower
Ms. Beth Fluke
Miss Marilyn E. Flynn
Mr. Thomas F. Flynn
Ms. Nancy B. Fogg
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Folger
Barbara B. Foreman
Burton and Sondra Forman
Joan L. Forman


Mr. and Mrs. E. Ross Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Forman
Mr. Harvey \. Forman
Ms. Rose Forman
Ms. Barbara Forrest
Sidney and Selma Harris
Ed and Lynn Forstein
Mr. Rudy P. Foschi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Foster, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Foster
Mr. Sylvester G. Foster
Mrs. Barbara Kirk Foster
Mrs. Virgin ia S. Foster
Felicia M. Foth
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
Mr. and Mrs. Will iam G.
Mr. David A. Fowler
Mr. Robert B. Fowler
Hilda Fox
Mr. Ralph T. Fox, Jr.
Lyn Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin C. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Reeder R. Fox
Mr. Richard A. Fox
Mrs. Earle B. Fox
Mrs. William Fox
Mrs. ThomasJ. Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre C. Fraley
Mrs. Adeline B. Fraley
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Francis
Mrs. George T. Francis
Mr. Charles Franco
Drs. L. and B. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Armin C.
Frank, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Frank, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman \. Frank
Ms. Barbara Frank
Ms. Sarah M. Frank
Mrs. L. Frankel
Ms. Miriam Franklin
Mrs. Clair G. Frantz
Mr. W. West Frazier IV
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Frazier
Mr. Kirk Frederickson
Bonda S. Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Ms. Fay Freedman
Bill Freeland
Mr. Samuel M. Freeman II
Mrs. Robert S. Freeman
Mr. George R. Freifeld
Richard and Bonnie Freundlich
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Frey
Mr. Robert O. Frick
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Friedman
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Friedman
Jane S. Friedman

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton
Mr. Bernard Friedman
Mr. Ron Friedman
Si Friedman
Steven and Marcie Friedman
Mrs. Helen A. Friel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Ms. Jean Frohling
Mr. Joseph Frontino
Mrs. David H. Frost
Mr. Evangelos W. Frudakis
Robert G. Fryling
Ms. Theresa Fuccio
Mrs. Patience A. Fuchs
Mr. Joseph W. Fullem, Jr.
Mr. Gregory M. Fuller
Mrs. Carl W. Funk
Mrs. P. D. Newsome Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E.
Furey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Furnish
Nina Segre and Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Fusaro, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Fuscellaro
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Gaary
Mr. Fred B. Gable
Ms. Martha A. Gable
Mr. and Mrs. Guy G.
Gabrielson, Jr.
Lee and Beatrice Godmillow
Frances Galante
Judith Galfand
Mr. and Mrs. S. Harry Galfand
Elaine and Charles Gallagher
Mr. Dennis L. Gallagher
Mr. Martin J. Gallagher
Mr. Michael G. Gallagher
Ms. Anne P. Gallagher
Mr. Joseph Gary Galli
Mrs. Nancy Gardner H. Galt
Mrs. Audrey Z. Gammon
William Gannotta
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ganoe
/v1r. Jonathan Gam
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garde
William T. Gardiner II
John Gardner
Mignon R. Gardner
Mr. Cyril Gardner
Mr. R. Mark Gardner
Richard Mark Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Garfield
Ms. Sonya C. Garfinkle
Karen Garman

Mr. Charles Garner
Elva C. Garrett
Omar Garrington
Elizabeth B. Garrison
Mr. Sherman Garrison
Dale S. Garson
Mrs. Joseph F. Gartland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. B.
Dr. Vail P. Garvin
Ms. Barbara Gary
Mr. Frank Gasparro
Ms. Naomi Gasper
Mr. and Mrs. John Gassett
Brian E. Gast
Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas
Howard T. and Natalie
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gatter
Marguerite Gaudin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gaughan
Miss Lea M. Gaulin
Mr. William Gault
Mr. Samuel B. Gaumer
Mr. James A. Gavin
Mr. Donald L. Gearhart, Jr.
Mr. Frederick Geasland
Ms. Marie Gee
Paul Minick, Jill and Sara
Ms. Elaine Gelb
Caryl Oberman and Kenneth
Mrs. Elsie Snyder Gelfand
Gloria B. Gellar
Mrs. Aaron J. Gellman
Ms. Nancy J. Gellman
Selma \. Gellman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gelstine
Mrs. William H. Gemmell
Barbara Ann Genovese
Mrs. Mary Genovese
Mr. William G. Gentner, Jr.
Dr. Harris S. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Gerber
Nancy Gerber
Mrs. Marian Gerhart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Gerson
Frances Gerson
Dr. Louis Gerstley 1Il
Mr. Henry E. Gerstley
Mrs. Emile C. Geyelin
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony M.
Mr. Frank Giannetta
Marian A. Gibbon
Mr. Merrill H. Gibbs, Jr.
Mr. John L. Giegerich, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Gifford, Jr.

Alfred A. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gilbert
Mrs. Roseann Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Gilfoil
Ms. Maria T. Giliotti
Mrs. Paul L. Gill
Roseann P. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler
Mr. NeilJ . Gillespie
Rev. and Mrs. Franklin B.
Elizabeth W. Gillies
DanielJ. Gillin
Gloria Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gilmore
Mrs. Mustin Gilmore
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Gilstein
Mrs. Benedict Gimbel, Jr.
Meryl D. Gindin
Dr. and Mrs. H. Jay Ginns
David Ginsberg, Esq.
Mr. Jay L. Ginsberg
Mr. S. Regen Ginsburg
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giordano
Mr. and Mrs. David F. GirarddiCarlo
Miriam Girsh
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Girsh
Dr. Susan D. Gisser
Mr. Gerard Givnish
Sandra R. Glaberson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Glantz
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer S. Glasberg
Dr. and Mrs. Saul Glasner
Dr. Mitchell Glass
Ms. Deborah E. Glass
Dr. and Mrs. Sol Glassman
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Glazer
Kurt H. Gleissner
Mrs. Arthur \. Glick
Jerome and Barbara Glickman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Glynn
Miss Jean A. Goddard
Mr. John P. Golaschevsky
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. DonaldJ.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldberg
Miss Joanne S. Golden
Mrs. Ann W. Golden
Thomas J. and Maureen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A.
Mr. Daniel Goldfarb
Morton Goldfield
Ms. Beatrice Goldfine
Dr. and Mrs. Tevis Goldhaft
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Goldman

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldman
Mrs. Oscar Goldman
Ms. Reva B. Goldner
Mrs. Alfred Goldsmith
Donald and Ronda Goldstein
Dr. Barry Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N.
Mr. Isaac Goldstein
Mr. Stuart M. Goldstein
Mrs. Fanny C. Goldstein
Mrs. Peppe Nathanson
Ms. Mildred Goldstein
Ms. Vivian Goldstein
Ms. Elizabeth H. Goldwater
Mr. Christian W. GolllIl
Frank Gollatz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gommel
Paul Gonick
Merle Good
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Good
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Good
Diane Goodman
Dr. Marilyn JS Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Mr. Lloyd Goodman
Sharon Goodman
Stanley and Doris Goodman
Ms. Jane U. Goodnow
Mr. and Mrs. David P.
Mr. and Mrs. Sander R.
Joanne L. Gordin
Joan and Allen Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H.
Gordon, Jr.
Mr. Paul Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland A.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S.
Mr. William Gordon
Mrs. William G. Gordon
Ms. Gladys Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Goren
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Goren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mrs. Mary B. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P.
Dr. Edward Gosfield, Jr.
Mr. Charles Gottesman
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Gottlieb
Ms. Dorothy W. Gottlieb
Mr. Charles Edward Gough
Mrs. Dorothy Lerner Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. Gowen


Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G.
Grace, Jr.
Mr. Paul B. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Claude B.
Mrs. John W. Grange
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Grant
Ms. Nancy Grason
Melinda Myers Grass
Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Gratton
Lisa S. Gratz
Mr. Paul S. Gratz
Mr. Charles A. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Mrs. Ann Simonin Grebe
C. A. Green
Fritzie P. Green
Mr. Irvin Green
Mrs. Edna R. Green
Raymond S. Green
Frances Greenbaum
Jane Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Greenberg, Jr.
Mr. David B. Greenberg
Mrs. Seymour W. Greenberg
Suzanne N. Greenberg
Mrs. Ruth Greenblatt
Dr. Ronald B. Greene
Ms. Nancy E. Greene
Mark and Jean Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K.
Mrs. Ellen L. Greenfield
Mrs. Leon H. Greenhouse
Ms. Judith Greenstone
Deborah Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greer
Mrs. Florianne T. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Greiner
Mr. Gerard Greway
Mrs. William A. Grieb
Ms. Shelley J. Griewahn
Ms. Betty Griffin
Ms. Mary E. Griffin
Cynthia Griffo
Mr. J. Lawrence Grim, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Ms. Kathe W. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Azriel S.
Patricia A. Gritzan
Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Miss Mary E. Groff
Lisa Groover
Mrs. Richard Grosholz

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C.
Dr. S. Warren Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Gross
Mr. Milton Gross
Mr. Steven \. Gross
Ms. Janyce S. Gross
Sally Lorensen Gross
Mr. Louis J. Grossman APR
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E.
Mr. Henry Grossman
Mrs. David J. Grossman
Ms. Marie L. Grotz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Grove
Ms. Marcia Groverman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gruen
Ms. Amy H. Guagenti
Mr. and Mrs. Morris J.
Mrs. Gertrude Z. Gubernick
Katelore Guerin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Dr. Ronald Gulezian
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. H.
Mr. Jack Gumbrecht
Dr. Herman S. Gundersheimer
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Ms. Doris R. Gunsalus
Miss M. Elizabeth Gunson
Mr. C. R. Gupta
Dr. Patricia A. Gureghian
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gushner
Mrs. Ralph M. Gutekunst
Rebecca Guth
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman
Ms. M. Eve Gutnajer
Mr. Robert S. Guzek
Mr. Edward R. Haag
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Hackney
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H.
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Hafter
Barbara J. Hagendorf
Ms. Mary E. Haggar
Mr. and Mrs. John Hagner
Rose G. and John Hagopian
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hahn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hahn
Mrs. John M. Haight
Mr. C. Stuart Hain
Dr. Robert A. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Haley, Jr.
Mr. Edward H. Hall

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Haller
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Halloran, Jr.
Joyce and Hank Halpern
Rebecca C. Halpern
Mr. Peter Hay Halpert
Grace and Charles Halter
Mr. William A. Hamann III
Tracey J. Hambleton
James W. Hamilton
Lydia Hamilton
Mr. Charles W. Hamilton
Mr. George H. Hamilton
Mrs. Gloria R. Hamilton
Ms. Sarah Duff Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hamme
Miss Charlotte L. Hammell
Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter
Hammer, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Bell Hammerman
Mrs. van Beuren Hammett
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A.
Mrs. E. Foster Hammonds
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hancock
Ms. Mary L. C. Hancock
Mrs. Vincent Haneman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.
Hon. and Mrs. John B.
Mrs. Richard S. Hanscom
Ms. jessie U. Hansen
Ms. Susan G. Hanson
Dr. and Mrs. N. S. Hanspal
Mr. Allen Harberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Harbeson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Harder
Mrs. Ruth Luise Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S.
Mrs. Gordon A. Hardwick
Doreen Hardy
Michael D. Hardy
Ms. Irene E. Harlan
Mr. Stephen Harlen
Mrs. Milton Price Harley
Miss Pauline Harman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Harney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Harper III
Mrs. Mary H. j. Harper
Britton Harris
Elisabeth P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Harris
Mr. Donald S. Harris
Mr. Harry A. Harris
Mr. Nicholas James Harris
Mrs. Montgomery Harris
Ms. Antoinette M. Harris
Ms. Barbara Fox Harris
Ms. Mary C. Harris

Mr. John L. Harrison, Jr.
Miss Armason Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G.
Mrs. Louis A. Harrison
Mrs. Earl G. Harrison, Sr.
Dr. Joseph F. Harryhill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hart
Mr. Stephen P. Hart
Ms. Jo Collier Hart
Ms. Mary N. Hart
Mrs. Pliney E. Hartenstein
Joe Hartle
Mr. Daniel F. Hartshorn
Earl D. Harvey II
Dr. and Mrs. William J.
Harvey III
Mr. Frederic Harwood
Mrs. Benjamin Haskell
John J. Haslett II
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Hass
Mrs. Joseph c. Hastings
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Hatrler
Elizabeth J. and John P. Hauch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O.
Mr. James Havard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. Kenneth Lee John
Mr. Robert Hawkridge
Mrs. Hilarie V. Hawley
Mr. Stan Hawrylo
Mr. Jonathan W. Hayward
David A. Hearn
Peter C. Hearn
Mrs. Jean Ballard Wells Hebard
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hebden
Ms. Barbara Hebding
Mr. Barry J. Hecht
John P. Heckler
Mr. Ledyard Heckscher II
Mrs. Eva L. Hedley
Ms. Sarah E. Hefner
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M.
Heilman III
Jane W. Heimerdinger
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Heine
The Hon. John H. Heinz III
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G.
Ms. Kathleen Heist
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Heitzer
Joseph A. Helfrich DDS
Mr. and Mrs. S. Heller
Mr. James D. Hellyer
Mr. Jon D. Helms
Miss Irene Hembarsky
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney L.
James and Patricia K.

Mr. Dallett Hemphi ll
Ms. Elizabeth S. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Hendricks
Ms. Patricia Duke Henkels
Mrs. Louise L. Henry
Ms. Paula Hensel
Mrs. Stuart T. Henshall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hensley
Mrs. Lynn B. Henson
Mr. Franklin M. Henzel
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry
Hepp IV
Mrs. M. Gilbert Herbach
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mrs. Edith May Herbst
Carolyn Laubach Herd
Mrs. Lindsay Herkness, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth D. Herkness
Mr. Kenneth F. Herlihy
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Herman
Ms. Clara G. Hernes
Mr. Garth Herrick
Ms. Joyce Herrman
Mrs. E. Douglas Hersey-Hess
Ms. Constance V. Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hess
Mr. H. Ober Hess
Mr. Robert G. Hess
Fritz and Betty Hessemer
Mr. Robert W. Hesslein
Ms. Lucille Heu
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hewitt
Miss Helen Elizabeth Heyl
Mrs. Raymond A. Hickox
Raquel Montilla Higgins
Alicia Higham
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R.
Jane P. Hilkert
Mrs. John J. Hill
Ms. Elsie E. Hill
Mr. Roger S. Hillas
Ms. Jill Hinchliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Hines
Mrs. Robert S. Hines
Eileen H. Hinkson
Mr. William L. Hires
Mrs. Marjorie C. Hires
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F.
Mr. Willard G. Histand
Historic Yellow Springs, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Hocker
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hockfield
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V.
Mrs. Marie Clark Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark
Ditta Baron Hoeber
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hoeffel, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Hoffman
Dr. Carl J. Hoffman
William M. Hoffman, Jr.
Mr. Ephram Hoffman
Ms. Sylvia Goldberg Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hofkin
Mr. WilliamJ. Hogan
Ms. Jul ia Ellen Hogan
Dr. Ruth Hogue-Angeletti
Mrs. John J. Hohenadel
Ms. Helen J. Hohman
Mr. R. Carroll Hoke
Ms. Jaqueline C. Holland
Clara Hollander
Mrs. William M. Hollenback, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Romer Holleran
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rees Hollihan
Mr. Curvin H. Hollimon
Mr. and Mrs. Harris N. Hollin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Mr. Charles S. Holman, Jr.
Mrs. Genevieve P. Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Holsclaw
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R.
Hollie and Jamie Holt
Mr. and Mrs. George Holt
Mr. James R. Holt
John and Priscilla Holton
Mr. and Mrs. John P. H.
Christina M. Hom
Mr. and Mrs. Lon W. Homeier
Mr. William Hong
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. J. Myron Honigman
Mr. James Gowen Hood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hooper
Mrs. William E. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S.
Mr. Kendal Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. J2mes Hopkinson
Ms. Victoria Hoplamazian
Ms. Jeanne K. Hopper
Ms. Christianne Hopwood
Mr. Thomas M. Horak
Paul E. and Bonnie S. Horna
Misses Emily and Anne Homer
Sherry L. Horowitz, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Horowitz
Ms. Constance F. Horowitz
Mrs. Alonzo R. Horsey
Mr. John F. Horty
Peter A. and Caryl A. Horty
Joan Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Horvath

Mr. Selwyn A. Horvitz
Myles and Blanche Horwitz
Mr. Paul W. Houck
Melissa E. Hough
Hilda L. Houser
David D. Howard
Miss Miriam V. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Howard
Mr. Charles N. Howard
Mr. Robert P. Howard
Ms. Dorothy A. Howard
Mrs. Clement E. Hoyler
Mrs. Joel C. Huber III
Mrs. John Y. Huber, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Huber
Mrs. Joseph F. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Frank j. Hubig
Ms. Carolyn G. Hudnut
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Christian Hueber II
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K.
Lawrence A. and Carol G. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morse
Dr. Susan M. Hughes
Harriet P. Hughes
Joan Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hughes
Mr. Edward E. Hughes
Mrs. Helen Hughitt
Ms. Nancy Hull
Dr. and Mrs. Eric L. Hume
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Humes
Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, Jr.
Helen Humphreville
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford S. Hunn
Ms. Lydia Hunn
Mr. and Mrs. Horace K.
Mr. and Mrs. John Frazier Hunt
Miss Helen Virginia Hunter
Mrs. R. C. Huntoon
Mr. John R. Hursh
A. Loewy and M. Hurt
Mrs. Elaine Hurvitz
Ms. Mildred Hurwitz
Mrs. Morrison Huston
Mr. Edward P. Hutchinson
Mrs. James F. Hutton
Mr. Walter Hyett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Hyndman, Jr.
Mr. L. Stockton IIIowav
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard {. Imber
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Indriso
Mr. Robert S. Ingersoll III
Marie Louise Ingersoll
Mrs. Charles E. Ingersoll
Patricia B. Ingersoll
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Inman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Isaacson
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Isard
Mr. and Mrs. Murray G. Isard
Mr. John Isdell
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Israel
Mrs. S. Leon Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene l.
Mr. and Mrs. Orton P. Jackson
Mr. John T. Jackson
Mrs. Anne S. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs
Mr. Kenneth R. Jacobs
Mrs. Alma R. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Jacoby
Mrs. Kathe Jacoby
Mrs. Elaine Mark Jaffe
Ms. Mia Jahi
Mr. G. Oliver James
Ms. Kathleen A. James
Peter L. James
Mr. Robert U. Jameson
Mr. Philip Jamison, Sr.
Mrs. Herbert Janis
Mrs. William Warner Jeanes
Mrs. Sydney Jelinek
Harry Neuman and Kathryn M.
Ms. Helen Jenkins
Ms. Ruth E. Jenkins
Mr. John K. Jenney
John E. and Valia Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Miss Julie Jensen
Mr. Frantz Y. Jerome
Dr. and Mrs. Waine C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig N. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mr. David Johnson
Mr. Dennis L. Johnson
Mr. Ralph Johnson
Mrs. Allison E. Johnson
Mrs. Charles Edwin Johnson
Mrs. Farnham Johnson
Ms. Cynthia L. Johnson
Ms. Helen Sewell Johnson
Ms. Joanna B. Johnson
Ms. LaRue Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McB.
Johnston III
Mr. Frank P. Johnston
Mabel Mauzy Jones
Marshall and Beverly R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones
Mr. Horace C. Jones
Mrs. Arthur W. Jones
Ms. Margaret Jones
W. Cecil Jones
Jeanne S. Jordan

Mr. C. Edward Jordan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Jordan
Mrs. A. H. Jordan
Ms. Christine S. Jorski
Miss Margaret Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joseph
Babette Josephs, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Judd
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Julian
Marguerite E. Julius
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Justi
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Justice
Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Justin
Ms. Lois A. Kaalund
Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Kaas
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Kahn II
Mr. JeffG. Kahn
Mrs. Louis l. Kahn
Mr. John K. Kaiser
Charles Kalick
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A.
Mrs. Harry Kalish
Mrs. Jeannette C. Kall
Mrs. Joann Kalman
Mrs. Henry J. Kaltenbach
Laura D. Kaltenback
Howard Kamins
Mr. Edmund J. Kaminski
Shingo Kamiya
Lee Kane
Mary Givens Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kanev
Ms. Kathleen Kantruss
Mrs. Dorothy G. Kapenstein
An ita Kaplan
Arthur M. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. Robert L. Kaplan
Mrs. Louis Kaplan
Mrs. Reva Stein Kaplan
Mrs. Rose Kaplan
Barbara and Arthur Karann
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Karann
Mrs. Aileen T. Karann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kardon
Mr. Donald R. Kardon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Karlin
Ms. Lynn Thomas Karlssen
Mr. Stuart E. Karu
Mr. Arsen Kashkashian, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Kastner
Peter Katevatis, Esq.
Carol Gerstley Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Marv in Katz
Mrs. Albert B. Katz
Mrs. Ellen Speiser Katz

Mrs. Lawrence Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J.
Mr. Charles D. Kaufmann
Jules and Bonnie Kay
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kay
Ruth Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Kaye
Kathryn B. Keams
Grace G. Keast
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Keating, Jr.
D. Michael Keck
Ms. Kathleen G. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Keene
Mrs. Grace W. Keffer
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin C. Keightly
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Keirn
Mrs. Morton Keiser
Ms. Carolyn Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K.
Linda Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Keller
Mr. Paul P. Keller
Ms. Elizabeth P. Kellers
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kelley
Mr. Bernard Kellmer-Levicoff
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellogg
Mrs. James B. Kelly III
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. WilliamJ. Kelly
Mr. Frank J. Kelly
Walt Kelly
Ethel Hoffman and Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton C.
Kelton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Kendall, Jr.
Mr. Alexander Kendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C.
Mr. Craig S. Kenkelen
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. Paul J. Kennedy
Mrs. A. M. Kennedy-Crocker
Ms. Ellen Green Kenney
Ms. Nina V. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kensill
Dolores Kent
Mrs. Donald W. Kent
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar J.
Kenton III
Doris S. Kenyon
Mrs. Jeannette E. Keohane
Obra S. Kernodle III, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D.


Howard Kerwick
Mrs. Ethel C. Kesler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mrs. Frances Kessler
Ms. Selma P. Kessler
Ms. Beatrice L. Ketcham
Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Keyes
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Keyser
Miss Eugenia M. Kielar
Ms. Virginia Kifferly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kihn
Mr. Thomas K. Kilkenny
Hai Sun Kim
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold N.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kimmel
Mr. Warren Kimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G.
Milton P. King, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. King
Mr. Robert H. King
Ms. Diana D. Kingman
Mr. Ken Kirby
Mrs. Earle R. Kirkbride
Dorothy A. Kirschner
Dr. Bernard A. Kirshbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham
Ms. Ruth N. Kitzmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kivitz
Hon. and Mrs. R. Edward
Miss Anna Marie Klauder
William R. Klaus, Esq.
Dr. Samuel Z. Klausner
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Klein
Florence R. Klein
J. Wrobleski and R. J. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klein
Mr. Jeffrey Klein
Mrs. Anne S. Klein
Mrs. Philip Klein
Ms. Barbara F. Klein
Ms. Gwen E. Klein
Ms. Roslyn H. Klein
Sonia A. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S.
Ms. Nellie Kleinberg
Ms. Sybil Kleinfeld
Ms. Cathy Kleinman
Miss Mary T. Kleinschmidt
Mr. Thomas C. Kleinz
Mrs. Oram R. Kline
Ms. Adeline Kline
Mr. Carlyle Klise
Mr. Henry Kloczynski
M. James Kluger
Ms. Virginia H. Knauer
Patricia P. Knepler
Dr. Hugh T. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C.

Mr. Harold G. Knight
Nathan and Lois Knobler
Dr. Kenneth S. Knodt
Alison Douglas Knox
Mrs. Mary Jane Walters Knox
Todd M. Knutson
Dr. P. J. Koblenzer
Mrs. Evelyn Kobler
Mr. Douglas T. Kochel
Paul and Natalie Koether
Jeannette Kohler
Mr. William Kohler
Robert and Frances Kohler
Miss Hannah Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Max Kohn
Mrs. Jeanette N. Kohn
Ms. Judith Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Kolb
Mr. Maurice Kolinsky
Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Kollock III
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Kollock
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kolowrat
Ms. Ann J. Kolson
Mr. John Koomar
Mr. Robert A. Koren
Mr. and Mrs. Berton E. Korman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Korman
Mrs. Leon Korngold
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Korsan
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kosloff
Mrs. N. H. Koslow
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kossman
Ms. Miriam R. Kossman
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kounitz
Dr. A. T. and Dr. C. Koussis
Mrs. John F. Kovach
Mrs. Leon Kovisars
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W.
Julia K. Krackov
Andrea R. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.
Mrs. Joanne G. Kramer
Mrs. John E. Kramer
Ms. Christa Kramer
Peter Celano and MaryBeth
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A.
Mr. Howard O. Krasnoff
Mr. and Mrs. C. Raymond
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. Edward Kravitz
Ms. Barbara Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kreithen
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kreitzer
Mr. and Mrs. l. H. Krekstein

Ms. Jill L. Kremer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krevitz
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Krick
Dr. and Mrs. Morrie E. Kricun
Mrs. Charles A. Krieger
Mrs. Edythe Krieger
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Krivy
Dr. Samuel Kron
Ms. Sally J. Krueger
Barbara S. Krulik
Mr. William Krumboldt
Dr. Theodore Krupih
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Kuch
Mrs. Martha H. Kuehnle
Mr. and Dr. C. Scott Kulicke
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Kuller
Michael Kuncevich
Ms. Elizabeth Kurtasz
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Kurtz
Mr. Robert Kurtz
Mr. Robert B. Kurtz
Mrs. Charles Kurz
Virginia Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Rosetta Kutcher
Dr. and Mrs. G. Clayton Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kyle
Dr. Patrice La Belle
Heidrun E. La Brie
Ms. Carol L. LaBelle
Mr. Lawrence LaFevre
Margaret M. LaManna
Ms. Mary LaRue
Mr. and Mrs. FrederickJ. M.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hooper
Lacey, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Stuart Lacey
Fran Lachman
Mr. Eric Lackrman
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lacon
Ms. Caroline S. Laden
Mrs. James A. Lafferty
Ms. Joanne A. Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lafore
Mr. Kenneth L. Lahner
Mr. and Mrs. W. Frederick
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Laibson
Diane Laison
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.
Mrs. A. Bodine Lamont
Mr. Cliff Lamoree
Lillian B. Landau
Mrs. J. Louis Landenberger
Martin Landes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L.
Mr. Harold Landesberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Landis

Mr. David Landsburg
Mrs. Samuel H. Landy
Robert D. Lane, Esq.
Mr. Isaac Jake Lane, Jr.
Mr. A. Edward Lang
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Ms. Nancy J. Lanham
Mr. Russell M. Lanzilotta
Dr. and Mrs. Marc S.
Mrs. Rose M. Lapensohn
Mr. Peter Lapham
Rhea P. and Lucy Mae Lapsley
Ms. Louise T. Larkins
Ms. Barbara Larmon
Ms. Gisele Larose
Mrs. Claire Willette Laskas
Mrs. Cuthbert H. Latta
Mr. Edmund L. Lauber
Mr. Samuel Laver
Mrs. Samuel P. Lavine
Jane Law
J. A. Lawler
Mr. Richard R. Lawless
Howard C. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Frances Reiner Lax
Mr. Jonathan R. Lax
Mrs. Rodney M. Layton
Miss Mary Lazarus
Mrs. Sarah Lazarus
Mrs. Eunice Lazin
Mr. Stephen Lazovitz
Dr. John J. Le Beau
Mimi and John LeBourgeois
Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeClair
Mr. and Mrs. Harry LeFever
Ms. Lolly LeGreca
Mrs. John B. Leake
Michelle Leal
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fairfax
Leary, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Leas
Dr. Stanton S. Lebouitz
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C.
Mr. James A. Lebovitz
Mark Lechner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Leckey
Dr. Leonard Lecks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Betty Jane Lee
Dr. Rotan Lee
Mr. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lee
Mr. William J. Lee
Mrs. Elizabeth Wayne Lee
Mr. Robert W. Lees
Pierre Charles Lefebvre
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Lefevre

Mrs. Mildred T. Lefkoe
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Lefton
Mr. Ira S. Lefton
Michele and Michael Lehr
Gloria and Norman Leibovitz
Lissa Reidel and Harvey
Mr. Robert P. Leiby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. Leidner
Harvey and Susan Leis
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Mrs. Bernard V. Lentz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.
Miss Marie C. Leone
Mr. Rudolph L. Leone
Dr. and Mrs. Irving H. Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Dana T. Lerch
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lerner
Sandra Alexander Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Leshko
Mrs. Miriam Lucker Lesley
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Leslie
Mrs. James Leslie
John Leslie OPA
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Less
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R.
Mrs. Marlies L. Levenger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levenson
Mr. Will iam Levenson
Mrs. Sidney Leventon
Howard B. and Karen C. Levin
Mrs. Herman Levin
Ms. Carman S. Levin
Nessa and Richard Levine and
Mr. Ned Levine
Mr. Stephen S. Levine
Ms. Ruth Levine
Paul and Sally Levine
Mr. Gerard J. Levins
Mr. William Levinson
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Levit
Mrs. Elaine Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Mr. Kevin Paul Lewellen
Mr. Clifford Lewis 1II
Gayle Lewis, Esq.
Joanna McNeil Lewis
Mr. Walter Gibbs Lewis, Jr.
Mrs. Leroy M.Lewis, Jr.
Margaret Dixon Lewis
Martha G. and Frank Lewis
Miss Ernestine G. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewis
Mr. Adam Lewis
Mr. Edward Davis Lewis
Mrs. Lois T. Lewis
Ms Sandra Cutler Lewis
Ms. Kimberly Lewis
Ms. Marjorie Bilk Lewis


Mr. John A. Liberatore
Dr. Margaret M. Libonati
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Librett
Mr. Isadore Lichstein
Mr. Samuel Lichtenfeld
Barbara Lichtman
Ms. Marie T. Liddy
Patricia Lieb
Louise P. Liebel
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Lieberman
Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Mr. Peter P. Liebert 1II
Carole Liebold
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Light
Ms. Nancy J. Liles
Ms. Helen M. Lilik
Mr. and Mrs. Yi-sheng Lin
Mrs. L. W. Thompson Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Mr. James R. Lindquist
Mr. William H. Lindsay, Jr.
Mr. Robert C. Lindsley
Mr. and Mrs. William
Lingelbach, Jr.
Mr. Conrad J. Linke
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mr. Edward C. Linsley, Jr.
Barbara Linton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipkin
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D.
Ms. Mary E. Lipovac
Julie L. Lipp
Mr. and Mrs. Barton H.
Mrs. R. Schuyler Lippincott
Arlene Love and Lee Lippman
Marjorie and Eugene R.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lipschutz
Dr. and Mrs. Edward I. Lipsius
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Lipsius
Ms. Sara Starekow Lisker
Mr. and Mrs. John Lisle, Jr.
Mrs. Clifton Lisle
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Litt
Katharine Little
Richard Burton and Claire
Ms. Caroline R. Littman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Litvin
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Livingston
Ms. Anne M. Livingston
James Lloyd
Mr. Anthony D. Lobianco
Mr. Robert W. Loder
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lodge
Miss H. Eleanor Lodholz
Mrs. Edward Loeb
Ms. Adrienne Loeb

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S.
Mr. Louis Loewenstein
William P. Loftus
Mr. Fernando Lombardi
Janet Lombardo
Ms. Lainie Lomenzo
Paul M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. Martin L. Longstreth
Mr. Peter Longstreth
Mr. W. Thacher Longstreth
Mrs. Anne C. Longstreth
Kathie Looby
Mr. Robert F. Looney
Mrs. Timothy L. Loose
Mr. Bernard A. Lopez
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Lorber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lord
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ludvig
Mrs. Sarah Moss Lorimer
Mrs. Rose Lorinstein
Mr. Hal Lose
Arline Jolles Lotman, Esq.
Miss Mary Ann Loughran
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G.
Lovell, Jr.
Mr. John F. Lowrey
Mrs. William C. Lowry 1II
Robert Loyer
Jeffrey Lucas
Mr. Ted Lucky
Mrs. F. Allen Lucy
Mr. Mark Luczak
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ludwig
Jimmy C. Lueders
Mr. and Mrs. John Brockie
Mr. Clarence F. Lumley
Mrs. Dorothy L. Lummis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Marvin Lundy, Esq.
Mrs. Ethel Lunenfeld
Mr. Edward L. Luoma
Ruth Luse
Mrs. Gertrude Lustgarten
Debra Kay Lyman
David R. Lyons, Esq.
Mrs. Lillian Lyons
Maud Louise Lytle
Ms. Elizabeth H. MacDonald
M. Fishman and J. MacElderry
Miss Viola MacInnes
Mr. and Mrs. W. James
Clara N. Thomas MacKannan
Mr. Alexander MacKerell
Mr. and Mrs. Wistar H.

Mr. Derek MacMillan
Brett MacNaughton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H.
Ms. Ruth S. MacRae
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V.
Mr. Vincent Mace
Mr. Gregor Macfarlan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mack
Ms. Darlene Mack
Ronald, Mary and Emily Mack
Joan W. Mackie
Mrs. Joan W. Mackie
Ms. Polly P. Mackie
Mrs. John H. W. Macklin
Robert W. Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N.
Madeira, Jr.
Miss Elizabeth Madeira
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Madeira
Betty Mader
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mader
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. Maurice Maen
Barry Magarick
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Dr. and Mrs. David Magen
Ms. Vicki Mager
Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Magil
Mrs. H. Boas Maguire
Mrs. James J. Maguire
Mr. Edwin J. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ. Maher
Mr. Thomas J. Maher
Mr. Vincent M. Maiello
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce
Mrs. Paul Todd Makler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maladra
Mr. Robert H. Malis
Ms. Virginia Mallery
Mr. Ralph Samuel and Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maloney
Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Mancall
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mandel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Mandell
Mrs. Thomas J. Mangan
Ellen M. Manganaro
Paul and Mary Mangelsdorf
Ms. Patricia Mangione
Mrs. Thomas F. Manley
Judy D. Mann
Mrs. Lester Mann
Miss Carmelita A. Manning
Ms. A. Elizabeth Mansfield
Richard S. March, Esq.

Ms. Ann Farr Marchioni
Benjamin F. Marcune
Dr. and Mrs. Mark I. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Marcus
David Marder
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore M.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. MargoliS
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marine
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Marine
Rosella R. Marini
Mr. Anthony M. Marino
Barbara E. Marks
Dr. Gerald Marks
Mrs. Donald Marks
Mrs. Stephen S. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Marmar
Ann Trowbridge and David
Mr. Peter B. Maroney
Ms. Janet Marqusee
Mr. Robert F. Mars
Dr. Benton Hines Marshall
Marile R. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Mr. Lee D. Marshall
Ms. Ann Y. Marsteller
Mr. and Mrs. Gene H.
Douglas D. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Martin
Mrs. Frank H. Martin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Martin
Mr. Benjamin Martin
Mr. Francis J. Martin
Mr. Gary T. Martin
Mr. Lawrence J. Martin
Mr. Robert A. Martin
Pat Martin
Toni A. Martin
Mr. Oscar R. Martinez
William Martone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A.
Martosella, Jr.
Mr. Richard Masel
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Mason
Mr. James L. Mason
Mr. Thomas Henry Massaro
Linda Massey
Mr. Jay Richardson Massey
Mr. Charles J. Mastriano
Ms. Polly A. Matherly
Mrs. Pauline V. Matherson
Mr. George Mathues
Miss Armen Matossian
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Mattioli
Mrs. Jay H. Mattis
Peter M. Mattoon, Esq.

S. Bascomb and M. Matusewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matza
Frank Mallas and Don Matzkin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maurer
Eleanore Maxman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maxwell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. May
Ms. Deborah C. Maynard
Ms. B. M. Mayne
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mayson
Mrs. Borie McAllister
Mr. Joseph A. McBride
Ms. Christine McBryan
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McCabe
Mrs. Nelle Vastine McCabe
Mrs. Howard McCall
Ms. Virginia A. McCall
Ms. Ruth M. McCann
Ms. Eileen McCarron
Mr. Michael P. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J.
Mr. William H. McCaulley
Mrs. Benjamin]. McClellan
Mrs. Dorcas D. McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. John F. McCloskey, Jr.
Mrs. Gertrude F. McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Ms. Anne E. McCollum
Mrs. Alan McCone
Col. Stephen C. McCormick
John and Bettsy McCoubrey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K.
Ms. Ann Brelsford McCoy
Mr. Charles K. McCracken
Ms. Margaret A. McCreedy
Ms. Mary McCullough
Dr. and Mrs. Layton McCurdy
Mr. Christopher McCutcheon
Elizabeth McDaid
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Ms. Katharine M. McDaniel
Hon. and Mrs. John J.
McDevitt III
Mr. James McDevitt
Mrs. Diane McDevitt
Jim McDonough
Walter and Rosemary C.
Ms. Barbara W. McElhinny
Sarah A. McEneaney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Mrs. Elsie S. McGarvey
Mr. Andrew McGlynn
Mr. Joseph O. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Dorian S. McGow'an


Mrs. Catherine C. McGranary
Miss Martina McGuirk
Mr. and Mrs. James c.
Ms. Carmen T. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Mcilvain, Jr.
Sally Laird Mcinerney
Dr. Hugh Ferguson McKean
Carla Morgan and Robert P.
Ms. Anita McKelvey
Gerald McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. May tor H.
Rania McKinley
R. Allen and W. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
McLean III
Mrs. William L. McLean, Jr.
Mrs. Noel B. McLean
Mr. Richard A. McLellan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
McManus, Jr.
Mr. Joseph McMenamin
Ms. Sandra McMullin
Ms. M. Edith McMurray
Ms. Maryann K. McNally
Mr. Howard McNeal
Ms. Maureen McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPhail
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Richard McPreavy
Mrs. John S. McQuade
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McSherry
Jean A. McWilliams
Mrs. C. Singleton Mears
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mecklin
Mr. Herbert S. Mednick
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Medvene
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Meigs
Mr. Glenn D. Mellin
Mr. Marc Richard Mellon
Mrs. Roberta Melman
Everett J. Melnick
Mrs. Albert B. Melnik
Ruth Meltzer
Ms. Lisa Ann Mendelson
Mr. James D. Mendez
Ms. Frances D. Menin
Mr. John A. Mennite
Cathy Mentzer
Dr. Margaret Mercer
Mrs. Ella K. Meredith
Ms. Dorothy A. Mereness
Mrs. Adeline G. Merrill
Mr. James F. Merriman
Miss Marguerite A. Mertz
Mr. Stanley Merz
Hugh B. Mesibov

Mr. and Mrs. Leon I. Mesirov
Mr. Nicholas Messina
Mr. and Mrs. Josef Messmer
Mr. Richard H. Mester
Mrs. Maxham Metcalf
Mrs. Louis D. Methfessel
Metro Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meyerson
Mr. Robert Mezey and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Casmir Michalski
Walter and Nancy Michener
Mr. Sidney S. Mickelson
Mr. Walter C. Mickleburgh
Ms. Nancy L. Middlebrook
Mr. Leonard L. Milberg
Mr. Fred C. Miles
Mrs. Harrilese D. Miles
Ms. Freda I. Millar
Mr. H. John Miller 1Il
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Jordan M. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Miller
Dr. Arlyn H. Miller
Melvin B. Miller, Esq.
Isabelle L. Mi ller
Jay Miller
Jonathan W. and Lynne K.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J.
Miller, Jr.
Mitchell W. and Shirley G.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace T. Miller
Mr. A. Arthur Miller
Mr. Dan D. Miller
Mr. Glenn Miller
Mr. Melvyn K. Miller
Mrs. B. H. Miller
Mrs. Harrison F. Miller
Mrs. Merle Miller . '
Mrs. Philippus Miller
Mrs. Susan 1. S. Miller
Ms. Betty E. Miller
Ms. Doris P. Miller
Sharon E. Miller
Caroline Millett
Mr. Donald M. Millinger
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Millis
Ms. Jul ia Mills
R. L. Dalton and M. M. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. C. George Milner
Mr. Arthur Milner
Dr. Margaret A. Minehart
Mrs. Sylvia Mink
Mr. Robert A. Minnick
Mr. Joseph A. Minott, Jr.
Mr. Lloyd C. Minter
Ms. Leannah Mir
Helen Pew Mirkil
Mr. William I. Mirk il, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Mitchell
Hermine and Ehrman Mitchell
Mr. Ross Lance Mitchell
Mrs. Henry Mitchell

Ms. Lesley Mitchell
D. Drozd and Louise Mockaitis
Barbara W. Moffett
Dr. Robert A. Mogil
Mrs. Herbert H. Mohrfeld
Mr. David K. Moldoff
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Molinaro
Mr. and Mrs. William Molloy
Mr. Frank L. Molter
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T.
Monangle, Jr.
Mrs. Jerome Mones
Dr. C. Bliss Monroe
Linda F. Montemayor
Dr. Thaddeus L. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Montgomery, Jr.
Mrs. James Alan
Montgomery, Jr.
Martha B. Montgomery
Mr. L. A. D. Montgomery
Mr. W. H. Rubel Montgomery
Victoria M. Montgomery
Mr. Robert Montoya
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo J.
Moody III
Acel Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moore
Mr. C. J. Moore
Mr. Greg Moore
Mr. Joseph A. Moore
Mr. R. Alexander Moore
Ms. Ellen H. Moore
Ms. Page S. Morahan
Ms. Mary C. Morek
Mr. and Mrs. Charles More
Mr. and Mrs. William Moreira
R. Nicholson and]. Moresco
Mr. F. Corlies Morgan II
Mr. William B. Morgan II
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. William N.
Mr. James S. Morgan
Nancy Morgan
Miss Ruth M. Moritz
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell T.
Mrs. Clarence Morris
Mrs. Joan M. Morris
Mrs. Stephany Morris
Ms. Anselene M. Morris
John C. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton B.
Mr. Robert J. Morrison
Mrs. Ccnstance T. Morrison
Mrs. Orville Charles Morrison
Ms. Carberta A. Morrison

Ms. Jo Ann Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morse
Ms. Judith R. Morse
Terez B. Morse
Mr. Robert E. Mortensen
Mr. Francis Xavier Morton
Cynthia and Sigmund Z.
Mr. Gary R. Moskowitz
Ms. Shirley Moskowitz
Ms. Marsha Moss
Carrol Stella and Paul R. Maul
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G.
Mrs. Virginia F. Moxey
Miss Jacquelyn L. Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanton Moyer
Roberta and Ronnie Muchnick
Dr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Muck
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Abdul·Hamiyd
Mr. and Mrs. David l. Muir
Mrs. G. Fairman Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. C. John Muller
Mr. Philip J. Mulligan
Mrs. Jane H. Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Guna S. Mundheim
Dr. and Mrs. Eldred D.
Mr. Daniel Mungall, Jr.
Ms. Gail Munro
Bernard and Judith Murphy
Dr. John J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F.
Murphy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Murphy, Jr.
Ms. Michelle Murphy
Mr. Frank J. Murray, Jr.
Mr. James M. Murrey
Anne Theresa Murry
Mr. and Mrs. Zvi H. Muscal
Mr. Scott H. Mustin
Mrs. Emma Burnard Mustin
Mr. and Mrs. Morey M. Myers
Mrs. Sheldon Z. Myers
Helen Latta Myrin
Mr. Jack G. Nace
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Nadel
Mrs. Barney Naden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Naff
Ms. Regina R. Namiotka
Dean and Nancy Nance
Ms. Marie Naples
Ron and Suzanne Naples
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Nash
Ms. Dianne M. Nast
Marian Nasuti
Mr. Dennis L. Natali
National Sociery of Fund
Raising Executives

Mrs. Klaus Naude
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Naus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Naylor
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Neal
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.
- Neilson, Jr.
Mr. Lewis L. Neilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R.
Diana Furst Nelson
Mr. Robert Nelson
Mrs. Susan Nelson
Ms. Estelle Nemer
Rudy and Betsy Nemser
Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Nemzoff
Ms. Sara Nerken
Daniel Ness
Barbara Neswald
Mrs. William Netzky
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nevels
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Nevyas
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. New
Mrs. Joan S. Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Truman H.
Newberry II
Mr. Arthur E. Newbold IV
Mrs. Frank L. Newburger, Jr.
Mrs. Clyde F. Newman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney S.
Mr. Andrew Newman
Ms. Iris Newman
Ms. Libby Newman
Naomi C. Newman
Mrs. Sarah F. Newmark
Dr. Leslie Nicholas
Mr. George C. Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. George Q.
Veronica Nicholson
Ms. Muriel Nickles
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nicolais
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicoletti
Ms. Hildegard A. Nidecker
Miss Helen M. Niethammer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Niles
Mrs. Frances A. Nimaroff
Mr. and Mrs. Reade B. Nimick
Karen Nipps
Mikiko Nishimura
Mrs. John P. Nissen, Jr.
Mr. Chris Nissen
Beatrice Nissman
Mrs. Hannah B. Nissman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nitzky
Mr. Harry R. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Nocella
Mr. JamesJ. Nolan


Ms. Cynthia L. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Nolen, Jr.
Mary Nomecos
Mr. Gerard Nook
Mrs. Warren E. Norden
Ms. Lillian Noren
Judith W. Norris
Miss Katherine H. Norris
Mrs. Charles M. Norris
Mr. Stuart Northrop
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert R.
Mr. William S. Norton
Mrs. Harry Norvick
Barrie and Anthony Novak
Roslyn S. Novell
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Novick
Mr. Frank Novick
Mr. Joseph A. Nowak
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Nowell
Mrs. Margaret Nugenr
Patricia M. Nugent
Mrs. Steinman Nunan
Nancy Nusbaum
Richard and Etta Nussbaum
Miss Gerry O'Brien
Mr. James P. O'Brien
Mr. Thomas K. O'Brien
Ms. Kathleen O'Brien
Mr. Daniel P. O'Connell
Mr. Joseph A. O'Connor, Jr.
Roseanne O'Connor
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Sterg
Dr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell
Ms. Christine S. O'Donnell
Ms. Joan M. O'Kicki
Dr. and Mrs. James A. O'Neill
Dr. Hugh O'Neill
Mr. Robert H. O'Neill
Jim and Dale O'Reilley
Mr. and Mrs. Clement C.
O'Rourke, Jr.
Mary T. O'Rourke
Mrs. Louise M. O'Toole
B. \. Coles and P. J. Oberfest
Mrs. Leon J. Obermayer
Ramon R. Obod, Esq.
Mr. Hubert O. Ocamb
Joan Ochroch
Mrs. David Dallas Odell
Peter K. Ogle
Rachel Winslowand Peter Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Ohl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ohman
Mrs. Linda Okazaki
Ms. Jeannete Olen
Mr. Albert T. Olenzak
Ms. Faye Olivieri
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Oilman
Mr. and Mrs. Van D. Olmstead
Ms. Joanne Cleveland Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ominsky

Ms. Linda Ominsky
Mr. W. Thompson Ong
Ms. Letitia Oppecker
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Oppen
Miss E. Monte and M. R.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Orefice
Mr. Craig Oren
Mrs. Marvin Orleans
Ms. Dorothy J. Orlichowski
Mrs. Eugene Ormandy
Ccl. Melvin W. Ormes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E.
Lenora Orr
Marjorie B. Orr
Ms. Suzanne Orsborn
Ms. Catherine M. Ortale
Mr. Angel Ortiz
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Carol Jackson Osgood
Emilie M. Osinski
Ms. Barbara M. Osinski
Mrs. S. B. Oster
Mrs. Isidor Ostroff
Dr. and Mrs. John Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton S.
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert B. Ott
Dr. and Mrs. Perry Ottenberg
Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer
Ms. Harumi Owaki
Mr. William D. Owen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddens J.
Owens, Jr.
Ms. Harriet Owens
Auseklis Ozols
Mrs. Charles E. Pacaud
Marina Pacini
Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Packer
Mr. Raymond S. Page, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Haig H.
Pakradooni, Jr.
William and Janet Palla
Mr. Robert E. A. Palmer
George T. Pancoast
Mr. Jerry Pantelidis
Mr. Peter Paone
Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Mr. E. Devon Pardoe, Jr.
Mr. Charles Parker
Ms. Barbara S. Parkinson
Mr. Charles Cropper Parks
Mrs. Belle Parmet
Milton and Ruth Parnes
Dr. Justin L. Parr
Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parry
Mr. Robert M. Parsky
Mrs. C. Layton Parsons
Mr. Joseph E. Pasillico
Dr. P. S. Pasquariello, Jr.

Arthur and Lynn McHenry
Mr. James L. Paterno
Mr. Otto J. Patzau
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drexel
Paul, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Paul
Mrs. Frances Ellen Paul
Mrs. Doris T. Paulus
Dolores and George Pavlis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pavloff
Dr. and Mrs. Walter A.
Payne, Jr.
Thomas B. Payne
Leslie L. Payton
Mrs. Glenn S. Pearce
Lynn Marks and A. Clifford
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Pearlstein
Mr. and Mrs. L. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell J.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. William D. Pearse
Mr. Stephen Pearson
Miss Pauline T. Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Peck
Mr. Robert M. Peck
Mrs. Hubert Raymond Peck
Dr. J. Watson Pedlow
Ms. Susan Peetros
Mrs. John A. Pell
Mrs. Gail Della Pelle
Mr. Benjamin J. Pellegrini
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene E.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S.
Pendleton, Jr.
Ms. Mary V. Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Liddon
Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts Alumni
Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts Alumni Raffle
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F.
Mr. Frank A. Pepe
Ms. Teodozia S. Pepe
Mrs. Heyward M. Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. George Pequignot
Rocco and Michelle Perate
Dorothy Pere
Mr. Edward A. Pereles
Mr. G. Holmes Perkins
Mr. Victor S. Perlman
Dr. Leonard J. Perl off
Mr. Thomas N. Perloff
Ms. Deborah N. Perna
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Perot
Mrs. Epps Turner Perrow

Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Perry
Gilda Pervin
Joan Peskin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Peters
Thaddeus V. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C.
Mr. Charles B. Peterson 1II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mr. Guy N. Peterson
Mrs. Eleanor R. Peterson
Sister Regina Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Petrie
Mrs. John D. Petrie
Ms. Teri Petroski
Lynda P. Petrov
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Pettit
Mrs. Joseph N. Pew III
Mr. and Mrs. George T.
Pew, Jr.
Mr. David Peyster
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Pfaff
Mr. Perry Pfeffer
Miss Charlotte De Monte
Ms. Jewel D. Phelps
Philadelphia Jaycees
Philadelphia Watercolor Club
C. Healy andJ. J. H. Phillips
Miss Margaret E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Mr. Edmund I. Phillips
Mrs. Gordon Phillips
Beverly Phillips-White
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Piasecki
Lynn M. Piatkowski
Ms. Shelley Picker
Rev. Charles Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Pierce
Mr. Paul F. Pierlott
Eleanor A. Pierson
Mrs. Lawrence E. Pilot
Miss Shirley Pincus
Mrs. Leah M. Pinho
Ms. Jody Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Akiva F. Pipe
Jane Piper
Mr. Michael E. Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley O.
Pipes, Jr.
Mrs. Robert S. Pitcairn
Ms. Katherine J. Pitchford
Larry Pitt, Esq.
Miss Doris K. Pitts
Mrs. Henry C. Pitz
Mr. Richard W. Plant
The Plastic Club
Mary F. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Platt
Mr. Robert E. Plaza

Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.
Mr. John F. Pluchino
J. Randall Plummer
Mrs. Henry L. Plummer
Ms. Loretta M. Plunkett
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Pogach
Dr. Paul j. Poinsard
Mr. Harold Polis
Mrs. Rhoda Pollack
Mrs. Sonya Pollack
Rev. and Mrs. Goldwin S.
Ms. Joan D. Pollitt
Ms. Mary F. Pollitt
Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Pollock
Mrs. Stanley Pomilio
Marion F. Pond
Geraldine B. Pons
Dr. Edward F. Poole IV
Mr. William R. Poole, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Popky
Ms. Priscilla E. Porch
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Porter
Miss Mary N. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Porter
Mr. Max Portnoy
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon L. Posel
Felicia and David Posluns
Mrs. Nathan L. Posner
Mr. Joseph Possemato
C. Grimm and William
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Pote
John Poteat
Ms. Janis T. Poteat
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pototsky
Mrs. Louis Potsdamer
Dr. and Mrs. James Poupard
Mr. Joseph Povey
Ms. Ruth A. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Powers 1II
Mary Powers
Mary Lynne Powley
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mr. Robert L. Pratter
Mary E. Prendergast
Mrs. Anne Press
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Mr. Harold B. Pressman
Mrs. William Preston
Mrs. Robert W. Preucel
Ethel van Roden Price
Liz Price
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Price
Robin Rutter Price
Mrs. Peter Prichett
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Prime
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Prince
Mr. Jack Prince
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Principe, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Pringle III
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Prins
The Print Club
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Mrs. Marianne Promos
Ms. Rachel G. Prushan
Mrs. Etta Prusky
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Pudlin
Yaovares T. Pulaski
Mrs. Rosalyn Puis
Mrs. Roger C. Purdy
Mrs. Akeroyd Purviance
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pustilnik
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W.
Mr. Peter P. Quarracino, Jr.
Questors of New Jersey State
Ms. Kathleen Ueda Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quinn
Ms. Margaret Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Quirk
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L.
Mr. Samuel N. Rabinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. John J. Radovitz
Ann C. Rafano
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Rafsky
Keith Ragone
Dr. and Mrs. J. William Raiford
Ms. Penelope Rainey
Mary E. Rail
J. H. T. Rambo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Rambo
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Ranck
Mr. Richard S. Ranck
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Randall
Mr. L. Randolph
Mrs. David S. Randolph
Mr. H. C. Randolph, Sr.
Mrs. Harley Rankin
Carolyn E. Rapp
Roy Rapp
Drs. Herbert and Margaret
Mrs. Harold M. Rappeport
Rita L. Rashkind
Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Rashkis
Natalie Raum
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Rawson
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ray
Mr. John Hutcheson Raymer
Mrs. Sinclair W. Raynolds
Dr. V. Fred Rayser
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raysor

Mrs. Robert W. Rea
Mr. George Reath
Mrs. George Reath
Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath
Margaret Reavey
Mr. Mark Reber
Mrs. Paul C. Rebmann
Mr. Horace M. Redditt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G.
Redmond, Jr.
Dr. Lola S. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Reed
Mr. Peter S. Reed
Mr. Wesley S. Reed
Ms. Donna P. Reed
Ms. Peg Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Giacomo M.
Mr. Reg Regis
Mr. David A. Reichard
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reichhardt
G. Brendan Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Reilly, Jr.
Mrs. Hobart A. Reimann
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reinard
Mrs. Raymond S. Reinhart
Mrs. Fred Reinitz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reisbord
Mrs. Sally C. Reisman
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Reiss
Mr. Gregory L. Reitze
Mr. and Mrs. Marc L. Reitzes
Patricia Remmey
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Renner
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H.
Phoebe R. and Myron E.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Nicholas
Mrs. Walter E. Rex, Jr.
Mrs. Minnick Rezny
Dr. Jonathan E. Rhoads
Mr. Owen B. Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. Homer A. Rhule
Mrs. Patricia A. Ricci
Dr. D. J. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar
Richards, Jr.
Mrs. Charles F. Richards, Jr.
Mrs. John H. Richards, Jr.
Mrs. Leroy Richards, Jr.
Miss Christine Louise Richards
Miss Marie A. Richards
Mrs. Judy Richards
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Richardson
Mr. Edward Redfield
Mr. James Richardson
Ms. Robin Stacy Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Richie

Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Richman
Mr. Marc S. Richman
Mrs. Sunny Richman
Dr. and Mrs. Howard A.
Ms. Gail S. Rickenbach
Peter and Julia Ricker
Mr. Paul Rickert
Dr. Rowland Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Riddell
Mr. Anthony W. Ridgway
Sara Ridner-Siena
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Riebman
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Ries
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Riggan
Mr. Allen L. Rile
Betty Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S.
Riley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Phelps Riley
Al C. Rinaldi
Dr. and Mrs. Murray A.
Mr. Joseph J. Rink
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rishel
Mrs. Robert D. Ritchie
Mrs. Stephen A. Ritt, Jr.
Mary Rittenhouse
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Ms. Louise Rittenhouse
Miss Deborah C. Ritter
Mary Donnelly Ritts
Hope Ritz and Arthur C. Ritz
Linda Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roach
Mrs. Charlorte F. Roach
Mrs. Henry B. Robb, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William S.
Dr. Sara Miller and Leon
Robbins, Jr.
Mr. William P. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Dr. and Mrs. Brooke Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. John Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Richmond C.
George B. and Zara B. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard H.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Roberts
Mr. James Keith Roberts
Mr. Wendell C. Roberts
Mr. William H. Roberts
Ms. Margaret M. Roberts
Mrs. Conway Robertson
Mr. George E. Robinette
Mrs. J. Todd Robinette
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin M.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott W.
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rock
Florence Rodgers
Mr. John F. Rodgers, Jr.
Mr. Arnold D. Rodgers
Mr. Albert M. Rodstein
Oliver Rodums
Mrs. Mary G. Roebling
Janice A. B. Roediger
Francie and Paul Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rogers
Ms. Lila Roisman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Roland
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Roller
Ms. Irene L. Roller
Ms. Josephine R. Romeo
Mr. Charles Romm
Dr. Maurice Romy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rooney
Mr. Stewart B. Rorer
Dr. and Mrs. Francis E. Rosato
Mrs. Bernard Z. Rose
Ms. Reva Rose
Irene and Sydney Roseman
Deborah Rosen
Drs. Albert and Lila Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. David Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer l. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosen
Mr. Ernest B. Rosen
Mr. Harold Rosen
Mr. Morris Rosen
Mrs. Helen M. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rosenau
Mrs. Richard P. Rosenau
Pamela Jo Rosenau
Dr. Robert R. Rosenbaum
Mrs. Bernard P. Rosenbaum
Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenbaum
Mrs. C. R. Rosenberg III
Dr. Henrietta Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W.
Mrs. Philip Rosenberg
Mr. Morris R. Rosenblatt
Mrs. Richard M. Rosenbleeth
Jay H. Rosenfeld
Leonard Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Bonnie Brier and Bruce
Mr. Burton Rosenfield
Mrs. Beatrice Rosenfield
Mr. Robert J. Rosensrein
Mr. and Mrs. George B.

Mr. H. S. Rosenthal
Ms. Lori A. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Jerome and Ruth J. Rosoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Ross, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ross
Mr. Alonzo H. Ross
Mrs. Robert S. Ross
Ms. Elaine S. Ross
Mr. John Pierpont Rosso
Mr. Peter Rothberg
Dr. Bruce and Linda
David Rue Rothermel
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard N.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L.
Mr. Henry H. Rothschild
Ms. Harriet E. Rorhstein
Mrs. Mortin E. Rorman
Mr. David P. Rovner
Prof. and Mrs. Richard L.
Dr. and Mrs. Ephrain H. Royfe
Mr. Stefan Rozak
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.
Betty Metz and Alvin
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Rubin
Elizabeth and Bruce Rubin
Miss Lillie Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis L. Rubin
Mr. Joel Rubin
Ms. Sandy Orlo Rubin
Ms. Mira Rubin
Mrs. J. C. Rudnick
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rudolph
Mr. Peter Rudolph
Mrs. Charles Rudy
Miss Marie Rumpp
Ms. Virginia G. Rumsey
Mr. James E. Ruper
Sandra C. Rusak
Sallee Rush
Mr. Robertson Rushron
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. S.
Russell, Jr.
Mrs. John Russell, Jr.
Mrs. Harold S. Russell
Ms. Margo Russell
Rev. Richard R. Russell
Mr. Leslie E. Russie
Linda Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Russo
Mr. Rocco E. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Ruth, Jr.
Mr. John Rutkowski III
Mr. and Mrs. John Rutkowski
Joyce Rutman
Mr. Robert J. Rutman
Ms. Jacqueline l. Ruttenberg


Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ryan
Mr. Jerome P. Ryan
Mrs. Samuel E. Rynes
Mr. Frank C. Sabatino
Mr. Robert Sabbato, Jr.
Mrs. Katherine S. Sablosky
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Sachs
Sacred Heart Manor
Misses Charlotte and Beatrice
Ms. Lenore Sagan
Michelle Sahl
Roslyn and Alex Sailor
Mrs. Anita B. Sakim
Mrs. Colleen K. Salom
Mr. James M. Salter
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Mr. Michael Saltzburg
Ms. Janet S. Saltzmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Salus
Lawrence and Mary Salva
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N.
Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Samitz
Ms. Janet Samuel
R. Labowskie and Marilyn
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sand
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sanders
Mr. Milton Sanders
Ms. Louise Sandler
Miss Olga Sandor
Mr. and Mrs. James Sands
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M.
Mr. James Sands
David and Elva Sanford
Mr. IrvinJ. Sannit
Sister Roselle Santi vasi
Nancy Santucci
Mr. Robert F. Sanville
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sardinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sarlo
Leonard Sarner, Esq.
Thomas J. Sarrantonio
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sataloff
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sataloff
Dr. Victor P. Satinsky
Alex Satinsky, Esq.
Rona Cord ish Satten
Mrs. A. Lynam Satterthwaite
Mr. Robert Sauers
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Saul
Mr. Andrew Saul
Ken and Adriana Saunders
Mrs. Lawrence Saunders
Dr. Ethel S. Savadove
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan H.
Mrs. Henry L. Savage
Josephine Savaro

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Savitz
Mirko Savkic
Jerrold H. Savoy
Ms. Fran Savran
Mr. Henry W. Sawyer III
Mr. James E. Sax
Miss Natalie Saxe
Ms. Susan C. Saxer
Richard Say
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sayre
Mr. James J. Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K.
Drs. Maxwell and Sondra N.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Rosemary T. Sea vullo
Dr. and Mrs. Homer Dixon
Mrs. Ella B. Schaap
Mr. Frank Schaefer
Dr. and Mrs. M. Harris
Leonard Schaeffer, Esq.
Nanci Weber and Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham R.
Mr. Ray Schafer
Mr. John A. Schaff
Dr. Burton Schaffer
Mr. Arthur Andre Schaffer
Phyllis Schagrin
Ms. Beverly Schectman
Mr. Lewis C. Scheffey, Jr.
Mrs. Bernice Scheinfield
Mr. Eric A. Schenck
Mrs. Peter B. Schiffer
Gary Schildhorn, Esq.
Berle M. Schiller, Esq.
Deborah G. Schizer
Dr. and Mrs. Guy Lacy SchIess
Reeve Schley III
Dr. N. S. Schlezinger
Mr. John F. Schlotterback
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.
Mr. William Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
Mr. Brian Schmitt
Mrs. Jeanne G. Schmolze
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Anton Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence
A. Groh Schneider, Esq.
Robert W. Schneider, Jr.
Mrs. Samuel K. Schneidman

Mrs. M. Yetter Schoch
Mr. William L. Schoff
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Schott
Mrs. Seymour Schotz
Ms. Irene Schrank
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V.
Mr. Stephen Chapman
Mrs. William W. Schuette
Mrs. Harry T. Schug
Mr. C. Harold Schuler Jr.
Dr. Rosalind Schulman
Ms. Ronna Schultz
Prof. and Mrs. C. Bertrand
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schurr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schutz
Miss Erma Glazer Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop de V.
Dr. and Mrs. William Schwartz
Edith L. Schwartz
Mrs. Walter M. Schwartz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Myer Schwartz
Mr. Emanuel E. Schwartz
Mr. Howard M. Schwartz
Mrs. Anne B. Schwartz
Mrs. M. Murray Schwartz
Mrs. P. K. Schwartz
Ms. Rhoda B. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwarz
Mrs. Frank S. Schwarz
Nora M. P. and John C. Schwarz
Muriel Schwarzman
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sclufer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Buck Scott
Diane Scott
Dr. J. Clifford Scott
Hardie Scott, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Gerald
Mr. and Mrs. l. M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McNair
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Scott
Mr. Bill Scott
Mrs. Earl S. Scott
Mrs. Ernest Scott
Mrs. Faye Scott
Rev. John M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Scull
Ms. Miriam Sealfon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Sears

Mr. Robert M. Sebastian
Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Sebring
Mr. and Mrs. Simmon J. Seder
Ruth A. Seeley
Joan Sefert
Gerald S. Segal, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Irving R. Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Segal
Mrs. Harriet B. Segal
Bette and Richard M. Segel
Mr. and Mrs. William
Seiberlich, Jr.
Ms. L. Elizabeth Seiberling
Miriam Seidel
Ms. Susan Seiderman
Lisa l. Seidler
Mr. Gerald J. Seidler
Mrs. Frank Seidler
Anne Seidman
Ms. Deborah Seidman-Hirsh
Mr. Robert William Self
Mrs. Valerie J. Seligsohn
Judge Nicholas Sellers
Miss Mary Sellers
Miss Therese Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer N.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Ms. Marlene Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Seltzer
Dianne L. Semingson
Mr. David K. Sengstack
Stephanie Borys Seniuk
Stephen M. Senter
Lila Shapero and Wayne
Ruth Septee
Dr. and Mrs. William Serber
Mrs. Robert E. Sessions
Ms. Susan B. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Seybold
Dr. Jeanette Seymour
Ms. Georgia Shafia
Mr. Edward O. Shakespeare
Mr. and Mrs. StephenJ.
Ms. Kathleen E. Shannon
Barbara and Merton Shapiro
Bernie Shapiro
Dr. Marion Shapiro
Albert Shapiro, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennard Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Milton D.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Shapiro
Mr. David Shapiro
Ms. Deborah Shapiro
Ms. Evelyn Shapiro
Ms. Joan Shapiro
Mr. John R. Shappell
M. Rust Sharp, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Shatoff

Gene Shaw
Dr. Marcye Shayer
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shean
Mr. Joseph A. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S.
Dr. Jules J. Sheldon
Ms. Barbara R. Sheldon
Mr. John O. J. Shellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Warner S. Shelly
Mrs. Susan Shelor
Miss Tillie B. Sheneman
Carol C. Sherman
Maxine A. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H.
Mr. Adam T. Sherman
Mrs. William D. Sherrerd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ . F.
Mr. Paul J. Sherwin
Miss Janice W. Sherwood
Ms. Helen E. Sherwood
Mr. John H. Shetron, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Elizabeth D. Shevlin
Mrs. Lucille B. Shikes
Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Shils
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard
Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley III
Mrs. Elizabeth Van B. Shirk
Mrs. Edward W. Shober
Mrs. William Shore
Penny and Mitchell Shore
Rose Shorr
Mrs. Helen W. Shoup
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Ira B. Shrager, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Melvin
Mrs. S. June Shreibman
Ms. Virginia Florence Shryock
Norma and Howard Shub
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Shubert
Dr. Harry Shubin
Mr. and Mrs. Warren C.
Mr. David W. Shultis
Miss Sarah Shultz
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shuster
Mr. and Mrs. Murray H.
Ms. Gail Sidewater
Ms. Paula Sidewater
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Siegel
Mr. Leonard M. Siegel
Mrs. Adrian Siegel
Ms. Carolyn B. Siegel


Herbert and Dorothy
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W.
Mrs. N. Silberstein
Mr. Stuart R. Silver
Dr. and Mrs. Salvin Silverblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S.
Ms. Adeline Silverman
Arlene Simolike, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.
Mrs. Stanley S. Simon, Jr.
Martin l. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. Sidney Simon
Ms. Carol D. Simon
Robert G. Simon
Mr. Dolph Simons
Mr. John Simourian II
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Simpson
Mr. W. Robert Simpson
Anne Weldon Sims
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Singer
Mr. Michael Singer
Dr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sink
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph E.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Sirmay
Mr. Dino Sistilli
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Sitley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N.
Mrs. James M. Skinner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Sklaroff
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Sklaroff
Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff
Gesa Sklaroff
Ms. Joyce Skobinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Slack
Mrs. Frederick Slack
Rosanna T. Slack
Marcia Glickman Slade
Dr. Joseph Slap
Dr. Barry Slaven
Mrs. Eugenia B. Slaymaker
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Slifka
Dr. Philip Slipyan
Mr. William A. Slivka
Mr. Richard J. Sliwinski
Mr. Albert V. Sloan
Mrs. Benjamin Slogoff
Mrs. Selma Slott
Deborah Slowey
Lillian N. Slubin
Miss Rebecca G. Smaltz
Mr. W. Wenner Smith II

Corey R. and Jonne K. Smith
Dr. Gary Smith
Dr. Claiborne T. Smith, Jr.
Miss Alice R. Smith
Miss Allison V. Smith
Miss Dorothy Alden Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Beatty J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert l. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. S. Alexander
Mr. Richard O. Smith
Mr. Robert M. Smith
Mr. William Wharton Smith
Mrs. Frederick Ely Smith
Mrs. Grace G. Smith
Mrs. Lawther O. Smith
Mrs. Richard Smith
Ms. Kate Smith
Ms. Mary Jane Smith
Stephanie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Smolen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael]. Smylie
Dr. Charles A. Snipes
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Snodgrass
Miss Mary Anna Snowden
Mrs. Randolph C. Snowden
Mr. Jonathan V. Snyder
Mrs. Betty N. Snyder
Mrs. Lynn Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sobelman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Soffa
Mrs. Edith Soherr
Julia E. Sokol
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Soli
Ellen B. Solms
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Solmssen
Mrs. K. A. Solmssen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Solo
Dr. Jack L. Solomon
Mr. Edwin L. Solot
Mr. Ben Solowey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Soltis
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S.
Somers III
Mr. Lewis S. Somers IV
Mr. H. Peter Somers
Ms. Helen H. Somma
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sommer
Ms. E. Jane Sommer
Mr. MarcJ. Sonnenfeld
Mr. James H. Soper
Mrs. Estelle Soppe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Sorber
Mr. John Jeming Soroko
Mr. Robert W. Sorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sosna
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Sotnick

Mrs. R. William Spacht
Dr. and Mrs. George Link
Mrs. Karl H. Spaeth
Mr. Boyd L. Spahr, Jr.
Mr. Ronald C. Spahr
Mr. William T. Spane
Ms. Beth Anne Spanninger
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Spear
Ms. Rosanne Spear
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Specker
Mr. and Mrs. Shanin Specter
Or. Joseph Spector
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Spector
Dr. Michael Spence
W. M. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spendlove
Mr. and Mrs. Tad Sperry
Mr. Paul Scott Sperry
Barry R. Spiegel
Ms. Joan Spiegel
Mr. Bruce G. Spilker
Mr. Raymond M. Spiller
Mrs. Sylvia J. Spiller
Mrs. Marguerite R. Spillman
Ms. Jacqueline Spina
Mrs. Margaret-Anne Spinelli
Miss Karen Spiro
Mr. Walter A. Spiro
Ms. Sandee Spiro
Jane F. and George Spivack
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon S.
Ms. Muriel Sporkin
Richard A. Sprague, Esq.
Sally Springer .
Mr. John Springrose
Roslyn Squire
Rev. and Mrs. Elbert K. St.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. Benjamin F. Stahl, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Stahlecker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
Mr. Walter E. Stait
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Staller
Jerome M. Staller, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert
Mrs. Blair D. Stambough
Ms. Marjorie Stanek
Ms. Marguerite M. Stanford
Helen Baodzinsk and Blanche
Miss Irene T. Stankiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Stanley
Mr. Joseph Stanley
Mrs. T. P. Stanton
Dr. and Mrs. Herman D.
Ezra and Eleanor Staples

Mr. Stanley J. Starn
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Starobin
Mrs. Nicholas Starosselsky
Dr. Isaac Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Starr
Mr. Kim B. Staudt
Mr. Walter Stawuszewski
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Steber
Mr. Roger C. Steedle
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steel
Mr. Francis P. Steel
Mrs. Nancy Steel
Mildred R. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Steele
Mr. Carl Steele
Mrs. George P. Steele
Rose P. Stefanelli
Mr. Kent Steffey
Mrs. Charles G. Stehle
Mr. Chester C. Steiger
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Stein
James Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stein
Carol Sue Steinbach
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Dr. and Mrs. William Steinberg
Mrs. Cecily K. Steinberg
Mrs. Florence R. Steinberg
Mrs. Pearl Steinberg
Mrs. Ruth R. Steinberg
Mrs. Sigmund H. Steinberg
Mrs. Mildred E. Steiner
Mr. Michael E. W. Steinig
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinman
Mrs. Grace T. Steinmetz
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stelter
Mrs. Patricia Duncan
Mrs. Edgar R. Stephens
Ms. Helen E. Stephens
Helene R. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Stern
Mr. Howard E. Stern
Mrs. James L. Stern
Mrs. Sylvia Stern
Ms. Joan N. Stern
Peter and Joan B. Johnston
Richard W. Stevens, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stevens
Ms. Rosemary A. Stevens
Mrs. John Stewart
Mrs. Thomas C. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stezzi
Mr. Howard F. Stick
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Stifel
Mrs. Boudinot Stimson
Mr. Arthur L. Stitzinger
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. David Stockwell
Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Stokes, Jr.

Mrs. Lydia B. Stokes
Mrs. William S. Stokes
Ms. Jayne Stokes
Mr. Barry C. Stollte
Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Stone
Mr. Hugo F. Store IIi
Mrs. Bayard T. Storey
Mr. Francis W. Stork
Mrs. Donald E. Stottlemyer
Mr. Conrad F. Strabone
Diane and Roger Straus
M. Harris and Phil Straus
Mr. and Mrs. James Straw
Mr. G. Stockton Strawbridge
Mrs. Raymond F. Strecker
Dr. Donald W. Stremme
Ms. Berte Stricker
Mrs. John Van R. Strong
Ms. Rebecca Dvorin Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Stroud
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stroud
Mr. W. B. Dixon Stroud
Mrs. Benjamin A. Strouse
Ms. Marie E. Stuard
Anthony Stuempfig
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H.
Stulb III
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Stulb
Nathan Stumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Suarez
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel
Dr. James Sullivan
Mrs. Eldon B. Sullivan
Mrs. Roger F. Sullivan
Miss Mary E. Sumerfield
Mr. Barry Sunshine
Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson
Supplee, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee
Mr. Laurence Sutton
Mr. Lawrence M. Suwak
Mr. Edward Swain III
Miss Helen L. Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Swain
Mrs. William M. Swain
Miss Dorothy E. Swann
Ms. Sara Fischer Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. John Swam
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sweeney
Mr. Thomas J. Sweeney
Ms. Ann R. Swern
Mr. David S. Swetland
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Swift
Mr. H. Coleman Switkay
Mr. Israel Switt
Mrs. David Swope \l
Ms. Ruth P. Swoyer
Mrs. Leonard Sylk
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Tabas
Mr. Lee A. Tabas
Barbara Freed and Sheldon


Virginia Tabor
Mrs. Joseph P. Taggart
Mr. Barry E. Tague
Mr. and Mrs. John Tait
Mr. Robert E. Tait
Eiko Fan Takahira
Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Talbot, Jr.
Ms. Nancy R. Talleur
Mrs. Jean Tama
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Dr. James Tanis
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Taplinger
Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Tashjian
Mrs. William Tasman
Ms. Ann I. Tatman
Miss Virginia S. Taulane
Leslie G. Tavoni
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Taylor
Grace Martin Taylor
James Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K.
Taylor, Jr.
Mr. Edward A. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O.
Mr. Barnard C. Taylor
Mr. Ellis D. Taylor
Mr. Lane Taylor
Mr. Robert G. Taylor
Mr. Robert L. Taylor
Mr. Thornton H. Taylor
Mrs. C. Newbold Taylor
Mrs. Nettie Taylor
Mrs. Sarah Taylor
Ms. Catherine L. Taylor
Ms. Georgene Taylor
Ms. Linda Taylor
Ralph Taylor
Mrs. Ellen C. Teague
Evelyn Tecosky
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tellefsen
Mr. Michael L. Temin
Mrs. Henry Temin
Dr. and Mrs. John Y.
Templeton III
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C.
Jill Terranova
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Terrell
Ms. Cheryl Terrell
Mrs. Hilda Terry
Mrs. Luther Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Tessler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Tessler
Ms. Karen Testa
Rev. William J. Teverzczuk
Ms. Mary Hansen Thacher
Letty D. Thall
Mr. Roger S. Thanhauser
Mrs. Robert S. Thanhauser

Mrs. F. M. Thayer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dixon Thayer
Mrs. Atha Tehon Thiras
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Thistle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Thomas
Mr. James Thomas
Mrs. Joseph M. Thomas
Mrs. Morris Thomas
Ms. B. L. Thomas
Ms. Janet S. Thomas
Ms. Susan Thomas
Nancy Drye and Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Abbott W.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. Leroy W. Thompson
Mr. Mark B. Thompson
Mrs. R. Ell ison Thompson
Linda Price Thomson
Ms. F. Edith Thornton
Ms. Ellen Powell Tiberino
Mrs. George A. Tice
Mr. John J. Tierney \l
Drs. Bette and Mel Tiger
Mrs. M. W. Tilghman
Dr. J. Peter Tilley
Mrs. Grace Tillman-Santacroce
Mr. Michael G. Tilson
James H. Timberlake
Mr. Philip C. Timon
Mrs. Carol Broussard Tinary
Betry Rice Ti tone
Ms. Rochelle Toner
Mr. Franklin A. Tooke
Ms. Faye Toon
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Torello
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Toren
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F.
Catharine Toso
Mr. David Tothero
Mrs. Raymond A. Townley
Mrs. Annis Lee Fumes
Townsend, Jr.
Mr. David S. Traub
Ms. Esen Traub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F.
Robert and June Trenner
Mr. George Trivellini
Mrs. Deborah W. Troemner
Ms. Mary Z. Trombley
Mrs. Alfred Troncelliti
Anne H. Trotter
Mrs. Charles S. Truitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trump
Ms. Suzanne Tschanz
Louise Tucker
Mr. Francis C. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. Thomas N. Tulba

Dr. Henry J. Tumen
Ms. Penelope Lagakos Turak
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tuten, Jr.
Mrs. Rachel Tworkov
Norman S. Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tyson
Mrs. John Tyson
Mr. Mark Ueland
Mrs. Ruth W. Ulansey
Wendy Univer
Mrs. S. Herbert Unterberger
Mr. Paul Utans
Mr. Jerry Utz
Mrs. E. Miles Valentine
Mrs. Mary Bowman Valentine
Mrs. Phoebe Valentine
Julius Valiunas
Susan Headley Van Campen
Mr. Adolph Van Hollander
Ms. Arnie Van Itallie
Mrs. William H. Van Lanen
Ms. Dorothy Van Loan
Mr. Morris B. Van Natta
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Ness
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Van
Mr. Richard W. Van Scoter
Lee Cooper Van de Velde
Mr. Henry G. Van der Eb
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic
VanDenbergh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H.
VanDusen, Jr.
Dr. Peter W. Vanace
Mary VandenBerge
Mrs. Joseph B. VanderVeer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.
Vauclain III
Ronald E. Vaughn
Mr. Ken Vavrek
Rosalie Vaz
Tinkham Veale III
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Veale
Ms. Georgette L. Veeder
David Veenstra
Mrs. Edward W. Veitch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veloric
Frank Ventrola
Mr. Robert Venturi, Jr.
Imogene North Venuto
Mrs. Virginia M. Verges
Ms. Phoebe J. Vernon
Mr. Arthur E. Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Viel
Mrs. Joseph L. ViII
Dr. and Mrs. Gabriele Villa
Dr. Anthony W. Vi llare
Mr. Paul J. Vinicoff
Mr. Ralph Vin ing
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Vinson
Ms. Vicki Vinton
Ms. Ingrid T. Virok
Jervina Kerbeckian Vishabazoon

Magda and Robert Vitale
Mrs. A. Whitten Vogel
Mrs. Carl S. Vogel
Vema Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Vogt
Mr. Albert W. Volk
Ms. Jane M. Von Bergen
Miss Bertha von Moschzisker
Mr. George Von Scheven
Mrs. L. W. von Seide neck
Mr. Werner H. VonRosensteil
Mrs. Ernest R. vonStarck
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Voynow
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Waber
Mr. Harry Waber
Mr. Morris Waber
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Rachel A. Wachs, Esq.
Mr. James N. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wagner
Ms. Catherine B. Wagner
Mr. Arthur A. Wahmann
Dr. and Mrs. Amos Shephard
Mrs. Herbert R. Wakefield
Mr. Robert J. Walder
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Waldman
Anne C. Waldner
Dorothy Walker
Miss Gertrude V. Walker
Mr. Richard C. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mrs. Evans Walker
Ms. Jane H. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Dr. David A. Wallace
Emily Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
Wallace, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wallace
Fleurette Wallach
Mr. Richard C. Walling
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Dr. R. J. Wallner
Mrs. C. Gilbert Wallworth
Mary F. Walrath, Esq.
Mr. Basil S. Walsh III
Mrs. R. Lynn Stevens Walsh
Audrey and Henry Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Allan T. Walters
Mr. W. Wyclif Walton
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mr. Herbert S. Wanderman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wapner
Mr. Sherman C. Ward, Jr.
Mrs. Charles F. Ward, Jr.
Mr. Dennis A. Ward
Mrs. Russell Ward
Mrs. Clarence A. Warden Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ware III
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Warren
Mrs. Clark Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Mr. Robert Washburn
Ms. Anna M. Washburn
Dr. and Mrs. Joel E. Wasley
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Mrs. Michael Watter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Watts, Jr.
Mr. Joseph W. Wawrzyniak, Jr.
Mr. Matthew C. Wax
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Weary
Mr. Kenneth Weaver
H. S. Webb
Mary E. Webb
Mrs. N. P. Webb
G. Linton Weber, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George D.
Ms. Carol E. Webster
Ms. Harriet Webster
Jacqueline Wechsler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R.
Mr. Frederick V. Weeks
S. D. Wehmeyer
Mr. Samuel D. Wehr
Ms. Roberta Weidel
Marilyn E. Weigold
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Carroll and Charlotte
Mrs. Bernard Weinberg
Hon. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mary F. Weiner
Milton Weiner
Julie Weinstein
Millicent Weinstein
Mr. Emanuel Weinstein
Mr. Howard Weins tone
Mr. and Mrs. Morris L.
Gerard J. Weiser, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisman
Dr. and Mrs. Edward D. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn S. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Weiss
Mrs. Albert N. Weiss
Mrs. Honi Marks Weiss
Ms. Beverly Weiss
Ms. Mili Dunn Weiss
Ms. Joyce Weizer
Juliet C. Welker


Dr. and Mrs. Burton L.
Mr. and Mrs. Hermon M.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Welsh
Mr. James R. Welsh
Ms. Margaret M. Welsh
Mr. William J. Wendt
Ms. Louise Van Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wertel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.
West, Jr.
Mrs. Anne W. West
Ms. Maxine C. West
Mrs. Francis P. Wetherbee
Mr. and Mrs. Cortright
Wetherill, Jr.
Miss Anne F. Wetzel
Mrs. Carroll R. Wetzel
Mr. Lewis A. Wexler
Mrs. Raymond O. Wheatcroft
Dr. E. Frederick Wheelock
Mrs. Allie M. Whetstone
Dr. Linton A. Whitaker
Col. R. Wallace White
Cynthia M. White
Edward J. White, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raebur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. White
Mr. and Mrs. John F. White
Mr. S. L. White
Mrs. Edward L. White
Mrs. John W. White
Ms. Carolyn White
Ms. Denise E. White
Mrs. E. Melita Whitfield
Ms. Alice B. Whiting
Mr. Harold Whitney
Mrs. Robert L. Whittaker
David and Betsy Wice
Rabbi David H. Wice
Mrs. Robert Wick
Mrs. Blaine L. Wicklein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Mr. H. Donald Widdoes
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Widmann
Mrs. Alfred Wielopolski
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wiener
Ms. Marla Wiener
Mrs. Mary Katherine Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilcox
Mrs. Grenville S. Wilcox
Mrs. Eve Wildrick
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wildstein
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wildt
Mr. Peter A. Wiley
Ms. Donna L. Wiley
Mrs. Bernice Wilke

Lois Dow Wilkins
Signe Wilkinson
Mr. Mark Willcox, Jr.
Mrs. R. N. Williams II
Constance E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Mr. Wesley S. Williams, Jr.
Miss Jeanne E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Williams
Mr. A. Craig Williams
Mr. Oliver P. Williams
Mr. Rodney D. Williams
Mrs. Aline Livingston Williams
William E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Zanafray L.
Mrs. Edith W. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Wilmerding, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph L. Wilmsen
Alice Steer Wilson
Dr. Sylvia V. Wilson
Miss Elizabeth Harrison Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. David L. Wilson
Mr. George W. Wilson
Mr. Joseph E. Wilson
Mr. Thomas J. Wilson
Mrs. Marian T. Parry Wilson
Penelope P. Wilson
Mrs. Constant Wiltberger
Mr. Wallace Windus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wines
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wing II
Mrs. Doris W. Winitsky
Mr. A. Charles Winkelman
Hon. Nochem S. Winnet
David S. Winston, Esq.
Miss Mary E. Winston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Varya Winston
Mr. and Mrs. Milo K. Winter
Carmine Winters
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wisely
Mrs. Morton Witkin
Lisa Wi tomski
Mr. D. Colman Witte
Mr. G. W. Witte
Elinor Wittenberg
Bernhard and Elizabeth Witter
Caroline Bertha Wittman
Ms. Edith Stead Wittman
Stephen R. Wojdak, Esq.
Edwin Wolf II
Walter Wolf, Esq.
Mrs. Fred Wolf, Jr.
Miss Julia Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. ClaytonJ. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Wolf
Mr. John M. Wolf

Mr. Robert L. Wolf
Mrs. Horace Gard Wolf
Mrs. Carol C. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard l.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Merle A.
Ms. Elaine Wolfson
Ms. Rosemarie Chiarlone
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Wolgin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin .
Lois Wolk
Mr. and Mrs. BerylJ. Wolk
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wolkin
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Wollman
Nelson H. Wollman, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. Lester E. Wolser
Winnie Wong
Dr. David W. Wood
Mr, and Mrs . .Edward F. R.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wood
Mr. Richard D. Wood; Sr.
Mrs. Esther T. Woodward
Miss Mary K. Woodworth
Mrs. M. H. Woolmington
Dorothy B. Work
Ms. Andrea Workman
Jane L. Worley
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Worth
Mr. James B. Woy
Mr. John Woznisky
Hon. and Mrs. Charles Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric S. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M.
Mr. James J. Wright
Mr. Jeffrey Lynn Wright
Mrs. John M. Wright
Mrs. Mary S. Wright
Mr. Stephen J. Wurn 1Il
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Z. .
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wurzel
Mr. James B. Wyeth
Mr. Ronald E. Wyffels
Miss Eunice Yacoubian
Mrs. Dino Yannopoulos
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Yanoff
Mrs. Richard Yardumian
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton
Yarnall II
Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert
Yarnall, Jr.
Ms. Constance G. Yaros
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Yaskin
Joseph and Pamela Yohlin
Mr. Stuart Henri Yost

Young Friends of the
Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart
Young, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Young
Mr. John R. Young
Ms. Blanche L. Young
Joan A. Yue
Ms. Judith A. Zacker
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zalesne
Barbara Zalkind
Dr. Anthony L. Zanni
Mrs. Charles Zarit
Dr. Suzanne C. Zarro
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M.
The Zam Family
Dr. and Mrs. Eli P. Zebooker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Mrs. Margaret G. Zehner
Ms. Elizabeth Zeleznik
Ms. Margaret A. Zentmyer
Mr. Paul H. Zerfing .
Estelle H. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Barbara K. Zimmerman
Ms. Nancy Zimmerman
Norma Zion
Mr. Andrew P. Zirpoli
Ms. Frances R. Zitin
Christopher Zmijewski
Mrs. Gabrielle E. Zomber
Mrs. David B. Zoob
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney N. Zubrow
Mr. Sol E. and Dr. Helen
Anonymous (5)

John Singleton Copley, John Seallay, 1764


Committees of the
Board of Trustees

Harold A. Sorgenti
J. Roffe Wike
Vice Chairman
Carpenter Dewey
Samuel M. V. Hamilton
Charles J. Kenkelen
Mrs. Morton M. Kligerman
B. Herbert Lee
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Charles E. Mather III
Harvey S. Shipley Miller
Allen J. Model
Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Frank R. Veale
Robert G. Williams

Collections and
Harvey S. Shipley Miller
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Vice Chairman
Mrs. C. Graham Berwind, Jr.
Mrs. Elliott R. Detchon
Mrs. Kenneth W. Gemmill
Milton Ginsburg
J. Welles Henderson
Leonard I. Korman
B. Herbert Lee
Robert Lee
Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Dr. John McCoubrey
Allen J. Model
Dr. Charles W. Nichols
Lyn M. Ross
Harold P. Starr

Development and
Carpenter Dewey
Charles J. Kenkelen
Vice Chairman
Robert W. Deaton, Jr.
William L. Grala
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
Samuel M. V. Hamilton
Mrs. Morton M. Kligerman
Leonard I. Korman
Daniel R. Kursman
Charles E. Mather III
Mrs. Jerome B. Weinstein
Robert G. Wilder

Strategic Planning

Herbert M. Baum
George A. Beach
Vice Chairman

Robert G. Williams
William L. Grala
Vice Chairman

Samuel M. V. Hamilton
Allen J. Model
Paul N. Mulcahy
Eileen Reynolds
Archbold D. van Beuren

John B. Bartlett
Thomas F. Flynn
Charles J. l<;enkelen
B. Herbert Lee
Mary MacGregor Mather
Allen J. Model
Dr. Charles W. Nichols

J. Roffe Wike
Robert G . Wilder
Vice Chairman
Carpenter Dewey
Samuel M. V. Hamilton
B. Herbert Lee
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Charles E. Mather III
Bertram L. O'Neill
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Harold A. Sorgenti
Frank R. Veale

Allen J. Model
Herbert S. Riband,
Vice Chairman



Walter G. Arader
Milton Ginsburg
Samuel M. V. Hamilton
Frederick S. Hammer
Charles E. Mather III
J. Roffe Wike
Robert G. Wilder

Peale Club
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Charles J. Kenkelen
Vice Chairman

B. Herbert Lee
John B. Bartlett
Vice Chairman

Pierce Archer
Mrs. Elliott R. Detchon
B. Herbert Lee
Mary MacGregor Mather
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Mrs. Herbert F. Schiffer

George R. Burrell, Jr.
Dr. Malcolm Campbell
Mrs. Robert English
Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Oliver Franklin
Mrs. Kenneth W . Gemmill
Harvey S. Shipley Miller
Mrs. Susan Nelson
Bruce Samuelson
Archbold D. van Beuren

Frank R. Veale
Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Vice Chairman
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
Stephen B. Klein
Leonard I. Korman
Hyman A. Myers
Mrs. Leighton Wildrick
Robert G. Williams


Women's Committee
Mrs. Morton M. Kligerman
Mrs. Newlin F. Davis
First Vice President
Mrs. John Frazier Hunt
Second Vice President
Mrs. Robert T. Brooks
Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. John S. Estey
Mrs. Jane Medveckis
Mrs. Karl E. Wenk, Jr.
Members at Large
Mrs. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph c. Bright, Jr. '
Mrs. Thomas Dolan IV
Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
Mrs. H . Lea Hudson
Mrs. John Clark Keene
Mrs. B. Gordon Landis
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Mrs. Barton H. Lippincott
Mrs. William G. Littleton II
Mrs. Edward S. Madara
Mary MacGregor Mather
Mrs. Susan Nelson
Mrs. Richard W. Palmer
Mrs. G. Thompson Pew, Jr.
Mrs. Robert W. Preucel
Mrs. Jeremy A. Rosenau
Mrs. Herbert F. Schiffer
Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley III
Mrs. Anthony Stuernpfig
Mrs. E. Robert Thomas


Charles Demuth, Vaudeville Dancers, 1916-18
Mrs. Richard Walsh
Mrs. Cortright Wetherill, Jr.
Mrs. Leighton Wildrick
Mrs. Ben Wolf
Mrs. Gabrielle Zomber
Mrs. John Grier Bartol
Mrs. Alfred Bendiner
Mrs. Harry Bishop
Mrs. Avery B. Clark
Mrs. Phebe Cooke
Mrs. David J. Grossman
Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson
Mrs. Arthur C. Kaufmann "
Mrs. D. Sinkler Knop
Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mrs. Hans Ludvig Lorentzen
Mrs. Lawrence MacElree
Mrs. Alan McIlvain
Mrs. C. Earle Miller
Mrs. Henry Mitchell
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Mrs. John S. Newbold
Mrs. Evan Randolph
Mrs. George Reath
Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Mrs. Philip C. F. Smith
Mrs. C. Randolph Snowden
Mrs. Boudinot Stimson
Mrs. Philip W. Warner
Mrs. Susan W. West
Mrs. Walter H. West
Mrs. Arthur M. Young
Associate Members

Morris Gallery
Moe Brooker
Artist, Pennsylvania Academy
Paolo Colombo
Artist and Director of
Exhibitions, Tyler School of Art
Bill Freeland
Artist, Moore College of Art
Faith Ginsburg
Carrie Rickey

Eileen Rosenau
Judith Tannenbaum
Curator and Assistant Director
Institute of Contemporary Art'

Linda Bantel
Director of the Museum
Kathleen A. Foster
Adjunct Curator of Research
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.
Judith E. Stein
Associate Curator and Morris
Gallery Coordinator

Jacqueline Cotter
Administrative Assistant


Bernice Abrams
Mildred Lefkoe
Deborah Mangel
Committee Chairperson
Francesca Cona
Secre tary IN ews letter
Committee Chairperson
Henrietta Landis
Women's Committee Liaison
Lois Domm
Education Committee
Miriam Sealfon
Newsletter Committee
Susan Behrend
Dorothy Wartman
Special Events Committee
Harriet Goodwin
Lillian Landau
Travel Committee
Fahnya Bean
Gertrude Bloom
Joann Coltman
Shirlene Coyne
Jane Cratsley
Mary Epstein
Barbara Evans
Fran Fineman
Janet Fink
Sue Fischman
Davida Glick
Marcia Groverman
Grace Halter
Elaine Jaffe
Rose Kaplan
Grace Keffer
Dot Kennedy
Sylvia Korngold
Barbara Kravitz
Sylvia Lieberman
Ruthe McCann
Sandra McMullin
Dorothy Magen
Sondra Margolies
Etta Nussbaum
Eslye Rappeport
Reva Rose
Myrtle Rosen
Lois Rosenau

Beatrice Rosenfield
Ruth Rothman
Beverly Schectman
Irene Schrank
Jo Ann Simon
Margaret Anne Spinelli
Ruth Stem
Judith Waldman
Fleurette Wallach
Doris Winitsky
Carmine Winters
Norma Zion
Linda Braun
Irma Jelinek
Florence Marder
Ruth Preucel
Hortense Steinberg
Docents Emeriti

Diane Bender
Linda Braun
Hope Byer
Ruth Cogan
Lois Domm
Beth Haebel
Joyce Halpern
Dot Kennedy
Ruth Levine
Dorothy Magen
Elizabeth Meyers
Esther Mezey
Beth Notarian
Rita Rashkind
Helen Ringold
Linda Russo
Muriel Schwartzman
Ronald Spahr
Linda Yates
Mollie Zion

Office of the President
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.
Joyce Adelman
Administrative Assistant
Jodie Borie
Coordinator of Special Events
Ruth Oliver DuBois
Coordinator of the Scholarship
Endowment Campaign

The School
Frederick S. Osborne, Jr.
Dean and Director of the
T eri L. Ceraso
Assistant Dean
Jan C. Baltzell
Evening School Coordinator
Patricia Blakely
M. F. A. Administrator
Douglas J. Bucher
Financial-Aid Director
Marietta Bushnell
Catherine Coccia
School Secretary
Aquila Galgon
Models and Props Coordinator
Betty Huston
Assistant to the Director of the
William Jones
School Assistant
Gail Kemner Landesberg
Admissions Director
Lizanne McBride
Extension Program
Andrea Miskiewicz
Assistant to the School
Jill Rupinski
Bill Scott
Peale House Gallery
Nancy Sokolove
Models and Props Coordinator
Robin Walsh-Wixted
Admissions Assistant

Jan C. Baltzell
Will Barnet
Mark F. Bockrath
Moe Brooker
Natalie Charkow
Ron Cohen
Eugene Daub
Arthur De Costa
Murray Dessner
David Fertig
Margaretta Gilboy
Sidney Goodman
Oliver Grimley
Harry Hasheian
Alex Hromych
Homer Johnson
Jimmy C. Lueders
Stanley Merz, Jr.
Dan Miller
Edith Neff
Stephen Nocella
Edward O'Brien
Shoji Okutani
Eo Omwake
Elizabeth Osborne
Peter Paone
Henry C. Pearson
Jody Pinto
Seymour Remenick
Robert Roesch
Tony Rosati
Glenn Rudderow
Bruce Sam'uelson
Edwin Segal
David Slivka
Louis B. Sloan
Lee T amaccio
James Victor
Anthony Visco
Roswell Weidner
Gary Weisman
Ronald E. Wyffels

The Museum
Linda Bantel
Director of the Museum
Carolyne Hollenweger
Administrative Assistant
Les Bacsujlaky
Assistant Preparator
Michelle Barbone
Education Intern
Robin Beckett
Paintings Technician and
Assistant Preparator
Mark F. Bockrath
Paintings Conservator
Anne Classen
Curatorial Assistant
Kevin Conallen
Curatorial Intern
Mary Mullen Cunningham
Research Assistant
Denise DiSanto
Conservation Assistant
Theresa Z. Esperdy
Research Assistant
Kathleen A. Foster
Adjunct Curator of Research
Nancy Fresella-Lee
Research Assistant
Jane Friedman
Education Intern
Timothy Gilfillan
Chief Preparator
Margaret Goodale
Assistant Curator, School and
Family Programs
William Gremmel
Word Processor
James Grentzenberg
Assistant Preparator
Robert A. Harman
Assistant Museum Registrar
Paul Herman
Assistant Preparator
Susan James-Gadzinski
Research Associate
Catherine Kimock
Work-Study Research Assistant
Cheryl A. Leibold
Audrey Lewis
Sculpture Intern
Margaret McCarthy
Assistant to the Museum
Registrar and Rights and
Reproductions Manager


Shoji Okutani, Untitled, 1987

Helen Mangelsdorf
Assistant to the Curator
Mitchell Merback
Conservation Assistant
Jacolyn A. Mott
Editor in Chief
Virginia Norton Naude
Sculpture Conservator
Regina Neu
Curator of Education
Patricia Plowman
Word Processor
Paulette Rackow
Education Intern
David Rashkis
Word Processor
Gale Rawson
Museum Registrar
Evelyn Ray
Judith Ringold
Volunteer Coordinator
Judith E. Stein
Associate Curator and Morris
Gallery Coordinator
Sharon Strouse
Education Intern
Jeanette M. Toohey
Research Associate
Cynthia Haveson Veloric
Research Assistant
Suzanne Wheeling
Mat Cutter
Anna C. Yates
Print Room Assistant
Gabrielle Zitano
Sculpture Intern

Elaine Breslow
Director of Development
Jackie Easterlin
Patricia Faupel
Administrative Assistant
Sarah Hefner
Corporate Fund-Raising
Betty Huston
Administrative Assistant
Stuart H. Lamson
Membership Coordinator
Sheila Raman
Corporate Fund-Raising
Edward Schultheiss
Data Input Manager
Valerie J. Shinbaum
Alumni Coordinator
James Voirol
Suzanne Wilhelm-Betts
Membership Associate

Elaine M. Lomenzo
Director of Marketing
Lucinda J. Costin
Public Information Officer
Nicole Klein
Anita Mastroieni
Public Relations Assistant
Luise Z. Moskowitz
Public Information Assistant
Dan Pryor
Audrey Sobel
Frida Walton
Marketing Assistant

Finance and Administration
Daniel V. Dalzell
Director of Finance and
Marian E. Kirwin
Assistant to the Director of
Finance and Administration
Paul G. Arnesman
Adrienne D. Eichelburg
School Store Assistant
Rose Marie Fitzpatrick
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Frederick Kelley
Sales Manager
Theresa M. Kelley
School Store Assistant
E. Stuart Lacey
Stephania L. Lestier
Museum Shop Assistants
Sarah Mollica
Cafeteria Hostess
Robert J. Mooney
Rose Mary Pace
Business Office Manager
Ronald A. Saunders
Cafeteria Chef
Edwin N. Seiler, Jr.
Computer Operations Manager
Michelle Strader-Leal
Office Services Clerk
Edward Sutton
School Store Assistant

Buildings Management

Michael F. Gallagher
Thomas W. Glenn
Maintenance Mechanic
Lavoisier G. Lambright
Housekeeping Supervisor
Thomas Lulias
Maintenance Mechanic
William J. McBurnie
Maintenance Mechanic
Nicholas C. McGowan
John D. Maguire
Maintenance Manager
Jean Marie Mazurek
Cloakroom Clerk
James M. Rementer, Jr.
Maintenance Manager
Jeffrey R. Tirante
Housekeeping Supervisor
Anthony J. Torriero
Maintenance Mechanic
Steven Weigel
Thomas Werner

Kenneth L. Cosby
Frank J. Dockx
Security Managers
DavidJ. Dax
Security Supervisor
Lewis A. Bobb, Jr.
William J. Loughnane
Matthew McClendon
Security Captains
Odell Brown
John R. T. Calhoun
Paul E. Clement
Charles E. Crawley
Marvin Davis
James P. Drumm
Fay D. Early
Yvonne Fletcher
Stephen X. Fox
Frank J. Fritz
George E. Gates
Frank E. Gaynus, Jr.
Mildred M. Harris
Joseph T. Harrity
Edward R. Henderson
Michael A. Henderson
Robert J. Hughes
Thomas J. Jenkins

James W. Jordan
Buildings Manager
Kathleen Shannon
Assistant Buildings Manager
Clara R. Barrile
Museum Cashier
Christine A. Bobb
Housekeeping Supervisor
Paul Dasconio
Shipping and Receiving
Carol J. Della Penna-Tirante
Jennie Fabrizio
Museum Cashier
Joseph Follman
Shipping and Receiving Clerk


George E. Kee
Thomas M. Kohlmann
William R. Lenahan
Kurtis Long
John J. Michalonis
David N. Monroe
John S. Pabian
Joseph Pacifico
Melvin A. Perkins
Edward W . Poole
Edward J. Romanowski
Francis St. Clair
William M. Souder
Harry L. Swinton
Anthony J. Travaglio
Michael Urbanek
Martin Witts
Albert J. Young
Security Guards

Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts
Broad and Cherry Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Annual Report prepared by
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr., President
Jacolyn A. Mott, Editor in Chief
Barbara Sosson Design

Photographs by
l. George Bilyk
Will Brown
John Carlano
Mark DeBella
Rick Echelmeyer
Ron Williams
Anthony B. Wood
Liz Wuillermin