
Part of Schedule for Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoden for the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Salisbury from February 28 through March 5, 1956. (1/2)

extracted text

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6 . 00 p •• • , Arrho HolYod.O"" Air~ort '''' ' 11,;11t I e il S.
p •• • _ In t ro~~cU o . or Kr. ;;'~o :l .., ~:r t ho
j,M ri ean Con . d G........ l , .·r . Ler<lY .
$t u"" . at tho Salhbu ry and C18 lr1c~

Art Cbb at)l1 . II . ""wlclto Ho" .. .
h bruary 19 · l O. 30 . . ... - ~~ ~~t~!~~O~l~~ . trut So.u .wry

9.00 •.•. . ~~~.:o~~t!::i :'T~~ri!:\~~ic&n
Prl n c1 jN.l. . Kr • • Dn,por _ laU\.0 3u.l o... .

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Ilr . ...dHr . _
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lor tour oIUnl ...... 1t' dU.
i . Up . .. . • &1lIn... "lth kr. rUiA"h . r .... i d .. t or
t.ho lfatl onol A.... aCo""cn . e t:l6 . Jo.u..dorp
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