
Part of 190th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

extracted text

P 'E N N S V l V A N I A


The Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fin~. Arts, America's
f1l'st a:vtmllseum and$chool

'oftlie~~ 'arts~ .,has al,Ways'

set a stand'a rd for education
in Ameridan visual art. It
continues to do so and


integ¥al part of

the .PhiladelpWa {ionnnuni1y. '


'ltl~' E P I' N Q;'












Fiscal 1995/96 Year in Review
The arts are alive and well, despite decreasing public funding,
because the private sector values the importance of quality of
life within a diverse community. In today's world of two income
households and electronic media, the arts and culture are shedding their elitist trappings and moving into the mainstream of
community life. From opera to art museums, from orchestras to
dance companies, there is an awakening and a popularization of
the fine and performing arts on a scale not seen since the early
1960's. Importantly, there is a growing diversity among audiences
and artists.
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the nation's
oldest fine arts institution, has maintained its vitality since its
founding in 1805 by balancing strength of tradition with changing
artistic vision. True to its founding principles, the Academy's
School provides a classical grounding in the training of artists.
The School is famous for emphasizing a solid foundation in
drawing and media application, combined with expert mentoring
and the individual freedom to develop ones own style and manner
of artistic expression. The Pennsylvainia Academy of the Fine
Arts is, and has always been, a chronicler of our artistic heritage
and a forum for its growth and evolution.


Strengthening The Academy School
The continuing strength of the Academy School in its
Certificate, Graduate, and collaborative Bachelor of Fine Arts
programs (with the University of Pennsylvania and the University
of the Arts) was evidenced by strong enrollment demand and the
School's reaccreditation by the National Association of Colleges
of Art and Design for another ten years. The Master of Fine Arts
program received final approval by the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania and is attracting applicants from across the nation
in only its fifth year. Reflecting the recognition of the Academy
faculty in the art world, the Philadelphia Museum of Art mounted
a one-person exhibition of works by faculty member Sidney
During the year, more than 1,000 people enrolled in the
Academy's evening and summer, continuing education and
personal enrichment classes.
Reinforcing the Academy's role as a forum for artistic

expression, artist and educator Neil Welliver delivered the
commencemt;nt address and noted art critic, philosopher, writer
and professor of philosophy at Columbia University, Arthur C.
Danto, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters.

Diversifying Audiences: The Museum of American Art
The year was one of growth and critical acclaim for the
Academy's Museum of American Art. The Museum diversified its
audiences and provided innovative programs and exhibitions.
From the exhibition of works by the "electronic age" KoreanAmerican artist Nam June Pail,;: to the internationally praised
presentation of American modernists, titled "To Be Modern:
American Encounters with Cezanne and Company," the Museum
saw unprecedented growth in attendance and media recognition.
Complementing the Philadelphia Museum of Art's blockbuster
"Cezanne" exhibition, "To Be Modern" was touted in the local, national and international news media as one of two must-see exhibitions



that made Philadelphia the "Summer art capital of the nation."
Another important factor in diversifying the Museum's
audience this past year was the artistic popularity of the
Morris Gallery Series, which featured an ethnically and
artistically diverse series of small exhibitions by emerging
Philadelphia artists.
Drawing on one of the unique strengths as an Academy, the
Museum and School together presented a comprehensive

exhibition and series of Master Classes by esteemed area artist,
Nelson Shanks. Internationally acclaimed, Mr. Shanks brought
his experience and expertise, along with some of his most noteworthy paintings to the Academy.

Institutional Growth and Community Outreach
Museum admissions grew by 30 percent to nearly 75,000.
More than 19,000 school children participated in the Museum
Visit Program. A comprehensive classroom and Museum-based
learning project was developed in cooperation with the
Philadelphia School District. The program enlivens regular
public and parochial school class studies in geography, history,
English, mathematics and science by using the Museum's
collection as a teaching aid. The program also aids teachers in

improving students' reading and writing skills through special
classroom workshops and lesson plans. The majority of participating students are from inner-city schools and are sponsored by
foundation and corporate underwriting.
The John McShain Charities, Inc. generously provided
funding for the implementation of an advanced art enrichment
program for local high school students. Held in the Academy's
renowned cast studios, this unique, innovative program focuses
on drawing, painting, sculpture, and portfolio building. The
McShain Program is coordinated and instructed by an Academy


faculty member who is assisted by two specially trained graduate
students from the School's Master of Fine Arts program.
Funding for a second, unique advanced art enrichment program at the Academy for high school students is provided by The
Connelly Foundation. This innovative program focused on
American art history, art criticism, art making, diversity in
American art and the traditions of excellence in the Academy's
collection and School. The Connelly Program is coordinated in a
joint Museum and School effort by a faculty member and a
Museum Education Specialist. A team of specially trained Master
of Fine Arts students teach in this program as well.
The Women's Committee of the Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts, a standing committee of the Board of Trustees, has
played a major role in community outreach and fundraising
since the Committee's inception in 1950. In addition to the highly

successful USArtists Exposition and Sale of American Art,
fundraising for the year included the Preview Party for the
Annual Student Exposition, Art Safaris to east coast cities, as
well as extended art adventures through the U.S. and abroad.
Also, the Women's Committee concerned itself with
non-academic affairs of Academy students by hosting an
annual Holiday Luncheon in December and a Graduation
Luncheon in May.
Showcasing exclusively American fine arts, the fifth annual
USArtists Exposition brought together galleries, artists,
sponsors and visitors from across the region and country in
October. The opening Preview Gala benefit boasted the largest
audience and gift to the Academy in its history. USArtists, as the
only art fair of its kind in the country, continued to generate farreaching exposure to the City's development as a major arts center.

The Pennsylvania Academy is greater than the sum of its
parts. More than a school for developing artists, .m ore than a

Painting [(ey
Cover, Page 1

repository for artistic treasures, it is an integral part of our
shared experience.

Page 2, left

The 1995/96 fiscal year was one of significant excitement and
accomplishment for our students, faculty, members, visitors and

Page 2, right

all who value the creation and preservation of the visual arts.
Page 3

Page 4-5

Page 6, top

Page 6, bottom

Page 7

Page 8, left

Page 8, right

Stuart Davis,
Table with Pipe
Oil on canvas
Milton Avery,
Nude with Blue Cloth
Oil on canvas board
Morris Blackburn,
Appalachian Spring I
Oil on canvas
Richard Diebenkorn,
Interior with Doorway
Oil on canvas
Stuart Davis,
Letter and His Ecol
Oil on canvas
Jacob Lawrence,
Dream Series # 5:
The Library
Tempera on board
Sidney Goodman,
Nude on a Red Table
Oil on canvas
Stuart Davis,
Oil on canvas
Arthur B. Carles,
White Callas
Oil on canvas
Red Grooms, A
Room in Connecticut
Oil on canvas and
acrylic on Plexiglas
with aluminum frame


Acquisitions, Exhibitions,

Albert B. Serwazi


Sketch for "Red Table Cover"

Acquisitions 1995-96

Graphite, watercolor,


gouache and pastel on paper
Gift of William H. Campbell,

George R. Bunker


In the Quarry

Stuart Shils

Collage on cardboard

On the Delaware




Oil on Rives BFK paper


Gift of Benjamin W. and

Still Life with Bottles
Lithograph on Rives paper

Study Related to "Back
Shore, Baker"
ca. 1963
Pastel and collage


Deborah T. Mangel, 1995.10
Marianna Sloan

ca. 1900

Whistler vs. Sargent:
Cosmopolitan Aesthetic
October 1995 through
February 1996

Electronic Super Highway:
Nam June Paik in the 90s
October 1995 through
January 1996

Contemporary Still Lifes
February through April 1996

Artist's Choice: Sidney
February through April, 1996

Landscape with Trees
ca. 1905

Annual Student Exhibition

Gouache on illustration board

and Graduate Thesis

Gift of William P. Starr, Jr.,


in memory of Suzanne A.
Starr, 1996.2.1 and 2

Gift of George R. Bunker
Living Trust, 1995.7.1-5



May 10 through June 2, 1996

Two Centuries of Collecting at
the Museum of American Art
(continuous exhibition of

Donald E. Camp

Dr. William Roberts,

Horseless Table

Counselor, North America,


Baha'i Faith

Lithograph on white Rives

Earth pigment and casein
monoprint on Arches paper
Gift of Margot and
Nathaniel Litt, 1995.8

BFK paper
Museum of American Art of
the Pennsylvania Academy
Purchase Prize from the
98th Annual Fellowship
Exhibition, 1996.1

Lucy Hayward-Barker

Male Nude Leaning
Oil on canvas

Woman with Tilted Head
ca. 1895
Oil on canvas
Gift of Lucy H. McCargarWhite, granddaughter of the
artist, 1995.9.1 and 2

the Permanent Collection)

(from Kinship Series)

To Be Modern: American
Encounters with Cezanne
and Company
June 14 through
September 29, 1996

To Be Modern: American
Encounters with Cezanne
and Company
Sylvia Yount and
Elizabeth Johns
Museum of American Art of
the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts
Distributed by University of
Pennsylvania Press

Mrs. 1. Maxwell Moran
Mr. and Mrs. E. Newbold Smith

Dr. Regina Bannan and
Mr. Allen Serody

President's Council

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart

($10,000 or lllore)

Mr. and Mrs. 1. Roffe Wike II

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Weinstein


Dean's Circle


Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andes

($2,500 - $4,999)

(Gifts to $999)

Mr. and Mrs. George B.

Mrs. David W. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Bell

Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Model

Mr. Patrick Arnold

Peter A. and Felicity R. Benoliel

Mr. Stewart R. Cades

Mr. George R. Atterbury

Annual Giving

Hon. And Mrs. Walter L.

Ms. Carolyn R. Ancker

Mrs. C. Graham Berwind, Jr.

Carol K. and William Gerstley II

Ms. Elizabeth S. Augustine

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Caldwell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilder

Mrs. Malcolm J. Baber

Mary Cassatt Associates

Mr. Edmund N. Bacon

Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Babich

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. V.

($1,000 - $2,499)

Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O'Neill

Lorraine and Benjamin

Dr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W.
Brickman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S.
Riband, Jr.

Fellowship of the
Pennsylvania Academy

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ross

Mr. Charles J. Frith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Schaeffer

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.

Mr. and Mrs. David N. Pincus

Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
Mr. Wayne A. Stork

Dr. Isabel M. Baratta
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bauml

Mrs. Maitland A. Gordon

Dr. Martin G. Begley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and
Mildred Berg
Dr. Harriet Berger
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Berlinger
Mr. Lynford P. Bernhardt
Mrs. Dene Bernstein
Mr. Irwin L. Bernstein
Ms. Ann Bilby
Mrs. Georgina M. Bissell

Mrs. Richard Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Greenfield, Jr.

Women's Committee of the
Pennsylvania Academy

Mrs. Carole Haas

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bliss

Leslie Anne Miller and
Richard B. Worley

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haas

Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Blumberg

Mrs. Avery D. Harrington

Mrs. Josephine Borie

Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Harris

Mr. Peter Borie

Mr. and Mrs. Warren W Kantor

Mrs. Anne W. Breidenstein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lee

Ms. Ruth E. Brown

Tholllas Eakins Society

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 1. Leidner

Ms. Patricia L. Brubaker

($5,000 - $9,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis

Miss Vera D. Bruestle

Mr. Charles P. Pizzi

Ronald L. and Dolores F.

Mr. and Mrs. Archbold D.
Van Beuren

Mrs. Peter Cook

Mrs. E. P. Richardson

Ms. Marjorie M. Findlay

Mr. and Mrs. William Reiser

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Herlihy

Ms. Hope Rosenlund

Mrs. Jane C. MacElree

Ms. Barbara Schaff
Mr. Garry Scheuring
Mrs. Irene Schrank-Shuman

Morris Blackburn

Mrs. Cynthia Davis Buffington
Mrs. Rebecca Bunkin
Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett
Ms. Diana Burgwyn
Mr. Landon C. Burns
Dr. William P. Camp
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Cander



Mr. and Mrs. David M. Capuzzi
Mr. Ezekiel Capuzzi
Mr. and Mrs . John A. Capuzzi
Mr. Michael Capuzzi
Ms . Rebecca Capuzzi
Kenneth and Margaret Carlin
Mrs. Pearl M. Carpel
Mr. Howard M. Casper
Ms. Sally R. Christy
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Clark
Mrs. Mary Hansen Clark
Dr. and Mrs . Daniel Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Norman N. Cohen
Elliott and Barbara Coleman
Ms . Kara Louise Coleman
James and Janet Cooke
Dr. Barry R. Cooper
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Cotter
Judith Dean and J ames Crawford
Mr. and Mrs . Charles Crawley
Ms. Diane M. Cunningham
Mr. Jack Daly
Ms . Susan B. Daroff
Mr. Christopher Davis
Mr. Lawrence Day
Paul and Rosalie Dear
Ms. Marie M. deBenneville
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter Dewey
Mrs. Helen L. Dietz
Mrs. David H. W. Dohan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Donaghy
Ms . Mary Donald
Mrs . Christine 1. Drake
Mr. Richard Drayton
Mrs. Alice B. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce
Mrs. Hubert P. Earle
Miss Frances B. Earnest
Ms . Carol Edelson
Dr. and Mrs . Frank A. Elliott
Ms. Wendy Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Otis W. Erisman
The Wharton Esherick Museum

Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Evans

Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Israel

Mrs. P.F.N. Fanning
Mrs . Anna Farmer
Daniel and Elizabeth Fife

Mr. Orton P. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs . Martin Kahn

Mrs. Ellie Fine
Mr. Louis S. Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fisher

Mr. Courtland F. Kanzinger
Mrs. Arthur C. Kaufmann

Ms . Janet S. Fleisher
Mr. Gerald F. Flood
Ms. Marguerite Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Ford
Mr. Robinson Fredenthal
Dr. Elizabeth G. French
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Friedman
Mrs . Carl W. Funk
Nina Segre and Frank
Mr. Fred B. Gable
Mr. and Mrs . James H. Gately
Mrs . Edward S. Gifford
Ms . Elizabeth W. Gillies
Mr. and Mrs . Michael Giresi
Ms . Peggy D. Glover
Dr. Estelle Gold-Kossman
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Grace
Estate of Robert McCay Green
Mrs. Isabelle J. Green
Mr. Francis J. Grey
Ms . Katelore Guerin
Mr. Richard Guggenheim
Ms . Dorothy M. Guinn
Mrs . Elizabeth S. Haller
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews V.
Mrs. George Hanby
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Harbeson
Mrs. C. S. Hebden
Mrs . M. Gilbert Herbach
Ms . E lizabeth D. Herkness
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Herman
Mrs . Eileen Hinkson
Mr. and Mrs . Lon W. Homeier
Mrs. Jeanette W. Hoover
Mrs. Quita W. Horan
Mrs. Henry Lea Hudson
Miss Helen Virginia Hunter

Ms . Edyah Kazan
Mr. and Mrs . Brian T. Keirn
Ms. Eleanor Kelemen
Patricia and Philip Kind
Ms . Barbara F. Klein
Mrs. Sheryl Rosenberg Klein
Mr. Carlyle Klise
Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth D. Kopple
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Korngold
Kasia Kozinski
Martin and Sylvia Kreithen
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kuter
Dr. and Mrs. Roy T. Lefkoe
Ms . Sydney Ann Lef}we
Ms . Ruth Levine
Mrs. E. Yerger Leydon
Mrs . R. Schuyler Lippincott
Mr. and Mrs . Norman Locke
Marian and Jerry Locks
Mr. Robert W. Loder
Ms. Inez V. Lowenstein
Miss Elizabeth Madeira
Mr. Frank Mancuso
Mr. George H. Mayer
Mr. Paul N. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs . Daniel K.
Hon. and Mrs. John J. McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice
McDonald, Jr.
Ms. Melinda McGough
Mr. and Mrs. John G. McKevitt
Mr. and Mrs . Charles A.
Mendez, Jr.
Mrs . Casmir Michalski
Dr. Beverly A. Mikuriya
Mrs . William Molloy
Mr. and Mrs. John 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mungall
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy
Mr. Duane S. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Naylor
Ms. Libby Newman
Mr. Joseph A. O'Connor
Frederick A. Onore
Mrs. Eugene Ormandy
Mr. Philip H. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Dr. and Mrs. B. Perry
Mr. Raymond S. Page
Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson
Mrs. Otto J. Patzau
Mr. Thomas B. Payne
Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert X. Pinkus
Andrea and Barry PIa sky
Ms. Marion F. Pond
Ms. Elizabeth D. Posner
Walter and Dorothy Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Powers
Mrs. Robert S. Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Prushan
Mrs. Richard C. Putnam
Dr. Edward C. Raffensperger
Mrs. Harold M. Rappeport
Ms. Gale Rawson
Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath
Mr. Seymour Remenick
Alfred H. and Ruth Riddell
Ms . Lorraine Riesenbach
Ms. Judith B. Ringold
Mrs. Robert D. Ritchie
Mrs. Mildred K. Robbins
Mrs. Janice Roediger
John and Henriette Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rosati
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosewater
Mrs. Toby L. Royston
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.

Mr. Robertson Rushton
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Russell
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Russell
Mr. Rocco E. Russo
Mr. Jerome P. Ryan
Mr. John M. Ryan
Dr. Barbara M. Sachs
Mr. Bruce Samuelson
Ms. Josephine Savaro
Mrs. Audrey Schmerling
Mr. Robert H. Scholl

Mr. and Mrs . Robert Subin
Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein
Miss Helen L. Swain
Dudley and Joan Sykes
Mrs. Charles Tabas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Talucci
Ms. Ann I. Tatman
Mr. Robert G. Taylor
Mr. S. Robert Teitelman
Mrs. Robert S. Thanhauser

Dr. and Mrs. William Schwartz
John C. and Nora M. P. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sclufer

Mr. and Mrs. Stelio Theodoris
Mrs. M. W. Tilghman
Dr. Barbara J. Turner
Mr. Edwin E. Tuttle

Mr. Robert M. Scott
Ruth and Earl Scott
Mr. T. F. McNair Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Scull

Richard DiLullo and
Mr. Samuel M. Vauclain
Ms. Ingrid T. Virok

Mrs. Harriet B. Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Segel

Mr. Harry Waber
Mr. Morris Waber

Mr. Laurence Selinger
Mrs. Nathan Seltzer
Mr. Edward O. Shakespeare
Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Shanks

Jerrold and Bettina Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wallison
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watanabe
Mrs. Henry M. Watts

Ms. Evelyn Shelly
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Sheridan
Mr. Lance Silver
Dr. Harry Silverstein

Dr. and Mrs. George D. Webster
Mr. and Mrs . Roswell Weidner
Mrs. Alice Weiland
Hon. and Mrs. Charles R. Weiner

Dr. Claiborne T. Smith
, Ms. Marjorie S. Smithey
Mr. Joseph C. Sneath
Rick and Ruth Snyderman
Ms. Mariana C. Sorensen
Ms . Barbara J. Sorlien
Mr. Boyd L. Spahr
Dr. and Mrs. William Steinberg
Mrs. Edgar R. Stephens
Lester Sleppacher
Ms. Holly E. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stern
Carol Stevens
Mr. G. Stockton Strawbridge
Mr. and Mrs. W B. Dixon Stroud

Ms. Mariclare Weinert
Mrs. Irwin G. Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weiss
Mr. Ronald P. Wertheim
Ms. Signe Wilkinson
Ms. Virginia Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Mr. George W. Wilson
John and Vera Wilson
Murray and Vera Wilson
David L. Wilson, Jr.
Ms. Deborah H. Winant
Ms. Caroline Bertha Wittman
Ms. Edith Stead Wittman
Mrs. Ruth Wolf



Mr. Richard E. Woosnam

Mr. Oliver Grimley

Mr. Henry H. Rothschild

Mrs. Ethel Worth

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Groetzinger

Ms. Libby Rudnick

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wright

Ms. Deena J. Gu

Mrs. Jill Rupinski

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wyffels

Mr. Walker Hancock

Mrs. Katharine Grove Sailer

Ms. Eva M. Yost

Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Sammak

Ms. Margaret A. Zentmyer

Ms. June Snider Harris

Ms. Susan Scala

Mr. Michael Zuckerman

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hessemer

Ms. Thelma Segal

Debbie and Jim Zug

Ms. Joanne Hoffman

Ms. Antoinette F. Seymour

Ms. Marian Holland

Mr. Sidney Simon


Mr. Homer W. Johnson

Mr. Louis Sloan

(Gifts to $ 999)

Mr. A. John Kammer

Ms. Josephine Smith

Ms. Diana D. Kingman

Mrs. Albert F. Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Gustave G.

Ms. Adeline Kline

Ms. Louise Z. Stahl

Ms. Nina S. Klymowska

Mrs. Rebecca Dvorin Strong

Ms. Edna Andrade

Harriet Knopman

Ms. Betty Rice Titone

Mrs. Sidney Bailey

Mrs. Mary Jane Walters Knox

Ms. Louise Tucker

Ms. Jan Baltzell

Mr. John Koomar

Ms. Kate T. Van Sciver

Mr. Joseph Barbieri

Mrs. Edythe Krieger

Mrs. Anne W. West

Sister Mary Paula Beierschmitt

Mr. Alphonse M. Lane

Mr. D. Colman Witte

Mrs. Judith Ann F. Bell

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Paul

Ms. Harriet Zeitlin

Mrs. Joan Bitzer

Mr. and Mrs. George Lindblad


Mrs. Philip A. Bregy

Ms. Elsie Trefz Loane

Ms. Linda Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lutz

The Annenberg Foundation

Ms. Mary Cotheal Burgess

Ms. Elizabeth H. MacDonald

Atwater Kent Foundation, Inc.

Mr. John Castagno

Mr. Charles E. Marks

Barra Foundation

Ms. Roz Chatt

Mr. Don Martin

Colin Gardner Foundation

Ms. Matina Chigounis

John and Carmen T. McHugh

Columbia Funds

Mr. Edward B. Clay, Jr.

Mr. Hugh B. Mesibov

The Connelly Foundation

Ms. Lenore Cohen

Mr. J. Creighton Michael

Dietrich Foundation

Ms. Grace Curcio

Mr. Daniel D. Miller

Ms. Ruth C. Davis

Ms. Lesley Mitchell

Albert M. Greenfield

Mr. Arthur A. DeCosta

Mrs. Constance C. Moore

Haney Foundation Trust

Ms. Deborah Deichler

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.

Independence Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dessner
Dr. Celeste C. Donnelly

Mr. John Greswold Nace

John McShain Charities, Inc.

Mr. David F. Driesbach

Mr. John Needre

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Mr. Benjamin Eisenstat

Mr. Steven Nocella

Mr. Joseph G. Elliott

Ms. Elizabeth Osborne

Gilroy & Lillian P. Roberts

Ms. Gilda M. Ellis

Mr. and Mrs. Socrates Perakis

Sara Roby Foundation

Ms. Renee Foulks

Mrs. Epps Turner Perrow

Mr. Si Friedman

Ms. Jody Pinto

Hoxie Harrison Smith

Ms. Fran Gallun

Ms. Naomi Pitcairn

Stobart Foundation

Ms. Elizabeth Garon

Dr. V. Fred Rayser

Warwick Foundation

Ms. Margaretta Gilboy

Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Robinson

Ms. Barbara Goodstein

Ms. Nancy Rocamora

Ms. Sandra M. Bellino-Hood

Ms. Bernice Gordon

Samuel P. Mandell Foundation


Charles Willson Peale Society
($1,000 - $4,999)


Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Kantor
Patricia and Philip Kind
Mrs. Raymond IGein

ARCO Chemical


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. IGein

Betz Laboratories

Lorraine and Benjamin

Mrs. Harriett B. Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon Landis

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Andes

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lemmon

Historic Yellow Springs, Inc.

Hon. and Mrs. Walter H.

Midlantic Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartlett

PECO Energy

Mr. and Mrs. George Beach

Quaker Chemical Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Bell, Jr.

Rohm and Haas Co.

Peter A. and Felicity R. Benoliel

Safeguard Scientifics, Inc.

Dr. Harriet Berger

Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul

Mrs. C. Graham Berwind, Jr.

SmithKline Beecham

Ms. Claire S. Betz

Sun Company

Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Binswanger, Jr.

Brandywine Asset Management
Core States Financial

Tasty Baking Corporation
United Tectonics Corporation
Windsor & Newton

Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Robert and Joyce Byers

Matching Corporations
and FOlmdations
ARCO Chemical
CIGNA Corporation
IBM Corporation
Johnson & Johnson
Reader's Digest Foundation
R. H. Macy & Co.
Rohm and Haas Co.
SmithIGine Beecham
The William Penn Foundation
Government, State and City
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Philadelphia Cultural Fund


Mr. Stewart R. Cades
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Caldwell
Mrs. Avery B. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mrs. E. Yerger Leydon
Mrs. Jane C. MacElree
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mrs. Henry S. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun F. O'Malley
Mr. W. Gresham O'Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Pincus
Mrs. Robert S. Pitcairn
Mr. Charles P. Pizzi
Dr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Richardson
Gresham and Pamela Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rugart

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. J.

Mr. Garry Scheuring

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan

Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Scudder, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Mrs. Joseph N. DuBarry
Mrs. F. W. Elliott Farr
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gansky
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schnaars

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Shein
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart
Mr. Wayne A. Stork
Frances and Bayard T. Storey

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk

Mrs. Carole Haas

Mrs. Harrison Therman

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Roffe Wike II

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. V.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Harkins
Mrs. Avery D. Harrington
Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner

Museum Director's/Dean's

Mr. and Mrs. J. Welles

Circle ($5,000 - $9,999)

Mrs. Henry Lea Hudson

Mr. Jerome B. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Ruth W. and A. Morris
Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wolf
Leslie Anne Miller and
Richard B. Worley
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Francis
W. de Serio

D. Robert and Ann Gates Yarnall



Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Mather III

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meyerson

Dr. and Mrs. J. Brien Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. E Stanton Moyer

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mfleck

Mr. James P. O'Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Neilson

Mrs. Harris C. Aller

Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson

Mrs. E. Digby Baltzell

Ms. Mary V. Pendleton

Marilyn McHenry & Arthur

Mr. and Mrs. James Benenson

Mr. Irwin Nat Pincus

Miss Mary N. Porter

Ms. Frances S. Fernley

Ms. Elizabeth D. Posner

Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Reed

Mrs. Quita W. Horan

Mrs. Robert S. Pressman

John and Henriette Rogers

Graham and Elizabeth Humes

Mrs. Stephen A. Ritt

Dr. Francis E. Rosato

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Marshall

Mrs. M. H. Samitz

Ms. Maude de Schauensee

Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. McKeel

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Savitz

Dr. and Mrs. William Serber

Mr. J. Liddon Pennock

Mrs. Frank S. Schwarz

Drs. Willys and Abigail Silvers

Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Scolnick

John C. and Nora M. P. Schwarz

Mrs. Elizabeth R. Sirmay

Mr. William P. Starr

Mr. Joseph C. Sneath

Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein

Mrs. Charles Tabas

Dr. and Mrs. William Steinberg

Mrs. Helen M. Taws

Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw

Mrs. M. W. Tilghman

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Terry

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Turberg

Mr. William Woys Weaver

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tyson

Curators' Circle
($500 - $999)

Collectors' Circle ($350)

Allan and Robin Windt

Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1. Webb
Mrs. Ethel Worth

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryan
Mr. Timothy Buchanan

Mrs. Constance C. Moore

Patrons ($250 - $349)
Friends ($100 - $249)

Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore

Jules and Marlene Arronson

Ms. Hope Byer

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barness

Doris S. Casper

Mrs. Joseph T. Beardwood

Mrs. Jane Abrahams

Ms. Sally R. Christy

Mrs. Stephen E. Beiter

Jane and Larry Ash

Judith Dean and James Crawford

Charles and Susan Bloom

Mrs. Edward K. Asplundh

Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris Dorrance

Robert and Marilyn Asplundh

Mr. and Mrs. Otis W Erisman

Mr. and Mrs. Willis S. De La

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Foley

Mrs. C. Paul Denckla

Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Friedman

Martin and Lynne Feldman

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin

Mrs. Maitland A. Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Baer

Miss Armason Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Garfield

Mr. Paul Bankes

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hockfield

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman

Ms. Frederica P. Barbour

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Holsclaw

Mr. and Mrs. M. Hahn

Mrs. Brandon Barringer

Mrs. Josef Jaffe

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hooper

Mr. Richard C. Bechtel

Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kay

Mrs. Clement E. Hoyler

Mrs. Charles Becker

Mrs. Ethel C. Kesler

Martin and Sylvia Kreithen

Mr. George W. Belton

Mrs. Irving Kosloff

Dr. and Mrs. Marc S.

Mrs. Evelyn Berger

Stanley and Sylvia Krangel
Robert W. Loder
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mangel
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A.

Lalla and Charles de Rham

Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Babich

Mrs. Dene Bernstein

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lazovitz

Mr. Irwin L. Bernstein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lee

Mrs. Georgina M. Bissell

Mr. and Mrs. S. Gerald Litvin

Mrs. Joan Bitzer

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Locks

James E and Jean G. Bodine

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maier

Ms. Wendy Smith Born

Linda Lee Alter and Seymour

Mrs. Michal W Bristol

Mrs. Clarence W. Brooks
Ms . Alice H. Brown
Ms. Cecilia M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs . Jeffrey Scott
Ms. Margaret C. Brown
Miss Vera D. Bruestle
Mr. James H . Bryson
Mrs. Beverly Caplan
Mr. and Mrs . Francis J. Carey
Ms. M. Virginia Carr
Dr. Richard N. Carroll
Mr. Howard M. Casper
Morton and Malvina
Mrs. Charles W. Charny
Mr. and Mrs. E. Calvert Cheston
Scott J. and Nelly Childress
Mr. Joseph Chudnoff
Mrs. DeAnn P. Clancy
Mr. Edward B. Clay, Jr.
Ms . Kara Louise Coleman
Mrs. Charles L. Coltman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Comisky
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W Coslett
Ms. Susan Cousounis
Mrs . Ann Cutler
Mrs. Newlin F. Davis
Mrs. K. Stewart De Spoelberch
Mrs. Lee L. DeWitt
Ms. Dorothy Del Bueno
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Denton
Mr. Richard Drayton
Edward and Nancy Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dzuba
Ms. Judy Elchin
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Elliott
Ms . Helen Williams Drutt English
Ms. Deborah Reich Epstein
Mr. John Ford Evans
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fabian
Mrs. P. F. N. Fanning
Mrs. Ellie Fine
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fineberg
Doug and Lois Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Ford
Dr. and Mrs . Stuart Fox
Ms. Wendy Fri'tz
Mr. Fred B. Gable
Mrs. Nancy Gardner H . Galt
Mrs. Carol Gerstley
Ms. Christine Zeiger Gillespie
Ms. Linda S. Goodman
Mrs . Karen Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H .
Gordon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour W.
Ms . Marcia Groverman
Ms . Dorothy M. Guinn
Mrs. Lee Gunther-Mohr
Ms . Barbara Gyde
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Haller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Ms. Kimberly Haren
Mr. James R. Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs . H . Ober Hess
Ms . Anne 1. Hills
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs . Jeanette W Hoover
Mr. Thomas M. Horak
Mrs. Susan Helen Horsey
Marc and Susan Howard
Dr. and Mrs . Eric Hume
Graham and Elizabeth Humes
Miss Helen Virginia Hunter
Mrs. Shirley R. Hutton
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Indriso
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ingersoll
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Israel
Mr. Orton P. Jackson
Karl and Elizabeth Kahler
Lawrence Karlin
Mrs . Selma Katz
Mrs . Eva Keating
Ms. Eleanor Kelemen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellogg
Mrs. James B. Kelly

Mr. Thomas K. Kilkenny
Ms. Alison Douglas Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koether
John Wand Beverly Kolb
Ms . Lynne Kroiz-Solomon
Mr. and Dr. C. Scott Kulicke
Karen Weintraub and Michael
Don and Virginia La Rossa
Mrs. Beatrice Ball Landenberger
Ms. Mary M. Lane
Dr. and Mrs . Thomas W. Langfitt
Mrs. W Mifflin Large
Mr. John A. Lawler
Ms . Frances Reiner Lax
Ms. Alison R. Lazerwitz
Mr. Charles LeClair
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leibovitz
Mr. Robert P. Leiby
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy M. Lewis
Mrs . R. Schuyler Lippincott
Ms. Nancy A. Loeb
Mr. W. Thacher Longstreth
Mr. Robert F. Looney
Mrs. Wister H . MacLaren
Mrs. Joan W. Mackie
Miss Elizabeth Madeira
Mrs. Louis Madeira
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahoney
Dr. and Mrs . Gerald Marks
Joel and Alexis Berg Marmar
Dr. and Mrs. Leigh Marsh
Dr. Lawrence R. McCarty
Mr. John F. McCloskey
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander
Hon. and Mrs. John J McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs . Ellice
McDonald, Jr.
Ms. Melinda McGough
Lynn Nowicki and Joel
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Meigs



Mrs. Casmir Michalski

Ms. Carole J. Rubins

Mr. William H. Toner

John and Gainor Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Russell

Mrs. James W. Toren

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Miller

Mr. Rocco E. Russo

Mrs. Marian Mitchell

Mrs. Katharine Grove Sailer

Mrs. Annis Lee Furness

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan H.

Dr. Barbara J. Turner

Mrs. Lillian Morris

Ms. Barbara Schaff

Mr. Edwin E. Tuttle

Mr. Robert E. Mortensen

Mr. Lewis C. Scheffey

Michael and Cynthia Haveson

Mrs. Craig Wright Muckle

E. Loraine and Roxanna

Mr. Robert Venturi

Mrs. Betty Musser


Mr. and Mrs. William T. Vogt

Ms. Janet Mustin

Ms. Marillyn Beechman Schnall

J ames and Diana Naughton

Ms. Irene Schrank-Shuman

Mr. and Mrs. William G.

Benjamin and Meta Neilson

Dr. and Mrs. William Schwartz

Dr. R. J. Wallner

Ms. Sara Nerken

Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Scott

Ms. Joan Ochroch

Mr. and Mrs. Irving R. Segal

Ken Butera and Karol

Mr. Albert T. Olenzak

Ms. Georgia Shafia

Ms. Faye Olivieri

Mr. Edward O. Shakespeare

Dr. and Mrs. B. Perry Ottenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Warner S. Shelly

Mr. Raymond S. Page

Mr. and Mrs. John J. F.

Mr. Thomas B. Payne
Mr. G. Holmes Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. David Peyster
Ms. Deena Popowich
Judy Pote

Mrs. William C. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Siegel

Mr. and Mrs. Warren H.
Arnold and Beverly Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Cortright
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wiener
Mr. Horace E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Witter
Bertram and Lorle Wolfson
Ms. Emily C. Wood

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.

Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Sirlin
Mr. and Mrs. Langhorne B.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley

Robert L. and Gene E. K.

Mr. Robert M. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wurzel

Dr. Arnold J. Rawson
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reichardt
Alfred H. and Ruth Riddell
Mr. Anthony W. Ridgway
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rishel
Mr. James Keith Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Mr. Leonard Ross
Mr. John Pierpont Rosso
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L.
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard N.

H. Peter and Claudia C. Somers

Mrs. Elizabeth Zeidman

Ellen Harvey and Tad Sperry

Lee V. Zlotnick

Mr. Paul Scott Sperry

Mrs. Gabrielle E. Zomber

Miss Irene T. Stankiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Staple

This is a record of gifts made

Mrs. Mary D. Starr

between August 1, 1995 and July

Mrs. Alfred Steel

31,1996. We sincerely regret

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. W.

any omissions or errors.

Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stockman
Margaret Harris and Phil Straus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sunstein
Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Talucci
Mr. Robert G. Taylor
Mrs. Evelyn Tecosky

Donald R. Caldwell,
President and Chief
Operating Officer,
Safeguard Scientijics, Inc.

Herbert S. Riband, Jr.,
First Vice Chairman
Partner, Saul, Ewing,
Remick & Saul

Stewart R. Cades
Managing Director,
Overseas Strategic
Consulting, Ltd.

Winston J. Churchill

Allen J. Model
Charles P. Pizzi
President, Greater
Philadelphia Chamber of

SCP Private Equity Partners

Adele K. Schaeffer
George W. Connell
Rittenhouse Financial

Garry J. Scheuring
Vice Chairman, PNC Bank

Michael I. Coslov
Kevin F. Donohoe,
Second Vice Chairman
President and Chief
Executive Officer,
Kevin F. Donohoe Company

Richard B. Worley,
Third Vice Chairman and
Partner, Miller, Anderson &

Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin,
Fourth Vice Chairman and

Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, Tube
City, Inc.

Walter M. D'Alessio
President and Chief
Executive Officer, Legg
Mason Real Estate Services

Jane Fortune
President, Women's
Committee of the
Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts

Barbara L. Greenfield

Charles L. Andes
Partner, Andes, Wickard,
McClure, The McClure

Chairman, Residential and
Special Properties
Department, Albert M.
Greenfield & Company, Inc.

John B. Bartlett
Elaine V. Bell

General Partner, Sorgenti
Investment Partners

Wayne A. Stork
Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, Delaware
Management Company, Inc.

Barbara A. Sylk
Edna S. Tuttleman
Cornel West, Ph.D.
Professor of Afro-American
Studies and Philosophy of
Religion, Divinity School at
Harvard University

Robert G. Wilder

Samuel M.V. Hamilton

Ex Officio

Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner

Happy Fernandez

Herbert Barness
Chairman, The Barness

Harold A. Sorgenti

Warren W. Kantor
President and Chief
Executive Officer, Society
Hill Capital Corporation

Leonard I. Korman
The Korman Company

Councilwoman At-Large,
Philadelphia City Council

Gresham Riley
President, Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts

Ronald E. Wyffels
Faculty Representative,
Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts



Fiscal Responsibility
Perhaps the most significant accomplishment of the year was
the Academy's repayment of internal debt to the unrestricted
endowment fund -

an accomplishment that serves as the basis

for optimism as the Academy approaches the 21st Century. In
recognition of progress and efforts to stabilize operations and
develop sound strategic plans for the future, the Academy
applied for, and recieved, a two-year operating grant from the
Pew Charitable Trusts, as well as a two-year operating grant from
the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. The Pew grant was one of
a select few awarded to area cultural institutions under the Trusts'
stringent, new Philadelphia Cultural Leadership Program.
While fiscal year 1995/96 was a success for many reasons,
much remains to be done. Museum membership must be
increased; the acquisitions program must be advanced;
exhibitions and programs must continue to focus on meeting the
interests and needs of the community; and the Academy must
solve the problem of insufficient space for both the School and
the Musuem. The track record of four consecutive years of
stable operations and growing public interest is encouraging as
the Pennsylvania
Academy of the
Fine Arts nears the
dawn of its third
century of service
to the region and
the nation.

a ca





Support and Revenue
Unrestricted Gifts and Grants


Bequest Revenue


Trust Income
Tuition and Fees
Net Sales
Museum Admissions
Restricted Fund Support


Other Income


Women's Committee/USArtists


Total Support and Revenue



Operating Expenses




Management and General
Provision for Loss on Invested Funds
Collection Items Purchased but not Capitalized
Impairment of Long Lived Assets
Women's Committee/USArtists

Total Operating Expenses


Management & General

Excess Revenue Over Expense





























