
Part of 180th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

extracted text




, I.

Annual Report j985

Boar<;l of Trustees
Women's Committee Members
Associate Members


Samuel M. V Hamilton

(right) Samuel MV
Hamilton, Chairman
of the Board of
Trustees, presents
the first Award of
American Art to the
artist Frank
Ste lla (le ft), on
October 25, 1985,
while President
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.,
looks on.

'J"fhe year 1985 was an excellent one for the
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. More
importantly, this past year points to an even better
future. Through the programs of the museum and
school , programs that reflect the interests of many
different public constituencies, the Academy has
lived up to its charter, to its commitment to
present exhibitions of great American art, and to
educate and nurture talented students .
The acclaim that accompanied two exhibitions last year, Alice Nee/: Paintings Since 1970
and Red Grooms: A Retrospective 1956-1984, was
most gratifying. The Alice Neel exhibition, a
tribute to a remarkable , fiercely independent
American artist, was so popular that its run at the
Academy was extended by three weeks. The Red
Grooms show, organized by the Academy, later
traveled to Denver, Los Ange les, and Nashville. [t
received unanimous acclaim from art critics
throughout the country, and was the most popular
exhibition in the Academy's recent history, drawing record-breaking crowds.
In July 1985, the Pennsylvania Academy and
the Philadelphia Museum of Art announced an
agreement on an exchange of art and funds .
Under this agreement, the Academy acquired six
important works of American art and funds for
future acquisitions, in exchange for its European
print collection. [ am proud to be Chairman of the
Academy at a time that two major cultural


resources, such as the Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts and the Philadelphia Museum of Art,
by working together, have enriched the lives of all
who live in the Delaware Valley, by strengthening
each museum's co llection, and ensuring that
these works of art will continue to remain in
Last year, the number of members of the
Board of Trustees was increased from twenty-five
to thirty, to enable the Academy to manifest even
more its commitment to provide strong leadership
now, and in the years to come. This leadership is
of the greatest importance because the Board and
the staff of the Academy look forward to the
challenge of maintaining the quality of this
institution , and developing new programs.
[ want to thank the Academy's staff, under the
leadership of Frank H. Goodyear, Jr., for its hard
work, innovation, and enthusiasm; and the members of our Board of Trustees for its dedication,
energy, and commitment. [n addition, I express
my gratitude to The Charles Willson Peale Society,
the Collectors' Circle, the Women's Committee,
and our countless friends and donors, for their
thoughtfulness, their time, and their generous
continuing support.


Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.

(left to right) President Frank H. Goodyear, Jr., Mario Francescon of Belli Brothers, William A. Cobb, Jr., of Haverstick-Borthwick
Company, Hyman Myers of Vitetta Group/Studio Four, and Linda Bantel (standing). The Academy completed the restoration of its
historic building on June 10, 1985, with the laying of the final tile. Installation of the floor was made possible by a grant from The
Pew Memorial Trust.



n the writing of histories, at some distant
time , the myriad events of one year in the life
of an institution, particularly one as old and
distinguished as the Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts , must, ultimately, become condensed
into a set of characteristics or attributes that
epitomize the time and place. Years merge into
decades , quarter centuries, and beyond . Let it be
written now, for future historians to assess , that
1985 was the year that the Pennsylvania Academy
laid the critical foundations to allow for future
growth and development of major new institutional initiatives.
Plans are only as good as the people who
conceive and execute them and, in 1985, we were
fortunate in finding several highly professional
leaders in their fields to fill critical management
positions: Linda Bantel as Director of the
Museum; Daniel V. Dalzell as Director of Finance
and Administration; Frederick S. Osborne, Jr., as
Director of the Schools ; and Robert Self as
Manager of the Peale Club. A new team, as it
were, of innovative and tireless leaders, already

each has proven his/ her effectiveness in handling
the increasingly complex issues in the not-forprofit world.
Concomitant with effective staff leadership is
the thoughtful and productive work of all of the
ten committees of the Board of Trustees. These
committees, made up of Trustees and nonTrustees , are the principal forums where substantive programmatic, planning, financial , and
developmental issues are debated in the context
of an overall Academy strategy. [n this regard, it is
a pleasure to recognize the dedicated work of the
following committee Chairs: Dr. Charles W. Nichols (Collections and Exhibitions); Mrs. Meyer P.
Potamkin (Instruction); Charles J. Kenkelen
(Finance); Carpenter Dewey (Development, Membership, and Public Relations) ; Robert G. Williams
(Strategic Planning); J. Roffe Wike (Nominating) ;
Mrs. Herbert F. Schiffer (Women's Committee);
Frank R. Veale (Properties); and Mrs . Nelson J.
Leidner (Peale Club). [ should add that it was
under Babette Leidner's leadership that the decision to turn the management of the Peale Club

over to The Freshie Company was made. This
decision has resulted. in a vastly improved club
facility for the benefit of its members.
In 1985, several objectives, started years ago,
were finally consummated. A decorative tile floor,
a reproduction of the original in the grand
staircase foyer of the Furness building, was put
down through the generosity of The Pew Memorial Trust. This installation effectively completes
the restoration of the great Furness building,
begun in 1974. Similarly, after years of negotiation,
an agreement was reached between the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Pennsylvania
Academy whereby the Academy transferred title of
its European print collection to the Museum in
exchange for American works of art and funds for
future acquisitions of American art. In reaching
this historic agreement, the Academy and the
Philadelphia Museum of Art recognized the importance of keeping these valued collections in
Whereas a great deal was accomplished in
1985 (the details of which are included in
subsequent reports), there remains a long list of
Academy objectives . First and foremost, the Academy must strengthen its financial condition; that
condition is far too fragile. In recent years, we
have had to raise annually over sixty percent of
our total income budget to meet annual operating
expenses . In the past fifteen years, the Academy
has dramatically upgraded its physical facilities,
its staff and educational programs in the museum
and school, all made possible through the generosity of thousands of donors. The time is now, to
assure a viable future, that we must rededicate
our efforts to strengthening the financial
resources that will provide for a great American
institution in years to come. Don't we owe it to
our forebears as well as to future generations? We
must be the best guardians of a national heritage
that we can be!

mission, to be sure, cognizant also of the pulse

and needs of our times . [n this regard, our
programs must reach out to all constituencies,
whether or not the chances for educational
exchange, at first glance, seem too slim, initially,
to warrant the effort. Under the direction of
. Regina Neu, Director of Education, giant strides
were taken in this arena in 1985.
Outreach is one thing. New cooperative
initiatives are another. [n this day and age, when
it is difficult enough merely "to mind the shop,"
it is increasingly critical to identify new ways of
serving public needs through cooperative ventures . It has been the Academy's position that, as
a leader in the arts in Philadelphia, it is not
enough to only serve our institution; we must
serve the at-large community in whatever appropriate ways exist to do so.
It is with great sadness that [ record the death
of Edgar P. Richardson (1902-1985), who served
the Pennsylvania Academy as President in 1968
and 1969, and as a Trustee from 1966-68, and
again from 1970-77. Ted Richardson was a
pioneer scholar in writing the history of American
art. As scholar, lecturer, director, advisor, and
founder, Ted's involvements helped make possible
the tremendous growth of interest in things
We would also like to acknowledge the
service of David Robb, who resigned from the
Board in 1985 after serving a three-year term.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve
the Academy as its President during the past year.
To its Chairman, Samuel M. V. Hamilton, the
Officers of the Board of Trustees, the Trustees,
other volunteers, members, and donors, [ extend
my thanks for "a job well done." The staff has all
of our thanks. Because of its loyalty, commitment
to high standards, and willingness to work long
hours, the Academy is a far better place.

The Academy must also become a more
consumer-oriented institution, ever mindful of its


Officers of the Board of Trustees (left to right), Paul Carpenter
Dewey and Harold A. Sorgenti, at the Peale Club.

The artist Frank Stella, seated with Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg,
Co-Chairman of the first Award of American Art at the
Pennsylvania Academy on October 25,1985.


Director of the Museum
Linda Bantel

The artist Red
Grooms, seen in the
company of two of
his subway figures
as part of the exhibition Red Grooms:

A Retrospective
1956-1984, held at
the Academy from
June 21-September


'1' he great strengths of the museum of the
1 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts are


that it is not only a distinguished national
resource chronicling the history of American art,
but throughout its 180-year history, it has always
maintained a close association with living artists.
The institution's dual mission of educating and
promoting American artists is the basis of this
strength. Unlike most other museums, because of
the close alliance with an art school, the Academy museum must not only be committed in its
programming and collecting to its venerable
artistic heritage, but it must also accept the
challenge of progressive change. While the core
of the educational experience at the school is
drawing from the figure as well as from antique
casts, we recognize that by the very nature of the
art school experience artistic innovations must be
encouraged and supported. Similarly, the
museum's historical collection and programs, as
well as its current programs, reflect the richness
of the art scene in America, in all the dynamic
diversity that that implies, from realism to
abstraction, from Thomas Eakins to Arthur B.
Carles and Robert Motherwell.
The year of 1985 marked a period of exceptional activity at the museum. Rarely seen aspects
of the permanent collection were exhibited as
well as major works by contemporary artists ..We
made significant additions to the collection in the
area of contemporary art and, at the same time,
filled historical gaps. The Academy's collection is
well represented by Philadelphia-based artists,
and we continued to build upon this strength.

In the area of programming and education,
we sought to collaborate with more Philadelphia
institutions and organizations than we have in the
past. With new staff appointments in these areas,
we successfully forged new linkages to the
community and thereby reached a constituency
that rarely, if ever, attended Academy functions .
It was also a banner year in terms of the
amount and the quality of research done on the
permanent collections. In tandem with that,
conservation was initiated on numerous objects
in the graphics and sculpture collections, and,
under the guidance of registrar Janice Dockery, a
program to place the entire collection on computer was created.

The exhibitions in the museum's galleries ,
listed in more detail elsewhere in this report,
were responsible for attendance swelling in 1985
to almost 130,000 visitors. Alice Nee/: Paintings
Since 1975 was so popular that it was extended for
an additional three weeks. It appeared simultaneously with an exhibition of the permanent
collection entitled A Growing American Treasure,
which had opened in September of 1984. Works
for this last exhibition were drawn from the
Academy's own collection. Highlighted were
major acquisitions made since 1977 and installed
within the historical context of the permanent
collection. Because of the salon style hanging,
more of the permanent collection than had been
on view at the Academy in years was able to be

(left to right) The Honorable W. Wilson Goode, Mayor of the
City of Philadelphia, with Jack Bowen, Chairman of the Board
of Transco Energy Company, and Linda Bantel, on the
occasion of the opening of the exhibition Contemplating the
American Watercolor, October 22, 1985.

The blockbuster exhibition of 1985 was Red
Grooms: A Retrospective 1956-1984. Over
100,000 people ambled through the Academy's
jam-packed installation of 160 works created by
this zany and inventive artist. Included were rarely
seen sculpto-pictoramas, paintings, sculptures,
and works on paper. Children and adults alike
loved the City of Chicago and excerpts from
Ruckus, Manhattan, which included the enormously popular walk-through environments , the
Subway and the Woolworth Building. Grooms also
created , especially for the Academy, a movie
theater which featured a continuously-running
series of films in which he sometimes appeared
as an actor, and which he created and produced.
Indeed , the Academy's glorious Victorian galleries
themselves were transformed into a marvelous,
pulsating sculpto-pictorama. The installation was
created by Atkin, Voith & Associates in collaboration with the artist and the organizing curator
Judith Stein. The exhibition, generously supported by a grant from the Atlantic Richfield
Company, was accompanied by a fully illustrated
catalogue with essays by Judith Stein, John
Ashbery, and Janet Cutler. It traveled to the
Long lines qUest
to the immense
popularity of the
exhibition Red
Grooms: A Retrospective 1956-1984,

seen at the Academy from June
21-September 29,


Denver Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and closed at the
Tennessee Art Museum in Nashville, the artist's
hometown. Associate registrar Gale Rawson, in
addition to her regular duties, was responsible for
organizing the packing and shipping of this highly
complex exhibition. Its transportation and installation at all venues were overseen by chief
preparator Randy Cleaver and his associate Tim
To complement the Grooms installation, the
Terra Museum of American Art lent the magnificent 19th-century interior, The Gallery of th e
Louvre, painted by Samuel F. B. Morse between
1831 and 1833.
In the process of cataloguing the graphics
collection, a trove of 40 works drawn by American
Indian men in 1879 was discovered. Because of
the unique subject matter of these works by
untrained artists, a small exhibition entitled
Images of a Vanished Life was organized by Helen
Mangelsdorf, assistant to the curator, and William
S. Weirzbowski, a Ph.D . candidate at the University of Pennsylvania. It was accompanied by a
fully illustrated catalogue with essays by the

Crowds await a tour of Red Grooms's City of Chicago

organizing curators and noted ethnologist John C.
Ewers. Its publication was supported by grants
from the Samuel S. Fels Fund and the John Sloan
Memorial Foundation. In 1986, the exhibition
travels to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in
Cody, Wyoming, where there is housed a similar
collection of American Indian drawings. Bringing
these two collections together for comparative
purposes will surely result in further discoveries.
Since most of the Academy's drawings are signed
and dated , Cody anticipates that they will be able
to attribute many of their unsigned drawings .
The Academy's continuing commitment to
Philadelphia artists was represented by the six
exhibitions held in the Morris Gallery. They are
listed elsewhere in this report and discussed in
more detail by associate curator and Morris
Gallery coordinator Judith Stein. The quality of
these exhibitions, under Dr. Stein's direction , have
been consistently high for the last several years.
They are receiving increasing national recognition, primarily as a result of the brochures
accompanying each exhibition, which are circulated to museums and libraries throughout the

Two of the artists show regularly in New York
(Hellebrand and Butter), betokening a national
recognition which lends prestige and wider visibility to our entire series. Of the six artists, one
was a minority artist and one was a woman artist.
In addition to the recognition of a prestigious
museum exhibition, a Morris Gallery show can
now benefit area artists in yet another manner. In
1984, a long-established purchase fund which
originated during the era of the Academy Annuals
was freshly interpreted to permit the curators to
use it to acquire works from Morris Gallery
exhibitions for the Academy's permanent collection. During 1985, we acquired works by the
following Morris Gallery exhibitors: Brian
Meunier, Bill Freeland, and Tom Butter.
Committee Members

Cynthia Carlson
Jennie Dietrich
William Freeland
Ofelia Garcia
Helen Herrick
Harold Jacobs
Jay Massey
Cheryl McClenney
John Moore
Elizabeth Osborne
Eileen Rosenau
Mark Rosenthal

The Morris Gallery
The Morris Gallery is the Pennsylvania Academy's primary vehicle for expressing its support of
contemporary Philadelphia artists. For the past
eight years, we have maintained a continuous
policy of reserving this gallery for contemporary
artists of excellence who have a connection with
Philadelphia as determined by birth, residence , or
schooling .
The jurying committee of the Morris Gallery
is composed of a range of Philadelphia-area
artists, collectors, and museum personnel. Two
academy students and several curatorial staff
members also sit on the committee. Each member is encouraged to propose artists for review by
the group. Most of our submissions are made by
the artists themselves although a few local
galleries have also brought individuals to our
attention. All shows are juried by the group.
In 1985, the six exhibitions were all solo
shows. Stanley Whitney, a professor at Tyler
School of Art, had never shown his work in
Philadelphia prior to his Morris Gallery show.
Nancy Hellebrand 's new series of portraits and
nudes had never been exhibited before. The
range of media included paintings in oils and
acrylic, photographs , unique works on paper, and
sculpture made from fiberglass and polyresin as
well as wood, clay, metal, stone, and canvas . Two
exhibitions featured abstract images while others
used the human figure as a point of departure.

Staff Members

Judith Stein, Coordinator
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.
Linda Bantel
Kathleen A. Foster
Elizabeth Romanella

List of Exhibitions


Morris Gallery

A Growing American Treasure: Recent Acquisitions
and Highlights from the Permanent Collection
September 21, 1984- April 14, 1985

Stanley Whitney-Paintings and Drawings
January 11, 1985-February 24, 1985

Alice Neel: Paintings Since 1975
January 26, 1985-March 17, 1985 (Extended to
April 7, 1985)
1983 Whitney Biennial Video Exhibition
March 26, 1985-April 2, 1985
The 84th Annual Student Exhibition
May 9, 1985-June 2, 1985
Red Grooms: A Retrospective 1956-1984
June 21 , 1985-September 29, 1985
Contemplating the American Watercolor
October 23 , 1985-January 5, 1986
Images of a Vanished Life: Plains Indians Drawings from the Collection of the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts
October 26, 1985- January 5, 1986

Artist Bill Freeland
with Morris Gallery
Associate Curator
Jud ith E. Stein at the
opening of Freeland's Morris Gallery
exhibition on
March 7, 1985.


Bill Freeland- Excavation: An Irish Suite
March 8, 1985-April 21 , 1985
Dean Dass-Unique Work on Paper
May 3, 1985-June 23, 1985
Nancy Hellebrand- Nudes and Portraits
June 28, 1985-August 25, 1985
Bill Richards- Abstract Paintings
September 6, 1985-0ctober 20, 1986
Tom Butter-Sculpture
November I, 1985-December 29 , 1985

In order to maintain the vitality of its collection, the museum is obligated to evaluate the
collection from time to time with the goal of
refining and refocusing it. In the 19th century, the
Academy was the major art museum in Philadelphia and thus acquired, through gifts and
purchases, works by both European and American artists. In the 20th century the museum staff
increasingly specialized in American art, and the
European collection increasingly remained in
storage, underutilized and unstudied . More
recently, it became obvious that the museum's
mission must be focused on American art and
that these collections of European works were no
longer pertinent to its goals. It, therefore, was
determined that it would best serve the public and
the scholarly community at large if we tried to
place this part of the collection in other institutio~s which were better staffed to study the
objects and make them available to the public.
In February 1984, it was announced that the
Academy was transferring to the Philadelphia
~useum of Art 2,400 European drawings, prinCIpally from the John S. Phillips collection. The
sale was the first of two agreements between the
Academy and the Museum, both of which were
approved by the Orphans Court of Philadelphia.
The announcement culminated five years of
negotiations which had been initiated in 1979 by

Elihu Vedder, The

Sphinx, Egypt, 1890.
Bequest of Edgar P.


the late Henry S. McNeil, who was then President
of the Board. In addition to cash, the Academy
received in exchange from the Museum a tempera
by Charles Demuth entitled Box of Tricks, 1919.
The second announcement occurred in the summer of 1985. The Museum agreed to acquire from
the Academy over 43 ,000 European prints. This
represented the balance of the John S. Phillips
collectIon, and the John F. Lewis and the John T.
Morris collections. The prints ranged in date from
the 15th to the early 20th century. Again, in
addition to cash, the Academy received six
American ~orks which filled significant gaps in
t~e collectIon. (These are listed under acquisitIons elsewhere in this report.)
In accordance with the Academy's deaccessioning policy, the cash derived from the sale was
placed in a restricted acquisitions fund , the
principal to be used only to purchase other works
of ~rt. Thus, this historic transfer not only
enrIched the collections of both institutions but
by creating funds for acquisitions will have'
incalculable effect upon the Academy's future
ability to enhance the scope and quality of its
American collection. We all are indebted to Philip
I. Berman, Philadelphia Museum of Art Trustee,
and ~is ,\,ife Muriel Berman for the extraordinary
contrIbutIOn that made it possible to keep this
collection in Philadelphia.
In continuing to refine the collection and
create acquisitions funds to purchase American
works, the Academy also began deaccessioning
the European paintings that had no legal or other
ethical restrictions.
The first major purchase with funds generated by the sale of European paintings was a
picture by Martin Johnson Heade entitled Sunset
Harbor at Rio of 1864. This recently-discovered
painting combines the attention to detail associated with the Hudson River School and the
atmospheric effects and expansive vistas associated with the luminist style . The Academy has no
major works by any of the artists working in this
mode. The acquisition of a landscape painted
during this seminal period during Heade's career
has long been an Academy goal.
For years, art historians involved with the work
of Thomas Eakins have been aware of a major
cache of paintings, sculptures, photographs, and
manuscripts retained by the widow of Charles
Bregler, who was a favorite pupil and long-time
frIend of Thomas Eakins. After several months of
negotiations, the Pennsylvania Academy signed
an agreement of sale in 1985 committing itself to
purchasing the Bregler collection. The collection
?f over 4,000 objects is so unusual in the scope of
Its documentary material that it will provide
countless opportunities for scholars to reinterpret
the .work a.nd life of Thomas Eakins . For example,
untIl the dIscovery of this collection, less than 100
Eakins drawings were known. This collection

Martin Johnson
Heade, Sunset Harbor at Rio, 1864.
Henry C. Gibson
Fund Purchase.


contains 261. In 1985, the Academy staff began
cataloguing and sorting this vast body of material
in preparation for at least one, if not more,
publications, and an exhibition which is planned
for 1990. It was thanks to a partial grant from The
Pew Memorial Trust that the Academy was able to
move so swiftly to take advantage of this unique
In anticipation of the Red Grooms exhibition ,
the Academy purchased one of the artist's major
pieces entitled A Room in Connecticut of 1984. A
prime example of Grooms exploring art historical
themes, the painting includes portraits of the
noted collector Katherine S. Dreier and artist
Marcel Duchamp who are shown conversing in
the library of Dreier's art-filled home in West
Redding, Connecticut.
Of the 152 works acquired in 1985, twelve
were purchases and the rest were gifts. An
institution can never express its gratitude to its
donors too often. And we thank them a ll. Many
who donated works to the Academy have supported it generously throughout the years. From
Academy board member Mrs . Henry S. McNeil,
we received a painting by Michael Felice Corne
entitled The Landing of the Pilgrims, 1803-12,
which she gave in loving memory of her husband.
This addition augments the early 19th-century
collection and comp lements simi lar retrospective
historical pictures , such as Edward Savage's
Penn s Treaty with the Indians and the newly
acquired Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks.
Former Academy Board member and President Edgar P. Richardson bequeathed Elihu
Vedder's painting The Sphinx: Egypt of 1889. That
year, Vedder went to Egypt, and this was the most

important work he painted as a result of that trip.
It combines Vedder's interest in rendering close ly
observed nature and personal symbolism.
Mr. and Mrs. Wi lliam Dove presented a series
of 27 miniature watercolors by Arthur Dove . They
illustrate Dove's manner of working out his
techniques before enlarging them into oi l paintings . Many of the works, in fact, can be related to
finished compositions, while others stand as
independent works in and of themselves . Painted
between 1943 and 1944 toward the end of the
artist's life , they represent a period when Dove
was experimenting with denying the depth of the
picture plane, a quality which characterized so
much of his earlier work.
Mrs. Lawrence Katz gave a major work by
early American sculptor Gaston Lachaise. The
bronze entitled The Peacocks was cast in an
edition of 12 beginning about 1922.
Jalane and Richard Davidson , whose collection was shown at the Academy in 1982-83 , have
continued to be generous donors to the Academy's graphics collection. They donated four
marvelous lithographs by Jack Beal, including a
self-portrait of 1974- 75.
Mrs . Alfred Bendiner donated a lithograph by
her late husband along with memorabilia and a
sculpture by former Academy student and teacher
Charles Rudy.
The Betty Parsons Foundation, in dispersing
its collection, gave to the museum a large group
of objects by artists related to Betty Parsons and
her gallery, including a painting and a group of
miniature watercolors by Sonia Sekula and a
collage of 1966 by Jim Dine.

[n addition to the new funds for acquisitions
created by the sale of the European collections ,
Academy student Helen Sewell Johnson inaugurated another new acquisition fund entitled the
Grace Sewell Fund in honor of Ms. Johnson 's
mother. The fund was established to help the
Academy acquire work by living women artists
who (1) live and work in Pennsylvania or are
living and working elsewhere and are the holders
of a certificate from the Pennsylvania Academy;
(2) who have been out of a rt school and have
been working professionally for at least five years;
and (3) whose work is not represented in the
Academy's collection. Ms. Johnson hopes that this
fund will improve career opportunities for women
artists whom she feels are underrepresented in
1985 Acquisitions

Walter Anderson
Spice Bush Swallow Tail in Blazing Star, 1955-65
Watercolor and graphite on cream paper
Gift of the Estate of Walter Anderson, 1985.3

Alice Aycock
The St. Gall Pantomime, 1983
Pencil , colored pencils , and watercolor wash
on off-white wove paper
Gift of Henry S. McNeil , Jr. , 1985.38

Jack Beal
Lobster, 1975
Color lithograph on heavy off-white paper
Gift of Jalane and Richard Davidson , 1985.23

Jack Beal
Oysters, Wine and Lemon , 1974
Four-color lithograph on heavy off-white wove paper
Gift of Jalane and Richard Davidson, 1985.25

Jack Beal
Self Portrait, 1974-75

Phoebe Adams, Half Laugh, 1985. Henry D. Gilpin Fund

Alfred Bendiner
Dinner invitation Commemorating the lS0th Anniversary of the Academy, includes caricature of
Francis Henry Taylor, 1955
Blue pencil on paper
Gift of Mrs. Alfred Bendiner, 1985.9.3

Jonathan Borofsky
Workers on Planet Earth, 1985

Lithograph on heavy cream wove paper
Gift of Jalane and Richard Davidson, 1985.24

Three-color lithograph on ivory wove paper
Gift of Charles E. Mather III and Mary MacGregor
Mather, 1985.65

Jack Beal
Trout, 1977

Judy Chicago
Creation of the World, 1985

Nine-color lithograph on heavy off-white wove paper
Gift of Jalane and Richard Davidson , 1985.26

Embroidery by Pamella Nebit over painting by Judy
Gift of Through the Flower Corporation , 1985.2

Alfred Bendiner
The Afternoon of a Middle Aged Faun, 1947
Lithograph on ivory wove paper
Gift of Mrs. Alfred Bendiner, 1985.9.1

Alfred Bendiner
The Cloisters/Farmhouse
Watercolor on heavy cream wove paper
Gift of Mrs. Alfred Bendiner, 1985.9.2

Michel Felice Corne
The Landing of the Pilgrims, ca. 1803-12
Oil on canvas
Gift of Mrs. Henry S. McNeil in loving memory of her
husband Henry S. McNeil, 1985.46

Jim Dine
The Yellow Collar #1, 1966
Collage Cinkwash and yellow paper) on cream paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation , 1985.27


Arthur G. Dove
Series of 27 Watercolors, 1943-44
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Dove, 1985.55.1 - 27

H. Richard Duhme, Jr.
Harvest Home, ca. 1937-38

Dan Miller
Gertrude, 1983

Plaster, painted ochre
Gift of the Artist, 1985.61

Eleven-color woodcut on laid rice paper
Gift of the Artist, 1985.40

Daniel Garber
Night Life Class , 1901


Charcoal , graphite, and white chalk on buff laid paper
Gift of Francis Speight, 1985.37

Three-color woodcut on laid rice paper
Gift of the Artist, 1985.39

Daniel Garber
Portrait of Francis Speight, ca. 1925-30


Charcoal and graphite on buff laid paper
Gift of Francis Speight, 1985.36

Chaim Gross
Drawing from the Model, 1965-70
Graphite and sepia wash on beige wove paper
Gift of the Artist, 1985.57

Chaim Gross
Sketch for Sculpture, 1968
Graphite on off-white wove paper
Gift of the Artist, 1985.58

Chaim Gross
Sketch for Sculpture, 1980
Pen and ink, graphite and sepia wash on off-white wove
Gift of the Artist , 1985.59

Chaim Gross
Studies for Sculpture, 1936
Sepia ink on cream paper
Gift of the Artist , 1985.56

Ray Johnson
Frogs, 1966
Collage (oil paint , india ink, cardboard, and wood)
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.31

Gaston Lachaise
Peacocks, 1918
Bronze cast of 1922
Gift of Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Katz, 1985.8

Sven Lukin
Earth Strata, 1960
Black ink over colored ink on white wove paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.29

Sven Lukin
Untitled, 1960
Watercolor and ink on white wove paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.28

Richard Merkin
Poet of Wickedness, 1979
Pastel and charcoal on paper
Gift of William H. Iredale, 1985.32

Dan Miller
Benton, 1979
Two-block woodcut on rice paper
Gift of the Artist, 1985.41

Dan Miller
Darwin #2, 1985
Six-color woodcut on rice paper
Gift of the Artist, 1985.42


Dan Miller
Whitman, 1981

A portfolio of 16 prints produced in edition of 25
prints by graphic majors at the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts, 1984-85. 11 x 14 pnnts boxed In a
handmade "clamshell" portfolio (made under the
supervision of Hester Stinnett). Artists represented in
this portfolio are George Apostos, Amy Bunin,
Josephine E. Christen, Laura Kaderabek, Cheryl
Knowles, Rone Mecklin, Lesley Mitchell, Maureen
Pitcher, Marie Ricciuti , Doug Sanders , Kathy
Schoepflin, John Serpentdli, Michelle Strader, Morey
Trainer, Molly Wing, and Anna C. Yates.
Gift of the School of the Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts, 1985.34.1-16

Rembrandt Peale
Presley Blakiston, ca. 1814
Oil on canvas
Gift of 1. Forsyth Alexander in memory of his mother
Edith F. Alexander, 1985.45

Philip Pearlstein
Two Female Models on Hammock and Floor, 1974
Oil on canvas
Gift of Frank and Betsy Goodyear, 1985.21

Stephen Porter
Ladders #2, 1963
Pine , weathered
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.43

Charles Rudy
Two Hearts That Beat As One, 1945
Pentalic marble
Gift of Mrs. Alfred Bendiner, 1985.60

Charles B. J. Fevret de Saint-Memin
Dr. Henry Latimer
Pastel, charcoal, white chalk, and pink ground on buff
laid paper
Gift of Robert K. Cassatt, 1985.62

John Sartain (after Francis Danby)
The Enchanted Island
Engraving and mezzotint on cream wove paper
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Saul B. Lapp, 1985.1.2

John Sartain (after John Martin)
The Return of the Waters
Etching and mezzotint on cream wove paper
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Saul B. Lapp, 1985.1.3

John Sartain (after Joshua Reynolds)
The Snake in the Grass
Engraving and mezzotint on cream wove paper
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Saul B. Lapp, 1985.I.I

Sonia Sekula
"Memory of the Rains in Uruapan", 1949
Gouache and graphite on off-white wove paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.51

Sonia Sekula

James Valerio

"Near the Rocks", 1949

Elizabeth's Visit, 1981

Watercolor, gouache, and graphite on cream wove
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.50

Oil on canvas
Gift of David N. Pincus, 1985 .66

Sonia Sekula
The Rains, 1949
Oil and pencil on canvas
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.47

Sonia Sekula

John Vanderlyn
Study for Head and Torso of Ariadne,
ca. 1809/1812
Charcoal heightened with white on toned paper
Gift of the International Business Machines Corporation
Collections, 1985 .7

Untitled, 1946

Elihu Vedder

Gouache, ink, and graphite on cream watercolor paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation , 1985.48

The Sphinx, Egypt, 1890

Sonia Sekula

Oil on canvas
Bequest of Edgar P. Richardson , 1985.44

Untitled, 1953

Roswell Weidner

Watercolor, gouache, graphite, india ink, and crayon on
cream wove paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.52

Upstream, 1981

Sonia Sekula

Plaster on paper
Gift of Rosyln Weidner Nilson and Arthur Ni lson,

Untitled, 1954

Isaiah Zagar

Watercolor, gouache , and india ink on cream wove
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.53

Isaiah Zagar (With a lot of Help from his Friends),

Sonia Sekula
"Watersounds" (Bermuda 49), 1949

Oil on canvas
Gift of the Artist , 1985.33

Gouache and graphite on cream wove paper
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation, 1985.49

By Purchase:
Phoebe Adams

Steven Sorman

Half Laugh, 1985

This: Stand within Feet, 1984

Henry D. Gilpin Fund Purchase, 1985.14

Ten-color woodcut, etching, line cut, collage, and paint
on oriental and white handmade papers
Gift of the Collectors' Circle , 1985.

Walter Anderson

Richard Tuitle

Watercolor and graphite on off-wh ite watercolor paper
John S. Phillips Fund Purchase, 1985.5

Stein way Fourth Floor
2 volumes (I: serigraphs: white on black 2-ply paper;
II: serigraphs with cutouts on wh ite wove paper
bound in black felt-one hard cover, one soft coverin a grey slipcase)
Gift of The Betty Parsons Foundation , 1985.30

Yellow Flowers with Pitcher Plants, 1940-45

Tom Butter
Fiberglas, polyester resin
Contemporary Arts Fund and Henry D. Gilpin Fund
Purchase , 1985.63

Bill Freeland
Galway Rocker, 1982
Wood, canvas , stone , and wire
John Lambert Fund Purchase , 1985.13

Gems of American Etchers:
A portfolio of 40 American etchings , published by
Cassell and Co., York , 1885. In eight parts , housed in
cloth gilt portfolios , with accompanying texts by S. R.
Koehler. Artists included in this portfolio are John
George Brown , Frederick Stuart Church, John Foxcroft
Cole , Samuel Colman, M. F. H. DeHaas , Frederick
Dielman , Henry Farrer, Ignaz M. Gaugengigl, Robert
Swain Gifford, Seymour 1. Guy, E. F. Miller, 1. A. S.
Monks , 1. Leon Moran, Mary Nimmo Moran , Percy
Moran, Peter Moran, Thomas Moran, James C. Nicoll,
Stephen Parrish , Edith Loring Pierce , Joseph Pennell ,
Charles Adams Platt, George H. Smillie, James D.
Smillie , Charles A. Vanderhoof, Kruseman Van Elten ,
and T. W. Wood.
John S. Phillips Fund Purchase , 1985. 16.1 - 40
Red Grooms, A Room in Connecticut, 1984. John Lambert Fund

Red Grooms
A Room in Connecticut, 1984
Oil on canvas, acrylic on plexiglas
John Lambert Fund Purchase, 1985.4

Martin Johnson Heade
Sunset Harbor at Rio, 1864
Oil on canvas
Henry C. Gibson Fund Purchase, 1985 .10

James J. Lloyd
Portal Figure, 1985
Epoxy resin
Pennsylvania Academy Purchase Prize from the 88th
Annual Fellowship Exhibition , Henry D. Gilpin Fund
Purchase, 1985.64

Louis Lozowick
Tanks #1, 1929
Lithograph on cream wove paper
John S. Phillips Fund Purchase, 1985.15

Jody Pinto
Henri with a Soft Meteor, 1983

Tanks #1 , 1929. John

Watercolor, gouache , crayon, and graphite on paper
Partial and John S. Phillips Fund Purchase, 1985.6

S. Phillips Fund

Joseph Rafael
Water with Fish , 198it
Watercolor on watercolor paper
John S. Phillips Fund Purchase, 1985.11

Stephen Talasnik
Georgian Fish Trap (Otian Bas Series), 1984

Louis Lozowick,

By Exchange:

Edward Hicks
The Peaceable Kingdom, ca. 1848

Charcoal on stonehinge paper
John Lambert Fund Purchase, 1985.12

Oil on canvas
John S. Phillips Bequest (By exchange: acquired from
the 1950 bequest of Lisa Norris Elkins to the Philadelphia Museum of Art), 1985.17

Grant Wood
Sultry Night, 1939

Winslow Homer
Eight Bells, 1887

Lithograph on cream wove paper
John S. Phillips Fund Purchase, 1985.35

Etching on tan "Japan" vellum
John S. Phillips Bequest (By exchange: given to the
Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1958 by Bryant W
Langston), 1985 .19

Edward Hopper
Drawing for ''Aux Fortifications", 1923
Charcoal, white chalk, and graphite on Bristol board
John S. Phillips Bequest (By exchange: acquired from
the Philadelphia Museum of Art), 1985 .22

John Marin
Sun, Sea, Land-Maine, 1921
Watercolor over charcoal on heavy off-white wove paper
John S. Phillips Bequest (By exchange: acquired from
the Samuel S. White 3rd, and Vera White Collection
given to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1967),

Maurice Prendergast
Bathers in a Cove, 1916
Oil on canvas
John S. Phillips Bequest (By exchange: acquired from
the Philadelphia Museum of Art), 1985.18

James Abbott McNeill Whistler
The Thames (from the Savoy), 1896
Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom, c. 1848. John S.
Phillips Bequest (By exchange: acquired from the 1950
bequest of Lisa Norris Elkins to the Philadelphia Museum of

"Lithotint" on heavy Japanese tissue
John S. Phillips Bequest (By exchange: acquired from
the Philip H. & S. W Rosenbach Foundation, given to
the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1953), 1985.20

(left to right) Samuel M.V. Hamilton
and Thomas N.
Armstrong III chat
with Mr. and Mrs.
Meyer P. Potamkin
on the occasion of a
Collectors' Circle
evening at the
Potamkin's home.


Collectors' Circle


The Collectors' Circle was founded in 1983 by
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin and co-Chairpersons Allen
1. Model and Harvey S. Shipley Miller. Its purpose
is to involve collectors with the Academy, to
attract new members, to encourage collectors to
exchange ideas and information, to educate
young collectors, and to create an art purchase
fund. Membership has grown from the initial
group of thirty to forty-two. In 1985, Mrs . 1. Welles
Henderson succeeded Harvey S. Shipley Miller as
Throughout the year, Collectors' Circl e members attended a variety of events including
complimentary admittance to museum-organized
symposia, a private viewing of the spectacular
American collection of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P.
Potamkin, accompanied by a talk given by Tom
Armstrong, former director of the Academy and
currently director of the Whitney Museum of
American Art, a presentation about paper conservation by Marjorie Shelley, associate conservator
of paper conservation at The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, and a private tour of The Brooklyn
Museum exhibition, The New Path: Ruskin and
the American Pre-Raphaelites.
On November 9, the Collectors' Circle had its
first shopping spree in Philadelphia. After visiting
several galleries to view a group of works preselected by the museum staff, the committee
voted to purchase a work by Minneapolis-based
artist Steven Sorman. Entitled This, Stand Within
Feet , this spectacular mixed-technique work combines lO-color woodcut, etching , line cut, collage,
and painting on large sheets of handmade papers .

In 1985, scholarly research on the permanent
collection continued at a pace unprecedented in
the Academy's 180-year history. Thanks to two
generous grants from The Pew Memorial Trust, the
staff has been compiling the first permanent
collection catalogues-graphics and sculpturewhich we anticipate will be completed within the
next year. Curator Kathleen Foster directed
research on the graphics collection. Under my
supervision, and with the assistance of research
associate Susan James-Gadzinski, and curatorial
assistant Mary Mullen Cunningham, research on
the over 300 objects in the sculpture collection
has continued.
In addition , the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded the Academy a grant to support the
preparation of its first illustrated checklist of the
American paintings collection, which consists of
approximately 1700 objects. In 1985, research
assistant Nancy Fresella verified the data for the
checklist, entered the information into the computer, and oversaw the photography of the
collection. It is expected that this publication will
be available in 1987.

At the same time that the collection was
being catalogued, objects were selected for conservation. Several important works in the paper
collection were conserved at Philadelphia's
regional paper conservation center, the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts. This
work was partially supported by grants from the

National Endowment for the Arts, and the Institute
of Museum Services.
Also, with grant support from the National
Endowment for the Arts , the entire sculpture
collection was surveyed. Under the supervision of
sculpture conservator Virginia Naude, most of it
has been cleaned and , where necessary, conserved. Technical discoveries made in the
laboratory have provided invaluable information
about the objects, much of which will be incorporated into the collection catalogue .
Inspired by this research on the permanent
sculpture collection, the Academy hosted a conference in November 1983 which addressed
issues of sculpture conservation, primarily of
outdo,or bron~es. Under the direction of Virginia
Naude, an edited and amended transcript of that
conference was published in 1985. Entitled Sculptural Monuments in an Outdoor Environment this
publication has filled a pressing need for inf;rmation in the highly controversial area of
conservation of outdoor bronzes. Demand has
been so great that the book will be reprinted. The
publication was supported by grants from the
1. Paul Getty Trust, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, th.e Nati?nal M~se~m Act (administered by
the Smithsonian InstitutIOn), Eastern National Park
and Monument Association, and the American
Conservation Association.
For several years the Museum staff has been
aware that many of the frames surrounding the
best of the 18th- and 19th-century pictures were
not as well preserved as the pictures themselves.
Stru~tural weaknesses, missing ornamentation,
prevIous careless restoration and overpainting,
and decades of accumu lated dirt obscured luster
and detail. The frames often detracted rather than
enhanced the picture. Thus , in 1984-85, the
!rames were surveyed with the goal of systematIcally haVing the best ones restored to their
original brilliance. The survey was guided by
R. Wayne Reynolds, a distinguished frame conservator based in Baltimore, Maryland . With the
support of two grants from the National Endowment for the Arts Mr. Reynolds restored the
following frames:
Rembrandt Peale,
George Washington

Benjamin West,
Penn S Treaty with the Indians

Joseph \\tight,
The Wight Family

John Vanderlyn,
Ariadne Asleep on the Island of Naxos

Gilbert Stuart,
George Washington, The Lansdowne Portrait

Frank Duveneck,
The Turkish Page


Rembrandt Peale,
William Raborg

William Lamb Picknell
Road to Nice


Staff Changes
....... ............. ..

In September of 1984, Stephen Edidin, who
had been working as an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow
on the first illustrated paintings checklist for the
Academy, resigned to assume the position of
curator at the Montclair Art Museum in New
Jersey. Nancy Fresella, a graduate student at the
University of Pennsylvania, was appointed
research assistant to carry this project through to
completion .
In the fall of 1984, Elizabeth Kolowrat
resigned as the museum's Director of Education.
Ms. Kolowrat virtually created the education
department and put it on such sound professional
standards that today it is highly respected by other
museum educators. She structured the first
docent training program and, during her ten years
at the Academy, she increased the docent membership from 12 to 45. In cooperation with formal
public school programs she put together historical and thematic packages for the public school
tours. She wrote educational brochures for the
collection and for all temporary exhibitions, and
oversaw the production of the audio visual
programs related to such blockbuster exhibitions
as Jamie Wyeth, Arthur B. Carles, and Contemporary American Realism.
. Also in the fall of 1984, Jeanne MacAlpine reSigned as school tour coordinator. Ms. MacAlpine
had been responsible for administering the
school ~rogra~ and , during her almost ten-year
~ssoCiatlon with the Academy, had substantially
Increased the number of school children visiting
the museum. She was responsible for researching, writing , and designing many of the materials
for the school program.
In February, Regina E. Neu was appointed as
the Director of Education. Ms. Neu had formerly
been assistant curator for School Programs at the
Delaware Art Museum and also worked with
children at the Please Touch Museum. Her particular strengths are in outreach programs to
schools and other community groups . In these
areas, Ms. Neu has been a dynamo and , in a very
sh~rt time, has initiated several new programs
which she describes in her report.
In January, Betty Romanella, who has been at
the Academy for seven years as administrative
assistant to former curator Frank Goodyear, was
promoted to the position of Assistant to the
~irector for Program Development. In this capacIty, Ms. Romanella has been responsible for
initi~ting and ~o?:dinating all museum programs
relating to exhibitions . A particular focus of the
programming for 1985 has been the creation of ..
programs targeted at special audiences and families. As Ms. Romanella's report indicates, the

number of programs as well as the range have
[n 1985, Catherine Stover, the Academy's first
archivist , resigned to become archivist at the
Art Institute of Chicago, where she will oversee
the establishment of their archival program.
Ms . Stover came to the Academy in 1976 and
began creating a professional archives supported
by a grant from the National Endowment for the
Humanities. Because of Ms . Stover's high standards of excellence, the Academy boasts one of
the finest professional museum archives in the
[n May, Cheryl A. Leibold replaced Ms . Stover
as archivist. Ms. Leibold has an M.S.L.S. in Library
Science from Villanova University, an MA in Art
History from Wayne State University in Detroit,
Michigan, and a BA in Humanities from
Michigan State University. She has worked as an
instructor in Art History at Villanova, as an
Assistant to the Director of Villanova University
Art Gallery, and a Librarian at Combs College of
Music. Ms. Leibold 's report indicates that the
archives are now back in full swing after a brief
interruption of service. To her credit, and thanks
to the generosity of Ben and Ruth Wolf, she
produced the first pamphlet describing the
resources in the archives and the services available to the scholarly community.
Elizabeth Milroy, a research associate working on the graphics catalogue, left the Academy
in the spring to take on the post of curator at The
Terra Museum of American Art in Chicago. She
was replaced by Jeanette M. Toohey, a doctoral
candidate in art history at Northwestern University. Since her arrival , Ms . Toohey has taken over
the massive task of transferring the prints and
drawings card catalogue into computer memory,
checking the entries, and preparing commentaries for the catalogue. Since the fall , she has
been assisted part time by Cindy Haveson Veloric,
whose M.A. in art history from Tyler School of Art
(Temple University) prepared her for cataloguing
the graphics collection and assisting in the
creation of the checklist and brochure to accompany the American Graphic Arts exhibition. Cindy
replaced Karen Quinn, who left to continue her
studies in Boston, after working part time in
1984-85 as a research assistant on the project.
[n October, Joseph Amarotico died of a heart
attack. For over 16 years, Mr. Amarotico had been
not only a popular and much admired teacher at
the school , but also the Museum 's painting
conservator. He was always responsive to the
Museum 's needs and exceedingly generous in
sharing his knowledge of materials and techniques with both the staff and the docents. .


Report of the Archivist

The Archives reopened to the public in midyear. For the period August-December the
Archives logged 165 outside telephone calls for
reference service, 75 mail requests , and 7 visiting
researchers .
The first major task was to deal with the very
large backlog of accumulated material. This
included material sent to the archives from within
the Academy, files and photographs removed but
never refiled, and new gifts and acquisitions.
By Gift:

Photograph of Daniel Garber
Gift of Julia Bristow

Correspondence of Walter Anderson
Gift of Mary Pickard

Correspondence of Walter Reinsel
Bequest of the artist

Three color photos of Broad & Cherry facade
Gift of Jack Veale
By Purchase:

Twelve 19th-century financial receipts
The second major area of endeavor was the
preliminary organization of the manuscript material in the BregleriEakins collection. More than
1000 manuscript items were arranged and housed
for study, and box and folder lists prepared. These
included an annotated list of the Thomas Eakins
correspondence which was entered onto the
computer file for future editing and research use.
The following projects were also accomplished :
• publication of a brochure describing the
Archives. This long-overdue event was generously funded by Ben and Ruth Wolf. The
brochure will be mailed to art research institutions and used as a promotional piece.
• processing of 10 boxes of stored office files
from the 1970's .
• 25 boxes of student records from the period
1925-49 were transferred from the School
Registrar. I assisted the Alumni Office in
organizing and preparing these files for archival storage.
• The Archives of American Art microfilming
project filmed a large part of our collection of
artists' personal papers , including holdings of
papers of Daniel Garber, Charles Grafty, Hugh
Breckenridge, Jessie Wilcox Smith, and Alice
Kent Stoddard.
Cheryl Leibold

Artist Judy Chicago
addresses an enthusiastic audience
about her work on
the Birth Project,
April 11, 1985 at the

Perhaps 1985 will be remembered as the year
of "The Great Leap Forward" in the Academy's
programming activity. [n addition to the standard
format of lectures, symposia, and films, the year's
sch~dule included various events specifically
designed to attract new audiences, popularize our
exhibitions, and increase the Academy's collaboration with other agencies which contribute to
the cultural life of the community.
Among the highlights of activities designed
to coincide with national observances were an
expanded Black History Month program which
included a series of lectures by black artists and
scholars, a musical drama presented by a troupe
from the New Freedom Theater, and the first jazz
concert in Academy history-performed by
Charles Bowen and his trio. To observe Women's
History Week, a capacity audience filled the
auditorium to hear Jeanne Madeline Weimann
lecture on the Woman's Building at the 1893
Columbian Exposition.
C.onjunctive programming at the Academy
often Includes organizing symposia featuring
scholars, curators, and artists to explore the
content of a particular exhibition in greater depth.
Continuing this tradition in 1985, we held symposia for the Growing American Treasure, Alice
Neel, Red Grooms, and Images of a Vanished Life
exhibitions. The latter, organized in collaboration
with the Indian Rights Association, examined
issues surrounding Indian advocacy as well as
Plains Indian drawings, and was especially successful in attracting a constituency with interests
in ethnography, anthropology, and social history
in addition to art.
. . Program innovations which brought new
vIsitors to the Academy were: replacing the conventional wine and cheese opening for Images of
a Vanished Life with weekend festivities comprised of. native American dancing and singing,
story-tellIng, craft demonstrations, along with


appearances by the South Street Dance Company,
and Pan's Puppets (children's programs organized
under the auspices of Young Audiences, [nc.).
Althoug~ advance planning is a major factor
In programmIng, serendipity and schedule flexibility were instrumental in one of 1985's most
~ell-attended ~vents. The lecture and book-signIng by Judy Chicago, noted feminist artist, was
speedily arranged to take advantage of the artist's
pre~e~~e during ~he East Coast opening of her
exhibition The Birth Project. More than 350
people filled the museum rotunda for this event
hosted by the newly-organized Young Friends. '
Elizabeth Romanella
Assistant to the Director
for Program Development

Education Department
During the ten months of 1985 that [ have
been on the Academy staff several new programs
and. fruitful liaisons have been established among
a wide range of groups within the city. Many of
these new initiatives could not have been accomplished without the help and support of the
docents, Judith Ringold, an Academy student
worker, and the Academy staff.
The docent program is the backbone of the
Education Department. Docents are the Academy's 'front line' public relations team. There are
approximately 35 docents who volunteer countless hours a year to the Academy.
[n 1985, 18,008 people took tours at the
Academy. This number includes 2,657 adult and
corporate participants, 4,355 visitors on general
tours, 4,268 students through the free bus program, and 6,728 students without the free buses.
This represents a 10% increase over 1984
. During the Red Grooms exhibition, the Education Department inaugurated a series of special
tours as a benefit for the employees of the City
and our other corporate and foundation supporters. These half hour tours, which took place every

Tuesday at lunchtime , were attended by staff
members of the Mellon Bank, Provident Bank,
CitiCorp, City of Philadelphia, Glenmede Trust,
SmithKline Beckman, and ARA Services.
Also during the Red Grooms exhibition, the
Education Department collaborated for the first
time with the City's Phil-A-Job program , funded by
the Philadelphia Urban Coalition , to introduce a
Young Docents program at the Academy utilizing
high school students. This specially selected
group were involved in many aspects of the
Academy's operation-they gave tours to family
and children's groups , manned the membership
table (recruited over 100 members), and helped
out in many of the Academy's departments.
The Academy was one of three Philadelphia
institutions selected to participate in a pilot
program funded by the Pennsylvania Council of
the Arts entitled Fellowship in Arts Management
Enterprise (FAME). This program provides minority arts administrators with working experience in
a variety of cultural institutions. During the month
of April, Deryl Mackie (Curator of Fine Arts at the
Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum)
worked at the Academy as the first representative
of this program. He developed a slide presentation targeted at a senior citizen audience. With
this as a foundation, ten slide presentations
focusing on the highlights of the Academy's
collection were made to senior citizen centers
and nursing homes . Four of these groups subsequently booked special museum tours . This
program is being expanded to reach a larger
senior citizen audience.
Beginning in November, Rob Chambers , Managing Director of the Melanie Stewart and
Company Dance and a bookkeeper at the Greater
Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, began work as the
second representative of the FAME program. Dur-

'-- ',

Through the
program of the
South Street Dance
Company, inner-city
Philadelphia school
children were able
to experience art
and movement in
the Pennsylvania
Academy galleries.


ing his almost three-month stay at the Academy,
he developed a proposal on what would be
involved in creating an educational video about
the Academy's museum for outreach and development purposes.
A major concern of the Education Department
has been to strengthen its school tour program
and connections with school teachers . Through a
grant received from PATHS (Philadelphia Alliance
for Teaching the Humanities in the Schools), we
cosponsored with a Philadelphia school teacher a
colloquium entitled Images of Nineteenth Century
America Through the Arts. The eight-part program ,
utilizing experts as distinguished speakers on a
variety of related topics, was presented to Philadelphia school teachers. The Education Department also worked with a Philadelphia school
teacher to produce a special program entitled
Weather and Art which was funded by PRISM
(Philadelphia Renaissance in Science and Math).
This interdisciplinary unit included museum visits, hands-on projects in art and science, and a
slide presentation of works from the Academy's
collection to stimulate discussion about weather
tools, seasons , precipitation, and clouds .
The Education Department has also been
concerned with strengthening programming for
families. Several family programs in conjunction
with the special exhibitions were offered in 1985 .
They all included tours of the exhibition and
related hands-on experiences.
The Education Department plans to continue
to collaborate with area institutions on programs.
Currently the Education Department is working
with the Girl Scouts of Greater Philadelphia to
design a Museum patch which would utilize the
Academy as a resource; the University of Pennsylvania's College of General Studies to develop
several one-day art programs; and the Philadelphia School District's Adopt-a-School program.
In 1986, as in 1985, a major effort is audience
development. Special adult tour packages will be
developed . Also, school tour programs which
coordinate with the Philadelphia School District's
standardized curriculum and the museum's special
exhibitions are being developed.
Regina E. Neu
Director of Education

Volunteer Docents
The Academy is particularly privileged in
having 33 dedicated docents who give specialized
tours of the Academy's building, collections , and
temporary exhibitions. To qualify as a member of
this group, each volunteer must have passed an
examination after taking an intensive six-month
training course in art history and tour techniques.
These volunteers are an elite corps of highlymotivated and well-informed individuals to whom
the Academy is particularly grateful.
Bernice Abrams
Fahnya Bean
Susan Behrend
Ann Bosworth
Shirlene Coyne
Jane Cratsley
Lois Domm
Mary Epstein
Barbara Evans
Grace Halter
Irma Jelinek
Rose Kaplan
Dot Kennedy
Sylvia Korngold
Lillian Landau
Henrietta Landis
Sylvia Lieberman

Deborah Mangel
Ruthe McCann
Nancy Mundth
Etta Nussbaum
Ruth Preucel
Eslye Rappeport
Myrtle Rosen
Lois Rosenau
Beatrice Rosenfield
Ruth Rothman
Miriam Sealfon
Hortense Steinberg
Ruth Stern
Dorothy Wartman
Carmine Winters
Norma Zion

Institutions & Organizations to Which the
Academy Lent Works in 1985

The American Embassy, Bern, Switzerland
The American Embassy, London, England
Bellevue Art Museum , Bellevue, WA
Berry-Hill Galleries , New York, NY
Bishop White House, Independence National
Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA
Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford, PA
The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY
The Butler Institute, Youngstown, OH
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Cummer Gallery of Art, Jacksonville , FL
Davenport Art Gallery, Davenport, IA
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE
Dept. of Romance Languages , University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Deshler-Morris House, Independence National
Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA
Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion , Philadelphia, PA
Fukushima Prefectural Museum Fukushima


The Governor's Mansion, Harrisburg, PA
Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts , UCLA,
Los Angeles , CA
Guild Hall Museum , East Hampton, NY Dept: Store Grand Gallery, Osaka, Japan
Hlstoncal Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH
Institute of Contemporary Art, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Janeyoorhees Zimmerli Art Museum , Rutgers
Umverslty, New Brunswick, NJ
Keio Dept. Store Grand Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
laSalle University Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Lemon Hill Mansion, Philadelphia, PA
Loyola Marymount University Art Gallery, Los
Angeles , CA
Mansfield Art Center, Mansfield , OH
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Miyazaki Prefectural Museum, Miyazaki, Japan
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL
Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Nas.sau County Museum of Fine Arts , Roslyn, NY
National Academy of Design, New York, NY
National Portrait Gallery, Washington , DC
The Octagon, Washington, DC
Philadelphia Art Alliance , Philadelphia, PA
The Powel House , Philadelphia, PA
The Queens Museum, Flushing, NY
The Racquet Club, Philadelphia, PA
The Rittenhouse Club, Philadelphia, PA
Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, MO
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, PA '
Staats gal erie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Stephen C. Foster Memorial , University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
The Taft Museum, Cincinnati, OH
University Art Galleries, University of New
Hampshire, Durham, NH
Westmoreland Museum of Art, Greensburg, PA
Wharton Esherick Museum, Paoli, PA
The White House, Washington , DC
William Penn Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Yamanashi Prefeetural Museum, Kofu , Japan


D irector of the Schools
Frederick S. Osborne, ir.

Faculty members,
(left to right) Jimmy
Lueders, Elizabeth
Osborne, and Peter
Paone at the Annual
Faculty Exhibition
opening at the Peale



fter nine months at the Academy I am more
convinced than ever that the Academy provides one of the finest educations for the
developing visual artist available anywhere. It is
further distinguished by the extensive prize and
traveling scholarship opportunities, the availability of private studios to advanced students, and
the exceptionally low tuition made possible by
generous patrons and endowment revenues.
The transitional months following my arrival
last April were notable for their smoothness. This
is a tribute to the dedication of the entire staff as
well as to Dan Miller's careful preparations as
Acting Director of the Schools last spring .
Transition is always an opportunity for
assessment. Many aspects of the School are
currently being examined. Foremost has been the
initiation of a review of the academic curriculum
and its effectiveness in educating artists for the
world of the '80s. Initiated before my arrival, a
significant early result of this review was the
reinstatement of a rigorous anatomy course in the
second year program. By the fall of 1986, there
will be more adjustments as well as a continuation of the examination of the curriculum by the
chairpersons of the three departments: Painting,
Graphics, and Sculpture .
In September 1985, the Furness Building
became the home base for preliminary year
students , allowing most of the upper year students to be housed at the Peale House.
The Evening Program moved to the Peale
House last fall. New classes and the new location
have proven to be a powerful combination, and
enrollment has increased significantly. Jan Baltzell
joined the staff of the Academy School in August
to administrate the Evening and Summer Schools.
Under her supervision we anticipate continued

growth in the extension programs of the School
not only in enrollment but in the quality and
diversity of the programs.
The identification of the second major focus
of energy for the School has been new revenue
sources to provide financial assistance for
enrolled and entering Day School students. Federal legislation has made the situation at the
Academy, as well as at other schools across the
country, a major concern. Serious cuts in the
availability of low interest student loans seem
inevitable as do massive reductions in federal
grants to students and institutions. Combined
these factors could make higher education an'
impossibility for hundreds of thousands of students, including many at the Academy. Among the
many corrective measures that are being taken is
the inauguration in September 1986 of a $1.6
million scholarship endowment campaign. The
Academy is presently able to assist only a third of
its student population with its own funds and the
average scholarship award Rrovides only a fraction of the total cost of attending the Academy.
While we continue to attract the highest
calibre of student we must also maintain a faculty
of an equally high calibre to challenge the
students in the studio. fA Ford Foundation Grant
for Faculty Enrichment, endowed several years
ago, provides the School with tremendous advantages. The Visiting Artist Lecture Series has
continued to prosper under the coordinated
efforts of Jody Pinto and the Director's Office. We visited last fall by video artist Joan Jonas,
painter Deborah Remington , and painter Paul
Brach. Each artist spent a full day in the studios
working with the students and then presented an
illustrated lecture of their work in the evening. A

(left to right) Frederick S. Osborne, Jr., Director of the
Schools, Samuel M.Y. Hamilton, The Honorable Richard L.
Thornburgh, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Brett Bigbee, in front of Brett Bigbee's award-winning wall.
In addition to Bigbee winning the coveted Governor's Award ,
he was also honored as a Fulbright Scholar as well as
receiving a Cresson Award.

Academy students
arrange works in
preparation for
hanging in the 85th
Annual Student
Exhibition on view
at the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine
Arts from May 8June 8, 1986.


bonus to the program was Frank Stella's threehour open critique prior to receiving the Academy's Award of American Art in October.
Two members of the faculty were distinguished with national awards this year. Sidney
Goodman received an Award in the Visual Arts
funded by the NEA, The Rockefeller Foundation,
and Equitable Insurance , while David Slivka
received a Krasner/Pollock grant.
Graphics Critic and Director of the Philadelphia Print Club, Ofelia Garcia was selected as
the new President of the Atlanta College of Art
and left the School to assume her new position as
of January 1. We were very pleased for Ofelia, but
Atlanta's good fortune was a very distinct loss for
the Academy School and the arts community of
New faculty this year included Tony Visco in
the Sculpture Department and Ron Wyffels and
Tony Rosati in Printmaking.
The death of Joe Amarotico in October
rocked the Academy family and inspired the
establishment of a scholarship fund in his memory. The fund continues to grow and will be a
help to future students at the Academy.
A major highlight of this year has been the
completion of a synchronized slide-tape presentation produced as an in-kind gift by the Smith Kline
Beckman Corporation. The project involved faculty, staff, students , and alumni in an enormous
cooperative effort that is a tribute to all involved.
Viewers have said it is the most accurate presentation of the Academy School experience they
have ever seen. The presentation will be used to
inform prospective students, raise funds , and
present the Academy School to the community at
large .
[n September, a generous grant from the
Samuel S. Fels Fund enabled the School to plan
modifications to the Peale House Gallery to
increase hanging space and give the institution a
new highly visible face on Chestnut Street. The
assistance and guidance of Mrs. Jerome Weinstein
were invaluable to our effort in the gallery.

(left to right) Artist Bo Bartlett, Mrs. Herbert E Schiffer,
President of the Women's Committee, chatting with Mr. and
Mrs. Barkley Hendricks following the opening of Barkley
Hendricks's exhibition at the Peale House on April 10, 1985.

Ben Wolf, educator, writer, and artist,
addressed the graduating class of [985. In a very
eloquent talk he linked the graduating class to its
unbroken line of heritage from Charles Willson
Peale to the present. Mayor W. Wilson Goode and
Governor Dick Thornburgh attended the ceremony to award the Mayor's and Governor's prizes.
Once again the Annual Student Exhibition proved
to be a grand finale for a productive year. Over
$60,000 of student work was sold during the
[ close this report by offering my sincerest
thanks to all-faculty, students, staff, trustees and
friends-who have assisted me in successfully
completing this first year. [ want to express
particular appreciation to the members of the
Committee on Instruction who have guided me
with their counsel and wisdom.


Director of Development
Elaine Breslow, CFRE

(left to right) Linda
Bantel, Director of
the Museum, Daniel
J. Terra, Ambassador-at -Large for
Cultural Affairs, with
Mrs. Robert A.
Hauslohner and Dr.
B. Perry Ottenberg,
Co-Chairmen of The
Charles Willson
Peale Society, at a
reception in honor
of Samuel F.B.
Morse's Gallery of
the Louvre, loaned
by The Terra
Museum of American Art to the
Pennsylvania Academy, June 4, 1985.



t is a pleasure to list the many generous
donors to the Academy in 1985.
In 1985, there was a dramatic increase in contributions from individual donors, jumping thirtyseven percent over 1984. This increase, one of the
best indicators of a healthy institution, is due to
the generosity of a growing family of Academy
donors, as well as the efforts and imagination of
volunteers, Trustees, and staff. Deserving special
mention is The Charles Willson Peale Society,
Chaired, in 1985, by Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
and Dr. B. Perry Ottenberg. The Society increased
its members by twenty percent, with many individuals contributing more than their basic dues.
Another exciting achievement in 1985 was made
by the Young Friends of the Pennsylvania Academy, which more than doubled its membership,
from 82 to 182 members. Under its Chairmen
Marcie J. Weintraub and Daniel J. Goldfarb, the
Young Friends developed a successful series of
programs and events for Academy members
thirty-five years of age and under. The Academy's
Alumni Association, founded in 1984, grew to a
membership of 2,500, with alumni from across
the country. Under the direction of Alumni President Anthony DiRienzi and ten alumni board
members, the Association shows considerable
potential for creative growth and achievement.
Through the generosity of these, and all its
donors, the Academy continues to prosper and
serve its community.

Corporate giving has been the most fascinating donor group to watch. While corporate
generosity is always encouraging, these donors
have made enormous and innovative differences
f~r greater than their dollars indicate. Matching
gift programs, in-kind contributions, volunteer
power, and the availability of avenues of publicity
are some of the reasons.
Both membership and corporate giving have
become powerful supports because most of these
gifts have been generated and are nurtured by the
committed volunteers to whom we are immensely
grateful. The Development Committee, under the
leadership of Carpenter Dewey and Harold A.
Sorgenti, with the help of Mrs. Jerome Weinstein,
and members of the Women's Committee have
together and individually, spent hours and given
untold efforts in order to make a difference.
In spite of threatened and real cutbacks and
the threatened demise of certain governmental
sources, as well as changes in federal and
foundation regulations and focuses, the Academy
has fared well in the grants-writing field. Our
programs-scholarly, popular, outreach, and
in-house-attract attention and compete favorably
in these regional and national markets.
The following charts tell the 1985 annual
giving story, which should be considered within
the context of a five-year history of support. Also
demonstrated is a bar chart of membership
growth between 1981 and 1985. They do not tell
the individuals who facilitated the happening and
the events that humanize the bald numbers.
Between 1982 and 1984, a $5 million capital
campaign, led by Board member, William L.
Grala, resulted in a major breakthrough toward
substantial growth in annual giving. The move
into a new school facility introduced hundreds of
first-time donors to the dynamic presence of the
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
The computerization of departmental recordkeeping followed immediately on the campaign's
heels, which helped staff manage increased
giving, direct mail drives, and telephone year-end
giving of major proportions. Mechanization of
record-keeping has been the beginning of the
systematic development of alumni giving programs and other initiatives never before possible.
However, the continuing growth in annual giving
was made possible by the hours of time and
thoughtful efforts of Board and committee mem ..
bers, and Business Volunteers for the Arts. To all
of our volunteers, we owe much.
Efficiently working to make 1985 the success
it demonstrated was a very special group, the
Development Department staff. I was assisted
untiringly by Joy Harbeson and Elsie Rojo. James
Voirol, our grants writer, made his first year at the
Academy stellar by helping to increase the



Annual Giving 1985

Annual Giving 1981-1985



r-- .....









,;..........; ..... .---

$l.5 $~,103



nqil l--

I?: r--



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,iM -



Membership Revenue 1981-1985




$~497 $325,279


:-..... -~ ..... .----

$200 $100



~!!I; -



lili!11 1--












Ii! ~:



;,j'l~ ----1


,~ -

~m -


" I---




lO r -










government grants category by 64%. Kirby Smith,
public relations officer, and Wendy Metzger, public information associate, assisted by Joan Irving,
gave us new and national visibility which was
particularly exciting to watch during the Red
Grooms Retrospective. Rosemary Harms, alumni
coordinator, has brought spirit and growth to this
new group. To Stuart Lamson , membership
acquisitions officer (a new staff member in 1984)
and Josephine Borie, membership and special
events coordinator, we owe much for innovation
in programming, tirelessness , and goodwill.


Gifts of special note were made by the
Atlantic Richfield Foundation and Smith Kline
Beckman Corporation, which made a challenge
grant that successfully raised $80,000 over the
1984 corporate level. This increase represented
new gifts and additional giving. Each of these two
donors made a second significant gift to the
Academy in 1985. The Atlantic Richfi eld Foundation was the major funder to the Red Grooms
Retrospective, while SmithKline Beckman Corporation worked throughout the year to produce a
recruitment slide presentation for the School,
which will serve the development department and
museum equally.
CIGNA Corporation, Samuel S. Fels Fund , and
Rohm and Haas Company were very generous. It
must be noted that The Pew Memorial Trust
deserves a special spotlight for their gifts which
helped set the stage for two museum programs
based on the permanent collections in 1986.
The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the
Institute of Museum Services, and the National
Endowment for the Arts each made increased
donations to museum operations.
The list of persons who made a significant
difference is long and impressive. The Academy
owes much to each person who considered the
museum and school. Through the individual and
collective wish to join in partnership with the
Board of Trustees and staff, the Academy educates, collects, cares for, and shows the finest
programs in American art.

Financial Data
Balance Sheet as of December 31: (000 omitted)



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ....... . $9,884
Current Assets. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .. $6,205
Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $5,555
Pledges Receivable ... . ........................... ... . .. . .. . . " $884
Notes Receivable .. . ............................ . ............. $750
All Other ........... ... .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3


Total Assets .. . ......... . .................... . ....... . ... $23,281


!,!~t Property

Liabilities and Fund Balances:
Current Liabilities. . . . . .
. . .. . . . . . . .. $5,782
neferred Contributions
. . . .. $375
. Retirement Plan Liability .
.. . . . . . . . .. $310
Fund Balance (Net Worth) .. .. ... . ............. . ...... .. ..... $16,8 14


Total Liabilities and Fund Balances ....................... $23,281


Statement of Income and Expenses
for the Year Ended December 31: (000 omitted)


Nivate Gifts and Grants
....... $1,823 .
Proceeds from Deaccessioning . . .. ........... . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1,170
Tuition . . ....... ... ..... .. . .... '.......... '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $886
Investment Income ........ . .... ... .... . .......... . .... ..... .. $831
Net Realized Gain on Investments .................. . .......... .. $552
Membership ......................................... .. ..... , $459
Government Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $332
Retail Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $296
Museum Admissions . ..... .. .. . . . .... . ............ . ... . ......... $134
A.II Other . . ....... . ..... ..... •.. ............. " ...

Total Income


. ... $6,598

Payroll Costs ............... . .. . ...... . ..... . .... . .. . .... . .. $2,024
Accessioning & Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1,414
Exhibitions and Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. $844
Insurance, Interest, & Depreciation . ............ . .. , ...... . ..... $674
Utilities & Maintenance . . ..... .. ............... . ......... . .. . . $403
\'v1arketing . ... . .. .... . .. . . .. ... .. ' .' ..... . '.' .................. $313
Net Peale GIub Expenses . . . . . .. , .. .. ... :. . .
Office Expenses .. . .... . .
Student Prizes and Grants in Aid ........... . .. .. .. .. ..... . ..... $159
Retail Cost of Sales .... .. ................. . ....... . . . ... . ..... $125
Professional Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $103
All other . ... ...... ................ .. ..... .. .... . ..... . ....... $53


Total Expenses ................... : .... . . . ................ $6,522


Excess (Deficit) of Income Over Expenses . . . . ........ : . . . . . . .. $76


1985 Contributions from Foundations, Estates, Trusts, Etc.
Annenberg Fund, Inc.
Arcadia Foundation
Barra Foundation, Inc.
Allen H. & Selma W Berkman 1l'ust
Cameron Memorial Fund
Catherwood Foundation
Chace Fund, Inc.
Claneil Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Marion C. Cobb
Colin Gardner Foundation
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Elsie Lee Garthwaite Memorial Foundation
Haney Foundation 1l'ust

Elizabeth S. Hooper Foundation
J.D.B. Fund
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Foundation
Lovett Foundation, Inc.
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
Mabel Pew Myrin 1l'ust
Irving May & Edith H. May Foundation
William J. McCahan 3rd Fund
McLean Contributions hip
Leo Model Foundation
Oxford Foundation, Inc.
William Penn Foundation

Pew Memorial 1l'ust
Philadelphia Foundation
Albin Polasek Foundation
Estate of Edgar P. Richardson
Gilroy & Lillian P. Roberts Charitable
Alexis Rosenberg Foundation
Estate of Hope S. Schary
John Sloan Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Smith Foundation
Harold S. 1l'uitt Fund
Wirwick Foundation
Jesse R. Wike Charitable 1l'ust

1985 Contributions from Corporations and Corporate Foundations
!(]'&T Communications
ARA Services, Inc.
Allstate Insurance Co.
American Airlines, Inc.
American Home Products Corporation
Anchor Packing Company
Atlantic Financial Federal
Atlantic Richfield Company
Balis & Company, Inc.
Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
Berwind Corporation
Binswanger Company
Burlington Industries, Inc.
Campbell Soup Company
Central Penn National Bank
Certainteed Corporation
Chubb & Son, Inc.
CIGNA Corporation
Citicorp (USA), Inc.
Coca-Cola Company
Continental Bank
Davis Advertising Inc.
Day & Zimmerman, Inc.
Deloitte, Haskins & Sells
Derwell Company
Eagle 1l'ansfer Corporation
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the
United States
FMC Corporation
Fidelity Bank
Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company
First Boston Corporation
First Pennsylvania Bank
Frederick Goldman Advertising
GMAC Mortgage Corporation

Germantown Savings Bank
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Hercules, Incorporated
Houghton-Carpenter Company
Hunt Manufacturing Company
IU International
Industrial \!illey Bank & 1l'ust Company
International Business Machines Corporation
J.C. Penney Company, Inc.
John Condax Photography
Kidder, Peabody & Co., Inc.
Kraft, Inc.
Lesser & Kaplin
Lewis , Gilman & Kynett, Inc.
Lyon & Armor, Inc.
Marcolina Brothers, Inc.
Mather & Co.
McNeil Consumer Products Company
Mellon Bank
Merck & Co., Inc.
Montgomery, McCracken, Wilker & Rhoads
PENJERDEL Retail Council
Philadelphia National Bank
PQ Corporation
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance
Pennwalt Corporation
Pep Boys
Philadelphia Contributions hip
Philadelphia Electric Company
Philadelphia Gas W:lrks
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
Philadelphia Suburban Corporation

1985 Contributions from Government Agencies
City of Philadelphia
Institute of Museum Services
National Endowm en t for the Arts
National Museum Act
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania Historical & Museum
Pennsylvania Humanities Council


Price Witerhouse & Company
Provident National Bank
Prudential Insurance Company of America
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Quaker Storage Co., Inc.
Raymond M. Spiller & Associates
Reliance Insurance Company
Ristorante " Gallo Nero, Inc.
Rohm & Haas Company
Rosenbluth 1l'avel Agency, Inc.
SKF Industries, Inc.
SPS Technologies, Inc.
Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Selas Corporation of America
Smith Kline Beckman Corporation
Sonat Marine , Inc.
Stanley Blacker, Inc.
Stearns Catalytic Corporation
Subaru of America, Inc.
Sun Company, Inc.
Sunshine Scientific Instrument, Inc.
Thsty Baking Company
Teleflex Incorporated
Time, Inc.
Touche Ross & Co.
1l'ansco Energy Company
United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.
Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown
Vitetta Group
Wirner Company
C.J. \\ebb, Inc.
Yarway Corporation

1985 Contributions from Individuals, Associations & Groups


Abel, James K.
Abel, Robert
Aborn, Peter K.
Abraham, Drs. Hans & Lillian
Abrahams, Mrs. Robert D.
Abrams, David J.
Abrams, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard
hlams, Evelyn H.
hlams, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis T.
hlams, Jr., Ray D.
hlkins, Dr. & Mrs. Edwin P.
hiler, Marjorie H.
hiler, Zena
hlolph, Edward F.
Affleck, Ralph D.
Agazarian, Dr. Yvonne M.
Ahl, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E.
Aikman, Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter M.
Aisen, Susan
Albany, Mr. & Mrs. James R.
Albers, Jr. , Col. & Mrs. Vincent A.
Albert, Dr. & Mrs. Michael B.
Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Alexander, David
Alexander, Mrs. Elizabeth D. A.
Alexander, Lorraine R. and Ben
Alexanderson, Patricia A.
Alio, Mrs. Constantin G.
Allam, Dr. & Mrs. Mark W
Allan, Dr. Mary Berninger
Allan, Stanley A.
Allebach, Mrs. Doris J.
Allen, Mrs. David W
Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Donald M.
Allen, Margaret P.
Allen III, Mrs. William W
Aloe, Paul E.
Altman, Ashley J.
Alvarez, Col. & Mrs. Antonio F.
Amato, Michael A.
Ambrose, Jay
American Conser;ation Association
American Historical Print
Collector's Circle
American Institute of Architects,
Philadelphia Chapter
Amsterdam , Y.!lIa
Anbari, Frank
Ancker, Carolyn R.
Andereck, Janet M.
Anderson, Mrs. Carl H.
Anderson, David
Anderson, Decima M.
Anderson, Mrs. Earle M.
Anderson, Esq. , Gerald H.
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry W
Anderson, Juliette Perry
Andrade, Edna
Andress, Mrs. Philip M.
Andrew, Mr. & Dr. C. B.
Andrews, Evelyn V.
Andrews, Mr. & Mrs . William D.
Angelo, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Annenberg, The Hon. & Mrs. WHo
Anonymous (4)
Anyon, Mrs. Lydia H.
Apesos, Anthony
Apfel, Mrs. Fanchon M.
Apfelbaum, Mr. & Mrs. Earl P.L.
Apfelbaum, Mr. & Mrs. Leon
Aponte, Mr. & Mrs. Harry J.
Apothaker, Mrs. Catherine
Appel, Mr. & Dr. Harry H.
Appel, Joan R.
Appell, Louis J.

Applebaum, Florence K.
Arader III, W Graham
Aral, Imadettin A.
Arbaugh, P.T. , Mr. & Mrs. Donald J.
Archer, Cynthia & Pierce
Arfaa, Peter F.
Aries, Charlotte A.R.
Armour, Mr. & Mrs. Peter M.
Armstrong, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Arnold, Stephen J.
Aronfreed, Dr. Eva
Aronson, Barbara B.
Art Lovers' League Inc.
Arufo, Cecile
Ash, Richard A.
Ashcom, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M.
Asher, Mrs. Howard B.
Ashmead III, Mr. & Mrs. Duffield
Ashmead, John
Aspen, Alfred W
Asplundh, Mr. & Mrs. Edward K.
Athinson, Dr. & Mrs. G. Russell
Atkinson, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter C.
Atlee, Mrs. S. John
Atterbury, George R.
Auerbach, Philip P.
Austin, Mrs. H. P.
Austrian, Dr. & Mrs. Robert
Auten, Mr. & Mrs. David C.
Axilbund, Mr. & Mrs. George M.
Aylward, Rr. him. & Mrs. T.C.
Babich, Mr. & Mrs . 'MIlter P.
Bach, Leonard E.
Bacharach, Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Bacharach, Charles K.
Bachman, Mrs. Barbara C.
Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund N.
Bacsujlaky, Laszlo
Bade, Mr. & Mrs. John W
Baer, Alan J.
Baer II, Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Bagger, The Rev. & Mrs. Ralph W
Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Carl W
Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.
Baillie, Mrs. Marian H.
Bainbridge, Harry T.
Baird, Mr. & Mrs. Carl A.
Baird, Mrs. Donald L.
Baird, John A.
Baird, Thomas R.
Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Calvin D.
Baker, Mrs. Catherine E.
Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond N.
Baldwin III, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Balis, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. C. 'MInton
Balis, Mr. & Mrs. Mark E.
Ballard, Mr. & Mrs. Francis
Ballard, Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Ballengee, Mr. & Mrs. James M.
Ballinger, Mrs. Raymond A.
Baltzell, Mr. & Mrs. E. Digby
Baltze ll, Dr. William H.
Bamberger, Jr., William L.
Bamford II, Mr. William
Bangert, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Banks, Harriet & Bart
Banks, Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. .
Barattini, Denise M.
Barbieri, Mrs. Alexander F.
Barbieri, Mrs. Edward A.
Barbieri, Joseph
Barclay, Mrs. Katharine B.

Barg, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert
Barker, Mrs. Robert W
Barlow, D. Brooks
Barlow, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O.
Barnes, Jr. , Mr. Carroll B.
Barnes, K. A.
Barnett, Eleanor F.
Barnett, Mrs. Ellen
Barnhart, Edward A.
Barnshaw, Dr. Harold D.
Baron, Mr. & Mrs. Marten B.
Barone, Joseph F.
Barr, Virginia M.
Barrack, Esq., Leonard
Barratt, Mrs. Norris S.
Barrie, Mrs. Elizabeth F.
Barrie, Mary Adams
Barrie, Winston Alexander
Barringer, Mr. & Mrs. Brandon
Barringer, Mrs . Charles M.
Barrows , Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter
Barse, Joann M.
Barth, \\blf D.
Barthelson, Mary
Bartlett, James Bo
Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. John B.
Bartlett, W L.
Bartol, Mr. & Mrs. John G.
Barton, Jr. , A. Daniel
Bass, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert
Bass, Robert S.
Bassett, Barbara A.
Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Preston C.
Bast, Robert L.
Bates, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H.
Batt, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Batt, Mr. & Mrs. Robert R.
Battles, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop H.
Batty, Jr. , Mr. 'MIlter S.
Batzer, Bruce Edgar
Bauer, Richard Alan
Baum, Bernice
Bauman, Edward T.
Baumann, Mrs. John A.
Baxter, Col. & Mrs Joseph M.
Bayersdorfer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Bayliss, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest B.
Beach, George
Beadle, Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter J.
Bean, Mrs. Donald
Beard, Jr., Mrs. Samuel P.
Beardwood , Mrs. Joseph T.
Bechtel, Richard C.
Beck, Mrs. Lillian A.
Beck, The Hon. Phyllis W
Becker, Jr. , Mrs. Charles
Beckett, Esq., Mr. Milton
Beckman, Frederick
Beene, Mr. & Mrs. Lavelle V.
Beer, Janice D.
Beerman, Dr. & Mrs. Herman
Behr, Mr. & Mrs. Philip
Beierschmitt, Sister Mary Paula
Beilman, David
Beiter, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E.
Belber II , Mr. Henry S.
Belcher, Edward A.
Bell, Joseph & Helen
Bell, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm
Bell, Mary T.
Bell, Dr. & Mrs. Randall W
Bell, Robert M.
Bell, Jr. , Dr. Whitfield J.
Bellet, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin

Bellet, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Belli, Dr. Albert J.
Belson, Jr., Charles V.
Bemis, Mr. & Mrs. Hal L.
Benasutti, Frank
Beneman, Mrs. Jay
Benenson, Mr. & Mrs. James
Benjamin, Esq., Michael D.
Bennett, Jr., John C.
Bennett, Jr., Dr. Lee C.
Benoliel, Mr. & Mrs. Peter A.
Benscoter, Dr. Judith L.
Benson, Mrs. Mildred
Benson, Perry
Berenholz, Doris
Berger-Zeitoun, Marie Theres
Berger, Albert I.
Berger, Bud
Berger, Doris Cummins
Berger, Mr.& Mrs. Harold P.
Berger, Harriet
Bergin, Mr. & Mrs. William J.
Berkman, Mr. & Mrs. James
Berkman, Judy & Richard
Berkowitz, Mrs. Henry
Berley, Dr. Lawrence F.
Berlinger, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W
Berman, Dr. Arnold
Berman, Ethel and Leon L.
Berman, Ken & Beth
Berman, Mr. & Mrs. Philip I.
Berman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Berman, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Bernhardt, Lynford P.
Bernick, Penny
Bernstein, Edward
Bernstein, Mr. & Mrs . Howard J.
Bernstein, Mr. & Mrs. Irwin L.
Bernstein, Max
Bernstein, Theresa
Berret, Alexandra Cyr
Berry, Mrs. Martha B.
Bers , Mr. & Mrs. Julian
Bertolet, Elain M.
Best, John T.
Betz, Claire S.
Bevan, David C.
Bevan, Dr. Emma B.
Beverly, Dr. Avery W
Beyer, Mrs. Audrey Bickley
Bick, Mr. & Mrs. John D.
Bicker, Peter & Julie
Biddle, Mrs. Anne Gertrude
Biddle, Jr., Mrs. Craig
Biddle, Mrs. Nicholas
Bider, Ed
Bidgood, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L.
Bieber, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J.
Bigelow, Mrs. Barbara Chase
Biggs, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Bigoney, Mrs. Thomas W
Billet, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. L. H.
Billings, Charlotte W
Billington, Mrs. Dorothy L.
Billups, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Bilokur, Anatole
Binder, David F.
Binder, Elin B.
Binswanger-Wild, Mrs. Eve
Binswanger, Sr. , Mr.& Mrs. Frank
Binswanger, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Bird, Bronwyn
Birdsall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Biringer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A.
Birnhak, Mr. & Mrs. J. R.


r--_ __


Biron, Mrs. Lillian G.
Bisbee, Jr. , Mrs. Arthur L.
Bishop, Mrs. Harry
Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L.
Bissell, Jr. , Mrs. George P.
Bitonti, Samuel P.
Bitzer, Mrs. Joan
Bixler, Mrs. M. T.
Bjornsgard, Mr. & Mrs. Frank K.
Blackburn, Joan
Blackburn, Mrs. Morris
Blagg, Wlodrow M.
Blair, John J.
Blake, Mrs. Maurice J.
Blake, Nancy E.
Blakely, Patricia I.
Blankenberg, Leonora
Blanning, Carol B.
Blaufeld, Shirley
Blenko, Mr. & Mrs. Don B.
Bleznak, Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Bleznak, C. Ronald
Bliss, Eleanor A.
Block, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
Block, Dr. & Mrs. Reuben
Bloom, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J.
Bloom, Dr. & Mrs. Edward
Bloom, Joel N.
Bloomer, Mr. & Mrs. David Earley
Blount, The Hon . Lynwood F.
Bluestein, Mrs. Reba S.
Bluestein, Ronald
Blum, Adelaide
Blum, Mr. & Mrs. Kurt
Blum, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Blum, Leslie R.
Blumberg, Dr. & Mrs. Baruch S.
Blumenthal, Mr. & Mrs. Bernhard
Blumstein, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Blumstein, Dr. & Mrs. George I.
Boal, Mr. & Mrs. Erwin S.
Bockenhauer, Paul T.
Bockus, Mrs. Henry L.
Bodek, Mr. & Mrs. Wilter J.
Bodine, Mr. & Mrs. James F.
Bodine, Mrs. Robert A.
Bodine, Jr., Mrs. William W
Boenning, H. Dickson S.
Bofinger, Charles F.
Bogash, Mrs. Natalie
Bogdanoff, Phyllis A.
Bogutz, Mr.& Mrs. Jerome E.
Bok, Mrs. Cary W
Boldt, Susan Rae
Bolger II, Mr. & Mrs. Robert V.
Bonafino, Dr. George
Bond, Mrs. Barbara
Bond, Mr. & Mrs. David T.
Bond, May Field
Bond, Odessa
Bonelli, James P.
Bonovitz, Mrs. Jill F.
Book, James D.
Bookbinder, Jack
Bookler, Mrs. Morton
Booth, Richard H.
Booth, Jr. , Dr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Boothby, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Willard S.
Borghese, Mr. & Mrs. Marco
Borie , Mrs. Henry Peter
Borie, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Borkow, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L.
Borkowski, Dr. & Mrs. Richard
Borland, Mr. Jack C.

Borlo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Borow, Dr. Sydney
Borowsky, Irvin J.
Borten, Mr. & Mrs. Wilter
Bortin, Mrs . David
Borzillo, Jr. , Anthony W
Bosworth, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Bottinelli, Constance
Bouse, Eleanor M.
Bove, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J.
Bowen, Mrs. Elizabeth P.
Bowie, Mrs. Reba O.
Bowman, Mr. & Mrs. Edward H.
Boyce, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C.
Boyd, Mrs. Osborne T.
Boyer, Mrs. James K.
Boyer, Dr. & Mrs. Randal A.
Boylan, Eileen Mae
Boylan, Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard
Boyle, Jr., Mr. James J.
Boyle, John Paul & Joanne R.
Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Boylen, Daniel P.
Bracken, Mr. & Mrs. James W
Brackin, Barbara
Bradburd, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold
Bradley, Mr. & Mrs. Philip H.
Bradley, Raymond
Brady, Dr. Anna M.
Brady, H. W
Braig, Charmaine M.
Brainard, Mrs. Frank S.
Brand, Mrs. Wilter
Brandman, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan J.
Brandolini, Mrs. Matilda
Brandon, Michael E.
Brandschain, Anita R.
Branella, Esq. , Frank D.
Brasier, Mrs. Lillian
Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Steven
Brawner, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T.
Bray, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund C.
Breckenridge, Mr. & Mrs. L. L.
Breed, Rebecca Russell
Brennan, Edwina
Brennan, Ellen
Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Neil F.
Brenner, Linda
Breskman, Benjamin S.
Breskman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S.
Breslow, Mr. & Mrs. George
Breslow, Dr. & Mrs. Irwin
Breslow, Mr. & Mrs. Richard K.
Brest, Mrs. Robert
Brew, Alice T.
Brewer, Dr. Henry A.
Brey, Jr. , Robert N.
Breye r, Jr. , Mrs. Henry W
Brichkow, Barbara A.
Bricklin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L.
Brickman, Hannah G.
Brigham, Agnes A.
Bright, Mrs. Martha W
Brill, Mrs. Rose
Brindisi, Mr. & Mrs. Alfio J.
Brine, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Bringhurst, Nancy J.
Brinton, Mrs. Clarence C.
Brinton, Dr. Margo A.
Briscoe, Kate & John
Briselli, Mr. & Mrs. Iso
Briskin, Esq., Mr. Joshua M.
Bristol, Mrs. Michal W
Brittain, Mrs. John
Brock, Mrs. John W

Brodhead, Quita
Brodsky, Albert
Brodsky, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Brody, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney L.
Brody, Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J.
Broennie, Dr. & Mrs. Michael
Brooke, Mrs. Robert C.
Brookover, Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Brooks, Jr., Mrs. Clarence W
Brooks, Helen Morgan
Brooks, Melvin
Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. William
Brossette, Dorie Saylor
Brouwer, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alex B.
Brown, Mrs. Bernard
Brown, Dr. Bertram S.
Brown, C. M.
Brown, Mrs. Clinton H.
Brown, Emily and Will
Brown, Dr. & Mrs. George H.
Brown, Mrs. Gerald A.
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H.
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph W
Brown, Mrs. Lawrance A.
Brown, Margaret C.
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Medford J.
Brown, Mrs. Revelle W
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Brown, Jr. , Mr. Richard P.
Brown, Jr., Mr. Rober t N.
Brown, Susan D.
Brown, Mrs. T. Wistar
Brown, Mrs. W Thacher
Brownlee, Mr. & Mrs. David B.
Broza, Mrs. Stanley
Bruck, Alan
Bruestle, Vera D.
Bruton, Mr. & Mrs. David P.
Brutten Ph.D. , Milton
Bryan, Lois
Bryce , Mayo & Corrinne
Bryde, June M.
Bryfogle, Dr. & Mrs. John W
Bryson, James H.
Buchsbaum, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph T.
Buck, H. Patricia
Buck, Mrs. J. Mahlon
Buck, Mr. & Mrs. William C.
Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Wilter W
Bucks, Mrs. Jeanette S.
Buffington, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert M.
Buffum, Mrs. Kathleen D. B.
Bull, Mr. & Mrs. Richard G.
Bullard , Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Bulley, Hebe
Bullitt, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Orville H.
Bullock, Mr. & Mrs. H. Ridge ly
Bullock, Mrs. John Emlen
Bullock, Richard D.
Bunin, David T.
Bunkin, Mrs. Rebecca
Bunnell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard B.
Bunting, Mrs. Clifton D.
Burgoyne, Mr. & Mrs. James F.
Burke, Bobbye J.
Burke, Mrs. Joseph A.
Burkett, Mr. & Mrs. G. Theodore
Burko, Mrs. Diane
Burleigh, E. Madeline
Burmaster, Kathy V. & John
Burns, Mary D.

Burns, Jr., Robert & Judith
Burrell, Esq. , George R.
Burriss, William K.
Burstein, Mrs. Denise R.
Burstein, Isadore S.
Burt , Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel
Burt, Mrs. \\ellington R.
Burton, Mrs. David C.
Busby, HSN, Capt. J. C.
Busch, Esq., H. Donald
Bushnell, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F.
Butcher-Pratt, Noel
Butcher III, Mrs. Howard
Butcher IV, Mr. Howard
Butcher, Mrs. MacBee
Butler, Lorinda
Butler, Susan Leroux
Butman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Byer, Hope
Byrne, Mrs. Earl B.
Cabot, Esq., Stephen J.
Cadwalader, Mrs. John
Caesar, Mr. & Mrs. Abraham D.
Cahan, Joan O.
Callaghan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B.
Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. James F.
Cameron, Jr. , William E.
Camp, Dr. Mark O.
Camp, Dr. William P.
Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Roy E.
Campbell, Thomas R.
Campbell, William H.
Campion, Eleanor E.
Cancelmo, Mrs . Marie W
Cander, Dr. & Mrs. Leon
Caner, Jr., Mrs. Harrison K.
Caniglia, Susan
Cantor, Mrs. Daniel J.
Cantor, Mr. & Mrs . Gilbert M.
Cantor, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Canuso, Joseph P.
Caparulo, Ralph D.
Capcino, Mrs. Kazana
Caplan, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J.
Caplan, Benjamin
Caplan, Dr. & Mrs. Bernerd
Capps, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Capuzzi, Mary P.
Carabasi, Jr. , Dr. & Mrs. Ralph A.
Carella, Dr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J.
Carlen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Carlisle, Robert D.B.
Carlson, Victor
Carmichael , Dr. & Mrs. Paul L.
Carnell, Jr. , Mrs. William C.
Caro, Helen
Carol, Max N.
Carota, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A.
Carpel, Mrs. Pearl M.
Carpenter, Mrs. Donald F.
Carr, M. Virginia
Carroll, Harry A.
Carroll, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J. Roy
Carson, Mrs. Elizabeth
Carson, Mr. & Mrs. James T.
Carson, Mrs. Joseph
Carstensen, Mr. & Mrs. Hans L.
Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Hannah C.
Caruso, John E.
Caruso, Roger Prichard & Astrid
Case, Harry John
Casey, J. Michael
Casper, Howard M.


Casper, Lee A.
Cassard, Mrs. Edward C.
Cassell, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Wcmen
Castle, Mr. & Mrs. Barry R.
Castle, Joseph L.
Castle, Sallie B.
Cathcart, Mr. & Mrs. H. Robert
Catton, Nancy M.
Caulk, John R.
Cavallaro, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Cavanaugh, James R.
Cave, Mr. & Mrs. William A.
Celano, Peter J.
Cellucci, Mr. & Mrs. John
Cerchiaro, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A.
Cerniglia, Mr. & Mrs. S. J.
Chacker, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F.
Charre, Mr. & Mrs. John C.
Chagan, E. Dean
Chait, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Chait, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney
Chalfant, Robert L.
Chambers, Marcy
Chandler, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Fred T.
Chan nick, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Chaplin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. G.
Chappell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Charleston, Sylvia B.
Charny, Dr. & Mrs. C. W.
Checchia, Vincent P.
Cherken, Jr., Harry S.
Cherry, Jim & Theresa
Cheston, Mr. & Mrs. George M.
Cheston, Sr., Morris
Cheston, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Morris
Cheston, Sydney
Chiappe, Mrs. C. F.
Chiarlone, Rosemarie
Chigounis, Matina
Childress, Mr & Mrs. Scott J.
Chimicies, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas E.
Chitjian, Sophia
Christaldi, Rita M.
Christensen, Mrs. Gladys York
Christian, Eileen S.
Christian, Steve & Carol
Christiansen, Mary T.
Chrystie, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L.
Chu, Ann M.
Chu, Sing Yung
Chudnorr, Joseph
Church, Sally A.
Churchill, Mrs. Henry S.
Churchman, Mr. & Mrs. W. Morgan
Cianciosi, Mrs. Angelo
Ciccantelli, Dr. & Mrs. Richard A.
Cifelli, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Ciplet, Sarah
Cissone, Louis J.
Claghorn, Edward Thws
Claghorn, Frederic S.
Clair, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Clancy, Mrs. Maurice L.
Clapham, 10m W.
Clardy, Beth Lea
Clark, Mrs. Avery B.
Clark, AlA, Carl T.
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Clark, Edward O.
Clark, Elizabeth Lamb
Clark, Gail Roberts
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. George R.
Clark, Ginna
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S.

Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Percy H.
Clark, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W.
Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J.
Clarkson, Thresa N.
Class, Constance G.
Clattenburg, Theodore
Clay, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward B.
Clayton, Dr. Constance E.
Cleaver, Herbert D.
Clerr, Evelyn
Cleland, Mrs. David C.
Clement, George Y.
Clement, Mrs. Harrison H.
Clement, Lisa T.
Clews, Mrs. Margaret S.
Clifton, Jack
Cline, Raymond A.
Clofine, H. Lawrence
Close, Mr. & Mrs. Charles D.
Close II, Edwin George
Clothier, Ann H.
Clothier IV, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H.
Clough, Mrs. \!ince B.
Clouser, Isabelle L.
Clover, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H.
Clutz, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Coale, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar B.
Coates, Benjamin
Cobrin, Mildred
Coccia, Catherine F.
Cochran, Dr. Thomas C.
Coe, Virginia H.
Cogan, Katherine Stiles
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Albert M.
Cohen, Anna K. & Reuben E.
Cohen, Mrs. Bernard
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Elias S.
Cohen, Florence lYson
Cohen, Gaela
Cohen, Mrs. Greta B.
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Cohen, Hennig
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M.
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Hyman
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Mark I.
Cohen, Mrs. Max H.
Cohen, Mrs. Norman N.
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S.
Cohen, Stephen D.
Cohen, Sylvia
Cohen, Dr. & Mrs. Theodore B.
Cohlberg, Margaret L.
Cohn, Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Cole, Mrs. Grace M.
Cole, Mrs. J. Marshall
Coleman, Nancy J.
Coleman, Jr., Mrs. Ralph P.
Coleman, Robert J.
Coleman, Dr. Thomas
Coleman, Mrs. William B.
Colino, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Coli, Bernard
Colletti, P.aul
Collings, Jr., Clirrord C.
Collins, David Monroe
Collins, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. James S.
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. John S.
Collins, Lillian
Collins, Mrs. Robert F.
Colston, Larry A.
Colton, Dr. & Mrs. N. H.
Combrinck-Graham, Lee
Corney, Mary Jayne

Comisky, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin
Compagno, Judith
Comroe, Esq. , David B.
Conaway, Michael
Condax, Mr. & Mrs. John
Condirr, Robert G.
Condon, Dr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Conger, Mr. & Mrs. Clement E.
Conley, Sr. , James H.
Conley, Dr. M. E.
Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Conner, Harold J.
Conner, Dr. & Mrs. J. Hubert
Connor, Mr. & Mrs. John E.
Connor, William
Conover, Elizabeth E.
Conrad, Gianne P.
Conseur, Mr. & Mrs. Louis S.
Contakos, Mr. & Mrs. Sam C.
Cook, August
Cook, Jeanne
Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. M. Todd
Cooke, Dr. Nancy E.
Cooke, Suzanne A.
Cooler, Dr. & Mrs. Stewart
Coombs, Mrs. James L.
Coons, Richard B.
Cooper, Barbara M.
Cooper, Dr. Barry R.
Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Copeland, Dr. Adrian D.
Copeland, Mrs. Randall E.
Copeland, Mrs. Robert
Copeland, Mr. & Mrs. Lee G.
Corbin, Robert L.
Cordek, Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Corkran, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. 'Mlodward
Corliss, Mrs. Samuel B.
Corman, Mr. & Mrs. Bert
Cornelius, Mrs. Chalmers E.
Cornelius III, Dr. & Mrs. Chalmers
Corr, Joan P.
Corson, Mrs. Bolton L.
Corson, Helen F.
Corty, Sara Douglas & Eric
Cory, Joan F.
Coslett, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward W.
Coslett, Mr. & Mrs. H. W.
Costello, 'l\"acey A.
Costner, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin W.
Cotter, Dr. & Mrs. John L.
Cotzen, Dr. Donna J.
Couch, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Courtney, Ann I.
Courtney, Julie & Neil
Coviello, Nick
Cowan, Jr., Mrs. Wllter J.
Cox, Mr. & Mrs. F. Gardner
Cox, Maryann E.
Cox, Samuel R.
Coyle, Joseph E.
Coyne, Mr. & Mrs. Noel
Crart, Rebecca A.
Crane, Mrs. A. Reynolds
Crane, Mr. & Mrs. Philip U.
Cratsley, Mrs. E. K.
Craven, Mr. & Mrs. G. Francis
Crawford, Jr., Albert J.
Crawford, James A.
Crawford, James D.
Crawford, William H.
Creamer, Fred B.
Creed, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand
Creskoff, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G.
Cresson, Dr. Samuel L.

Cresswell, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Crimm, Wllter L.
Crivelli, Elaine
Crnkovich, Mr. & Mrs. Greg
Croasdale, O. R.
Cromwell, Anne M.
Cronan II, Mr. & Mrs. William P.
Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. John C.
Crossin, James
Crosson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.
Crough, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F.
Crouse, George M.
Crowder, Mrs. William W.
Crowell, Mr. & Mrs. J. L.
Crowley, Mrs. Mary M.
Crown, Mr. & Mrs. Victor
Crowther, Mrs. Beatrice
Crozer, Mrs. Charles H.
Crumlish, Jr., The Hon. & Mrs. J.
Cryan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Cuddeback, John
Culbertson, Jr., Richard W.
Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Milton L.
Cullen, Rose M.
Cullumbine, Mrs. Harry
Culshaw, Florence P.
Cummin, Elizabeth Starr
Cummin, Jr., Mrs. Pearson C.
Cunard, Louise
Cunningham, Mary E.
Cunninghis, Burton & Richelle
Curran, Caroline
Curran, H. P.atricia
Curran, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Curran, The Rev. Msgr. P.aul F.
Currie, Mr. & Mrs. C. George
Curson, Sophy
Curtis, T. K.
Cushing, Mr. & Mrs. John O.
Custer, Mr. & Mrs. Donald A.
Custer, Dr. R. Philip
Cutillo, Mrs. Olga
Cutler, The Rev. & Mrs. E. Clifford
Cutler, Herbert S.
Cutler, Michael & Clare
Cyzio, Esq., Chester T.
D'Alessandro, Phyllis & Aida
D'A1fonso, Carolyn
D'Amanda, Dr. & Mrs. Christopher
D'Amato, Dr. Samuel L.
D'Ambrosio, Lt. Gen. Eugene J.
D'Amico, Francesca
D'Andrea, Velma
D'Angelo, Esq., Christopher Scott
D'Angelo, Mr. & Mrs. George A.
d'Aquili, Eugene & Mary L.G.
D'Lauro, Jr., Frank A.
DaCosta, Mr. & Mrs. Edward H.
Dahl, Dr. A. Orville
Daly, E. Loretta
Daly, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Dalzell, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart
Dambly, David A.
Damerjian, Robert S.
Danenhower, Mrs. Eloise G.
Danien, Mr. & Mrs. Wilton R.
Dankel, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P.
Dannenbaum, Mrs. Albert K.
Dannenberg, Dr. Arthur M.
Darby, Mrs. Scott
Darlington, Charles A.
Dashevsky, Mrs. Ellen
Dasios, Koula


Daugherty, Martin L.
David, Mr. & Mrs. Edward M.
David, Mrs. Ethel J.
Davidson, Lynn
Davidson, Dr. & Mrs. Richard L.
Davila, Nicolas
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Alan J.
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. B. Dale
Davis, Charles H.
Davis, Craig C.
Davis, Dr. & Mrs. J. 'MIliace
Davis, Joanne U.
Davis, Mary Ann
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Newlin F.
Davis, Sheldon
Davis, 'Mlliam K.
Davison, Judy
Dawes, Edmund K.
Day, Jr., Louis D.
De Baun, Stephen J.
De Costa, Arthur A.
de Moll, Jeanette D.
De Monsi, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
De Paolo, Denise
De Schauensee, Maude
de Schauensee, Mrs. R. Meyer
De Spoelberch, Mrs. Eric
Deacon, Jr., Benjamin H.
Deacon, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Dean, Esq., Beryl R.
Dean, Mr. & Mrs. David J.
Deane, Mrs. James A.
DeAngelus, Alfred
DeBacker, Mrs. Marie B.
DeBusk, Mrs. Roger W
Decker, Marion E.
DeDominicis, Anna
DeFilippis, Marybeth
DeHaan, Roberta TImmer
deHeliebranth, Mrs. Roland T.
Deibler, Mr. & Mrs. Dan G.
DeLacour, Mr. & Mrs. 'Mllis S.
DeLapp, The Rev. & Mrs. A. Myrvin
DelVecchio, Mr. & Mrs. Albert H.
Delafield, Mrs. 'Mlliam F.
Delaplaine, Meribah C.
Delgado, C.R.
DeMarco, I. Garfield
DeMaris, Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter L.
DeMartino, John
DeMoss, Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L.
Denckla, Mrs. C. Paul
Dendy, Dr. J. Brooks
Denious, Mr. & Mrs . Robert W
Denison, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Denner, Dr. & Mrs. Michael
Dennis, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E.
Denny, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.
Denton, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold E.
Derr, Mr. & Mrs. W Finley
DeSerio, Francis W
DeSeve, Mr. & Mrs. G. Edward
DeSouza, Jean & Norman
Detchon, Mr. & Mrs. Elliott R.
Deutsch, Davida T.
De', Justine
De', Mrs. W Thdd
deVecchis, Rita & John
Devereux, Antelo
Devine, Janet
Devoe, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Harry L.
Dewey, Esq. , Carpenter
Dewis, Dr. & Mrs. Lester S.
DeWitt, Mr. & Mrs. William T.
DiCocco, Mr. & Mrs. John

DiGiorgio, Mrs . G. M.
DiGiovanniantonio, Perry R.
DiRienzi, Tony & Dorothy
DiSanto, Denise
Dial, Mrs. Alexandra Montgomery
Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Diamond, Victor
Dickinson, Mrs. Mimi
Dickman, Nancy & Barry
Diedrich, Jr., Armon W
Diemand, Jr., John A.
Dietz, Mrs. Celia
Dietz, Mrs. Helen L.
Dikland, Mrs. Ina M.
Dilks, Mrs. John
Dimeling, M. L. A.
Dinsmore, Mrs. Emily Loomis
Dinsmore, Mr. & Mrs. William F.
Dion, Esq., Melvin
Dirsa, Kenneth J.
Disston, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Diver, Mr. & Mrs. J. Brooks
Dixon, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. F. Eugene
Doan, George R.
Dodd, Mr. & Mrs. David F.
Doer, Karen K.
Dogole, Marilyne
Dohan, Mrs. David H. W
Dolan IV, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Domm, Lois L.
Domsky, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Donaghy, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C.
Donaldson, Dawn R.
Donnelly, Bill
Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J.
Donner, Jay M.
Doreman, Art
Dorrance, G. Morris
Dorrance, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John T.
Dorsey, Charles R.
Dorsky, Mrs. Alvin H.
Dougherty, Catherine A.
Dougherty, Dolores R.
Douty, Mrs. Alfred
Dove, Ronald
Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. William J.
Dowley, Ruth S.
Downing, Mary Houston
Downing, Sally F.
Dragone, Allan R.
Dragonetti, Anthony L.
Drake, Mr. & Mrs. Craig M.
Drake, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Drake, Nancy J.
Draper, Lisbeth
The Drawing Society
Drayton, Mr. & Mrs. John W
Dreher, Jane G.
Dreifus, Bernice L.
Driansky, Richaro
Driesbach, David F.
Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs . Edward C.
Driscoll, Monica Carleen
Drobile, Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Drutt, Mr. & Mrs. William
DuBarry IV, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N.
DuMoulin, Mrs. Frank
DuPont, Mrs. Samuel F.
DuSold, Drs. William D. &J. K.
Duane, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D.
Dubin, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Dubin, Dr. Stanley
Duckert, Mary
Duffy, Mrs. Andrew B.

Duffy, Catherine M.
Duffy, Edward J.
Duffy III, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Duffy, Paul J.
Dugan, Dr. Virginia
Duke, Mrs. Anita S.
Dumoff, Sadie
Dunham, Mr. & Mrs. Barrows
Dunman, Mrs. Anne V.
Dunn, Mrs. Augusta
Dunn, Dr. & Mrs. John M.
Dunn, Newbold
Dunning, Diane
Durham, John H.
Durkin, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Dute, Michael J.
Dutt, Sadhan C.
Dutton, Mr. & Mrs. L. Garrett
Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J.
Dwyer, Harry S.
Dyer, Mrs. W 'MIliace
Dyson, Jr., Robert H.
Dzuba, Dr. & Mrs. Albert
Eadeh, Leslie
Eanes, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D.
Earl, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F.
Earle, Mrs. Ralph
Early, Naomi
Earnest, Frances B.
East, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Easter, Mr. & Mrs. George C.
Eastern National Park & Monument
Eastwick, Mrs. Joseph L.
Eaton, Mrs. James T.
Eaton, Mrs. Landis Stevenson
Eaton, Mrs. Lester K.
Ebby, Esq., Stuart F.
Echelmeyer, Rick
Eckfeldt, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar L.
Eckhardt, Mr. & Mrs. Paul A.
Edelman, Milton
Edelstein, Drs. Joel & Merle
Edelstein, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan L.
Eden, Mrs. John P.
Edgar, Mr. & Mrs. Antony
Edgerton, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel
Edmunds, Martha Mel
Edwards, Ted L.
Egnal, Mr. & Mrs. Michael H.
Ehret, Mrs. Richard M.
Ehrlich, Mrs. Harriette W
Eidenshink, Mrs. Mary P.
Einhorn, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar
Eiseman, Mrs. James
Eisenberg, Dr. & Mrs. David
Eisenberg, Mrs. Martin
Eiteljorg II, Mr. & Mrs. Harrison
Ekland, Rune G.
Elder, Mr. & Mrs. David
Elder, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Eikan, Mrs. Henri
Elkins, Dr. & Mrs. William L.
Elling, George F.
Elliott, Bruce R.
Elliott, Dr. & Mrs. Frank A.
Elliott, Joseph G.
Elliott, Mrs. William C.
Ellis, Dr. & Mrs. David M.
Ellis, Gilda M.
Ellis, Mrs. Herman M.
Ellis, Mrs. Thomas S.
Ellis, 'MIyne P.
Ellison, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A.

Ely, B. Danforth
Emory, Mr. & Mrs. Morris S.
End, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E.
English, Mrs. Robert McC.
Enichen, Holly
Enoch, Jill H.
Eppel, Mr. & Mrs. Dudley A.
Epstein, Mrs. Gertrude
Epstein, Mr. & Mrs. Irving J.
Epstein, Jeanette S.
Epstein, Mrs. Miriam
Epstein, Mrs. Perez
Erisman, Esq., Otis W
Erlebacher, Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter
Erskine, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Ertel, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E.
Eschallier, Mrs. Adrien R.
Essick, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Estock, Steve
Estrada, R.
Etting, Mrs. Gloria B.
Evancich, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M.
Evans, David
Evans, Mrs. Helen Lowden
Evans, Mr. & Mrs. J. Morris
Evans, Mrs. Jane T.
Evans, Mr. & Mrs. John Lane
Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Evans, Susan F.
Evans, Mrs. William O.
Evelev, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Ewing, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N.
Ewing, Mrs. Kathryn H.
Ewing III, William O.
Eysmans, Mrs. T. L. Emory
Ezzio, Donato
Fabbri, Anne R.
Fabian, Mr. & Mrs. George S.
Fader, Mr. & Mrs. Henry C.
Fagin, Dr. Claire M.
Fahnestock, Mrs. McClure
Faill, Carol E.
Fai r, Eve Iyn
Fair, Mr. & Mrs. Norman L.
Fair, Mr. & Mrs. 'MIlter
Falkenstine, Donald M.
Fallahnejad, Dr. Manucher
Fan, Eiko
Fanning, Mrs. P. F. N.
Farber, Mrs. Miriam B.
Farkas, Lynn E.
Farmbry, Larry W
Farmer, Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A.
Farnum, Mrs. Henry W
Farquhar, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Supplee
Farr, Ann L.
Farr, Mr. & Mrs. F. W Elliott
Farr III, John W
Farrell, Jay P.
Farrell, Mrs. Mary J.
Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J.
Fean, June W
Federman, Dr. & Mrs. Jay L.
Feibus, Mrs. Arthur
Feinberg, Edwin H.
Feinberg, Mary
Feinberg, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Feinstein, Nathan B.
Feld, Augusta
Feldman, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J.
Feldman, Mrs. David N.
Feldman, Mr. & Mrs. Israel
Feldman, Judith
Feldman, Kathryn Levy


Feldman, Dr. & Mrs. Michael S.
Feldman, Rhea K.
Felix, Jr., Anthony G.
Felley, Mr. & Mrs. Donald L.
Felter, Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth
Fenerty, Lt. Col. Norbert J.
Ferguson, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. G.H.
Fernberger, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edw.
Fernberger, Mr. & Mrs. Edward"
Fernley, Mary Elizabeth
Ferrara, Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Ferson, Jean
Ferst, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley D.
Fertman, Lester & Frances
Fetter, Dr. Ferdinand
Fevang, Col. Matthew J.
Fields, Mrs. Harry
Fields, Pearl M.
Fields, Dr. Sylvia K.
Fien, Mr. & Mrs. I. L.
Figueroa, Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Fillius, Ronald
Findlay, Mrs. Marjorie M.
Fine, Mr. & Mrs. Aaron M.
Fine, Esq., Louis S.
Fine, Stephanie P.
Fineberg, Mrs. Joseph N.
Fineman, Mrs. E. Elizabeth
Fineman, Mr. & Mrs. Irvin B.
Finkel, Mrs. Morris
Finkelman, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Finkelstein, Anne Shenberger &
Finks, Mrs. \\erner
Finkelstein, Robert
Finnaren , John M.
Finnegan, Mr. & Mrs. John T. P.
Finnegan, Dr. Loretta P.
Finney, Mr. & Mrs. Graham S.
Fiorillo, Michael T.
Fischelis, Mr. & Mrs. William E.
Fischer, Dr. & Mrs. Andrew P.
Fischer, Bryan E.
Fischer, Mrs. Edward
Fischer, Mrs. Margaret R.
Fisher, Herbert
Fisher, Joseph
Fisher, Dr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Fisher, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Wmen C.
Fishman, Mr. & Mrs. William S.
Fitti, Charles J.
Fitzge rald, Mr. & Mrs. David B.
Fitzsimmons, John E.
Flanigan II, Edward J.
Flannery, Kristine
Fleischer, Dr. Scott
Fleisher, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Fleming, Anne Marie
Fleming, Jr., Mrs. John J.
Fleming, Mrs. Thomas
Fleming, Mr. & Mrs. William M. B.
Fletcher, Herbert
Flick, Dr. Eleanor
Flint, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R.
Flintermann, Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Flom, Eleanore
Flower, Milton Embick
Fluke , Beth
Flynn, Thomas P.
Fogarty, Mr. & Mrs. William W
Fogel, Alexandra W
Fogel, The Hon. Herbert A.
Fogg, Nancy B.

Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Fondren, Larry E.
Force, Debra J.
Forman, Burton & Sondra
Forman, Dorothy
Forman, Mr. & Mrs. E. Ross
Forman, Leon S.
Forman, Rose
Formicola, John
Forrest, Barbara
Forstater, Sidney
Foschi, Rudy P.
Foster, Mrs. Barbara Kirk
Foster, Daniel W
Foster, Mr. & Mrs. Harry J.
Foste r, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Foster, Mrs. Virginia S.
Foth, Felicia M.
Foulke, Mr. & Mrs. Wllter L.
Foulke, Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Foulks, Renee
Fowler, David A.
Fowler, Robert B.
Fox, Barbara
Fox, Benjamin
Fox, Mrs. Earle B.
Fox, Dr. Emily Randall
Fox, Hilda
Fox, Mr. & Mrs. Irwin C.
Fox, Lisa
Fox, Mrs. Pearl
Fox, Mr. & Mrs. Reeder R.
Fox, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Fox, Mrs. William
Foy, Mrs. Thomas J.
Frain, Elizabeth A.
Fraley, Mrs. Adeline B.
Frame, Mr. & Mrs. E. Bartram
Francis, Jack
Francis, Mr. & Mrs. James B.
Frank, Jr., Mrs. Armin C.
Frank, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Everett
Frank, Drs. L. & B.
Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Norman I.
Frank, Sarah M.
Franklin, Miriam
Frassetta, Joseph
Frazier, Mrs. Charles H.
Frazier, Mr. & Mrs. John T.
Frazier IV, W \\est
Freed, Dr. Barbara
Freed, Liselotte & Jerome
Freedman, Barnett R.
Freedman, Joel R.
Freedman, Lisa Ann
Freeland, Bill
Freeman, Mrs. David
Freeman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Freeman II, Samuel M.
Frey, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy
Frey, Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Frick, Robert O.
Friedman, Bernard
Friedman, Mr. & Mrs. John
Friedman, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J.
Friedman, Dr. & Mrs. Sidney
Friscia, Charles
Fritchman, Mr. & Mrs. Edward R.
Frohling, Jean
Frommer, Jr., Mrs. J.
Frost, Mrs. David H.
Frudakis, Anthony
Frudakis, Evangelos W
Frugier, Monique

Fuchs, Mrs. Patience A.
Fullem , Jr. , Joseph W
Fuller, Charles
Fuller, Jeffrey P.
Fuller, Mrs. Wllter D.
Fulton, Madalyn H.
Funderburg , Mr. & Mrs. George
Funk, Mrs. P.O. Newsome
Furey, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E.
Gaary, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin E.
Gable, Fred B.
Gable, Martha A.
Gabrielson, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Guy G.
Gadon, Mr. & Mrs. Steven P.
Gaffney, Mamie M.
Gafni, Mr. & Mrs. Abraham J.
Gainsborough, Lee & Beatrice
Gallagher, Grace
Gallagher, Martin J.
Gallagher, Jr., Thomas J.
Gallogly, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J.
Galloway, John R.
Galt, Mrs. Nancy Gardner H.
Gammon, Mrs. Audrey Z.
Gannotti, Mr. & Mrs. \\lientino
Ganoe, Mr. & Mrs. Charles S.
Garber-Jerome, Thnis
Garber, John P.
Garber, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Garcia, Joan Roberts
Garcia, Mr. & Mrs. Jose R.
Garcia, Ofelia
Garde, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Gardocki, Mr. & Mrs. Jose ph P.
Garfield, Mr. & Mrs. Milton J.
Garrison, Mrs. Jane L.
Garrison, Sherman
Gartland, Jr. , Mrs. Joseph P.
Garvan, Dr. & Mrs. Anthony N. B.
Gary, Barbara Stewart
Gasparro, Frank
Gasper, Naomi
Gathright, Howard T. & Natalie
Gaumer, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B.
Gaver, Mr. & Mrs. Oren H.
Gearhardt, William A.
Geasland, Betty
Gelfand, Dr. David
Gelland, The Hon. & Mrs. Eugene
Gellman, Mrs. Aaron J.
Gellman, Selma I.
Gemmell, Mrs. William H.
Gemmill, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W
Gentner, Jr. , William G.
Gerber, Mr. & Mrs. Albert B.
Gerber, Dr. Harris S.
Gerfert, Jill M.H.
Gerlach , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B.
Gerstley, Henry E.
Geyelin, Mrs. Emile C.
Giampetro, Dr. & Mrs. Anthony M.
Gibbon, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Y.
Gibbs, Jr. , Merrill H.
Giblin, Paul L.
Giegerich, Jr., John L.
Gifford, Jr. , Dr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Gilberg, Mr. & Mrs. Milton
Gilbert, Alfred A.
Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin E.
Gilhool, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K.
Gill, Mrs. Paul L.
Gill, Jr., Thomas P.

Giller, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B.
Gillespie, Mr. & Mrs. Chandler
Gilliard III, Esq., Larry A.
Gillies, Elizabeth W
Gilmore, Judith M.
Gilmore, Mrs. Mustin
Gilstein, Dr. & Mrs. Jacob B.
Gimbel, Jr., Mrs. Benedict
Gindhart, Dr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Ginns, Dr. & Mrs. H. Jay
Ginsberg, Jay L.
Ginsburg, Mr. & Mrs. Milton
Ginsburg, S. Regen
Giordano, Frank
Girling, Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Giroud, Cynthia D.
Girsh , Mr. & Mrs. Howard M.
Girsh, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard S.
Gisser, Dr. Susan D.
Givnish, Gerard
Glasberg, Mr. & Mrs. Meyer S.
Glasner, Dr. & Mrs. Saul
Glass, Deborah E.
Glassman, Dr. & Mrs. Sol
Glazier, William B.
Glick, Mrs. Arthur I.
Glover, Peggy D.
Goddard, Jean A.
Goddu, Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. B.
Goebel, Chilton G.
Goffman, Alan B.
Gold, Barbara A.
Gold, Lewis H.
Gold, Brig. Gen. William
Goldberg, Mr. & Mrs. Donald J.
Goldberg, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Goldberg , Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Golden, Mrs. Ann W
Golden, Fred S.
Golden, Joanne S.
Golden, Mrs. Sydney
Goldenberg, Stanley A.
Goldfine, Beatrice
Goldman, Frederick
Goldman, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
Goldman, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar
Goldner, Reva B.
Goldsborough, Sandra
Goldsmith, Mrs. Alfred
Goldsmith, Mrs. Arthur
Goldstein, Dr. Barry
Goldstein, Mrs. Fanny C.
Goldstein, Mrs. Irv
Goldstein, Isaac
Goldstein, Mrs. Melvin B.
Goldstein, Mildred
Goldstein, Stuart M.
Goldstein, Vivian
Goldwater, Elizabeth H.
Goll III, Christian W
Gollatz, Jr., Frank
Gollub, Pauline
Gomberg, Dr. & Mrs. William
Gommel, Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Gonzalez, Dr. Roberta B.
Good, Merle
Good, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Good, Mr. & Mrs. William P.
Goodman, Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Goodman, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Goodnow, Jane U.
Goodrich, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Goodwin, J. Donald
Goodyear, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank H.


Goodyear, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Frank H.
Gorberg, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Gordon, Gladys
Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K.
Gordon, Jr. , Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth H.
Gordon, Mrs. Maitland A.
Gordon, Mrs. Mel
Gordon, Esq., Thmara S.
Gordon, William
Gordon, Mrs. William G.
Goren, Dr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Gorenstein, Mrs. Leon
Gorman, Mrs. Mary B.
Gorman, Robert A.
Gosfield, Jr. , Dr. Edward
Goss, Michael M.
Gottehrer, Dr. & Mrs. Neil R.
Gottlieb, Dorothy W
Gottlieb, Dr. & Mrs. Marvin
Gould, Mrs. Dorothy Lerner
Gould, Irving
Gould, Susan R.
Gouley, Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin A.
Gouley, Mrs. Henry
Gowen, Mr. & Mrs. Francis I.
Grabias, Barbara D.
Grace , Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G.
Graeffe, Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter
Graham, Jr., Mrs. Robert C.
Grala, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. William L.
The Grand Tour
Grandy, Robert P.
Grange, Mrs. John W
Granik, Mr. & Mrs. Myron
Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
Grason, Nancy
Gratton, Dr. & Mrs. Gary J.
Graves, Charles A.
Gray, David M.
Gray, Mrs. Robert
Greapentrog, Mr. & Mrs. Grant
Grebe, Mrs. Ann Simonin
Green, Elsie E.
Green, Helene T.
Green, Irvin
Green, Isabelle J.
Green, Raymond S.
Green, Mrs. Robert McCay
Green, IMllter A. & Calista H.
Greenbaum , Mr. & Mrs. Alan R.
Greenberg, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Greenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Seymour
Greenberg, Suzanne N.
Greenblatt, Mrs. Ruth
Greene, Nancy E.
Greene, Dr. & Mrs. Ronald B.
Greenfield, Jr, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Greenfield, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H.
Greenfield, Mrs. Ellen L.
Greenlee, Mr. & Mrs. James
Greenwald, Miriam
Greiner, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Griffin, Gerald G.
Griffin, Mary E.
Grim, Jr., J. Lawrence
Grinnell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.
Grishman, Mr. & Mrs. Azriel S.
Grodinsky, Sara
Groetzinger, Mr. & Mrs. W H.
Groff, Mary E.
Grosholz, Mrs. Richard
Groskin, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. Jerome
Gross , Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M.

Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Irwin L.
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. J. M.
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Jack P.
Gross, Mrs. Jacob K. .
Gross, Janyce S.
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm
Gross, Milton
Gross, Dr. S. IMlrren
Gross, Steven I.
Grossman, Mrs. David J.
Grossman, Dr. Eric
Grossman, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Grossman, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E.
Grotz, Marie L.
Grove, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R.
Gruen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Grugan, Joseph K.
Guckin, Teresa
Guggenheim, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Guilfoyle, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Gullberg, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. H.
Gundersheimer, Dr. Herman S.
Gundersheimer, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Gundrum, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A.
Gunson, M. Elizabeth
Gunthorp, Mrs. Thomas L.
Guokas, Sr., Mrs. Matthew
Gupko, James J.
Gupta, C. R.
Gushner, Mrs. Harvey
Gutekunst, Mrs. Ralph M.
Guth, Bernard M.
Gutman, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin P.
Guyott Ill , Frederic Francis
Gwinn, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Gylfe, Dr. Julina
Haas, Dr. & Mrs. E Otto
Haas, Mr. & Mrs. John C.
Haas, Mrs. Phyllis
Hachikian, II.!he
Hackney, Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon
Haddock, Jean S.
Hader-Golden, Susan
Hafler, Mr. & Mrs. David
Hageman, Howard G.
Hagopian, Mr. & Mrs. John
Hahn, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank E.
Hahn, Mr. & Mrs. M.
Hain, Donald S.
Haines, Dr. Robert A.
Haley, Jr., Daniel J.
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W
Haller, Mrs. Elizabeth S.
Halloran, Richard J.
Hallowell, Jr., Mrs. H. Thomas
Hallquist, Clem L.
Ham, Carole
Hamann Ill, William A.
Hamilton, Charles W
Hamilton, George H.
Hamilton, Mrs. Gloria R.
Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel P.
Hamilton, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. S. M. V.
Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. V.
Hamilton, Sarah Duff
Hamme, Mr. & Mrs. David C.
Hammell, Charlotte L.
Hammer, Dorothy W
Hammer, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. E. IMllter
Hammerman, Mrs. Mary Bell
Hammett, Mrs. \lin Buren O.
Hammonds , Mrs. E. Foster
Hancock, Mary L. C.

Hancock, IMllker
Handy, Mr. & Mrs. Monroe W
Haney, Vincent P.
Hanker, Florence
Hankin, Martha P.
Hannigan, Mr. & Mrs. Harry C.
Hansen, Jessie U.
Harberg, Allen
Harbeson, John F.
Harcourt, Mrs. Mockridge
Harder, Mr. & Mrs. Frank R.
Hardwick, Mrs. Gordon A.
Hardy, Michael D.
Hargrove, Sarah W
Harkins, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John G.
Harlen, Stephen & Dorothy
Harley, Mrs. Milton Price
Harney, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P.
Harpel, Jr., Dr. Howard
Harper, Mrs. Mary H.J.
Harper Ill , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B.
Harries, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Harrington, Mrs. Ivery D.
Harris, Ann P.
Harris , Barbara Fox
Harris, Garfield B.
Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Harris , Harry A.
Harris, Mary C.
Harris, Mrs. Montgomery
Harris, Mrs. Penny
Harrison, Armason
Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Brian G.
Harrison, Jr., Frank S.
Harrison, Jr., John L.
Harrison, Mrs. Louis A.
Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Neil
Harron, Katherine J.
Harry, William J.
Hart, Mary N.
Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Hartenstein, Mrs. Pliney E.
Hartle , Joe
Har tle, Jr., Joseph
Hartman, Mrs. Gerald
Harvey, Dr. & Mrs. Charles P.
Harwood, Frederic
Haskell, Mrs. Benjamin
Hastings, Mrs . Joseph C.
Hattler, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur B.
Hauch, Jr., Elizabeth J. & John P.
Haugh, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Hauptfuhrer, Mrs. Robert P.
Hauslohner, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Hausmann, Mr. & Mrs. Peter O.
Haut, Dr. & Mrs. Michael
Havard, James
Havens, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W
Hawkridge, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Hawley, Mrs. Hilarie V.
Hayden, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G.
Hayllar, Dr. & Mrs. Benajmin L.
Hays, Mrs. Burma R.
Hayward, Jonathan W
Hazam, Denis
Healey, Mrs. Robert T.
Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.
Heasley, Mrs. Frances G.
Hebard , Mr. & Mrs. Morgan
Hebden, Mr. & Mrs. C. S.
Hecht, Barry J.
Heck, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F.
Heckman, Robert
Heckscher, Mr. & Mrs. Gustave A.

Heckscher II , Ledyard
Hedley, Mrs. Eva L.
Heelan, Mrs. June De Frees
Heffler, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob
Heft, Mrs. Georgine G.
Heiberger, Jean
Heilig, Kathleen S.
Heindel, Mrs. Dorothy P.
Heine, Mr. & Mrs. Aaron
Heinzen, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G.
Heisler, Mrs. Albert
Helfrich, DDS, Joseph A.
Heller, Harriet
Heller, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Henderson, Elizabeth J.
Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. J. \\elles
Henderson, Ruth E.
Hendricks, Barkley L.
Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Erik
Henkels, Patricia Duke
Henry, Mrs. Louise L.
Hensell, Dr. & Mrs . Daniel O.
Henshall, Mrs. Stuart T.
Hensley, Mr. & Mrs. Paul H.
Henzel, Franklin M.
Hepburn, Mr. & Mrs. Philip R.
Hepp IV, John Henry
Heppenstall , Dr. & Mrs. R. Bruce
Herbach, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert M.
Herbert, Mr. & Mrs. William F.
Herbst, Mrs. Edith May
Herd, Victoria P.
Herkness, Elizabeth D.
Herkness, Jr., Mrs. Lindsay
Herman, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Herman, Mrs. Richard B.
Hermann, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J.
Herrick, Garth
Herrin, Mr. & Mrs. Mel
Hershey, Constance V.
Hess, Mr. & Mrs. Edward C.
Hess, H. Ober
Hess, Robert G.
Hess, Mrs. Wilma O.
Hesse, Jr. , Mrs. Robert
Hessemer, Mrs. Betty Smyser
Hesse r, Jr., Mrs. Paul M.
Hessert, Marilyn H.
Heugh, Mr. & Mrs. James
Heyl, Helen Elizabeth
Hickox, Mrs. Raymond A.
Higgins , Marillyn M.
Hildebrandt, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R.
Hilkert, Jane P.
Hill, Elsie E.
Hill, Jr., James H.
Hill Ill , Mrs. John J.
Hilliard, Richard Lee
Hillmam, Mrs. David
Hines, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F.
Hires, Mrs. Marjorie C.
Hires, William L.
Hirschmann, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F.
Histand, Willard G.
Hively, James A.
Hobbs, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur E.
Hochendoner, Mary B.
Hockfie ld, Barry and Arlene
Hodges, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V.
Hodgson, Mr. & Mrs. C. Clark
Hoeffel, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M.
Hoffman, Mrs. C. Fenno
Hoffman, Dr. Carl J.
Hoffman Ill, Edward Fenno
Hoffman, Ephram


Hoffman, Mrs. Ethel
Hoffman, Dr. & Mrs. 1. David
Hoffman, Sylvia Goldberg
Hoffman, Jr., William M.
Hogan, Julia Ellen
Hogan, William 1.
Hogue-Angelletti, Dr. Ruth
Hohenadel, Mrs. John 1.
Hoke, Bernadette & R. Carroll
Holden, Elaine Ewing
Holland, Dorothy
Holland, Jaqueline C.
Hollander, Clara
Hollihan, Mr. & Mrs. 1. Rees
Hollin, Mr. & Mrs. Harris N.
Hollingshead, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Hollis, Jr., William M.
Holloway, Mrs. George B.
Holman, Jr. , Charles S.
Holmes, Claire E.
Holmes, Mrs. Genevieve P.
Holmes, Mary Ann S. W.
Holmsley, Natica Verry
Holsclaw, Dr. A. T.
Holstad, Elizabeth B.
Holstad, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R.
Holt, Mr. & Mrs. George
Holt, Henry B.
Holton, Mr. & Mrs. John P. H.
Homeier, Mrs. Lon W.
Honigman, Mrs. J. Myron
Hood, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C.R.
Hood, Jr. , James Gowen
Hood, Richard
Hooper, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian S.
Hooper, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H.
Hooper, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W.
Hoover, Mrs. William E.
Hopkins, Herbert S.
Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Kendal
Hoplamazian, Victoria
Hopper, Jeanne K.
Hopwood, Christianne
Horak, Thomas M.
Hord, Mr. & Mrs. William T.
Horn, Phyllis Priest
Horna, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E.
Horner, Emily & Anne
Horowitz, Constance F.
Horowitz, Mr. & Mrs. David A.
Horowitz, Mr. & Mrs. Hyman
Horowitz, Esq., Sherry L.
Horrow, Mariane
Horsey, Mrs. Alononso R.
Horst, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M.
Horton, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Horty, John F.
Horty, Peter A. & Caryl A.
Horvath, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 1.
Horvitz, Selwyn A.
Horwitz, Myles
Hotchkiss, Calvin M.
Hough, Mr. & Mrs. John Harrison
Hough, Melissa E.
Houston, Mrs. Margaret
Howard, Charles N.
Howard, David D.
Howard, Dorothy A.
Howard, Mr. & Mrs. I. Gail
Howard, Marc
Howard, Miriam V.
Howard, Victoria
Hoyler, Mrs. Clement E.
Huber III, Mrs. Joel c.

Huber III, Mr. & Mrs. John Y.
Huber, Jr. , Mrs. John Y.
Huber, Mrs. Joseph F.
Hudnut, Carolyn G.
Hudson, Mrs. Henry Lea
Hudson, Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Huffman, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W.
Hughes, Edward E.
Hughes, Harriet P.
Hughes, Mrs. Joseph
Hughitt, Margaret Lynn
Hull, Mrs. Edwin H.
Humenuk, Mr. & Mrs. William A.
Humes, Mr. & Mrs. Graham
Hummer, Jr., Mrs. Charles D.
Humphreys, Rosalie B.
Humphreys, W. Hildreth
Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. John Frazier
Hunter, Allan
Hunter, Helen Virginia
Huntoon, Mrs. R. C.
Hursh, John R.
Hurvitz, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold
Hurwitz, Mildred
Huston, Mrs. Morrison
Hutchinson, Edward P.
Hutton, Charles
Hutton, Mr. & Mrs. James F.
Hyde, Cynthia D.
Hyett, Wilter
Hyndman, Jr. , Thomas M.
Hyun , Heimyung Choi
lIIoway, Mr. & Mrs. L. Stockton
Imber, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard 1.
Indriso, Dr. & Mrs. Andrew
Ingersoll, Mrs. Charles E.
Ingersoll, Patricia
Ingersoll, Mr. & Mrs. Paul M.
Ingersoll III, Robert S.
Inman, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Henry T.
Inslee, Marie W.
Ippoliti, Nicholas
Irwin, Mr. & Mrs. Jay
Isaac, Mr. & Mrs. George R. W.
Isard , Dr. & Mrs. Harold 1.
Isard, Mr. & Mrs. Murray G.
Ise tt, Virginia
Israel, Dr. & Mrs. Harold L.
Jabbar-Bey, Mr. & Mrs. Kemo A.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Harry T.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Jarrett W.
Jackson, John T.
Jackson, Orton P.
Jacobowitz, Ellen S.
Jacobs, Mrs. Alma R.
Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. David
Jacobs, Dennis
Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Jacobson, Benjamin
Jacoby, Mrs. Kathe
Jaffe, Mrs. David
Jaffe, Joan F.
Jaffe, Mr. & Mrs. Josef
Jahi, Mia
James-Gadzinski, Susan
James, G. Oliver
Jameson, Robert U.
Jamison, Philip
Jamison, Robert I.
Janis, Mrs. Herbert
Janney, Mrs. Joseph N.

Jantzen, Mrs. Esther A.
Jeanes, Mr. & Mrs. William Wimer
Jeffers, Mrs. Marylyn S.
Jefferson, Mrs. Bryant
Jelinek, Mrs. Sydney
Jenkes, Kathryn M.
Jenkins, Helen
Jenkins, Ruth E.
Jenney, John K.
Jennings, Mr. & Mrs. James W.
Jennings, John E. & \alia
Jensen, Julie
Jesson, Mrs. John B.
John, Dan W.
Johnson, Cecile Ryden
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Craig N.
Johnson, Dennis L.
Johnson, George
Johnson, Helen Sewell
Johnson, Jed D.
Johnson, Joanna B.
Johnson, Jr. , Jordan D.
Johnson, LaRue
Johnson, Dr. & Mrs . Wiine C.
Johnston, Charles D.
Johnston III, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
Johnston, Mrs. Joan B.
Jones, Arthur
Jones, Constance A.
Jones, Mrs. Edward V.
Jones, Mrs. M. '!foy
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. P. Alan
Jones, Dr. Robert Erwin
Jones, Ruth A.
Jones, Mrs. Shelby
Jones, W. Cecil
Jordan, Jr., C. Edward
Jordan, Mr. & Mrs . Joe 1.
Jordan, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Jorski, Christine S.
Joseph, Edward B.
Josephs, Esq., Babette
Judd, Thomas
Judson, Mrs. Francis Edward
Julian, Mr. & Mrs. 1. R.
Juliano, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Julius, Marguerite E.
Jung, Mr. & Mrs. Harold E.
Jung, Henry
Justice, Mrs. Helen S.
Juzaitis, John &Judith
Kaalund, Lois A.
Kahn II, Mr. & Mrs. Harry C.
Kahn, Jeff G.
Kahn, Mrs. Louis I.
Kaise r, John K.
Kaiserman, Kenneth S.
Kalellis, Elizabeth B.
Kalish, Mr. & Mrs. Archibald A.
Kall, Mrs. Jeannette C.
Kaltenbach, Mrs. Henry 1.
Kam, Mrs. Marcia L.
Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S.
Kane, Mary Givens
Kanev, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Kannan, Elizabeth 1.
Kantruss, Kathleen
Kaplan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H.
Kaplan, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome
Kaplan, Mrs. Louis
Kaplan, Mr. & Mrs. Myron
Kaplan, Robert L.
Kaplan, Mrs. S. Richard
Kaplan, Mrs. Samuel T.

Kaplan, Mr. & Mrs. William L.
Karafin , Mrs. Aileen T.
Karafin, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Kardon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Karlin, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Kashkashian, Jr. , Arsen
Katevatis, Esq. , Peter
Kattelman, Mr. & Mrs. Leon
Kattelman, Dr. & Mrs. Marc
Katz, Dr. & Mrs. Albert B.
Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Allen S.
Katz, Mrs. Lawrence
Katz, Linda
Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin
Katz, Millard M.
Kaufman, David 1.
Kaufmann, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C.
Kaufold, Dr. Howa rd S.
Kay, Mr. & Mrs. James W.
Kaye, Dr. Robert
Kaysen, Raymond
Kayser, Paul W.
Kayser, Mr. & Mrs . W. Gilbert
Kean, Judy
Keat, B. Starr
Keating, Jr., Mrs. Daniel 1.
Keating III, Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael
Keene, Mr. & Mrs. John C.
Keeter, Prof. Russell
Keirn, Mr. & Mrs. Brian T.
Keiser, Mrs. Morton
Kelemen, Mr. & Mrs. Frank K.
Ke ller, Frank & Kathryn
Keller III, Frank S.
Keller, Jane M.
Ke ller, Paul P.
Keller, Mr. & Mrs. Robert K.
Kellers, Elizabeth P.
Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Henry 1.
Kelley, John T.
Kellogg, Mr. & Mrs. Howard
Kelly, Frank 1.
Kelly III, Mrs. James B.
Kelly, Paul E.
Ke lly, Mr. & Mrs. William 1.
Kelton, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Stanton C.
Kemmerer, Mrs. John L.
Kemner, Gail D.
Kendall, Philip 1.
Kendall, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Kendrick, Mr. Alexander
Kenkelen, Mr. & Mrs. Charles 1.
Kenke len, Craig S.
Kenkelen, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C.
Kennedy-Crocker, Mrs. A. M.
Kennedy, Dr. & Mrs. H. E.
Kennedy, Dr. Patrick 1.
Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.
Kenney, Ellen Green
Kennon, Nancy
Kenton III, Dr. & Mrs. Edgar 1.
Kenworthy, Mrs. Hugh
Kenyon, Doris S.
Kenyon, Richard M.
Keohane, Mrs. Jeannette E.
Kercher, James L.
Kerman, Mr. & Mrs. Myer
Kerner, Herman F.
Kernodle III, Esq., Obra S.
Kerr, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D.
Kesler, Mrs. Ethel C.
Kessler, Mr. & Mrs. Mark K.
Kessler, Selma P.
Kessock, John


Ketcham, Beatrice L.
Kettell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Keyes, Mr. & Mrs. Fenton
Kielar, Eugenia M.
Kietrys, Dave M.
Kifferly, Virginia
Kihn, Mr. & Mrs. Michael A.
Killhour, Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Kimmel, Jeffrey R.
Kimmel, Wctrren
Kimock, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G.
Kind, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Philip
King, Dr. Lois I.
King, Esq., Milton P.
King, Y.lI
Kingman, Diana D.
Kinley, Jr., David H.
Kinzler, Andrew
Kirkbride, Mrs. Earle R.
Kirkeby, Kenneth R.
Kirkpatrick, Carolyn B.
Kirkwood, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Kirschner, Dorothy A.
Kise, Mr. & Mrs. James Nelson
Kitzmann, Jeanette D.
Kivitz, Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Klauder, Anna Marie
Klausner, Dr. Samuel Z.
Klayman, Marion
Kleckner, Carl E.
Klein, Mrs. Anne S.
Klein, Barbara F.
Klein, Florence R.
Klein, Gwen E.
Klein, Jeffrey
Klein, Mr. & Mrs. Louis B.
Klein, Miriam
Klein, Mrs. Philip
Klein, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Klein, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B.
Kleinbard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S.
Kleinberg, Nellie
Kleinfeld, Sybil
Kleinman, Cathy
Kleinschmidt, Mary T.
Kligerman, Dr. & Mrs. Morton M.
Kline, Adeline
Kline, Mrs. Oram R.
Klise, Carlyle
Klump, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W
Klutz, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Knapp, Edwin H.
Knauer, Virginia H.
Knetzger, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L.
Knight, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C.
Kniszek, Sr. , Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Knobler, Nathan & Lois
Knodt, Dr. Kenneth S.
Knoll, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lee F.
Knox, Alison Douglas
Knox, Mr. & Mrs. John P.
Knox, Mrs. Mary Jane Wctlters
Koblenzer, Dr. P. J.
Koch, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard N.
Koelle, Mr. & Mrs. John B.
Koether, Esq., Mrs. Natalie I.
Kofsky, Charles
Kohler, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Kohler, William
Kohlmann, Arthur E.
Kohn, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Kohn, Hannah
Kohn, Mr. & Mrs. Harold E.
Kohn, Mrs. Jeanette N.
Kohn, Judith

Kolb, Mr. & Mrs. John W
Kolb, Mr. & Mrs. W Roy
Kollock, David H.
Kolson, Ann J.
Kontes, Mrs. W William
Korman, Mr. & Mrs. Berton E.
Korman, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard I.
Korman, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J.
Korngold, Mrs. Leon
Kornish, John J.
Korsan, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J.
Kosloff, Mr. & Mrs. Irving
Koslow, Mrs. N. H.
Kossman, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob
Kossman, Miriam R.
Kosta, Mr. & Mrs. C. G.
Kostemayer, Mr. & Mrs. John H.
Kramer, Andrea R.
Kramer, Arlene B.
Kramer, Christa
Kramer, Mrs. Joanne G.
Kramer, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J.
Kramer, Mary B.
Kraus, Mr. & Mrs. C. Raymond
Kravitz, Dr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Kreider, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W
Kreithen, Mr. & Mrs. Martin
Kricheff, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Krick, Mr. & Mrs. Byron E.
Krieger, Mrs. Charles A.
Krisch, Juliana
Krivy, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard
Kroser, Drs. Albert & Lila
Krueger, Sally J.
Krumrine, Charles S.
Krupczak, John A.
Krupin, Dr. Theodore
Krutsick, Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Kuch, Mr. & Mrs. Harry G.
Kuehnle, Mrs. Martha H.
Kurtz, Dr. & Mrs. Alfred
Kurz, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Kurz, Virginia
Kyle, Mrs. Frederick
Kyle, Dr. & Mrs. G. Clayton
La Belle, Carol L.
La Brasca, Carmine
LaFevre , Lawrence
LaLande, Jr. , Dr. & Mrs. W A.
Labovitz, Mr. & Mrs. Judah
Lacey, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James H.
Lachman, Mrs. Francis H.
Lacktman, Eric
Lafferty, Mrs. James A.
Lafferty, Joanne A.
Lafore, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W
Lahner, Kenneth L.
Laibson, Dr. & Mrs. Peter
Lally, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John P.
Lamb, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R.
Lambert, Sam
Lame, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C.
Lamond, Chris Purdom & Barbara
Lamont, Mrs. A. Bodine
Landau , Lillian B.
Landenberger, Mrs. J. Louis
Lander, Andrea G.
Landesberg, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L.
Landis, Mr. & Mrs. B. Gordon
Landis, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Landy, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H.
Lane, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Leo E.
Lane, Mary M.
Lane, Esq. , Robert D.

Lane, Mr. & Mrs. William S.
Lang, A. Edward
Langfitt, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W
Lanham, Nancy J.
Lapayowker, Dr. & Mrs. Marc S.
Lapensohn, Mrs. Rose M.
Lapham, Peter
Lapsley, Lucy Mae
Larkins, Louise T.
Lash, Joan Y.
Lastick, Samuel W
Lasuchin, Victor
Latta, Mrs. Cuthbert H.
Lauber, Edmund L.
Lavenson, Mr. & Mrs. Jay
Laver, Samuel
Lavin, Mr. & Mrs. Elias M.
Lavine, Mrs. Samuel P.
Lavino, Mr. & Mrs. E. George
Lavis, Mr. & Mrs. W Frederick
Lawler, Jo-Ann T.
Lawser, Mrs. Joseph
Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Lax, Frances Reiner
Lax, Johnathan R.
Layton, Mrs. Rodney M.
Lazerwitz, Alison R.
Lazin, Mrs. Eunice
Lazovitz, Stephen
Leake, Jr. , Eugene W
Leake, Mrs. John B.
Leary, Jr., Mrs. H. Fairfax
Lebouitz, Dr. Stanton S.
Lebovitz, James A.
LeClair, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Lederman, Abigail & Scott C.
Ledwith, Mr. & Mrs. James R.
Ledwith, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W
Lee, Mr. & Mrs. B. Christopher
Lee, Mr. & Mrs. B. Herbert
Lee, Mrs. Elizabeth Wctyne
Lee, Jean G.
Lee, Kathryn
Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Lee, Jr. , Robert H.
Lee, Robert P.
Lee, Dr. Rotan
Lees, Robert W
Lefebvre, Pierre Charles
LeFever, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Lefevre, Thomas V.
Lefkowitz, Susan
Lefton, Dr. Harvey B.
LeGreca, Lolly
Lehr, Michele & Michael
Leibovitz, Gloria & Norman
Leibovitz, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey
Leiby, Jr., Robert P.
Leidner, Mr. & Mrs. Milton S.
Leidner, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson J.
Leidner, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Nelson J.
Leighton, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph
Leis, Rudy
Leitz, Edward
Lemmon, George B.
Lennox, Richard
Lentz, Mrs. Bernard V.
Leonard, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. E. C.
Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Richard G.
Leone, Marie c.
Leone, Rudolph L.
Leonetti, Drs. Robert & Joyce
Leopold, Mrs. Charles S.
Leopold, Dr. & Mrs. Irving H.

Leotta, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S.
Lerner, Benjamin
Lerner, Mrs. Esther
Lerner, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
Lesley, Mrs. Miriam Lucker
Leslie, Mrs. James
Less, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A.
Lessman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B.
Levenson, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G.
Levenson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Levenson, William
Leventon, Mrs. Sidney
Levin, Carman S.
Levin, Mrs. Herman
Levine, Nessa & Richard
Levine, Mrs. Herman
Levine, Ned
Levine, Ruth
Levinson, William
Levit, Ginger
Levit, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel M.
Levy, Bruce
Levy, Mrs. Margaret Wctsserman
Levy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert P.
Lewis, Anne L.
Lewis Ill, Clifford
Lewis, Ernestine G.
Lewis, Esq., Gayle
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. H. Paul
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Howard H.
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. John F.
Lewis, Marjorie Bilk
Lewis, Russell
Lewis, Jr. , Wctlter Gibbs
Lexier, Gary
Leydon, Mrs. E. Yerger
Liberatore , John A.
Libonati, Dr. Margaret M.
Librett, Mr. & Mrs. Irving
Licaretz, James C.
Lichtenfeld, Samuel
Lieb, Patricia
Lieberman, Mr. & Mrs. Anton
Lieberman, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel
Lieberman, Susan & Michael
Liebert Ill , Peter P.
Liffman, Armand
Light, Mr. & Mrs. Richard B.
Lightfoot, Mrs. James C.
Lilik, Helen M.
Linck, Mrs. Robert C.
Lindsay, Jr. , William H.
Lindsley, Robert C.
Lindy, Joy C.
Lingelbach, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs . William
Link, Lawrence
Linke, Conrad J.
Linsenberg , Mr. & Mrs. Herbert
Lipkin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Lipkin, Mrs. Mary Castleman
Lipp, Julie L.
Lippincott, Mrs. Barton H.
Lippincott, Mrs. R. Schuyler
Lipschutz, Mr. & Mrs. H. B.
Lipsius, Dr. & Mrs. Edward I.
Lipsius, Mr. & Mrs. Harold B.
Lisan, Mrs. Jacob
Lishnoff, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Lisker, Lilyan Terry
Lisker, Sara
Lisle , Mrs. Clifton
Lisle, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John
Littleton II, Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Littman, Caroline R.

Litvin, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Livaudais, Jr., J. H.
Livesey, Esq., Joseph R.
Livingston, Anne M.
Livingston, Mr. & Mrs. J. A.
Lloyd III, Mr. & Mrs. H. Gates
Lloyd, Morris
Lobianco, Anthony D.
Locks, Mr. & Mrs. Gene
Locks, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
Locks, Kath ryn M.
Loder, Robert W.
Lodge, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Lodholz, H. Eleanor
Loeb, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P.
Loeb, Mrs. Edward
Loeb, Dr. Eva G.
Loeb, Nancy A.
Loewenstein, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Loewenstein, Louis
Longaker, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H.
Longhauser, Elsa W.
Longnecker, Mr. & Mrs. H. Reed
Longstretch, Peter
Longstreth, Martin L.
Longwill, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Looney, Robert F.
Lopez, Bernard A.
Lorber, Dr. & Mrs. Stanley
Lord, Mr. & Mrs. Vvllliam H.
Lorentzen, Mr. & Mrs. Hans L.
Louchheim, Mrs. Stuart F.
Loughran, Mary Ann
Lovall, Mr. & Mrs. James L.
Lovell, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G.
Lower, Mrs. Edward S.
Lowery, John F.
Lowinger, Rosa
Lowry III, Mrs. Vvllliam C.
Loyer, Robert
Lubin, Mrs. Shelley
Lubking, The Hon. C.
Lucid, Dr. & Mrs. Robert F.
Lucy, Mrs . F. Allen
Ludwig, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F.
Lueders, Jimmy C.
Lukens, Mrs. Elizabeth T.
Lukens, Mr. & Mrs. John Brockie
Lullemann, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Lumley, Clarence F.
Lummis, Mrs. Dorothy L.
Lundquist, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Lundy, Esq., Marvin
Lunenfeld, Mrs. Ethel
Lustgarten, Mrs. Gertrude
Lutz, Mrs. Pia E.
Lyman, Debra Kay
Lyons, Mrs. A. Basil
Lyons, Esq., David R.
Lyons, Mrs. Lillian
Lytle, Maud Louise


MacClintock, Mr. & Mrs. Copeland
MacDonald, Elizabeth H.
MacElree, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E.
MacGregor, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Macinnes, Viola
Macintosh, Mr. & Mrs. W. James
MacKerell, Alexander
MacLaren, Mr. & Mrs. Vvlstar H.
MacQueen, Mr. & Mrs. Mark H.
MacRae, Ruth S.
Macartney, Mr. & Mrs. Charles V.
Mace, Vincent
Macfarlan, Jr., Gregor

Macht, Elizabeth M.
Mack, Mrs. Robert S.
Mackie, Jr. , Mrs. Julius A.
Macklin, Mr. & Mrs. John H. W.
Madara, Mrs. Edward S.
Maddox, Richard V.
Maddrey, Dr. & Mrs. Vvlllis C.
Madeira, Mrs. Crawford C.
Madeira, Elizabeth
Madeira, Helene B.
Madeira, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lewis N.
Madeira, Mrs. Louis C.
Madison, Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Magaziner, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J.
Magen, Dr. & Mrs. David
Mager, Vicki
Magil, Mrs. Leon H.
Maguire, Mrs. George B.
Maguire, Mrs. H. Boas
Maguire, Jr., Henry C.
Maher, Thomas J.
Mainwaring, Mr. & Mrs. A. Bruce
Maladra, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Malbin, Carol S.
Malikowski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A.
Mallery, Virginia
Malony, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Mancall, Dr. & Mrs. Elliott
Mandel, Mr. & Mrs. Richard L.
Mang, Mr. & Mrs. Wmen G.
Mangan, Mrs. Thomas J.
Manganaro, Ellen M. & Richard H.
Mangel, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Mangione, Patricia
Manion, Mrs. Gertrude K.
Manley, Mrs. Thomas F.
Mann, Mrs. Lester
Manning, Carmelita A.
March, Esq., Richard S.
Marchioni, Ann Farr
Marcune, Benjamin P.
Marder, Mr. & Mrs. David
Marder, Mr. & Mrs. Isadore M.
Marder, Joshua G.
Margolin, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J.
Margolis, Mr. & Mrs. S. B.
Margulies, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney
Marine, Wllter S.
Marino, Anthony M.
Markle II, Mr. & Mrs. John
Marks, Barbara E.
Marks, Mrs. Donald
Marks, Dr. Gerald
Marks, Mrs. Stephen S.
Marmar, Mr. & Mrs. Clement
Marshall, Dr. Benton Hines
Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. David G.
Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Marshall, Rachel L.
Marsteller, Ann Y.
Martin, Mr. & Mrs . A. W.
Martin, Mrs. Angela C.
Martin, Jr. , Carl N.
Martin, Don & Norma Haimes
Martin, Francis J.
Martin, Jr. , Mrs. Frank H.
Martin, Mrs. Landolin E.
Martin, Lawrence J.
Martin, Robert A.
Martin, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel P.
Martindale, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Wlllace
Martosella, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Marvin, Herbert G.
Masciocchi, Esq. , Mr. & Mrs. FJ.
Masel, Richard

Masenheimer, David C.
Maser, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick E.
Mashura, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Maslowsky, A. J.
Mason, Mrs. Harry P.
Massey, David & Carol
Massey, Jay Richardson
Massey, Linda
Mastriano, Charles J.
Mather III, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
Matherly, Polly A.
Matherson, Mrs. Pauline V.
Matlin, Helen G. & Samuel
Matlin, Robin
Mattis , Mrs. Jay H.
Mattoon, Esq., Peter M.
Matza, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Maxman, Eleanore
May, Dr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Mayne, B. M.
Mayock, Dr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Mayson, Mr. & Mrs. David S.
McAdoo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C.
McAllister, Mrs. Borie
McCabe III, J. Grant
McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. James J.
McCabe, Mrs. Nelle \as tine
McCahan, Mrs. Robert W.
McCann, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
McCann, Ruthe M.
McCarthy, Michael P.
McCarty, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
McCauley, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J.
McClatchy, Diane C
McClennen, Mr. & Mrs. James
McClintock, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
McCloskey, Mrs. Gertrude F.
McCloskey, Mrs. John P.
McCloskey, Jr. , John P.
McCloskey, Mrs. Joseph F.
McConnon, Mr. & Mrs. James C.
McCormick, Elmer
McCormick, Col. Stephen C.
McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. C. B.
McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin P.
McCurdy, Dr. & Mrs. Layton
McCutcheon, Christopher
McDaniel, Mrs. Gayle H.
McDaniel, Richard A.
McDaniel, Mrs. W. Gordon
McDevitt, Gwynne G.
McDevitt III, The Hon. & Mrs. J.J.
McDevitt, Esq. , Richard E.
McDevitt, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. T.P.
McDonnell, Mr. & Mrs. Martin J.
McElfresh, Georgette
McElhinny, Barbara W.
McEntee, Michael
McEwen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
McFeeley, Mr. & Mrs. Thm
McGarvey, Mrs. Elsie S.
McGavic, Dr. John S.
McGill, Katherine L.
McGoran, Mr. & Mrs. Vvllliam
McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. R. Gordon
McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Dorian S.
McGranary, Mrs. Catherine C.
McGrann, Kathleen
McGuirk, Martina .
McGusty, Mr. & Mrs. James C.
McHugh, Sheila
Mcilhenny, Henry P.
Mcilvain, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alan

Mcilvaine, Robert
Mcilwain, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D.
Mcinnes, Mrs. Robert
McKean, Dr. Hugh Ferguson
McKean, M. Jone
McKeel, Mr. & Mrs. Sam S.
McKeever, Eugene J.
McKelligott, John
McKelvey, Anita
McKinley, Gail
McKinley, Mr. & Mrs. May tor H.
McLean, Jr., Mrs. Vvllliam L.
McLean III, Mr. & Mrs. Vvllliam L.
McLellan, Richard A.
McManus, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles
McMenamin, Joseph
McMillan, Phyllis Bell
McMonigle , Mrs. Jean F.
McNamara, Kathleen L.
McNeal, Jr., George E.
McNeal, Howard
McNeil, Mrs. Henry S.
McNeil, Mr. & Mrs. Robert D.
McNulty, Maureen
McPhail, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
McPherson, Mr. & Mrs. John W.
McQuade, Mrs. John S.
McQueen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E.
McSherry, Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Mears, Mrs. C. Singleton
Mednick, Herbert S.
Mednick, Seymour
Medveckis, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Meigs , Dr. & Mrs. Henry
Meillier, Henri
Melman, Mrs. Morton
Melnik, Mrs. Albert B.
Meltzer, Arthur
Mendell, Dr. Stanley
Menin, Frances D.
Mercer, Dr. Margaret
Meredith, Mrs. Ella K.
Mereness, Dorothy A.
Merl, Elinor R.
Merlino, Sam
Merrill, Mrs. Adeline G.
Merrill, Ross
Merriman, James F.
Merves, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Mesibov, Hugh B.
Mesirov, Mr. & Mrs. Leon I.
Mester, Richard H.
Methfessel, Mr. & Mrs. Louis D.
Metzman, Lee D.
Meyer, Mrs. John A.
Meyer, Richard Conway
Meyers, Alva M.
Meyers, Wlrrin C.
Meyerson, Mr. & Mrs. Martin
Michalski, Mr. & Mrs. Casmir
Micheel, Mrs. Ida
Michener, Wllter & Nancy
Mickleburgh, Wllter C.
Mickley, Arthur S.
Middlebrook, Nancy L.
Milan, Jr., Jesse
Milberg, Leonard L.
Miles, Mrs. Fred C.
Millar, Freda I.
Millar, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C.
Miller, A. Arthur
Miller, Dr. Arlyn H.
Miller, Benjamin F.
Miller, Betty E.
Miller, Mrs. Carl L.


Miller, Dan D.
Miller, Doris P.
Miller, Dr. Douglas A.
Miller, Mrs. Harrison F.
Miller, Harvey S. Shipley
Miller, Isabelle L.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Jack S.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Miller, Jonathan W & Lynne K.
Miller, Dr. & Mrs. Jordan M.
Miller, Joseph
Miller, Mrs. Karl O.
Miller, Esq., Melvin B.
Miller, Melvyn K.
Miller, Mrs. Merle
Miller, Dr. Sara B.
Miller, Jr. , Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J.
Miller, Mrs. Susan L. S.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Wlllace T.
Millett, Caroline
Millinger, Donald M.
Mills, Elizabeth L.
Milmoe, Dolores G.
Minich, Anne
Minott, Jr., Joseph A.
Mirkil, Helen Pew
Mirkil, Mrs. William I.
Mitchell, Catherine
Mitchell, Mrs. Henry
Mitchell, Dr. & Mrs. Howard E.
Mitchell, Mrs. James E
Mitchell, Jr., Robert P.
Mock, Dr. John E.
Mockaitis, Louise M.
Model, Mr. & Mrs. Allen John
Mogil, Dr. Robert A.
Moldoff, David K.
Molinaro, Mr. & Mrs. Leo A.
Molitch, Barry
Molloy, Mr. & Mrs. William
Mones, Mrs. Jerome
Montgomery, Jr. , Mrs. James Alan
Montgomery, Mrs. Knowlton Dodd
Montgomery, Mr. LAD
Montgomery, Mr. & Mrs. R.A.
Montgomery, Dr. Thaddeus L.
Montone, William R.
Moody, Mrs. Herbert R.
Moore, Acel
Moore, C. J.
Moore , Mr. & Mrs. Earl E.
Moore, Ellen H.
Moore, Joseph A.
Moore, Sara E.
Morahan, Page S.
Moran, Mrs. J. M.
Mordell, Mr. & Mrs. Morton H.
More, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Morgan II, F. Corlies
Morgan, George R.
Morgan, James S.
Morgan II , William B.
Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. William N.
Moritz, Ruth M.
Morris, Anselene M.
Morris, Mrs. Clarence
Morris, Mrs. Joan N.
Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell T.
Morris, Robert E.
Morris, Mrs. Stephanie
Morrison, Mr. & Mrs. Ashton B.
Morrison, Constance T.
Morrison, Mrs. Orville Charles
Morrison, Robert J.
Morse, Terez B.

Morton, Jr. , Mrs. James E.
Moseley, William R.
Moskowitz, Gary R.
Moskowitz, Shirley
Moss, H. 'll'oy
Moss, James
Moss, Marsha
Moss , Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Most, Mr. & Mrs. Harry R.
Moulton, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G.
Mounty, Shirley S.
Moxey, Mrs. Virginia F.
Moyer, Mr. & Mrs. F. Stanton
Moyer, Jacquelyn L.
Moyer, Missy
Muck, Dr. & Mrs. Darrel L.
Muckle, Dr. & Mrs. Craig might
Mueller, Camille
Muir, Mr. & Mrs . David I.
Muldowney, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K.
Mulhern, Kathleen
Mullen, Mr. & Mrs. G. Fairman
Mullen , Mr. & Mrs. William T.
Muller, Mr. & Mrs. C. John
Mulligan, Philip J.
Mullins, Mrs. Jane H.
Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Wlyne
Mundheim, Guna S.
Mundie, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin S.
Mundth, Dr. & Mrs. Eldred D.
Mungall, Jr. , Daniel
Munz. Charles
Murphy, Jr. , E. E
Murphy, Dr. John J.
Murphy, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A.
Murphy, Mary E.
Murphy, Michelle
Murray, Jr. , Frank J.
Muscal, Mr. & Mrs. Zvi H.
Muse, Amy C.
Mustin, Mrs. Emma Burnard
Mustin, Mary Janet
Mustin, Scott H.
Myers, Mr. & Mrs. James E.
Myers, John M. & Eleanor
Myers, Mr. & Mrs. Morey M.
Myers, Mrs. Sheldon Z.
Mygatt III, Frederic E.
Nace, Jack G.
Nadel, Mr. & Mrs. Alan S.
Naden, Mrs. Barney
Nagler, Gerald S.
Najarian, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M.
Nalle, Richard T.
Namiotka, Regina R.
Nash, Leslie
Nash, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel K.
Nast, Dianne M.
National Society of Fund Raising
Executives, Delaware \lilley
Naude, Mrs. Klaus
Naughton, Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Naughton, Mr. & Mrs. James M.
Naus, Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Neal, Dr. & Mrs. Hunter S.
Needre, John
Neff, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard
Negrotti, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J.
Neibauer, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Neilson, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R.
Neilson, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Harry R.
Neilson, Jr. , Lewis L.
Nelson, Mrs. Charlotte D.

Nelson, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop B.
Nelson, R. J.
Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Nelson, Robert
Nemer, Estelle
Nemeth, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M.
Nemzoff, Dr. & Mrs. S. L.
Nerken, Sara
Nesbitt, Nancy H.
Neston, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Nethery, Mrs. James J.
Netzky, Mrs. William
Nevyas, Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J.
New, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H.
Newberg, Mrs. Joan S.
Newbold IV, Arthur E.
Newbold, Mr. & Mrs. William
Newburger III, Frank L.
Newburger, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Frank L.
Newbury, Diane E.
Newkirk, Robert Deverell
Newlin, Mrs. E. Mortimer
Newman, Andrew
Newman, Jr. , Mrs. Clyde F.
Newman, Iva Elyse
Newman, Libby
Newman, Mr. & Mrs. Sydney S.
Newman, Teddi
Newmark, Mrs. Sarah F.
Nicholas, Dr. Leslie
Nicholas, Mrs. Martha M.
Nichols, Dr. Charles W
Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. George Q.
Nicolais, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Nicoletti, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Nidecker, Hildegard A.
Niden, Elaine
Niethammer, Helen M.
Nimaroff, Mrs. Frances A.
Nimick, Jr. , Alexander
Nimick, Mr. & Mrs. Reade B.
Nissen, Chris
Nissman, Mrs. Hannah B.
Nitzky, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Nixon, Harry R.
Nixon, William V. B.
Nogi, Ann
Nolen, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Norden, Mrs. Wlrren E.
Noren, Lillian
Norman, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur
Norris, Mrs. Charles M.
Norris, Katherine H.
North, Mr. & Mrs. William N.
Northrup, Dr. & Mrs . Herbert R.
Norvick, Mrs. Harry
Novick, Frank
Novick, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
Nowell, Dr. & Mrs. Peter C.
Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
Nugent, Mrs. Margaret
Nunan, Mrs. Steinman
Nunn, William J.
Nussbaum , Mr. & Mrs. Richard
O'Brien, Mrs. David
O'Brien, Ed
O'Brien, Gerry
O'Brien, Gertrude A.
O'Brien, James P.
O'Brien, Kevin
O'Caliaghan, Madeleine
O'Connell, Daniel P.
O'Connor, James
O'Connor, Jr., Joseph A.

o'Connor, Kate C.
O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J.
O'Dell, Dr. & Mrs. W H. Sterg
O'Donnell, Christine S.
O'Kicki, Joan M.
O'Malley 3rd, W. Gresham
O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Bertram L.
O'Neill, Dr. Hugh G.
O'Neill, Dr. & Mrs. James A.
O'Neill, Robert H.
O'Shields , Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A.
Obermayer, Mrs. Leon J.
Obod, Esq., Ramon R.
Ocamb, Hubert O.
Odell, Mrs. David Dallas
Oelkers, Wilson H.
Ohl, Mr. & Mrs. Paul W
Olds, David
Olen, Jeannete
Olive, Diane S.
Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. A. Douglas
Olivieri, Faye
Oilman, Mr. & Mrs. John E.
Olmstead, Mr. & Mrs. \lin D.
Olson, Joanne Cleveland
Ominsky, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Ominsky, Linda
Oppen, Mrs. David C.
Orleans, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P.
Orleans, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin
Ormandy, Mrs. Eugene
Ornsteen, Esq. , Jerome E.
Orr, Marjorie B.
Osborne, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Oster, Mrs. S. B.
Osterman, J. G.
Ostroff, Mrs. Isidor
Ostroff, Marsha
Oswald, Mr. & Mrs. John Wieland
Ott, Dorothy
Ott, Mr. & Mrs. Lambert B.
Ottenberg, Dr. & Mrs. Perry
Oughton, 'laylor
Overhiser, Jr. , G. Robert
Overholser, Mr. & Mrs. J. Spencer
Owaki, Harumi
Owen, E. Spencer
Owens, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thaddens
Oxenfeldt, Steven
Pacaud, Mrs. Charles E.
Pace, Rosemarie
Packer, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin
Packer, Mr. & Mrs. William
Packwood, Mary P.
Page III, Raymond Sharswood
Page, Jr., Raymond S.
Pagliaro, Carla A.
Paine, Mr. & Mrs . Eustis
Pakradooni, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Haig
Palmer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W
Palmer, Robert E.A.
Pantaleone, Mrs. Eva P.
Paone, Peter
Pappas , Mr. & Mrs. Dean C.
Pardoe, Jr. , E. Devon
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Parkinson, Barbara S.
Parmet, Mrs. Belle
Parr, Dr. Justin L.
Parris, Maureen
Parry, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Parsky, Robert M.
Parsons, Mrs. C. Layton
Pasquariello, Jr., Dr. P. S.


Patzau, Otto J.
Paul, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Drexel
Paul, Mrs. Bonnie B.
Paul, Mrs. Frances Ellen
Paul, Mr. & Mrs. John G.
Paul, Dr. Phillip
Paulus, Mrs. Doris T.
Pauxtis, Mary Jo
Pavloff, Robert
Payne, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B.
Pearl, 'l\'acey E.
Pearlman, A. Clifford
Pearlstein, Dr. & Mrs. Louis
Pearlstein, Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell J.
Pearlstine, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Pearman, Jennifer S.
Pearson, Henry C.
Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Pearson, Stephen
Pease, Pauline T.
Peck, Mrs. Anne Roberts
Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Frank C.
Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W G.
Peck, Robert M.
Peck, Sarah E.
Pedlow, J. Watson
Pella, Mrs. Gail Della
Pellegrini, Benjamin J.
Pellicciotti, Patricia M.
Pellicone, William
Pelligrino, Rita
Pendleton, Mary V.
Penn, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Penneys, Dr. Edith 1:
Pennock, Mr. & Mrs. J. Liddon
Penrose, Christine
Pensiero, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F.
Pepe, Teodozia S.
Pepper, Mrs. Heyward M.
Perkins, G. Holmes
Perlman, Victor S.
Perloff, Mrs. Earl
Perloff, Dr. Leonard J.
Perna, Deborah N.
Perot, Mr. & Mrs. Henry F.
Perrow, Epps Thrner
Perry, Mr. & Mrs . Harry J.
Pessel, Mrs. Johannes F.
Peters, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.
Petersen, Mr. & Mrs. Howard C.
Peterson III, Charles B.
Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Petrie, Mr. & Mrs. Donald A.
Petrov, Lynda S.
Pettit, Dr. & Mrs. Horace
Pettus, Mr. & Mrs. Reginald H.
Pew, Mrs. George 1:
Pew, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George 1:
Pew III, Mrs. Joseph N.
Pfundt, G. N.
Phelps, Charlotte De Monte
Philadelphia Water Color Club
Phillips, Edmund I.
Phillips, Mrs. Gordon
Phillips, John H.
Phillips, Julia L.
Phillips, Margaret E.
Phillips, Stephen & Mary Ann
Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Walter M.
Phipps, Mr. & Mrs. Frank H.
Picker, Shelley
Pickett, The Rev. Charles
Pickrel, Rae
Pillischer, Johanna Fryce

Pilot, Mrs. Lawrence E.
Pincus, Mr. & Mrs. David N.
Pincus, Mrs. Irwin Nat
Pincus, Shirley
Pinto, Jody
Pipe, Mr. & Mrs. Akiva F.
Piper, \arya Winston
Pipes, Jr., \\esley O.
Pisano, Drs. Domenic & Dorothy
Pitcairn, Mrs. Robert S.
Pitt, Esq. , Larry
Pittsburgh Allegheny County
Cultural Alliance
Pitz, Mrs. Henry C.
Plant, Richard W
Platt, Mr. & Mrs. Harold A.
Platt, John H.
Platt, Mr. & Mrs. John O.
Plaza, Robert E.
Plummer, Mrs. Henry L.
Plunkett, Loretta M.
Poinsard, Dr. Paul J.
Pollack, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Pollack, Mrs. Rhoda
Pollack, Mrs. Sonya
Polland, Dr. Rebecca Robbins
Pollard, The Rev. & Mrs. Goldwin
Pollard, Mr. & Mrs. William A.
Pollitt, Joan D.
Pollock, Mr. & Mrs. Jay L.
Popky, Dr. & Mrs. George L.
Popowich, Deena
Porta, Roy Connolly
Porter, Mary
Porter, Ronald E.
Porter, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Sydney W
Portnoy, Max
Posel, Mr. & Mrs. Ramon L.
Potamkin, Mr. & Mrs. Meyer P.
Potashnick, William
Pote, Mr. & Mrs. Harold W
Poteat, Janis T.
Pototsky, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Potsdamer, Mrs. Louis
Povey, Jospeh
Powell, Ruth A.
Powers, Hollie
Powers III, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A.
Powlis, Mr. & Mrs. William D.
PPSREA Cultural Committee
Pratter, Robert L.
Press, Mrs. Anne
Pressman, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L.
Pressman, Harold B.
Pressman, Dr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Preston, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff rey D.
Preston, Mrs. William
Preucel, Mrs. Robert W
Price II, Alden S.
Price, Ethel \an Roden
Price, Mr. & Mrs. John S.
Prichett, Mrs. Peter
Prime, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C.
Prince, Mr. & Mrs. Harold A.
Prince, Mr. & Mrs. Leon
Principe, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John R.
Pringle III, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S.
Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. Donajd B.
Prizer, Charles J.
Promos, Mrs . Marianne
Pruitt, Dr. William R.
Prushan, Rachel G.
Prusky, Mrs. Etta

Pudlin, Mr. & Mrs. David B.
Pulaski, Yaovares T.
Purcell, Robert E.
Purviance, Mrs. Akeroyd
Purviance, Anna H.
Pustilnik, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome
Putman, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar N.
Putnam, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W
Putnam, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Donald H.
Pytlewski, Dr. & Mrs. Louis L.
Quarracino, Jr., Peter P.
Quell, Mrs. Albert
Quigley, Frank R.
Quigley, Robert C.
Quigley, William H.
Quillman, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K.
Quinn, Margaret
Quitman, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney L.
Radetzky, Anne and William S.
Raezer, C. Thomas
Raffensperger, Dr. Edward C.
Rafsky, Mr. & Mrs. William L.
Raiford, Dr. & Mrs. J. William
Rainey, Penelope
Ralston, Dr. & Mrs. Edgar L.
Rambo, J. H. T.
Rambo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S.
Ranck, Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard
Randall, John L.
Randall, Mrs. S. L.
Randolph, Mrs. David S.
Randolph, Evan
Randolph, Sr., H. C.
Rankin, Mrs. Harley
Ranney, Rachel
Rappaport, DDS, H. M.
Rappaport, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
Rappeport, Mrs. Harold M.
Rash, TIna S.
Rashkis, Dr. & Mrs. Harold A.
Rauch III, R. Stewart
Rauer, Dr. & Mrs. Lester
Raum , Natalie
Ravdin, Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Rawson, Dr. & Mrs. Arnold J.
Rawson, Gale
Ray, Beth
Ray, Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Raynolds, Mrs. Sinclair W
Rea, Mrs. Robert W
Reath, Mrs. George
Reath, Mrs. J. Pancoast
Rebmann, Mrs. Paul C.
Redditt, Horace M.
Reece, Mr. & Mrs. Norval D.
Reed, Mr. & Mrs. George
Reed, Peter S.
Reed, \\esley S.
Reeve, Mrs. R. S.
Regalmuto, Mr. & Mrs. Giacomo
Regan, Deborah E.
Regan, Eileen
Reichstein, Rosalind L.
Reilly, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J.
Reinhard, Jr. , John J.
Reinhart, Mrs. Raymond S.
Reinitz, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Reintzel, Mr. & Mrs. Warren A.
Reisbord, Mr. & Mrs. Alex
Reisman, Mrs. Sally C.
Reiss, Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W
Reiter, Mrs. Freda L.
Reitze, Gregory L.

Reitzes , Mr. & Mrs. Marc L.
Reiver, Louise L.
Remy, Ramona A.
Renner, Mr. & Mrs. John E.
Repenning, James P.
Resnick, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart
Reveliotty, Mr. & Mrs. C. Nicholas
Rex, Jr., Mrs. Walter E.
Reyes, Mrs. Norrine J.
Reynolds, Eleanor M.
Rezny, Mrs. Minnick
Rhoads, Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan E.
Rhoads, Owen B.
Riband, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S.
Ricci, Mrs. Patricia A.
Rice, Jr., James T.
Rich, Nan K.
Richards, Jr., Mrs. Charles F.
Richards, Christine Louise
Richards, The Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee
Richards, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J. Permar
Richards, Jr., Mrs. Leroy
Richards, Marie A.
Richardson, Edward Redfield
Richardson, James
Richardson, Dr. & Mrs. Paul
Richette, Esq. , Lawrence J.
Richie, Mr. & Mrs. Russell W
Richman, Dr. & Mrs. Irwin
Rickenbach, Gail S.
Ricker, Peter & Julia
Rickert, Paul
Ricketts, Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Ricketts, Dr. Rowland
Riddell, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H.
Ridgway, Anthony W
Riebman, Dr. & Mrs. Leon
Ries, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace A.
Riggan, Mr. & Mrs. John E.
Riley, Mr. & Mrs. W Phelps
Riley, Jr., Walter S.
Rinaldi, AI C.
Ringold, Mrs. Helen
Rink, Joseph J.
Rishel, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Ritchie, Rosalind
Ritt, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
Rittenhouse, Louise
Rittenhouse, Mary
Rittenhouse, Peter D.
Ritter, Deborah C.
Rizzo, Joseph
Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Roach, Mrs. Charlotte F.
Robb, Jr. , Mrs. Henry B.
Robbins, Mr. & Mrs. Irwin
Robbins, William P.
Robbins, Dr. & Mrs. William S.
Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Addison
Roberts, Dr. & Mrs. Brooke
Roberts, Mrs. Frederick M.
Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Gilroy
Roberts, James Keith
Roberts, Mrs. Margaret Lukens
Roberts, Margaret M.
Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J.
Roberts, William H.
Robinette, Mrs. J. Todd
Robinson, James B.
Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Magnus E.
Robinson, Mrs. Mary
Robinson, Steven D.
Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. \\blcott W
Rock, Edward & Andrea


Rockey, Mrs. Charles S.
Rodgers, Arnold D.
Rodgers, Edward J.
Rodgers, Jr. , John E
Rodstein, Mr. & Mrs. Albert M.
Roediger, Janice A.
Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Y.
Rogers, James A.
Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. John D.
Roisman, Lila
Roland, Bertram E
Roland, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M.
Roller, Irene L.
Roller, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin N.
Romig, Mrs. Gerald C.
Romm, Charles
Root, Jr., Mrs. Stanley W
Root, Dr. Suzanne
Rorer, Mrs. Gerald E
Rorer, Stewart B.
Rosato, Dr. & Mrs. Francis E.
Rose, Mrs. Bernard Z.
Rose, Dora E.
Roseman, Susan
Rosen, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L.
Rosen, Esq. , Mr. & Mrs. David N.
Rosen, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer I.
Rosen, Harold
Rosen, Mrs. Helen M.
Rosen, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Rosen, Dr. Leonard
Rosenau, Claire K.
Rosenbaum, Mrs. Bernard P.
Rosenbaum, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C.
Rosenbaum, Dr. Robert R.
Rosenbaum, Suzanne R.
Rosenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W
Rosenberg, Dr. Henrietta
Rosenberg, Mrs. Philip
Rosenberg, Rhoda
Rosenblatt, Morris R.
Rosenbleeth, Mrs. Richard
Rosenfeld, Jay H.
Rosenfeld, Leonard
Rosenfield, Mrs. Beatrice
Rosenfield, Bonnie Brier & Bruce
Rosenfield, Burton
Rosengard, Le e A.
Rosengarten, Jr., Adolph G.
Rosenlund, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Rosenstein, Mr. & Mrs. Louis C.
Rosenstein, Robert J.
Rosenthal, Mr. & Mrs. George B.
Rosenthal, H. S.
Rosenwald, Mrs. Edith G.
Rosenwald, Mr. & Mrs . Edward
Rosewater, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo H.
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Ross, Elaine S.
Ross, Garry M.
Ross, M.A., Gary R.
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. George M.
Ross, Robert S.
Ross, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Rosso, John Pierpont
Rothberg, Peter
Rothman, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold
Rothman, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard N.
Rothman, Ellen G.
Rothschild, Henry H.
Rotman, Mrs. Mortin E.
Rouse III, William G.
Rovner, David P.

Rowan, Prof. & Mrs. Richard L.
Rowland, George T.
Royfe, Dr. & Mrs. Ephrain H.
Rozak, Stefan
Rubens, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D.
Rubenstein, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin M.
Rubin, Joel
Rubin, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard S.
Rubin, Lillie
Rubins, Mrs. Carole J.
Rudnick, J. C.
Rudnick, Libby
Rudolph, Peter
Rudy, Charles
Rugart, Dr. & Mrs. Karl E
Rumsey, Virginia G.
Ruper, James E.
Rupinski, Jill A.
Rushton, Robertson
Russ, Dr. & Mrs . Ellier
Russell, Mrs. Elisabeth W
Russell, Mr. & Mrs. Harold S.
Russell, Jr., Mrs. John
Russell, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Russell, The Rev. Richard R.
Russie, Leslie E.
Rutenberg, Brigette
Ruth, Barbara
Ruth, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Henry S.
Ruth, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Ruthrauff, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur B.
Rutkowski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Ruttenberg, Jaqueline
Ryan, Jerome P.
Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Rynes, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel E.
Sabia, Mr. & Mrs. William E
Sablosky, Mrs. Katherine S.
Sachs, Dr. & Mrs. David M.
Sadtler, Samuel B.
Sagan, Charlotte & Beatrice
Sagan, Lenore
Sailor, Roslyn & Alex
Sakim, Mrs. Anita B.
Salandria, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J.
Saler, Mr. & Mrs. Richard T.
Saltzburg, Mr. & Mrs. David A.
Salus, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S.
Sa'lvat, Mr. & Mrs. Norman N.
Samitz, Dr. & Mrs. M. H.
Samuelson, Bruce
Sanborne, Marilyn & R. Labowsk
Sand, Mrs. Kathy S.
Sandell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward R.
Sands, Esq. , Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
Sanville, Robert E
Sardinsky, Mr. & Mrs. Sol
Sargent, Mr. & Mrs. Ian H.
Sarin, Mrs. L. K.
Sarlo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Sarner, Esq., Leonard
Sataloff, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph
Satinsky, Esq., Alex
Satten, Rona Cordish
Satterthwaite, Mrs. A. Lynam
Sauers, Robert
Saul, Andrew
Saul, Dr. & Mrs. Richard B.
Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse D.
Saunders, Mrs. Lawrence
Savadove, Sylvan H.
Savage, J. J.

Savage, Mary Radelyffe
Savitz, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J.
Sawin, Earl C.
Sawin, Sandra Uhle
Sawyer III, Henry W
Sax, James E.
Saxe, Natalie
Sayegh, Sharon
Saylor, Mrs. Harold D.
Scarborough, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Scarf, Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell
Scarperi, Peter J.
Scattergood, Mr. & Mrs. Roger
Schaaf, Dr. & Mrs. Homer Dixon
Schaefer, Frank
Schaeffer, Mr. & Mrs. H. G.
Schaeffer, Esq ., Leonard
Schaeffer, Dr. & Mrs. M. Harris
Schaevitz, Mi. & Mrs. Abraham R.
Schaffer, Arthur Andre
Schaub, The Hon. Harry C.
ScheetYMoulder, Mr. & Mrs. L.
Scheetz, Jr., William Cramp
Scheinfield, Mrs. Bernice
Schelm, Mr. & Mrs. Roger L.
Schenck, Eric A.
Schiavello, Domenick V.
Schierenbeck, Mr. & Mrs. C.D.
Schiffer, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E
Schiffer, Mrs. Peter B.
Schiffrin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert W
Schiller, Esq. , Berle M.
Schindler, Mrs. Sheila
Schlegel, Ruth E.
Schlein, Roy Larry
Schlesinger, Stanley M.
SchIess, Dr. & Mrs. Guy Lacy
Schley III, Reeve
Schlezinger, Dr. Nathan S.
Schlotterback, John E
Schmerling, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander
Schmerling, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A.
Schmidt, Allan
Schmidt, L. Florence
Schmitt, Joan
Schmuhl, Mrs. Ethel S.
Schnaars, Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Schneider, Esq. , A. Groh
Schneider, John C.
Schneidman, Mrs. Samuel K.
Schnore, Peter
Schnur, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard M.
Schoch, Mrs. M. Yetter
Schock, Charles P.
Schoenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm
Schoenberg, Robert
Schoff, William L.
Schreiber, Mr. & Mrs. Harry V.
Schuette, Mr. & Mrs. William W
Schug, Mr. & Mrs. Harry T.
Schuh, Mr. & Mrs. 'Miyne M.
Schuler, Jr. , C. Harold
Schulman, Dr. Rosalind
Schultz, M. Barry
Schultz, Ronna
Schutz, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Schwab, Erma Glazer
Schwab, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop de V.
Schwartz, Mrs. B.
Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Barry E
Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Schwartz, Emanuel E.
Schwartz, Harry

Schwartz, Howard M.
Schwartz, Mrs. M. Murray
Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Mye r
Schwartz, Mrs. P. K.
Schwartz, Jr. , Mrs. 'Milter M.
Schwartz, Dr. & Mrs. William
Schwarz, Mrs. Frank S.
Schwarz, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Schwarz, Robert D.
Schwarzer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K.
Selufer, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
Scolnick, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Scott, Anne W
Scott, Bill
Scott, Dr. & Mrs. David Gerald
Scott, Mrs. Earl S.
Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar
Scott, Mrs. Ernest
Scott, Esq. , Hardie
Scott, Mr. & Mrs. I. M.
Scott, The Rev. John M.
Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Scott, Mr. & Mrs. T.E McNair
Scott, Uytendale
Scott, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. W M.
Scott, Mr. & Mrs. William P.
Scudder, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. George W
Scull, David
Scull, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C.
Scully, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L.
Sealfon, Miriam
Sebastian, Robert M.
Sebring, Mr. & Mrs. Orvel
Secarea, Nadine
Seder, Mr. & Mrs . Simmon J.
Seely, Diane
Segal, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G.
Segal, Esq. , Gerald S.
Segal, Mrs. Harriet B.
Segal, Mr. & Mrs. Irving R.
Segal, Jerome
Segal, Richard M.
Segal, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Segel, Mrs. Bette A.
Seiberlich, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. William
Seidel, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Seiderman, Susan
Seidman-Hirsh, Deborah
Seidman, Anne
Seiler, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edwin N.
Selig, Deirdre Skapik
Seligsohn, Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon
Seligsohn, Mrs. \alerie J.
Sellers, Marlene
Sellers, Mary
Sellers, Mortimer N.
Sellers, The Hon. Nicholas
Sellers, Mr. & Mrs. Peter H.
Sellers, Therese
Sellers, Mr. & Mrs. William W
Sells, Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Seltzer, Mrs. Doris
Seltzer, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan
Seniuk, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander
Septee, Moe
Seraydarian, Dr. Don G.
Serber, Dr. & Mrs. William
Serota, Dr. Benjamin
Sessions, Mrs. Robert E.
Seymour, Antoinette E
Seymour, Dr. Jeanette
Seymour, Karin L.
Shafer, Dorothy E

Shaffer, Mrs. Leonard
Shafia, Georgia
Shagin, Craig
Shain, Mr. & Mrs. John H.
Shakespeare, Edward O.
Shanis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Shannon, Jane K. & Charles J.
Shannon, Kathleen E.
Shapero, Lila
Shapiro, Esq. , Albert
Shapiro, Mr. & Mrs. Bennard
Shapiro, David
Shapiro, Deborah
Shapiro, Evelyn
Shapiro, Leonard
Shapiro, Dr. Marion
Shapiro, Merton
Shapiro, Mr. & Mrs. Milton D.
Shapiro, Mr. & Mrs. Norton
Sharp, Esq. , M. Rust
Shaw, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E.
Shaw, Gene and Eve
Shectman, M. H.
Sheehan, Joseph A.
Sheffer, H. Geoff
Sheffield , Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S.
Sheffler, J.H . Freeman & H.G.
Shein, Joseph D.
Sheldon, Barbara R.
Sheldon, Dr. Jules J.
Shellenberger, John O. J.
Shelly, Mr. & Mrs. Wimer S.
Shenberger, Anne
Sheneman, Tillie B.
Shepard, Lesley L.
Sheridan, Virginia W
Sherman, Cecily L.
Sherman, David
Sherman, Dorothy A.
Sherman, Samuel
Sherrerd, Mr. & Mrs. John J. F.
Sherrerd, Jr. , Mrs. William D.
Sherwood, Helen E.
Sherwood, Janice W
Shes tack, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome
Shetron, Jr., John H.
Shields, Carol & Donald
Shikes, Mrs. Norman B.
Shils, Dr. & Mrs. Edward B.
Shipkin, Irving
Shipley Ill, Mrs. Samuel R.
Shober, Mrs. Edward W
Shoemaker Ill , Benjamin H.
Shoemaker, Jr., Mrs. William E.
Shore, Dr. Sidney
Shore, Mrs. William
Shores, Franklin
Shores, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B.
Short, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop A.
Shprintz, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Shralow, Mr. & Mrs. M. Melvin
Shreibman, Mrs. S. June
Shryock, Virginia Florence
Shubert, Mr. & Mrs. Roy A.
Shubin, Dr. Harry
Shultis, Mr. & Mrs. Wlrren C.
Shultz, Sarah
Shuster, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Shusterman, Mr. & Mrs. Murray H.
Sidewater, Gail
Siegel, Mrs. Adrian
Siegel, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Sikorsky, Patricia A.
38 Silberman, Herbert & Dorothy
Silberstein, Mrs. N.

Sills, Mrs. Gerry
Silverblatt, Dr. & Mrs. Salvin
Silverman, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Silverman, Mr. & Mrs. Meyer
Silverman, Mr. & Mrs. Samu el S.
Simmons, Dr. & Mrs. \lJ.ughan P.
Simon, Carol D.
Simon, Mr. & Mrs. Richard K.
Simon, Robert G.
Simon, Sidney
Simon, Jr., Mrs. Stanley S.
Simons, Dolph
Simpson, Robert L.
Sims, Anne \\eldon
Sims, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.
Sims, Mr. & Mrs. Lancelot F.
Singer, Michael
Singletary, Dr. & Mrs. William
Sinisi, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo
Sinkler, David D.
Sinkler, Edwin C.
Sirmay, Mrs. Elizabeth R.
Sitkoff, Dr. Harold A.
Sitley, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L.
Siu, Chin Ying & Mee Ying
Siu, Wing Bon
Skaddan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond N.
Skinner, Jr., Mrs. James M.
Skinner, Margaret
Skinner, Muriel N.
Sklar, Harris J.
Sklar off, Dr. & Mrs. David M.
Sklar off, Dr. & Mrs . Jerom e H.
Sklaroff, Dr. Robert B.
Slack, Mr. & Mrs. Alan P.
Slack, Rosanna T.
Slade, Marcia Glickman
Slap, Dr. Joseph
Slaymaker, Mrs. Eugenia B.
Sley, Mrs. Irene L.
Slipyan, Dr. Philip
Slivka, William A.
Sliwinski, Richard J.
Sloan, Albert V.
Sloan, Mrs. John
Slogoff, Mrs. Benjamin
Slott, Mrs. Selma
Smaltz, Rebecca G.
Smeraski, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Smith-Thylor, Rosalyn
Smith, Allison V.
Smith, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Cecil O.
Smith, Jr. , Dr. Claiborne T.
Smith, Corey R.
Smith, Dorothy Alden
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. E. Newbold
Smith, Elizabeth Curtiss
Smith, Mrs. Frederick Ely
Smith, Mrs. Grace G.
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Harry K.
Smith, James P.
Smith, Joanne P.
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E.
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Langho rne B.
Smith, Mrs. Lawrence M. C.
Smith, Mary Jane
Smith, Mary L.
Smith, Mary Zender
Smith, Richard O.
Smith, Robert M.
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. S. Alexander
Smith, Jr. , The Hon. Theodore B.
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Thny
Smith II, W \\enner
Smolczynski, Renee

Sm ucker, Dr. Thomas M.
Smudin, Joseph C.
Smylie, Mrs. Michael J.
Snipes, Dr. Charles A.
Snodgrass, Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Snowden, Mary Anna
Snowden, Mrs. Randolph C.
Snyder, Martin P.
Sobelman, Mr. & Mrs. Allan
Sobieski, Cindy
Soffa , Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Soherr, Mrs. Edith
Sohl, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Sohn, Dr. & Mrs. William J.
Solfanelli, Carol L.
Solis-Cohen, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Leon
Solmssen, Mrs. K. A.
Solmssen, Peter
Solo, Mr. & Mrs. Richard D.
Solomon, Dr. Jack L.
Solomon, Dr. & Mrs. Marvin N.
Solowey, Ben
Soltis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W
Solymosi, Lori Hill
Somers, Mr. & Mrs. H. Peter
Somers, Mrs. John L.
Somers IV, Lewis S.
Sommer, Mr. & Mrs. E.
Sommer, E. Jane
Sophocles, Leona H.
Sorber, Mr. & Mrs. Donald K.
Sordoni Ill, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J.
Sorgenti, Mr. & Mrs. Harold A.
Sorlien, Barbara J.
Soroko, John Jeming
Sorrell, Robert W
Sosson, Barbara
Sotnick, Mr. & Mrs. MJ.
Souser, Alice A. Miller & Ken
Spaeth, Mrs. Karl H.
Spagna, Dr. & Mrs. Paschal M.
Spagnolo, Sheila G.
Spahr, Jr. , Boyd L.
Spann, Mr. & Mrs. George R.
Spanninger, Beth Anne
Spark, Mr. & Mrs. Victor D.
Sparrow, Sandra Lewis
Specker, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Specter, Shanin
Spector, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R.
Spector, Dr. Felix
Spendlove, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Sperger, Mary Jean
Spewock, Frank
Spiegel, Barry R.
Spiller, Raymond M.
Spiller, Dr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Spiller, Mrs. Sylvia J.
Spiro, Karen
Spiro, Sandee
Spiro, Wllter A.
Spivack, Esq. , Gerald W
Spivack, Jane F. & George
Spivey, Dr. William H.
Spolan, Mr. & ·Mrs. Harmon S.
Sporkin, Muriel
Sprague, Esq ., Richard A.
St. Claire, The Rev. Elbert K.
Stafford, Mrs. William H.
Stahl, Jr., Benjamin F.
Stahlecker, Charles E.
Stainton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward C.
Staley, Kenneth
Staller, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan C.

Staloff, Dr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Stambough, Mrs. Blair D.
Stanford, Marguerite M.
Stankiewicz, Blanche J.
Stankiewicz, Irene T.
Stanley, Joseph
Stanley, Linda
Stanton, Mrs. T. P.
Staples, Dr. & Mrs. Herman D.
Starn, Stanley J.
Starobin, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Starosselsky, Mrs. Nicholas
Starr, Harold P.
Starr, Dr. Isaac
Stawuszewski, Wllter
Stayman, \\endy
Stead, Mrs. Barbara R.
Steber, Sara-Ann & John M.
Steel, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Steel, Francis P.
Steel, Mrs. Nancy
Steele, Carl
Steele , Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey
Steele, Mrs. George
Steele, Mildred R.
Steever IV, Edgar Z.
Stehle, Mrs. Charles G.
Steigman, Mr. & Mrs. William
Stein, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin
Stein, Wllter
Steinberg, Dr. Arthur A.
Steinberg, Mrs. Florence R.
Steinberg, Mrs. Leonard
Steinberg, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Steinberg, Mrs. Sigmund H.
Steinbright, Marilyn L.
Steiner, Mrs. Mildred E.
Steinig, Michael E. W
Steinman, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Stella, Carroll L.
Stellwagen, Mrs. H. P.
Stephan, Drew
Stephens, Mrs. Edgar R.
Stephens, Helen E.
Stephenson, Helene R.
Stern, Mrs . Bernard S.
Stern, Howard E.
Stern, Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel
Stern, Esq., Stanley P.
Stern, Steve n
Stern, Mrs. Sylvia
Stevens, Esq. , Richard W
Stevens, Rosemary A.
Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. James M.
Stewart, Mrs. John
Stewart, Mrs. Mary E.
Stewart, Mrs. Thomas C.
Stick, Howard F.
Stine, Susan B. & Glen R.
Stinnett, Hester Ann
Stockman, Mr. & Mrs. James E.
Stockwell, Mr. & Mrs. David
Stoff, Mrs. Michael
Stokes, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. F. Joseph
Stokes, Jayne
Stokes, Mrs. Lydia B.
Stollte, Barry C.
Stolz, Dr. & Mrs. John C.
Stone, Mrs. Betty
Stone, Dr. & Mrs. Harold G.
Storelli, Hugo F.
Storey, Mrs. Bayard T.
Stork, Francis W
Stottlemyer, Mrs. Donald E.

Straus, Mr. & Mrs. J. Pennington
Strauss, Phil
Straw, Mr. & Mrs. James B.
Strawbridge, G. Stockton
Stremme, Dr. Donald W
Stricker, Berte
Strickland, W B.
Strine , Jr. , 'MIlter M.
Stroud, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S.
Stroud, Mr. & Mrs. W H.
Strouse, Mrs. Benjamin A.
Stuempfig, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Stulb, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H.
Stumacher, Nathan
Sullivan, Mrs. Catherine B.
Sullivan, Frank
Sullivan, Dr. James
Sumerfield, Mary E.
Sun, Dr. Elizabeth A.
Sundberg, Signe
Sunshine, Barry
Sunstein, Phyllis E.
Supplee, Barbara Billings
Supplee, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. H.
Sussman, Eileen K.
Sussman, Mr. & Mrs. Harold E.
Sutor, Mrs. James E
Sutton, Laurence
Swain, Dr. Ansel P.
Swain, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford H.
Swain III , Edward
Swain, Helen L.
Swain, Mr. & Mrs. William
Swann, Dorothy E.
Swanson, Sara Fischer
Swartz, Mr. & Mrs. John
Sweeney, John A. H.
Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Swetland, David S.
Swift, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A.
Switkay, H. Coleman
Switt, Israel
Swope II, Mrs. David
Swoyer, Ruth P.
Sylk-Siegel, Judith
Sylk, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Syres, Mr. & Mrs. John E
Szimhart, Joseph P.


Thbas, Mr. & Mrs. Allan M.
Thbb, Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon
Thbor, Virginia
Thlbot, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. T. R.
Thlbot, Mrs. William R.
Thlleur, Nancy R.
Thlucci, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J.
Thma, Mrs. Jean
Thndoi, Aldo
Thnenbaum, Leni S.
Thnis, Dr. James
Thplinger, Mrs. Irwin
Thrantino, Peter-Ayers
Thte, Gerard E
Thtman, Ann I.
Thulane , Virginia S.
Thws, Mrs. Edward T.
Thylor, Barnard C.
Thylor, Mrs. C. Newbold
Thylor, Catherine L.
Thylor, Daniel J.
Thylor, Ellis D.
Thylor, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Herbert K.
Thylor, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert R.
Thylor, Dr. & Mrs. J. Edward
Thylor, Lane

Thylor, Mrs. Nettie
Thylor, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Thylor, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Thylor, Mrs. Sarah
Thylor, Mr. & Mrs. Thornton H.
Teague, Mrs. Ellen C.
Tecosky, Evelyn
Thllefsen, Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Temin, Mrs. Henry
Temin, Michael L.
Templeton III, Dr. & Mrs. John Y.
Tenaglia, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas C.
Tenari, Nino V.
Terranova, Jill
Terrell, Allen Townsend
Thrry, Mrs. Hilda
Terry, Mrs. Luther
Terwilliger, Mr. & Mrs. Frank H.
Tessler, Dr. & Mrs. Alan
Tessler, Mr. & Mrs. J. Leonard
Teverzczuk, The Rev. William J.
Thacher, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John H.
Thacher, Mary Hansen
Thanhauser, Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Thanhauser, Roger S.
Thayer, Jr. , Mrs. E M.
Therman, Mrs. Harrison
Thieroff, Kirk J.
Thiras, Mrs. Atha Tehon
Thistle , Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M.
Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. E. Robert
Thomas, Janet S.
Thomas, Mrs. Joseph M.
Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
Thomas, Robert P.
Thomas, Susan
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Abbott W
Thompson, Henry E
Thompson, James B.
Thompson, Joan E.
Thompson, Leroy W
Thompson, Mark B.
Thompson II , Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Thompson, Mrs. R. Ellison
Thorn, Mrs. Marguerite N.
Thornton, E Edith
Thornton, John
TIckell, Simon & Jean
Tierney II , John J.
Tilghman, Mrs. M. W
TInari, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A.
Titone, Betty Rice
Todd, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A.
Toland, Jr., Jones
'fbll, Mr. & Mrs. Seymour I.
Tolz, Herman A.
Tomlinson, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Toogood, James
Tooke, Franklin A.
Toole III , William G.
Toon, Faye
Toren, Mr. & Mrs. James W
Tornetta, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E
'fbub, Mrs. Lilyan
Townley, Mrs. Raymond A.
Townsend, Jr., Mrs. Annis Lee E
Townsend, Jacqueline M.
'itacy, Thomas
'itainer, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wilson
'itaub, David S.
'itavaglini, Barbara C.
'itendler, Mr. & Mrs. Michael E
'iteon, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest K. .
'ititt, Mrs. James R.

'itivellini, George
'itoemner, Mrs. Deborah W
'itombley, Mary Z.
'itoncelliti, Dr. & Mrs. Manrico A.
'itotter, Anne H.
'ituitt, Mrs. Charles S.
'itump, Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Thcker, Chevalier J.
Thcker, Francis C.
Thcker, Louise
Thddenham, Mr. & Mrs. William J.
Th Is ky, Dr. & Mrs. Emanuel G.
Thmen, Dr. & Mrs. Henry J.
Thrak, Penelope Lagakos
Thrner, Polly
Thten, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. John C.
Thttleman, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C.
1Wigg-Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Thurston
1Ybout, Mr. & Mrs. E Alton
1Yler, Mr. & Mrs. Michael E.
1Yson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R.
1Yson, Mrs. John
1Yson, Richard
Uhlig, George
Uhlmann, Hilda B.
Ulansey, Mrs. Ruth
Ullman, Kenneth B.
Underwood, Mrs. Juanita
Unterberger, Mrs. S. Herbert
Updyke, Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph
Utans, Paul
Uzdavinis, Mrs. Sandra J.
'l.!lentine, Mrs. E. Miles
'l.!lentine, Mrs. Mary Bowman
'l.!lentine, Mrs. Phoebe
'l.!n Alen, Mr. & Mrs. Wi lliam L.
van Beuren, Archbold D.
'l.!ndenBerge, Mary
vanDenbergh, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. EA.
'l.!n der Eb, Mrs. Henry G.
'l.!nderVeer, Mrs. Joseph B.
Van de Ve lde, Lee Cooper
Van Dusen, Duncan W
Van Dusen, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Van Du sen III , Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Van Dyck, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
Van Gilder, Eric L.
Van Hollandpr, Adolph
Van Lanen, Mrs. William H.
VanLoan , Dorothy
Van Natta, M o rri ~ B.
Van Norden, Mr. & Mrs. William E.
Vanover, Carol S.
Vauclain III, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M.
Vaux, George
Vavrek, Ken
Veale III, Tinkham
Veitch, Mrs. Edward W
Vendette, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Venonsky, Judy
Venturi, Jr., Robert
Ve rdoes, Hans P.
Vernon, Phoebe J.
Vese ll, Elliott S.
Vickers, Arthur E.
Victor, Esq., Raymond M.
ViII, Mrs. Joseph L.
Villa, Dr. & Mrs. Gabriele
Vinicoff, Paul J.
Vinson, Mr. & Mrs. Jack R.
Virok, Ingrid T.
Visco, Jr., Anthony S.
Vitale , Mrs. Magda

Vogel, Mrs. Carl S.
Volk, Albert W
Von Bergen, Jane M.
von Moschzisker, Bertha
Von Scheven, George
VonRosensteil, Mrs. Marion A.
Voorhis, Charlotte Calvin
Voynow, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
'MIber, Harry
'MIchman, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin
'MIde, James N.
'MIgar, Mr. & Mrs. P. Dudley
'MIgman, Mr. & Mrs. Howard
'MIgner, Catherine B.
'MIgner, John T.
'MIgner, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
'MIgner, 'tksley J.
'MIhmann, Arthur A.
'MIiner, Dr. & Mrs. Amos Shephard
'MIitz, Mr. & Mrs. David
'MIkefield, Mrs. Herbert R.
'MIlder, Robert J.
'MIldner, Anne C.
'MIlker, Mrs. Evans
'MIlker, Gertrude V.
'MIlker, Jane H.
'MIlker, Mrs. Joseph
'MIlker, Mr. & Mrs. Richard C.
'MIlker, Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
'MIlker, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H.
'MIlker, Suzanne
'MIlker, Mr. & Mrs. William D.
'MIlkup, Mr. & Mrs. William G.
'MIliace, Mr. & Mrs. David A.
'MIliace, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank R.
'MIliace, Mr. & Mrs. John E
'MIliace , Mrs. Velma L.
'MIlling, Richard C.
'MIliworth, Mrs. C. Gilbert
'MIlsh, Margare t Fearey
'MIlsh, Mrs. R. Lynn Stevens
'MIlsh, Susan L.
'MIlsh, Suzanne P.
'MIlters, Mr. & Mrs. Allal\ T.
'MIlters, Audrey
'MIlton, Mary V.
'MIlton, W Wyclif
'MInamaker, Mr. & Mrs. John R.
'MInderman, Herbert S.
'MIpner, Dr. & Mrs. Paul M.
'MIrd , Jr., Mrs. Charles E
'MIrd, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Charles E
'MIrd, Mr. & Mrs. Richard C.
'MIrd, Mrs. Russell
'MIrd, Jr., Sherman C.
'MIrden, Jr., Mrs. Clarence A.
'MIre 3rd, Mr. & Mrs. John H.
'MIrner, Mrs. Mary Collins
'MIrner, Mrs. Philip W
'MIrren, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard
'MIrwick, Mr. & Mrs. Edward W
'MIshburn, Anna M.
'MIsley, Dr. & Mrs. Joel E.
'MItanabe, Mr. & Mrs. 'MIrren H.
'MItt, Jennifer Ganshow
'MItter, Mrs. Michael
'MItts, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Henry M.
'MIughn, Mr. & Mrs. William
'MIx, Matthew C.
'MIxman, Louis E.
'MIxman, Mr. & Mrs. Sol D.
'tkary, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S.
'tkaver, Mr. & Mrs. G. Raymond
'tkaver, Mr. & Mrs. James D.

\leaver, Mrs. William
\leaver, William Woys
\lebb-Rosenzweig, Carolyn
\lebb, Charles J.
\leber, Mrs. Glenn L.
\leber, Mrs. Livia Mann
\lechsler, Mr. & Mrs. Alan
\lechsler, Mr. & Mrs. David
\lechsler, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R.
\leeks, Frederick V.
\leidel, James H.
\leidel, Roberta
\leil, Mr. & Mrs . Paul H.
\leinberg, Mrs. Bernard
\leinberg, Dr. Carroll A.
\leinberger, Mrs. Bernard
\leiner, The Hon. & Mrs. Charles
\leiner, Dr. & Mrs. Leon J.
\leiner, Mary F.
\leiner, Milton & Reba C.
\leinert, Harold Michael
\leinstein, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A.
\leinstein, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome B.
\leinstein, Millicent
\leinstone, Howard
\leisbein, Nancy C.
\leisberg, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
\leise, Frank
\leiser, Esq. , Gerard J.
\leiss, Mrs. Albert N.
\leiss, Beverly
\leiss, Mr. & Mrs. David
\leiss, Mr. & Mrs. David W
\leiss, Dr. & Mrs. Edward D.
\leiss, Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn S.
\leiss, Mrs. Hannah R.
\leiss, Mrs. Honi Marks
\leiss, Mr. & Mrs. James A.
\leiss, Mili Dunn
\leiss, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
\leiss, Mr. & Mrs. Morton
\leissenberg, Dr. & Mrs. Peter
\lelch, Margaret C.
\lellenbach, Dr. & Mrs. Burton L.
\lells, Mrs. William H.S.
\lelsh, James R.
\lelsh, Margaret M.
\lelsh, Rebecca C.
\lelsh, Mr. & Mrs. Richard T.
\lenk, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Karl E.
\lenrich, Louise Y.ln Hagan
\lerden, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G.
\lerner, Louise H.
\lest, Mrs. Anne M.
\lest, Mr. & Mrs. Harry F.
\lest, Maxine C.
\lest, Susan W
\lest, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Wllter H.
\letherbee, Mrs. Francis P.
\letherill, Mr. & Mrs. Cortright
\letherill, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. C.
\lethe rill , Mrs. Harrison B.
\letzel, Anne F.
\letzel, Mrs. Carroll R.
\lexler, Lewis A.
\leymouth, Ann McCoy
Wharton, Mrs. Brinton
Wheatcroft, Mrs. Raymond G.


Wheeler, Mrs. Arthur L.
Wheeler, Mrs. John P.
Whetstone, Mrs. Allie M.
Whitaker, Dr. Linton A.
Whitcomb, Mr. & Mrs. Jared S.
White, Mr. & Mrs. Charles K.
White, Denise E.
White, Mrs. Edward L.
White, Mr. & Mrs. John F.
White, Mrs. John W
White, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P.
White, Col. & Mrs. R. Wlilace
White, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R.
White, Mr. & Mrs. William
Whitfield, Tommy
Whiting, Alice B.
Whittaker, Mrs. Robert L.
Wice, David & Betsy
Wice, Rabbi & Mrs. David H.
Wick, Mrs. Robert
Wicklein, Mrs. Blaine L.
Wieckowski, Wlnda
Wielopolski, Mrs. Alfred
Wiener, Mr. & Mrs. Isadore
Wiener, Matla
Wiggins, Mary Katherine
Wike II, Mr. & Mrs. J. Roffe
Wiksten, Mr. & Mrs. Barry F.
Wilcox, Mr. & Mrs. A. H.
Wilcox, Edwin
Wilcox, Marcy W
Wild, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul P.
Wilder, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G.
Wildstein, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Wiley, Donna L.
Wiley, Peter A.
Wilkins, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J.
Wilkinson, Mrs. Edwin
Willcox, Jr., Mark
Williams, A. Craig
Williams, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. A. M.
Williams, Mrs. Aline Livingston
Williams, Elinor Thma
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J.
Williams III, Mrs. J. Peter
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Leon B.
Williams, Leroy
Williams, Mr. & Ms. N. Wllsh & E.
Williams, Olive r P.
Williams II , Mrs. R. N.
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G.
Williams, Rodney D.
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Sankey V.
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G.
Williams, Jr., \lesley S.
Williamson, Michael F.
Williamson, Sherry L.
Willis, Mrs. Edith W
Wilmarth, Joan G.
Wilmerding, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. David
Wilmsen, Mrs. Joseph L.
Wilson, David
Wilson, Elizabeth Harrison
Wilson, George W
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. James D.
Wilson, Janice R.
Wilson, Marian T.
Wilson, Dr. Sylvia V.

Wilson, Thomas J.
Wilson, Wlyne C.
Wilson, William L.
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Wiltberge r, Mrs. Constant
Wind, Mrs. L.
Windus, Wlilace
Winigrad, Mr. & Mrs. Allen J.
Winkelman, Dr. A. Charles
Winn, Dr. & Mrs. Randall S.
Winston, Esq. , David S.
Winston, Mary E.
Winston, Mr. & Mrs. Richard E.
Winter, Mr. & Mrs. Milo K.
Wintersteen, Mrs. John
Wirts, Dr. C. Wilmer
Wisniewski, CPA, Robert E.
Wister, Mrs. L. Casper
Wister, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Witkin , Mrs. Morton
Witkowski, Nicholas A.
Witte, D. Colman
Witte, G. W
Wittman, Caroline Bertha
Wittman, Edith Stead
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Albert E.
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Ben
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton J.
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad
Wolf II , Edwin
Wolf, Mrs. Elias
Wolf, Jr., Mrs. Fred
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Howard A.
Wolf, John M.
Wolf, Julia
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.
Wolf, Robert L.
Wolf, Esq., Wllter
Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Wllter L.
Wolfe, Mrs. Carol C.
Wolfe, Stanley R.
Wolff, Nancy K.
Wolfson, Mr. & Mrs. Bertram
Wolfson, Eileen Hersh
Wolfson, Elaine
Wolfson, Mr. & Mrs. Merle A.
Wolgin, Jack L.
Wolgin, Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Wolgin, Dr. & Mrs. William
Wolk, Mr. & Mrs. Beryl J.
Wolk, Lois
Wolkin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul A.
Wollbrinck, James H.
Wollman, Dr. & Mrs. Harry
Wollman, Esq. , Nelson H.
Women's Committee of the P.A. F.A.
Wong, Winnie
Wood IV, Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Wood, Dr. David W
Wood, Mrs. Donald
Wood, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. R.
Wood, Mrs. Grahame
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Howard P.
Wood, Sr., Richard D.
Woodward, Mrs. Charles
Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. David C.
Woodward, Mrs. Esther T.
Woodward, Jr., Mrs. George

Woodworth, Mary K.
Woolmington, Mrs. M. H.
Wooten, Naomi
Work, Dorothy B.
Workman, Andrea
Worrall, Mrs. Harrison
Worth , Karen
Worth, Mr. & Mrs. William P.
Woy, James B.
Woznisky, John
Wiight, Mr. & Mrs. Harrison M.
Wiight, Mrs. John M.
Wiigley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Wiobleski, Jeane P.
Wurn III, Stephen J.
Wurst, Mrs. Dorothy K.
Wurts, Clarence Z.
Wurzel, Dr. & Mrs. Harold
Wyeth, James B.
Wynn, Phyllis M.
'tlllowitz, Rochelle K.
Yamane, Michael
'tllnnopoulos, Mrs. Dino
Yanoff, Dr. & Mrs. Myron
Yardumian, Mrs. Richard
Yarnall 2nd, Mr. & Mrs. Charlton
Yarnall, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. D. Robert
Yaros, Constance G.
'tllros, D.P.M, Nancy S.
'tllskin, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan
Yohlin, Joseph and Pamela
Yost, Frederick M.
Yost, Stuart Henri
Young, Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. A. Stuard
Young, Blanche L.
Young, Christine D.
Young, Dennis M.
Young, Gloria R.
Young, Mr. & Mrs. Howard S.
Young, Mr. & Mrs. Jackson M.
Young, John R.
Young, Mr. & Mrs. Philip W
Young, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Zabel, Mr. & Mrs. William E.
Zacker, Judith A.
Zalkind, Barbara
Zanni, Dr. Anthony L.
Zaremba, Y.llencia M.
Zarit, Mrs. Charles
Zausmer, Beth Ami
Zebooker, Dr. & Mrs. Eli P.
Zehner, Mrs. Margaret G.
Zendt, Louisa H.
Ziff, Dolores
Zimmerman, Mrs. Barbara K.
Zimmerman , Estelle H.
Zimmerman, Nancy
Zimmerman, William J.
Zitin, Frances R.
Zitin, Margo K.
Zmijewski, Christopher
Zomber, Mrs. Gabrielle E.
Zoob, Mrs. David B.
Zubrow, Mr. & Dr. E. Sol
Zubrow, Dr. & Mrs. Sidney N.
Zuras, Mr. & Mrs. Milton C.

1985 Employees
Frank H. Goodyear, Jr.

Joyce Adelman
Administrative Assistant

Daniel V Dalzell
Director of Finance & Administration

Marian E. Kirwin
Administrative Assistant

Richard G. Averell
Computer Operations Manager

Edwin N. Seiler
Computer Operations Manager

Sarah Mollica
Cafeteria Hostess

Ronald Saunders
Cafeteria Chef

Paul Dasconio
Shipping-Receiving Clerk

Rose Marie Fitzpatrick

Frederick Kelley
Sales Manager

Theresa Kelley
School Store Assistant

Wendy Lang
Museum Shop Assistant

Stephania Lestier
Museum Shop Assistant

Rose Mary Pace
Business Office Manager
Cafeteria Manager

Karen T. Herner
Payroll Clerk

Frank C. Kenworthy

Daniel Mc Collum III
Assistant Business Office Manager

May Mendoza
Accounts Payable Clerk

Jacqueline Cotter
Administrative Assistant for Women:S Committee

Elaine Breslow
Director of Development

Joy S. Harbeson
Development Coordinator

Elsie N. Rojo
Development Manager

James Voirol

Rosemary Harms
Alumni Coordinator

Kirby E Smith
Public Relations Director

Wendy P. Metzger
Public Information Associate

Joan Irving
Public Information Assistant

Josephine Borie
Membership & Special Events Coordinator

Dale Kan
Data Input Clerk

Stuart H. Lamson
Membership Advancement Coordinator

Debra Koll Rosenblum
Membership Clerk

Linda Bantel
Director of Museum

Charlotte Kleinfeld
Secretary to the Museum Director

Elizabeth Romanella
Assistant to Museum Director
for Programming

Kathleen A. Foster
CuratorlDirector of Research & Publications

Judith E. Stein
Associate Curator

Helen Mangelsdorf
Assistant to the Curator

Anne E. Bolin
Curatorial Assistant

Mary E. Mullen Cunningham

Curatorial Assistant

Theresa A. Esperdy
Research Assistant

Nancy Virginia Fresella
Research Assistant

Susan James-Gadzinski
Pew Memorial Trust Research Associate
in American Sculpture

Carolyn Haynes
Curatorial Assistant

Elizabeth Milroy
Curatorial Assistant

Karen Funk Quinn
Curatorial Assistant

Jeffrey Stovall
Projectionist (Red Grooms)

Jeanette M. Toohey
Research Assistant

Deena Underwood
Assistant Projectionist (Red Grooms)

Cindy H. Veloric
Curatorial Assistant

Jennifer Way
Curatorial Assistant

Trudy Rand Wilner
Curatorial Assistant

Cheryl A. Leibold

Regina Neu
Director of Museum Education

Robert Harman
Manager of Rights & Reproductions

Anne L. Pryce
Assistant to Rights & Reproductions Manager

Gale Rawson
Associate Museum Registrar

Randall S. Cleaver
Chief Preparator

Timothy Gilfillan
Assistant Chief Preparator

Joseph Bremen
Assistant Preparator

James Grentzenberg
Assistant Preparator

Philip Naude
Assistant Preparator

Paul Porambo
Assistant Preparator

John Serdula
Assistant Preparator

Michael Stack
Assistant Preparator

Janice Dockery
Museum Registrar

Buildings Management and Security
James W Jordan
Buildings Manager

Kathleen Shannon
Assistant Buildings Manager

Daniel Labes
Chief Engineer

James M. Rementer
Chief Engineer

Blaine W Fox, Jr.
Engineering Mechanic

Salvatore Micciche
Maintenance Mechanic

Anthony Torriero
Maintenance Mechanic

Lavoisier S. Lambright
Housekeeping Supervisor

Jeffrey R. Tirante
Housekeeping Supervisor

John D. Maguire
Chief Engineer

Thomas Lulias
Maintenance Mechanic

Museum Cashier

Jennie Fabrizio
Museum Cashier

Mary Micciche
Cloak Room Attendant

Charles Crawley
Security Captain

Paul Herman
Security Captain

Joseph H. Smith
Security Captain

Lori A. Atkinson
Security Guard

Lewis A. Bobb, Jr.
Security Guard

Leroy Brown
Security Guard

Ernest Cannataro
Security Guard

Charles Cobb
Security Guard

William McBurnie

Kenneth Cosby

Maintenance Mechanic
Christine A. Bobb
Housekeeping Supervisor

James Cuccurullo

Ferdinand O. Marcos

Edward Devera



Clara Barrile

Security Guard
Security Guard
Security Guard

Thomas E. Werner

James P. Drumm

Steven A. Weigel

Yvonne Fletcher

Susan Agin

Sidney Freedman

Museum Cashier

Security Guard
Security Guard
Security Guard

John H. Gallen
Security Guard

Marcus Greene
Security Guard

John E. Hansel
Security Guard

Glenn Harren
Security Guard

Vincent Haugh
Security Guard

Edward R. Henderson
Security Captain

Robert Hughes
Security Guard

George Johnson
Security Guard

George E. Kee
Security Guard

Kurtis Long
Security Guard

William J. Loughnane
Security Guard

Mark D. McGothigan
Security Guard

Wilfred McKinley
Security Guard

Christopher Mendoza
Security Guard

Donis Myers
Security Guard

Thomas E. Oberkehr
Security Guard

Joseph Pacifico
Security Guard

Edward W. Poole
Security Guard

John C. Riley
Security Guard

William Rodemer
Security Guard

Eduardo Rojo
Security Guard

Edward J. Romanowski
Security Guard

Edward Scurry, Jr.
Security Guard

William Souder
Security Guard

Joseph Spering
Security Guard

Francis St. Clair
Security Guard

Anthony Travaglio
Security Guard

Paul Verdi
Security Guard

John Michalonis
Security Guard

Administratio n
Frederick S. Osborne, Jr.
Director of the Schools

Patricia Blakely
Assistant to the Director of the Schools

Gail D. Kemner
Director of Admissions

Katherine Cogan
Admissions Assistant

Robin Walsh-Wixted
Admissions Assistant

Jill Rupinski
School Registrar

Catherine Coccia
School Secretary

Douglas J. Bucher
Director of Financial Aid

Lizanne McBride
Director of Financial Aid

M. Clark Paine
Director of Financial Aid

Heidi Williams-Gillespie
Supervisor of Models & Properties

Nancy Sokolove
Supervisor of Models & Properties

William Jones
School Assistant

Michael Moser
Sculpture Shop Manager

Marietta P. Bushnell

Joseph Amarotico 1931-1985
In~tructor-Day & Evening
Conservator of the Academy

Jan C. Baltzell
Coordinator of Extension Services

Richard Barnet

William Barnet

Jack Barnett
Instructor-Evening & Summer

Moe Brooker
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Anthony Ciambella
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Arthur De Costa
Instructor-Day & Evening
Chairman of the Painting Department
Murray Dessner
Instructor-Day & Evening
Chairman of the Faculty Committee (Spring '85)
Adolph T. Dioda
Instructor- Evening
Tom Ewing
Instructor-Day & Evening
David Fertig
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Audrey Flack
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Ofelia Garcia
Sidney Goodman
Critic- Day
Anthony-Petr Gorny
Oliver Grimley
Instructor-Day, Evening & Summer
John Hanlen
Alexander Hromych
Steve Jaffe
Visiting Artistllnstructor
Homer Johnson
Instructor-Day & Evening
Karl O. Karhumaa
Chairman of the Sculpture Department
Robert Koffler
Jimmy C. Lueders
James Mahoney
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Stanley R. Merz, Jr.


Daniel D. Miller
Assistant Dean of Faculty,
Instructor-Day & Evening
Acting Director of the Schools (Spring '85)
Edith Neff
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Edward O'Brien
Instructor-Day, Evening & Summer
Eo Omwake
Elizabeth Osborne
Chairman of Critics
Peter Paone
Instructor- Day
Chairman of the Print Making Department
Chairman of the Faculty Committee (Fall '85)
Henry C. Pearson
Jody Pinto
Mavis Pusey
Seymour Remenick
Instructor-Day, Evening & Summer
Tony Rosati
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Bruce Samuelson
Instructor-Day & Evening
James Franklin Shores
Lectures in Perspective-Day
David Slivka
Louis B. Sloan
Instructor-Day, Evening & Summer
Assistant Dean of Students
Hester Stinnett
Visiting Artist/Instructor
James Victor
Instructor-Evening & Summer
Anthony Visco
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Roswell Weidner
Ronald E. Wyffels
Visiting Artist/Instructor

Board of Trustees
SamUl~l M.V. Hamiitolil;

Caq~enter Oewey,

!F,(r;st Vioe .:O'h'airF1ilur.1

Ha't0ld A. S(1)rgen'ti,
Seamd' Vice Chair:man

Charles- J. Kenkelem, !

Mrs. George Reath.,

Mrs. Walter H. AlilnelilIDerg
Walter ·G. A~ader
. , j0~!1 R. BartleH
" ,
Geotge ,R. Bunell, ffr. U
'Rober~ H . Campbe'II
Mrs. Robert English
Af't hur C. tKal!lfmann
B. Herbert Lee
MFs. Nelson J. Leidner
Charles E. Mather III
Mrs. Henry S'. MdNei'1
Ik Char,les W Nichols
Eertrram L OINeill
IDaviill N. PilFlcus

Mrs. William A. PoHard
Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
HerlDert S. Riband., Jr.
David B. R0bb, Jr.
MliS. HeliIDert F. Schi,f,fer
Mrs. E. NewlDold Srnith
Frank R. Veale
J. Roffe Wike
Barry F. Wiksten
Robert G. Wilder
R(!)IDert G. Williams
Mrs. John Wintersteen
IDavid 'C. Woodward

Women s Committee Members
Mrs. R!ichaliQ M. Armstmng, !Ir.
Mrs. Robed T. B~ooks
Mrs. Newlin Oavis,
First Vice 'Pres.ident

, . Mrs. Ale~aFldra Montgomery Dial,


Mrs. Th(1)mas IDmlam IiV'
Mt,s.'1. LErno,r y Eys'm ans
IXilFS. Wa.l ter It.' ,Foulke
Mrs. Richard I f'o~
Mrs. Albe,r,t M. Greenfiel'e, J,r.
Mrs. H. Lea Huclson
Mrs. J(j)hn F. Hl!lmt
MfS. John Clar,k Keene
Mrs. William G. Killhour

Mrs. Mort<Dn M. KIigerman,
Second Vice ?r;esident

Mrs. R. Gordon Landis
Mrs. Nelsolil H. Leidner
Mrs. Howalid H. Lewis
Mrs. BartoN H. LippincoU
Mrs. WiI.Iiam ~. Liitletpn ·[I ,
,Mrs. E<iLwanii ~. )Wadar;il.,
'Mary MaoGregoli Matllier
Mrs. John J. Medveckis
M'rs.. Lath)'i0p B. Nelson, k
Mrs. Richar<i'l W Palmer
Mrs. G. 'Fhompson Pew, lJr.
Mrs. Robert W Preucel

Mrs. Ge0lige Reath
Mrs. Jer;emy Rosenau
Mrs. H~rfuert W. Schiffer,

'Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Mrs. Philip C. F. Smitfu
Mrs. Ii R~lDert Th())lnas
Mr,s: Karl E. Wenk;.Jr.
Mrs. Cortright Wetherill, lJr.
Mr~. Alfred H. Will cox
Mrs. Leigh~0n Wildrick,

Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Ben Wolf

Associate Member.s '
J\:1lr.s.,B!randon Barringer
Mrs. jcrfun. Grier Bartol
Mrs. AMl1ed Remdiner
Mrs. Harry Bish0P
Mrs. Avery B. Clark
Mrs. Phebe W Cooke
Mrs. David G. Grossmam
MFs. J. H. Ward Hin.kson
, MliS. Arthur C. Kaufmann



Mrs. Peter H. Kro.@Jil
Mrs. Hans Lucl.v.ig, Loren~illen
Mrs. Stuart Ii: LOl!lchheim
Mrs. Lawremi:e MacElree
Mrs. Alan Mdl'Va~n
Mrs. C. Earle Miller
Mrs. Henry Mitchell
Mrs. Han}' R. Neilson, Jr.
Mrs. John S. NewIDoltli






llne ~98S Annual Report prepared bM !Frank \G0@dyear, Edit0r, with tme assistance ®,f the
A€adel'1Y staff,. Iiles'ign by Bill Masi; tMpesetting roy, J0h" e. Meyer & Sml, Inc., and printing
by Ttlfsack fridting Inc.



w.. Greshann · ®'Ma:I'I~y. IIII

Fliederid<: W. G. Peek
Evan Randolph
C. Ranlil.olph Snowden'
Harrison ~herman
Philip W Warner
Walter H. West, Jr.
M~s. Harleston R. W00d
Mrs. Arthur M. Young


