
Part of Correspondence from James Kellum Smith to John Rhoden from December 11, 1959. (1/2)

extracted text
IIr. Jobnll. Rltoh ..
2B5_8th A...

.... Tort CUy

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Certaln or o"r elienh lro tnhro o td ln eo. .t . -

110nln« Ic1llptou tor th o d .. l", Ind I uoutton or _ nu.b l r
ot oonuo.ntal "oopo.itlonl. In reco. .. nd1q: you, i t .. ould

~:r h~~:~l c~! lf~:..:~r~: ~:nt.r: ~:~~~~~~~ O~t!~:r ..::~t or

tb l propo • • doOopodttOD . lfill, we UPlct,l>. Ulouhd In
bronu or other .otl h . i t would boo parUoullrlllt. lpfUl
ityo"r photoBnph.... lro l1dtd to pho . . . oryour ... ort
d. oon. tro.Un« your tIohnt .nd up.riene. 1n dllt", IlJ1d
eO'po l tUon in 1.h . . . . . dh .

u . .. tth th~: ~~: r!!lw~t~~: ~:Y::!~n:w~o~.!:: . to~~:p;!_
qUi l t 1 . a loo bl in« aadl to oth.r o.rthh \fho .. work, ".
bI U o. . . "Ul boo o ro poet_linter.. t,
WithIn BOOd "lU. ll (or tho SO. .OD, 1: ....







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