Stimson Prize Angelo Frudakis
Stimson Prize Amanda Hawkins
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Eda Kassel
Stimson Prize Amelie Zell
Stimson Prize Amelie Zell
Stimson Prize Amelie Zell
Stimson Prize Amelie Zell
Stimson Prize Amelie Zell
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition. Far left sculptor identified as Tony Greenwood.
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition. The man without the shirt is identified as EvAngelos Frudakis. The woman sculptor in the background, facing the viewer just to the left of the model is Karen Worth.
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition. Shirtless man identified as EvAngelo Frudakis.
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Stimson Prize Competition
Stimson Prize Robert Spurgeon
Stimson Prize Alexander Kricheff
Stimson Prize Elmore Cave
Stimson Prize Samuel Murray, Nellie Gilchrist, Antonio Cortizas (winner), George Gibbs, Gasparro, Haucoer, Ramon Burmudez, Ben Fisher
Stauffer Prize Kathleen A. Bruce
Stauffer Prize Stan Merz
Stauffer Prize John Trippel
Stauffer Prize Sandy Moorhead
Stauffer Prize Sandy Moorhead
Stauffer Prize Elissa Glassgold
Stauffer Prize Virginia Tabor
Stauffer Prize Felix Giordano
Stauffer Prize Orville D. Pierson
Stauffer Prize Robert Barfield
Skowhegan Prize Tim Van Campen
Skowhegan Prize Susan Ward
Skowhegan Prize William Schimdt
Skowhegan Prize Scott Wilson
Sklar Prize Nava Waxman
Sklar Prize Ronald Curl
Sklar Prize Andrew Gaskill
Sklar Prize Connie Colker
Sklar Prize Stephen J. Estock
Sklar Prize Fred Danzinger