
Part of Correspondence from John Rhoden to Mr. Dorsey from July 24, 1988. (1/2)

extracted text
Doney ' . Fr....," <rtG,lIery
551 ~"","ro Avenue
BN>Ol<lyn . I••".Yorl<

~on""rnl~ , Sculptu .... for Hed~'r ~n C"ll .. ~"
~.:~~~nc\".l"l\ a lbe of plece8 .IYle be au ••
If there Is.""" lnterest
ecncernln~ the Sculptu..., you ~I#>t \1M
to foll""" 1t up "Ub '" ~laU to .y Stud I" .

Ple ..."l<>t_""'.rfroooyou
H you .. Ish to I>rln~ tM C.-Itt .... to
Cr.nb<orrySt ...... t.
1ntere.t In

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to you for y""r

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