
Part of 194th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

extracted text
Joshua C. Thompson named PAFA President
Executive Director and Provost Derek A. Gillman appointed
Federal Building signals a unified campus for PAFA
Record numbers of visitors to Maxfield Parrish exhibition
Dramatic increase in Academy membership
Cecilia Beaux's Harold and Mildred Colton (1887) purchased
USArtists brings national recognition
Commonwealth grants PAFA first wine auction in Pennsylvania
Alumni Office reconnects PAFA and alumni

M ichele Ridge, wife oj
Pennsylvania Governor Thm
Ridge, takes a behind-the-scenes
tour qf the M useum vaulls
with Vivian O. Potamkin,
'J}uslee Vice Ghai,:

Darwin Nix, Untitled, 1990


year ago, the Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts began laying the groundwork to support a
period of major growth between now and 2005, when the
institution will celebrate the two hundredth anniversary
of its founding. What we did not expect was how quickly
the institution would begin harvesting thejruits of its
labors. This was an exhilarating year at the Academy,
filled with landmark achievements and new beginnings
at both the Museum and the School. We are profoundly
gratefulfor the outstanding support receivedjrom our
members, alumni, volunteers, friends and staff. This
Annual Report surveys the progress-financial and
operational-made during the year ending July 31, 1999.


s we reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, all
of us at the Pennsylvania Academy can take pride in the knowledge that
our nearly 200-year commitment to excellence in the cultivation of the
visual arts in America stands unparalleled. The essence of the institution
today remains true to the vision of its founders, that of informing and
exciting the efforts of artists through the studio-based training offered by
the School, and of elevating cultural awareness through the varied offerings in its Museum-from the permanent collection to special exhibitions
to educational and related outreach programs.
Of late, the Academy, we think, once again is enjoying fresh
vitality and enhanced visibility on both local and national fronts . The
feeling of renewed energy and excitement was evidenced dramatically
in the success oflast summer's exhibition, Maxfield Parrish, 1870-1966,
which was notable not only for the worldwide coverage that it received,
but also for the nearly unprecedented attendance figures, record num-


Chai,.man OJ" the
Boa,.d oj" Trustees




p,.esident and

Chiq/ Executive Q17icC/"

bers of both new and renewing memberships, and sales in the Museum
Shop that were considerably higher than had been forecast. Significant
underwriting support from various foundations, corporations and governmental agencies in the area made much of this success possible.
PAFA's Women's Committee, led for the past several years by
president Jane Fortune, once again was one of the institution's most
generous supporters in its promotion of the Academy and in the depth
of its fundraising efforts. The increasingly popular USArtists Exposition
and Sale, held in the fall of each year, netted a record $291,000 last year,
a 100 percent increase over the previous year's proceeds and the most
successful show since its inauguration in 1991. Among the many areas
to which the funds were directed were the Annual Student Exhibition,
which is on display in the Museum throughout the final month of the
School year, and the Special Needs Endowment Fund, which enables
those with handicaps to attend classes at the Academy by offering special
one-year endowments to such individuals.
June 1999 saw an important addition to our management team
with the arrival of Derek A. Gillman to the newly created position of
Executive Director and Provost, with over-all responsibility for the
programs and activities in both the Museum and the School. Derek
comes to the Academy with an impressive record in museum management from the major encyclopaedic art museum in Australia, the
National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, where he had served as
Deputy Director since 1995. He has a distinguished academic background as well, holding a Master of AJ:ts degree from Oxford University
and a Master of Laws degree fi'om the University of East Anglia in
Norwich, England. Derek's influence on the institution is evident





already, after less than one year on the job, and we are certain that he
will have a profound impact on the future direction of the Pennsylvania
Academy in the years to come.
On the financial front, a decision was made at the beginning
of the year to make a significant investment in rebuilding the
The lV!uscurn draws nUlnerous
visitors to the Ma:ifield Parrish

infrastructure of the Academy in an effort to increase the sources and
levels of earned income and support needed to carry out the institution's myriad programs and activities. The focus of these initiativeswhich are ongoing-has been in areas such as development and marketing, and it is encouraging to note that the fruits of our labors are now
beginning to be realized. While the rebuilding initiatives undertaken
in 1999 resulted in an increase in operating expenses of close to 10
percent over the prior year's level, income of all types, led by a 29 percent increase in fundraising and other support revenues, rose by nearly
17 percent, resulting in an excess of income over expense of approxi-

mately $49,000.
Perhaps the crowning achievement of the year, and a catalyst
for the reemergence of the Pennsylvania Academy as a preeminent cultural institution as it approaches its third century, was the acquisition
of the Federal Building on the northwest corner of Broad and Cherry
Streets. This 11-floor, 300,000 square-foot structure, located directly
across Cherry Street from the famous Furness-designed Museum building, will create for tl1e first time in many decades a unified campus for
the Museum and the School. Among tl1e numerous benefits expected
from the redevelopment of this facility will be significantly more gallery
space; five floors dedicated to classrooms, studios and "crit" rooms;
much needed library expansion; a greatly enlarged Museum Shop and
a superb cafe. Moreover, the consolidation of the Academy's manageD EI\EK A . GI L LMA N

Executive Director
and Provost

ment team in one building will facilitate a dialogue and a greater spirit
of collaboration and collegiality than has been evident in the operation
of the institution in the recent past.
The Pennsylvania Academy's evolution over the past 200 years
has been dynamic, characterized by the most contemporary thinking
while imbued with reverence for its venerable heritage. We are confident that the creation of a first-class urban fine arts campus just two
blocks north of City Hall will position the Academy as the cultural
anchor to the northward extension of the Avenue of the Arts. We invite
you to visit PAFA often and savor some of the finest American art in
tl1e world.

Donald R. Caldwell


Joshua C. Thompson

Maxfield Parrish,

uring the ,umme<' of 1999, Philadelphia warmed to the brilliance
of an Academy alumnus named Maxfield Parrish. Parrish, America's
most popular artist of the early- to mid-twentieth century, studied at the
Academy from 1892 to 1894. The Museum's major exhibition of the year
was conceived by its Chief Curator, Sylvia Yount, who also authored an
academically important catalogue, one which subsequently entered a
second printing.
The sell-out Preview Gala on June 16, co-chaired by Women's
Committee members Connie Kay and Patricia Kermes, gave a foretaste
of things to come. A record number of visitors came to the Academy to
see the exhibition, which later traveled to New Hampshire and New
York. Many of the region's cultural institutions shared our enthusiasm
for Maxfield Parrish and held collaborative exhibitions and programs.
Participating were the Atwater Kent Museum, the Brandywine River


'Il'llstee Vice Chair and
'I}'easllrer /(evin Ii: Donohoe and
Be/sy Donoh oe at the Ma:vJield
Parrish Preview Gala.

Parrish Preview Gala g uests
William J. Sta ll/ramp, Trllstee
and retired Chairman Q{ lv[ellon
PSFS; S lisan Ravenscrof/; John
13. Barlletl, 'I}'lIstee; Gabriele W
L ee, 1}'lIstee; Richard S.
Ra venscrof/; MWJ'lv/acGregor
Mather; M w J' Lee Slallkamp;
Vivian 0. Polamkill, Trustee Vice
Chair; and Meyer P. Polamkin.

lv/a.,field Parrish-iI/spired mural
created by Academy allimna
Patricia Ingersoll is located at

Eleventh and Spring Garden



Museum, the Delaware Art Museum, the Free Library of Philadelphia,


the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Rosenbach Museum & Library,
and the.Woodmere Art Museum.


In the area of community outreach, the Academy collaborated
with the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department to create a
Parrish-inspired mural for the neighborhood surrounding Eleventh
and Spring Garden Streets. The creation of the mural, which was
funded by the Independence Foundation, was painted by Patricia
(Tish) Ingersoll, also an Academy graduate.
Another creative partnership specific to the Parrish exhibition
was the Maxfield Parrish Composers' Competition, which drew thirtynine chamber music compositions inspired by Parrish imagery. The
five outstanding works selected as winners were performed by the
Philadelphia Classical Symphony, our partner in the project, to a
standing room only audience in the exhibition space that had inspired
the composers.

PAFA recognized
interna tionally


Richard n< Graham and 'lh,slee
Mary P. Graham allhe Ma.7;/ield
Pat'rish Preview Gala.

Ma:!ifieidParrish, 1870-1966
receives international mafia

ver the last 195 yea". the Academy often has seized the attention of the national art community, but perhaps never more so than
in the past year. The Parrish exhibition received media coverage worldwide, with high profile pieces in Smithsonian, Town & Country,
Attache, the US Airways magazine, and the New York Times, as well
as virtually every area publication. Extensive television coverage
throughout the region included Channel 12's WI-IYY hourlong
"Maxfield Parrish's Dream Days," which brought the show home to
public television viewers, many of whom then made their way to
the exhibition.


Cecilia Beaux
acquisition is
capstone of her
holdings at PAFA

the fall of 1998, the painting Harold and Mildred Colton (1887),
an exquisite work by Cecilia Beaux, was purchased for the Museum's
permanent collection through the generosity of Captain J. Ferrell
Colton- a descendant of the subjects of the portrait-and Mrs. Colton.
Beaux, one of Thomas Eakins's most acclaimed students, was born and
raised in Philadelphia and studied here from 1877 to 1879. She became
the fIrst woman inst.ructor at the Academy in 1865, a position which
she held until 1916. The Museum possesses the largest collection of her
work in the nation, ranging from paintings and drawings to sketchbooks
and material objects. This most recent acquisition, which is Beaux's fIrst
double portrait of children, enhances the Academy's reputation as the
major center for the study of her life and art.

Membership rises

e year 1999 w", excellent in the area of membersbip, with the
ranks of those new Members swelling by a remarkable 47 percent from
1998. In addition to fIrst-time memberships, renewals of existing memberships also rose signifIcantly. Retention of Members is a high priority
for the institution, and we continue to work diligently to assure that bOtll
new and existing supporters have the best possible experience when
they visit the Academy. A special benefIt to Members is the opportuniLy
to preview exhibitions at the Academy before they open to the public.
New Members were welcomed with a breakfast reception at which
Daniel Rosenfeld, the Edna S. Tuttleman Director of the Museum, and
Derek Gillman, Executive Director and Provost, spoke to more than one
hundred people on tlle history of the Academy and its plans for upcoming exhibitions and programs.
The Collectors' Circle and the Charles Willson Peale Society
offer both new and established art collectors the opportunity to meet
and discuss their interests in art, to enjoy exper t lectures on a wide
range of topics, and to visit private collections and museum exhibitions.
Some of the stimulating trips sponsored during the year included: a

Cecilia Beaux
Harold and Jlll ildred Coiton


Visitors at the last day q{ Parrish.

Roberl. Coles I(qfes, winner oj
a 1999 William Emlen Cresson
Mem orial 'f)'avel Scholarship,
poses with his illstallation at the
/fnnual S I.L1dent E:l:hibitioll .

Nicei Graham, USArUsls98
Co-Chairs Lore 1't10 and Gale
Gillespie, Mayor Edward G.
Il endell, and Mark A. Graham,
Regional Vice President oj
H1illning ton 'l}'usl Qf

Pennsylvania, al l.he US/Jrtists98
Preview Gala.


reception and tour of Earl Horter and His Gang, an exhibition at the
Philadelphia Sketch Club; a behind-the-scenes tour at the Conservation
Center for Art and Historic Artifacts; and an excursion to Washington,


D.C. to see the John Singer Sargent show at the National Gallery of Art
and the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibition at The Phillips Collection.
During the year, the introduction of the "Young Friends ofPAFA"
(formerly known as the Contemporaries) has brought special excitement to the life of the institution. This group of members, age forty and
under, will be planning events of interest to a newer generation of art
lovers. Their inaugural event, a wine tasting at the Academy, was
extremely successful, with approximately 185 oenophiles in attendance.

Annual Student and
Graduate Thesis
draw enthusiastic

ve'fiow cmwds filled tbe Museum fo' the Pceview Reception of
the Annual Student and Graduate Thesis Exhibitions (ASE). The ASE is
the counu'y's oldest and largest student fme arts exhibition, showcasing
Academy students' paintings, sculphlre, prints and multi-media works.
In addition to the critical public exposure the students receive, the exhibition also provides a platform for them to compete for prizes and scholarships, as well as affords the public an opportunity to purchase emerging artists' work at reasonable prices.
Students exhibiting in the year-end exhibitions sold $130,265
worth of their artwork. Ten students won prestigious travel scholarships;
eight went to Western Europe, one to the Middle East, and one
to Eastern Europe. Jenny Kahn, MFA 1999, received the first Judith
McGregor Caldwell Purchase Prize, an endowment which allows the
Academy to purchase annually a work from a current student for the
permanent collection.

USArtists celebrates
seventh anniversary

ftec seven yea", the annual USArlist" The Ame";can Act
Exposition and Sale, sponsored by the Academy's Women's Committee,
Exceeds fund-raising continues to be a maj or event in the pantheon of Philadelphia benefit
events. Thousands of art afficionados from thirty-two states and Canada
again packed the Thirty-third Street Armory. Over a period of three days,
they examined, enjoyed and purchased American paintings, sculpture,
drawings and prints displayed by dozens of distinguished art dealers
from across the country.
USAl'tists was conceived specifically to promote and benefit
the Pennsylvania Academy. Each year, the sparkle of the Gala Preview
evening sets the tone for the run of the show, and this year was no
exception. Net proceeds from the event reached record levels, which the
Women's Committee generously contributed to the Academy to support
many educational programs in both the School and the Museum.

Public education
programs flourish

VisUol's enjoy art-making activities

in the Museum as a kickoff to the
SUIlOCO /lite/come /hnerica.!eslival.


Dallie/ Rosell/eld, Edlla S.
nat/eman Director 0/ the Museum,
spends lime w ith Bert

en and

friends at the holiday open house.

Vigorous role and
higher profile
for PAFA alumni


I n addition more than eighty special Parrish-related events held
during 1998-99, the Academy's Education and Audience Development
Department conducted an active yearlong schedule of programs for
families, schoolchildren, teachers and adults, delivered by artists, critics,
curators and art historians. A loyal corps of nearly fifty volunteer
docents is available to interpret all of the exhibitions for visitors every
day that the galleries are open. A greatly increased number of vol unteers are now helping throughout the Academy with everything from
greeting visitors to providing departmental assistance in the School.
In collaboration with PBS's landmark six-part series on
African-American culture, "I'll Make Me a World," the Academy mounted an exhibition of works by Afhcan-American artists from the permanent collection and hosted a panel discussion in collaboration with the
African American Museum in Philadelphia.
The Frank R. Veale Symposium was inaugurated in 1999,
tllrough the generosity of the Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation, as a
forum for American Studies graduate students. The Symposium represents a collaboration among Temple University, the University of
Pennsylvania and the Academy, and has been named for a longtime
former Academy Board member. The subject oftI1e first symposium was
"The American City," conducted under the guidance of autIlor Phillip
Lopate. Each summer,the Academy sponsors at least one travel and
study trip abroad. Last summer, Ireland's landscape and its rich culture
were tile objects of attention. An Academy group spent ten days with
faculty member Patricia Traub recording their Irish experiences and
observations from seaside cliffs to prehistoric burial chambers.
The Academy now offers selected studio courses at area art centers. These classes are taught by PAFA faculty and carry academic credit. Two lecture series were introduced this year, one is given in the galleries of the Barnes Foundation and consists of an examination of the
Barnes aestlletic approach designed specifically for educators; the other
is the American Art Lecture Series, a subscription series led by Museum
staff and guest lecturers addressing a variety of topics related to fue
permanent collection and exhibitions, including "Wyeth, Rockwell and
Parrish: The Golden Age of American Illustration?'

Uring the pas. year, the Academy made great strides in furthering its alumni relations efforts. The n ew position of Director of Alumni
Relations was created in September 1998 to oversee the development
of an institutional alumni association. Results in tlle first year of this
undertaking have exceeded expectations. Rapidly growing numbers of
alumni from across tile nation are corresponding with us through the
alumni page on the PAFA website and through tile quarterly Alumni
Newsletter. Regional alumni have par ticipated in numerous Academy




Faculty Member M urray Dessner
(P/IFA '65), Faculty }\I1ember Jan
Baltzell, Frederick S. Osborne,
Vice President of E:vtem al and
A LLlInni Affairs, and Faculty

Member Bruce Samuelson (PAFA
'68) are am ong those who attended a special preview Q{ The PAFA
Line at J. Cacciola Galleries in
New York Cit)'

events, including USArtists and a preview party for The PAFA Line, an

As part Q{ the Special Needs
Prograln, a j\1uscum, v isitor lakes
a touch tour of the coUec/.ion.

exhibition of work by five Academy alumni at the J. Cacciola Galleries in
New York City. An ad hoc Steering Committee has been established, and
plans call for that group to evolve into a permanent advisory body during
the coming year.
Other new initiatives include an annual alumni exhibition, a
juried show which this year featured work in the School Gallery by over
fifty-one alumni; discounts on studio classes and lecture series; free
Alumni Days in the Academy galleries; extra benefits for alumni who
become Members of the Academy; and two recently established painting
residencies: one at the Valerie Lamb Smith studio in Chester County and
the other at the prestigious Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont.
Alumni provided financial support in record numbers last year.
Not only did annual giving increase, but funding for specific scholarships
and prize funds grew as well. The Alumni Association is a channel
through which former students may again become directly involved with
their Alma Mater.

Academy addresses
issues of special
needs audiences


the Women', Committee (WOCO) playing a majo, adv"ory

role, the Academy has spent the past several years addressing the need

to adapt the Museum and School to individuals with special needs. An
institutional committee dedicated to increasing accessibility to PAFA met
regularly throughout the year. The following are some accomplishments
we are proud to report from 1998-99: gallery tours have been specifically
designed for individuals witll special needs; wheelchairs and FM hearing
assistance programs have been purchased; physical improvements have
been made to the wheelchair entrance at the rear of the building; and
the Academy is now ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant.
An endowed fund, established several years ago by tlle Women's

Committee to provide scholarships and materials for students with
special needs to participate in Continuing Education's studio classes,
nearly doubled because ofWOCO's generosity and commitment.
The juried exhibition of works by artists with special needsa distinguishing feature of USArtists - reached a crescendo last year,
in terms of both the quality of individual pieces and the installation.



Larry Day
Oil on canvas
Bequest of the Artist








Judith Sehaeehler, Faith/Works, '1998

Cecilia Beaux
Harold and Mildred
Oil on canvas
Gift of Captain and lVlI·s.
J. Ferrell Colton
James Peale
Susan Chambers Noble
Oil on canvas
Gift of Mary Josephine
Hitchcock, great-greatgrand-daughter of the
Darwin Nix
Oil on canvas
Anonymous Girt in
Memory of Janice Matz
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Stud:y jor "John Singer
Plaster medallion
Gift of Edward Sargent
Earl Horter
Etching and aquatint on
Joseph Edmond Molloy

Eugene Berman
Dancer (Romeo and
Juliet), 1942
Watercolor, gouache,
and ink on paper
Gift of Brooks and Nan
McNamara in memory of
Tom Neumiller
Francis Speight
Studiesjor "Schu:yllcill
Valle:y Town"
Graphite on paper
Gift of Claiborne T.
Smith , Jr.
David McShane
Peace on Earth
Pen and ink on mylar
GiJl of the Artist
Judith Schaechter
Linoleum cut on paper
Gift of the Artist
Emilio Cruz
Blue Cup oj No One
Oil, charcoal and
beeswax on panel
GiJl of Bernice
Steinbaum in honor of
Jonathan Binstock

Charles Cushing Wright
and Paul Peter Duggan
The Gilbert Stuart Medal
(American Art-Union)
Gift of Bernard Frank
Gilbert Stuart
Portrait oj "Philadelphia
Hannah" (The Viscountess
ca. 1785
Oil on canvas
Anonymous Gift in
Memory of Eleanor
Morgan Drorbaugh
Elaine De Kooning
Portrait oj "Jeb" (Jacob
ca. 1980
Oil on canvas
Gift of Barbara Schwartz
in m emory of her parents, Esther and Jacob
Adolf A. Dehn
Swinging at the Savo:y
Lithograph on cream
wove paper
Anonymous Gift in
memory of KC:W


Jacqueline Cotter
Oil on mylar
Pellllsylvarua Academy
Pm'chase Prize from the
101st Annual Fellowship
Jenny Kahn
Black and White
Photograph: New
Orleans, 1952
Collage, oil paint, and
resin on canvas
Judith McGregor
Caldwell Pmchase Prize

Emilio Cruz, Bille Cup oj No One


Sixty-five loose photographs and two photo
albums of Cecilia Beaux
Gift of the artist's great
niece, Cecilia Saltonstall
Scrapbooks and correspondence of Leroy
Wolfe (Philadelphia
Inquirer art critic, 1940s)
Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Stull

Jenny Kahn, Black and IFhile Photograph: New Orlealls, 1952, 1999

Exhibitions 1998/99


Short-Term Loans

Darwin Nix
June 15 - September 15,

lWaxJield Parrish,
Sylvia Yount
Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts
Published by
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

The Fields oj David Smith
Storm King Art Center
May 15 - November 1998

Nothing Personal: Ida
Applebroog, 1987-97
September 12, 1998 January 5, 1999
Judith Schaechter
September 18 November 29, 1998
Season's Greetings: Artists'
Holiday Cards
December 5, 1998 January 5, 1999
ParIes and Portraits: Dona
Nelson, 1983-1999
January 9 - March 7,
Collection Highlights:
Graphicsjrom the
Permanent Collection
by African-American
January 16 - April 18,
Jasper Johns' Map, 1961
March 5 - April 22, 1999
[Loan exchange with the
Museum of Modern Art]
Peter ]vlilton: Recent
March 12 - April 50, 1999
Maxfield Parrish, 18701966
June 19 - October 5, 1999
"Golden Age" Graphics
June 19 - October 5, 1999

David Smith
V.B. XXII, 1963
Welded Steel
New Worldsfrom Old:
Australian & American
Landscape Painting in the
19th Century
National Gallery of
Victoria, Melbourne
June - August 1998
Wadsworth Athenaeum
September - December
Corcoran Gallery of Art
January - March 1999
Thomas Birch
Fairmount Waterwor/es
Oil on canvas
George Bellows:
Love oj Winter
Columbus Musewn
of Art
July - September 1998
George Bellows
North River, 1908
Oil on canvas
l'v1ary Cassatt:
j'v1odern !¥oman
The Art Institute of
October 1998 - January
Musewn of Fine Arts,
January - May 1999
Mary Cassatt
Bacchante, 1872
Oil on canvas
Earl Horter: A Modernist's
Collection Lost and Found
Philadelphia Museum
of Art
March - May 1999
Earl Horter
Gerona, 1924
Pencil on off-white wove
Earl Horter
Toledo, ca. 1923
Oil on canvas


Jacqueline CottCI', A lula/ucia, ·1998

The l'v1useum as Muse:
Artis ts R iflect
Museum of Modern Art
March - June 1999
Charles Willson Peale
The Artist in His Museum
Oil on canvas
Am erica: The New World
in 19th Century Paintings
Osterreichische Galerie
Belvedere, Vienna
March - JWle 1999
George Bellows
North River, 1908
Oil on canvas
Thomas Sully
Major Thomas Biddle
Oil on canvas
Thomas Stuly
Mary McJ(ean Hoffman
Oil on canvas
Image and Memory:
Picturing Old New
National Musewn of
American Art
April 2 - August 1999
Charles Demuth
Bo.7: oj Tricles, 1919
Gouache and graphite on
composition board

The American Century:
Art and Culture, 1900 2000 (Part 1: 1900-1950)
Whitney Museum of
American Art
April - September 1999
Horace Pippin
John Brown Going to His
Hanging, 1942
Oil on canvas
John Twachtman: An
American Impressionist
Cincinnati Art Museum
June - September 1999
John Twachtman
Sailing in the Mist; 1893
Oil on canvas
Allegories: The Paintings
oj Ben Shahn, 1943-1962
Detroit Institute of Art
July - October 1999
Ben Shalm
Cat's Cradle in Blue
ca. 1959
Egg tempera on
composition board

Donors to the Museum and School
The Academy wishes to express
special appreciation to the
"Vornen's Committee whose
collective energies raised more
Ulan $500,000 this year.
Chairman's Circle
($25,000 and above)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andes
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Caldwell"
~lr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. Ke lmeth W. Gemrnillt
Mr. and Mrs. Le onard 1. Korman
Mrs. Henry S. McNeilt
Estate of John W. Merriam
MI'. and Mrs. BertTam L. O'NeiU
Mrs. Cha l'l es Rudy"t
Mr. and Mrs. E. Newbo ld Smith
MI'. and Mrs. Henry B. du P. Smith
Mr. Wayne A. Stork and Mr. Andrew
I-Iarln agle
MI'. and Mrs. Leonard A. SyU{"
Jerom e B. Wein stein, Esq.t
Preside nt's Council
($10,000 - $24,999)
MI'. Thomas M. Arl'asmith ITT
Mr. and Mrs. Winston J. ChW'chill
Jonathan L. Cohen and Allison B.
Ms. Barbara J. Golm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Graham C
Mrs. Rob ert A. Hauslohner*t
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Herring
MI'. and Mrs. Warren W. Kantor
MI'. a nd Mrs. Richar'd B. Lieb
Mrs. J. Mall,'we ll Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es R. Palmer
Drs. Meyer P. and Vivian O.
Potamkin C
MI'. Rob ert Quinn
MI'. Willard G. Rouse III
MI'. and Mrs. Richard S. Rueda
Ms. Mary Gregg and MI'. Jolm M.
Rya n
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Savitz C
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. SOI'genti
MI'. and Mrs. Stanley C. ThtUeman"
MI'. and Mrs. Harry Wallaesa
Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert G. Wild er
Thomas Ea ltins Society
($5,000 - $9,999)
MI'. a nd MI·s. John B. Bartlett"
Mr. and Mrs. Max N. Berry
MI'. Stewart R. Cades
Ms. DorotllY De l Bueno
Mrs. Samuel M.V_ Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenne th F. Herlihy"
Mrs. Harri e t B. Kravitz"
M1·S. Robert S. Lee , Sr. C
MI'. and Mrs. Herbe lt S. Riband, Jr_
MI'. and Mrs. Haro ld G. Schaeffer
MI'. and Mrs. Joshua C. Thompson
Mar'y Cassatt Society
($2,500 - $4,999)
MI'. and ~h·s . Frank G. Binswan ger, Jr.

Ml·. and Mrs. Robert Brya n

MI'. a nd Mrs. No rman Cohn C
Ml·. and Mrs. Rob ert A. Essner

Wendy and Lal'l'y A. Evans
Ms. Jane FortUlle
Lee and Rober t GUllther-Moh1'
MI'. N. Peter Hamilton
William T. Justice and MaJ'y Ann e
Dutt Justi ce
H. Craig Le\vis and Dianne L.
Semin gson
Mr. and Ml·s . David G. Marshall C
Linda and Eugene Holt Massey
Ms. Bea tri ce S. Pitcail'll"
Lo is and Jerry Rosenau C
Mary Augusta Biddle Scheetz
MI'. and Mrs. William J. Stallkamp
Ml·. and Mrs . James M. Stewart
MI'. an d Mrs. Cortright Wetherill , Jr.
MI'. Richard E. Woosnam
Ri cha rd B. Wol'l ey and Lesli e AJm
Charles Willson Peale Society
($1,000 - $2,499)
Lorrain e and Benjamin Alexander"
Linda Lee Al ter and Seymour
Medni ck
01'. and Ml·s. Gary J. Anderson
Peter A. a nd Felicity R. Benoliel
0 1'. HalTie! Berger"
01'. and Mrs. Wade H. Berretwli
Ms. Claire S. Be tz
Ml·. and Mrs. E. Stanley Bowers III
Ml·. and Mrs. William C. Buck
MI'. aJld Mrs. Robert L. Byers
Mrs. Pearl M. Carpel
Ms. Doris S. Casperc
MI'. and Mrs. Joseph L. Castle II
Ms. Kam Louise Coleman"
Mr. Dennis Colgan
Charles and Joann Collnlan
MI'. and Ml·s. Joseph G.J. Connolly
Miss Maude de Schauensee
J u li a and Darrell DeMoss
MI'. aJld Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, Jr.
Mrs. F. W. Elliott Farr
MI'. and Mrs. A. CaJter Fergusson
01'. and Mrs. Stuart Fine
Lois and Doug Fischer
Mr . aJld Mrs. Robert A. Fox
Ms. Chriswle L. Fraley
MI'. aJld Mrs. JOh11 A. Fry
MI'. and MI·s. Paul Gansky
01'. and Mr s. Geoffrey A. Gardin e r
MI'. and Mrs. William Y. Giles
M1·. a nd Mrs. Bru ce A. Gill espi e
Ms. Linda S. Goodman
Carole F. Haas
Mr. and Ml·s. John G. I-larkin s, Jr.
MI'. and Mrs. David F. HoffmaJl
Mr. and Mrs. AdriaJl S. Hoop er
MI'. Bru ce H. Hooper
Susan and Marc Howard"
Ms. Angela V.B. Hudson
Elizabetll and Graham Hum es c
01'. and Ml·s. Leonard Jarett
Betty Wo ld Johnson aJld Douglas F.
Mr. Van ce JordaJl


Donald R_ Caldwel4 Chait; Board oj Trustees; /Jnge/a V.B. Hudson, Senior Vice
President oj Sotheby's; Richard S. Rueda, Co-Chair oj the Wine /Juction alld
PAFA Trustee; and Zoe Rueda.
Ml·. and Mrs. Jul es Kayc

Patricia and Philip Kind
01'. and Mrs. Morton M. K1i german
Mr. and Ml·s. Leonard Krouse
Ml·s. B. Gordon Landis
Ml·. Bria n Law'enti
Ms. Frances Rein er Lax
01'. and Mrs. Norman Locke
MI'. and Mrs. Gene Locks c
Ml·. and Ml·s. Willirun G. Luff, Jr.
Ml·. and Mrs. Lawrence E. MacElree
MI'. and Ml·s. A. Bruce Mainwaring

01'. and Mrs. Morton S. Mand e ll"
Mr. and Mrs . Cha l'l es E. Math e r III C
Ml·. and Ml·s. Peter McCaus land
MI'. and Ml·s. Joseph McEwen
MI'. a nd Mrs. John B. McGowan
Ml·. and Mrs_ Al le n J. Model
Mrs. Constance Cook Moore"
Estate of Doris M. Mumby"
Mr_ and Ml·s. Kelmeth Mumma
01'. and Ml·s. John Brien Murphy
Mrs. Betty Musser c
Mrs. Na ncy Marcus Newman"
Mr. James P. O'Brie n C
MI'. and Ml·s. Robert E. O'Connor
Mr. and Ml·s. ShaUll F. O'Malley
MI'. W. Gres ham O'Mall ey III
Mr. and Ml·s. David N. Pincus
MI'. a nd Ml·s. Charles P. Pizzi
Ms. Deen a Popowi ch
MI'. a nd Mrs. Ri chard S.
Ravenscroft C
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Richardson C
M1·. and Mrs. Edwa rd Rorer
01'. and Ml·s. Karl F. Rugart
Ml·. Howard Sacks
Ml·. and Ml·s. Robert D. Schwarz
Ml·. and Ml·s. George W. Scud der, Jr.
Mrs. Joan K. Shore
Patty Husso and Vin cent SmitllDurham
MI'. and Mrs. Edward Snid er"
MI'. a nd Ml's, Edwa l'd L. Snitzer
Ml-. and Ml's. Kw'! M. Soukup
01'. a nd Mrs. Bayard T. Storey
Ml'. and Ml's. John Thalll einl er

Ml's. I-Iarrison Thel'lnan
MI'. and Ml's. Bruce E. Toll
Ms. Lynn Norley and Mr. Jay H.
To lson
MI'. and Ml's. AJ'chbold D.
van Be uren
Mrs. Ri chard J. Walsh
Mr. and Ml's. J. Hoffe Wike II
Hutll W. and A. Morris Williams, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. SaJl.key V. Williams
Mr, and Ml'S. Albert E. Wolf
MI'. and Mrs. David W. Wright
Ml'. and Mrs. AndJ'ew N. Yao c
Debbie and Jim Zug
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Zug
Fri ends ($100 - $999)
Mrs. Jane AbrahaJTIs
Mr. and Ml's. Joe Abriola
Ms. Stacey Ackerman
MI'. and Mrs. Cary Ahl , Jr.
MI'. and Mrs. Walter M. Aikman c
Mrs. Berkeley Bayne Al{e"
MI'. John N. Al{e
MI'. and Ml's, Harri s C. Aller, Jr.
MI'. and Mrs. Herbert AJlnlan
Ms. Edna AJldrade"
Ml'. George AJ-nold
Ms. Jean AshbW'n
Mari lyn and Robert Asp lundh
Mrs. EdwaJ'd K. Asplundh
Ml'. George R. Atterhlu'y
01'. and iVlrs. Robert Austrian
Ms. Karen Azarian
MI'. and Ml'S . WaIteI' p, Babich
Dr. Benjanli.n Bacharach
MI'. William G. Baer II
MI'. and Ml's. Jam es Bm'ends
Mrs. Carol iVl. Barker
Mrs. He rbel't Bal'lless
Ms. Diana Barringer
MI'. and Mr s. Gerald P. Barth
Donald and Falmya Bean"
Mrs. Joseph T. Beardwood !II
01'. and Mrs. A.G . Beam
Mrs. Charles Beckel', Jr.t
Ms. JOaJl A. Beckel'



01'. Martin G. Begley
MI'. and Mrs. Philip H. Behr
01'. and Mrs. Jere R. Behrm an
Mr. and Mrs. James Benenson, Jr.
MI'. Perry Benson
Mr. Albert J. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. He nry Berkowitz
Drs. Perry and Ellen Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Be rnstein
]\III's. Dene K. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Bernstein
Ms. Grace A. Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jolm D. Bick
Mr. an d Mrs. Ernest L. Biddle, Jr. *
MI'. Wilbe r Billingslea
Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Binswanger
Ms. ShaLl11a Binswanger
Morris J. Birnbaum and Barbara
Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr.
Mrs. Joan B. Bitzer'
Miss Joan Blackbw'n t
Ms. Carol B. Blank
MI'. and Mrs. Henry Blask
Katherine and Don Blenko
lVlI·. and Mrs. Alan D. Bleznak
MI'. and Mrs. Alvin Block
01'. and Mrs. David Blom
lVlI'. a nd Mrs. Chal'les J. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Blumb erg*
Mr. Louis Blu ver
Jean G. and James F. Bodille
Mrs. Gideon Boericke
Ms. Jennifer Bofinger
Mrs. Josephine Borie
Mr. Peter Borie
Ms. "Vendy Smith Born
Ms. Kristin D. Bottrell
MI'. and Mrs. NaUlaniel R. Bowditch
MI'. and Mrs. David S. Boyer*
MI'. Frank Boyer
MI'. Bruce Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Breckenridge
]\Ill'. and Mrs. Newton Brenner
MI'. Ira Bri.nd
Mr s. Edie Wells Bristol
Ms. Debra G. Brodsky
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Bromley
Ms. Ali ce I-I. Brown
Ms. Cecilia M. Browll *
]\IlI·s. JelTrey Scott Brown *
Mrs. W. Thacher Brown
Miss Vera D. Bl'llesUe
Ms. Elva Brusca
MI'. James H. Bryson
MI'. Micah Buchdahl
MI'. and Mr s. G. AJJen BuITum*
Mrs. Rebecca E. Bunkint
Mr. M. Alan BW'ke
MI'. and Mrs. Steph en B. BW'ke
MI'. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett C
Ms. Janet BlU'nham
Ms. Donna Ford Bush
Ms. Karol Wasylyshyn an d
MI'. Ken Butera
Robert J. Butera and MarilYll Sirrol'd
Bruce and Barbara BYl'ne
Ms. Giuliana Calabi
MI'. and ]\IlI·s. Gary Calderwood
Mr. Amh'ew B. Camp bell

Ms. Pamela S.K. Cam pb ell
MI'. and Mrs. Ch.ristopher A. Ca nn on
MI'. and Mrs. Connell C. Can non
Jerome and Judith Caplan
MI'. and Mrs. vVilliam R. Carabasi
Ms. M. Virginia Carl'
Mr. James T. Carson
MI'. Howard M. Casper
MI'. Lee A. Casper
Ms. Sa ra A. Cerato
Ms. RUUl S. ChalJ1n C
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cheston, Jr.
Nelly and Scott Childress
Mrs. Gladys York Christensen *t
Mr. Joseph Ch udn orr
Ms. Pruden ce S. Churchill and Mr.
Lawrence Plw11Iner
MI'. and Mrs. Edward Taws Claghol'll
lVII'S. He becca Clark
Margaret and Mancha Clews*
MI'. a nd Mrs. Greg Clowe r
Mrs. Wynrhys E. Coghl an
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cohen
Ms. Nancy W. Cohen
Mr. mld Mrs. Michael D. Collester
Ms. Denise Co llin s
MI'. and Mrs. Ma rvin Comisky
0 1'. and Mrs. Robert H. Condon
Ms. Colette Conner
Mrs. Nancy L. Connor
Janet Cooke
MI'. and Mrs. Peter Cooke
Mr. Richard Coo per
Mr. Edward W. Coslett, Jr.
Ms. Janine A. Cosl ett-Yass*
MI'. and Mrs. Charles Crawley
MI'. Anthony B. Creamer III
Ms. Nadia Cuckler
MI'. an d Mrs. Joh.n CW1I1ingham
An n and Joel CuUer
Ms. Natalie D'Egidio
Ms. Anne d'I-lm'n oncourt
Diane and John Paul Dalsime r
MI'. a nd Mrs. Harold Da\~s
MI'. and Mrs. Peter A. Day
MI'. and Mrs. Willis S. De La Cow'
MI'. a nd Mrs. Cha rl es de Hham
lVlI'. John J. De Vli eger'
Mrs. Rogel' B. Decker
Mrs. C. Paul Denckla
MI'. an d Mrs. Arnold E. Denton
Mrs. HaYlnond DenworUl
MI'. Victor Diamond
Liz Price and Leonardo Diaz
Mrs. Rita Dillard
Barbara Vasco a nd Richard DiLullo
Drs. Jan and Anni ck Do err
Mrs. J. David Donahower*
MI'. Jim Donohue
Mr. and Mr s. G. Morris
Dorrance, Jr. C
Ms. G. L. Doyl e
MI'. Edward C. Driscoll
Mrs. Thom as D. Duan e
Mrs. Joseph N. DuBarry rv
MI'. and Mrs. Joseph Duckworth
Bel'lladette and Paul Duny
MI'. an d Mrs. Donald H. DuITy'
Mr. David DurolU'


Dr. and Mrs. Al bert Dzuba
Leslie and Ern est Eadeh*
MI'. and Mrs. Sean J. Egan
Ms. Les lie Ehrin*
Mrs. Harriette W. Ehrli ch
Ms. Hochelle Eisen berg
01'. and Mr s. Willi am L. ELkins
lVlI·. and Mr s. Otis W. Erisman C
MI'. Ne lson 1-1. Evans
Mr . and Mrs. Leonar'd EveJev
MI'. and Mrs. George S. Fabian
Ms. DeboraJl A. Fahey
Mrs. Philip F.N. Fanning*
Mrs. Anlla P. Farm er*
Marlin and Lyl1llC Feldman
Ms. Susan Felkel'
June and Donald FelJey
Ms. Happy Fernan dez
Mr. mld Mrs. David Field
Louis S. Fi ne, Esq.
01'. and Mrs. Michael Fineberg
Ms. Juli a A. Fin eman
MI'. and Mrs. Cal'los Fink
Ms. Amy Finl,elstein
Ml·. Bl'llce Finlayson
MI'. and Mrs. William E. Fischelis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward l<'ischer
Hobert S. Fish el', M.D.
Mrs. Thomas Fishel', Jr.
Ml·s. Thomas Fleming
]\11'. and Mrs. Robert T. Foleyc

Ms. Ma rguerite Ford
MI'. a nd Mrs. Oliver M. Ford
Wendy and Walter Foulke C
Mr. and Mrs. Ri chard J. Fox
0 1'. and Mrs. Hobert L. Frank
Mr. Meh')~l Freid
01'. Eli zabeth G. French*
MI'. and Mrs. Timothy Frey
Ml·. and Mrs. P. Richard Friedel'
Mrs. Sam uel Friede l'
MI'. Stanton \-1. Friedman C
MI'. Chal'les J. Frith, Jr. *
Ms. Wendy ji'riLz
Mr. an d Mrs. O. Jolm l<'nchs, Jr.
MI'. and Ml·s. Lance T. Fwlston
MI'. Fred B. Gable
MI'. and Ml·s. Moore Gates, Jr.
MI'. and lVlI·s. HusselJ Gazzara
Mr. Chal'les H. Gelu'e t
MI'. an d Mrs. Joh.n Gelu'et
01'. a nd Ml·s. Thomas A. Gennal'elli
Esther Ge rhard
Ms. Katharine C. Gerrity II
Dr. and lVlI·s. Irvin M. Gerson C
Mrs. Carol Gerst/ey
Ms. Dorothy Gilbert
Miss Eli zabeth W. Gillies
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ginl bel
Ms. Bar'bara Gisel
Ms. Bebe Glick
Ms. Sharon Goerlitz

Elain e De Kooning, Porlrait. oj '1cb" (Jacob Schwarlz), ca. 1980


Dr. Estelle Gold-Kossman
Mrs. Sherwood Goldberg C
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Goldstein
Ms. Elizabe th H. Goldwater
Gertrude Feldman Goodman t
Jane and Weston Goodnow'
Ms. Harriet BeloIT Goodwin
Mrs. Betty N. Gordon C
Drs. Janice and Kenn e th H.
Gordon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Francis 1. Gowen
Mr. Charles B. Grace'
Ms. Julia C. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour W. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Greenfield, Jr.
Ms. Joanne Greenspun
Mr. John C. Gregory, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Perry Gresh
Mr. J. Stephen Griffey
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Gross,
Dr. and Mrs. Paul K. Gross
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon H. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guggenheim'
Dr. Gene D. Guill and Susan Eaton
Ms. Dorothy M. Guinn
Ms. Barbara Gyde
Jolm C. and Chara C. Haas
John and Mary Ellen Hagner
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hahn
Ms. Karen A. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Halloran
Mrs. Paul C. Harbeson
Ms. Kimberly A. Haren
Miss Armason Harrison C
Mr. John L. Harrison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. William Harrity, Jr.
Mr. Jolm Hastings
Arlene and James Hathaway
Mrs. J-liIarie V. Hawley"
Mrs. Johnston Hayward
Mr. and Mrs . James Heaney
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Heilman 3rd
Mrs. Dorothy P. Heindel
Mr. and Mrs. John Hellebrand
Mr. and Mrs. J. Welles Henderson
Mr. John Henn
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour I. Hernes
Mrs. Melva Herrin
I.\Ilr. and Mrs. H. Ober Hess
Dr. A. Clinton Hewes
Mr. and Mrs. L. Harvey Hewit
Ms. lkuyo Higuchi"
Ms. Hilary L. Hinchman
Mr. and Mrs . Ralph F. Hirschmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. HolTman
Dr. J. David HolTman
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Holsclaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon W. Homeier
Mrs. Jeanette W. Hoover
Ms. Lee Horne
Mr. Peter A. Horty
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hovey
J.\Ih'. J. Wade Howard , Jr.
Mrs. Katharine K. HoyleI'

Mrs. Heru'y Lea Hudson'
Dr. and Mrs . Eric Hume
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. Wayne Hunt
Ms. Dinah J. Huntoon
Mrs. Nancy Gardner Huston
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. Ivan Inerfeld
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. H. Warren Ingersoll
Mary L. and Henry T. Inman, Jr.
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. Robert Isen
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. Jim Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ivins
J.\Ih'. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.
J.\Ih'. Orton P. Jackson
Mr. Karsten Jacobsen
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. Richard A. Jacoby
Mrs. Josef JalTe' C
Ms. De nise Je rvis
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. J. Wade Jones
Mrs. Charles Kahn, Jr.
Susan Lessack and JeITrey Kahn
Ethel and Martin Kanter
William and Margie Kanupke
Mr. Lawrence M. Karlin'
J.\Ih·s. Selma Katz
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Kauffman
Mrs. Arthur C. Kaufmann
Mrs. Eva M. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Keene
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. Brian T. Keim
Mrs. Frank K. Kelemen
Mrs. James B. Kelley III
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. Howard Kellogg
Drs. Jeane and John Kelly
J.\Ih'. Paul E. Kelly, Jr.
J.\Ih'. and Mrs. Robert W. Ke nnedy
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. James L. Kermes
Mr. Thomas K. Kilkenny
Ms. Mary Kilroy Pogach C
Dr. Amelia Rocco Klein
J.\Ih·s. Raymond IUein C
Paula and Tom lGine
Ms. Shirley G. Klin e
Ms. Alison Douglas Knox
Ms. Mary Jane Walte rs Knox *
John W. and Beverley Kolb
J.\Ih'. Kenne th D. Kopple
J.\Ih·s. Leon Korngold
Mrs. Irving KoslolT c
Malcolm A. Kram, D.V.M.
Ms. Alanna Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kramer
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. Martin Kreithen'
Ms. Lynne Kroiz-Solomon
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. David C. KW'kowski
J.\Ih'. and Mrs. Herb ert Kurtz
Mr. JeITrey T. Kuswni
G. Clayton Kyle, M.D.
J.\Ih·s. Beatrice Ball Landenbe rger
Ms. Mary M. Lane
Dr. Marc S. Lapayowker
J.\Ih·s. W. Mifflin Large
Alan and Deena J. Gu Laties'
Mr. John A. Lawler'
Ms. Alison R. Lazerwitz
Ms. Sandra Lazovitz
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. Clu'istophe r Le Vine
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. John Le Bow'geois
Mrs. Richard W. Ledwith
Mr. and Mrs. B. Herbert Lee
Ms. Law'a Lee


Dr. and Mrs. Roy T. Lefl\Oe
Miss Sydney AIm Lefl\Oe
Mr. Robe rt P. Leiby, Jr.
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
J.\Ih" and Mrs. Edward Leisenring
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. Gerry Lenfest
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levin
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. Robert P. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Ms. Joanna McNeil Lewis
Ms. Linda C. Wingate and Mr.
William P. Liberi
Ms. Rosemary H. Lignelli
Ms. Tai Ling
J.\Ih·s. R. Schuyler Lippincott
Ms. Patr icia E. Lipschutz
Mrs. Clifton Lisle
Mr. and Mrs. John Lisle, Jr.
Mrs. Nathaniel Litt C
J.\Ih' and Mrs William G. Littleton II
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. S. Gerald Litvin
Ms. Cathey Lizzio'
Mr. Robert W. Loder c
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thacher Longstreth
J.\Ih'. and Mrs. Ronald Lorch
Mr. and J.\Ih·s. James Losty
Felicia and Bruce Lovelett
Kenneth M. Lynch
Anne S. and George Lyons
Mrs. Julius A. Mackie, Jr.
J.\Ih'. and J.\Ih·s. Mark H. MacQueen

Mrs. Louis C. Madeira
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Madzin, Jr.
J.\Ih'. and Mrs. Lee Maimon
J.\Ih'. Frank Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mangel C
Ms. Dorothy R. B. Manou
Lawrence N. Margel
Mr. JeITrey W. Margolies C
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A.
Margolies' C
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Marks
Joel L. and Alexis Berg Marmar
Dr. and Mrs. Leigh Marsh
Ms. Sandra Rosin Martin
Ms. Sarah M. Martin
Ms. JoAnn Flynn Massengill
J.\Ih'. and Mrs. Victor C. Matller II
Mr. and Mrs. David Matthews
J.\Ih'. Chester L. Maxwell, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McAdoo
Dr. and J.\Ih·s. David McCarthy
Mr. John F. McCloskey, Jr.
Ms. Arme Elizabeth McCollum C
Arma Brelsford McCoy and C.
Patrick Mundy
Mrs. Patricia McCurdy
Jessica Scofield, winner Q{ a 1999
1. Henry Schiedt iV1emorial Travel

Scholarship, poses in/ront 0/ her portrait
at the Annual Student E:chibition.

Hon. and Mrs. John J. McDevitt III
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice McDonald, Jr.
Mr. Kevin McGuinness
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McIlvain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. McKeel C
Ms. Anita McKelvey
Ms. Betty W. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Pe ter McNeely
Dr. and lVirs. Henry Meigs
Edward and Euzabeth Meyer'
James and Wendy Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meyerson
Ms. Karen L. Michele
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Miles
Jill and Alan Miller
Mr. Daniel D. Miller, Jr:
Mr. Harvey S. Shipley Miller
John A. and Gainor I. Miller'
Shirley G. and Mitchell W. Miller
Ms. Rosalie C. Miller
Ann F. and Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
Mr. Joseph A. Minoll, Jr.
Ms. Helen P. Mirkil"
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mitchell
Mrs. Henry Mitchell
Mr. and 1\ Edward A.
Montgomery, Jr.
Leslie and Brian Moody
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moran, Jr. C
Ms. Anselene M. Morris
Mrs. Lillian Morris
Mrs. Marguerite H. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Morsman
Mr. Robe rt E. Mortensen
Jane t and John Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mufson
Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert H. Mundheim"
Erik and Esther Murer
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mw·phy
Mr. Michael Murtha
Ms. Mary Donald Nagle
Mrs. Joan Naide
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Naples
Mrs. Mousa F. Natan
M.r. and lVll·s. Robert E. Naylor
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Neal
Mr. Albert P. Neilson
Meta and Benjamin Neilson
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Mr. Paul Nemeth
Ms. Sara Nerken
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nesbiltlll
Mr. and Mrs. Clement 13. Newbold, Jr.
Mr. Andrew Newman
Ms. Ida Newman c
Charles W. Nichols, M.D.
Mr. David P. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Northeimer
Ms. Barrie Novak
Mr. Joseph A. O'Connor, Jr.
Ms. ElizabeUl Anne O'DoIUlell
Mr. Hobert J. O'Shea, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Washburn S.
Obe rwager
Ms. Deborah T. Oblath
Mr. and Mrs. Jason G. Ochroch
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oehrle
Ms. Faye S. Olivieri
Ms. ElizabeUl Osborne
Dr. a nd Mrs. B. Perry Oltenb erg

Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Owings
Mr. Raymond S. Page, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf A. Paier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Pappas
Mr. and· Mrs. William C. Palle rson C
Mr. Thomas B. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge L. Pelaez
Mr. and Ml·s. Stuart S. Peltz
Ms. Mary V. Pendleton
Ml·. J. Liddon Pe nnock C
Marsha and Jeffrey Pe relman
Ms. Susan M. Pertl
Ml·s. Eleanor R. Peterson
Alec and Leah Petro
Ms. Lynda P. Petrov"c
Mr. and Ml·s. David Peyster'
Miss Margaret E. Phillips
Ms. Marilyn Pie ty
Ms. Carol Brynne Pillion
Mr. Ronald R. Piselli
Ms. Pilar Poal and Mr. Jim Piasecki
Mr. and Ml·s. David Popowi ch
Miss Mary N. Porte r
Mr. and Ml·s. Richard A. Powers
Gene E.K. and Hobert L. Praller
Ml·s. Robert S. Pressman c
Ml·. and Ml·s. Phillip Charles Pulley
Eileen and Peter Quinn
Ml·. and Ml·s. Samuel Rabinowitz
Ms. Lama B. Radosh
Dr. Edward C. HaJTensperger
Mrs. Nancy B. Ratner
Ms. Gale Hawson
Ml·. Cleveland D. Rea, Jr.
Mrs. J. Pancoast ReaUl
Mr. and Ml·s. Thomas J. Reilly, Jr.
Dr. and Ml·s. Myron E. Resni ck
Ms. Diane M. ReY1lO lds
Mr. Walter Rich
Miss Marie A. Richards
Peter and Harriet Richardson
Ms. Rosalyn C. RiclUllan
RUUl and AUred H. Riddell
Ml·s. Wallace Ri es"
Ms. Ann Riggan
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rigterink
Mr. J. Barton Riley
Ml·. W. Phelps Ril ey
Mrs. Stephen A. Rill, Sr. C
Mr. and Ml·s. Bayard H. Robe rls
Ms. Ellen Ann Hoberts
Mr. James KeiUl Hoberts
Ms. Jean S. Ho bertson
Dr. and Ml·s. Harold J. Hobinson"
Drs. Dante and Frederica Roccario
Dr. and Ml·s. Paul M. Roediger'
Mr. and Ml·s. Hobert Hoelofs
Ml·. and Ml·s. David C. Rogers
He nrie tte and John Rogers"
Ms. Lila Hoisman
Mr. Joseph M. Holand
Suzanne Hoot, Esq.
Dr. and Ml·s. Francis E. Rosato
Ms. Elizabeth Rose-Bryant
Mr. Mitchell Brownstein and lVll·.
Harris Hose n C
Mr. Gary Rosenau
Mr. and lVll·s. Michael Rosenberg
Joel and Joan Rose nbloom
Ml·. Ed ~vin Hosen Ulal


Mr. Benjamin J. Rosin
Mr. Stephen Roth
Mrs. Arnold L. Rothman
Dr. Bernard N. HOlhman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rothman
Ms. Patricia Hoyston
Ms. Carole J. Rubins"
Ms. Cynthia D. Rugart
Ml·. and Mrs. Norman F.S. Russell, Jr.
Mr. Rocco E. Russo
Dr. and Ml·s. Steven S. Ryave
Dr. Barbara M. Sachs
Ml·s. Katharine Grove Sailer"
Ml·. Lois Salerno
Ms. Patricia Sallnon
Ms. Jane t S. Saltzman
Ml·s. Doris Samitz C
Ml·. and Ml·s. Jeffrey P. Sammak'
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanderson
Mrs. Jacqueline Sarlo-Weiss
Mrs. Fmnces W. Saulnier
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan H. Sa va dove
Ms. Elizabeti1 O. Savage
Ml·. Peter Saylor
Stephen and Toby Schachman
Ms. Barbara W. Schaff"
Mr. Charles W. Schelke
Mr. and Mrs. James Scherrer
E. Loraine and Roxanna SclUinun
Ml·. and Mrs. James A. Schnaars c
Ms. Marillyn Beechman Schnall
Mr. Roberl Schoenberg
Mr. and Ml·s. William H. Schorling
Mary Lou and Jack Schuerger
Dr. and Ml·s. M. William Schwartz
Mrs. Frank S. Schwarz C
Dr. and Ml·s. Edward M. Scolnick C
Mr. Bill Scott"
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Scolt
Mr. Jam es A. Scotl
Mrs. Hulh Scollc
Inez and Dick Scribner
Ml·. and Mrs. Irving R. Segal

Ms. Doris Segel
Mr. and Ml·s. Hobert Seidel
Ursula L. Seinige, M.D: and Claude
P. Lieber, M.D.
Mr. Laure nce Selinger
Ms. Susan Selverian
Ml·. David S. Senoff
Dr. and Mrs. William Serber
Ms. Georgia Shafia
Ms. Gabri elle Shain
Ml·. Edward O. Shakespeare III"
Marc J. Sonnenfeld and Marcye
Mr. and Mrs. Jerom e Shestack
Elizabeth D. Shevlin, Esq. C
Mr. and Ml·s. Samuel R. Shipley lIIc
Mr. Keith Shively
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Showier
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Siegel
Mr. Sidney Silber
Mr. Stuart N. Harting and Mr. Lance
Drs. Willys and Abigail Silvers
Ml·. and Mrs. Morlon Simkins
Ml·. WalTen H. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. Dolph Simons
Ms. Cynthia K. Sinclair

Mr. and Ml·s. Laird Slade
Ml·. and Ml·s. Frank P. Slattery, Jr.
Ml·. Louis B. Sloan"
Ms. Janet W. Smith"
Ms. Josephine Smith"
Hether and Donald Smith
Ml·. Richard W. Snowden
Ml·. and Mrs. Martin Snyde r
Ml·. Martin P. Snyder
01·. and Ml·s. Howard Snyder
Mrs. Arthur Sohnssen
Ml·. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sordoni III
lVll·. Alberl Spendlove
Ellen Harvey and Tad Sperry
Ml·s. Blair D. Stambaugh
Miss Irene T. Slankiewicz
Ml·. Wiluam P. Starr, Jr.
Dr. and Ml·s. Sidney J. Stein
William and Jill Steinberg C
Ml·s. Nicholas N. Stephanoff
Leste r Steppacher, M.D.
Ml·s. Corinne H. Stone
Ml·. and Ml·s. John Stowell
Margaret Harris and Phil Straus
Ms. Dolores A. Strickland
Ml·s. Clare Stuempfig"
Ml.. Michael Sudofsky
Ml·. and Ml·s. Charles A. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee
Ml·. Gemrd H. Sweeney
Dr. and Ml·s. Albert Tama
Drs. Mary Louise Krumrine and
James TanUllen
Ml·s. Herbert K. Taylor, Jr.
Jeanne A. Taylor, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Taylo/c
Ml·s. Evelyn Tecosky
Ml·. S. Robert Teilelman
Ml·. Michael L. Templeton
Ms. Susan Thomas
Ml·s. M. Wright Tilghman
Dr. Richard S. Tobey, Jr. "
Geraldine and John Tom
Ml·. William H. Toner
Ms. Anna Coxe Toogood
Ml·. and Ml·s. Hobert L. Trescher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'II·ier
Ml·. Robert 'II·oslel
Mr. Pilillip A. TUI·berg
Drs. Barbara J. Tw·ner and
Francisco Gonzalez-Scarano
Ml·. and lVll·s. Jonathan Tw·ner
Ml·. Edwin E. Tuttle
Mr. and Ml·s. Drew Tye
Mr. Michael E. Tyler
Mr. John R. Urofsky
Ms. Pamela T. Van Dyck
Ml·. J. F. Van Horn, Jr.
Ms. Arnie Van Hallie
Ml·. Hob ert Ventw·i, Jr.
Pat and Tom Vernon
Mr. and Ml·s. Morton Victor
Ms. Nancy Vogt
Ml·. William T. Vogt
Mr. William G. Walkup
Dr. Rob ert J. Wallner"
Mrs. Mary Collins Warner'
Ml·s. Clark Warren
Ms. Hele n S. Weary

01'. and Mrs. George D. Webster
Hon. and Mrs. Charles R. Weinel'
Mildred L. and Morris L. Weisberg
Arnold and Beverly Weiss
Ms. Tricia Wellenbach
Mrs. Susan W. Wes t
MI'. and Mrs. WilHam West
IvIr. Henry J. Widmaier*
Mrs. C. Martin Wilbur
Mrs. CeceHa Wildstein
MI'. Horace E. WilHams
Mary Katharine and William
Mrs. R. N. Williams II
Mr. David R. Wilmerding, Jr.
Ms. Wendy E. Wilson C
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Windt
Ms. Anne Winn
Ms. Carmine Winters
Mrs. EUlel B. Wister
Mr. Rob ert P. Withel's*
Lisa Witomski'
Mr. D. Colman Witte
Ms. CaroUne Bertha Willman
Mrs. Fred Wolf, Jr.
Mrs. Mmiel R. Wolgin
Ms . Emily C. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. WilHam P. Wood, Jr.
Diana and George Woodward*
Mr. Thomas C. Woodward
Mrs. Ethel C. Worth t
Mrs. Polly H. Wulsin
MI'. and Mrs. Charlton Yarnall n
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Zaslow
Mr. and Mrs. V. Scott Zelov
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Zimmerman
Ms. Raezelle Zinman
Mr. Michael Zuckerman
Gift In-kind Contributions
Carey Limousine
Ms. Rosemary Davis
GambUn Artist Colors Co.
Jimmy Duffy and Sons, Inc.
Neiman Marcus
Th e Plastic Club
The PI'int Center
Mr. Langhorne B. SmiUl
Dr. and Mrs. Erwin M. Sangia
Valley National Gases, Inc.

Corporate Sponsors
($25,000 and above)
First Union National Bank
Mellon Bank PSFS
Student Finance Corporation
Wilmington 1)'ust of Pennsylvania
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Inc.
Corporate Patrons
($15,000 - $24,999)
Brandywine Asset Management, Inc.
PECO Energy
Safeguard Scientifics, Inc.
SEI Investm ents

Corporate Benefactors
($10,000 - $14,999)
Brandywine Realty Trust
The Flynn Company
Integrate d Systems Consulting
The Rittenhouse Trust Company
Sun Company, Inc.
Systems & Computer Technology
Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen
Corporate Council
($5,000 - $9,999)
Cmss ALlantic Cap ital Partners
Delaware Investments
J&H Marsh & McLennan, Inc.
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Peppel' Hamilton LLC
Pinnacl e Capital GJ"Oup
Rohm & Haas Company
Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul
Wilkie Chevrolet Buick Subaru
Corporate Associates
($2,500 - $4,999)
American Home Produ cts
Bell AUantic-Nynex, Inc.
Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP
J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc.
KSM Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Baxter & Associates
Sovereign Bancorp, [nco
Te lenex Inc.
Trans Freight Systems, Inc.
Corporate Friends
(Gifts to $2,499)
Equity Office Properties n'ust
Fow' Seasons Hotel
Johnson & JolUlson
Korn/Ferry International
Parkway Corporation
Philadelphia Beltline Railroad
Philadelphia Submban Water
Stouffer & Ryan , P.C.
Wheat First Union
Winsor & Newton, In c.

Meyer Eglin joins Joshua C. Thompson, Presidenl. oj PAFA, and Frederick S. Osborne,
Vice President oj E:I:I.emal and Alumni /1.ffairs, al. the re-installation oj the bust oj her late


jriend, !VErs. !VEallrice Gra)\ in Ihe School LibrQlY MT: and Mrs. Gray. were major benifactors oj PAFA, and both a prize and a


Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation
IBM Inte rnationa l Foundation
Independ ence Foundation
Merit GasoHne FOWldation
The McLean Contributionship
John McShain Charities, In c.
Mobil Foundation
J.P. Morgan Charitable Trust
Robert Perkins Fund
The Pew Charitable n'usts
The Philadelphia Contl'ibutionship
The Philadelphia Foundation
Th e Presser Fowldation
Gilroy and Lilian Roberts
Smithliline Beecham FOlllldation
The Snider Foundation
Archie D. and Bertha H. WaU,er
The Warwick Fou.ndation
The William Penn Fowldation

Artists' House Gallery'
J. Cacciola Galleries
The Wharton Esherick Museum
The Fellowship of PAFA*
Historic Yellow Springs, Inc.
National Board of Meclical
The Philadelphia Water Color Club


AelJ1a FOWldation, Inc.
The Annen berg Fowldation
The Arcaclia FOWldation
Bankers n'ust Foundation
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Carlson Cultural n'ust
Louis N. Cassett Fowldation
CIGNA Fowldation Matching Gifts
Connelly FOlllldation
Gill Charitable Fowldation, Inc.
Haney Fowldation n 'ust
EHzabeth S. Hooper FOlllldation





Greater Philadelphia Tourism and
Marketing Corporation
Pennsylvania Coullcil on Ule Arts
Pennsylvania Department of
PeJ111sylvania Historical and
Museum Commission
Phi ladelphia Cu ltural Fund

commemorate their generosity.






Ms. Linda Lee Alter
Ms. Stenw Ammon
Ms. Jan C. Baltzell
Ms. Diana Myers-Bennett Roberts
Bristol-Myers Squibb Fowldation
John Anthony Capuzzi Memorial
Ms. Lucielle Carlton Shalit
Mr. Sal Cerceo*
Mr. Michael Ciliberti*
Ms. Karen M. Elder
Mrs. Anne Fe ldman
Mr. Brian Forde *
Mr. Sean Gannon
Ms. Margaretta Gilboy
Gradnate Department
Izwni Art Publications Ltd.
Mr. Frederic C. Kaplan*
Mr. Bob Kasprzak
Ms. Mary Kilroy Pogach
Mr. John Lorenzini
Matthais Winzen-Siemens AG
Joan Mitchell Foundation
Ms. ElizabeUl Osborne*
Mr. Auseklis Ozols*
Mr. Pe ter Paone
Ms. Howardena Pindell
Ms. Jody Pinto*
Mr. Glenn Hudd erow'
Ms. Ji.I1 A. Hupinski*
Ms. n'icia Siellen*
Spanie rman GaLlery, LLC
Ms. Judith Stein
Mr. Tony Visco
lVir. Gary Weisman

Collectors' Circle

* PAFA Alumni

t Deceased
This is a list q! donors who made gifts
between A ugust 1, 1998 and July 31,
1999. I'Ve sincerely regret any omissions or e",·ar~.

Scholarships and Prizes

The Alexander Prize
Lorraine and Benjamin Alexande r'
The Linda Lee Alter Award
Ms. Ba rbam G. Eise nbud
Ms. Libby S. Ha n vitz
Ms. Barbara W. SchafT*
The Alumni Award fOI' Excellence
Ms. Hilari e V. I-lawley'

The Charles J. FriUl, Jr.
Painting Prize
Mr. Charl es J. Frith, Jr.*

The Deena Gu Prize
Alan and Deena J. Gu Lati es'

The Color Woodcut
Purchase Prize
Mr. Dani e l D. Miller, Jr.'
Thc Mary Carl'oll Curtis
Mcmoria l Scholarship Fund
IBM [nternational Foundation
Lee a nd Robe lt Gunthe r-Mohr
The Charles Crawley Woodcut
and Landscape PW'chase Prizes
MI'. and Mrs. Charles Crawley

The Eli zabeth AlTasmilh
Memol'ial Scholarship
MI'. Thomas M. ArrasmWl 1II
Ms. Christin e L. FI'aley
MI'. Honald R. Pise lli

The CufT/Sammak Prize for
Abs tl'act Painting
]\III'. and Mrs. JefTrey P. Sammak'

Th e Artists' House Gall ery Award
The Altists' House Gallery'

The Jeanne Cu lver Prize
Ms. Mary Donald Nagle

MOITis Blackburn
Landscape Prizes
Miss Joan Bla ckburnt

The ArUltIr DeCosta Prize
for Painting
Mr. and MJ·s. Kevin Paul Lewell en'
MI'. John J. DeVli eger'

The Leon C. Bunkin
Memorial Prize
Mrs. Re becca E. Bunki.nt
The .IudiUl McGregor Caldwell
Pu rchase Prize for U,e
Academy's Permanent
MI'. Dona ld R. Ca ld we ll

The Thomas Eakins
Memorial Prize
MI'. Louis B. Sloan'
The Whal·ton Esherick
Museum Prize
Th e Whalton Eshe rick Muse um

The Lois a nd Charles X. Carlson
Landscape Painting Residency
Mrs. Ecli ene Hingle I'
01'. and Mrs. I, rwin M. Saniga'

Faculty AWaJ'd
Ms. Jan C. Baltzell
MI'. Patri ck D. Connors'
MI'. Fred Danziger'
MI'. Murray Dessner'
MI'. Stuart M. Feldman
Ms. Re nee P. FouLks'
Ms. Carson Fox'
Mr. Olive r F. Griml ey'
MI'. Al ex l-Iromych'
Mr. Homer W. Johnson'
MI'. Ke vin P. Lewe llen'
MI'. Gilbert B. Le,·,~s'
MI'. Stan ley H. Merz, Jr.*
MJ·. Dani el D. Mill er, Jr.*
MI'. Steven Nocella
MI'. William Scott Noel
Ms. Elizabe th Osborne'
Ms . .lady Pinto'
MI'. Jam es Hasen
MI'. Bru ce W. Samuelson'
Mr. Steven L. We iss
MI'. Ronald E. Wyffels

The Melvin Paul and Pearl M.
Carpcl Award
Mrs. Pearl M. Carpe l

The Fellowsh ip Prizes
Th e Fe llowship of U, e Pe nnsylvani a
Acad e my of' the Fine N·ts'

The John AnUlOny Capuzzi
Memoria l Endowment
MI'. Ezeki e l Capuzzi
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Locke
MI'. August I? Sachs
Ms. Barbara M. Sa chs
MI'. Laure nce Selinger
0,·. and Mrs. Th eodore Ste rn
Th e Michael G. Capuzzi, Jr-.
Me morial Endowment
!VIr. Ezeki e l Capuzzi
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Locke
Mr. Augu st F. Sachs
Ms. Barbara M. Sachs
MI'. Laurence Selinger
Dr. and Mrs. Th eodore Stern

The Lillian Chandler Memorial
Scu lptul'e PI'ize
Th e Marie Donaldson
VVatercolor Prize
MI'. Charl es J. Ii'rith , Jr.*

The Louis S. Fine Pw'Cilase Prizes
Loui s S. FUl e, Esq.
The Gamblin Paint Prize
Gambl in Altist Co lors Co.


Haney Foundation Award
Th e Haney Foundation
Historic Yellow Springs Prize
Histori c Ye llow Springs, In c.
The KatManDu Prize for
Outdoor Sculpture
MI'. Stuart N. Harting
MJ·. Lance Silver
The Edythe Kriegel' Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Rob eltlvins
Mr. John A. Lawler'
In ez and Dick Scribn er
MJ·. James L. Thayer
The Benjamin Landis
Memoria l Scholarship
]\1[1'. and Mrs. Ern est L. Biddle , Jr.*
MI'. and Mrs. Rob elt M. Brasie r
Mr. Ira Brind / Bruld, Li.llClsay, & Co.
MI'. and Mrs. Hobert Bryan
Ms. Ruth ChalJln
CIG NA Foundation Matching Gifts
MI'. Jam es Dobner
Mr. and Mrs . Nathan L. Ed elstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Essn e r
Ms. Jan e Fortun e
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fox
01'. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gennar'e lli
]\IJ.r-. artd Mrs. Richard KaslJl e r
01'. and Mrs. Morton IWge l'lnan
Mrs. Robert S. Lee, Sr.
MI'. and Mrs. Hobert E. O'Connor
Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Rachel and Moshe Porat
Suzann e Root, Esq.
Lois and Je rry Rosenau
Mrs. Doris Sarnitz
Ms. Theresa CUITarl'
MJ·. and MJ·s. Morton Victor
M]'s. Susan W. West
MI'. Mi cha e l Zuckerman
The Nelson .I. Leidner
Han . and Mrs. Arlin Adams
Lorl'1line and Benjamin Al exande r'
MJ·. and Mrs . Charles L. A.IlCles
I-Ion . and Mrs. Walter H. NlIlenberg
Donald and Fahnya Bean'
Jani ce S. Be l'S
MI'. and Mrs. Nathani e l H. Bowditch
MI'. Edw. L. Fenunore
MI'. and Mrs . Ha rold W. Forbes
MJ·s. Ch esLer D. Harrington
Mary Ann e DuLt Justice and WiWam
1'. Justice
iVlrs. ArLhur C. Kaufmarl.ll
MI'. Lawrence A. Kenn ey
Ms. Elain e Landau
Mrs. Ne lson J. Leidn er
Ms. Sandra Hosin Martin
Ms. Be tty W. McNmnara
Pilar Po al and Jim Piasecki

Ms. Polly W. Riggs
Lois artd Jel'!'y Rosenau
MI'. Gary Rosenau
MI'. Benjamin J. Rosin
MI'. and Mrs. Charles A. Sullivart, JI·.
MI'. arld Mrs. Hobert L. Trescher
MI'. and Mrs. Robert G. Wild er
Mrs. Fred Wolf, Jr.
Wom en's Committee of th e
Pennsylvartia Academy of the
Fine Arts
The Jimmy C. Lueders
Painting Prize
Ms. Elizabeth Osborne'
The Jimmy C. Lueders
Memol'ial Scholarship
Lois and Jerry Rosenau
MI'. and Mrs. Morton Simkins
The Mary Townsend and VVilliam
Clarke Mason Memorial Prize
Ms. Mary M. Hudson
The Philadelphia Water Color
Club PI'ize
Th e Philadelphia Water Color Club
The Plastic Club Award
Th e Plastic Club
The Print Center Prize
The Plint Center
The Rohm & Haas Fine Arts
Achievement Award
Rohm & Haas Company
The Valerie Lamb Smilli
Painting ReSidency
MI'. Langhorn e B. SmiU,
Valley National Gases Prize
Valley National Gases, Inc.
The Charles R. \'V einer Prize
Han. and Mrs. Char'les H. We in e l'
The Benjamin West Prize
Winsor & Newton, Inc.
The Wild Animal Life
Purchase Prize
01'. and Mrs. Harold J. Robinson
Ruth & Ben WolrPrintmalting
DeparlJnent Prize
Ms. Car'son Fox'
MI'. Dani el D. Miller, Jr.*
MI'. and Mrs. AnUlony Hosati
MI'. and MJ·s. Ronald E. WyfTels

P/1F/l Alumni

t Deceased

Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees


Blanche Alexander
Sue and Alan DarolT
Jennie Gentile
Sylvia and Leon Korngold
Libby Kahn
Elsie Pastner
The Mildred T. Lelkoe
Memorial Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Roy T. Lellwe
Miss Sydney Ann Lelkoe
Lester Steppacher, M.D.
Mr. S. Robert Teitelman
Joan Lukens Methfessel
Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Donabower
Mr. and Mrs. Moore Gates, Jr.
The Goering Family
William H. Hoagland
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hunt
Phyllis Maul Johnson
Mary Lou Kober
Mrs. Slewarl McCracken
Mrs. Philip Salkin
John D. and Margare l A. Schroeder
Mary Lou and Jack Schuerger
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Simmons, Jr.
Hobert and Anja Smitll
Mary Ann and Roger Snodgrass
Sylvia B. Slreel


Charles Abrams
Susan Lessack and JelTrey Kahn
Maw'een Huchhoefi and Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blask
Frieda and Bernie Rosen
Margie and lrv Glazer
Sylvia and Jack Horoy{ilz
Edith and Nate Milgram
Violet Glass and Jerry Zubrick
Joseph Feldman
Lois and Alan PortnolT
Gale Gillespie
Bill and Barbara CorTey
Heather and Tim Harris
SaUy and Bill Hudson
T. Roderick Henl,els
OI~C !Jllernational
Connie and .Jules Kay
Carol Blank
Charlolte and Newlon Brenner
David and Eloyse Fisher
Julia and Charles Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Seymom I. Hernes
Ethel and Marly Kanter
Mae and Herbert Kwtz
Lois and Jerry Hosenau

Gail and Michael Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Morlon Simkins
lisa and Bill Wesl
Louis B. Sloan
Ms. Peggy Jim Suckle
Cynthia Haveson Veloric
Esther Diamond
Lore Yao
Lea Bramnick

Board of Trustees

Donald R. Caldwell
Kevin ~~ Donohoe
Vice Chair & Treasurer


Donald R. Caldwell
John B. BarLlett
Kevin F. Donohoe
Jane Fortwle
Barbara J. Gohn
Richard B. Lieb
Vivian O. Potamkin
Herb ert S. Riband, Jr., Esq.
Samuel J. Savilz
Henry B. du P. SmiLll
Barbara A. Sylk
Joshua C. Thompson
Edna S. Tuttleman
Hoberl G. Wilde r
Richard B. Worley

Vivian O. Potamkin
Vice Chair
Herberl S. lliband, Jr., Esq.
Vice Chair & Secretary
Richard B. Worley
Vice Chair & Assistant Secretmy

John B. Bartlett
Elaine V. Bell
Max N. Berry, Esq.
Slewart H. Cades
Winslon J . Chw'chill
Jonatllan L. Cohen
Jane Fortune
John A. Fry
Barbara J. Gohn
Mary P. Graham
Barbara L. Greenfield
Kenneth F. Herlihy
John A. Herring, M.D.
Warren W. Kantor
Robert D. Lane, Jr., Esq.
Gabriele W. Lee
H. Craig Lewis
llichard B. Lieb
James H. Palmer
Thomas N. Pappas
Charles P. Pizzi
Hichard S. I~u eda
Jolm M. Ryan
Samuel J. Savilz
William H. SchorLing, Esq.
Henry B. du P. Smith
William J. SlalU-amp
Wayne A. Slork
Gerard H. Sweeney
Barbara A. Syll{
Joshua C. Thompson
Edna S. Tullieman
Harry Wallaesa
Robert G. Wilder
llichard E. Woosnam
Honald E. WyrTels
Facuity Representative


Henry B. du P. Smith
Mark L. Alderman, Esq.
Bl'lIce Boyle
Joseph G. Connolly, Esq.
Jerry Driban, Esq.
Barbara J. Golm
Mary Gregg
Warren Kantor
H. Craig Lewis
Hichard B. Lieb
Janis O'Connor
Thomas N. Pappas
Charles P. Pizzi
John M. Ryan
Timo lhy Speiss
Gerard H. Sweeney
Harry Wallaesa

Richard B. Lieb
John A. Fry
Bao'bara J. Gohn
Kenneth F. Herlihy
Mary MacGregor Malher
Vivian O. Potamkin
William H. Schorling, Esq.
Hemy B. du P. Smith
Robert G. Wilder

Kevin E Donohoe
John B. Bartlett
Slewart R. Cades

John A. Fry
John Higgins
Roberl D. Lane, Jr.
Gabriele W. Lee
Herberl S. lliband, Jr., Esq.
Richard S. Hueda
William J. SlaILkamp

Kevin F. Donohoe
John B. Bartlett
Stewart R. Cades
Jane Fortune
Warren W. Kanlor
H. Craig Lewis
Herbert S. lliband, Jr. , Esq.
Samuel J. Savilz
William H. Schorling, Esq.
William J. Stallkamp
Richard B. Worley

Barbara J. Gohn
Johathan L. Cohen
Kevin F. Donohoe
Warren W. Kantor
Richard B. Lieb
Henry B. du P. SmjtJl

Robert G. Wilder
Larry Wexler
Bruce Boyle
Julie Jensen Bryan
Lyn Kremer
Hobert D. Lane, Jr., Esq.
Thomas N. Pappas
Charl es P. Pizzi
Eileen Hose nau
Richard E. Woosnam


Edna S. 'I\llUeman
Samuel J. Savitz
Elaine V. Bell
Stewart R. Cades
Palti COJ1JlOlIy
Kevin P. Donohoe
Jane Fortwle
Mary P. Graham

Women's Committee
Barbar a L. Greenfield
Co nni e Kay
Gabriele W. Lee
Cissie Levy
Ch arl es Mathe,' III
Ann e Eli zabe th McCo llum
B. Perry Otte n berg, M.D.
Vivian O. Po tamkin
Herb ert S. Riband , Jr., Esq.
William H. Schorlin g, Esq.
War ne A. Stork
RolTe Wike

Herb ert S. Riband , Jr. , Esq.
Elain e V. Be ll
Max N. Be rry, Esq.
Ri chard S. Ru eda
John M. Ryan
WiUiam J. Sla lll,amp

John B. BarUe tt
Barbara A. Sylk
Vice Chair
George A. Beach
Ela in e V. lieB
Fe licity It Benoli el
Stewa rt R. Cades
WiJl ston J. ChurchiB
Dia ne Dalto
All an L. Edmund s
Jane L. Fortun e
Kenn e th F. He rlihy
Deena Gu Lalies
Ma ry MacGregor Mather
Guna S. Mumlh eim
Susan A. Nelson
Wayn e A. Sto rk

Ma rgar e t Engman
A lumni Studenl R epresenlative
Jan C. Baltze ll
Facully Represenlative

Alumni Association

Jack Lawler '90
JudiUl McGregor Cal dwell '98
Pa tri ck Ca llaghan '98
Cha rl es Icrith '72
James Lyn es '95
Bru ce W. Samuelso n '68
Barb""a A. Sylk C.E.


Jane Fo rtune
Lois G. Rosenau
Vice Presidenlfor Developmenl
Dorothy Ma th e r Ix
Vice Presidenlfor Membership
Juli e Jense n Brya n
Vice Presidenlfor Public Relations!
Patricia P. Kerm es
Vice Presidenlfor New Programs
Juli a B. DeMoss
Ela in e Be ll
Co rresponding Secrelwy
Ma ry MacGregor MaUl er
Ex Officio
Laura H. Gardiner
USArlisls Chair
Janis O'Co nnor
US/frlisls Vice Chair
Susan Eato n Guill
Clare Stuempfig
A nnual Sludenl E.-r;hibilion Co-Chairs
Members at Large
Hosemary Davis
Elli e Fine
Anne Essne r
Commillec Me mbers
Caro l Barke,'
Christine BerrettiJli
Ana B. Bid(lle
Ka thleen D. BulTum
La ll a de Rh am
Dudy Fergusson
Ga le Gill espi e
Barbara L. Greenfi e ld
Pi a HallOl'a n
Arl ene Jar ett
COim ie Kay
Ana Ma ria Keene
Barbara C. Kli ge rman
He nri ella W. Land is
Lynn Le hocky
Bobe tte Leidne r
Sandra G. Ma rsha ll
Susa n A. Nelson
Na ncy Shaw Pa lmer
Carmen Narvarro Pelaez
Sara Steele
Mimi Snyder
Ali cia Some rs
I~o bbi ToB
Jani ce We Ul erill
Mo ll y Wood
Lore Yao


Leigh /1. Morse, GallelY Director q{ Saiaruier-O'lleilly Galleries in New Yo rk, stands in
her booth with Connie f(ay, Women's Commi/.lee Member and Dealer Coordinator oj
USArtists98, and Jules I(ay infmllt of Florine Stett"eimer's painting Flowers.

Associate Members
Ilia BerulT
Mrs. Harry Bishop
Jodie Borie
Mrs. Robert Brooks
Mrs. Brice Clagett
Ml·s. Avery Clark
Mrs. Ed wa rd B. Clay, Jr.
Mrs . Jose ph Connoll y
Mrs. Thomas Dolan TV
Lois H. Fischel'
Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Kay Gen nareiJi
NIl'S. J.I-I. Wa rd Hinkso n
Mrs. 1-1 . Lea Hmlson
Mrs. John Frazie r Hunt
Mrs. Arthur Kaurmann
Mrs. Howard Lewis
0,'. Rebecca Lewis
Mrs. Barton LippiJl cott
Mrs. WiUiam G. Littl eton III
Mrs. Lawrence MacElree
Mrs. Bayard M. Mallery
Mrs. Alan Mcil va in
Mrs. He nry Mitche ll
Mrs. Harry R. Ne ilson, Jr.
M,·s. Joh n S. Newbold
Mrs. Robert W. Preuce l
Mrs. EVaJl Randolph
Mrs. He rbert F. SchilTer
Mrs. Ed\vin S. Sheffie ld
Mrs. E. Newbold SmiUl
lvII'S. Phili p C .F. Sm ith
Mrs. E. Rob ert Thomas
Mrs . Ri cha rd J. Walsh
Susa n W. Wes t
Mrs. Be n wo lr
Mrs. Ga bri ell e Zom be r


Exccutive Commillee
Laura I-I. Gardin e r
Janis O'Co nnor
Vice Chair
Jane Fo rtlUle
Wom en's Co mmillee
Ann e Essner
Finan.ce Chair
Christin e Berre tlini
Eli za be Ul G. Dolan
Ga le Gillespie
Conni e Kay
Lois G. Rosenau
Lore Ya o
A dv iso/Y Chairs
Commillee Members
Kristin Appignani
Claudi a ArUllu'
Ce leste Ayjian
Kim Ba il ey
Sal"U h Baltze ll
Caro l Barker
Rose mary Barth
Susa n Baxte r
Ela in e Bell
Ana B. Biddle
De borah Bishop
AJ'le ne Boles
Jodi e Borie
Juli e Jenson Bryan
Kathl ee n BulTum
Kath y Can non
Pat Ca rso n
Be tsy Crowell
Rose mary Davis
Eil ee n Day
Ell en Decker

Natalie D'Egidio
Debra DeGrazia
Julia B. DeMoss
Lalla de Rham
Lisa Di Nardo
Veronique Dow·assof
Mary Emmett
Dudy Fergusson
Ellie Fine
Julia Fineman
Judy Frazier
Wendy Fritz
Carra Fry
Suzanne Gorman
Lonnie Gray
Barbara L. Greenfield
Lisa Gresh
Jill Gw·al
Peggy Gyulai
Pia Halloran
Anne Hamilton
Lois Hamilton
Jill Harrity
Ann Hepburn
Joan Holmes
Lisa Hughes
Dinah Huntoon
Reggie Hunt
Dorothy Mather Ix
Andrew Kaplan
Ana Marie Keene
Margaret Keene
Becky Kermes
Pau·icia Kermes
Livia lUaus
Barbara Kligerman
Clarissa Koppius
AJanna M. Kramer
Carrie Lawlor
Lynn Lehocky
Pamela Levinson
Mercedes Levis
Mimi Lonsky
Caroline Losty
Hilary Maner
Mary MacGregor Mather
Leslie Matthews
Colleen McCauley
Meridith McLoughlin
Nancy Mennuti
Karen Mehgar
Karen Michele
Betty Miller
Madalyn Mingey
Elizabeth Morgan
Laura Monis
Susan A. Nelson
Kristine PaulaL Northeimer
Sandy Nesbitt
Aurora O'Brien
Nancy Shaw Palmer
Carmen Navarro Pelaez
Joan Procaccio
Marianne Raphaely
Melissa Doran Rayer
Maureen Rombeau
Zoe Rueda
Liz Savage
James Scott
Susan Servais

Joan Shore
Mimi Snyder
AJicia Somers
Mary Lee Stallkamp
Amory Stedman
Sara Steele
Sheridan Still
Clare SLuempfig
Robbi Toll
Bobbie Tw·ner
Marie Vastine
Eve WaLker
Linton Weber
Molly Wood
Jean YamaLl
Suzanne Zelov
Debbie Zug
USAI·tists Volunteers
Deborah Bock
Pearl Carper
Pat Carson
Michelle Castiglioni
Margi David
Lois Domm
Ellen Epps
Janet Fink
Judy Frazier
Julia Greenbaum
Julia Haddad
Grace Halter
Clu·is Harris
Chesley Lightsey
Dottie Magan
Hilary McLoughlin
Mark Paronish
John Po
Jo Ann Simon
Donna Trexler
Young Friends of US Artists
Natalie D'Egiclio
Dorothy Mather Ix
AJJison Arfaa
Celeste Ayjian
Alison Carabasi
Eileen Day
Julia Fineman
Andrew Goldberg
Dinah Huntoon
Andrew Kaplan
Margaret Keene
Clarissa Koppius
AJanna Kramer
Soo Hee Lee
Rudy Le,vis
Hilary Maner
Meridith McLoughlin
Carmen Navarro Pelaez
Ben Rayer
Melissa Doran Rayer
1·leather SchuHz
James Scott
Linton Weber


Bernice Abrams
Rosemarie Ake
Ann Armento
Jack ByeI'
Francesca Cona
Lois Domm
Janet Fink
Davida Glick
Harriet Goodwin
Marcia Groverman
Grace Halter
LoreLl Hernandez
Elaine Jaffe
Sara Hirsch Kaplan
Grace Keffer
Shirley llline
Sylvia Komgold
Claire Levi
Lillian Landau
Deborah Mangel
Sondra Margolies
Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Rosalie Miller
Joan Naide
Janice Roediger
Linda Rohrer
Lila Roisman
Reva Rose
Shelby Rosenberg
Lee Rothberg
Ruth Rotlunan
Estelle Rubens
Ann Russell
Renee Saul
Bella Schafer
Sylvia Schnaars
Diane Sclu·ager
Miriam Sealfon
Lillian Siegel
Jo Ann Simon
Martha Smyth
Dorothy Warunan
Robin Windt
Pat ZoLfaghari
Debbie Zug
Docents Emeritus
Fahnya Bean
Susan Behrend
Shirlene C0Y11e
Mary Epstein
Sue Fisclunan
Rose Kaplan
Henrietta LaIldis
Sylvia Lieberman
Dorothy Magen
Florence Marder
RUtil McCann
Ella Nussbawn
Irene Schrank
HUtil Stern
Norma Zion
Lee Zlornick

Craig Baker
LY11n Barrell
Ted BaITell

Dawn Beckett Beuhler
Michelle Naimo Bird
Stacy Bomento
AJexandra Bradley
Kay Bw·chinal
Yong and Kyoung Cho
Joan Colon
Tresa Copes
Kathy Cushing
Anne De Cock
Mary Devone
Steven Dipilla
Diane Duncan
Tara Echelmeier
Agnes Fung
Elaine Gill
Genevieve Gonzalez-Tw·ner
Judy Goodwin
Elizabeth Hanby
Charles Harrison III
Becky Heath
Sandy Hoffstein
Ginny Hulnick
SusaIU1ah Hw1ler
AIny Jolulston
Elizabeth Klein
Chloe A. Kraemer
Candace Le Claire
Cam Mason
Margaret McGregor
Jennifer McKinley
Amanda McLennan
Audrey Muldrow
Suzannah Niepold
Sheila Norman
Arthur Osu·off
Ron Pawluck
Jill Pihlaja
Adrierule Poli
Adriano Renzie
Harriet Robbins
Hel1l"iette Rogers
Luis Homero
Barbara House
Marisa Russo
Abigal Salerno
Janine Sangillo
Ann Saul
Carolyn Schwarz
Larry Seavey
Lisa Strahl
Ali Thorell
Mark Thrapp
Pamela nlcci
Maria Velez
Sarah Wallace
Debi WeiJlberg
Kristen Wermutil
Hobert Williams
Marjorie Wilson
Ka-Kee Yan
Young Friends of PafA Committee
Natalie D'Egidio
DorotilY Mather Ix
Margaret Keene
AJanna Kramer
Hilary Maner
Carmen Navarro Pelaez

Staff (as of December 16, 1999)
President's Office


Joshua C. Thompson
President and Chil!f Executive Officer

Daniel Rosenfeld
Edna S. Thttleman Director of
the j\1useum

Derek A. Gillman
Executive Director and Provost

Judite Marques
Administrative Assistant

Frederi ck S. Osborne
Vice President of ExternaLand
ALumni Affairs

Sylvia Yount
Chil!f Curator

Be th Becke r
President's Executive Assistant

Jon ailian Binstock
Assistant Curator


Glenn Tomlinson
Director of Museum Education
and Audience Development

Mary Anne Dutt Justice
Director of DeveLopment
Melissa De Ruiter
Director of Donor and Member
Jennife r Gumula Rebman
Associate Director of Donor and
Members Se/vices
Ma l'ian Florence
Director of SpeciaLGifts and ALumni
Carol Forte
Director of l\1ajor Gifts and Co/porate

Mark Hain
Judith Ringold
Carol Royer
Museum Education Associates
L.....y Day, Croup, 1967

Lori Garceau
Cher'yl Zom chick
Accounting Assistants

Stefania Lestier
Jamkarel Mato
Retail SaLes AssociatesUrt SuppLy

Marketing and Communications

Human Resources

Penny Blom
Director of lvJarketing and

Leslie Moody
Director of Human Resources

Amy Coleman
Publications Coordinator

Susan Tomasello
!-ILunan Resources Associate

Joan Hendrix
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Cheryl Leibold
Gal e Rawson
Museum Registrar
Lorena Sehgal
Associate l\1useum Registrar


Ka-Kee Yan
Registrar's Assistant

Kevin Martin Sr.
Director of Operations

Barbara Katus
Manager of Rights and Repl'Oductions

JlICliti1 Garst
Director of Facility Rentals

Julian a Keyser
l\1edia Relations Coordinator

Karen Hall
Director of SpeciaL Events

Rosemarie lUng
Advertising and Promotions

Cecilia Matts
HeLp Desk /Jssociate

Aella Diamantopoulos
Chil!f Conse/vator

Rebecca Cl ement
l\1anager of Group Sales and Tourism

Paul Carroll
Facilities 1\1anager

Keiili Crippen
Exhibition DesignerlChil!f Preparator

Pe te r Cullum
Webl Desktop Publisher

Jenny Kahn
Purchasing Agent

Brian Murray
Assistant Preparator

Ma rk DeLelys
Director of Retail SaLes

Joshua Hinchey
Facilities Assistant


Mi cha el Kline
lvlanager of Retail Operations

Thomas LuLias
Jeff Reilly
Robert McGough
Maintenance J\!Jechanics

Che ryl Sinclair
DeveLopment Assist.ant
Amanda McLennan
Administrative Assistant
Marjori e Wilson
Director of the Women:S Committee
William "Pe te" Hill
Thomas DufTy
USArtisls Event Coordinator
Jess ica Moreno
USArtists Office Assistant

Kelly Perfit
Visitor Services Supervhwr


Cheryl Moore
Roy Carpente r
Fl'Ont DesklSaLes Associates

Kevin Glass
Director of Finance

Na ncy Eaga n
Retail SaLes AssociateiMusewn

JUdi th Macartney
Accounting Supervisor

Nicola Bevilacqua
Benjamin John son


Michael Smiili
Director of Admissions
Elle n Doughert~y
Mauro Zamora
Admissions Associates
Aniello di Sabato
Director of Continuing Education
P. Michael Kowbuz
Continuing Education Associate
Marie-Jose Cal'D
Director of Student /ljfairs

Wayne Mo .. ri s
Di,.ecto,. oj Financial Aid
Richa .. d Dww
School Registra,.
T homas Clyde
Student Se/'Vices Assistant
Shanin Doughe .. ty
Graduate p,.ogram Coo,.dinato,.
Au..o .. a Deshauteurs
School Libra,.ian
Richa .. d Hende ..son
Libral), Assistant
Stefan Ab .. ams
Coo,.dinato,. oj School E:r:hibitions
Joyce Adelman
Administrative Assistant
Ri cha .. d Distefano
j\lfodels and Props Coordinato,.
Lisa Hamilton
Print Shop Nfanage,.
Misung Kim
Sculptu,.e Shop Manage,.
Michae l Gallaghe ..
Painting Depa,.tment / fssistant
Dani el Ship ley
Di,.ector oj Sales jo,.the /fnnual
Student E:vhibilion



Jan C. Baltzell
Mark Blavat
Ka the .. in e l3 .. adfo ..d
Vi nce nt Des id erio
Mu .. ray Dessne ..
Joe l Fishe ..
SidJl ey Goodman
Denise G..een
Yvonne Jacque lle
Gi llia n Jagge ..
Stan ley R. Me)'z, J ...
Dani e l D. Mille ..
Michael G. Moo .. e
Kate Momn
Steven Noce lla
Elizabeth Osborne
Pete .. Paon e
I.. vin g Pe tltn
Jody Pinto
Marjo .. ie Po .. tnow
Osva ldo Hombe ..g
Anthony Rosa ti
Jam es Rose n
Jill A. Rupin ski
Sid Sachs
Bruce W. Samuelson
JudiUl Schaechter
Ri chard M. To .. chi a
Ann-Sa "Vooste ..
Hon a ld E. Wyffe ls

AJlthony Rosati·
Jam es Rosen
Gl e nn Hudde .. ow
Jill A. I~upinski'
Bruce W. Samuelson'
Pat .. icia Traub'
AJ1Ulony Visco'
Ga ..y We isman'
Steven L. Weiss'
Ronald E. Wyffe ls'
' appointed


David Graham
2, 5, 4 (bottom), 5 (bollom) ,
6 (bottom), 12
Hick EchelmeyeJ'
Covel' (bottom), 1, 6 (l ell) , to, 11 ,

15, 21
Nathan Florence
9 (top)



Jan C. Baltzell
Patri ck AJ'nold
David Be ..
Ma .. k Bock ..ath
Emi ly S. Brown
Anthony J. Ciambell a
Aniello ill Sabato
IUcha ..d Mark Estell
Stephen Estock
Lawr en ce FJ'ancis
Ma.. ga .. ella Gilboy
Linda Gist
Olive .. F. G.. iml ey
Albert F. Gury
John Horn
Alexander Hromych
Homer W. Johnson
Patricia Kay
Gilbert B. Le wis
James J. Lloyd
Dougl as S. Ma .. tenson
Maryann MaUock-Hin kle
David McShan e
Stanley H. Merz, J ...
Leslie Mitchell
Steven Nocella
F.. ede ri ck Osborne
Judith Barbour Osborn e
Anthony Rosati
Jill A. Hupinski
Hironori Sakaguchi
Joseph Sweeney
Patricia I)'a ub
Steven L. Weiss
Ronald E. Wyffels


Jan C. Ba ltzell'
Linda B.. enn e ..•
Mark 130ckrath
Anthony J. Ciambell a
Pa trick D. Conno ..s
F.. ed Da nzige ..
Mu .... ay DessneJ"
Ja mes E. Dup .. ee
Stua .. t M. Feldman
Renee P. Foull,s'
Ca ..son Fox
Sidney Goodman'
l3a .. bara Goodstein
Olive .. I? G)'imley'
Al bert F. G ury
John 1·lorn
Alexa nd e .. H.. omych·
Home .. W. Johnson'
Kevin P. Lewe ll e n
Gilbe .. t B. Lewis
Dou glas S. Martenson
Stan ley It Me ..z, Jr.'
Danie l D. Mi ll e .. J ....
Lesley Mitchell
Steven Noce ll a'
Wi lliam Scott Noe l
Elizabe th Osborn e'
Katj a Oxman
Pe ter Pao ne'
Jody Pinto'
Cynthia Po .. te ..
Ma .. ie Po .. tnow
Robe .. t Ro esch'
Osvaldo Rombe .. g





Ma.. k B1avat
David McShane
Stan ley R. Merz, Jr.
AJm Hopkins Wilson


Linda Johnson
Covel' (top) , 7 (top) , 8, 14
Ke ll y & Massa
In s id e covel', 7 (bottom),
9 (bottom), 16, 19
Julie Skarrall
4 (top & left) , 5 (top)

Phillip Une tic, 51'1 G.. oup


Statement of Financial Condition (Balance Sheet) as of July 31, 1999


Cash and cash equivalents
Pledge and bequest receivables
Accounts receivable
Property, buildings and equipment
Total Assets

















42.3% No te 1
(73.5%) No te 2
24.2% No te }
54.6% No te 4
1039.1% Note 5



Notes payable
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Other long-term liabilities
Net assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets

(1 00.0%)
9.3% Note 6

Statement of Activities (Income Statement) for the Year Ended July 31, 1999


Tuition and fees
Fundraising and support
Facility rental
Museum admissions
Retail shop sales
Trust and investment income
Net realized and unrealized gains
Worn ens Committee/USArtists
Other income
Total Revenu e

















$10,2 10









Museum and museum exhibitions
Marketing and communications
General and administrative
Facilities and operations
Women's Committee/USArtists
To tal Expense
Ch a n ge in Net Assets

Selected Footnotes and E:cplanations to Changes in Financial Statements


Note 1

Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents



$ change

% change





$ change

% change

Increase in cash is due primarily to a major exhibit, lvla.7ifield Parrish, 1870-1966,
which commen ced in mid-June 1999.

Note 2

Note 5

Pledge and Bequest Receivables
Pledge receivable
Bequest receivable








* Decrease is attributable to timing of collections mad e


Note 4




$ change

% change









$ change

% change






Property, buildings and equipment
Property, buildings and equipment


major bequ est.

Investment Holdings (Market Value)
Money market, certificate of deposit funds $844
Equity securities
Fixed income securities
Outside trusts


In crease is due primarily to purchase of Federal Building, located at 1421 Ch erry Street.

Note 5

Other Assets
Other assets



$ change

% change





Lncrease is due primarily to project costs (ar chitect fees, etc.) incurred in Ul e purchase of th e Federal Building.

Note 6

Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted




$ change

% change










School Thitions and Fees
Museum Admissions and Retail Sales




Investment Income and Gains



' .n.
' w..:lIJ....



•• I •

Unrestricted Gifts


Restricted Gifts


Government Grants












Marketing and Communications





General and Administrative


Facilities and Operations


, .,







Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts
Broad and Cherry Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 972-7600