
Part of Correspondence from Sois R. Ingram to John Rhoden from November 13, 1978. (1/3)

extracted text

"o;,ed Sm'" D,p""m,o, of,h, 10"';0'
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Pro f e "o r Jo" n ROOd ...
2lCr· "~"1Str..,t


H ~ j~hU.



lInde r .op< r.te co,., ... . r. r <t"rni n ~yo"rroc ..,t\ y " bo ltt odpo rtfol l o
... to rl , l • . Onb< na"of t~H ' tj ono l Pork S. ",1c e I wl.h to thl n, y"-'
foryour . ffor U and t o ' p010<J rth. l' \ ljI in "" t< ~ n1 cot i n~

(0)'Ou .. rller. W. .... ~ hop<ld tna t by .. it l n~ to ",pond ... _1 0 n...
<m e to Com>J nicU. _ Unfortu .. tel y, thi< .. . ""t pro ...., to be t heco<o •
• 0 ... Uk. th1, opportllllity to briTi<lJ'Ol' up to daU
IIonow hl • •• · .l.te· of.h flOt .. tl. 1 "u l pto"forth . f~.rj c k
DoLIIJI . .. proj ect. lou.r. "Mor th • • ! • . W. . ... conffd< ntthh , IH'
of tl l en! offer' "' the oppor tu ni ty to .. l ~ (t • "f~hly q ... lif i od "ul pto •
• ndtOc. -j " j .... f j ... pfo<~ofworkforth . f red . rl<k00tJ 9 1 1<._

00. 100M!io •• I t 101 . po in t """ l ~ be to ln i tiH" • <_tltlon ...", ~
Ih • • h .eulptor, ''''' U c t.o. Tn ~'_titl""",," l dco"'1stofth~
~n>duct1<>11 of at lu st . ""._ four th , I n ... q".tt~ d-"Hrlli,~ !~ ~
&rtf,!', Int..,tl"", rorpo<e . Hyl e • • od t e<hnlq<le; . !sor.q ul rodwo" ld

~ f:_~~~1 ~~ ,~:I~:,~~f.:~! ~~~ i !~~~ l :~ I ~~. t~ t~""~~i' ~~~1~ ful l
jul<l< ll , . , on drequ l r _ot< ortohc"""'"" t ttlonw111

~,"ppliodi '

:~~t~~~t~~ !~~~ ;,,:~ ~~ripo;:"~: U~n~~~! I :n~:~~!~",:,P~.~~
<o'Uor.nis , ,,,,",I,, l on fOr t n. < "' ~t l tlo n_ W. .,'l elpotoa tl o" t
• , i, ·"' nth , . dod fo r . ac h " ul ~tor t o prop. ,.. hi, ... q u . t\~ "d prloe
T f><"Q~tt., "d In el ,. <uppe rll v. pri,. ~ropo uh .tl l be J"<lgod oy
..... ll p. ""l of l"d l. I<I\la l , I ,..,. tMlIot1o",1 PortS ..... lc. " !nt<rproti ..
£l<.s l~n C."t.r.
Prof.n or o..v l<l Dr hl.ll. Chol .... , 01 tne ~ rt Dep"'~t.
Unl ver>tt)' of Ma'1'lond . h.< .groed 10 ' . rv ~ with Xul"". l Pork 5.,,1,.
pe,..""n~l "" t his ' ~ 1 "' t1on pa " ~l

r ..... 'h . ,...,.1 .. 1on , of In. ,tx candi<l u., . t M ~""l will . ~ l "' to""
. rtist to ex", "t. th ~ 11'1,~ .CUlptur • . A co" trl ot for t h ~ d.. ~ lo~n t.
~rodu 't l on • • nd In<toll. U on of tho flnhn"" pl", e will be ".got1 . 1""
wltnth.,u<cu, ful candi do.t • • t thhti ... . TneGo,e r _nt . ,tlclpate<

,contr,ct t"t_nlgh. th" ,culptor", l e. sta foll YNr In~ lc h
to produce the flnh~d work and thot will gront t he "ul p"'r r1~ht.
toroprodoce U. e wor'elsMerolfhe,"<>uld,ochoo"
At presont. fund i l'l9 for III< con,I,oct ioo of th e fr ededc' Clo"lll ...
b<J I M1"'l hasl>«ndof*rrod unlil Fhc. l l o,,1'18 1 (~ICh "-'9ln.
Il<to"r l!l&l). Beea","o f thl' c","9", 'doquo U fuodin<) i, no t now . blo to c_ lel e I II< ,cu lptu," pOrtion of lhe proJocI . Pathertn,n
r 10 k l ,uncn l n<) t he projoct ont ll adeq ... te fu nd s to cOOfll e .. It .....
a.. ure-d, ... "'vede l . ye-d t nlt lat lonoftnecoopetltion. We,ropr"",,tl y
wo "i n<)toro<o lYetni; probl Olll .and." wl ll 1et;<l ul.""" .. ,oon"w.
0.," ,or..,tntn9 deflo l te toc_unjcat~.
T"'ok )"OlJ. ga1n for your l nlor .. 1 i n our projoct

IMr .)