
Part of 166th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

extracted text
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Broad and


Streets,' p'hiladelphia


Presented to Stockholders February 7; 1972

I arrived as Director of the Academy on October 11 , 1971. After a
period of acquainting myself with the collections and programs of the
Academy, I slowly became involved in the excellent series of events
which Henry Hotz, Jr., Administrator of the School, and the staff had
previously arranged for the remainder of the year. These events are discussecqn ,the.por:tions. within thiS.. r~port ~,ev9ted ,t9t,he s.epm:llte} l;lf;lctions
of the·'siaft. · . .
.' " .







;, .

.. . .

' .




The Repqrt '. of-, the· :Directpr :,has' b~en . 'pteparedby', MI: ':Hotz who
should be ' gi~eii great credit for his very capable "dIrection of the Academy when he served as Acting Director. His programs were excellently
beneficial to the cultural life of the community. He is to bepamcularly
commended for bringing the highly successful Hopper Ex4.iqitioil':,to us.
I look forward to the challenges of carrying on the d.iteetioIi' " of'~the
Academy which was so ably provided prior to my arriv3J. :~



~. ~ ;:'
John Gribbel 2nd ..... .......... .... .... ....... .. ........ ......... ...... . .. .. .. :~·.;:President
J aplesM. Large
... .. .................. .. ........... ..... .
.. Vic6:. :~i-esident
Oement;'B. Newbold, Jr.
.. ....:'Treasurer
Henry Hotz, Jr. (to Oct. 11) ..... .. .... .Director and Secretary 'Ad Interim
Thomas N. Armstrong III (from Oct. 11)
... DireCtor and' ~ecretary
Robert Stubbs·;:.. . ....... ..... Business Manager and Assistartt'Treasurer
Henry Hbtz, Jr. '. . .. ............ ..... . ...... ....... .... Administrator of:th~~~School
Rita P. Damiano
.. .. .... ... ...
¢ .oIDPtroller
\ .

'I • . ~. '.'


Mrs. Bertram D. Coletrtan
Daniel W. Dietrich II
Francis I. Gowen
David Gwinn
Frank T. Howard
H. Lea Hudson
R. Sturgis Ingersoll
Arthur C. Kaufmann
James M. Large
Henry S. McNeil
John W. Merriam
C. Earle. Miller
Oement B. Newbold, Jf.

; ~


TheodoreT. Ne~bold
Bertram L "O'Neill
Frederic~<W ,.: G~ Peck
Ev~~ ::Ratl~olph
Orve! Sebring
1ames K. Stone
C. Newbold Taylor
Franklin C. Wa1J(ins
William H. S. Wells
Andrew Wyeth
'Alfred Zantzinger

Ex Officio

James P. Magill
Director Emeritus
Arthur De Costa
Faculty Representative

John Gribbel 2nd
Mrs. Evan Randolph
President, Women's Committee

Collections and Exhibitions

Henry S. McNeil, Chairman
David Gwinn
James M. Large

Mrs. Evan Randolph
William H. S. Wells
Alfred Zantzinger
Ex Officio

Mrs. Herbert C. Morris
Marjorie Ruben

John Gribbel2nd
Henry Hotz, Jr.
Mrs. C. Earle Miller

Dement B. Newbold, Jr.
Edgar P. Richardson
C. Newbold Taylor
William H. S. Wells

John Gribbel 2nd, Chairman
Mrs. Bertram D. Coleman
Arthur-C. "Kaufmann
James M. Large
Ex Officio

Robert Stubbs

Thomas N. Armstrong III
Henry Hotz, Jr.

Clement B. Newbold, Jr., Chairman
Frank T. Howard
C. · Newbold Taylor

Ex Officio

John Gribbel 2nd
Robert Stubbs


Franklin C. Watkins, Chairman
Daniel W. Dietrich II
Francis I. Gowen
David Gwinn

Mrs. Evan Randolph
William H. S. Wells
Andrew Wyeth

Ex Officio

John Gribbel 2nd
Arthur De Costa

Henry Hotz, Jr.


Frederick W. G. Peck
James K. Stone

Francis 1. Gowen, Chairman
Arthur C. Kaufmann
Future Planning

James M. Large, Chairman ' .
Henry S. McNeil

William H. S. Wells


Alfred Zantzinger

Evan Randolph
Ex Officio

Representative of Women's Committee

Arthur C. Kaufmann Chairman
James M. Large

Henry S. McNeil
Theodore T. Newbold

Ex .()fficio
H . Lea .Hudson

. Edgar P. Richardson

Peale Club

Frederick W. G. Peck, Chairman
Mrs. Bertram D . Coleman
Francis 1. Gowen

. Evan Randolph
Mrs. Evan Randolph
Robert Stubbs (ex officio)

Officers ·
Mrs. Evan Randolph, President
Mrs. George Reath, Vice President
Mrs. James W. Cooke, Vice President
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Jr., Vice President
Mrs: Caspar W. B. Townsend, Treasurer


John Grier Bartol
Alfred Bendiner
Francis T. Chambers
Avery B. Clark
James W. Cooke
Philip L. Davidson
Newlin F. Davis
H. Richard Dietrich
Robert O. Fickes
Francis 1. Gowen
Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
John Gribbel2nd
David J. Grossman
Romer Holleran
H. Lea Hudson
Arthur e. Kaufmann
Edward B. Leisenring, Jr.
Howard H. Lewis
e. Earle Miller


Dewitt e. Morris
John S. Newbold
Theodore T. Newbold
Frederick W. G. Peck
Robert W. Preucel
Evan Randolph
George Reath
Herbert F. Schiffer
James M. R. Sinkler
e. Randolph Snowden
James H. Stevenson 3rd
Boudinot Stinlson
E. Robert Thomas
Caspar W. B. Townsend
Franklin C. Watkins
Harry F. West; Jr ..
Walter H. West, Jr.
William P. Wood
Arthur M. Young

Henry Hotz, Jr. (to O<;t. ll)
.. Director and Secretary Ad Interim
Thomas N. ArJiistrorig III '(from Oct. 11)
Director and Secretary
Louise B. Schutz .
. Assistant to Director
Robert Stubbs .
. ... ..... Business Manager and Assistant Treasurer
Rita P . Damiano
.. . . . .Comptroller
Marian E. Lazar
Administrative Assistant
Diana Satterfield. . ... ... .... ... ..
. Bookkeeper
Hannah H. Shipley
.... .... .. .... .Public Relations j)irector
Deborah L. Stempen .
. ..Receptionist and Switchboard Operator
E . Elizabeth Fermanis .
....... .......... . ... ... Membership Dire'ctor
Frances M. Vanderpool
Membership Asslstant
Charles U. Shellenbe}:ger
Development Associate
Mildred D. Lavin .
. ..... .. ...........
. ..
.. .. Secretary
Carmen E. Intellino
..... ... .. ..
.'. . Superintendent


Diana Gray (to May 31) .. .... . . .... .....
.. ... ... ... ... .Registrar
Christine Huber (from May 31) ... .... .. .. ... ... ..
. .. Registrar
Elizabeth G. Bailey ... ....... . . . . . . .
.... .. Assistant to Registrar
Susan Cooley .. . .... ..... . ....
... .. .... ... . ..... ......
Joseph Amarotico
....... .. .....
... ... Conservator
Julie Leisenring .... '" ... ........... .. .. ......... ... . ..Co-Director, Museum Store
Patricia Forbes
.. ..... ... ... .... ...
... Co-Director, Museum Store
Carla Marvin .
. ..... .... ....... ... "
.Ass4tant to the Directors
Marjorie Ruben ... .. ..... .. ......... ... ........ .... ". Consultant for Exhi/;Jitions
Peale Club
William Dino
John D. Holgate
Katherine Hayden
Alice Koberlin

.. .Manager
..... Assistant to Manager
.. Bookkeeper
.. ........ ... Clerk

Henry Hotz, Jr.
.... .. . . Administrator
Constance A. Taylor
.. .Registrar and Administrative Assistant
Patricia E. Byrne
. .. ....... . ...... ..... ..... .. Secretary
Roswell Weidner
...... .. .... .. In Charge of Evening School
Ethel V. Ashton .
... ... ...... .. . ... ... ... . .
... Librarian
Barbara K. Tate
. ..... ... . ..
...Student Store Manager
Melinda M. Grass.
... .Assistant to Administrator (Peale House)
James J. Lulias ...... .. ... .. .. .... .. .... ... .... .. ... Superintendent (Peale House)
FACULTY (1971-72 School Year)

Day School
Joseph Amarotico
Will Barnet
Morris Blackburn
Arthur De Costa
Marshall Glasier
Alan Goldstein
Paul Anthony Greenwood
Oliver Grimley
John Hanlen
Alex Hromych
Homer Johnson
Ben Kamihira

Karl O. Karhumaa
Leon Kelly
Julian Levi
Jimmy C. Lueders
John W. McCoy
Daniel D. Miller
Elizabeth Osborne
Hobson Pittman
Harry Rosin
Louis B. Sloan
Martha ZeIt Stanton
Roswell Weidner

Augmenting the Faculty

Robert B. Hale, Lecturer in Anatomy
Daniel D. Miller, Lecturer in Art History
J. Franklin Shores, Lettering and Perspective
Theodor Siegel, Technical Advisor, Painting Materials and Techniques
Evening School

Morris Blackburn
Arthur De Costa
Murray Dessner
Adolph T. Dioda
Thomas Ewing

Paul Anthony Greenwood
Oliver Grimley
John Hanlen
Homer Johnson
Daniel D. Miller

Louis B. Sloan
Kim Sou
Roswell Weidner

Summer School

Marshall Glasier
Oliver Grimley

John Hanlen
Jimmy C. Lueders

Louis B. Sloan
Francis Speight


1971 has been another important ~o~tributor to the e~olving changes within the Academy. Surely, the most significant and .noteworthy has been the
appointment of a new Director, Thomas Newton Armstrong III, who assumed office on ·October 11. Mr. Armstrong brought a respect and admiration for the Academy matched by his eagerness to display its unique qualities
and capacities. He has quickly taken hold of its direction and we have experienced his leadership and vigorous infusion of lively innovations in events
such as the Children's Christmas Party and plans for the .Fellowship's 75th
Annual ExhibitIon, which will again be held in the Academy Galleries in
' .' ; ~t1
During the long period when the Board of Directors were searching for
a new Academy chief executive, exhibition schedules were deterinined and
plans carried forward without hesitation. It was obvious that, as a result of
extravagant expenditures for the 1970-71 exhibition program, we would be
constrained to work out an interesting and active, yet economical, schedule.
We believe the 197.1:-72 schedule for both the Academy ~n(LPeale House
, .'
Galleries ac.c.omplished this objective.
The spring schedule was highlighted by an excellently catalogued exhibition, "Philadelphia Painting and Printing to 1776." The Academy staff
selected and organized the exhibition and, in cooperation with Winterthur
Museum and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, were able to provide
a unique and perfectly suited setting for this scholarly and interesting exhibition.
The opening shows of the fall season, Edward Hopper at the Academy
and Baziotes and Baguskas at the Peale House, were both successful. The
Hopper show broke attendance records of the past several years and fostered much activity in our Museum Sales Shop. Our Women's Committee
sponsored the well-attended subscription preview which was highlighted by
personal recollections of the Hoppers by Brian O'Doherty, Editor of "Art
in America" magazine. Mr. · O'Doherty spoke engagingly and intimately
from his own experience which, as he said, was enlivened and flavored by
being surrounded by so many of Mr. Hopper's great paintings.
The sculpture show, "Counterpoint,"· and several Peale House exhibitions
completed the year and all were well received.
The Museum renovation program continues successfully. Significant improvement has been realized in the establishment of a modern and wellequipped Conservation Laboratory in the Gallery G area. Through the generosity of private donors, highlighted by gifts from Mrs. T. Carrick Jordan
and Mr. Henry S. McNeil, the area has been completely renovated and
air conditioned. Installation of sophisticated and up-to-date equipment will
enable our Conservator, Joseph Amarotico, to maintain the Academy's great
collection. The new laboratory will also permit the Academy to offer unsurpassed conservation service to the arts community.


Vault D has 'been completely renovated through . the' generosity of an
anonymous donor. This vault contains art on paper, pastels, drawings, watercolors and American ' priIits. About 10,000 items can currently be accommodated. Some funds have been received for renovation of Vault B where
larger paintings are kept. It is anticipated that $35,000 will be required to
complete this project; we presently have about $9,000.
The financial statement will show a healthy income from all sources and
a controlled, but disappointing deficit. We are most encouraged by the
strength of our portfolio, our membership and student enrollment.
The School continues to attract many students and we will be raising our
standards of admission by portfolio. The tuition was increased 10% and
now stands at an all time high of $990 per year. The major portion of the
tuition increase will be used for increased Faculty salaries .
. Three artists joined the Faculty during the year. Mr. Leon Kelly substituted for Mr~ Hobson Pittman who had been absent due to illness . . Mr.
Barkley Hendricks taught Drawing and Painting and Mr. Alexander Hromych
taught a first-year clay modeling studio.
An .interesting and varied succession of guest artists and lecturers .included criticism from Karl Appel and Tania Milicevic. A series of film presentations were organized by and for the stllq~nts . .
The cooperative degree program with the Philadelphia College of Art
attracted some 40 students from a total enrollment of 370 and. is .working
satisfactorily .during this first year of operation. We continue to find that
our residence arrangements with Moore College are adequately serving the
limited requirements for supervised housing for our out-of-town women
On balance, we view 1971 as a year of cautious optimism, a thresh hold
through which we must pass to the expanding view afforded by the Academy's
opportunities for 1972.

Acting Director



September 1, 1970 to August 31, 1971

Administration ... .... . ...... .. .. ... .... .......... .. ........ ...
..$ 27,479.86
Museum & Exhibitions
.............. ...
..... .. .... .... .. .... .... ... ...... . .
Trust Funds .
.. .... ........ ........ .. ..... ..... .... ...... . 186,894.57
Membership Dues
.......... .. .. . .. ... .. ... ... ..... .. .. .. 183,615.00
... ..... ... ... ... .... .......
State Grant
............ ... .. .. ........... .. ........ ..$802,314.96

.. $299,320.15
. .... ....... .. ... ..
Museum & Exhibitions .. .... .......
School .. .... ......... ....... .... ...... .. ... .. .... ..... ... ...... ... .... .... .. ... 312,811.01
Peale Oub Deficit
Total .. .... .... ..
Net Operating Deficit


.. .$813,452.80
....... .. ....... .... ...... ........ ...... ... ($11 ,137.84)

Anonymous ............. .. . . .......... ........ ... ....... $
,. ,.. .. ... .. ..... .
Francis Boyer ,. .
Mrs. Bertram D. Coleman . ,... .. .... ... .. ..
Eugene Feldman ............. .. ..
First Pennsylvania Bank
...... .... ,....
Franklin Mint ............. .. .... ,... .. ...... .. .... .
Mrs. Diana Gray. ... ," ... ......... ..... .... ..
Haas Community Fund. . .. ......... ........ .. ...... .
Houghton-Carpenter Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. DQuglas K. S. Hyland
Independence Foundation
.......... ... .
Miss Anna Warren Ingersoll
Mrs. A. Lipkin ....
Lovett Foundation
Matz Foundation.
Sidney W. Mickelson ... ..... ..... .... .... .. ..
Gertrude O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. G. Peck .... .... .... ..... . ..
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Randolph .
Edgar P. Richardson
............... ..... ..
Sidney R. Rosenau Foundation .
.. .. .... .. .. ..
Mrs. Sarah Wentz Sinkler
............ .. .. .. .. ... .
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith ... ... ......... .
Francis Speight .'
..... ... .... .. .
SimoJ1~ C. Titone ....... ,. .. ... ........ ... ...... .. ..
Mrs. Carmelita G. Thill . .
.. ... .. ,.. " ...... ' ..
Robert D. Wolc;low Philanthropic Fund .

$ 10,773.61


Anonymous, for renovation of vaults .
$ 9,600.00
Mrs. John Grier Bartol, for Concerts
Claneil Foundation, for Conservation Laboratory and "1776" exhibition
Mrs. Bertram D. Coleman, for Nixon Plaque
25.00 .
William Dino, for Christmas Gift
Mrs. Mary Emory, for Children's Christmas
Mrs. Patricia A. Forbes, for Children's Christ~
mas Party ...
John Gribbel 2rid, for Nixon Plaque ... •. ...
500.00 ·
David Gwinn, for Development Program .
Mrs. T. Carrick Jordan, for Conservation Laboratory ....
Mrs. Julie Leisenring, for Children's Christmas
Bertram L. O'Neill, for archival material .
P.A.F.A. Women's Committee, for O'Doherty
lecture on Hopper ... .. .... .... .
Orvel Sebring, for Nixon Plaque .
Mrs. Sarah Wentz Sinkler, for flowers for
"1776" exhibition
Winterthur . Museum, for" 1776" catalog .
Mrs. Harriet E. Woodward, for Conservation
$ 53,891.20


Benjamin D. Bernstein, for , Quaker Storage
...... $
James E. Brewton Estate, .for Brewton Student
Aid Fund '
COinmonWealth of Pennsylvania, for general
School purposes
Donors to Allen Harris Memorial Fund, for
scholarships . ..
Donors to Walter StuempfigMemorial Fund,
for scholarships
Drake Press, in memory of Howard B. Miller
Robert Ehrman Estate, for scholarships
. 475.00
Louis S. Fine, for purchase prize
Mabel W. Gill, for Woodrow Prize in Graphics
1,050.00 .
Bernice B. Gordon, for Lanard Memorial Prize
David Gwinn, for Thomas Eakins Prize '
Haas COnllnunity Fund, for stUdent entertain- '
ment ......
.............. .
Haney Foundation, for donated prize .
H. Lea Hudson, for general School purposes
· 500.00
Mary M. Hudson, for Mary Townsend and
William Clarke Mason Memorial Prize .
Mrs. C. Earle Miller, for student aid ..
Philadelphia Board of Education, for scholar.. . ............. ..... ..... .............. .
R. Barclay Scul~, for William B. Biddle Prize
FraIlklin Shores, for Perspective Prize .
Mrs~ EdithB. Sklar, for George Sklar Memorial Prize ' .. .. ..................... ,..
.... ........ , ... .
Joseph Specker, for "Barbara Specker Gorson
.. .... . ......
Kathie V. Syme, for M. Herbert Syme Prize
Morris M. Wexler, for Sylvia G. Wexler Memorial Award
George Widener, for scholarships.



During Fiscal Year 1971, membership as a whole declined slightly
from the previous year. Since the close of the Fiscal Year, this loss has
been replaced by a small gain in income. Membership dues are now
fetching more than $193,000 annually. This sum is almost the equivalent
received from our endowment.

Chairman, Membership Committee
Membership Privileges

Annual Memberships
Individual Members ($15) receive notices of all Academy activities
(concerts, lectures and motion pictures), invitations to private
views at the Academy and the Peale Galleries, the Annual Report
and upon request, free catalogs of Academy exhibitions, except
those for which a charge becomes necessary due to extremely high
printing costs.
Sustaining Members ($25) receive the same privileges as Individual
Members plus a 10% discount in our Sales Shop on the purchase
of reproductions, postcards and art publications.
Contributing ($100) and Professional Artist Members ($25) receive all the privileges listed for Individual and Sustaining Members, plus a 5 % discount on works of art purchased at Academy
exhibitions, except student shows, and are awarded membership
in the Peale Club, 1819 Chestnut Street.
Life Memberships
Major Benefactor

$ 1,000 to $ 5,000
$ 5,000 to $ 25,000
$25,000 to $100,000
over $100,000

Life Members receive all the privileges listed for Contributing
Members plus lifetime Peale Club privileges, with renewable annual privileges for their spouses.

Major Benefactor
Mrs. T. Carrick Jordan


John Aronian
Mrs. James H. Beal
J. Maurice Gray
Mrs. Henry V. Greenough
Miss Anna Warren Ingersoll
Henry S. McNeil

Malvin Albright
Walter H. Annenberg
Mrs. Lambert Cadwalader
Cummins Catherwood
Mrs. Charles C. G. Chaplin
Miss Fanny Travis Cochran
John T. Dorrance, Jr.
David Gwinn
Henry R. Hallowell
Mrs. Henry R. Hallowell
J. Welles Henderson, Jr.
Mrs. M. Dunham Higgins
R. Sturgis Ingersoll
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Kayan
Henry Keep

John W. Merriam
Mrs. John W. Merriam
Mrs. Herbert C. Morris
Dr. Edgar P. Richardson
Mrs. Samuel P. Rotan

Roy F. Larson
B. D. Lathrop
James P. Magill
Mrs. James P. Magill
C. Earle Miller
Mrs. C. Earle Miller
Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler
Joseph Specker
John Stewart
James K. Stone
Mrs. James K. Stone
C. Newbold Taylor
Miss Miriam M. H. Thrall
Mrs. William Coxe Wright
Alfred Zantzinger

Miss Katharine Adams
Mrs. Donald Alexander
Mrs. Edward R. Anshutz
Mrs. John Grier Bartol
Walter J. Beadle
Frank G. Binswanger
Alfred E. Bissell
Mrs. Alfred E. Bissell
Francis Boyer
Mrs. Francis Boyer
Henry W. Breyer, Jr.
Mrs. Henry W. Breyer, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph Butler
Mrs. Mary Lee Carleton
William F. Carr
Mrs. C. A. B. Churchman
Sylvan M. Cohen
Mrs. Bertram D. Coleman
Mrs. G. Dawson Coleman
H. C. Coleman, Jr.
Mrs. Rodolphe M. de Schauensee
H. Richard Dietrich, Jr.

Mrs. William D. Disston
Donald D. Dodge
Mrs. Donald D. Dodge
Mrs. Thomas E. Drake
Malcolm C. Eisenberg
Mrs. Malcolm C. Eisenberg
Miss Helen Evans
Eugene Feldman
Miss Beatrice Fenton
Mrs. James Fentress
Lawrence A. Fleischman
Mrs. Allen S. Gordon
Mrs. William D. Gordon
Mrs. Charles H. Drummond
John Gribbel2nd
Gerald G. Griffin
David J. Grossman
David Hafter
Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
Mrs. J. Welles Henderson, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Weymouth Hobbs
Mrs. Edgar Howard


Frank T. Howard
Mrs. Frank T. Howard
Mrs. Henry Lea Hudson
Miss Margaret Mason James
Arthur C. Kaufmann
Mrs. Arthur C. Kaufmann
Mrs. A. Atwater Kent ,
James M. Large
Mrs. William J. Levitt, Jr.
Fred Lieberman
Mrs. Thomas H. Lineaweaver
Mrs. H. Gates Lloyd
Walter C. Longstreth
John W. McCoy 2nd
Robert McLean
Fredric R. Mann
Miss Marjorie Martinet
Mrs. Samuel Wright Mifflin
Dr. Matthew T. Moore
Mrs. F. Alex Nason
Bertram L. O'Neill
Miss Mary Church Parker
Albin Polasek
Evan Randolph
Mrs. Evan Randolph
George Brooke Roberts

Mrs. Lee C. Schlesinger
Mrs. Mathilde R. Schwartz
Leonard Shaffer
Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith
Mrs. A. J. Sordoni, Jr.
Richard D. Speiser
Mrs. Richard D. Speiser
Thomas P. Stovell
Mrs. George Strawbridge
Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.
Mrs. C. Newbold Taylor
Miss Eleanor L. Tingley
John J. Tosta
Mrs. Caspar W. B. Townsend
T. F. Dixon Wainwright
William S. Wassell
Franklin C. Watkins
Mrs. Franklin C. Watkins
Mrs. Henry M. Watts, Jr.
Mrs. Paul Wescott
William White
William P. Wood
Mrs. Sydney L. Wright
Arthur M. Young
Mrs. Arthur M. Young
Carl Zigrosser

Life Members (Individual Membership category)
Dr. Francis Heed Adler
William C. Avery
Miss Eleanor A. Bareiss
Charles G. Berwind
John S. Blackburne, Jr.
Miss Catherine Fow Casnet
Frederick T. Chandler, Jr.
Miss Darthela Clark
Eugene C. Clarke
Mrs. Spencer Ervin
Mrs. Powel Fenton
Miss M. Virginia Fisler
Mrs. S. Griswold Flagg
Percival E. Foerderer
Mrs. John Ford
Mrs. Stanley Ford
Mrs. Edith L. Foster
Mrs. Melvin Fox
Walter S. Franklin
Mrs. Murray Fox Freeman
Mrs. A. G. Fromuth


Norman Joy Greene
Mrs. William Houston Greene
Miss Lena L. Hale
Mrs. J. Andrews Harris 3rd
Milton L. Hofkin
Miss Anna R. Kay
A. Atwater Kent
Arthur Klein
Philip Klein
Mrs. Isidore Kohn
Mrs. Jules C. Lavin
Mrs. Margaret Wasserman Levy
The Hon. Edwin O. Lewis
Mrs. Malcolm Lloyd, Jr.
Mrs, Richard W. Lloyd
William S. Louchheim
Mrs. James H. Luther
Mrs. Robert L. McNeil, Jr.
Mrs, A. O. Moore
Mrs. Josiah H. Penniman
Mrs, Charles C. Perkins

Mrs. Edgar Allan Poe
Mrs. Howell Pollock
Louis R. Porteous
Mrs. Thomas Harris Powers
Thomas L. Prendergast
Mrs. George Brooke Roberts
Talbot M. Rogers
Miss Mary A. Rumsey
Maurice B. Saul
Charles C. Sellers
Mrs. Charles C. Sellers
Joseph Kennard Skilling
C. Allen Smith
Vladimir Sokoloff
Mrs. A. L. Spitzer

Harry E. Sprogell
Mrs. Harry E. Sprogell
Mrs. William C. Spruance
Mrs. Ralph Beaver Strassburger
Miss Matilda H. Turner
Mrs. William L. Van Alen
Mrs. Charles C. Walbridge
Charles J. Webb
Warren Webster, Jr.
Bryant H. Whisenant
E. Crosby Willet
H. L. Willet
Mrs. David R. Wilmerding
Mrs. John Wintersteen
Mrs. Edward F. R. Wood

Contributing Members
John F. Abel
Dr. Barnie E. Abelle
Alfred B. Abrams
Mrs. David Abrams
Mrs. Stanley L. Abrams
Joseph L. Abramson
Dr. James Lowell Ackerman
Mrs. Francis T. Adams, Jr.
J. Bruce Addington
William T. Adis
Mrs. Alfred A. Adler
James R. Albany
Harry F. Albert
S. Stanley Alderfer
Benjamin Alexander, Jr.
Mrs. J. Forsyth Alexander
Nathan Alexander
Mrs. A. Herbert Allen
David R. Allen
Mrs. George Allen
Robert C. Allen
Dr. Jack Alloy
Mrs. Edward Lee Altemus
Jules B. Altman
Dr. Morton Amsterdam
Mrs. Paul R. Anderson
William C. Antoine
Mrs. Irwin Apfel
Earl P. L. Apfelbaum
Martin L. Apfelbaum
Mrs. George F. B. Appel
Walter G. Arader

Peter F. Arfaa
Walter T. Armstrong, Jr.
Yale Aronson
Mrs. Jacob Arronson
Miss Anne Ash
Richard A. Ash
Walter C. Atkinson, Jf.
John C. Atwood, Jr.
Isaac L. Auerbach
Samuel Auspitz
Mrs. Malcolm J. Baber
Bernard S. Babitts
G. Richard Bacon
Donald M. Baer
Sidney M. Baer
Leonard Bain
Harry T. Bainbridge
Richard W. Baker
Ronald P. Baldwin
C. Wanton Balis, Jr.
Dr. Marvin H. Balistocky
Augustus S. Ballard
Charles A. Ballard
James M. Ballengee
Mrs. Kennith R. Balsley
A. Joseph Baltin
John E. Bandy II
Franklin G. Banks
Mrs. Richard Breneman Bare
Joseph P. Barker, Jr.
Robert W. Barker
James W. Barnes


Herbert Barness
Norris S. Barratt
Mrs. Eugene T. Barrett
J. Paul Barrett
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Barrie
Miss Georgine Barrie
Bob Barry
Donald T. Barsky
Joseph Bartash
Mrs. George K. Bartle
Mrs. George E. Bass
Mrs. Barbara S. Bates
Mrs. William L. Batt
Mrs. Harry A. Batten
Mrs. Adrian Bauer
Allan P. Baumholtz
Albert Bauzenberger, Jr.
Jack Bayer
John Beard
Richard C. Bechtel
Mrs. Lillian A. Beck
Samuel Beck
Mrs. Herman Beerman
Bernard D. Beitch
Stephen E. Beiter
Samuel Belenko
Mrs. Gertrude W. Bell
Dr. A. O. Bellak
Dr. Francis M. Bellarmino
Benjamin Bellet
Mrs. Samuel Bellet
Reuben Ben
Mrs. Alfred Bendiner
James H. Benjamin
Albert Benner
Benjamin S. Bennett
Martin P. Bennett
Milton M. Bennett
Richard K. Bennett
Arthur Beren
Ian J. Berg
Sidney H. Berg
Harold P. Berger
Allan A. Berkowitz
Mrs. Leon L. Berkowitz
Daniel B. Berkson
Frederick W; Berlinger
William G. Berlinger, JI.
George Berman
Jacob Berman


Stuart M. Berman
B. A. Bernard
Benjamin D. Bernstein
Edgar Bernstein
Edward Bernstein
George Bernstein
Philip L. Bernstein
Samson B. Bernstein
Stanley J. Bernstein
Yale B. Bernstein
Miss Elizabeth C. Berrang
Mrs. John P. Berry
Lester H. Berry
Robert E. Berry
Jack R. Bershad
John J. Bertram, J I.
David C. Bevan
Dr. Emma B. Bevan
Thomas R. Bevan
Dr. Avery W. Beverly
Ernest Law Biddle, Jr.
Joel Cook H. Biddle
H. Russell Bintzer
William D. Birch, JI.
F. A ; Bishop
Miss Jane Bishop
Dr. Paul A. Bishop
Thomas L. Bishop
John M. Bissell
Col. Gorham L. Black, Jr.
Warren Blair
Mrs. Maurice J. Blake
Miss Nancy E. Blake
Dr. William S. Blakemore
Gordon A. Block, Jr.
Dr. Edward Bloom
Bennett Blum
Herschel H. Blum
Jerome Blum
Kurt Blum
Mrs. Mayer I. Blum
Robert B. Blum
Marvin L. Blumberg
Dr. Robert B. Blumberg
Miss Jean B. Blythe
Dr. Henry L. Bockus
Robert A. Bodine
Mrs. Samuel T. Bodine
William W. Bodine, Jr.
Silas Bolef

Dr. Russell S. Boles
Roger V. Bolger, II
Karl R. Bopp
M. A. Bordman
Roy H. Borgersen
J. C. Borland
Barry A. Bomstein
Mrs. David Bortin
Henry Bower
John A. Bower
John L. Bradbury
Norman R. Bradley
Philip H. Bradley
Mrs. Myna Brady
Louis P. Brantz
David BrasIer
Mrs. Robert M. BrasIer
Mrs. John F. Braun
Mrs. Marguerite Braymer
Melvin Brecher
J. Bruce Bredin
Robert L. Bredt
Nathan Bregman
Oscar Bregman
Mrs. John H. Breig
Dr. Henry S. Brenman
John A. Brennan, Jr.
Clifford Brenner
Albert L. Bricklin
Benjamin Bricklin
Dr. Herbert Brilliant
Mrs. Clarence C. Brinton
Iso Briselli
Mrs. Robert S. Brodhead
Gerald L. Brodsky
Dr. Isadore Brodsky
Martin Brody
William Brooks
J. Howard Brosius
Miss Elizabeth M. Brown
Mrs. H. Tatnall Brown, Jr.
J. W. Brown
Mrs. Lynn E. Browne
Thomas R. Brownell
Miss Vera D. Bruestle
Anthony N. Bruno
The Hon. Joseph C. Bruno
Miss Lois Bryan
William H. Bryan
Robert A. Bryant

Dr. Mayo Bryce
John J. Buckley
M. Alan Bucks
Mrs. Carter R. Buller
H. Ridgely Bullock
Leon C. Bunkin
Mrs. Etta L. Bunten
Kershaw Burbank
John W. Burch
Mrs. Ethel Burdman
Mrs. Ralph J. Burnard
Harriss A. Butler III
Mrs. S. F. Butler
Stuart Caine
Joseph B. Callaghan
Dr. James P. Campbell
Roy E. Campbell
H. Kurtz Canby
Daniel J. Cantor
Matthew Cantor
Joseph P. Canuso
Albert J. Caplan
Mrs. Bernerd Caplan
Dr. Lewis Capland
Mrs. Ralph A. Carabasi, Jr.
Dr. Donald W. Carey
John E. Carickhoff, Jr.
Robert Carlen
Samuel W. Carnwath
J. B. H. Carter
Mrs. Irving I. Cartun
John S. Carver
Frederick Casanave
Philip J. Casanave
Robert L. Cas sway
J. W. Caum
William T. Cavanaugh
George Celain, Esq.
Vincent J. Cerniglia
The Hon. Paul M. Chalfin
Dr. Richard H. Chamberlain
Henry M. Chance 2nd
Woodrow W. Chance
Fred T. Chandler, Jr.
Edward J. Charlton
Mrs. Ralph S. Charlton
Dr. Edward Cherkas
Dr. Rachmel Cherner
Walter D. Cherry
E. Calvert Cheston


George M. Cheston
Mrs. Louis M. Childs, II
Michael V. Chiodo
Sydney Chipin
E. A. Christian
Mrs. Henry S. Churchill
Maurice L. Clancy
Mrs. Avery B. Clark
Dr. Gerald R. Clark
Dr. James E. Clark
The Hon. Joseph S. Clark
Percy H. Clark, Jr.
James F. Clarke
George H. Clautice
Dr. Walter Clavan
Mrs. Edward B. Clay
Thomas J. Clegg, Jr.
Mrs. David C. Cleland
Mrs. George H. Clement
Jerald Clibanoff
Charles D. Close
Edgar B. Coale
Hayward H. Coburn
Mrs. Horace R. Coe
Eugene Cohan
Mrs. Alan Cohen
Albert M. Cohen
Dr. D. Walter Cohen
Edward E. Cohen, Esq.
Harvey J. Cohen
Dr. Lester Cohen
Ralph M. Cohen
Sydney S. Cohen
Mrs. Edward Cohn
Basil S. Cole
Robert J. Coleman
Mrs. William B. Coleman
Aaron Colish
Mrs. James S. Collins
Dr. Nathan H. Colton
Clement Comly, III
Harold J. Conner
Miss Elizabeth E. Conover
Mrs. James W. Cooke
Mrs. Samuel Cooke
Samuel Jay Cooke
Abraham Cooper
Joseph Cooper
Mrs. Diane Hirsch Coplin
Anthony Cortigene


T. H. Cosgrove, J r.
C. I. Costal as
Edward A. Courter, Jr.
Samuel R. Cox
David A. Crane
George Craven
Mrs. Earl Frazier Crawford
Mrs. Henriques Crawford
Fernand Creed
Frank D. Crew
Mrs. Robert D. Cross
Samuel Crothers, III
Dr. Ralph Crouch
Benjamin Curson
Samuel Curson
Miss Sophy Curson
The Hon. Thomas J. Curtin
Prof. William H. Curtis
Kenneth M. Cushman, Esq.
Robert F. Cushman, Esq.
Herman Cutler
Mrs. George M. Dallas
John Paul Dalsimer
L. D. Dannenbaum
Mrs. Arthur M. Dannenberg
Thomas H. Darlington
Dr. L. S. David
Samuel David
Philip L. Davidson
Samuel F. Davies
Albert M. Davis
J. Lawrence Davis, Esq.
Newlin F. Davis
Mrs. Walter Davis
Mrs. William L. Davis
William L. Day
Mrs. Mimi deCarvajal
Mrs. C. Paul Denckla
William F. Denney, Jr.
S. Winslow Densmore
Lawrence N. Desaretz
Max de Schauensee
Gordon R. Desmond, Jr.
Mrs. M. M. DeVan
Harry T. Devine
Samuel Diamond
William B. Dickinson
Dr. Albert Dickman
Colin C. Dickson
Santo A. DiDonato

F . Robert Dieter
Daniel W. Dietrich, II
Roger L. Dietz
Dr. Victor A. Digilio
Park B. Dilks, Jr.
Richardson Dilworth
Paul S. Dinnerman
Michael DiPaolo
Saul T. Dishler
Mrs. Robert Diskant
Donald F. Dixon
E. A. Dixon, Jr.
Dr. Isaac Djerassi
Frank A. D'Lauro, Jr.
Robert R. Dodson
Wm. Weir Donaldson
Isadore Doner
The Hon. Benjamin R. Donolow
Eli N. Donsky, Esq.
Sidney Dorr
Mrs. Alfred Douty
Mrs. James R. Downes
John O. Downey
T. George Downs
Francis L. Doyle, Jr.
Harry T. Dozor
James M. Draper
Mrs. John W. Drayton
Edward C. Driscoll
Jay Drob
David S. Dubin
Stanton Dubin, Esq.
Mrs. Garfield G. Duncan
Newbold Dunn
Mrs. Pierre S. du Pont
Edward J. Dwyer
Mrs. W. Wallace Dyer
Dr. Albert Dzuba
Donald J. Eagen
Roland A. East
Joseph L. Eastwick
Henry O. Ebeling
Mrs. Sara F. Edelman
Edward L. Edelstein, Esq.
Robert K. Edney
Mrs. Arthur Egendorf
Michael H. Egnal
Wendell C. Ehinger
Matthew Ehrlich
Mrs. John H. Eimerbrink

Victor Eisenberg
Sylvan H. Eisman
Mrs. Eva Elfman
Mrs. Samuel J. Elias
Mrs. Hildegard Scheffey Ellerkmann
Frank E. Elliott
Mrs. Herman M. Ellis
Russell E. Ellis
Van Horn Ely
Howard L. Engle
Irving J. Epstein
Mrs. Isidor Epstein
Mrs. S. Roy Erlichman
Mrs. Thomas Erskine
Joseph M. Evancich
Dr. Bernard Evans
John Evans
Dr. Richard L. Evans
Stanley W. Evanson
Edward H. Ewall
Aurelio 'Ray' Fabiani
Henry H. Fahrig, Jr.
Norman L. Fair
Martin J. Farber
Clarence Farmer
Mrs. F. W. Elliott Farr
John H. Fassitt
W. B. Mason Faulconer
Charles J. Faunce
Miss Helen F. Faust
A. Leon Feder
Samuel Feinberg
I. Jack Feinstein, Esq.
Sol Feinstone
Dr. Francis R. Fejerdy
Edward Felbin
Eugene H. Feldman
Dr. Frank P. Feldman
Howard A. Feldman
Mrs. Israel C. Feldman
Dr. Julian D. Feldman
Lawrence B. Feldman
Mrs. Anthony G. Felix, Jr.
David H. H. Felix
Dr. H. Allen Fellows
George A. Fernley
Miss Mary Elizabeth Fernley
Barton E. Ferst
Dr. Ferdinand Fetter
Bernard L. Feuerstein


Mrs. Robert O. Fickes
Aaron M. Fine
Michael T. Fiorillo
Dr. Arthur First
Ben Fishbein
Edward Fisher, Jr.
Mrs. Morris Fisher
Mulford K. Fisher, Jr.
Richard L. Fisher
Mrs. Thomas Fisher, Jr.
William S. Fishman
Russell E. Fitzgerald
Mrs. S. Raymond Fitz Patrick
Edward J. Flanigan, 2nd
Edmund G. S. Flannigan
Louis Flaxenburg
Franklin A. Fleece
Mrs. Robert H. Fleisher
A. Theodore Flum
Roy G. Foltz
Willard G. Fonner
Reginald D. Forbes
Dr. Ann H. Ford
Leon S. Forman
Mrs. Irvin B. Foster
Thomas E. Foster, Jr.
Dr. Claire G. Fox
Mrs. Fred Fox
Richard J. Fox
Mrs. Adeline B. Fraley
Aaron S. Frank
Norman I. Frank
Stanford Frank
Charles H. Frazier
Dr. Aaron D. Freedman
Mrs. Abraham L. Freedman
Barnett R. Freedman
Robert L. Freedman
Andrew G. Freeman
I ames L. Freeman
John L. Frey
Raymond G. Frick, Ir.
Irvin Fried, Esq.
Dr. Paul H. Fried
George Friedland
Benjamin F. Friedman
Harold J. Friedman
Dr. Marvin Friedman
Sidney A. Friedman
Charles B. Fritz 3rd


Mrs. Roland M. Frye
Carl W. Funk
Samuel Lewis Gaber
M. Michael Garber
Milton J. Garfield
Dr. Martin Garfinkel
Ramon Garfinkel
Mrs. Simon L. Garfinkel
Clifford E. Gamer
Henry Garson
A. A. Garthwaite, Jr.
D. Douglas Gaston III
Dr. Robert J. Gaukler
Samuel B. Gaumer
Edward F. Gavin
Mrs. Adam E. Geddes
Eugene Gelfand, Esq.
Dr. Alfred Gellhorn
Frank H. Gelman
Kenneth W. Gemmill
Hugh Genske
Mrs. Grace Gentile
Harry D. George
Albert B. Gerber
Dr. Philip Gerber
David L. German III
Dr. Irvin M. Gerson
Emanuel Gerstein
Henry E. Gerstley
William J. Gesner
Miss Lillian Gest
Bob Giandomenico
Dr. John Heysham Gibbon
Samuel Y. Gibbon
Merrill H. Gibbs, J r.
John W. Gilbert
Samuel E. Gilbert
Dr. Harry S. Gilgore
Mrs. George C. Gillies
Dr. H. Jay Ginns
Marvin D. Ginsberg
Stanley Ginsberg
Saul Ginsburg
S. Regen Ginsburg
Howard Girsh
Otto J. Glaser
Charles Glass
Robert E. Glass
Donald M. Gleklen
Frank S. Glendening

Mrs. Maurice H. Godein
Mrs. Walter R. Godshall
C. W. Goebel
Emanuel B. Gold
Wm. Buchanan Gold, Jr.
David Goldberg
Donald J. Goldberg
Julian E. Goldberg
Dr. Warren P. Goldburgh
Mrs. Alvia G. Golden
Samuel M. Golden
Mrs. Benjamin Goldenberg
Charles Goldman
Frederick Goldman
Dr. Marvin Goldman
Dr. Murray B. Goldman
S. D. Goldman
Robert Goldner
Stephen M. Goldner
Mrs. Walter A. Goldsmith
Mrs. Esther Goldstein
Herbert Goldstein
Isaac Goldstein
Melvin B. Goldstein
Morris Goldstein
Richard A. Goldstine
Prof. William Gomberg
Lenard Goodfarb
J. Donald Goodwin
Maury Goosenberg
Harry Gordon
Horace W. Gordon
Dr. Kenneth H. Gordon, J r.
Morton S. Gorelick
Frank Gorman
Dr. Edward Gosfield, Jr.
Isadore Gottlieb
Jacob 1. Gottlieb
Mrs. Leonard A. Gottlieb
Sidney B. Gottlieb
Mrs. Benjamin Gould
Leon H. Gould
Dr. Benjamin Gouley
Francis 1. Gowen
Mrs. James E. Gowen
Mrs. Jack Grabosky
C. D. Grace
Harry T. Graham
Thomas A. Graham
William L. Grala, Jr.

William F. Grauer
Charles A. Graves
Irvin Green
Mrs. John P. Green
Mrs. Maurice M. Green
Rodney H. Green
Dr. R. K. Greenbank
Charles H. Greenberg, Esq.
Herman Greenberg
Mrs. Joseph J. Greenberg, Jr.
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Sr.
Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, Jr.
Mrs. Bruce H. Greenfield
Ernest Wm. Greenfield
Robert K. Greenfield
Mrs. Frances Greenspan
Dr. Raphael H. Greenstein
Lawrence H . Greenwald
Mrs. Paul Greenwood
Edward Greer
B. Melvin Greisler
Mrs. Paul H. Griffith
Fred D. Griffiths
John T. GrisdaIe
Milton Gross
Steven 1. Gross
Leonard E. Grossman
Herbert J. Grubb
John Gruenberg 2nd
Gustav Gumpert
William Gundersheimer
Harry Guth
Jacob C. Gutman
Richard Gwinn
Mrs. Norman M. Haac
Maxwell Hailer
Dr. Richard L. Hafter
George Hagmeier
Maurice Hahn
Calvert Hall
Ronald Dexter Hall
Harry R. Halloran
Michael P. Halpert
George Hamilton
Miss Charlotte L. Hammell
Dr. Steven Hammerman
Mrs. William S. Hammerman
Mrs. Philip M. Hammett
Dr. Van B. O. Hammett
Peirce A. Hammond, Jr.


Mrs. E. Foster Hammonds
Perch Hankin
Michael P. Harakal
Allen Harberg
Hilburn F. Harbidge
Curtis C. Harbin, Jr.
Miss Anne Harbison
Mrs. Gordon A. Hardwick
Miss Sally N. Hare
Thomas B. Harper III, Esq.
Louis A. Harrison
Dr. Paul Harrison
Warren R. Harrop
Mrs. C. W. Hart, Jr.
Mrs. Benjamin Haskell
Louis H. Hass
J. V. Hastings III
Mrs. Richard W. Havens
Mrs. Mary Allison Haviland
Timothy P. Haworth
Prof. Jack Gardner Hawthorne
Dr. Benjamin L Hayllar
Miss Carolyn Haywood
Joseph Head
Mrs. Thomas R. Hedges, Jr.
R. V. Heelan
James E. Heerin, Jr.
Jacob Heffler
George S. Hender
Douglas T. Henderson
Dr. Helen Dickens Henderson
William G. Hendrick
Olan Hendrix
Mrs. Paul M. Henkels
Elkan Henly, Jr.
Herbert Henze
Mrs. Philip Roman Hepburn
Richard B. Herman
Irving Herzfeld
Frederic O. Hess
Miss Helen Elizabeth Heyl
Miss Helen J. Hibbs
Mrs. Anthony R. Hill
Charles S. Hill
Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson
Mrs. Herbert Hirschman
Mrs. Joseph M. Hobson
Dr. Philip J. Hodes
C. Clark Hodgson
C. Clark Hodgson, Jr.


Joseph P. Hoenig
Carl Theil Hoffacker
Robert G. Hoffer
Arnold S. Hoffman
Mrs. Ethel Hoffman
S. Gary Hoffman
William J. Hogan
Mrs. R. Carroll Hoke
Dr. Joseph L. Hollander
R. W. Hompe
Mrs. Henry L. Hood
Adrian S. Hooper
Bruce H. Hooper
Ralph W. Hooper
Mrs. Johns Hopkins
Jordan W. Hopkins
Dr. John H. Hopkinson III
David A. Horowitz
Arthur Horton
Mrs. Frances L. Horwitz
Richard Houser
Allen R. Howard, Jr.
Charles N. Howard
Miss Miriam Howard
Mrs. Dorothy M. Howitt
Joel C. Huber, Jr.
Mrs. Harry Hubschman
Mrs. Milton Hubschman
David S. Hudson
William R. Hudson
John B. Huffaker
William F. Huggler
Dr. Elizabeth B. Hughes
Mrs. Robert J. Hughitt
Miss H. Virginia Hunter
Jack E. Hunter, Jr.
Paul F. Hurley, Jr.
Leo M. Hurvich
Donald B. Hurwitz
Jack Hurwitz
Mrs. Charles L. Huston, Jr.
Timothy R. Hutchinson
Douglas K. S. Hyland
Mrs. Joseph J. Imhoff
Harry Ingersoll
Arthur F. Ingram, Jr.
Nick Ippoliti
Mrs. Robert S. Irving
Dr. Harold J. Isard
Murray G. Isard

Mrs. William P. Jackson
Mrs. Maurice Jacobs
Mrs. Maurice S. Jacobs
M. P. Jacobs
Julius Jacobson
Harold W. Jacoby
Mrs. Eugene A. Jaeger
Benjamin E. Jaffe
Miss Dorothy B. Jamison
W. Graham Jamison
Bengt Jansson
John H. Jensen
Fred Jessar
Dr. Ralph A. Jessar
Dennis L. J ohoson .
Lawrence Johnson
Miss Constance Andrews Jones
Mrs. James H. Jones
J. Harrison Jones
Kenneth P. Jones
Robert W. Jones
Shelby Jones
Henry Jung
Charles A. Kahaner
Karl K. Kahler
Louis I Kahn
Miss Margaret B. Kahn
Harry Kale
Archibald A. Kalish
Jacob Kalish
Mrs. Joseph C. Kall
The Hon. Harry E. Kalodner
Israel L. Kamens
Arthur R. Kane, Esq.
William J. Kane
Charles Kanev
Dr. Phillip S. Kanev
Dr. Albert J. Kaplan
Henry H. Kaplan
Joseph Kaplan
Dr. Richard Kaplan
Seymour R. Kaplan
Lester Kardon
Mrs. Robert Kardon
Eli Karetny
Dr. Herman Karlen
Robert B. Kaskey
Lewis Kates, Esq.
Richard J. Kates
Dr. G. Henry Katz

Leon Katz
Millard M. Katz
Seymour Katz
Sol Katz
Joseph A. Kaufman
Dr. Herbert Kean
Robert A. Kear
John H. Keelan
Brian R. Keller
William A. Kelley, Jr.
John B. Kelly, Jr.
Mrs. Paul E. Kelly
Maurice A. Kendall
Philip J. Kendall
Robert L. Kendall, Jr.
Charles J. Kenkelen
Herman F. Kerner
Edward Kesler
Andrew Kevorkian
Mrs. Walter D. Kimball
Mrs. George Kimmelman
John W. Kincaid
Milton P. King
Raymond T. King, Jr.
Ronald Kist
Mrs. Charles Zeller Klauder, Jr.
Jack E. Klein
Mrs. Philip Klein
Robert J. Klein, Esq.
Mrs. Reba C. Kline
Dr. Peter Knowlton
Thomas J. Knox
Donald F. Kocher
Mrs. Milton S. Kochin
Irving Koffler
John H. Kofron
William Kohler
Harold E. Kohn
Mrs. Isidore Kohn
Mrs. Max Kohn
John N. Kolb II
W. Roy Kolb
Miss Dolores Korman
Emanuel Korman
Samuel J. Korman
Mel R. Korn
Mrs. Jay Kornblatt
Mrs. Elsie F. Koss
Victor S. Kraft
Howard O. Krasnoff


Mrs. C. Raymond Kraus
Mrs. Helen C. Krauss
Harry Kravitz
Jack A. Kreizman
I. H. Krekstein
Mrs. Ruthgrace S. Kremer
Edward Kretchmar
Paul E. Kroekel
Harvey S. Kronfeld
Harry G. Kuch
Harry M. Kurki
Herbert Kurtz
Jerome Kurtz
Charles Kurz
Victor H. Kusch
Jules Kutner
Carmine La Brasca
William L. Labs
Mrs. Leonard Lafair
Robert W. LaFore
Robert B. Lalley
Nicholas S. Lamont
Harold C. Lampe
B. Gordon Landis
Robert M. Landis, Esq.
Robert C. Landon
Samuel H. Landy
Sheldon Landy
James A. Lane
Quentin Lane
William S. Lane
A. Edward Lang
Victor J. Lang, Jr.
Willard Lang
Joseph L. Lapin
Mrs. Henry W. Large
Mrs. Harold Laskin
Mrs. William H. Lathrop
William Carl Lauth
Samuel Laver
Samuel P. Lavine, Esq.
Edwin M. Lavino
E. George Lavino
Dr. Gayle K. Lawrence
Miss Anne Lawton
Mrs. Lee Randolph Layman
Herman Lazarus
Mrs. Nancy R. Leach
Dr. Norman Learner
Dr. Harold Leeks


Ralph Lee
Samuel M. Lehrer
Arthur M. Leibowitz
Nelson J. Leidner
John G. Leise
Mrs. Edward B. Leisenring, J r.
Mrs. Frank E. Leivy
Raymond LeKashman
Mrs. Anne S. Lenox
Robert E. Lenton
Bernard V. Lentz
Mrs. Charles S. Leopold
Nathan S. Lepoff
Mrs. Miriam Lucker Lesley
Benjamin Lessner
Dr. Leonard Levick
Mrs. A. J. Levin
Benjamin B. Levin
Harvey B. Levin, Esq.
Marvin J. Levin
Russell R. Levin
Harold E. Levine
Mrs. Herman Levine
William Levinson
Harvey H. Levitan
Samuel Levitsky
Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Wolf H. Levy
Mrs. Eugene John Lewis
Hal Lewis
Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mrs. John F. Lewis III
Marshall C. Lewis
Ralph R. Lewis
Mrs. William Barclay Lex
Mrs. Samuel Lichtenfeld
Ben F. Lieber
Eugene S. Lieberman
Peter P. Liebert 3rd
Richard B. Light
Mrs. Nan Duskin Lincoln
Robert Coleman Lindsley
Mrs. Wm. E. Lingelbach, Jr.
Robert S. Linton
Mrs. Wallace R. Linton
Louis Lipschitz
Ralph R. Lipshutz
Dr. Edward I. Lipsius
Joseph R. Livesey
J. A. Livingston

Wm. H. Livingston, Jr.
Gene Locks
Jerry Locks
Stephen C. Lockwood
Joseph Lodge
Mrs. Edward Loeb
Mrs. Frank S. Loescher
Dr. Leopold S. Loewenberg
Mrs. Louis Loewenstein
Harry Lore
Mrs. Graeme Lorimer
Wilfred R. Lorry
Henry S. Louchheim
Daniel Lowenthal
Herbert L. Luria
Miss Theresa I. Lynch
Thomas J. Lynch
Mrs. A. Basil Lyons
Mrs. Borie McAllister
T. Sherman McAllister
Francis R. McAlonan
Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe
Joseph W. McCarthy
Mrs. William M. McCawley
Jim McClelland
Caldwell J. McClintock
Dr. Joseph F. McCloskey
Alan McCone
C. B. McCoy
A. W. McCracken
Robert Scott McCracken
The Hon. John J. McDevitt 3rd
John J. McEntee
Mrs. Roy F. McGillicuddy
Frank C. P. McGlinn
John J. McKenna
Miss Joanne McKeown
John G. McKevitt
Miss Evelyn A. McKinley
John R. McKinley
Roy A. McKinnon
William L. McLean 3rd
Charles J. McManus, Jr.
Stephen F. McMichael
Mrs. Jean F. McMonigle
Robert J. McNamee
James L. McNeely
Mrs. John J. McNelis
Mrs. John S. McQuade, Jr.
Lawrence E. MacElree

Gregor Macfarlan, Jr.
Bernard Penn-Gaskell MacGrann
Mrs. Pauline Machat
Robert S. Mack
Mrs. B. H. Mackey
Dr. Leo Madow
Mrs. LeRoy M. A. Maeder
Mrs. Peter J. Maggio
Aaron Maimin
Edward Maimon
Irving Malerman
Mrs. Paul Maloney
Samuel P. Mandell
Mrs. Thomas F. Manley
Miss Carmelita Manning
Marcus Manoff
Robert L. Manz
Bernard J. Marcus
Isadore M. Marder
Mrs. Donald Marks
Donald A. Marshall
Dr. Frank B. Martin, Jr.
Gerald J. Martin
J ames Martin
Mrs. Robert S. Martin, Jr.
Dr. S. P. Martin
Miss Nikki Marx
Dr. Frederick E. Maser
E. Eugene Mason
Harold T. Mason
Guy Mastronardi
Mrs. Bert Maxman
Peter Maxwell
Leon Mazer
Samuel Mazess
C. Singleton Mears
W. T. Mecouch, Jr.
Stephen J. Mehler
Leonard J. Mercer, Jr.
Miss Mary H. Merrick
Mrs. Leon I. Mesirov
Lawrence Metzger
Louis H. Meyer
Mrs. Morton J. Meyers
William H. Meyle, Jr.
Milton Milestone
Alfred S. Miller
E. H. Miller
Herbert Miller .
Irving Peter Miller


Jack S. Miller
Dr. Jerome Miller
Paul F. Miller, Jr.
Reuben Miller
Richard L. Miller
Robert Blake Miller
Theodore Miller
Josef S. Milner
Paul J. Mishkin
Charles T. Mitchell, Jr.
Ehrman B. Mitchell
Dr. Howard E. Mitchell
Michael C. Mitchell
Abraham Modell
Henry L. Moffett
Alfred Mogul
Dr. Lawrence K. Montalbano
James F. Monteith
Albert W. L. Moore, Jr.
Earl E. Moore
Harold A. Moore
Robert G. Moore
Dr. Alma Dea Morani
Henry J. Morgan
Miss Ruth A. Morgan
Walter L. Morgan
Wm. D. Morley
Clarence Morris
Daniel I. Morris
Edwark K. Morris
Mrs. Reginald H. Morris
Mrs. Orville Charles Morrison
Herman B. Mosler
Miss Myrtle L. Moss
Charles H. Moyer
Miss Rose Muller
Miss Bertha Munder
Clarence G. Murray
Frank J. Murray, Jr.
Jay P. Murray
Miss Mary A. Murray
William D. G. Murray
Angelo Musi
Dr. John C. Mutch
James E. Myers
Mrs. Price I. Myers
Robert M. Myers
Frederic E. Mygatt III
Mrs. H. Alarik W. Myrin
Mrs. Wm. S. Nagle


Donald F. Nardy
Harold N. Nash
Leslie Nash
Dr. Samuel K. Nash
John B. Nason III
Miss Helene Nathanson
Samuel J. Needleman
Alan M. Neff
Philip Neff
Richard E. Neff
Donald L. Nelson
Jules Nelson
1. Neuman
Dr. Herbert J. Nevyas
Edward L. Newberger
Clement B. Newbold, Jr.
Theodore T. Newbold
Mrs. William F. Newbold
Mrs. Harry Newmark
Mrs. Sarah Newmark
Dr. Leslie Nicholas
Morton Nieman
Mrs. Arthur A. Niessen
Mrs. William V. B. Nixon
Daniel B. Nadler
Mrs. Thomas A. Nolan
James A. Nolen, Jr.
Robert Scott Noone
Mrs. Herbert R. Northrup
Harry Norvick
Mrs. Joseph L. O'Brien
Dr. W. H. Sterg O'Dell
James F. O'Donnell
James J. O'Neill
Vincent P. O'Reilly
Mrs. Leon J. Obermayer
Lester Oppenheimer
A. P. Orleans
Mrs. Marvin Orleans
Herbert L. Orlowitz
Francis J. Ormond
Jerome E. Ornsteen, Esq.
Mrs. Robert A. Orr
Dr. Sidney H. Orr
Harry F. Ortlip
O'Neill Osborn
Raymond B. Osborne
Samuel I. Oshiver
Bernard Ostraf
Isidor Ostroff

Stanton S. Oswald
Miss Dorothy Ott
Mrs. Perry Ottenberg
Mrs. Thomas T. Oyler
Mrs. Haig H . Pakradooni
Mitchell E. Panzer
Mrs. E. Devon Pardoe, Jr.
J. B. Riggs Parker
Kenneth P. Parker
Irwin A. Parnis
Dr. J. L. Parr
Wm. L. V. Paschall
Morris Passon
Gordon M. Patrizio
Joseph Paul
M. Eugene Pavitt
Charles S. Paxson, Jr.
Mrs. Henry D. Paxson
Dr. Augustin R. Peale
Maxwell J. Pearlstein
Dr. Beatrice Pearlstine
Raymond Pearlstine
Mrs. Gerald H. J. Pearson
Ivan P. Pechner, Esq.
Frederick W. G. Peck
Thomas May Peirce III
Samuel R. Penneys
N. Ramsay Pennypacker
John F. Penrose
Mrs. Julian Penrose
Mrs. Isaac Pepp
Mrs. George W. Pepper III
G. Willing Pepper
Barry R. Peril
Harold A Perilstein
Dr. Paul K. Peril stein
Dr. Foulie Perlmutter
Mrs. Emile G. Perrot, Jr.
Harry J. Perry
Mrs. Henry H. Perry
Harry Peschel
Howard C. Petersen
Reuben Peterson
Mrs. Horace Pettit
Mrs. George T. Pew
Mrs. J. N. Pew, Jr.
Gordon W. Pfau
John C. Phillips
Miss Margaret R Phillips
Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr.

Arthur P. Pierce
Samuel Pierce
Mrs. Lawrence E. Pilot
Erwin L. Pincus
S. Soski Piroeff
Mrs. Webster Plass
Harold Platt
John O. Platt, Jr.
Mrs. Gilbert Pleet
Allen Plotkin
Benjamin Plotnick
Miss Loretta M. Plunkett
Dr. Leonard D. Policot!
Dr. Edward B. Polin
Miss Louise Polis
Robert Pollock
Dr. George L. Popky
Miss Martha D. Porter
Mrs. M. P. Potamkin
Abraham Potter
Franklin Poul
Duane D. Poulterer
Prof. James D. Powell
Walter H. Powell
F. Paul Pracilio
Robert A. Pratt
Roger Sherman Pratt
Lawrence Prattis
Thornton C. Pray
Augustine Preno
Dr. Robert S. Pressman
Daniel Pressner
Alden S. Price II
Beryl Price
James L. Price
Philip Price, Esq.
Leon Prince
Mrs. Hermann Prinz
Eli Pritzker
Edward Probinsky
Raymond Prybella
Mrs. Alfred W. Putnam
Mrs. George W. Qualls
Miss Catherine Loy Quinn
Sidney L. Quitman
Max H. Raab
William L. Raby
William Raffel
Joseph P. Rahn
Dr. Edgar L. Ralston


Harry N. Rambo
Mrs. Joseph S. Rambo
David V. Randall
S. Emlen Randolph
Mrs. George Ranes
Donald Rappaport
Harold M. Rappeport
Mrs. George H. Ratner
R. Stewart Rauch, Jr.
Dr. Lester Rauer
Dr. Robert S. Ravetz
Joseph V. Reaph, Jr.
Mrs. William B. Rearden, J r.
Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath
Mrs. Thomas Reath
Daniel G. Redmond, Jr.
Henry Laurence Reese
Robert J. Reichlin
Herbert E. Reinheimer
Miss Regina Reinke
Alex Reisbord
William Reitze
Marc L. Reitzes
Harry W. Rementer
Mrs. William W. Rems
Sidney N. Repplier
Edward M. Resovsky
Mrs. Walter E. Rex, Jr.
Mrs. Noreen J. Reyes
Francis E. Reynolds
Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Howard M. Rice
Norman N. Rice
John F. Rich
Mrs. Mae Richard
Mrs. J. Permar Richards, Jr.
M. P. Richards
Pierre E. Richards
Lawrence J. Richette
Mel Richman
Ronald L. Richter
John L. Ricketts
Dr. Rowland Ricketts
Mrs. James M. Riddle, Jr.
Anthony T. Rienzi
Mrs. Linwood Righter
Richard V. Ritchie
Robert D. Ritchie
Stephen A. Ritt
Adolph Ritter


Mrs. Charlotte F. Roach
F. Spencer Roach
Irwin B. Robbins
Oliver W. Robbins
Sidney Robbins
Dr. William S. Robbins
Mrs. Addison Roberts
Bayard H. Roberts
Tommy Roberts
Mrs. Edward Robins
George E. Robinson
Mrs. Mary Robinson
Robert C. Robinson
Albert M. Rodstein
David Barras Rogers
Miss Mary Middleton Rogers
John M. Rohrbach, Jr.
Bertram F. Roland
G. Frederick Roll
Morton P. Rome
Charles Romm
Dr. Max Lee Ronis
Mrs. W. Morrow Roosevelt
Gerald F. Rorer
Aaron M. Rose
Mrs. John M. Rose
Gary Rosenau
Sidney R. Rosenau
Randolph R. Rosenbaum
David M. Rosenfield, Esq.
A. G. Rosengarten, Jr.
Mrs. Howard D. Rosengarten
Mrs. Arthur Rosenlund
S. Henry Rosenthal
Dr. S. Leonard Rosenthal
Mrs. Lessing J. Rosenwald
Irwin N. Rosenzweig, Esq.
Charles H. Ross
Irwin L. Ross
Richard W. Ross
Frederick G. Roth
Dr. Bernard N. Rothman
Dr. Richard H. Rothman
Dr. Jacoby T. Rothner
Mortin E. Rotman
Robert F. Roy
Frederic Royston
Thomas F . Ruane
A. E. Rubenstein
J. G. Rubenstein

Mrs. Edward Rubinoff
Samuel Rudofker
Richard E. Rudolph
Albert N. Ruggieri
Mrs. Francis John Rumpf
Mrs. John C. Russell
Harry A. Rutenberg
Ronald N. Rutenberg
John Rutkowski
Dr. William A. Rutter
Dr. Samuel E. Rynes
Mrs. David R. Sablosky
Dr. Marvin L. Sachs
Bernard Sacks
Mrs. J. Benson Saks
Mrs. I. Jack Saline
Natalie I. Salkind, Esq.
Dr. Nathan P. Salner
David A. Saltzburg
Arthur S. Salus, Esq.
Norman N. Salvat
Vincent F. Salvino
Dr. M. H. Samitz
Dr. Albert W. Samueli
Edward R. Sandell
Dr. F. A. Harold Sanders
Mrs. Jack N. Sandman
James Sands
Charles P. Sanzare
Leonard Sarner, Esq.
Dr. Joseph Sataloff
Morris W. Satinsky
Louis Sauer
Robert Sauers
Dr. Richard Bertrand Saul
Joseph H . Savitz
James E. Sax
Miss Natalie Saxe
Peter M. Saylor
Mrs. Alfred G. Scattergood
Mrs. Harold G. Schaeffer
Raymond Schaeffer
A. R. Schaevitz
Lester J . Schaffer
Edmund K. Schauseil
Mrs. Lewis C. Scheffey, Jr.
Morris Schiff
Mrs. Albert W. Schiffrin
Sidney L. Schiro
Mrs. Frederick H. Schmidt

Robert H . Schmidt
Joseph Schmitz
Thomas Roeger Schmuhl
A. Groh Schneider, Esq.
Mrs. Samuel K. Schneid man
Dr. Charles C. Schobel;
Mrs. Louis J. Schoon
M. Barry Schultz
David J. Schumacher
Arnold D. Schusterman
Joseph Schwartz
Louis B. Schwartz
Milton Schwartz
M. Murray Schwartz
Myer Schwartz
Mr. Rose Frank Schwartz
William A. Schwartz, Jr.
Mrs. William B. Schwartz
Marvin Schwartzstein
Frank S. Schwarz
Donald H. Scott
Edgar Scott
Mrs. I. M. Scott
Mrs. J. Stinson Scott
Mrs. W. M. Scott, Jr.
Mrs. C. Wesler Scull
R. Barclay Scull
Mrs. C. Alison Scully
Orvel Sebring
Simmon J. Seder
R. H. Seese
Bernard G. Segal
Bernard L. Segal
Howard N. Segal
Irving R. Segal
Maurice Segal
Mrs. William C. Seiberlich, Jr.
Peter H. Sellers
Carl G. Sempier
Harry J. Sentiff
Moe Septee
Dr. William Serber
Dr. John J. Shane
Alan M. Shapiro
Raymond L. Shapiro
Samuel Shapiro
Philip P. Sharples
Irving L. Shaw
Mrs. John J. Shaw, Jr.
Dr. Mark R. Shedd


Mrs. Stanley I. Sheerr
Joseph D. Shein
Willard C. Shepard
Miss Patricia M. Sheridan
Dr. Sol Sherry
Miss Janice W. Sherwood
Joseph Sherwood
Mrs. Jerome Shestack
John H. Shetron, Jr.
Dr. Edward B. Shils
John K. Shockley
William Shore
Arthur Shoyer
David S. Shrager, Esq.
Dr. Harry Shubin
Mrs. Ellis O. Shultz
Herman Shuman
William H. Sickels
Mrs. Charles · J. Sieber
Edwin B. Siegel
Leonard M. Siegel
Robert J. Sigel
Dr. Raymond E. Silk
Harold Sills, Esq.
Dr. Daniel Silverman
Meyer Silverman
Mrs. Natalie Silverman
Robert L. Silverman
Samuel S. Silverman
Stevan Simich
John A. Simkiss, Jr.
Milton Simon
Paride Simione
Mrs. John H. Sinberg
Mrs. Milton Singer
Mrs. Ralph L. Sitley
Miss Margaret E. Sleva
Harry Sley
Brian J. Smith
Daniel W. Smith
David Carlson Smith, Esq.
Mrs. R. Graeme Smith
Richard O. Smith
S. Alexander Smith
Stanley S. Smith
William D. Smith
E. Raymond Snedaker
Mrs. Helen R. Snellenburg
Stanley S. Snellenburg
David K. Snodgrass


Mrs. Elizabeth M. Snodgrass
Dr. Alan I. Snyder
Dr. David E. Snyder
Daniel E. Snyder
Martin P. Snyder
Edwin A. Soast
Martin A. Sobel
Mrs. Nancy Sobolevitch
Dr. Marvin N. Solomon
Ralph M. Solomon
Dr. Aris Sophocles
Bernard L. Spekter
Dr. J. Finton Speller
Arthur E. Spellissy
James K. Sperry
Edward 1. Spiegel
Murray Spiegel
Walter A. Spiro
Dr. Eugene B. Spitz
Richard W. Spivak
Harmon S. Spolan, Esq.
Frederick H. Spotts
Mrs. Claud Stanley
Patrick J. Stanton
Dr. 1. Ezra Staples
Harold P. Starr
Mrs. Milton S. Stearns, Jr.
Alfred Steel
Charles G. Stehle
Mrs. Richard B. Stehle
Bill Stein
Burton K. Stein, Esq.
Jack Stein
Leonard Steinberg
Michael . E. W. Steinig
Mrs. John F. Steinman
Mrs. Patricia Duncan StephanofI
Harvey T. Stephens
Stanley P. Stern, Esq.
Mrs. Fred Sternberg
Mrs. Elena B. Sternfeld
Dana G. Stetser
John P. Stevens III
D. H. Stewart
Harry E. Stewart
David Stockwell
Mrs. Herman StofIman
Mrs. S. Emlen Stokes
Leonard Stolker
Richard M. Stover

J. Pennington Straus
Dr. S. Sugarman
Frank Sullivan
Adrian J. Suriani
John Swartz
Alan N. Swimmer
David T. Sykes
Raymond H. Synnestvedt
Robert C. Taber
Rian Taggart
Paul Tanker
S. A. Tannenbaum
Miss Shirley Tattersfield
Anson W. H. Taylor, Jr.
Bruce Taylor
Miss Elizabeth F. Taylor
George C. Taylor, Jr.
Dr. J. Edward Taylor
Mrs. William Jesse Taylor
Gilbert E. Teitelman
Dr. Lawrence Temeles
Mrs. Carolyn E. Temin
Mrs. Henry Temin
Mrs. Robert S. Thanhauser
Dr. Per-Olof G. Therman
Alvin W. Thomas
Edmond G. Thomas
Mrs. Hanson Thomas
L. G. L. Thomas
Dr. Charles M. Thompson
Leroy W. Thompson
L. Clark Tierney, Jr.
Eric E. Tinney
Norman R. Tissian
Mrs. Robert R. Titus
William J. Tobin, Jr.
Mrs. Allen N. Tolen
Albert A. Toll
Seymour I. Toll
Sydney D. Tollin
Herman A. Tolz
Joseph J. Tomlin
Franklin A. Tooke
James W. Toren
Mrs. Raymond A. Townley
Paul R. Trichon
Louis G. Troilo
Richard Trowbridge
Dr. Robert H. Trueman
Arthur Tuchinsky

Mrs. Henry Tumen
Edwin D. Turner
Miss Geraldine S. Tyson
Mrs. S. Herbert Unterberger
Mrs. Robert B. Vale
Mrs. E. Miles Valentine
Rudy Valentino
William L. Van Alen
Frederick A. Van Denbergh, J r
Adolph Van Hollander
George C. Vaughan
Jerome J. Veri in, Esq.
Mrs. Joseph L. Vill
Rudolf F. Vogeler
Mrs. Carl Paul Vogt
Allan S. Voluck
Mrs. M. Von Moschzisker
Paul Voynow
Alfred Waber
Robert M. Waddington
Dr. Helen Stochen Wagenheim
Mrs. Howard Wagman
Paul C. Wagner
Harold E. Wagoner
H. H. Wald
Joseph A. Walker
Dr. Robert M. Walker
William D. Walker
William J. Walker
Mrs. Ritner K. Walling
Anthony Walmsley
George W. Walton
Mrs. Henry F. Wanning
Charles F. Ward, Jr.
John H. Ware 3rd
Mrs. Joseph Wasserman
Mrs. Warren H. Watanabe
Richard J. Watson
Robert W. Watson
Mrs. Michael Watter
David Wechsler
Lawrence R. Wechsler
Paul Wechsler, Jr.
Clinton J. Weibel
Sampson S. Weil
Charles T. Weiland
The Hon. Charles R. Weiner
Joseph Weiner
The Hon. Leo Weinrott
Samuel Weinrott


Miss Esther Weinstein
Mrs. Jerome B. Weinstein
Matthew B. Weinstein
Lewis Weinstock
Mrs. Catherine D. Weis
William W. Weisbord
Morris Weisman
Mrs. Edward D. Weiss
Mrs. Honi M. Weiss
James A. Weiss
David D. Weitz
Emil F. Weitz
William H. S. Wells
Mrs. C. Newbold Welsh
Dr. John W. Welty
Mrs. Herman E. Wenograd
Robert G. Werden
Dr. Raymond Werther
Harold C. Wessel
Mrs. Walter H. West
Cortright Wetherill
Morris M. Wexler, Esq.
Theodore G. Whitby
Henry Wade White
James J. White, III
Lawrence Phipps White
Mrs. Daniel S. Whiteman
H. C. Wiedenmann
Miss Elizabeth A. Wight
Robert G. Wilder
Paul A. Wilhelm
J ames Mark Willcox, J r.
Robert J. Williams
Dr. Doris Willig
Richard B. Willis
Merritt N. Willits 3rd
Mrs. Joseph L. Wilmsen
Mrs. David L. Wilson
Mrs. Donald M. Wilson
George F. Wilson
Mrs. James Reid Wilson
Louis D. Wilson
William B. Wilson
William R. Wilson
Dr. N. William Winkelman, Jr.
Miss Elizabeth Morris Wistar

Caspar Wister
Mrs. L. Caspar Wister
Mrs. Max Wohlmuth
Mrs. Mark Woldow
Robert D. Woldow
Edwin D. Wolf
Mrs. Howard A. Wolf
Mrs. Ida Wolf
Paul Wolf
Robert B. Wolf
Walter L. Wolf
Roger S. Wolfe, Esq.
Dean Bernard Wolfman
Merle A. Wolfson
Mrs. William W olgin
Paul A. Wolkin, Esq.
Dr. Michael!. Wolkowicz
Mrs. P. Erskine Wood
Richard D. Wood
Mrs. Charles H. Woodward
Mrs. George Woodward, Jr.
Mrs. J. Harrison Worrall
William P. Worth
Mrs. M. L. Wurzel
Mrs. Joseph X. Yaffe
Mrs. John E. Yahraes
Dr. Myron Yanoff
D. Rebert Yarnall, Jr.
Farrel Yesner
Mrs. Margaret S. Yeutter
William W. Zanzinger, Jr.
Dr. Leonard E. Zbikowski
Saul J. Zeid
Mrs. Elizabeth Greenfield Zeidman
Dr. Joseph H. Zeigerman
David E. Zeitlin
James T. Zeller
Robert H. Zimmerman
Dolph W. Zink
Bernard Zitin
Earl S. Zorn
Dr. Sidney Zubrow
Sol E. Zubrow
Albert Zuckerman
Harold T. Zuecca

Professional Artist Members
Seymour Adelman
Ralph D. Affleck


Miss Agnes Allen
Mrs. Decima M. Anderson

Mrs. Edna Andrade
Miss Eleanor Arnett
Mrs. S. John Atlee
Robert O. Bach
Mrs. Hortense M. Baer
Louis R. Ballen
Mrs. E. Digby Baltzell, J r.
Mrs. Bernard L. Barkan
Mrs. Harold B. Basch, Jr.
Mrs. Bernice S. Baum
Mrs. A. J. Becker
Alan Behunin
Dr. Whitfield J. Bell, Jr.
Nathan Berman
Mrs. Russell T. Blackwood
Mrs. Arthur Bloch
Joel N. Bloom
Edwin T . P. Boone, Jr.
Mrs. Quita Brodhead
Harry Brodsky
Joseph Brown
George R. Bunker
Nathaniel Burt
John C. Bythrow
Daniel Cades
Fred Cain
Victor Carlson
Lawrence J. Chialastri
Charles T. Coiner
Carl A. Colozzi
John Condax
William W. Corasick
Lucius Crowell
David J. Crownover
George D. Culler
Paul Darrow
Dr. Wallace E. Davies
B. Dale Davis
Miss Marie A. Davis
Larry Day
Miss Bertha deHellebranth
Miss Elena deHellebranth
Mrs. Samuel Diamond
Mrs. Bernice L. Dreifus
Clive E. Driver
Mrs. William Drutt
Edward L. Duer, Jr.
Miss Mary Anne Dutt
Mrs. Lolita B. Dyson
Benjamin Eisenstat

Mrs. Gilda M. Ellis
Miss Ann Eshner
Emlen Etting
J. Philip Evans
Mrs. Bernard L. Feld
Harry Ferleger
Zenon L. Feszczak
Stanley M. Feuerstein
Roland W. Frambes
Miss Jean E. Francksen
Maurice Freed
Mrs. David Fromberg
Evangelos W. Frudakis
Guy Fry
Cecil A. Fuerst
Edward Gallob
Mrs. Waldo G. Gamba
E. George Gansworth
Cyril Gardner
Frank Gasparro
Mrs. Edna H. Gass
Donald E. Gates
Miss Marguerite Gaudin
Miss Arrah Lee Gaul
Joseph Gering
Mrs. Edward Gifford, J r.
Steven P. Gigliotti
Mrs. Paul L. Gill
Mrs. Allan Goodman
Mrs. Anne T. Goodman
Frank P. Graham
Mrs. Edna R. Green
Raymond S. Green
William J. Greenwood
Mrs. Julius Grodinsky
Mrs. Jacob W. Gruber
Sidney T. Guberman
Dr. Herman S. Gundersheimer
Mrs. Milton Price Harley
John W. Hathaway
Samuel S. Heller
Gordon Hendricks
R. Morris Hervey
Herbert J. Heym
William A. Hirsch
Kendal Hopkins
Charles R. Hoskins
Humbert L. Howard
Michael G. Iacocca
Mrs. Claire Idt


Richard J. Jacobson
Mrs. B. Jane Johnson
O. K. Johnston
Dexter Jones
Aleksej J udenic
Mrs. Mary Givens Kane
Mrs. Jerome Kaplan
Mrs. Donald Kardon
Paul F. Keene, Jr.
John A. Kevorkian
Miss Mary A. Kilroy
Mrs. Jean Dempewolf Klein
J ames Paul Kocsis
Bernard A. Kohn
Mrs. George E. Kohn
Mrs. John E. Kramer
Mrs. Joseph Lachman
Mrs. Maris Alexander Laverty
Mrs. Samuel H. Laverty
Dr. Charles Lee
Mrs. Edward L. Lee, Jr.
Miss Jean Gordon Lee
Mrs. Ruth Fine Lehrer
Jack Lempert
Mrs. Margaret Wasserman Levy
Mrs. Arthur H. Lewis
Frank P. Licini
Richard Lieberman
Mrs. Sara Lisker
Peter M. Lister
William F. Loos
Mrs. Bert Lunenfeld
Miss Virginia Armitage McCall
Wirth V. McCoy
Mrs. James P. McGarvey
Mrs. Phyllis McNeur
Kneeland McNulty
Thomas C. Maguire
Dr. Paul Todd Makler
David Marder
Robert A. Martin
John R. Maxwell
Harold Mesibov
Mrs. Maxham Metcalf
Mrs. Jacob Miller II
Mrs. Isabelle L. Miller
Henry Mitchell
Alan P. Mitosky
Mrs. Herbert H. Mohrfeld
L. A. D. Montgomery


Mrs. Paul Morris
Mrs. Robert H. Mundheim
Paul Murphy
Mrs. Morton Naftulin
Robert W. Neathery
Wally Neibert
Mrs. Samuel C. Newman
Mrs. Robert D. Nobel
Mrs. Hugh E. O'Brien
Mrs. Linda Ominsky
Mrs. Arthur Osol
George E. Patton
Miss Patricia Pennington
Mrs. Biagio Pinto
Miss Mary Carolyn Pitts
Dr. John D. R. Platt
Harold Polis
James B. Pritchard
Walter Reinsel
Mrs. Frank L. Reiter
Vincent F. Riccobono
Thomas M. Ridington
Dr. David M. Robb
Mrs. David H. Roberts
H. Radc1yffe Roberts
Mrs. Tara G. Robinson
J. M. Rodgers, Jr.
Mrs. Frederic Roll
Mrs. Paul R. Rosen
Mrs. Bernice T. Rosenfeld
Miss Edith Rosenow
Mrs. Adolf Schaap
Allan Schmidt
Mrs. Sol Schoenbach
Arthur Schwartz
Howard M. Schwartz
Andrew Seraphin
Albert B. Serwazi
Vladimir Shatalow
Dr. Richard H. Shryock
Adrian Siegel
Mrs. David Slade
Miss Dorothy Alden Smith
Mrs. Charles M. Solomon
Mrs. Benton Spruance
Everett Stahl
Carl Steele
Mrs. Robert L. Stephenson
Mrs. Bernard Stern
Nathan Stumacher

Mrs. Anne T. Summy
Eric C. Sundean
Charles Taylor
Simone Titone
Francis C. Tucker
Dr. Evan H. Turner
Mrs. G. Noble Wagner
Mrs. Otis Walter
Henry J. Walters
Miss Barbara Ward

Mrs. Milton Weiner
Mrs. Gerald M. Whitman
Mrs. Robert J. Williams
Sherl Joseph Winter
Mrs. Patricia V. Witt
Mrs. Joseph S. Wohl
Ben Wolf
Edwin Wolf 2nd
J. William Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Robert H . Woolston

Sustaining Members
Mrs. L. Talbot Adamson
Dr. J. Deaver Alexander
Mrs. Constantin G. Alio
John H. Archer
Mrs. George E. Bartol
Raul Betancourt, Jr.
J ames Biddle
Mrs. George P. Bissell, J r.
Miss Eleanor A. Bliss
Dr. George I. Blumstein
Miss Catherine Bohlen
Mrs. Curtis Bok
Raymond J. Bradley
Mrs. Moreau D. Brown
Revelle W. Brown
James Bush-Brown
Mrs. Rosana Campion
Miss Alice W. Clement
Mrs. Thomas C. Cochran
Walter R. Coley
Mrs. Gribbel Corkran
Mrs. Walter J. Cowan, Jr.
Arthur U. Crosby
Mrs. William S. Crowder
David H. Dawson
Mrs. David J. Dean
Mrs. Carl de Moll
Mrs. Richardson Dilworth
Daniel A. Dintenfass
Mrs. Joseph N. DuBarry 4th
Mrs. Frank DuMoulin
Edmond duPont
Mrs. Joseph M. Thomas
The Hon. Jay H. Eiseman
Laurence H. Eldredge
Peter S. Elek
Mrs. Frank A. Elliott

Dr. John P . Emich, Jr.
Mrs. Rowland Evans
Mrs. T. L. Emory Eysmans
William G. Foulke
Mrs. George Wood Furness
Mrs. Franklin Gaev
Joseph H. Gillies
Mrs. Benedict Gimbel, J r.
Mrs. Charles B. Grace
Mrs. Robert McCay Green
Robert B. Grinnell
Mrs. Robert B. Grinnell
Bernard C. Gross
M. Gilbert Herbach
Francis Rush Homer
Mrs. Edward Hopkinson, Jr.
Mrs. Wilton Jaffee
Mrs. Paul R. Kaiser
Mrs. Richard C. Kelley
Mrs. Frederick S. Kirk
Mrs. Edward M. K. Klapp
Mrs. Louis Klein
Miss Hannah Kohn
Mrs. Charles A. Krieger
Frank T. Lamey
Dr. Irving H. Leopold
Morris Lerner
Mrs. Arthur Loeb
Mrs. John B. McClatchy
Mrs. Samuel McCreery
Dr. Walter B. McKinney
Mrs. William L. McLean, Jr.
Mrs. John Markle II
Mrs. William H. Moorhouse, Jr.
Mrs. J. Mitchell Morse
Dr. David Myers
William P. Norris, Jr.


Mrs. Charles O'Connor
J. Liddon Pennock
Samuel Pesin
Mrs. Wilbert V. Pike
John Poteat
Dr. I. S. Ravdin
Owen B. Rhoads
Mrs. George A. Robbins
George Earle Robinette
Mrs. Wolcott W. Robinson
Dr. Jonas B. Robitscher
George L. SaIl
The Hon. Herbert W. Salus, Jr.
Mrs. Lawrence Saunders
William P. Schaefer III
Stanley M. Schlesinger
Andrew J. Schroder II
Mrs. Felix B. Shay
Mrs. Franklin Sheble 2nd
Irving Shipkin

Albert V. Sloan
Grahame Thomas Smallwood, Jr.
Mrs. D. Hays Solis-Cohen
Mrs. Harry Solomon
Mrs. Samuel G . Stem
J. Tyson Stokes
Mrs. John M. Taylor
Edward C. P. Thomas
Mrs. Charles R. Tyson
Mrs. Carl S. Vogel
Mrs. Ernest R. von Starck
WaIter H. West, Jr.
Mrs. Edward S. Weyl
Ralph W. Whitaker
Thomas Whyte, Jr.
Mrs. Harry Williams, J r.
Mrs. Elias Wolf
Mrs. D. Robert Yarnall
A. Addis Ziegler

Individual Members
Mrs. Alex Abel
Mrs. Hans A. Abraham
Maurice D. Abuhove
Miss Margaret Adams
Mrs. Walter Z. Adamson
Mrs. A. A. Alexander
Charles D. Allen
Carl J. Anderson
Mrs. Wm. Disston Anderson
Mrs. Whiting Anthony
Miss Gretchen Anton-Smith
Mrs. William E. Arnold
Miss Ethel V. Ashton
Mrs. Theodore C. Aylward
Miss Henrietta E. Bachman
Edmund N. Bacon
Mrs. E. Graham Bailey
Mrs. Henry Bain 3rd
John A. Baird
William Balderston
Samuel H. Ballam, Jr.
Mrs. Frederic L. Ballard
Mrs. Raymond A. Ballinger
Mrs. Wm. H. Baltzell, 4th
Mrs. Alexander F. Barbieri
Mrs. Edward A. Barbieri
Malcolm B. Barlow


Dr. Sidney Barr
Mrs. Edward F. Beale
Mrs. Bernard Behrend
Mrs. Harry M. Bell
The Hon. John C. Bell, Jr.
Joseph S. Bennett 3rd
Richard Benson
Miss Sarah Berkowitz
Bernard Bernbaum
Miss Florence P. Bernheimer
Irwin L. Bernstein
Clarence E. Bertolet
Mrs. Craig Biddle, Jr.
Mrs. Maurice W. Biddle
Mrs. Owen Biddle
Mrs. E. Jones Bissell
Dr. Kermit S. Black
Mrs. Kermit S. Black
Miss Agnes C. Blackburne
Miss Mary Y. Blakely
Jack Blanckensee
Alfred Blasband
Mrs. Charles J. Bloom
H. Dickson S. Boenning
Mrs. Richard C. Bond
Mrs. Robert B. Bonniwell
Willard S. Boothby, Jr.

Mrs. Lem W. Bowen
Dr. Clifford C. Bracken
Mrs. William O. Bradley
Miss Ruth W. Brainerd
Mrs. Claire E. Brehme
Alexander B. Brock
Mrs. J. S. Brody
Sol Brody
Mrs. Edward T. Brogan
Henry S. Bromley
Mrs. Clarence W. Brooks, Jf.
Mrs. Charles Wardell Brown
The Han. Francis Shunk Brown, J r.
Mrs. George H. Brown
Miss Haidee Brown
Mrs. Edward Browning
Mrs. Edward Browning, Jr.
Mrs. Hattie K. Brunner
Henry B. Bryans
Mrs. J. Mahlon Buck
Dr. David Budin
Mrs. Kathleen D. Buffum
Orville H. Bullitt
Mrs. Orville H. Bullitt
Mrs. Clifton D. Bunting
Mrs. W. Atlee Burpee
Thomas Jay Bushyager
Mrs. Charles S. Calwell
Miss Anna Louise Campion
Dr. John B. Cancelmo
Mrs. Arthur R. Cannon
Dr. William Bacon Carey
Mrs. Ralph L. Carpenter
Dr. Elsie R. Carrington
J. Roy Carroll, Jr.
Mrs. Richard L. Cary
Mrs. Francis T. Chambers, Jr.
Paul Chancellor
Scott J. Childress
Mrs. Bill Chrysler
Theodore Clattenburg
John B. Cleaveland
Henry Clifford
William J. Clothier, 2nd
Gifford A. Cochran
GeorgeL. Cohen
Hennig Cohen
Mrs. Charles J. Cole, Jr.
Mrs. H. R. Collard
Mrs. Peter B. Col win

Mrs. Thomas E. Comber, Jr.
Clement E. Conger
Mrs. Randall E. Copeland
Mrs. Robert Copeland
Mrs. C. Daniel Coppes
Mrs. Chalmers E. Cornelius
Allen D. Cornell
Mrs. Bolton L. Corson
Miss Helen F. Corson
Dr. Noel J. Cortes
Mrs. Frank G. Cox
Dr. Reavis Cox
Mrs. A. Reynolds Crane
James A. Crawford
Dr. W. Rex Crawford
Mrs. Orlando Crease, J r.
Mrs. Donaldson Cresswell
Francis Criss
Mrs. Edward T. Crossan
Miss Emma A. Crowder
Mrs. Harry L. Curtis
Francis J. Dallett
Mrs. Francis J. Dallett
Mrs. Scott Darby
Miss Meribah C. Delaplaine
J. Morgan Denison
Miss Gloria T. De Paolis
Miss Maude T. deSchauensee
Mrs. Eric de Spoelberch
Antelo Devereux
Armon W. Diedrich, Jr.
Mrs. J obn Dilks
Leonard C. Dill, Jr.
Dr. Edward Van Sant Dillon
Mrs. Benjamin Dintenfass
Mrs. Rachel DiStefano
F. Eugene Dixon, J r.
John E. Dixon
Mrs. Samuel E. Doak
Mrs. J obn P. Doerr
Mrs. H. Hoffman Dolan
Mrs. Edwin C. Donaghy
Miss Victoria Donohoe
Mrs. Walter deCazenove Douglas
Mrs. T. McKean Downs
Mrs. Harry C. Doyle
Allan R. Dragone
Mrs. Hans F. Dresel
Miss Helen Morris Duffield
Robert H. Dyson, Jr.


Harry A. Eberhardt
Mrs. Jane Echeverria
Mrs. Samuel P. Eckert
Arthur N. Edrop
Mrs. Richard M. Ehret
Dr. Loren C. Eiseley
Mrs. Laurence H. Eldredge
Mrs. Howard Elliott Eldridge
Mrs. Henri Elkan
Mrs. R. H. Elliott
William Elliott
Miss Elizabeth R. England
Dr. E. Schuyler English
Richard A. Enion
Mrs. Benjamin Eshleman
Mrs. John Estey
Mrs. Edward Evans
Harold Evans
Mrs. Samuel Evans, Jr.
Mrs. Kendall S. Ewer
Mrs. John K. Ewing
Richard L. Ewing
Mrs. McClure Fahnestock
Mrs. M. E. Falik
Mrs. Henry W. Farnum
Mrs. Clifford B. Farr
Mrs. Myer Feinstein
Mrs. David N. Feldman
Dr. Faith S. Fetterman
Miss Fannie R. Fingrutd
Arnold Finkel
Mrs. Werner Finks
Mrs. Margaret R. Fischer
Mrs. Philip B. Fisher
Charles J. Fitti
Mrs. J. J. Fleming, Jr.
Mrs. Harrison F. Flippin
S. M. Flock
Miss Frances L. Ford
Richard Foster
Dr. Thomas P. Fox
Mrs. William Fox
Mrs. William Logan Fox
Mrs. Thomas J. Foy
Robert B. Frailey
Mrs. Douglas W. Franck
W. West Frazier 4th
Mrs. Robert S. Freeman
Mrs. Francis S. Friel
Mrs. Helen B. Fritsche


Dr. Wilfred E. Fry
Mrs. Walter D. Fuller
Elbert F. Garrett
Mrs. Elbert F. Garrett
Dr. Anna E. Gaydos
Robert A. Gaye
William G. Gentner, Jr.
Mrs. Albert P. Gerhard
Mrs. Helen Gerlach
Dr. Louis Gerstley, 3rd
Mrs. Emile C. Geyelin
Mrs. A. Bruce Gill
Sol R. Gitman
Mrs. Louis M. Golden, J r.
Sol Golden
Herman Goldman
Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith
Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Napoleon V. Gorski
Willard P. Graham
James Gray, Jr.
Mrs. Jack Green
Seymour W. Greenberg
Mrs. Robson L. Greer
Mrs. William A. Grieb
Mrs. Robert A. Groff
Mrs. Richard Grosholz
Henry Grossman
Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman
Mrs. Milton R. Gutman
Mrs. Stephen G. Hale
Mrs. John H. Halford
Clarence E. Hall
Mrs. H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr.
Mrs. Woodson F. Hancock
The Hon. John B. Hannum
Standish Ford Hansell
Paul C. Harbeson
Mrs. Robert J. Harbison, Jr.
The Rev. Ernest A. Harding
Harry A. Harris
Mrs. Earl G. Harrison
Mrs. Pliney E. Hartenstein
Harry Haught, Jr.
Mrs. Henry Hauptfuher 3rd
Miss Dorothy Gordon Hay
Mrs. J. D. Hayes
Mrs. Todd Hayt
John F. Headly
Mrs. Jean B. Hecht

Mrs. T. Charlton Henry
Mrs. Joseph Welles Henderson
Frank J. Hermann
H. Ober Hess
Mrs. Paul M. Hesser, Ir.
Mrs. John Bernard Heyl
Mrs. Frank O. V. Hiergesell
George Norman Highley
Mrs. J. Bennett Hill
Mrs. Julian W. Hill
Mrs. C. Edgar Hires
Mrs. William Hires
Mrs. Marie C. Hodges
Thomas V. Hodges
Edward Fenno Hoffman III
Mrs. Romer Holleran
Mrs. John J. Hopkinson
Miss Marion R. Horn
Lawrence G. Horowitz
Mrs. Almern C. Howard
Morton Howard
Mrs. John Y. Huber, Jr.
Mrs. Arthur K. Hulme
John Hussian
Mrs. Morrison C. Huston
James F. Hutton
Dr. James I. Hykes
Thomas M. Hyndman
Lawrence Illoway
Mrs. C. Jared Ingersoll
Paul M. Ingersoll
Mrs. James Irvine
Mrs. Robert E. Isakson
Mrs. Arthur E. I. Jackson
Mrs. Orton P. Jackson
Mrs. Bertram Jacobs
Miss Katherine K. I acobs
Mrs. Herbert Janis
Mrs. William Warner Jeanes
Iohn K. Jenney
Miss Julie Jensen
Miss Florence E. J esanker
Charles Meredith Johnson
Mrs. George Clarence Johnson
Mrs. Clifford B. Iones
Mrs. Russell B. Jones
Miss Alma J ovanov
Miss Dorothy R. Justice
Dr. Leon Kacher
Mrs. Paul C. Kaiser

Norman J. Kalcheim
Mrs. Harry Kalish
Mrs. Charles S. Kambe
Sam Karavan
Dr. Albert B. Katz
Richard Kendrick
E. Gillet Ketchum
Mrs. Ted Key
Samuel N. Kirkland
Mrs. James Nelson Kise
Miss Anna Marie Klauder
Mrs. Norman Klauder
Mrs. Thomas Klein
Mrs. Howard S. Kneedler
Mrs. Horace C. Knerr
Leonard Kolker
Mrs. Lewis Korn
Mrs. Joseph N. Kotzin
Miss Muriel Krall
Mrs. Henrietta V. Kravitz
Mrs. Nicholas J. Kuhn
H. H. Kynett
Samuel LaFair
Mrs. Austin Lamont
Mrs. Rhea Lapsley
Mrs. Dayton Larzelere
Mrs. Richmond Lattimore
Mrs. Lewis J. Laventhol
Mrs. John B. Leake
Mrs. H. Fairfax Leary, Jr.
Richard W. Ledwith
Mrs. Richard W. Ledwith
P. Blair Lee
William I. Lee
Thomas V. Lefevre
Al Paul Lefton, Jr.
Mrs. George P. Lehmann
Mrs. Milton Leidner
Mrs. Nelson Leidner
Miss Edith Lincoln Leonard
Mrs. Frederick H. Levis
Mrs. Louis E. Levy
Miss Violet 1. Levy
Miss Ernestine G. Lewis
Mrs. 1. Webb Lewis
Walter D. Lewis
Mrs. Daniel S. Liang
Mrs. Aaron Lichtin
Robert C. Ligget
Mrs. I ames C. Lightfoot


Mrs. Robert C. Linck
Mrs. George J. Lincoln, Jr.
Mrs. L. W. Thompson Lincoln
Mrs. Arthur Bennett Lipkin
Mrs. Bertram Lippincott
Mrs. Clifton Lisle
Mrs. Rawson Goodsir Lizars
Mrs. Robert Locke
Mrs. Benjamin S. Loewenstein
Mrs. J. H. Longmaid
Mrs. W. Thacher Longstreth
Mrs. Jerome H. Louchheim
Mrs. Stuart F. Louchheim
Miss Mary Ann Loughran
Mrs. Douglas G. Lovell, Jr.
Mrs. Paul W. Lunkenheimer
Mrs. Herbert Luria
Mrs. William Luria
Mrs. John W. Lyons
Louis E. McAllister
J. Grant McCabe III
Mrs. John F. McCloskey
Mrs. Robert H. McCracken
Mrs. William McCulloch
Dr. John S. McGavic
Mrs. Catherine C. McGranary
Henry :P. McIlhenny
Mrs. Alan McIlvain
Mrs. Reid McNeill
William F. MacDonald
Mrs. B. Penn-Gaskell MacGrann
Mrs. John W. MacGuire
Mrs. Louis C. Madeira 4th
Mrs. Robert F. Maine
Frank H. Mancill
Mrs. Richard H. Manganaro
Briton Martin
William R. Martone
Mrs. I. Edward Master
Charles E. Mather, 2nd
Mrs. Charles E. Mather III
Mrs. Edward D. Meanor
Arthur Meltzer
Mrs. Morris Hill Merritt
Martin T. Meyer
Harry M. Meyers, J r.
F. Clyde Michel
Mrs. Claire Michie
Mrs. Joseph Miller
Mrs. Walter' p. Miller, Jr.


Mrs. Robert L. Millikin
Mrs. Wil1iam I. Mirkil
Mrs. James F. Mitchell, Jr.
D. Cortlandt Montgomery
Mrs. James Alan Montgomery, Jr.
Mrs. Knowlton Dodd Montgomery
Dr. Thaddeus L. Montgomery
H erbert R. Moody
Mrs. Walter L. Morgan
Mrs. Casper W. Morris
Mrs. Robert S. Mueller, Jr.
Mrs. G. Fairman Mullen
Daniel Mungall, Jr.
Mrs. Gonazlo Munoz
Mrs. Frank H. Mustin
Mrs. Edward B. Myers
Gerald H. Myers
John Netzky
Mrs. William N etzky
Mrs. Charles P. Neuhardt
Mrs. Abraham A. Neuman
Mrs. Arthur E. Newbold
Mrs. William Price Newhall
Mrs. Earl Mortimer Newlin
Mrs. Charles J. Nicholas
W. H. Noble, Jr.
Miss Anna W. Nock
Mrs. Maurice E. Norton
Mrs. David O'Brien
Miss Gertrude A. O'Brien
Mrs. A. Douglas Oliver
Eugene Ormandy
Mrs. Charles P. Orr
Frank J. Owens
Mrs. Charles E. Pacaud
Dr. Nicholas Padis
Wheeler H.
Otto J. Patzau
Mrs. Otto J. Patzau
Miss Frances E. Paulson
Mrs. Charles H. Pearson
Mrs. Joseph T. Pearson, Jr.
Miss Pauline T. Pease
G. Holmes Perkins
Gene Pero
Mrs. Leonard C. Peskin
Miss Catherine M. Peterson
Charles B. Peterson, III
Mrs. Joseph Pew, III
Miss Kathryn Pflaum

Mrs. Gordon Phillips
Walter M. Phillips
Frederick C. Phillis
Mrs. William C. Pickett
Mrs. George Platt Pilling III
Mrs. Thomas C. Pillion
Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Mrs. Henry Norris Platt
Albert K. Plone
Mrs. Henry L. Plummer
Mrs. Joseph Pollack
Mrs. Peter Prichett
Mrs. M. R. Raby
Mrs. Abraham E. Rakoff
David J. Randell
Mrs. John L. Randall
David S. Randolph
Mrs. Evan Randolph, Sr.
Mrs. John Randolph
Miss Lois Rapp
Robert W. Rea
Mrs. Conyers Read
Mrs. George Reath
G. Ruhland Rebmann, Jr.
Miss Gertrude Marie Redheffer
Mrs. Edward A. Reed
Wesley S. Reed
Mrs. Hobart A. Reimann
Dr. Jonathan Rhoads
Miss Christine Louise Richards
Mrs. Russell Richardson
Mrs. Sheppard Richardson
R. G. Rinc1iffe
Miss Deborah C. Ritter
Victor Riu
Mrs. E. Plorens Rivinus
Mrs. John Craig Roak
Max Robb
Mrs. Brooke Roberts
Mrs. Frederick M. Roberts
Mrs. Helen L. Roberts
Mrs. Charles S. Rockey
Mrs. Mary G. Roebling
Dr. Fred B. Rogers
Dr. Harry B. Roitman
Mrs. Alphonsus R. Romeika
Dr. Bernard J. Ronis
Dr. Esther K. Rosen
Mrs. Samuel E. Rosen
Paul Rosenbaum

R. H. Rosenfeld
Mrs. Edward Rosewater
Mrs. Robert S. Ross
Dr. George J. Roth
Charles Rudy
Mrs. Norman F. S. Russell, Jr.
Harry B. Rust
Miss Anna Wells Rutledge
Clyde de L. Ryals
Charles S. Sale, Jr.
Mrs. Charles S. Sale, J r.
Mrs. Henry Saltonstall, J r.
Edward Samuel, Jr.
Mrs. Sidney S. Samuels
Mrs. David H. Sanford
Mrs. Morton T. Saunders
Henry W. Sawyer III
The Hon. Harold D. Saylor
Mrs. Maxwell Scarf
Mrs. Fletcher Schaum
Wm. Cramp Scheetz, Jr.
Mrs. Harold G. Scheie
Henry Emil Scherer
Mrs. Herbert F. Schiffer
Mrs. Guy Lacy SchIess
Reeve Schley 3rd
Dr. Ludwig E. Schlitt
Miss L. Florence Schmidt
George Schobinger
Miss Carolyn Schoenemann
Mrs. Marc C. Schoettle
John D. Schofield, III
D. H. Schultz
Mrs. James T. F. Schultz
Mrs. Lloyd J. Schumacker
Mrs. Mary A. Schweitzer
Mrs. Edgar Scott
Mrs. Frazier Scott
Mrs. Hardie Scott
Miss Helen P. Scott
Robert Montgomery Scott
Mrs. Theodore C. Scull
Mrs. William S. Scull
Mrs. Robert Fulton Sears
Mrs. Anna Seitchik
Mrs. Frank E. Seymour
Mrs. E. O. Shakespeare
Mrs. Laurence P. Sharples
Howell Lewis Shay
Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield


Mrs. Warner S. Shelly
Miss Carolyn Sheppard
Victor F. Sheronas
Mrs. William D. Sherrerd, Jr.
Mrs. Lester B. Shoemaker
Mrs. Orlando Shoemaker
Mrs. Adrian Siegel
C. A. Sienkiewicz
Mrs. Eugene C. B. Simonin
Mrs. D. Wielland Sitley
Mrs. James M. Skinner, Jr.
Dr. David M. Sklaroff
John A. Slagen
Richard J. Sliwinski
George A. Slossman
Mrs. Arthur T. Smith
Mrs. Madeline A. Smith
Miss Sarah Anne Greene Smith
Mrs. William Wharton Smith
Mrs. Michael J. Smylie
Mrs. K. A. Solmssen
Mrs. Louis A. Soloff
Mrs. Edmund B. Spaeth
Karl H. Spaeth
George C. Sparks
Mrs. William Spence
Mrs. Albert W. Spitz
Miss Florence E. Stackhouse
Dr. Isaac Starr
Harold E. Stassen
Mrs. Howard Steel
Mrs. E. A Steele
Mrs. E. Bessie Steinberg
H. P. Stellwagen
Mrs. Horace Stern
Mrs. James H. Stevenson, J r.
Frank Carl Stiefel
Mrs. Boudinot Stimson
Frederick B. Stimson
Mrs. J. Stogdell Stokes
Mrs. Bayard T. Storey
The Hon. Robert Strausz-Hupe
Mrs. Francis R. Strawbridge
G. Stockton Strawbridge
Mrs. M. G. V. Strawbridge
Mrs. George V. Strong
Mrs. Harry L. Strube
Mrs. Catherine B. Sullivan
Mrs. Upton Sullivan
Miss Mary E. Sumerfield


Andrew R. Supplee
Henderson Supplee, Jr.
Herbert H. Swinburne
Israel Switt
Leslie M. Swope
Mrs. William R. Talbot
Peter-Ayers Tarantino
George B. Tatum
Mrs. Philip J. Taylor
Mrs. Arthur S. Teague
Mrs. E. Robert Thomas, Jr.
Mrs. H. Eastburn Thompson
Mrs. R. Ellison Thompson
Mrs. William Heyl Thompson
Miss Ethel H. Tily
Mrs. Clarence E. Tobias, J r.
Mrs. Gordon L. Tobias
Mrs. Clarence Tolan, JI.
Mrs. J. Kirby Tompkins
Miss Elizabeth S. Trotter
Miss Louise Tucker
George F. Tyler, Jr.
Mrs. John Tyson
Dr. Charles A. W. Uhle
Mrs. H. G. Van der Eb
Mrs. Joseph B. Vander Veer
Harold B. Van Fossen
Frederick T. Van Urk
Mrs. George Vaux
Paul J. Vinicoff
Mrs. Thomas J. Vischer
Miss Lecian von Bernuth
Miss Charlotte Calvin Voorhis
Everett G. Walk
Mrs. Velma L. Wallace
Mrs. Henry F. Walton, Jr.
W. Wyclif Walton
Mrs. Charles P. Ward, Jr.
Mrs. Clarence A. Warden, Jr.
Mrs. Harold A. Waterworth
Mrs. John W. Watson
Mrs. Channing Way, J r.
Thomas S. Weary
Mrs. Herbert K. Webb
Mrs. William M. Webb
Mrs. Harold Webber
Frederick W. Weber
Mrs. Glenn L. Weber
Mrs. Livia Mann Weber
Mrs. Bernard Weinberg

Mrs. S. P. Weinberg
Morris L. Weisberg
Albert N. Weiss
Mrs. Paul B. Wendler
Dr. Nathaniel Werrin
Harry F. West
Mrs. Harrison B. Wetherill
Lewis A. Wexler
Anthony H. Whitaker
Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White
Mrs. Harriet M. Wickersham
Mrs. Alfred Wielopolski
J. Roffe Wike II
Franklin B. Wildman, J r.
Mrs. Robert W. Wiley
Mrs. E.Burke Wilford
Mrs. Edwin Wilkinson
Arthur S. Williams
Mrs. Harvey L. Williams
H. Justice Williams
Miss Irene Williams
John S. Williams
Miss Elizabeth Harrison Wilson

Mrs. Hamilton M. Wilson
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Mrs. James D. Winsor 3rd
Miss V. M. Wintzer
Dr. C. Wilmer Wirts
Mrs. Charles K. B. Wister
Mrs. Horace G. Wolf
Morris Wolf
Mrs. Hollis Wolstenholme
Mrs. Howard Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph Wood
Mrs. Edna M. Woodcock
Miss Allegra Woodworth
Mrs. Naomi Wooten
Curtis Wright
Dr. J. B. Yasinow
Mrs. Robert A. Young
C. Clark Zantzinger, J r.
Mrs. Albert Zimmermann
William Zimmerman
Mrs. Gerard L. Zomber
Mrs. David B. Zoob

Heritage Members
Morton Abrams
Mrs. William H. Allen
Mrs. M. Barbara Ambrose
Mrs. Hilda Aron
Miss Helen Baxter
Mrs. Joseph M. Baxter
Dr. Joseph Bender
Gabriel Berk
Mrs. Nelson Billington
Miss Patricia T. Birkinbine
Harold S. Blegen
Miss Kathy A. Bogosian
John S. Bolger
Mrs. Adrian Boone
Mrs. Joseph S. Breskman
Sidney S. Brotman, Esq.
Mrs. Ruth G. Castor
Lee M. Churche
Mrs. Charlotte P. Clemmer
Mrs. Lee N. Cohanne
Norman Cohn
Harold Cramer
Joseph E. Czajkowski
Ronald DeGraw

Dr. Vincent C. Desiderio
Saul Doner
James A. Drobile, Esq.
Dr. Frank P. Ermilio
Frank K. Esherick
J. R. Essig
Mrs. S. E. Farquhar, Jr.
Dr. Eugene S. Felderman
Louis S. Fine
Mrs. Gail R. Foxman
Steven F. Gadon
John F. Garber
Anthony Garvan
Dr. Robert Gibbon, Jr.
Miss Audrey Alice Gist
Dr. Frederick B. Glaser
Raymond Granoff, Esq.
Mrs. Gilbert Grossman
Dr. Julina Gylfe
Frank E. Hahn, J r.
Mrs. H. A. Haines, JI.
Miss Jane L. Hammond
John B. Hand
W. Alfred Hoffsommer


Mrs. Graham Humes
Miss Rosalie Humphreys
Herman Hurowitz
Miss Eleanor N. Isaacs
Mrs. B. Scribner Kammerer
R. H. Keenan
Thomas H. Kelley
Dr. J. John Kollmer III
Jacob Kossman
ErIe F. Krauss
Martin M. Krimsky, Esq.
Dr. Milton L. Kroungold
Dr. David H. Kubert
Mrs. Walton Kurz
Dr. L. F. LaNoce
Dr. Wm. M. Lenunon
Russell Lewis
M. Irvin Lipman
Mrs. Frank P. Louchheim
Edwin A. Lucas
Mrs. William H. Lyon
N. Kenneth McKinney
James F. McMullan
Walter S. Marine
Mrs. A. M. Meisenhelter
Robert Mezey
Mrs. Leonard Moonblatt
Mrs. F. J. Morris
Andrew Craig Morrison
Lionel E. Moskowitz
Isaac Naeye
Miss Blanche Hunter Nelsen
Reade B. Nimick


M. Nissman
Samuel Nowak
Mrs. Jack Oritt
Laird U. Park, Jr.
Mrs. Alex E. Pearce
Miss Marilyn Pendleton
Henry F. Perot
Robert Pollack
Alden S. Price II
Ralph D. Prigge
Mrs. Harry E. Rockower
Richard H. Roman
Mrs. Ruth Rosenthal
Dr. Karl F. Rugart
Mrs. Saul Sack
Mrs. S. Ralph Schwarzschild
Mrs. Louis Schwerin
Edward W. Shober
Oscar Spivak, Esg.
Mrs. William C. Stammer
Edwin W. Stein
Patrick R. S:one
Mrs. David E. Sunstein
Robert H. Taylor
Mrs. Abraham Toltzis
William R. Tubbs
William J. Tuddenham
Dr. Alex W. Ulin
Albert S. Wiener
N. William Winkelman, Jr.
Emanuel W. Wirkman
Robert R. Wright, Jr.


Academy Galleries
VICTOR RIU. January 6 through February 7. Black granite sculpture
by Coopersburg artist.
25. Sculpture and paintings by two artists from The Common Ground,
Contemporary Detroit Artists' Cooperative.
through April 25. An exhibition in conjunction with the 17th annual
Winterthur Conference and with the cooperation of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
May 3. Stewart Klonis, Executive Director of the Art Students' League
of New York, was the principal speaker at Cresson Day exercises on
May 3, during which traveling scholarships and other prizes were
awarded. The sale of student work was held May 7-30.
EDWARD HOPPER. September 24 through November 28. Major
paintings and complete set of prints by an important 20th century
COUNTERPOINT. December 16 through January 9, 1972. Contemporary sculpture by Nancy Grossman; Sidney Simon; Carlo Travaglia
and Halo Scanga; and kinetic works of Remo Saraceni.
Peale Galleries
SUZANNE BLOOM. January 13 through February 21. Color field
paintings by an artist-teacher from Smith College.
MORRIS BLACKMAN. March 4 through April 11. Paintings and
drawings by a contemporary Philadelphia painter.
JOHN CASTAGNO. March 4 through April 11. Paintings, serigraphs,
constructions and sculpture by a contemporary Philadelphia artist.
PRINTMAKERS '71. April 14 through May 13. An exhibition of
works by Philadelphia artists-Vivian Bergenfeld; John Bolles; Daniel
Dallman; Jack Gerber; Lois Johnson; Jerome Kaplan; James Lang;
Victor Lasuchin; Lillian Lent; Peter Lister; Herbert Lovitz; Sam Maitin;
Libby Newman; Katja Oxman; Edward Porter; Merle Spandorfer;
Lillian Spiro; Sue Squires and David Umholtz.
DAVID STEPHENS. April 14 through May 13. Plastic sculpture,
drawings and blueprints by young Philadelphia artist.

9 MEMBERS OF ACADEMY FACULTY. May 19 through July 31.
Paintings, drawings and sculpture by Oliver Grimley; Adolph Dioda;
Karl Karhumaa; Kim Sou; Tom Ewing; Alan Goldstein; Warren Rohrer;
Morris Blackburn and Julian Levi.
through October 13. · Oils and watercolors by an internationally-known
surrealist and a Philadelphia painter-teacher.
November 28. Acrylic, ·tempera and graphics by an Israeli naive artist
and a Belgian abstract artist.
RETURN TO THE FIGURE. December 8 through January 9, 1972.
Paintings by Alex Katz; Sidney Goodman; Philip Pearlstein; Mitzi Melnicoff; Romare Bearden and Armando Morales.
Attendance jor the year

Academy Galleries
Peale Galleries



By Purchase

SHRINE OF THE PRIMARIES, KARNAK (acrylic on canvas) by
Morris Blackman (through purchase fund authorized by Board)
YELLOW BOUNCE (silkscreen) by Edna Andrade
MEDITATION #2 (silkscreen) by John Formicola
(through gift of Judge and Mrs. Paul Chalfin)
UNTITLED (oil and acrylic on canvas) by Valentine Panetta
(commissioned by the School)
By Gift ·

MASTS AND LINES (oil on canvas) by Morris Blackburn
HONDO VALLEY (watercolor) by Morris Blackburn
(from Dr. Faith Fetterman)


IDEAL HEAD (oil on panel) by Gustave J. Jacquet
'. EvA LAVALLEIRE (lithograph) by Henri de ToUlouse-Lautrec
. FLORAL STILL LIFE # 1 (oil on canvas) by Caspar Van Praag .
FLORAL STILLLIFE #2 (oil on canvas) by Caspar Van Praag
AND SMOKING SET (from Mr. Sol M. Flock)
MONK (oil on canvas) by William Emlen Cresson ,
AN OLD WOMAN (oil on canvas) by William Emlen Cresson
HARBOUR SCENE ' (oil on canvas, mounted on masonite) by
George R. Bonfield
(from Dr. Frederick M. Chacker)
THE GOSSIPS (drawing) by Hobson Pittman
(gift of the artist)
ST. DUNSTAN'S CHURCH (etching) by Joseph Pennell
(from Mrs. Harry Williams, Jr.)
By Bequest

FRANCES M. WEST (pastel) by Arthur B. Carles
(from Estate of Frances M; West)
STUDY AFTER VERSAILLES (drawing) by Gustave Ketterer
HOUSE ACROSS OUR STREET (drawing) by Gustave Ketterer
(from Estate of Mrs. Gustave Ketterer)
TORSO OF TEHIVA (bronze) by Harry Rosin
RECLINING NUDE (bronze) by Harry Rosin
(from Estate of Myer H. Goldman)
SOUTHWEST # 17 , PRISMATIC (casein and oil on canvas)
by John Ward Lockwood
(from Estate of Mrs. Clyde Bonbrake Lockwood)
The following paintings received attention during the year from Joseph
Amarotico, Conservator:
by Thomas Anshutz
23 oil sketches by Thomas Anshutz

by George B?Iifield

by Edward Biberman

by Eugene Louis Boudin



attributed to Samuel F. B. Morse

by Charles Carolus-Duran



by John Neagle

by Emil Carlsen

by William Emlen Cresson

by William Emlen Cresson

by Stuart Davis

by Thomas Doughty

by John Neagle

by Charles Willson Peale

by Charles Willson Peale

by J ames Peale



by Thomas Doughty

by James Peale



by William Dunlap

by James Peale



by John F. Francis

by Rembrandt Peale



by Daniel Garber

by Henry Sargent



by William Morris Hunt

by John Sloan



by Henry Inman

by Hedda Sterne



by Matthew Harris Jouett

by Robert Street



by Frank Le Brun Kirkpatrick

by Gilbert Stuart



by Walt Kuhn

by Gilbert Stuart



by James Read Lambdin

by Jane Sully and Thomas Sully



by Alfred Henry Maurer

by Thomas Sully




by Unknown

by Unknown



by Unknown

by Unknown


by Unkhown

by Unknown


by S. B. Waugh



by Unknown

by Benjamin West


During 1971, 49 paintings, sculptures, watercolors and drawings from
the Permanent Collection were lent to 32 institutions.
Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
Germantown Academy, Fort Washington, Pa.
Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, Calif. and Los Angeles
Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park, Calif.
GIRL WITH FLOWER by Edward Biberman
Woodmere Art Gallery, Philadelphia, Pa. (The Fellowship of the
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts)
OSIER'S COVE by Paul Wescott
THE WALL by Walter Stuempfig
Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa.
STEPHEN DECATUR by John Trumbull
JAMES MADISON by Asher B. Durand
Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, Pa.
University Hospital Antiques Show, Philadelphia, Pa.
GEORGE CLYMER by Charles Willson Peale
ROBERT MORRIS by Charles Willson Peale

Washington College,Chesteriown, Md . .
. by Charles Willson Peale .
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Del. .
INTERIOR WITH DOQRWAY by Richard Diebenkorn
NORTH RIVER .by George Bellows
YOlJNG WOMAN by Isabel Bishop
HELEN TAYLOR by Arthur C. Carles
ULTRAMARINE · by Stuart Davis
POSENDORF I by Lyonel Feininger
SODA FOUNTAIN by William Glackens
VASE OF FLOWERS by Alfred Maurer
DISORDER by Raphael Soyer
NICODEMUS by Henry O. Tanner
William A. Farnsworth Library and Art Museum, Rockland, Maine
National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.
by Thomas Sully .
. . FANNY KEMBLE AS BIANCA by Thomas Sully


COMEDY by William ·Rush
TRAGEDY by William Rush
(on indefinite loan to the Academy from the Edwin Forrest
Home and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, PhiladelphIa, Pa.)
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, Georgia
(and continuing to travel in 1972 to the following:)
M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum, San Francisco, Calif.
City Art Museum of St. Louis; Mo.
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Columbus, Ohio
Museum of Fine Arts, St.Petersburg,Fla.
Loch Haven Art Center, Orlando, Fla.
Akron Art Institute, Akron, Ohio
WEE MAUREEN by Robert Henri
YOUNG WOMAN by IsaberBishop
The Art Galleries, Santa Barbara, Calif.
University Art Museum, Berkeley, Calif.
(and continuing to travel in 1972 to the following:)

The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N. Y.
MAN ON DOCK by Charles Demuth
MORNING by Charles Demuth
Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebr.
WITH THOUGHTFUL EYES by Jessie Willcox Smith
TABLE WITH PIPE by Stuart Davis
HAULING by Andrew Wyeth
RED HILLS AND BONES by Georgia O'Keefe . (on indefinite
loan to P.A.F.A. from Philadelphia Museum of Art)
Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, N. C.
TULIPS by Charles Demuth
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
PEACH AND GLASS by Georgia O'Keefe (on indefinite loan to
P.A.F.A. from the Philadelphia Museum of Art)
Cummer Gallery of Art, Jacksonville, Fla.
Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, Calif.
Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena, Calif.
Philadelphia Board of Education at the Art Alliance, Philadelphia, Pa.
STREET SCENE by Robert Gwathmey

The culmination of each School Year is the exhibition of student work
in the Academy Galleries in competition for European Traveling Scholarships and other prizes. Whereas most art schools customarily exhibit
student work selected for excellence, this exhibition represents all degrees and stages of student progress. Public support and interest is evidenced by the fact that 107 items of student work were sold during May
7-30 for $10,005.
On Cresson Day, May 3, the following scholarships and prizes were

Elissa Glassgold; Samuel L. Kabatt; Charles Kalick; Kyung Ja Lee;
Robert R. Ricker and Charles R. Searles.

(est. 1938, $1,600 each) to John A. Richardson; Timothy L. Van
Campen; Gene A. Shaw and James Licartez.
to Johanna Okovic.
(est. 1967, three full tuition and eight half tuition scholarships awarded
for the 1971-72 School Year). Full tuition scholarships to Ronald
Fillius, David R. Rothermel and James Stewart. Half tuition scholarships to Robert Bender; Victoria L. Blunt; Stephen Estock; Gail Fox;
Lydia Hamilton; Thomas O'Brien; Doris Saylor and Gerald Teichman.
SKOWHEGAN SCHOLARSHIP (est. 1954, full tuition awarded by
the Skowhegan (Maine) School of Painting and Sculpture for study at
the school during July and August) to David R. Rothermel.

CECILIA BEAUX MEMORIAL PRIZE (est. 1946, $100) to Glenna
Hartmann. Honorable Mention to Ronald Weisberg.
Zoi A. Shuttie.
1961) $500 First Prize to Gail Fox. $100 Second Prize to Richard Lee.
JOHN R. CONNER MEMORIAL PRIZE (est. 1953, $50) to Gerald
Sonia Blassanian and Charles Kalick. Honorable Mentions to Marcia
Lampert and Rochelle M. Lunsk.
THOMAS EAKINS MEMORIAL PRIZE (est. 1949, $100) to Samuel
L. Kabatt. Honorable Mentions to Kristina Kutkus and John A. Rich-

LOUIS S. FINE PURCHASE PRIZE (est. 1968) $250 First Prize to
Millicent M. Schoenborn; $150 Second Prize to Jeffrey W. Boys and
$75 Third Prize to Steven A. Miller.
GIMBEL PRIZE (est. 1958, $50 in art supplies) to Marcia Lampert.
Honorable Mention to Bernice Gordon.
CATHARINE GRANT MEMORIAL PRIZE (est. 1955, $200) ($100
each to Kyung J a Lee and Victoria L. Blunt. Honorable Mention to
Kristina Kutkus.

Richard A. Lee.
MINDEL CAPLAN KLEINBARD PRIZE (est. 1958, $25 in art supplies) to David R. Rothermel.
Samuel L. Kabatt. Honorable Mention to Charles Kalick.
(est. 1955, $200) to John R. Galster.
Prize to Johanna Okovic and $25 Second Prize to Steven A. Miller.
PERSPECTIVE PRIZE (est. 1916, $50) to Bernard R. Dudek.
PHILADELPHIA PRINT CLUB GRAPHICS PRIZE (est. 1953, oneyear membership in the Club and use of its workshop) to Robert R.
HENRY C. PRAIT MEMORIAL PRIZE (est. 1968, $50) to Rochelle
M. Lunsk.
Samuel L. Kabatt. Honorable Mention to Mark Reitz.
RAMBORGER PRIZE (est. 1910, $35) to Vaughn Stubbs.
GEORGE SKLAR MEMORIAL PRIZE (est. 1968, $100) to Connie
S. Colker.
1961, $100) to Virginia S. Tabor. Honorable Mentions to James S.
Brantley and Samuel L. Kabatt.
William S. Biddle Cadwalader Memorial, $250). $200 to Victoria L.
Blunt; $25 each to Robert Staub and Richard A. Lee. Honorable Mention to Tanya Krizova.
EDMUND STEWARDSON PRIZE (est. 1899, $100) to James C.
EMMA BURHAM STIMSON PRIZE (est. 1917, $100) to Joseph S.
M. HERBERT SYME PRIZE (est. 1959, $25) to Timothy L. Jenk.
Honorable Mention to Elissa Glassgold.
HENRY J. THOURON PRIZES (est. 1903). $100 First Prize awarded
by the Faculty to Steven A. Miller; $50 prize awarded by vote of the
students to Stanley R. Merz. $100 First Prize awarded by the Instructors in Composition to Samuel L. Kabatt; $50 Second Prize to Deborah
A. Standard.


CHARLES TOPPAN PRIZES (est. 1881, $200 each) to Elissa Glassgold; Pallia D. Gordon; Linda A. Moore; Timothy L. Jenk; Charles
Kalick and Victoria L. Blunt.
art supplies) to Kovla E. Dasios. Honorable Mention to Jeffrey W. Boys.
Woodrow Blagg.
WOODROW PRIZE IN GRAPHICS (est. 1955, $100) to Gene A.

During the past year, the main efforts of the Public Relations Office
have been directed towards expanding the Academy's involvement with
the immediate community. Several exceptionally fortunate events occurring in the fall added great impetus to these efforts with the result that
residents of the Philadelphia area are not only more aware of the AcadeIiiy,btit are also participating in its programs in increasing numbers.
_The outstanding Edward Hopper Exhibition, which ran for over ten
Weeks, attracted large crowds of visitors and received the wide media
coverage it deserved. The unusual cooperation of local business in promoting the exhibition poster was also very gratifying. A special display,
~hic1J.~on universal admiration, was designed for the windows of Provident National Bank's main office.

-1\ docent program was born out of necessity to accommodate the
many club and school groups who requested tours of the Hopper Exhibition. This new program, coordinated by the Public Relations Office,
the Registrar and the Curator, is forever indebted for the intelligence,
tacta-nd dedication of the five young women who served as docents. Although it has not yet been feasible to organize a similar program for the
Permanent Collection, the success of the first venture augurs -well for
the future.
Another giant step toward the Philadelphia cOmniunity was the
Academy's alliance in "Super Sunday," handled entirely by the Public
Relations Office. Unfortunately, bad weather on the morning of October
10 forced the Academy to bow out of all of its schedllied exhibits and
demonstrations. However, the experience gained during the months of
planning and the joint cooperation between the-Academy and the City's
other cultural institutions were immensely rewarding. The spirit of the
students who helped with the plans and displays was yet another assuranCe that "Super Sunday" was well worth the effort. The fair drew
100;000 people in spite of the weather -and even more are expected in
1972 when the Academy will again participate asa sponsoring institution.

The arrival of the new Director added immeasurable energy, imagination and force to the Academy's public image, and his Children's Christmas Party on December 18 culminated the Academy's efforts· to become more accessible to the local community. The entire staff was
actively involved in preparing games and entertainment, and widespread
goodwill was engendered by the event. The Public Relations Office
worked with schools and children's agencies to arrange transportation,
carol singing, an invitation-designing contest, ornament-making lessons
and an afternoon of tree trimming. In all these encounters, we were
exceedingly gratified by the public interest in and appreciation of the
In summary, the Public Relations Office was tremendously fortunate
in 1971 to be able to reap the benefits of having an exceptionally excellent and popular exhibition, being able to join with neighboring cultural institutions in organizing a totally new City-oriented occasion, and
having the opportunity to expedite some of the hospitable, far-reaching
plans of the new Director.
During 1971, members of the Women's Committee served as hostesses at all Academy and Peale House openings . For the September
24th opening of an exhibition of paintings by Edward Hopper, the Committee arranged a subscription preview cocktail party, featuring an informal talk by Hopper expert, Brian O'Doherty.
On March 26, just prior to the opening of the exhibition "Philadelphia
Painting and Printing to 1776," the Academy entertained 271 conferees
from Winterthur at dinner in the Rotunda. Mrs. Edward B. Leisenring,
Jr. handled the dinner arrangements and seating. Decorations were
chosen by Mrs. E. Robert Thomas and Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler. This
exceptionally successful evening elicited many favorable comments.
The ladies of the Hospitality Committee welcomed two groups of
visitors to Philadelphia museums, serving pre-luncheon sherry in the
Peale Galleries · to 40 visitors from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
on April 23 and to a larger. group from ·the Delgado Museum of New
Orleans on May 6. After lunching at the Peale Club, each of these groups
visited the Galleries at Broad and Cherry.
Student events sponsored by the Committee:
-a "mixer" luncheon at Peale House on the opening day of School
(well attended by both. students and faculty).
~four afternoon parties ,(refreshments provided and served by
members of the Committee) on the occasion of a new hanging
of student work in the Peale House Student Gallery.

Two Art Safaris were organized under the expert guidance of Mmes.
Greenfield, Rellth and Holleran. The first, a day trip to Baltimore on
February 10, induded visits to the Walters Art Gallery and the Baltimore Museum and lunch for 88 subscribers at Hampton House. The
second consisted of a three-day trip to Williamsburg, November 6-8:
Our group of 37 explored the restorations, museums and nearby
plantations. Highlights of this safari were an evening candlelight reception at Carter's Grove where we were greeted by Mr. Carlisle Humelsine, President of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, and the curatorial staff and their wives, and a party at Bassett Hall (rarely opened
to the public) where we were made welcome by the owners, Mr. and
Mrs. John D. Rockefeller III.
During the year, the Women's Committee donated the following:
-$2,660 for student loans and tuition grants
-$500 for Brian O'Doherty's lecture fee
-$1 ,000 from Mr. and Mrs. C. Earle Miller for student aid
(through Women's Committee)
-$1,000 to P.A.F.A. and $500 to the Fellowship from Mrs. James
M. R. Sinkler (through Women's Committee)
-proceeds from sale of stock, donated by Mrs. Herbert C. Morris,
to P.A.F.A. (to be used as recommended by Women's Committee)
-additions to the Library through the WainWright Fund
Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler donated flower arrangements for the Winterthur dinner, the Hopper opening and the December 3rd reception for
Thomas N. Armstrong III. She also donated and supervised the replanting of all flower pots in the Peale Gub Garden.
Mrs. John G. Bartol and Mrs. Alfred Bendiner again contributed generously to the concert programs.
Mrs. John C. Russell and Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath resigned from the
Committee during the year. Mrs. H. Richard Dietrich, Mrs. Robert W.
Preucel and Mrs. Harry F. West, Jr. were elected as new members.
1971 was a busy and productive year. The Committee is looking
forward to working with Mr. Armstrong in 1972 on his new programs
while continuing their support of the Academy and the School.
President, Women's Committee



The main purpose of the Fellowship, which Was organized in 1897,
is to foster a spirit of fraternity among former and present Academy


Louis B. Sloan
Roy C. Nuse
Mabel W. Gill
Fran.cis Speight
Franklin C. Watkins
Roswell Weidner
Ethel V. Ashton
Elizabeth Eichman .
L. A. D. Montgomery

... .. President
... Vice President
... ... .. .. .Vice President
........... Vice President
.. .V ice President
..... ... ... .Vice President
. Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
... ... Treasurer

Committee on Fellowship

Mabel W. Gill, Chairman-Treasurer
Ethel V. Ashton
Roy C. Nuse

Louis B. Sloan
Roswell Weidner

The function of the Committee is to administer the following funds:
Henry J. Thouron Memorial Fund, Picture Purchase Fund, Special Fund,
and the Mary Butler Memorial Fund for the benefit of Fellowship members, whether present or former students, and the William Clothier Watts
Fund for aid to students.
The Committee also endeavors to be useful to both the Fellowship
and the Academy, whenever possible. In addition, the Committee is responsible for the Loan Collection, from which works are currently on
exhibition in various institutions, and for giving a type of financial assistance, not permissible from the regular Fellowship treasury, to current
and former Academy students, art workers and Fellowship members.

Pen drawings by Joseph Mellaci