
Part of Conservator's report on Mitochondria from November 25, 1985. (1/2)

extracted text
DESCRIPTION, Thi . ve.y '''90 b,onU to,_ l "" . "d in front of N."
&ellevuo Ho.pltol .. o-pIIUu . vory ·orquic· u. thoUcco->n ,nth.
lato 1960 . an~ e . . 'y 1910 •• Th . , culptor duwo h lo i .... qery ' n~ tltl.
fro • • 'crobloIO'fl', o" " _. I.t" . flQur. In " .. vy vOl u_ . "Ith luq.
ne qotlvo .l'"c.. . hUn. to for th • ..,ot put 0 d or~ olivo 9r~y,
Unu . n l toi">l!UP"y, _ ~q • ... nlpuhtlon . n~ textur al contrn t ~ .. th~

ili:~i~~~: ~lli~~;F~~~~~:p~g:~:~~r~!~:~*~:~~~x:~i~r!E;-~

I •• rl

TIle oc ulptuu 10 0 holl"" bronze foufobr!c . .odof_ny
c .. tuctlonobruedor "elded t"'lether . A foundry·.pplledj»tlna
conn th., . Near thol>otto_of thobron' ••• cyllndrlcal_tol
fl ~ n9 0 vlth lIS inc" thic~ w~ll. I. provid.~ , wh,ch fit. over the end

g:~~;:;g~:f~E a~hn;!~~~:E;:~!!:~::!~~a~~fE~~:::~~f ~~~::~f~~~
Tho a c~lptu< . 10 In very 900<1 condiUon , .nd tho paHoa
app..... orlqlna l and In very qoo<l 0".1'" . The o ~rfac . h alOlOot
un e t~hed by e nviron_nt.1 0gent . , bot th o . . H .
~ few oIo "
of brlqht
9reen cono, ion , and. few I<>c~"ono wh on p~tin ~ 10 90no . A IIqht ,
qol~·~"'oud .... t.<I ~ ' . how. at tho 1><>10" of patina 10 .. , t" h
a ltho r brul"q_ul ora veryhud fo"ndrY9Tout,
Tho poor ~""dition of t~. ouppon ~ol".., oec .. ion.~ <hi . Insl'"cU"" ,
tho palot M.tin~ th.r. oo b . . fdlod o. . uely . "Ith _ny s c.ttered

!~~~~o~~ O~'~'~~::~e~f ':~~~n:t~~' ~n~:~~1 ~:a;!:~o~~~~~~'



If tho oteel . uppo .. co l" _n 10 . Ilowed to co«<>d.
unch. c1<od . t"o .. ,,11l iMvlUblybe otruct"ul h llur • • nd th e bron. .
artwork wo"\~ in th . t ove"t .oot lik . ,y , uHer d .... g • . Tnl . _on not
"" . lIow. rltoha p,,"n .

. ""n . . weath ... pe,_ \u (i . e .. oprioqor o" _ r, IH6) th.ontire
o"r hee of tho n u l colu_n -uot be ~" ~ n . ~ to b . . . Whit. _ta l. th~n
r ocoa<eduoinqan a poxy pri _ r and a . . rl". ureth .... pal"t . Properly


~~f~~df~~da~!~;a :~~;,t~~ ~ c"'"t109 Nn be OXI'"CtM to protoctthe
Dec.uu u ve ulinchuof th.eo lo_ on inu ... rl into th.6ronTe ,
. colptun .. y nU d to .... Ut uldo rl o r1n~ colu,"" H U t_nt . Of

" P , e.ont tho bron. eoculp tu "" roquiruon l y . ;n or roHontlon ,
fo) IQwed by ol ... ning and protootl ... ~ OOnin9. Th ~ u n . of p a tina 10 . .
u st "" r estored to ... tch " oHoundinq s u<f ~ c . colors , .hen .he entire
ou<f>c . .... st "" " ell cl e aned oI dirt a nd qri ... by the use oI H e n , a n
appro pri ~ to nonionio d ~ tuq . nt in woter , ud t~Qrouq~ r'n.inq,

ouch ..
~~~: ~~:;~!~~;~~r ; :~:~

iv. ~ nv iron_nt~l ~gento

a dd r a in

'fUr thep« . cr,l>ed Ueat_ nt, th e bToue a od i to "upportco)umn
p,e .o< ved
Te quloc ... int e n e nc ~ , ot l e . . t once y u r l y .
" .int~n e nee eon. i . to of clu nin g fol1"".d by r~n."al of th~ wax
coatinq •. c ondition . houl~ b • • volua ted during . . int~n.nce ~nd once
aoce e ach yeor.

ohould b.


TU rocu,.." ndod initia l COnurvaUonof tho .uppo <t M luan
.hould cost aMo.t $2700_1200 , not ind udinq tMeo.t if uquire duf
• • tbnq tho oconze . . id~ and "~pl.cinq Il aqa;n, o nd initial con.,,"va tion of the oron." .culptur~ snould coot abo ut S'~OO-lOOO ,