
Part of Correspondence from Sidney Burstein to George Groner from July 7, 1972. (1/2)

extracted text
Mr . Goor ll. Gron ..

Ma.ohao ... . N . Y.



JUL \ ~ 1~"~

With .. f"."" . toth •• bov. ",ott .. ond",)· . . ,oyoud. ,odAp ril
ZO, 197Z ..... h.vorovi.,.·. d th • • ntiHp r obl."' I.n,roat . . d • •• il.
You,con!u<twa . '''n"~o'io'.dloO.tob,,, 1969 .ndthotcon,r. <:tho ,
to •• tho "...1, for . d"' . . m\ on . . 'o
,0uc.nfU. fo, •
. . fW>dfo" al . . t ax poid . in c . thot d ot • .



• 0 pro_.,.i " "'1 lwnp own 0' unit p,ieo ~on .. rw;:'ion coo'not" i . involved.
Sino ' your roul o,iotodcom " oti, . co " p l u o eon , , ,ot . lt oppoo,,th ••
no ..h • • •• rofund i . p o .. ib l ••
TIt0po lO lblll••• fyouoryour . ub<on tr.e •• ," ob •• lnlnll "e!und un<ler
...,y 01 '''0 lnvolv edoon' ... ". d.p.n<l .on,""oth.'th.y qu.l!fYU~du
. lth orofth . 'wo ..... o" •• ", ••• ,;on. d!nth . ".,~t • • .."d .. h . thu .. fun d .
oro b o n od by tho '''tuto of Ii",i" ';on , . You milh' W&r.' ' 0 d i ocu .. \hi .
furthu wi'hyou r <ounool.

CASTA""A • • o>rbuild...

Suppl.","o,ln j; Q"r 1.U" " of May U. 19n .. n l. . , .,.
, . !""d . /0' the obo," proj«I, w~ UC enOlo, i"i ~ . . ~with 'e". ' ~",.rl

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