188th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts


188th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
annual report
finance report
school report
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts' Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Archives
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extracted text
· Annual Report

Pennsylvanta Academy 0 t eEne Arts









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ayear oj change

The 1992/93 fiscal year was one of transition for the
Pennsylvania Academy. The year was marked by a series of
actions taken by the Trustees to reduce expenses, concentrate on core programs and reaffirm our commitment to
our primary mission of education in both the School and
The Academy School had a successful year in the certificate
and new MFA course programs. A total of 275 undergraduate students were enrolled for the year and 15 new students entered the two-year MFA program. Sixty-three students were graduated with certificates and thirteen completed the Academy's first Master of Fine Arts degree.
In the Museum, nearly 10,000 school children from the
greater Delaware Valley in grades K through 12, participated in the Museum Visit educational outreach programs.
Many of these were disadvantaged children from inner ciry
An interim president, Dorothy M. Brown, EdD., was
appointed during the year, and was charged with developing and implementing cost containment and budget reduction programs. Because of her accomplishments and leadership, and an aggressive year-end fundraising effort highlighted by a $500,000 challenge grant from The
Foundation for New Era Philanthropy and a most heartening response by our Trustees, we finished the year with a
balanced budget for the first time in several years.
I believe that the Academy has turned the corner and is
beginning to successfully address the issues and problems
which have recently challenged us. As I conclude my tenure
of Chairman, I want to thank all who have been so loyal
and generous, especially during some tough times. I feel
confident that we will continue on the path of progress
with determination and optimism.

Harold A. Sorgenti
Chairman, Board of Trustees 1986 - 1993












. new initiatives

My year here at the Pennsylvania Academy has been one of

Many challenges remain, as they do for most artistic and

great challenge and personal excitement. I feel proud that I

cultural institutions these days. Continued vigilance is

can also claim it as a year of accomplishment and profes-

called for in financial matters, the overall debt must be
restructured and eliminated, and new audiences must be

sional satisfaction.

developed if the Pennsylvania Academy is to remain vital in
On taking the post ofInterim President in January 1993,

its third century of service.

we faced a year of tough decisions and transition. I was
charged with the task of developing and implementing a

I shall look upon the opportunity that I have had to help

cost containment and budget reduction program and work-

the Pennsylvania Academy as one of the highlights of my

ing with the Board of Trustees, defining a near term strate-

career. The Academy is truly a "Treasure" which warrants

gy for restructuring institution debt.

the protection and support given it by you, its friends,
donors, and membership.

Through the efforts of many, including a Board of
Trustees who believe in the importance of this venerable


institution, and our new Vice President of Finance, we
achieved our primary goals:
• Operating costs have been reduced by nearly $1
million over FY92/93;

Interim President

• A new acting Vice President of Development was
hired in April, 1993;
• Cost centers and staff were streamlined



on the institution's core educational mission;
• A new planning process was initiated to better
plan and budget annual operations;
• And, to ensure that the plans and budgets are followed and maintained, strict new cost control
procedures and budget management systems have
been introduced.
These efforts, in conjunction with successful fundraising,
in turn have led to our realizing the goal of achieving a balanced operating budget for the first time in several years.









. . . unique challenge


On January I, 1994, I assumed the Chairmanship of the
Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
Arts. I take that responsibility gladly, yet with the very real
understanding of the multiple challenges that we must successfully address to restore the Pennsylvania Academy to its
historical birthright as the pre-eminent institution of
American art in Philadelphia and the nation.
Today in this country, our Academy is most unique: we
are at once one of the best schools of fine art and, a museum with one of the finest collections of American art, especially 18th and 19th century, in the nation. We must turn
that uniqueness to our advantage.
To that end, the Board of Trustees, working closely with
Gresham Riley, our newly elected President who joined the
Academy in January 1994, and senior staff will be re-examining all aspects of our operations and implementing new
marketing strategies for both our School and Museum.
Also in January 1994, the Horace Pippin "I Tell My
Heart" exhibition opened and will run through April 17,
1994. The Horace Pippin exhibition, which was developed
by our Museum staff, will go on national tour following its
premier here. Our ability to attract an audience for the
exhibition should be a good indicator as to where we are as
we begin our marketing initiatives.
The Museum, which was recently renamed The Museum
of American Art, will close for refurbishing and system
renovations during the summer of 1994, immediately following the Student Show. When it re-opens in the early
fall of 1994, the Museum will offer new and interesting
educational experiences not only for the student, but for
the whole family.
There is a lot to do in the months ahead and some of it
may be difficult. I look forward to working with our
Trustees, new President, management team and our many
supporters. Together we can get it done.

Chairman, Board of Trustees 1994 -1996







Total $ 6)436)48

$ 1,800,676

$ 2,312,187

$ 25,000
$ 193,335

$ 206,120

$ 92,931

$ 42,089

RESTRICTED FUNDS - - $ 1,764,010


Total $ 6) 408)5 Z0

$ 575,401
$ 1,312,565

$ 1,037,206

$ 2,468,933

$ 815,930



Total $ Z)800)676

$ 240,000

$ 575,000

$ 36,590
$ 160,247
$ 106,769

$ 252,986

Unrestricted Gifts and Grants ........ .. ... . .... $1,800,676
Trust Income .................... .. ................. 193,335
Tuition and Fees .......... . ...................... 2,312,187
Net Sales ............. ..... ....... .... .. . .. .... .. .... .92,930
Museum Admissions ................................ .42,089
Restricted Fund Support .... ... . .. ............ .. 1,764,010
Other Income ....... . ... ..... ... . ... ... .. . .......... 206,120
AND REVENUE .. ............................ $6,411,347
School ....... ... . ........ ......... ...... . ...... .$2,468,933
Museum .. .. .... .. ..................... . ........... .. 815,930
Development .......................... ... .. .. ...... 198,4 75
Security and Facilities .............. .. ........... 1,037,206
G & A ............................................. 1,312,565
Interest ............................ . ........... ..... 575,401
EXPENSES ....... .... ..... . ...... ........ ..... $6,408,510
TRANSFER . ................................. . .. . .$25,000
OVER EXPENSE . ............ .. .................. $27,837







President's Council

($ Z0,000 or more)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Benoliel
Mr. and Mrs.
C. Graham Berwind, J r.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. D onohoe
Mrs. Perez Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ginsburg
The Robert McCay Green Estate
Dr. and Mrs. F. Otto Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Harris
Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
The Maurice Kean Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard I. Korman
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lemmon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Model
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Mr. and Mrs.
H erbert S. Riband, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
Mr. Wayne A. Stork
Mr. Benjamin Strauss
Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley C. T uttleman
Mr. and Mrs.
Archbold D. van Beuren
Mr. Bmce Wickersham
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roffe Wike
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Worley
Thomas Eakins Society

($5,000 - $9,999)
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth W. Gemmill
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Herlihy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein
Dean's Circle

($2,500 - $4,999)
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McPhail
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilder

Mary Cassatt Associates

($ Z,OOO - $2,499)
Mrs. K. Stewart D e Spoelberch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan IV
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Foley
Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel M. V. H amilton
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. H ammer
Mr. and Mrs. Srephen Lazovitz
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. M ather III
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Pincus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Pizzi
Mrs. Mary L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf

($ ZOO - $999)
Mr. Alexander Becker
Miss Joan Blackburn
Dr. Michael L. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Capuzzi
Ms. Eileen Craven
Ms. Mary Donald
Mr. Louis S. Fine
Mr. and Mrs. John H empstead
Dr. and Mrs. Argeris N. Karabelas
Mr. Frederick R . McBrien III
Hon. and Mrs. Frank Q. Nebeker
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neff
Mr. William H. Osborne III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paone
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sammak
Mr. Louis Sloan
Mrs. Robert S. Thanhauser
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Tobias
Mrs. and Mrs.
Thurston Twigg-Smith
Ms. Deborah W eisser

($ ZOO - $999)
Ms. Valla Amsterdam

Edna Andrade
E. Digby Baltzell

Richard T. Crawford
Arthur A. DeCosta

Mr. Joseph G. Elliott
Ms. Mary Helen Fein

Mr. Charles J. Frirh, Jr.
Ms. D eena J. Gu
Mr. Walker H ancock
Mrs. M ary Jane Walters Knox
Mr. John A. Lawler
Mr. Jimmy C. Lueders
Mr. Dan D. Miller
Mr. Raymond M. Spiller
Ms. Kate T. Van Sciver
Mrs. Paula Iacovelli Wholey
Mr. D. Coleman W itte
Additional Friends and
Alumni Gifts
Mr. George C. Alburger
Mr. and Mrs. Duffield Ashmead
Mrs. Sidney Bailey
Mrs. Marian Baillie
Sister Mary Paula Bierschmitt
Dr. Rosemary Biggio
Mrs. Thomas W. Bigoney
Ms. Geraldine Biscardi
Mr. John J. Blair
Mrs. Edward Bloom
Ms. Jean Blumberg
Mr. Mark Bockrath
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Bontempo
Mrs. Lem W. Bowen
Mr. James J. Boyle
Ms. Mary Cotheal Burgess
Mr. Landon C. Burns
Mr. Robert J. Buder, Jr.
Dr. Leonard Rosen and
Ms. T onya Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Capuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carson
Mr. William H. Chandlee
Ms. Margaret F. Collins
Mr. Robert G. Condiff
Dr. Barry R. Cooper
Dr. and Mrs. Constantin Cope
Ms. Grace Curcio
Mr. Chester T. Cyzio
Ms. Deborah D eichler
Ms. Jeaneme D. de Moll
Ms. Helene M. Diamond
Mr. David F. Driesbach
Miss Frances B. Earnest
Ms. Joan Fabrega
Mrs. P.F.N. Fanning

con t r



Mr. and Mrs. John D. Firestone
Ms. Susan P. Firestone
Ms. Miriam Fredenthal
Mr. Si Friedman
Mr. Charles J. Frith
Landon Burns and
Russell W. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. Gabrielson
Mr. John Gardner
Mr. William R. Gatti
Mrs. Joanne Gillespie
Ms. Elizabeth W . Gillies
Mrs. Isabelle J. Green
Mrs. Darlene L. Haakinson
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Harris
Ms. Mary Hanson H ennessy
Mrs. J.H. Ward Hinkson
Mr. William Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hoenstine
Ms. Marion Holland
Ms. Cynthis D. Hyde
Mr. Homer W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaiser
Mr. A. John Kammer
Ms. Marianthe Karaberi
Ms. Grace G. Keast
Ms. Adeline Kline
Mrs. Bernard Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Korngold
Mrs. John E. Kramer
Ms. Sheila Lamb
Ms. Ruth Levine
Mrs. Margaret Wasserman Levy
Mr. J.H. Livaudais
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Locke
Mr. Jimmy C. Lueders
Ms. Elizabeth H. MacDonald
Ms. Sallie H. Maser
Miss Armen Matossian
John and Carmen T. McHugh
Martha and James McKinnon
Dr. Beverly A. Mikuriya
Ms. Lesley Mitchell
Mrs. William Molloy
Mrs. Sandra P. Montrose
Mrs. Kristina Montvidas-Kutkus
Mrs. Joan Morris
Ms. John Needre
Mr. Oliver William Nuse
Ms. Elizabeth Osborne

Ms. Jane C. Otis
Ms. Marie Palamaro
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paone
Mrs. Epps Turner Perrow
Mrs. Susan Pfeifer-Scala
Ms. Leah Pinson
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Pogach
Mrs. Richard S. Putnam
Dr. Edward C. Reffensperger
Dr. Jonathan E. Rhoads
Mr. Allen L. Rile
Ms. Anita Riley
Mrs. Mildred K. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rosati
Alan and Carol Schwartz
Mrs. Gloria Seltzer
Mr. Charles J. Seykot, Jr.
Mr. Marvin S. Shadel
Ms. Deborah Slowey
Ms. Janet W. Smith
Mrs. Albert F. Snyder
Mr. Boyd L. Spahr
Rev. and Mrs. Elbert K. St. Claire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stallfort
Mr. and Mrs. Pennington Straus
Mrs. Eleanor Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Subin
Miss Helen L. Swain
Ms. Evelyn T ecosky
Mrs. George A. Tice
William and Ida T ollenger
Ms. Julie Valenti
Hon. and Mrs. Francis L. Van Dusen
Mrs. Virginia M. Verges
Dr. David A. Wallace
Jerome and Alice Weiland
Ms. Karen Weintraub
Ms. Ellen Wilkinson
Mrs. Edith Stead Wittman
Ms. Dorothy B. Work
Ms. Cynthia A. Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wyffels
Ms. Ziva Zohar
Benjamin and Edith Zuckerman
Ms. Diane Weitzman Zuckerman

The Annenberg Foundation
The Arcadia Foundation
The Barra Foundation, Inc.

Columbia Funds
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Richard Florsheim Art Fund
Colin Gardner Foundation
The Cora and
Saul Kaufmann Foundation
Atwater Kent Foundation, Inc.
The Christian R. and Mary F.
Lindback Foundation
Kent-Lucas Foundation
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
William Penn Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Foundation for
New Era Philanthropy
Gilroy and Lillian P. Roberts
Charitable Foundation
Sara Roby Foundation
Stockton-Rush Bartol Foundation
The Warwick Foundation

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
ALCO Standard Corporation
Allied-Signal, Inc.
ARA Services, Inc.
ARCO Chemical Company
Balis and Company, Inc.
Barclay White, Inc.
Bell of Pennsylvania
Betz Laboratories, Inc.
Brandywine Asset Management
M.A. Bruder and Sons, Inc.
Charming Shoppes
Chevron U.S.A., Inc.
Chubb Group
CIGNA Corporation
Comcast Corporation
Coopers and Lybrand
CoreStates Financial Corp.
Crown, Cork and
Seal Company, Inc.
Elf Atochem North America, Inc.
Germantown Savings Bank
Historic Yellow Springs, Inc.
Hunt Manufacturing Company
Independence Blue Cross
Mellon Bank, NA



Merck & Company, Inc.
Parkway Corporation
J.e. Penney Company, Inc.
The Philadelphia
Philadelphia Electric Company
Philadelphia Water Color Club
Philip Morris Companies Inc.
Philip Rosenau Company, Inc.
Provident Mutual
Life Insurance Company
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
Quaker Chemical Company
Reliance Insurance Company
Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.
Rohm and Haas Company
Saul, Ewing, Remick and Saul
Shared Medical
Systems Corporation
SmithKline Beecham Corporation
Strawbridge and Clothier
Tasty Baking Corporation
T eleflex, Inc.
The Vanguard Group
Windsor and Newton, Inc.
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories

ARCO Chemical Company
A.T. & T. Foundation
CIGNA Foundation
Chevron Companies
Elf Atochem North America, Inc.
Exxon Corporation
IBM Corporation
ITW Corporation
Johnson and Higgins
Johnson and Johnson
The Merck Company Foundation
The Mobil Oil Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
R.H. Macy's
Rohm and Haas Company
Rorer Group
SmithKline Beecham Foundation
West Bank

National Endowment for the Arts
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts

Honorary Members
Mr. Stephen M. Green
Mr. Jacques Puechal
President's Council

($ Z0) 000 or more)
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran
Museum Director's jDean's Circle
($5)000 ~ $9)999)
Mr. Wayne A. Stork
Charles Willson Peale Society
($Z)OOO ~ $4)999)
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andes
Hon. and Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg
Mrs. Theodore e. Aylward
Mrs. Malcolm J. Baber
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartlett
Mrs. John G. Bartol
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Benoliel
Dr. Harriet Berger
Mr. and Mrs.
e. Graham Berwind, Jr.
Ms. Claire S. Betz
Mr. and Mrs.
Frank G. Binswanger, Jr.
Mrs. Frank G. Binswanger, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. William e. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Byers
Ms. Sally R. Christy
Ms. Georgette P. Ciukurescu
Mrs. Avery B. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. e. George Currie
Mrs. Elliott R. Detchon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. DuBarry IV
Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Elliott Farr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gansky
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew 1. Garfield
Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth W. Gemmill
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ginsburg
Mrs. Robert McCay Green
Mr. and Mrs.
Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. F. Otto Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick S. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Harkins, Jr.
Mrs. Avery D. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Harris
Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Welles Henderson
Mr. Leslie e. High
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian S. Hooper
Mrs. Henry Lea Hudson
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kind, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 1. Korman
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lemmon, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mrs. E. Yerger Leydon
Mrs. A. Basil Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. MacElree
Mr. John L. Marion
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McEwen
Mrs. Henry S. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Model
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun F. O'Malley
Mr. W. Gresham O'Malley III
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O'Neill
Mr. Frederick W.G. Peck
Mrs. Robert S. Pitcairn
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Ms. Hope Rosenlund




Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rugart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwarz




Mr. and Mrs. George W. Scudder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Shein
Mr. and Mrs. Langhorne B. Smith
Mrs. Mary L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk
Mrs. Harrison Therman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. T uttleman
Mr. and Mrs.
Archbold D. van Beuren
Mrs. Richard Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roffe Wike II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Worley
Curator's Circle

($500 - $999)

and Mrs. Vincent G. Bell, Jr.
and Mrs. James Benenson, J1'.
Peter Borie
Frances S. Fernley

Mr. and Mrs. Ellice McDonald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Liddon Pennock
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott
Mr. Robert M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. V. Richard Sheridan
Mrs. Charles T abas
Mr. and Mrs. John Tait
Mrs. Helen M. Taws
Collector's Circle

Ms. Ann R. Baruch
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Behrend
Ms. Linda Berman and
Mr. Paul Perlstein
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett
Mrs. Charles M. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Casper


Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Chimicles
Mr. James Crawford and
Ms. Judith Dean
Mr. Donald Cresswell and
Mr. Christopher Lane
Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris Dorrance, Jr.
Ms. Diane Dunning
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Elliott
Ms. Cecelia Fanelli
Ms. Mary Helen Fein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew 1. Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland A. Gordon
Mrs. Armason Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. J. Welles Henderson
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Holsclaw
Dr. and Mrs. Eric L. Hume
Mrs. Josef Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kay
Mrs. Ethel C. Kesler
Ms. Janet Kollock
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kosloff
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Krangel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mangel
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Margolies
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mather III
Dr. Sara Miller and
Mr. Leon C. Robbins, Jr.
Mr. James P. O 'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson
Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pressman
Mrs. Stephen A. Ritt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A. Rosenau
Dr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rugart
Mrs. Samuel K. Schneidman
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard T. Storey
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Taylor
Mrs. Luther B. T erry
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Turak
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. T uttleman
Mr. Gordon L. Wahls


John C. Bennett, Jr.
and Mrs. Charles Bloom
and Mrs. Charles W. Bowden, Jr.
and Mrs. Orville H. Bullitt, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Calvert Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Willis S. De La Cour
Ms. Anna DeDominicis
Mrs. C. Paul Denckla
Mr. and Mrs. Otis W. Erisman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Groetzinger III
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hooper
Mrs. Clement E. Hoyler
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kreithen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lazovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Locks
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maier II
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Mason
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Meigs
Ms. Barbara W. Moffett
Mr. and Mrs. James Naughton
Ms. Claire Nelson
Ms. Joan Ochroch
Ms. Mary V. Pendelton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Petersen
Miss Mary N. Porter
Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers
Dr. Francis E. Rosato
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Rounick
Ms. Maude de Schauensee
Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Scolnick
Dr. and Mrs. William Serber
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Sirmay
Dr. and Mrs. William Steinberg
Dr. Henry J. T umen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Vauclain III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Venturi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Webb II
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Worth

($250 - $349)

($ Z00 - $249)

Ms. Linda Lee Alter
Mrs. Stephen E. Beiter

Mrs. Jane Abrahams
Mr. Joe Abriola

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aikman
Mrs. Constantin G. Alio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asplundh
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Baer II
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrius H. Bagley
Mrs. Lynne M. Baldwin
Mr. E. Digby Baltzell
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barness
Mr. Walter W. Beachboard
Mr. Richard C. Bechtel
Drs. Sylvia Beck and Jay Federman
Mr. Joseph J. Belamarich
Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Bemis
Mrs. Bernard H. Berger
Mrs. Henry Berkowitz
Mrs. Edgar Bernstein
Mrs. Joan Bitzer
Mr. John W. Blatteau
Mr. and Mrs. James Bodine
Mr. and Mrs.
H. Dickson S. Boenning
Mrs. Robert Breidenstein
Mr. Bernard Brewstein
Mrs. Clarence W. Brooks, Jr.
Ms. Cecilia M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott Brown
Ms. Margaret C. Brown
Mrs. Jeanette S. Bucks
Ms. Katherine P. Callahan
Mr. Peter Callahan
Dr. and Mrs. Bernerd Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Carey
Mr. Howard M. Casper
Mr. E. Dean Chagan
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cheston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Childress
Dr. Constance E. Clayton
Mrs. Margaret S. Clews
Mrs. J. Marshall Cole
Mr. Richard B. Coons
Mrs. Pearson C. Cummin, Jr.
Ms. Carol Davis
Mrs. Newlin F. Davis
Mrs. K. Stewart De Spoelberch
Mr. and Mrs. William T. DeWitt
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Deas
Mr. Antelo Devereux
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dion
Miss Sally F. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Driscoll




Mr. Edward J. Dwyer
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dzuba
Mrs. Harriette W. Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. James Eisman
Ms. Judy Elchin
Mrs. Mildred Elliott
M s. Gilda M. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Fanelli
Mrs. P.F.N. Fanning
Mrs. Henry Faulkner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Felley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fernberger
Mrs. William E. Fischelis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Fitti
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
Mr. Fred B. Gable
Mrs. Nancy Gardner H . Galt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garde
Ms. Claire Gargalli
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Gerson
Mrs. Carol Gerstley
Ms. Elizabeth W. Gillies
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Gilstein
Mrs. Karen R. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Gordon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. Gowen
Mr. Robert B. Grinnell
Mr. Milton Gross
Ms. Marcia Groverman
Mr. Richard Guggenheim
M s. Dorothy M. Guinn
Ms. Barbara Gyde
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hahn
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Haller
Ms. Sarah Duff Hamilton
Ms. Kimberly Haren
Ms. Margaret Harris
Mrs. Martin F. Hatch
Mr. James R. Hathaway
Ms. Margaret H ealy
Mrs. Dorothy P. Heindel
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ober H ess
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Hoffman
Mrs. John J. Hohenadel
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Hollin
Mrs. MH. Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Lon W. Homeier

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honickman
Mrs. Quita Horan
Mrs. Alonzo R. Horsey
Mr. Christian Hueber II
Miss Helen Virginia Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ingersoll
Mr. and Mrs. Orton P. Jackson
Miss Julie Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Waine C. Johnson
Mrs. Louis I. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Karlin
Mrs. Albert B. Katz
Mrs. Eva Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Keirn
Ms. Eleanor Kelemen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellogg
Mrs. James B. Kelly III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klein
Ms. Alison Douglas Knox
Mr. Wilmer Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koether
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kozich
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kravitz
Ms. Lynne Kroiz-Solomon
Mr. and Dr. C. Scott Kulich
Mrs. J. Louis Landenberger
Ms. Mary M. Lane
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Langfitt
Dr. and Mrs. Marc S. Lapayowker
Mr. John A. Lawler
Ms. Frances Reiner Lax
Ms. Jonathan R. Lax
Ms. Alison R. Lazerwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leibovitz
Mr. Robert P. Leiby, Jr.
Mrs. Bernard V. Lentz
Mrs. Miriam Lucker Lesley
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy M. Lewis, Jr.
Mrs. Anton Lieberman
Mrs. R. Schuyler Lippincott
Mr. and Mrs. S. Gerald Litvin
Mr. Robert W. Loder
Ms. Nancy A. Loeb
Mr. John J. Lombard, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Looney
Mrs. Wister H. MacLaren
Mrs. Joan W. Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Madeira
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maloney
Dr. and Mrs. Leigh Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Matlin
Mr. John F. McCloskey, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander McCurdy III
Hon. and Mrs. John J. McDevitt III
Ms. M. McHenry
Ms. Michele A. McTiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Meyer
Mr. arid Mrs. Warrin C. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meyerson
Mr. Casmir Michalski
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Miller
Ms. Leannah Mir
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Montgomery, Jr.
Mrs. Clarence Morris
Mrs. Marguerite H. Morrison
Mr. Stephen Morse
Mr. Robert E. Mortensen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murray, Jr.
Ms. Janet Mustin
Mr. and Mrs. John Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Naylor
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Neilson
Ms. Sara Nerken
Mr. Daniel P. O'Connell
Mr. Albert T. Olenzak
Ms. Faye Olivieri
Ms. Elissa Topol and
Mr. A. Lee Osterman
Mr. Raymond S. Page, Jr.
Dr. Arthur Patchefsky
Mr. G. Holmes Perkins
Ms. Rochelle S. Picker
Robert L. and Gene E.K. Pratter
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Putnam
Mrs. H arley Rankin
Mrs. H arold Rappeport
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Rawson
Ms. Vera Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reichardt
Ms. Patricia Remmey
Ms. Constance Richardson
Mr. Anthony W. Ridgway
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ries
Mrs. Doris L. Roberts
Mr. Stewart B. Rorer
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Rosenthal
Mr. John Pierpont Rosso


Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Rothman
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Rothman
Ms. Carole J. Rubins
Mr. Peter Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Ian H . Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan H. Savadove
Mr. James E. Sax
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schnaars
Mrs. Irene Schrank-Shuman
Mrs. P.K. Schwartz
Mrs. Frank S. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sellers
Mr. Edward O . Shakespeare
Mr. and Mrs. Warner S. Shelly
Ms. Nancy Shore
Mr. Dolph Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Philip c.F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. Smith
Mr. Robert M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Solmssen
Mr. H. Peter Somers
Mr. Marc J. Sonnenfeld
Ms. Barbara Sosson
Mr. and Mrs. Tad Sperry
Mr. Walter E. Stait
Miss Irene T. Stankiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. W. Steinig
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Stern
Ms. M. Harris and Mr. Phil Straus
Mr. G. Stockton Strawbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sunstein
Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. T alucci
Mr. Robert G. Taylor
Ms. Evelyn T ecosky
Ms. F. Edith Thornton
Ms. M.W. Tilghman
Ms. Betty Rice Titone
Mrs. James W. Toren
Mrs. Annis Lee Furness
Townsend, Jr.
Mrs. Franceska A. Villare
Mr. Henry A. Virgilio
Ms. Verna Vogel
Mr. Ken Butera and
Ms. Karol Wasylyshyn
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watanabe
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Watts, Jr.
Mrs. Walter H. West, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Cortright Wetherill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Barry F. Wiksten
Mr. Horace E. Williams
Mrs. Sankey V. Williams
Mrs. Edith W. Willis
Mrs. Fred WolE, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wright
Mrs. Gabrielle E. Zomber
We regret any exclusions and errors

Boa r d



HAROLD A. SORGENTI, Retiring Chairman -1993
Managing Partner, The Freedom Group Partnership
HERBERT S. RIBAND, JR., First Via Chairman
Partner, Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul

President, Eileen Rosenau Associates

KEVIN F. DONOHOE, Second Via Chairman
President, The Kevin Donohoe Company


RICHARD B. WORLEY, Third Via Chairman and Treasurer
Partner, Miller, Anderson & Sherrerd

Business Director, Campbell Soup Company

LYN M . ROSS, Secretary

Senior Partner and Director, Cooke & Bieler, Inc.


Chairman Emeritus, FCB Philadelphia

CHARLES L. ANDES, Incoming Chairman-1994
President, The Technology Council of Greater

DOROTHY M. BROWN, Ed.D., Interim President

Sr. Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary,
Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.

STEVEN NOCELLA, Faculty Representative


HON. JOAN SPECTER, City Representative

Managing Partner, Overseas Strategic Consulting, Inc.
Chairman Residential and Special Properties Department,
Albert M . Greenfield & Company, Inc.
W 01£ Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen
President-North America, SmithKline Beecham
President, The Klein Company
Chairman, President and CEO, Corestates Financial
Model Entities
President, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

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