
Part of 208th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

extracted text
Wh ere Tra ditio n
Meet s Tra ns f o r m a t i o n
The Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Fiscal Year 2013-14


Where Tradition Meets Transformation
PAFA’s mission declares our dedication to the
“transformative power of art and art making,”
and this was an exceptional year of action and
inspiration. Extraordinary generosity from our
patrons of financial commitments, gifts of artwork,
and volunteer service made this a year to advance
new ideas and perspectives.
When the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
(PAFA) opened its new building designed by Frank
Furness and George Hewitt in 1876, the plinth above
the doorway was adorned with an ancient sculpture
of the goddess Ceres. Because it was badly degraded
by acid rain, the sculpture was removed in the 1930s
and the plinth remained vacant until 2013. In the
fall of that year, PAFA inaugurated a new annual
program of temporary sculptures to be installed on
the plinth, starting with a work entitled “Born to
Bend” by the artist KAWS. In this way, a PAFA
tradition is being reinvented to create a fresh
dialogue between contemporary art and this
important landmark building. KAWS’s artwork
challenges our notions of sculpture, both in its
materials and its adoption of content drawn from
popular sculpture. This has created a healthy
conversation among patrons and curators as well as
among our art students and faculty.
PAFA’s students also received new opportunities
for professional development as artists through the
newly established Fine Arts Venture Fund. Thanks
to the generosity of a group of PAFA trustees and
donors, the new fund enables PAFA students to
submit proposals for large-scale projects that
would otherwise be beyond their means. Students
competing for grants from the Venture Fund must
submit a narrative and a budget, and finalists make
a brief presentation to a selection committee of

patrons and faculty. Experiences such as this one
are essential to the transformation of our talented
student artists into successful professionals.
Alumni artists also earned new opportunities
through competition. Sculptor Barb Fox was chosen
to create a public memorial in honor of six people
who were tragically killed by a building collapse
at 22nd and Market Streets in Philadelphia,
including PAFA student Anne Bryan. The goal
of the memorial and the park in which it will be
sited is to transform the space from one of public
trauma into a place for healing and reflection. Fox is
currently working with a design team that includes
architects, lighting experts, engineers, and Sculpture Department Chair Robert Roesch, and the park
and sculpture are expected to be dedicated in 2016.
Recognizing the enormous void in arts education
in Philadelphia’s public schools, PAFA adopted
Sheppard Elementary School as a school partner.
This new initiative ensures that Sheppard’s students receive weekly art education, and through the
generosity of foundations and individuals, PAFA
is providing an art teacher, materials, and
transportation to provide a multidimensional
program for students and their families. As we
prepare students for a twenty-first century economy
rooted in innovation and ideas, art education is as
essential as math and English. This new program
joins PAFA’s longstanding commitment to art education at all levels, ranging from the weekly Family
Arts Academy to the After-School Studio Arts
Program for High School Students.

David R. Brigham, President and CEO



PAFA’s collection continues to grow
through generous gifts from an
ever-expanding group of dedicated patrons,
including old friends and artists. Over 200
objects entered the collection in this period, the vast majority of them gifts. Among
the highlights are excellent collections
providing depth on single artists.
PAFA staff made the decision to formally
accession an extraordinary group of works
by Violet Oakley, giving the museum an
unparalleled overview of the depth and
nuance of her work. The first gifts – two superb paintings – of works from the estate of
Ellen Lanyon came to PAFA last year, add-

Over 200 objects
entered the collection
in this period, the vast
majority of them gifts.

ing to PAFA’s representation of postwar
art by women. Lanyon was an influential
master printmaker, important mentor
and feminist, and worked for many
decades in Chicago and New York,
bridging those communities by
connecting artists and collectors.
PAFA now boasts a collection over 130
works of art by Andy Warhol with the
addition of several screenprints to the
collection as a gift from the Andy
Warhol Foundation. Through the
generosity of artist Eldzier Cortor and
his family, PAFA received a major gift
of his prints, preparatory materials, and

Eldzier Cortor, Jewels Theme IV, 1985, Six color etching on paper, 16 7/8 x 23 7/8 in.
Gift of the artist in memory of Sophia R. Cortor
Ellen Lanyon, The Duet, 1950, Mixed media on paper, ed. 6/10, 12 1/2 x 15 7/8 in.
Gift of Roland Ginzel


original printing plates, enhancing our
representation of modern AfricanAmerican artists and printmaking in the
collection. Paul Lamantia also directed a
gift to PAFA of several ferocious, hallucinatory, and highly personal drawings that
he made in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
These join a painting, already in the collection.
Several collectors made important gifts
to PAFA last year, in some cases adding to
work they had already placed in the
collection. Robert and Frances Kohler gave
major works by Luis Cruz Azaceta; they
also provided funds towards the purchase
of an important painting and drawing from
the 1960s by Karl Wirsum. Tom and Judy
Brody, who have established the Sue Coe
Archive at PAFA, added more work by Coe
to that collection, as well as prints by other
artists including Neil Welliver and Julien
Schnabel. Eric Brecher added a gorgeous
1947 drawing by John Wilde of his friend,
the artist and writer Dudley Huppler.
Huppler’s niece reciprocated by donating
a whimsical and meticulously-composed
drawing by Huppler. The first gift from the
superb collection of Ofelia Garcia came
to the collection in this period – the 2007
FemFolio, consisting of prints by 20 women
artists. Through the generosity of the
Benjamin V. and Jane M. Siegel Fund PAFA
was able to add our first works by Peter
Blume to the collection – self-portrait
drawings from 1924 and 1937. Lee and
Barbara Maimon also donated an important expressionist landscape by Abraham
Manievich to the collection dating from the

Bernard Perlin, Leg, Casein and tempera on panel, 27 1/2 x 35 in., Gift of the artist in honor of Brian Vincent Boston


PAFA received many generous gifts from artists
last year, including works inspired by the generosity of Linda Lee Alter from Phyllis Bramson
and Squeak Carnwath. The late Bernard Perlin
donated one of his most significant and personally meaningful paintings, The Leg (1945-46),
a work that resulted from an experience he
witnessed during the Second World War. Rackstraw Downes donated an excellent drawing to
the collection, the first by this artist to enter the
collection. A major bronze sculpture by Dorothy
Dehner also entered the collection, a gift from
the artist’s estate.
PAFA made many strategic and exciting purchases in 2014, including the first works to
enter the collection by 19th-century African

American artist Edward Bannister, Robert
Colescott (a large print acquired in part through
the generosity of Lenore Weseley), and Mark
Dean Veca. PAFA acquired additional works
representing new directions for artists Charles
Burwell, Sarah McEneaney, and Mia Rosenthal,
adding to their representation in the collection.
An exceptional watercolor by Dox Thrash also
entered the collection showing a strike scene
– making it the third piece by this important
Philadelphia artist to enhance our representation of his work. PAFA also purchased works by
Renee Foulks and Michael Gallagher, current
PAFA faculty.

the Broad Street entrance of the Samuel M.V.
Hamilton Building. Made with the collaboration
of PAFA students on site, this piece joins several
other examples of monumental works in the
The proceeds from the December 2013 sale of
Edward Hopper’s East Wind Over Weehawken
were added to the museum’s collections fund.
The income from the funds will increase the
amount of funding available for acquisitions in
2015 and beyond.

Finally, PAFA commissioned a mural by Markus
Linnenbrink, THERIDENEVERENDS, now at

Markus Linnenbrink, THERIDENEVERENDS, 2014, Acrylic and pigments on wall, 118 ft., Museum Purchase, 2014.9, Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building,
Photo by Barbara Katus



KAWS, BORN TO BEND, on loan from the
artist for the exhibition KAWS @ PAFA,
Sculpture Plinth Exhibition Program
(October 12, 2013 – January 14, 2015)

Jennifer Bartlett, Air: 24 Hours,
Eleven A.M., on loan from the Smithsonian
American Art Museum for the exhibition
Jennifer Bartlett: History of the Universe Works, 1970-2012 (June 27 – October 13,

Jennifer Bartlett, Eleven A.M., 1991–92, Oil on canvas; 84 x 84 in.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Barney A. Ebsworth


F R O M PA FA   
Walter Ufer, Artist and Model, Victor
Higgins, The Widower, National Cowboy &
Western Heritage Museum, The Rise and
Fall and Resurrection of Walter Ufer:
A Centennial Exhibition, (February 7 –
May 5, 2014)
Richard Diebenkorn, Interior with
Doorway, Fine Arts Museums of San
Francisco de Young, Richard Diebenkorn:
The Berkeley Years, (June 22, 2013 –
June 8, 2014)
Edmund C. Tarbell, The Breakfast Room,
The Art Institute of Chicago, Art and the
Appetite: American Painting, Culture and
Cuisine (November 3, 2013 – May 18, 2014)

Walter Ufer , Artist and Model, 1920, Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in., Joseph E. Temple Fund



Jennifer Bartlett:
History of the Universe—
Works 1970-2011
June 27 - October 13, 2013

Offering an unprecedented 40-year survey
of one of the most critically acclaimed
American artists of the 20th century,
PAFA presented Jennifer Bartlett: History
of the Universe—Works 1970-2011.

The retrospective at PAFA featured prime
examples of works from all of Bartlett’s
major series, in which the artist considered the notion of “place” or “location”
within the larger universe. On view were
30 works drawn from Bartlett’s multi-paneled and multi-medium House Paintings;
the In the Garden series; the innovative
pairing of sculpture and paintings depicting boats and houses; the Air: 24 Hours
series painted between 1991 and 1992;
and her most recent paintings depicting
houses, trees, and plants surrounding

Bartlett’s homes in Amagansett and
Brooklyn, among others.
Jennifer Bartlett: History of the Universe
was organized by the Parrish Museum of
Art in Long Island, where the exhibition
travelled after its debut at PAFA. The
exhibition was curated by Klaus Ottman,
Director of the Center for the Study of
Modern Art and Curator-at-Large at The
Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C.

Jennifer Bartlett, Amagansett Diptych # 1, 2007-08, Oil on two canvases; 108 x 216 in. Collection of the artist

Jennifer Bartlett: History of the Universe_Works 1970-2011 was organized by the Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, New York, and was made possible, in part, with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation. The presentation of this exhibition at PAFA is made possible by contributing support from Barbara and Ted Aronson, Agnes
Gund, the Andrew J. and Christine C. Hall Foundation, Inc., and Gene and Sueyun Locks; with additional support from Linda Lee Alter, Luther W. Brady, M.D., Gretchen H.
Burke, Janice T. Gordon, Gabriele Lee, Mr. and Mrs. H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest, Susan M. Maguire, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stroud.


Hidden Treasures
Unveiled: Watercolors

Sept. 28, 2013 – Jan. 12, 2014

Winslow Homer, North Road,
Bermuda, 1900, Watercolor and
graphite on white wove paper
13 15/16 x 21 in., Partial Gift and
Bequest of Bernice McIlhenny

PAFA celebrated the debut of the new
Richard C. von Hess Foundation Works
on Paper Gallery in its Historic
Landmark Building with Hidden
Treasures Unveiled: Watercolors, an
exhibition presenting a selection of
remarkable watercolors from the 18ththrough 21st- centuries.
The Richard C. von Hess Foundation
Works on Paper Gallery is a place of

continuous discovery for visitors, students and faculty alike, as PAFA showcases treasures from its collection, and
presents focused exhibitions devoted
to works on paper from all periods in
American art.
Drawn from the museum’s extensive
collection of over 9,000 works on paper
little-known to the public, the exhibition
featured highlights such as Benjamin

West’s Portrait of Prince Octavius
(1783), William Trost Richards’
Seascape with Foreground Rocks (1874),
and Winslow Homer’s North Road,
Bermuda (1900), as well as Stuart Davis’
Sand Cove (c. 1931), Robert Motherwell’s
Lyric Suite (1965), Gladys Nilsson’s
“I Don’t Remember What the Name Is”
Duckbird Blues? (1968), and a selection
of works by Richard Tuttle.



Oct. 12, 2013 – Jan. 5, 2014

Following the popular KAWS installation at Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station
earlier in the year, PAFA exhibited a series
of paintings and sculptures by Brooklyn-based artist KAWS in its Historic
Landmark Building. The exhibition introduced an intriguing link between the museum’s 19th-century American art collection and KAWS’ contemporary works, and
a chance to engage in an artistic dialogue
about PAFA’s past and present.

Additionally, a custom KAWS sculpture
was installed on the front façade of the
Historic Landmark Building, between
October, 2013 and August, 2014. This
sculpture launched PAFA’s new Sculpture Plinth Exhibition Program, which
will present a rotating series of attention-catching art in an unexpected location.

KAWS, BORN TO BEND, Painted Aluminum, 114 x 75 x 42 in.,
Historic Landmark Building, PAFA
KAWS @ PAFA was supported by Barbara and Ted Aronson,
Christie’s, Arthur Dantchik, the Goldstone Family Foundation, and
Richard W. Vague
Presenting Sponsor:


Beyond the Paint: Philadelphia’s Mural Arts
Nov. 15, 2013 – Apr. 6, 2014

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the City
of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, Beyond
the Paint: Philadelphia’s Mural Arts presented a rich panorama of documentary material
including audio, photography and videos, as well
as new artist projects and murals created inside
the museum, highlighting three decades of community-inspired art-making in Philadelphia.
Beyond the Paint focused on the participation
and grassroots ethic at the heart of Mural Arts’
30 years of practice with new works: Temporary
Services, an artist collective based in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Copenhagen, and Philadelphia artist duo Megawords produced new
works that amplify and expand the program’s art

practice in both form and approach. Temporary Services presented an extended version
of the popular Self-reliance Library, a reading
space featuring a curated collection of books
“designed to provoke the reader, solve creative
problems, or suggest imaginative directions for
a range of creative practices.”
New York-based artist Josh MacPhee installed
a temporary screen printing shop inside the gallery in which he designed collaboratively-produced “broadsheets” (large-format newspapers)
featuring poetry, illustrations, and personal stories from different communities. Each broadsheet was screen-printed collaboratively in the
gallery by members of these same communities,

Presenting Sponsor:

along with PAFA students and museum visitors.
Once printed, the broadsheets were brought
back to the communities and publicly posted
throughout their respective neighborhoods.
In the Maguire Gallery, muralist Meg Saligman
teamed up with 18 PAFA students to create an
evolving, participatory, and multi-dimensional
mural titled The Perception and Perspective
Gallery: In Honor of Your View. Throughout
the exhibition, visitors were encouraged to
participate in the evolution of this mural by
creating lifelines that are later added to the

Lead Corporate Sponsor:


Funded in part by Julie and James Alexandre, Bowman Properties, Arthur Dantchik, Joe and Jane Goldblum, the Independence Foundation, and PTS Foundation. The catalogue is funded in part by a grant from the Elizabeth Firestone Graham


Art for Society’s Sake:
The WPA and its Legacy
Nov. 15, 2013 – Apr. 6, 2014

Drawn exclusively from the museum’s permanent collection, Art for Society’s Sake:
The WPA and Its Legacy presented works by
artists who participated in the Public Works
of Art Project (PWAP) and the Works Progress
Administration (WPA). Part of the Federal Art
Project (FAP), these New Deal relief programs
significantly altered the federal government’s
relationship to American culture.
The exhibition focused on the strong interest
WPA artists shared in the social conditions of
the period, as well as the rapidly changing geo-

graphical and cultural landscape surrounding
them. Art for Society’s Sake also examined
the influence of the WPA in the founding
of community art centers in the 1970s and
1980s and the changing nature of government
support for the arts into the 1990s and 2000s.
Among the artists included were George
Biddle, Romare Bearden, Julius Bloch,
Elizabeth Catlett, John Steuart Curry, Stuart
Davis, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Jacob Lawrence, Jack
Levine, Reginald Marsh, Alice Neel, Faith
Ringgold, Miriam Schapiro, and Ben Shahn.

Reginald Marsh, End of 14th Street
Crosstown Line, 1 936, Egg tempera on
composition board, 24 x 36 1/8 in.


In with the New:
Recent Gifts on Paper
Jan. 17, 2014 – Apr. 6, 2014

Featuring more than 30 works, In with the
New presented several unusual donations
to the collection made since 2011, including
a group of work by self-taught artists, two
works by Milton Avery from radically
different periods of his career, and important
study collections of work by single artists.
Curated by Robert Cozzolino, PAFA’s
Senior Curator and Curator of Modern
Art, the exhibition was a wide-ranging
cross-section of new acquisitions,
including major pieces selected from large
collections of art by Sue Coe, Boris Margo,
Seymour Rosofsky, and Theodoros Stamos.
Other prominent works included a realist
nude drawing of artist Diana Moore by her
husband William Beckman; a self-portrait
by Luis Azaceta; a mysterious drawing of
a house ablaze by Scott Espeseth; and a
simultaneously abstract and meticulously
compulsive drawing of yarn by Samantha
Mitchell, and two abstract works by contemporary artist Emil Lukas.

Emil Armin, Portrait of Frances Strain, 1 924, Watercolor on paper,
13 5/8 x 9 7/8 in., Gift of Powell and Barbara Bridges


PAFA Students Select:
The Spaces They Inhabit
Apr. 18 – June 22, 2014

The Spaces They Inhabit was the first in
a series of Works on Paper Gallery
exhibitions curated by 27 students through
a newly developed art history course in
PAFA’s School of Fine Arts, under the
direction of faculty member Jennifer
Zwilling in collaboration with PAFA
curators. To gather the works for this
exhibition, students mined the museum’s
rich collection of works on paper for images
that represent various artists’ examinations of their environments. The result was
a dynamic collection of close to 40 works,
representing realistic interior spaces, lush
landscapes, and abstract psychological

Mark Rothko (1903-1970), Untitled (Maroon Over Red),
1968, Acrylic on paper mounted on linen, 39 1/8 x 26 in.,
Bequest of Bernice McIlhenny Wintersteen

By exploring the work of artists from across
three centuries, The Spaces They Inhabit
tried to illuminate important commonalities and differences in how artists organize
and represent their worlds. Visitors had
an opportunity to explore PAFA’s permanent collection through the eyes of student
artists in the process of forming their own
artistic visions.

Tezh Modarressi (b. 1965), We’ve Already Changed the
Name of the Street, Oil on paper with mixed media, (drawing
and washes underneath), 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 in., Art by Women
Collection, Gift of Linda Lee Alter, Copyright © Tezh


The 113th Annual Student Exhibition
May 9 – June 1, 2014

The culmination of the school’s academic
calendar, PAFA’s 113th Annual Student
Exhibition (ASE) featured over 1,000
artworks by 128 exhibitors: graduating BFA
and MFA students, as well as third- and
fourth-year Certificate students. An academic capstone and professional debut for
PAFA students, the ASE offers students the
opportunity to curate, install, and sell their
own works in a professional setting. Working closely with faculty, visiting artists,
and their peers, students develop a keen
sense of their unique visual sensibilities as
they combine their curricular experiences
with extra-curricular activities, and their
personal growth.

The Annual Student Exhibition was supported by:
Partner Level Corporate Supporters:

Master Level Corporate Supporters:


Who Say It Be:
The Work of Sarah Peoples and Adam Lovitz
June 26 – Oct. 13, 2013

During the summer, PAFA presented Who Say It
Be: The Work of Sarah Peoples and Adam Lovitz,
an exhibition of sculptural works and paintings,
curated by the artists. Sarah Peoples (Cert. ‘00,
MFA ‘12) and Adam Lovitz (MFA ‘12) won the
MFA Faculty Exhibition Award during their first
year at PAFA in 2011. The prize is awarded based
on a student’s vision and promise, as evaluated by
PAFA’s appointed faculty, and grants recipients a
dedicated show the year following their completion of the MFA program.

Who Say It Be showed both artists engaged in a
spirited investigation of history and culture, examining the counsel and constraints that art history has bestowed upon them, including, but not
limited to, illusion, perception, and symbolism.


The Artist’s Response to Nature:
Tonalism, Historical and Contemporary
Nov. 15, 2013 – Jan. 19, 2014

Curated by PAFA alumnus and faculty
member Douglas Martenson (Cert. ’82),
The Artist’s Response to Nature: Tonalism,
Historical and Contemporary brought
together contemporary artists with historical masters, offering viewers connections
between historical and contemporary
works, and showcasing how artists working
today are finding new and personal ways to
express the Tonalist aesthetic. American
Tonalism emerged in the 1880s as a response
to European Romanticism. Drawing from
both the Naturalist and Neo-Classical
traditions, Tonalism continued the practice
of drawing from the landscape, but with
a focus on creating emotionally evocative
Exhibiting unique styles and varying
subject matter, PAFA faculty and alumni
represented in this exhibition included
Al Gury (Cert. ’76), K. Malcolm Richards,
Christine Lafuente (Cert. ’95), Stuart Shils
(Cert. ’82), and Kurt Solmssen (Cert. ’82).
Other artists represented were Randall
Exon, Wolf Kahn, Ann Lofquist, Jeffrey
Reed, Seymour Remenick, and Louis Sloan.
Historical masters featured in the
exhibition included Charles Warren Eaton,
Edward B. Gay, Robert Swain Gifford, Birge
Harrison, George Inness, John Francis
Murphy, Henry Ward Ranger, and
Alexander Helwig Wyant.

Henry Ward Ranger, The Windmill, ca. 1890, Oil on board, 11 1/4 x 14 1/4 inches, Private collection


Observation and Invention:
The Space of Desire
January 21 - April 6, 2014

Presenting the work of 26 artists
who have pursued perceptual
painting for its poetic potential in
image-making, Observation and
Invention tried to illuminate a
long strain of creative and
educational emphasis in the PAFA
community and Philadelphia.
The exhibition was structured
around three paintings in the
museum’s permanent collection—Edwin Dickinson’s Chair,
Skowhegan I (1956); Lennart
Anderson’s Portrait of Barbara
S. (1976-77); and Ben Kamihira’s
Fantasy II (1976-85)—as it surveyed four generations of artists
who discovered in observation a
threshold to painterly invention.

Curated by Scott Noel, a PAFA
faculty member and Perceptual
Painters Group participant, the
exhibition included the work
of nine PAFA alumni: Victoria
Barnes (MFA ‘06), David Campbell (Cert. ‘98; MFA ‘07), Tim
Conte (MFA ’06), Ben Kamihira
(Cert. ’52), John Lee (Certificate
‘98), Aaron Lubrick (MFA ‘07),
Andrew Patterson-Tutschka
(MFA ‘07), Brian Rego (MFA ‘07),
and Thomas Walton (MFA ‘07).
Current PAFA faculty represented
in the show were Scott Noel,
Carolyn Pyfrom, and Peter
Van Dyke.

Lennart Anderson, Portrait of Barbara S., 1976-77, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine


Euphoria: New Paintings
by Carla Falb

June 15 – July 28, 2013 explored the com-

plexities and energies of human nature through
Falb’s (Cert. ‘83) paintings of roller coasters and
night clubs.

Confluence: New Paintings
by David Brewster

Sept. 21 – Dec. 1, 2013 featured a selection of
Brewster’s (MFA ‘88) landscapes, ranging from
industrial scenes to rural subjects and reminiscent of De Kooning’s Action Paintings.

David Brewster, Confluence, 2013, oil on gator board, 35 x 70 inches

Twelve X Twelve

Dec. 6, 2013 – Jan. 26, 2014 presented over

50 works in 12 x 12 inch format created by 34
alumni, providing an opportunity for guests to
view and purchase affordable work by talented
PAFA graduates.

A Question of Scale: Paintings
by Muralists Joan Laidacker,
Charles Newman and Thomas
Walton Feb. 1 – April 20, 2014 high-

MFA PICKS: Matthew Colaizzo,
Kristin Grey Apple and
Samantha Mitchell

April 25 – July 20, 2014 featured a selection

of over 20 prints, paintings, drawings, and video
work by recent MFA graduates Colaizzo (’11),
Grey Apple (‘11), and Mitchell (’12).

lighted the significance of mural-making on
the muralists’ creative practices, presented in
conjunction with special exhibition, Beyond the
Paint: Philadelphia’s Mural Arts.

Matthew Colaizzo, #9 Winter’s Sign, 2014, Woodblock Print, 18 x 28 inches



Fall 2013 Admissions
New enrollment for fall 2013:
Post-Bacc 19

The Post-Baccalaureate and MFA programs enrolled a total of 46 new students.
The Post-Baccalaureate class increased
by three students, positioning the school
for achieving the fall 2014 MFA enrollment goal.

In November, PAFA hosted the Philadel-

Admissions Statistics

670 students in attendance. In addition
to this off-campus event, representatives
from the 54 other schools were invited to
a reception following the NPD where they
were able to view the KAWS exhibition in
the Historic Landmark Building.

phia National Portfolio Day with over

115 new PAFA students enrolled from
24 states and 7 countries. International
students came from China, South Korea,
Australia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan
and Australia.
All programs combined, this new enrollment represents a 5.5 percent increase
over last year’s final enrollment numbers.
New marketing and recruiting activities,
combined with the PAFA at Park Towne
Place initiative, have positioned PAFA for
continued success in attracting stronger
students and improving retention.
Undergraduate enrollment was up from 51
new students to 59 new students. Last year,
60 percent of PAFA’s new undergraduate
enrollment entered as first-time freshmen,
compared to 66 percent this year. A smaller
proportion of transfers allows the Office
of Admissions to better predict continued
enrollment, and more students will be “on
track” to move into their studios in their
third or fourth year.


New tuition and fees approved by the Board of Trustees:
Tuition Fees
$ 31,245
$ 1,450 – 1,550
$ 33,777
$ 1,450
$ 36,215
$ 1,450

In addition to new student events, the Office of Admissions
hosted its first Spring Open House in 2014. This event was
targeted towards rising seniors, who are beginning their college
The roll-out for the Fine Arts Illustration (undergraduate) and
Low-Residency MFA (graduate) programs began in the spring
semester, and materials were created to supplement the new
viewbook, as well as to announce these two new programs.


Student programming continued to be
robust and varied, from a full schedule
of visiting artists to the popular annual
hayride. PAFA continued its mission
of community building with a third
annual Red Cross blood drive and a
day of service, in partnership with
Germantown Friends School, to honor
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Other
well-received student programming
included the annual Winter Bash, a
Cupcake Social, a six-foot sub day, and
regular coffee-hour events.
More than 30 Career Services presentations and workshops were offered,
guiding students on professional skills,
hosting alumni talks on career paths,
and providing interest assessment
testing. The student internship
program included placements with
PAFA museum staff and in the high
school after-school program, as
well as off-campus sites such as
Sotheby’s Fine Arts Auctions in New
York, galleries around the city and arts
organizations ranging from The Fabric
Workshop and Museum to Recycled
Artists in Residency, giving PAFA

students valuable hands-on experience with a range of professionals.
This year saw the first awarding of the
Fine Arts Venture Fund, a competitive
grant-giving process that helped educate students on applying for grants
and presenting to funders, and resulted in eight student projects receiving
crucial funding.
Also launched this year, an exciting
residential option for students at Park
Towne Place Premier Apartment
Homes in downtown Philadelphia
near the school. PAFA occupies an
entire floor in one of the Park Towne
Place towers, with capacity for
approximately 25 students. PAFA
provides live-in residential staff,
programming and support in a secure
living community, amenities such as a
fitness center and shuttle buses, all in a
safe and convenient location. This has
proven to be an attractive option for
new, out-of-town families who want
their students in a staffed student


Developments in the
Graduate Programs
The 2013-14 academic year saw new
initiatives and developments in the
graduate programs. Led by the Chair of
Graduate Programs, Clint Jukkala, five
students in the Master of Fine Arts program
had the opportunity in July 2014 to
exhibit at the Mixed Greens gallery in
Chelsea, New York. The exhibition, On
Being Solid, showcased the work of
Matthew Carrieri, Matthew Herzog,
Augustus Hoffman, Alexandra Jo Sutton,
and Tiffany Tate. Exhibiting painting, video,
photography, and sculpture, the group
exemplified the multi-disciplinary and
conceptual nature of an MFA degree. Ashley
Wick and Yoni Hamburger, recipients of the
MFA Faculty Exhibition Award for June
2014, exhibited their work in the School
of Fine Arts Gallery exhibition Heads &

Faculty Awards
The Excellence In Teaching Award
(Certificate/BFA): Michael Gallagher
The Excellence In Teaching Award
(MFA): Astrid Bowlby
Faculty Achievement Award:
Jan Baltzell

In the graduation ceremonies of 2014, PAFA
awarded 19 Post-Baccalaureate Certificates,
46 Master of Fine Arts degrees, 27 Bachelor
of Fine Arts degrees and 28 Certificates.
Seven students were awarded both a Certificate and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.
The commencement speaker, Philadelphia
Mural Arts Program founder and director
Jane Golden, was recognized for her
decades of contributions to the artistic
community of Philadelphia and the region.
For the first time, PAFA awarded the
Murray Dessner Memorial Travel Prize
in honor of the memory of Murray Dessner,
a beloved PAFA faculty member. The
inaugural Dessner prize was awarded to
Ryan Ward.
The Distinguished Alumni Award was given
to Raymond Saunders, whose career has
established him as a significant voice in
American art and culture, with inclusions
in dozens of major museums and major
awards. He was a student at PAFA from 1953
to 1957.
Commencement ceremonies were followed
by the public opening of the 113th Annual
Student Exhibition (ASE), PAFA students’
debut into the professional world of
exhibiting artists.


PAFA Alumna Selected to Create Memorial
at Site of Building Collapse
PAFA alumna Barbara Fox has been
selected to design the centerpiece
sculpture for a memorial at the site of a
building collapse that claimed the lives
of six people, including Anne Bryan, a
talented PAFA student and beloved
member of the school community.
PAFA President and CEO David R.
Brigham, who led the search committee,
said, “Barb Fox stood out among all the
entries because her proposal was ideally
suited to recognizing those who were
killed or injured. Her ideas about an
architectural presence, a place to quietly
reflect, and her use of light, color, scale,
and poetry all provide a moving context
for somber reflection as well as healing.”

“All of the family members were moved
by Barb’s ability to capture and reflect the
meaning of the memorial,” Winkler said.
“We are so appreciative of all the work and
emotion Barb invested into
developing her concept.”
The design created by Fox (Cert. ‘88)
resembles a silhouette of a house with
one window for each of the six victims.
A seventh window will represent the 14

others who were injured in the tragedy,
which occurred when a four-story brick
wall of a building being demolished collapsed onto an adjacent Salvation Army
Fox is collaborating with the Pennsylvania
Horticultural Society and a team of architects and landscape designers working to
transform the site of the collapse into a
park in 2015.

Anne Bryan, 24, a first-year PAFA
student, and five others were killed in
the June 2013 demolition collapse in
downtown Philadelphia. Bryan’s mother,
City Treasurer Nancy Winkler, was part
of the 22nd and Market Memorial Committee, which had invited PAFA alumni,
students, and faculty to submit proposals for the memorial.

Rendering credit is by Hussam SH. Elkhrraz (HSK-Studio).


Alumni Spotlight:

Njideka Akunyili Crosby
fit into it, and it’s still with me today, and it feels
really good. I still struggle in my studio—I think
all artists do—but it’s a different kind of struggle. If I want to achieve an effect, I know I can
do it. After four years at PAFA you can paint and
brush in a way very few people can. I don’t think
there are a lot of schools that offer that.”
She said that among the most valuable parts of
her PAFA experience was the opportunity for
technical growth as an artist. “It just makes you
realize that a lot about drawing isn’t talent the
way people think; it’s practice. It helped to have
a lot of practice under my belt. You just drew
and painted until you figured it out. Going to
PAFA was one of the best decisions I made.”

PAFA alumna Njideka Akunyili Crosby
was named the 2014 winner of the James
Dicke Contemporary Artist Prize from the
Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Akunyili Crosby (Post-Bacc. ‘06, Cert. ‘06-’09) is
the 11th winner of the prestigious award, which
is given to an artist under the age of 50 who “has
produced a significant body of work and consistently demonstrates exceptional creativity.”
The award comes with a $25,000 prize that is
intended to encourage the winner’s future artistic development and experimentation.
Akunyili Crosby was chosen by a panel of jurors
who praised her “striking ability to depict
deeply personal imagery that transcends the
specificity of individual experience and engages
in a global dialogue about trenchant social and
political issues.”

PAFA President and CEO David R. Brigham
called Akunyili Crosby “one of the most exciting
young American artists working today, advancing the traditions of figurative art and staking
her ground as a transnational artist.”
Akunyili Crosby’s vibrant paintings intertwine autobiographical and cultural narratives
through use of materials including collage and
photo-transfer images from family albums as
well as lifestyle magazines from her native
Nigeria. Her work has been featured in solo and
group exhibitions in the U.S. and Europe and is
in the collections of PAFA, Tate Modern, San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and Yale
“In my four years at PAFA I must have studied
with everyone,” she says. “I obtained a vast
knowledge of art, the history of it, how my art

Akunyili Crosby was born in 1983 in Enugu,
Nigeria. After receiving a bachelor’s
degree from Swarthmore College, she earned a
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in painting from
PAFA in 2006 and spent three years in PAFA’s
Certificate program before receiving an MFA
from Yale in 2011.
Harry Philbrick, the Edna S. Tuttleman
Museum Director at PAFA and a member of this
year’s award panel, noted, “Njideka Akunyili
Crosby represents the incredible diversity and
strength of the contemporary art world. Her
work weaves together different cultures and
perspectives on race and gender using complex
imagery, conceptual rigor, and dazzling technique.”
Njideka Akunyili Crosby, I Always Face You, Even When it
Seems Otherwise, 2012, Charcoal, acrylic and xerox transfer on
paper, 2 panels, each: 78 x 78 in.



Travel Scholarships

The William Emlen Cresson Memorial Travel Scholarship
The Richard C. Von Hess Memorial Travel Scholarship
The Lewis S. Ware Memorial Travel Scholarships
The J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Travel Scholarships

The J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Travel Scholarships

The Women’s Board Traveling Scholarship

Pennsylvania Governor’s Award
Philadelphia Mayor’s Award

Murray Dessner Memorial Travel Prize
The Judith McGregor Caldwell Purchase Prize
for the Academy’s Permanent Collection

Madeline Peckenpaugh
Drew Kohler
Anna Hodges
Alexandria Douziech
Brian Van Camerik
Sara Noa Mark
Ryan Ward
Reed Lockhart

Merit Winners
PAFA’s top merit scholarship were awarded to:

Selma Burke




Homeschool Workshops

PAFA began offering regularly
scheduled programming for families who
homeschool their children, focusing on
different exhibitions and curriculum
standards at each workshop. Families
are able to expand the horizons of their
in-home learners as well as network
with each other and build friendships by
sharing a creative experience with other

Family Arts Academy

PAFA’s flagship program for family
audiences continued offering Sunday
afternoon workshops for the whole family
throughout the school year. Thanks to
generous funding from PNC Arts Alive,
PAFA was able to offer all 37 workshops
at the museum completely free of charge
to all participants and to provide 53 free
community workshops at locations all
over the city. Sponsorship also allowed
PAFA to provide free buses to partners
around the city whose families otherwise
have trouble getting downtown to participate and to host an annual Family Festival
every October, to celebrate art, families
and the start of a new school year.

PAFA Art Camp

PAFA’s summer and spring break camp
programs continue to flourish and provide an important way to engage with
families during out of school time as well
as an important benefit to PAFA staff. In
summer 2013, over 400 students ages 5 to
15 attended PAFA’s art camps, including
Graphic Novels, Animation, Paintings in
3D and even The Enchanted Forest. Each
week of camp ends with an exhibition and
reception for the whole family in PAFA’s
Historic Cast Hall. PAFA was also able
to offer need-based scholarships to 31
deserving students from around the area.



Leadership Education and
Development (LEAD) for Teens

Thanks to support from the Barra
Foundation, PAFA inaugurated a new
program to engage and empower teen
audiences. The LEAD program continues
the work of PAFA’s Student Docent
Program, which expanded from 3 to 6
classes in FY14, while adding a teen
council to plan teen-friendly engagement
events at the museum for their peers.
PAFA’s program operates in partnership
with Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance’s STAMP (Students at Museums in
Philly) program, which gives over 11,000
high school students free admission to
participating museums. PAFA’s Youth
Council gives participating teens the
opportunity to plan city-wide events for
their peers, take part in internship and
mentorship opportunities, and act as
ambassadors for cultural organizations
across the city for other teens, younger
audiences, and family members.

School Group Visits and Outreach
PAFA art educators provided programming for over 12,000 school age children,
visiting classrooms around the region 111
times and facilitating 208 field trips for
area school groups. PAFA also held five
professional development workshops for
area teachers to help them incorporate
the visual arts, and PAFA’s extraordinary
collections and exhibitions specifically,
into their classroom teaching.

School Partnership Program

PAFA piloted its newest initiative for
school and community programming
in 2014 when it adopted Sheppard
Elementary School, a primarily Hispanic
school in Philadelphia’s North Kensington
neighborhood, as its first school partner.
Working year round in an economically
disadvantaged neighborhood, PAFA is
working to build a sustained relationship
with the community that includes school
field trips and outreach lessons, teacher
professional development programs, parent workshops, community outreach, festivals, and much more. PAFA is rigorously
evaluating the impact of this program on
this new neighborhood so that we can
make strategic decisions about additional school and community partnerships
around the city and continue to provide
an important art education resource and
community anchor in some of Philadelphia’s most challenged neighborhoods.


20 Years of After-School Studio Arts Program
In 2014, PAFA celebrated the 20th
anniversary of its After-School
Studio Arts Program.
Since its inception in 1994, PAFA’s
After-School Studio Arts Program
has provided over 3,000 students
(grades 9-12) from more than
50 public, charter and parochial
schools in Philadelphia, as well
as home school and special needs
students, with access to excellent
fine arts education and hands-on
studio experience free of charge.
The program is rooted in PAFA’s
educational mission as it is com-

mitted to providing widely accessible art education and experiences
to students in the Philadelphia
During the 2013/14 academic year,
over 220 students participated in
the program, many taking on multiple courses. The students showcased and celebrated the paintings,
drawings and illustrations that
they created over the course of the
school year during a public reception in May and June 2014.
Over the years, the program has
built an extraordinary relationship

with Philadelphia teachers,
students, and schools. Solidly
rooted in the community, the
program is meant to be a support to
Philadelphia schools and teachers,
rather than a replacement of art
education in local schools.
Instructed by PAFA faculty and
graduate students, the program
provides a solid footing in studio
art for students who otherwise
have little or no access to an art
program. In addition to developing
artistic and personal growth, the
program emphasizes technical

and practical skills, like building
an advanced portfolio for college
The High School After-School
Studio Art Program is funded in
part by grants from Mary Gregg
and John Ryan; the Brook J.
Lenfest Foundation; the Connelly
Foundation; the Cigna Foundation,
Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation; and the Robert Lehman


A D U LT P R O G R A M S :
PAFA Continuing Education (CE) offers art classes, workshops
and special programs for adults, pre-college courses for high
school students. The program served over 1,550 students in
FY 14.
Administered by CE, the Summer Academy for High School
Students is PAFA’s four-week pre-college program designed for
talented and motivated high school students who are intent on
a fine arts education. A new High School Program Director was
hired in 2014 to recruit new students and integrate and grow
PAFA’s high school program offerings across the institution.

The CE Program has been cultivating partnerships with other
institutions including the School of Pennsylvania Ballet and
Morris Arboretum. In the “Draw the Dance” workshop, PAFA CE
students drew student dancers while in rehearsal at the School of
PA Ballet and back in the PAFA studios. Students worked en plein
air on the grounds of Morris Arboretum in “Landscape at Morris
Arboretum” with PAFA professor Jill A. Rupinski.

The CE Program features weekend Master Classes, offering
students the opportunity to work with renowned artists,
including PAFA alumni. Artists who participated during FY 14
included Vincent Desiderio, Elizabeth Osborne, David Brewster,
Scott Noel, Eileen Goodman, Alex Kanevsky, Patricia Traub, Bill
Scott and Stuart Shils. CE is now collaborating with the Alumni
Gallery to offer Master Classes with select exhibiting artists.
The CE Summer Studio/Critique program offers artists and educators a private PAFA studio, weekly critiques on their artwork
from noted artists and art-world professionals as well as the
support and interaction of an artistic community. Critics in 2014
included Astrid Bowlby, Neysa Grassi, Harry Philbrick and Linda
Lee Alter.
In 2014, PAFA CE introduced the “Art as Therapy” class. Taught
by Dona Duncan, registered art therapist and PAFA docent, the
course was designed to help those suffering from the effects of
PTSD, depression, self-esteem issues and midlife crises open
their minds and hearts to a new world of enjoyment in life
through art.


A D U LT P R O G R A M S :
TA L K S , L E C T U R E S , D I S C U S S I O N S
The Review Panel Philadelphia
Inspired by the popular series of New Yorkbased public programs founded in 2004 at the
National Academy Museum and moderated by’s David Cohen, The Review
Panel Philadelphia creates an informed dialogue
about Philadelphia’s contemporary art and
artists and connects students and the public
with the arts community of the region.
Recent guest panelists have included Paddy

Johnson, Edward Epstein, Hilarie Sheets,
Stuart Shils, Jennie Hirsh, K. Malcolm Richards, Joan Waltemath, Astrid Bowlby, Ariella
Budick, Philip Glahn, Tom Csaszar, Edith
Newhall, Donald Kuspit, Andrea Kirsch, and
Jennifer Zarro.
The series aims to increase the visibility of
the city’s contemporary art exhibitions and

awareness of aesthetic issues, drawing upon
PAFA’s intellectual and artistic leadership in
the Philadelphia arts community and beyond.
The panels discussed Philadelphia exhibitions
by artists including Sarah Sze, Ena Swansea,
Jennifer Bartlett, Jason Rhoades, Michael
Snow, and Ken Lum.


Fall 2014
Martha Clippinger’s work
inhabits the fertile area between
painting and sculpture, and calls
attention to color, the physical
qualities of the materials, and the
spaces where the work is installed.
Matthew Deleget is an artist and
curator whose work was included
in the 2014 Whitney Biennial and
who has founded MINUS SPACE,
a platform for reductive art on the
international level.
Stephanie Pierce’s paintings
evoke the meeting of recognizable
imagery and abstraction. The
accumulation of her painted marks
indicates observed moments of
space and light over time.

Mia Rosenthal’s work translates
the imagery and organization of
the virtual world we’ve become so
familiar with via the Internet into
tangible works on paper through
Kurt Kauper is a painter whose
work had, for the past 15 years,
been images of familiar cultural
icons seen in a variety of unfamiliar ways.
Laurel Nakadate is known for
video and photography that features individuals interacting in
situations suggesting relationships
of power and submission, intimacy
and seduction, and the hunter and
the hunted.

Spring 2014

Chie Fueki combines patterns
and narrative with references to
Japanese painting, 15th-century
Italian painting, video games, and
popular culture.

Sam Moyer is a Brooklyn-based
artist who creates mysterious,
expansive images that leave the
viewer questioning how they were

Rob Swainston combines
traditional printmaking techniques with contemporary art
practices such as large-scale
installation, painting, sculpture,
and video.

Saya Woolfalk is a multidisciplinary artists who often
works in the tradition of the fable
or folk story, mapping the desires
and ideas of people while creating
contemporary narratives.

Mark Dion examines the ways in
which dominant ideologies and
public institutions shape our understanding of history, knowledge,
and the natural world.
Shimon Attie engages local
communities and explores different ways we are able to re-imagine
our relationship to issues of loss
and communal trauma.
Alex Da Corte has recently
mounted solo shows and
presentations at the Institute of
Contemporary Art, Philadelphia;
Carl Kostyal, Stockholm; David
Risley Gallery, Copenhagen;
Artspeak, Vancouver; and Mother’s
Tankstation, Dublin.
Titus Kaphar cuts, bends, sculpts
and mixes the work of Classic and
Renaissance painters, creating formal games and new tales between
fiction and quotation.
R.L. Tillman twists and tweaks
the visual culture of our time to
explore issues in society, politics, and art using graphic media,
installation, performance, publication, and writing.
Richard Harrod deals with
notions of human estrangement
and alienation from the natural

world through a combination of
sculpture and digital prints.
Hilary Harkness is a former
professional violinist who honed
her unique artistic worldview
while living in San Francisco, and
now lives and works in Brooklyn.

Fall 2013
Ann Gale is a Seattle-based
figurative painter engaged in an intense observation of her subjects.
Testing visual and bodily endurance levels, her paint accumulates
in gradually shifting movements.
Lucas Blalock plays with the
conventions of photography by
exploring its limits and inherent
Tristin Lowe is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice
delves into the crude and rude,
absurd and abject, pushing
low-brow, low-tech methods and
materials toward unexpected ends.
Robert Taplin is a self-taught
artist who lives and works in New
Haven, Conn. Since the mid-1970s
he has shown widely in museums
and commercial galleries and has
completed a number of permanent
public art projects.



AS OF JUNE 30, 2014 AND 2013
JUNE 30, 2014

JUNE 30, 2013

$ 32,706,086
$ 107,761,128

$ 3,203,239
$ 75,067,943

Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Bonds and notes payable
Line of credit
Deferred revenue
Other liabilities
Total Liabilities

$ 1,143,827
$ 23,919,668

$ 902,207
$ 23,537,135

Unrestricted net assets
Temporarily restricted net assets
Permanently restricted net assets
Total Net Assets

$ 57,116,793
$ 83,841,460

$ 26,729,548
$ 51,530,808

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

$ 107,761,128

$ 75,067,943

Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Contributions receivable
Prepaid expenses
Land, buildings and equipment (net)
Endowment funds
Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts
Funds held by trustee
Other assets
Total Assets


J U N E 3 0, 20 1 4 A N D 2 0 1 3

JUNE 30, 2014

JUNE 30, 2013

Tuition and fees
Investment income
Gifts and grants revenue
Continuing and public education
Facility rentals and retail operations
Other revenue
Total Operating Program, Support
and Investment Income

$ 9,758,419

$ 9,829,735

$ 18,406,348

$ 16,892,969

School operations
Continuing and public education
Museum and exhibitions
Development and fundraising
Facility rental and catering
Management and general
Total Program and Support Expenses

$ 10,348,592
$ 17,654,091

$ 9,851,890
$ 16,697,305

$ 752,257

$ 195,664

Net Revenue Before Depreciation




$ 18,406,3 48

$ 17,6 5 4,0 91

and General


and Retail

Facility Rental
and Catering

and Public


Gifts and


and Fundraising





Tuition and Fees

Museum and






Continuing and
Public Education



The Albert M. Greenfield Foundation
became the lead foundation sponsor of
Beyond the Paint: Philadelphia’s Mural
Arts with a generous grant of $250,000,
celebrating the 30th anniversary of the
Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia.
PAFA also benefitted from the second year
of support from the Albert M. Greenfield
Foundation for Phase 2 of the Albert M.
Greenfield American Art Resource Online
project, with $100,000 to digitize PAFA’s
entire collection, making it accessible
online to individuals around the world.
The Arcadia Foundation made a generous gift of $100,000 in support of student
scholarships at PAFA. This grant helped
24 talented artists pursue their dreams,
and receive a world-class fine arts
A commitment from the Barra
Foundation of $100,000 over four years
allowed PAFA to successfully launch the
Teen LEAD Program, which engages teens
with the arts through a Youth Council,
inviting them to be thought leaders and
cultural ambassadors for their peers.
The Richard C. von Hess Foundation
made a grant of $50,000 for the purchase
of new equipment and upgrades to PAFA’s
Conservation Lab.
A two-year grant from the Connelly
Foundation is supporting PAFA’s
After-School Studio Arts Program for

High School Students, and various museum education programs for K-12 students
with $40,000.
In 2013-14, PAFA received significant
support from several government
agencies, including $81,000 in general
support from the Pennsylvania
Council on the Arts; $40,000 from
the National Endowment for the
Humanities to assess collection storage
needs, and plan for new storage spaces;
and $50,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts in support of Family
Arts Academy and School Visit Tours.

their work in an evening-long session
with several of the Fund’s donors and
PAFA faculty Clint Jukkala and Rob
Roesch. Ultimately, the Venture Fund
awarded more than $15,000 to 8 students:
Inga Kimberly Brown, Caitlin Clements,
Alexandria Douziech, Brendan Keen,
Claire Kowalewski, Lauren Pellerito,
Laura Sallade and Evan Schukis.
The student awardees included graduate
and undergraduate students, painters,
sculptors, installation- and video-based
artists, allowing them to complete projects
that they otherwise felt may have been out
of reach.

In 2014, PAFA launched a new program
for students – the PAFA Fine Arts Venture
Fund –spear-headed by PAFA trustee
Anne McCollum, to support students’
artistic goals and encourage their developing professional practices. A unique
program, the Fine Arts Venture Fund
allows students to engage in a “real world”
grant-seeking process, in which they
develop a unique art project, write a grant
proposal, and, for the semi-finalists in the
process, present their work in person to
In the program’s inaugural year, 36
students submitted proposals to the fund,
with funding requests ranging from a few
hundred dollars to thousands of dollars.
From this pool of applicants, 13 students
were selected as semi-finalists to present

Brendan Keen (Cert./BFA ’14)



This year, 3,072 members were served and
PAFA welcomed 595 new members. Members
continued to enjoy curator and faculty-led
gallery tours of PAFA’s permanent collection
and special exhibitions, providing them with the
opportunity to understand the work from the
perspectives of an art historian and a working
artist. Members Make Workshops were added
to the list of members-only programs, offering
hands-on art making experiences for members
and highlighting PAFA’s unique position as an
institution that trains artists.


PAFA hosted an auction which raised $100,000
in funds to establish The Giovanni Martino
Family Scholarship and complete The Murray
Dessner Memorial Graduate Travel Prize.
Alasdair Nichol, Freeman’s Vice Chairman,
presided over the auction, which included
selected works from Giovanni, Eva, Nina and
Babette Martino, as well as PAFA Faculty and
PAFA alumni, including works by the late
Murray Dessner.

The galleries of PAFA’s Historic Landmark
Building burst into bloom in the spring of 2014
with PAFA in Bloom. For the event, PAFA
partnered with Schaffer Designs’ Bill Schaffer
and Kristine Kratt, highly regarded national
floral designers, as well as 45 national floral designers to create a three-day showcase of more
than 60 exquisite floral designs interpreting art
masterpieces from PAFA’s renowned collection
and rarely seen Cast Hall. A floral gala kicked
off the event and was followed by a variety of
related programs and workshops led by
internationally-recognized floral designers
and artists for adults, children, and families
throughout the weekend.


The Peale Circle, PAFA’s leadership membership
group, had a another wonderful year with many
varied opportunities to explore art, including
exhibition opening receptions for the museum,
as well as exclusive experiences with the school
during Open Studio Night, the Annual Print Sale,
and the launch of the PAFA Press.
Beyond the Paint Trolley Tour

Peale Circle members enjoyed a
private and in-depth trolley tour of
the murals of Philadelphia with Jane
Golden, Executive Director of the
Mural Arts Program, and Harry
Philbrick, Edna S. Tuttleman
Director of the Museum.


David Brigham, President and CEO,
led Peale Circle members on a whirlwind trip to Nantucket in August.
Guests enjoyed a private tour of the
newly restored Greater Light as well
as intimate receptions at the homes
of Linda and Harvey Saligman and
Gretchen and Jay Riley.

Maybrook Mansion

The Peale Circle visited the
Maybrook Mansion and enjoyed
a private tour of the estate and its
collection of Philadelphia artists,
including, Maxfield Parrish, William
Trost Richards, Louis Sloan, and
Violet Oakley.



Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Ball III
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and Donald R. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Harvey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Lenfest
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Middleton
Mr. Tanley Wong

$25,000 - $4 9,9 9 9

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Mr. Jonathan L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Joe and Jane Goldblum
Mrs. Dorothy Lichtenstein
Dr. Karl F. Rugart, Jr.*
Mary Gregg and John Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. du P. Smith
Mr. Richard Vague

$10,000 - $2 4 ,9 9 9

Julie and Jim Alexandre
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Ballou
Sally J. Bellet, Esq.
Mr. Marc Benda
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Biddle
Mr. Bill Brady
Mr. Seth Carmichael
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Catanella
Mr. Elliot H. Clark
Mr. Arthur Dantchik
Monica and Dan DiLella
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Eberhart
Mr. William J. Farrell II
The Fellowship of PAFA
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fry
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hankowsky
I. Brewster and Company Gallery
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.
Frances and Robert Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Koppelman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Leto
Mr. Israel Levarek
Mr. and Mrs. Winston I. Lowe, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire
Ms. Victoria Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Matteo, Jr.
Ms. Anne Elizabeth McCollum

Mr. and Mrs. Washburn S. Oberwager
Mr. James O’Neill and Mr. David A. Rubin
Mr. Thomas N. Pappas
Ms. Gretchen Roede and Mr. Richard Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Sashi Reddi
Ms. Sara Lomax-Reese and Mr. Timothy
A. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Mr. Theodore O. Rogers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schorling, Esq.
Mr. Andrew Siegel and Ms. Amy Sepinwall
Ms. Martha McGeary Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spahr
Dr. Martin Stogniew
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk
Mr. Larry Warsh

$ 5 ,000 - $ 9,999

Ms. Floss Barber
Sally J. Bellet, Esq.
Linda Seyda and Robert Boris
Ms. Linda Dessner
Mrs. Robert W. Duemling
Dr. Janice T. Gordon
Ms. Marjorie Lewis
Ms. Marie Morgan
Mr. Richard W. Snowden and
Mr. Frederick Holzerman
Mr. Waqas Wajahat
Ms. Gina Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wilmerding

John B. Bartlett
Robert L. Byers
Lynne Chapman
Elizabeth G. Dolan
Mary P. Graham
Mrs. Henry F. Harris
Patricia P. Kermes
Gabriele Lee
Howard H. Lewis
Nancy Marcus
Charles E. Mather III
Mary MacGregor Mather
Peter McCausland
John M. Ryan
Samuel J. Savitz
Harold A. Sorgenti, Chairman

Archbold D. van Beuren
Richard B. Worley
Mrs. James W. Zug

C ha rles W illso n P eale Ci rcle
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Ball III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Harvey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Lenfest
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran

C ec ilia Beaux C ircle

Julie and Jim Alexandre
Mr. Dennis Alter
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Averill
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Ballou
Sally J. Bellet, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Biddle
Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and
Donald R. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Catanella
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase
Mr. Elliot H. Clark
Mr. Jonathan L. Cohen
Monica and Dan DiLella
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Eberhart
Mr. William J. Farrell II
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fry
Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hankowsky
Mr. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Koppelman
Mr. and Mrs. Brook J. Lenfest
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Leto
Mr. and Mrs. Winston I. Lowe, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Matteo, Jr.
Ms. Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Ms. Martha McGeary Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Washburn S. Oberwager
Mr. James E. O’Neill and Mr. David A. Rubin
Mr. Thomas N. Pappas
Ms. Gretchen Roede and Mr. Richard Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Sashi Reddi
Ms. Sara Lomax-Reese and Mr. Timothy A. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Mr. Theodore O. Rogers, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rossello
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schorling, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. du P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spahr
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk
Mr. Richard Vague

Th omas Eak i ns Ci rcle

Lorraine and Benjamin Alexander
Jeanne Ruddy and Victor Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Toll

Horace P i ppi n Ci rcle

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher
Linda Seyda and Robert Boris
Dr. Dorothy J. del Bueno
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Gross
Darcy Allen and Richard Kipp
Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris Williams, Jr.

Vi olet O ak ley Ci rcle

Dr. Michael Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Affleck
Ms. Linda Lee Alter
Ms. Lynda Barness
Willo Carey and Peter A. Benoliel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brandt
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Brodsky
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Sheryl and William Bullitt
Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett
Mr. and Mrs. Cummins Catherwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cole
Mr. Arthur Dantchik
Dr. Richard Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Dean
Mrs. J. David Donahower
Mr. and Mrs. John Durham
Ms. Heather Richards Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Fala
Ms. Joan Miller Moran and Mr. William Fenza
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fleischner
Ms. Deena Sara Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. David Glickstein
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Goldblum
William and Joan Goldstein


Dr. Janice T. Gordon
Eugenie Logue and Gerhardt Herbert
Sarah and Jason Ingle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kahn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaiser, Jr.
Lis and Mike Kalogris
Ms. Michelle S. Karbiner
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kunstreich
Ms. Caren Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lebowitz
Dale Penneys Levy
Dr. Nancy Lisagor and Mr. Frank Lipsius
Mrs. Lawrence E. MacElree
Mr. and Ms. David G. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Rory McNeil
Ms. Nicki Nathan and Mr. Michael Metelits
Mr. and Mrs. William Mezzanotte
Ms. Emanuela Miller-Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Mirabello
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. J. Brien Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nesbitt III
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Noll
Mr. W. Gresham O’Malley III
Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson
Ms. Pamela Trimingham and
Mr. David Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Vincente Pita
Mr. Edward A. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A. Rosenau
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rotwitt
Mr. and Mrs. David Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russo
Mr. Charles E. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sacks
Dr. and Mrs. Hass Shafia
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shein
Dr. Willys Silvers
Mr. Alan P. Slack
Mrs. Joly W. Stewart
Dr. Martin Stogniew
Dr. Bayard T. Storey
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw
Dr. and Mrs. William Tasman
Mr.and Mrs. Fabio Terlevich
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Tolson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veloric
Dr. Robert J. Wallner
Mary and Brock Weatherup
Dr. and Mrs. Sankey V. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Windt
Ms. Lisa M. Witomski and Mr. James A. Scott
Mr. Joseph S. Zuritsky


Ms. Bettina B. Aberant
Mr. and Ms. Edward K. Asplundh
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Barsh
Mr. Andrew F. Blittman
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Casper
Mr. Daniel P. Devlin
Mr. Edward C. Driscoll
Ms. Lee Ducat
David F. Ertz and Kristin Mullaney
Ms. Marsha R. Friedman
Ms. Elizabeth Gemmill
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenwald
Mr. David W. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hill III
Dr. Douglas S. Holsclaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kennedy
Gilbert and Rebecca Kerlin
Ms. J. Jordan Klinefelter
Frances and Robert Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Krasne
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Le Vine
Mr. Robert Locke
Jane and Bernard Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCarthy
Ms. Kathleen D. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mechura
Robert O’Connor
Mr. Fred Oster and Ms. Catherine Jacobs
Dr. and Mrs. B. Perry Ottenberg
Ms. Beatrice S. Pitcairn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Raab
Ms. Pamela Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schwarz, Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline E. Swartz


Mr. and Mrs. Harris C. Aller, Jr.
Mr. William J. Avery
Mr. Fred Allen Barfoot
Mr. Richard Beck and Mr. Robert Sher

Wendy Smith and Christopher Born
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bronstein
Ruth E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Brownlee
Mr. Michael P. Buckley
Mr. Ken Butera and Ms. Karol Wasylyshyn
Mr. Lee A. Casper and Ms. Maureen Abrams
Mr. Ralph Citino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen
Ms. Mari Corson
Mr. Patrick P. Coyne
Mr. Gregg R. Crumley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Daley
Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Dennis
Santo DiDonato and George Koch, Jr.
Ms. and Mr. Barbara Dilsheimer
Mrs. Donald L. Felley
Ms. Eileen Fiqueroa
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Garfield
Ms. Susan Getze
Ms. Dina Ghen
Bruce Giantonio and James Leipold
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Gillman
Peter Goodman and Clara Callahan
Ms. Laurel Grady
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hamme
Mr.and Mrs. James W. Harper
Mr. J. Welles Henderson
Ms. Debra Hofreiter
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holloran
Mr. Charles J. Ingersoll
Mr. Jeffrey A. Jacobs
Ms. Nicole Joniec and Mr. Christopher Neapolitan
Mr. William J.D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Justi
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Keiter
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kreithen
Dr. Kenneth L. Kusmer
Dr. and Mrs. Marc S. Lapayowker
Joan W. Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Maimon
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mandel
Mr. Dennis C. McGlade
Ms. Mary Hale Meyer and
Dr. Susan V. McLeer
Ms. Linda Montague

Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mundheim
Mr. Paul R. Nemeth and Ms. Jean Flood
Miss Susan Odessey and Ms. Ariel Coff
William Packard and Eros Leroi
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Polak, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Reiss
Dr. Keith M. Robinson
Ms. Patricia A. Rosenberg
Dan Rothermel and Michael Hairston
Ms. Cynthia D. Rugart
Ms. Lucinda Sanders
Ms. Antoinette Farrar Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sharrar
Mr. Edward F. Shay and Ms. Alice Gosfield
Mrs. Marcia C. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Sheehan
Keith D. Shively and Thomas Williams
Mr. Mark I. Simon and Mrs. Deborah K. Simon
Mrs. Karlyn Skipworth
Mr. Paul Smith
Mr. Marc J. Sonnenfeld and Ms. Ann Laupheimer
Ms. Mary Teeling and Mr. George Saÿen
Mr. and Mrs. John Tom
Dr. Regina Torsney-Durkin
Mr. and Ms. Jim Voigtlander
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walther
Ms. Deborah R. Willig and Dr. Kathryn Casey
Dr. Judith E. Wolf and Dr. Howard J. Eisen
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Yaffe
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Yasinow
Mr. Michael Zuckerman and Ms. Jan Levine
Prof. Christina Zwarg


Dr. and Ms. Isaac Abir
Dr. Daniel Abraham
Ms. Elizabeth Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Alberts
Mr. Hans-Ulrich Allemann
Mr. Peter Allen
Ms. C’Anne Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Andrews, Jr.
Ms. Marina Angel
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Anthony
Drs. John and Kristina Antoniades
Ms. Agnes Armao
A. Joseph and Ann H. Armstrong
Marilyn and Robert Asplundh
Ms. Carol Avins and Mr. Ray Solomon
Mrs. and Mr. Susan Axler


Mr. Michael W. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Barrist
Ms. Jane Barry and Mr. Patrick O’Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bazelon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beam
Heidi Nivling and Larry Becker
Mr. Richard L. Behr and Ms. Joan Behr
Dr. Leslie Belloso
Mr. Perry Benson
Ms. Rose Benson
Mr. Lance A. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. David Bergman
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Berkowitz
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Bernick
Ms. Sandra M. Berwind
Morris J. Birnbaum and Barbara Reville
Dr. Richard Bitner
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Blalock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bloom
Charles and Marjorie Bosk
Ms. Cynthia Boughton
Ms. Patricia T. Boyer
Julia A. and Arnold W. Bradburd
Mrs. Sivia Braunstein
Dr. Kent Bream and Ms. Adele Fava
Mrs. Philip A. Bregy
Mr. John M. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bright
Ms. Debra G. Brodsky
Dr. Dorothy Brown
Ms. Lydia Hamilton Brown
Ms. Patricia L. Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budin
Mrs. Laura T. Bullitt
Dr. David R. Burns
Ms. Andrea Cakars
Ms. Christine Calbry and Mr. Douglas Muzyka
Mr. Harry Camarda
Mr. Andrew B. Campbell
Ms. Gertrude Campbell
Jerome and Judith Caplan
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Carter
Ms. Kathleen Catanese
Ms. Teresa N. Cavenagh
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ceglowski
Mr. William Celenza
Mrs. Joanne F. Cervantes
Ms. Allison Chang
Ms. Linda Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Churchman

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taws Claghorn
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark
Mrs. Cordelia E. Clement
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Cole
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Collett
Nancy and David Colman
Mr. and Mrs. John Comstock
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Connolly
Ms. Barbara Cooke
Ms. Francine Cooper and Mr. James Poole
Ms. Lee Cooper van de Velde
Dr. Andrew T. Costarino, Jr.
Robert and Susan Couch
Mr. Fred Cowden
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Coyle
Ms. Virginia F. Crawford
Mr. Anthony B. Creamer III
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cresswell
Mr. and Mrs. David Cummins
Dr. Sharon M. Curlik and Mr. K.C. Goodman
Ann and Joel Cutler
Mr. Dan Dagle
Mr. Joseph V. D’Alessandro
Ms. Mary Daly and Mr. James L. Borders
Mr. Joseph Danciger
Mr. Fred Danziger
Mr. and Mrs. John Davies
Mr. J. Barry Davis
Dr. Thadious Davis
Dr. George S. Day and Mrs. Alice Donavin Day
Mr. and Mrs. Charles de Rham
Margaret and David Dee
Phyllis and Jay Denbo
Mrs. Joanne R. Denworth and Mr. John Bower
Ms. Rhonda Dickey
Mrs. Willem K. Dikland
Mrs. Rita Dillard
Mr. and Ms. Richard DiLullo
Mr. Louis Ditanna
Ms. Cheryl Dobleske
Jay M. Donner and Wendell Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Dooner, Jr.
Ms. Janet S. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douse
Mr. William F. Dowling
Dan Dugan & Kathy Byrne-Dugan
Mr. B. J. Dunn and Mr. Richard Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Duplessis
Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Eales
Mr. and Mrs. Van P. Eckes
Mr. Renard E. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards
Marianne Ruby and Gary Emmett
Mr. Edward M. Epstein
Ms. Roslyn Epstein
Ms. Karen Eriksen
Mr. Steven B. Erisoty
Sharon A. Errickson
Mr. Joseph M. Evancich and
Ms. Linda Gattinella
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Evelev
Kathryn Evers and Allen Haas
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fabian
Mr. James Fairburn
James Feeney and Cynthia Heininger
James Fennell and Henry Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson
Ms. Ruth Fine
Mr. Bruce A. Finlayson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Fischer
Ms. Alma Forman and Ms. Dianne Forman
Ms. Diane B. Foster
Dr. Kathleen A. Foster
Dr. Margaret Foti
Mrs. Anita M. Franchetti
Mr. leonard A. frank and Dr. Barbara Frank
Mr. Wayne Franks
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Frederick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Freyer
Ms. Mary Jane B. Fullam
Mr. and Ms. Anthony Galatola
Geoffrey and Laura Gardiner
Ms. Margarita Alain Gay
Mr. and Ms. Glenn R. George
Ms. Joan Gervato
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibbons
Ms. Alexandra Gignoux
Ms. Judith B. Ginsberg
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Giuntoli, Sr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Glascott and Mr. Tom Macy
Mr. and Mrs. William Glassman
Mr. Eli Glatstein
Mr. and Ms. Richard C. Glazer
Ms. Mary Goldman
Ms. Caroline Goodman
Dr. Jan Goplerud
Ms. Helena Grady and Mr. Joel Marucheck
Ms. Myra Greenberg
Mr. J. Lawrence Grim, Jr.
Ms. Leslie Grissom and Mr. William Poteau
Susan Grody and Marvin H. Grody, M.D.
Mr. Jeffery L. Grogan
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence Gross

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Grunder
Ms. Faith Gussack
Mrs. Mary B. Gutman
Ms. Catherine Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hall
Laura Rizio and James A. Hamilton III
Mrs. Peter Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrison
Mrs. Joan K. Harvey
Ms. Janis Hawes
Mr. Thomas S. Heckman and
Ms. Mary Jo Ashenfelter
Bernice J. Henry, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven G. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hilpl
Mr. and Mrs. Elam M. Hitchner III
Ms. Karen Hoepfinger
Mr. Norman Hoffer
Ms. Gail A. Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Hoffman
Ms. Barbara Holden
Ms. Clara Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Edgardo Holzman
Mr. and Mrs. Lon W. Homeier
Dr. Lee Horne and Mr. Bruce Pearson
Esther and Bob Hornik
Helen and John F. Horstmann
Mrs. Susan K. Horty
Ms. Lynda K. Hubbell and Mr. Paul Hummer
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Hume
Mrs. Priscilla H. Huston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hyndman, Jr.
Ms. Brigid Hynes-Cherin and
Mr. Christopher Hynes
Mr. Robert M. Jaffee and
Mrs. Barbara Granger
Mr. Roy A. James
Mr. Barry W. Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Johnston
Robin Lerner and James Jolinger
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jones
John and Maxine Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Hon. Babette Josephs
Ms. Nanette Kalani
Mr. Charles Kalick
Elyssa Kane and Jeff Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane
Ms. Ritva T. Kangasperko
Mr. Robert L. Kaplan and Ms. Edna F. Dick
Mr. Ronald M. Kaplan and Mrs. Barbara


Dr. and Mrs. Julian Katz
Dr. Andrea Kay
Mr. Robert Kelly and Ms. Gloria Montes-Kelly
Ms. Barbara Keough
Dolores Ketterer and Florence Fee
Mr. and Mrs. Bijan Khosrowshahi
Anna Meadows and Alfred Knudson
John and Beverley Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Koons
Ms. Phoebe Kornfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Isador Kranzel
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Kurkowski
Dr. Peter Laibson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold S. Lakoff
Elaine Landau
Dr. Michael J. Leja
Ms. Susan Leontiades
Mr. Robert J. Lerner and Ms. Jean M.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lerner
Dr. and Mrs. David C Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Levine
Mr. William P. Liberi and Ms. Linda C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Libkind
Mr. Norman Lieberman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Likens
Mr. William A. Loeb
Mr. Riccardo Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Spyros Loukatos
Ms. Adele Tobias Lynch
Ms. Marilyn Fishman and Mr. James
Ms. Diana J. Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Macy
Ms. Lana C. Maier and Mr. Eugene Maier
Mr. David H. Malarek
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mangel
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Margolis
Dr. Stephen Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Margulies
Ms. Marianne Maxwell
Mr. Peter Maxwell and Ms. Margo
Chew Dolan
Ms. Bridgette Mayer
Mr. Daniel McElroy
Ms. Constance Ferris Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. Miller
Mr. Mark Miller
Mitchell and Shirley Miller
Ms. Anne Minich
Ms. Beatrice Mintz

Ross Mitchell
Dr. Barbara J. Mitnick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Montgomery, Jr.
Mrs. Colleen M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Ms. Felicite Moorman
Ms. Sara S. Moran
Mr. Keith Morrison
Mr. Robert J. Morrison
Erik and Esther Murer
Mr. Richard J. Nabasny
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Naglee
Dr. and Mrs. David Naide
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nathan
Mr. Neal Nathanson
Ms. Sara Nerken
Roger and Carol Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Novack
Mr. and Mrs. Kosrow Nowroozi
Mr. Paul T. Nutaitis
Dr. Christine I. Oaklander
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oaks
Peter O’Dwyer
Mr. Stephen O’Hara and Mr. William Baccini
Mr. Albert T. Olenzak and Ms. Kathryn Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Olivieri
Mr. John E. Ollman
Lyn Buccheit and Shaun O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orr
Dr. Karen L. Overall and Dr. Arthur E.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Packel
Mr. and Mrs. Kendric T. Packer
Ms. Carla A. Pagliaro
Mr. Robert Palaima and Ms. Wendy Lebing
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pallante
Mr. Richard Pascal
Mr. Alan Paston
Ms. Marilynn H. Paul
Ms. Lynn A. Marks and Mr. Clifford Pearlman
Mr. Seth Perkins
Dr. Charles B. Peterson III
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pitts
Peter and Caroline Piven
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pizzano
Ms. Rebecca Bien and Dr. David Poll
Ms. Jeanne Pond
Mr. Marshall A. Portnoy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Powers
Ms. Nicole Pu
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rackow

Margaret and Tom Ralph
Ms. Judith Ramirez
Kathleen C. Klee and David T. Rawson
Ms. Elise Redfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Regan
Ms. Gail Reilly
Mr. David Rendall
Ms. Linda Resnick
Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Resnick
Ms. Nancy Resnick
Ms. Stephanie Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Richman
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rieder
Mrs. Wallace Ries
Chao Lin and David Riz
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Bayard Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rodgers
Ms. Marta Rodriguez
Mr. Harry Roecker and Ms. Sabine Roecker
Ms. Charlotte Roede
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Rosato
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Rosenfeld
Ms. Joellyn Ross and Mr. Abram Engelman
Mr. Marc Ross and Ms. Katherine Connor
Mr. and Ms. Christopher Ross
Ms. Susan Ross
Mr. Dan Rottenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Rounick
Ms. Harriet Rubenstein and Mr. Martin
Ms. Gwenn Rubin
Dr. and Mrs. Lionel F. Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rudden
Dr. Ellier Russ
Mr. Colin Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Russo
Phyllis Sabol and Frank Keaney
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Inslee
Dr. Alan R. Sandman and Mr. John P. Pcsolar
Donna and Stephan Satir
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saul
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Saul
Mr. Jesse Saunders and Mrs. Rikki Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Saunders
Mr. Douglas Schaller and Mr. David Barquist
Mr. Lawrence Scharf and Mr. Paul Buttner
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Scher
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwartz
Mr. and Dr. Harry Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Schwartz
Mr. Michael Shannon

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shaw
Marcye Shayer, Ph.D.
Ms. Carol Nelson Shepherd
Mr. Kenneth L. Sheppard and Mrs. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Shore
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Showler
Ms. Sally Siddiqi
Mr. Andrew Siegel and Ms. Amy Sepinwall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Siman
Mr. Jean Simard
Mr. Almut Simins
Ms. Lisa Simon and Mr. David Nugiel
Mr. Ron Simon and Ms. Diane Fuchs
Mr. Dolph Simons and Mr. Lawrence LeGar
Corey and Jonne Smith
Mr. Roland Smith and Ms. Ling Li
Mr. and Mrs. John Smyth, Jr.
Samuel and Rosanne Spear
Dr. and Mrs. Gus Spector
Larry and Ann Rosen Spector
Mr. Joe L. Speight
Mr. Stan Sperlak
Tad Sperry and Ellen Harvey
Mr. Nicholas Stanley
Ms. Dani J. Stefanik
Dr. Stephen P. Steinberg and Ms. Hedra
Ms. Marilyn Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Stephano
Alicia A. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stevens
Dr. Kathleen Stewart and Mr. Jason Stewart
Mrs. Corinne R. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Svanda
Miss Helen L. Swain
Roberta Tarbell and Karl Miller
Ms. Marcia R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Taylor
Mr. Michael L. Templeton and Ms. Maureen
A. Barrett
Robert and Terri Teti
Ms. Letty D. Thall
Ms. Susan Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Fairman R. Thompson
Ms. Karen Thompson and Mr. Matthew
Charles Thrall and Sally Simmons
Nancy and Donald Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tognini
Jean and Frank Tracy


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Traister
Mr. Robert Troia and Ms. Helen Troia-Shear
Dr. and Ms. Alan Troy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Troy
Mr. and Mrs. David Tweedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tyler
Ms. Gail Valente
Nadeen Van Tuyle and Gil Feinberg
Mr. Nathan Van Wooten
Mr. and Ms. Doug Vaughn
Ms. Kathleen Vick and Mr. Stephen Stack
Midge and Jack R. Vinson
Ms. Sandra Vondeling
Ms. Ann Walker
Ms. Suzanne Walker and Mr. Thomas Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Wallace
Ms. Stephanie Warakomski
Jeannine and David Webber
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Wechsler
Ms. Millicent Weinstein
Ms. Harriet Weiss
Ms. Julie Welker
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Wells
Mr. Brian Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Miss Margaretta Wilcox and Ms. Ann
Mr. Horace E. Williams
Mr. Oliver P. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wilmerding, Jr.
Murray and Vera Wilson
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Ms. Nancy Winkler and Mr. John Bryan
Mr. and Ms. Stanley Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wright
Ms. Jeanne P. Wrobleski
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Z. Wurts
Mr. David W. Young and Ms. Sloan Seale
Ms. Barbara Zalkind
Mrs. Sybille Zeldin and Mr. Bill Brinkman
Ms. Laurie Zierer and Mr. George Tzanis
Ms. Maureen Zug


Dr. and Mrs. Barry Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Ion Abraham
Dr. David J. Abrams
Ms. Edith Agard
Dr. Christina Ager
Diane and John Alexanderson
Ernest and Laivda Allen

Mr. and Mrs. James Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alwyn
Ms. Janet M. Andereck
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Andrews
Samuel and Andrea Apicelli
Mr. Paul Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ascher
Ms. Kathy V. Ashburn
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Babich
Carol and Richard Baca
Ms. Yvonne Bach and Mr. William Eisen
Joy Baker and JoAnne Peace
Mr. Ethan F. Ball and Ms. Mary Bell Ball
Michael Bannerman and Alayne Abrahams
Ms. Catherine Barbieri and Mr. Jason
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Barr
Mrs. Charles M. Barringer
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Bassett III
Ms. Debra Basso and Mr. Wellington Davis
Marylynn and James Bates
Mr. Gregory Batker and Ms. Suet Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Baum
Ms. Mary Ivy Bayard
Mr. Leonard A. Bazemore
Ms. Sharon L. Bean Levin and Mr. Robert
Drs. Sylvia Beck and Jay Federman
Ms. Flora L. Becker
Lazlo Beh and Julia Verkholantsev
Dr. and Mrs. Jere R. Behrman
Mr. and Ms. Eugene W. Beier
Mrs. Kathie Bell and Mr. Jeffrey Graham Bell
Dennis and Sharyn Bellafiore
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belsky
Sal and Doris Berenholz
Ms. Deborah D Bergen
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Berger
Sandra Betner and Marc Chaikin
Mr. Keith Betten
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Betz
Shari Bickel and Todd Cutler
Ms. Margaret M. Biddle
Ms. Victoria Bieber
Mr. Edward G. Biester
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Black, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Blackman
Ms. Barbara Blair and Mr. Joseph Robbins
Laura and Roy Blanchard
Ms. Barbara Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boardman

Jennifer and Luca Bogoni
Susan E. Bolesta and Jane Gottfried
Mr. J. Blaine Bonham and Mr. Richard
Ms. Maureen Botros
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boulay
Ms. Gail Bracegirdle and Mr. William Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Bramson
Mr. and Mrs. William Branan
Mr. James Brantley and Ms. Sande Webster
Mr. Edward Braun and Ms. Anne-Adele Wight
Ms. Michele Bregande
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Breman
Ms. Bonnie Brier and Mr. Bruce Rosenfield
Ms. Celeste Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Briggs
Dr. Jean Brody and Dr. Louis Schwartz
Mr. Alvin Brothers
Ms. Ellie Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown
Mr. William Brown
Dr. Marina S. Brownlee and Dr. Kevin
Mr. Robert Bruhin and Ms. Karen Schlechter
Dennis and Linda Brunn
Ms. Mary Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burget
Charles and Margo Burnette
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burwasser
Robert A. Busser
Ms. Ann Butchart
Ms. Myrna Ann Butkovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buttel
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy L.V. Byrd
Bruce and Barbara Byrne
Ms. Elaine Camarda
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Campbell
Ms. Shemena Campbell
Michael Carasik and Jan Bruckner
Mr. Kenneth F. Carobus and Ms. M. Faith
Mr. Jeff Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Carr
Ms. Ruth Cary
Debbie and Alan Casnoff
Marguerite and John Celani
Frank Cellucci and Melissa Ann Pascucci
Ms. V. Chapman-Smith
Noreen and Charles Cheleden

Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Chintiz
Ms. Yvonne Chism-Peace and Ms. Tamara
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Chorney
Yi-Fan Chou
Ms. Carol Church and Mr. Gary Wilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh H. Churi
Dr. Luigi Cianci
Ms. Nancy Citrino
Ms. DeAnn P. Clancy
Ms. Louise Clearfield
Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Clotman
Ms. Sarah Coale
Mr. Frederick Cogen and Mrs. Anne Cogen
Brona and Galeet Cohen
Nadine and Lewis Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cohn
Dr. and Mrs. Elliott H. Coleman
Ms. Barbara A. Collins and Ms. Stella H.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Collyer
Ms. and Mr. Virginia R. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Conn
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Meritt T. Cooke
Dr. Katrina A. Conard and Dr. Arthur Cooper
Mr. David Cooper
Mr. Ed Spector and Ms. Sharon Corbin
Philip Correll and Ronald Magill
Mrs. and Mr. Linda Corsover
Herbert and Christine Coulson
Nic and Amelia Coviello
Carl and Suzanne Cross
Ms. Marnie Cullen
Ms. Karen G. Cunningham and Mr. John J.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D’Alessio
Dr. Belinda Dalton and Mr. Bob Verna
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Dannenberg
Mr. Charles H. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis
Ms. Linda S. Delengowski
Mrs. David K. DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeMirjian
Mrs. Seta K. Demurjian
Ms. Cecelia W. Denegre
James and Linda Diamond
Jessica and Scott Diamond
Miss Susan C. Dietrich


Mr. Marc T Dinardo
Ms. Susan Pension Dineen
Ms. Julianne Domm and Mr. Charles
Charles and Ellie Domsky
Mr. Michael Donley
Mr. and Mrs. John Donohue
Ms. Elisabeth Doolan
Thomas John and Amy Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Douglass
Ms. Meg Dowd
Ms. Carolyn R. Draftz and Mr. Richard Miller
Mr. Robert J. Dromboski and Dr. Laura B.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duclow
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dumont
Mr. Davido Dupree
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Durso
Mr. James E. Dyer, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Eames
Ms. Joan M. Earley
Mr. and Mrs. David Eater
Alice and Craig Eaton
Ms. Judith Ebby
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Edelman
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart J. Eisenberg
Mr. and Ms. Harrison E. Eiteljorg II
Mr. Victor C. El
Miss Debbie Ellerkamp
Mr. Joseph W. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis
Mr. Matthew J. Englebert and Ms. Joan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eshelman
Mr. Robert Eskind and Ms. Debora Kodish
Ms. Janet E. Evans and Mr. James B. Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Evans
Mr. Bart Everts
Mr. Lee J. Faden
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fago
Jeff and Reva S. Farenback-Brateman
Mr. Marco V. Farnese and Ms. Doris Schmauk
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Farnsworth
Carol and Charles Fautsch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feinberg
Ms. Nancy S. Feld and Mr. Ned E. Heltzer
Ms. Katty Fernandez and Mr. Kenneth
Annette and Nathan Field
Mr. Stephen Field and Ms. Marianne

Ms. Ruth Fischl
Ms. Mary Fish and Mr. Mark Dembert
Dr. and Mrs. Aron Fisher
Robert S. Fisher, M.D.
Stephen and Mary Fitzgerald
Roberta and Terry Foss
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Fox, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Frank
Mr. Billtarridon Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Frankel
Mr. James Fratto and Ms. Jeanne Sigler
Ms. Linda Freedman
Ms. Martha Freeman
Mr. Melvyn L. Freid and Ms. Diane J. Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold A. Frezel
Mr. Sidney Frommer and Ms. Barbara Shapiro
John Frommeyer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fryling
Walter and Deborah Fullam
Dr. Deborah A. Fuller and Ms. Elise Broadway
Marsha Galdi and George Herquet
Ms. Sonya C. Garfinkle
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Garza
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gately
Ms. Kathy Gates
Ms. Elisa Forgey and Mr. Scott George
Marsha and Jeffrey Gerdes
Mr. and Mrs. Walter U. Gerhard
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Giegerich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gist
Dr. and Mrs. Julian L. Gladstone
Mr. Eduardo Glandt and Mr. George Ritchie
Dr. and Ms. Conrad Gleber
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gluck
Ms. Nan Goff
Stephen and Marguerite Goff
Ms. Victoria J. Gold
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith
Mr. Bernard Gollotti
Mr. Leonard A. Gontarek and Ms. Catherine
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Elihu N. Goren
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Goren
Ms. Phyllis A. Grady and Ms. Mary Lou Grady
Mr. Xavier Grana
Ms. Pauline Gray
Ms. Shelley Green
Drs. Vivian N. and Mark L. Greenberg

Mr. Marshall G. Greenberg and Ms. Adelaide
Sharon and Avishai Greis
Bruce Grohsgal and Joan Weinryb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guarnieri
Mr. and Mrs. Dupont Guerry
Carolyn Guss and Jim Heenehan
Ms. Meredith Haab and Mr. Stephen Madjar
Ms. Bonnie Halko
Denise Hall and Laurence Lang
Ms. Gretchen R. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Halpern
Mr. Darryl Hamlett
Colleen and Stephen Hammond
Ms. Emily Hannum
Mr. Darin R. Harbaugh
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Hardenbergh
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harpel
Mr. Carl Harrington and Ms. Eleanor Levie
Ms. Nova Harris
Mr. Bill Harvey and Ms. Patricia Goode
Mr. Robert Hasson
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Hattler
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hayden
E. Sherman Hayman and Mark Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazen
Kori Heavner
Ms. and Mr. Mary F. Heinz
Ms. Charlotte K. Heller
Mr. J. H. Henry and Mr. Robert DiNardo
Ms. Margaret Henry-Parker
Mrs. Eileen H. Hinkson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Holt, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Houck
Mr. Stephen Hrabrick
Mr. Albert C. Hubbard and Mr. Christopher
Mr. Thomas Huha
Diane S. Hunt
Ms. Veronica Hunt
Marc P. Hurowitz
Mr. and Ms. L. S. Illoway
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Indriso
Ms. Katherine Halton
Mrs. Mary L. Inman
Ms. Marlyn Ivory and Dr. Al Arouh
Mr. and Ms. Benjamin Jackson
Ms. Jeannette Jackson-Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Greg James

Ms. Andra Jennings
Mrs. Joan Jeruchim and Mr. Michel C.
Ms. Melissa Jester
Mr. and Mrs. Dodge Johnson
Mr. and Ms. Charles Jones
Mr. Derek Jones
Ms. Wanda Kachigian
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Eirini Kalafatides
Mr. and Mrs. Jaan Kangilaski
Susan Kanterman and Sean O’Leary
Ms. Dorothy G. Kapenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kaplan
Mr. Robin Karakousis
Greg and Jane Karns
Mrs. Fariba Kasemkhani and Mr. Javad
Gail Kass and Roy Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Katuran
Ellen Baxter and Robert Kavash
Dr. Beverly Keefer and Dr. Kelly Reene
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Keene
Mr. and Mrs. James Kehoe
Mr. Brian Keith and Ms. M. Celeste Simon
Ms. Janet Keller Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Kellett
Alexandra Kendrick and Joseph Fillip
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kenis
Mr. and Ms. Donald W. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy
Drs. Lawrence and Toba Kerson
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Killion
Mr. Gary King and Ms. Eleanor Kazdan
Mr. and Mrs. Pete King
Ms. Emily Klebanoff
Dr. Amelia Rocco Klein
Mr. James Klein and Ms. Adeline Schultz
Kathryn and Gerald Klein
Mr. Daniel H. Kline
Dr. Laurence S. Klugman and Ms. Bonnie F.
Mr. Drew Kmetz
M. Suzanne Knecht and Richard W. Knecht
Ms. and Dr. Marianne D. Knight
Ms. Dorothy Koteski
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. Morrie E. Kricun
Mrs. Marita J. Krivda and Mr. T. M. Poxon
Mr. and Ms. John W. Ku
Mr. Thor Kuniholm


Jacqueline and Richard Kunin
Mr. William Kunze
Ms. Ellen Rae Kushner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry LaBelle
Teresa G. Labov
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Lame
Ms. Sue Landers
Miss Sarah Lane and Mr. Paul Mulholland
Ms. Shelley R. Langdale and Mr. Joseph
Ms. Susan Langmuir and Dr. Carmen
Febo-San Miguel
Ms. Gwendolyn Cheyenne Lassiter
Mr. Thomas Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawn
Mr. Gerald D. Leatherman
Ms. Ann C. Lebowitz and Mr. Mark N.
Mr. B. Herbert Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Lee III
Ms. Yolanda Lee-Mobley
Dr. and Mrs. Roy T. Lefkoe
Mr. Eric Leichter
Mr. C. K. Leith II
Dr. and Mrs. Will Leland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Levin
Ms. Evelyn Levit
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Mr. Andrew Lichtman
Ms. Roberta Liebenberg
Mr. Howard Lieberman and Ms. Patricia
Ms. Laura J. Lifsey and Ms. Madeleine B.
Mr. John E. Linck and Ms. Ann T. Csink
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lishnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Liss
Mr. and Mrs. Derek P. Loranca
Ms. Florence Lovitz
Ms. Jax Peters Lowell
Ms. Ellen Lube
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ludwig
Mr. Joseph C. Luglio
Mr. B.A. MacLean, Jr.
Josephine Madej and Thomas D. Rees
Dr. Evelyn P. Mahairas
David Major and Evelyn Eskin
Mrs. Joyce Mansfield-Harris and Mr. Keith
Laura and David Maola
Ms. Mary Mark and Mr. John Ockerbloom

Mr. Bruce R. Marshall and Ms. Claire Sawyers
Miriam and Charles Marshall
Ms. Esther W. Marshall
Mr. Brent Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Matt
Mr. Stephen B. Maurer and Ms. Frances Stier
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Maxey
Ms. Erin McCann
Dr. and Mrs. David McCarthy
Ms. Kellianne Mccarthy
Norman and Kathleen McClave
Ms. Sarah A. McEneaney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McFeeley
Ms. Dagmar E. McGill
Ms. Kathryn R. McGinty
Mr. and Mrs. James McGrath
Ms. Gail McGrew
Marilyn McHenry & Arthur Patchefsky
Mr. Robert E. McLaughlin and Ms. Elaine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland
Mr. Jeffrey L. Meck and Ms. Odette Peters
Ms. Carolyn Meseroll
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Meshon, Sr.
Mr. Richard E. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyerson
Mr. Drew Miller
Dr. Lynn H. Miller and Mr. James McClelland
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Miller
Mr. Donald M. Millinger and Mr. Gary Clinton
M. M. Mills and R. L. Dalton
Mr. Harold J. Milstein
Mr. John-David Mitchell and Ms. Peggy Gertz
Mr. John Moffa
Dr. and Ms. Rob Mooij
Mr. Lewis T. Moore and Mrs. Judy Heggestad
Dr. Meredith A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Morgan
Valerie and Michael Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mortimer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mosca
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosenkis
Mr. Norman Moskowitz
Drs. Roger Moss and Gail Winkler
Dr. William R. Muir
Mr. and Mrs. John Muldowney
Mr. William S. Mulherin
Mr. Richard Munoz
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murray, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Myers
Dr. and Mrs. Scott E. Myers
Mr. Alan S. Nadel and Ms. Sandra Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Naff
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Neal
Ms. Claire Needleman
Ms. Stephanie Nerges
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Neuwirth
Ms. Libby Newman
Ms. Virginia R. Nicholson
Mrs. Marizol Nieves
Ms. Kathleen Noonan and Mr. Jonathan
Joseph and Marie Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon R. Obod
Ms. Carolyn R. O’Connor and Mr. John Keir
Mr. Joseph A. O’Connor and Ms. Jackie
Ms. Barbara Oldenhoff
Mr. Samuel Olshin
Cynthia O’Neill and Mark Blume
Ms. Robin Oriel
Mr. James A. Ounsworth, Esq.
Georgia Paciocco-Moore
Margot Palley and Sydney Bladen
Irene Palmer and Robert Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Palmer
Ms. Kaela Parkhouse and Mr. Michael Cramer
Mrs. Maya Pascual
Mr. Robert Pasternack
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Patruno
Anne and Ted Patterson
Mr. Peter M. Patton and Ms. Anne Castimore
Mrs. Gerda Paumgarten and Mr. Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan L. Peiper
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Pemberton
Mr. David Penkower and Ms. Namrata Narain
Mr. and Ms. Arthur J. Petrella II
Ms. Lynda P. Petrov and Mr. Robert Williams
Ms. Eileen M. Phillips-Puma
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pielli
Ms. Erika Piola
Ms. Betty J. Pitt
Ms. Carmen Pleitez
Ms. Dorothy S. Plohn
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Pokalo
Mr. Randall J. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. William Pope
Ms. Marlene Porter
Dr. and Mrs. James Poupard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prell

Mr. Robert Preuhs
Ms. Julie Prey
Ms. Susan Price and Mr. Edwin Morley
Roger Prichard and Astrid Caruso
Mr. Richard A. Prigg and Ms. Ellen Lustgarten
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Pritchett
Dr. Renee Quarterman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rabe
Mr. Arthur L. Rack, Jr.
Dr. Vanaja Ragavan
Ms. Christine M. Ramsey
Mr. Douglas W. Randall and Ms. Pat Hafft
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Randall
Mr. Paul E. Rapp and Ms. Adele Gilpin
Mr. and Ms. Brian Rascon
Mr. and Mrs. David Rasner
Dr. and Dr. Chitra Ravishankar
Mr. and Mrs. George Reath, Jr.
Dr. Laurel Redefer and Mr. Will Feuerhake
Mr. Boyd Reed
Mr. Phillip Reeves and Ms. Nancy Zeppa
Andrea and Edward Reidell
David Reppert and Ronald Haubrich
Mr. Edward M. Resovsky
Mr. Mark Rhoades and Ms. Melissa Fogarty
Ms. Danielle Rice
Mr. Edward Redfield Richardson
Ms. Emily Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Riesenbach
Ms. Linda Rimmer
Nina Rivera and Peter Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rivers Jr.
Mr. Shepherd K. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. F.R. Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Robinson
Travis D. Rodgers and Sam Simkins
Dr. Paul M. Roediger
Ms. Michele Roque
Dr. Martin Rosenberg and Dr. Ellen Fennick
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Rosenbloom
Ms. Marjorie Rosenblum
Milton Rossman and Yvonne Paterson
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Rothman
Ms. Ellen G. Rothman
Harriet and Marvin Rothstein
Dr. Emanuel Rubin and Dr. Linda A. Haegele
Mr. Nathan Rubin
Mr. Peter Rudolph
Ms. Roslyn Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruff
Ms. Harriet Ruffin
Drs. Ruth and Steven S. Ryave


Ms. Virginia Sacha
Ms. Phyllis L. Sacks
Janet and Frank Satterthwaite
Dr. Eric Sbar and Ms. Laura Cola
Dr. and Mrs. M. Harris Schaeffer
Ms. Barbara W. Schaff
Mr. Lenny Schiavo
Mrs. Deborah Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider
Richard G. Schneider
Ms. Catherine M. Schrader
Mr. Theodore G. Schurr
Mr. Michael E. Scullin and Ms. Patricia
Nadine and Val Secarea
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seder
Robert and Ruth Seeley
Mr. Arthur H. Segal
Mr. and Ms. Stephen A. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shaffer
Ms. Margaret Shannon and Ms. Joan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shaver
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. M. Melvin Shralow
Aaron Silberstein and Zachary Scherr
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Simon
Ms. Caroline Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simon
Ms. Christine M. Sincavage
Owen B. Sindler
Mr. Robert Singer
Dr. and Mrs. William Singletary
Judi Cassel and Peter Siskind
Jane and Allan Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith
Jennifer and Marcus Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor
Mr. Mark Smylie
James Smyth, Jr. and James Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyderman
Ms. Ellen B. Solms
Ms. Liz Solms
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Solmssen
Ms. Deborah E. Solo and Mr. Angel L. Franqui
Ms. Ellen L. Sosangelis and Mr. Neil B.

Ms. Barbara L. Sosson and Ms. Mary Ellen
Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Spaeth
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spector
Ms. Anne F. Spencer
Ms. Susan Spencer
Mr. and Ms. Charlie Stainback
Tracy L. Steele and Paul Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Stein
Jack and Jill Stein
Mr. Jonathan Steinberg and Dr. Marion Kant
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Strahm
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Strawbridge III
Mr. Bertram Strieb
Mr. Robert A. Stutman
Mr. Robert Sulentic and Ms. Mary Nooney
Mr. Jacob Swann
Mr. and Mrs. Cy L. Swartz
Ms. Jane W. Swartz and Ms. Talmage Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Tabas
Mr. Vincent J. Tague Jr.
Ms. Deborah Talbot
Mr. Lee A. Tamaccio
Mr. James Taylor and Ms. Beverly S. Hayden
Jerome and Susan Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Taylor
Mr. Seth Teitler and Ms. Selene Koo
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Temple
Mr. Kenneth H. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Radclyffe F. F. Thompson
Ms. Trish Thompson and Mr. Joel Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Tickell
Dr. and Mrs. J. Peter Tilley
Mr. Richard Tilton and Ms. Eden Graber
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Tint
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Tinucci
Mr. David Titus
Ms. Marjorie Toll
Mr. Robert W. Tomlinson and Ms. Leah Kim
Ms. Giovanna Tonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Treftz
Mr. and Mrs. William Trevathan
Rev. Scott Trull
Mr. Jerzy Tufman and Ms. Deborah D.
Dr. John J. Tumola
Mr. Eric Vacca and Ms. Laurie Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan W. Van Dusen
Ms. Mary-Chilton Van Hees

Mr. and Mrs. John Van Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Varenhorst
Mrs. and Mr. Kate Vasilyev
Mrs. Virginia M. Verges
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Vincent
Mr. William M. Wade and Ms. Jeanne M.
Ms. Saral Waldorf
Mrs. Joan B. Walkup
Mr. Robert Waller and Ms. Anne Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wallison
Lauren and Andrew Walter
Mr. Robert Curley
Mr. Wesley Wei and Ms. Rachael Hoffman
George and Carol Weinbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Weinberg
Oscar and Joan M. Weiner
Joyce Block and Henry Weinfeld
George H. Weiss M.D.
Mr. Theodore Weiss
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Wenger
Martin and Marcia Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wert
Mr. David J. Wierz
Dr. Charles K. Williams, II
Ms. Jamila Wilson and Ms. Gabrielle Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Barton J. Winokur
Rachel Winslow and Peter Ogle
Martha and Claude Wintner
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Witmer
Caroline and Joseph Witthohn
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolf
Lorle and Bertram Wolfson
Mr. Terence Woods
Robert Yablon and Marlene Kline
Mr. and Mrs. David Yost
Ms. Sherley Young
Mr. and Mrs. John Zebley
Ms. Josephine F. Zelov
Karene and Mark Zimmerman
Mr. Michael Zuckerman and Mr. Shaw
Cathleen and James Zurbach
Joan and Mark Zylkin


Ms. Constance Louise Abend
Ms. Brenda G. Abrams
Ms. Stacey Ackerman
Ms. Barbara Acton
Mrs. Evelyn Adler and Ms. Vanessa Weiman

Ms. Karen Adler
Mr. George J. Ahern
Ms. Joanne Aitken
Mrs. Florence H. Albert
Mr. George C. Alburger
Ms. Eleanor A. Allen
The Rev. Albert E. Alspach
Ms. Marlene Ances
Ms. Beverley Anderson
Ms. Nathalie F. Anderson
Ms. Irene Anthony
Mr. Bernard Applebaum
Mrs. Judith Auten
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Axilbund
Mrs. Barbara C. Bachman
Ms. Ellen Baer
Mr. Mahari Bailey
Ms. Carleen Baily
Ms. Eileen M. Baird
Ms. Cheryl Baker
Ms. Christy Baker
Dr. Aaron Bannett
Mr. Ivan Barais
Ms. Nancy Barness
Ms. Elaine Bass
Ms. Victoria Bayle
Jane N. Beatty
The Honorable Phyllis Beck
Judge Phyllis W. Beck
Mr. Ryan Beck
Ms. Gillian Bedford
Ms. Aja Beech
Mrs. Stephanie W. Beilman
Ms. Phyllis Belk
Ms. Marcia Bell
Mrs. Marie R. Bender-Muir
Ms. Dorothy Berlind
Mr. Frank Bernard
Ms. Harriet K. Bernstein
Ms. Jane Berryman
Dr. Linda H. Bertland
Ms. Virginia L. Bestwick
Dr. Gene Bishop
Ms. Susan Bishop
Ms. Diana H. Bittel
Mr. Vojtech Blecha
Ms. Brenda Block
Ms. Nancy Moses Bloom
Ms. Jean L. Blumberg
Ms. Ellin Blumenthal
Mr. Robert L. Bohrer
Ms. Susan Bonila


Ms. Joanne Bosack
Hon. George Bowen
Ms. Jacqueline Boyd
Ms. Maria Boyd
Mr. Frank Boyer
Mr. Stephen Boyle
Ms. Terry McNamara Boyle
Ms. Deborah Branden
Mr. Robert W. Brano
Ms. Joan Bransky
Ms. Joyce Breading
Ms. Edwina Brennan
Ms. Alysanne B. Brennen
Ms. Bessie Ruth Bridges
Sandra Broadnax
Ms. Maxine Brodo
Ms. Ethelyn Brownstein
Ms. Jill Bryan
Ms. Kathryn K. Burchinal
Mr. John H. Burkhalter III
Ms. Deanna Burney
Ms. Janet Burnham
Ms. Marie F Bushey
Ms. Lufay Butler
Ms. Paula Butler
Ms. Sandra L. Cadwalader
Ms. Judy M. Caldwell
Mrs. Nancy K. Callan
Howard and Angelika Callaway
Ms. Sheila Callinan
Miss Emily Calvanese
Mr. Wayne Cambern
Mr. Thomas J. Canavan
Ms. Catherine Caparella
Mr. Ralph D. Caparulo
Mr. Peter Carides
Ms. Margaret Carlin
Ms. Donna Carney
Ms. Pearl M. Carpel
Mr. Gary G. Carpenter
Ms. Patricia Carson
Ms. Christina Carter
Mr. William D. Carver
Ms. Lisa Cato
Ms. Laura Ceccacci
Arlene B. Cessna
Mr. Alan Charkey
Ms. Martha Chavis
Ms. Rose Cheney
Mr. Harry S. Cherken, Jr.
Ms. Hermine Chern
Mr. Larry Chestnut

Mrs. Louise G. Christopher
Ms. Alice K. Chung
Mr. Michael V. Ciliberti
Mr. Tom W. Clapham
Ms. Cissy Claypool
Ms. Dana Stott Cohen
Ms. Frances L. Cohen
Ms. Marsha Cohen
Mrs. Perky Cohen
Ms. Susan E. Cohen
Ms. Deborah Cole
Ms. Helen M. Comolli
Ms. Jane Conboy
Ms. Meg Conboy
Ms. Mary Corbett
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Cotter
Ms. Nancy A. Cridland Baum
Ms. Carol Critchlow
Ms. Elaine Crivelli
Ms. Penny Cromwell
Ms. Mary E. Cunningham
Mr. Elliott Curson
Mrs. Julie Curson
Ms. Delphine Dahan
Mr. John Dale
Mr. Robert C. Dallery
Ms. Dorothy J. Dalton
Mrs. Jolyne Dalzell
Ms. Mary Daniels
Ms. Ellen G. Davenport
Mr. Allen F. Davis
Mr. Glenn Davis
Ms. Patricia Davis
Miss Maude de Schauensee
Mr. Anthony E. DeCarlo
Ms. Mary DeNadai
Ms. Ruth Ann Derr
Madame Justine P. DeVan
Ms. Roberta Diamond
Catherine D’Ignazio
Mr. Stephen Dittmann
Ms. Charlotte Dobrasin
Ms. Alice M. Domineske
Ms. Deborah C. Domino
Ms. Deborah Dooling
Ms. Janet H. Dreher
Mr. Neil R. Dreibelbis
Mrs. Phoebe A. Driscoll
Mr. Thom Duffy
Ms. Jan Durbin
Jacqueline Duris
Mr. Timothy Dych

Ms. Naomi Early
Mark Eckhoff
Mrs. Reta Eisenberg
Ms. Mariann Elias
Ms. Eleanor S. Elkins
Dr. Richard Ellis
Ms. Vicki Ellis
Dr. Wilfred Ethier
Mrs. Joan F. Evans
Dr. Joseph L. Evans
Ms. Anne R. Fabbri
Mr. Jeffrey D. Faigle
Mary Baker Farrow
Mr. Douglas Faulkner
Mr. Frankie Fehr
Ms. Fradele Feld
Mr. Mike Felker
Mr. Bernard Fierro
Dr. Albert J. Finestone, M.D.
Mrs. Janet C. Fink
Dr. Judith Finkel
Mrs. William E. Fischelis
Ms. Deborah Fishbein
Ms. Jeanne B. Fisher
Ms. Nancy Jean Fisher
Mr. Matthew L. Fishman-Dickerson
Ms. Roberta Claire Fiske
Mrs. Thomas Fleming
Ms. Eleanore P. Flom
Mr. Robert T. Foley
Dr. Raymond Ford
Ms. Joan L. Forman
Ms. Susan A. Fox
Mr. Harry Frank
Ms. Sally Frazza
Ms. Kay O. Freeman
Ms. Josephine T. Friedman
Ms. Sheryl C. Friedman
Mr. Wilfred Frisby
Ms. Julie Gable
Ms. Amy Gardiner
Mr. Bruce Garrity
Ms. Judi Garst
Ms. Vivian A. Gast
Ms. Ellen L. Gay
Mr. Richard T. Geist
Ms. Karen Gelfand
Mr. John Geronimo
Ms. Anna Gerrity
Ms. Anne E. Gill
Dr. Frances M. Gill
Ms. Roseann P. Gill

Ms. Anna M. Giordano and Mr. William
Deborah E. Glass
Ms. Peggy D. Glover
Ms. Jane Godshalk
Ms. Marjorie Goldman
Ms. Ruth Gooden
Mr. Robert Gooding
Ms. Harriet Beloff Goodwin
Ms. Luana G. Goodwin
Mr. Paul Gordon
Ms. Mary Ellen Graham
Mr. Ralph Kenneth Grant
Mr. Robert L. Gray, III
Ms. Shirley L. Green
Mr. Todd P. Gregoire
Mr. Henry Gretzkowski
Ms. Norma Griffith
Ms. Elaine B. Grossman
Dr. Miriam Grossman
Mr. John Grothusen
Dr. Ronald C. Gulezian
Mr. Craig Guthrie
Mr. Ted Gutswa
Ms. Deborah Haas
Ms. Rose Hagan
Ms. Judith M. Hakimian
Mrs. Marcia Halbert
Mrs. Gloria R. Hamilton
Mrs. Ona Hamilton
Ms. Marcella Hand
Mr. John H. Hanovsky
Mr. Stephen J. Harlen
Ms. Elizabeth Harper
Dr. Michele Harper
Ms. Carol Ann Harris
Ms. Kelly S. Harrison
Ms. Frances Harvey
Ms. Gail Hauptfuhrer
Ms. Arlene Hausmann
Mr. Stan Hawrylo
Mrs. Katherine Hayden
Prof. Mary E. Hazard
Mr. Wesley M. Heilman III
Ms. Nancy Heller
Ms. Sharline Heller
Ms. Bernadette Hentschel
Ms. Ruth Herd
Mr. Frank Herron
Dr. Wilma L. Heston
Ms. Elizabeth Higginbotham
Ms. Maiza Hixson


Mrs. Ursula Hobson
Ms. Ditta Baron Hoeber
Ms. Mary Hoffman
Ms. Marilyn Holsing
Mr. William Hooper
Mr. Robert J. Hotes
Mr. William Howard
Dr. Anna C. Huber
Mr. George K. Huber
Ms. Lauren Hughes
Mary Anne Hunter
Mr. Wain H. Hunter
Dr. E. Gardner Jacobs, Jr.
Ms. Judith Jacobson
Mrs. Elaine M. Jaffe
Ms. Janet R. Jaffe
Mr. Philip Jamison
Ms. Anne Munch Jensen
Ms. Barbro M. Jernberg
Ms. Carol Jessup
Ms. Joan Johnson
Ms. Martina Johnson-Allen
Ms. Betty Ann Jones
Miss Helen E. Jones
Ms. Judi Jones
Mrs. Mary Jones
Ms. Melody Jones
Mr. Michael Jones
Mr. Rodney Jones
Ms. Sondra Jones
Ms. Carrie Kagawa
Mr. Neil Kallmyer
Mr. and Ms. Sea Kaplan
Ms. Mouina Karam
Ms. Barbara H. Karapelou
Ms. Elaine Katz
Ms. Linda Katz
Ms. Ellen Kaye
Ms. Ann Keech
Catharine Keim
Ms. Elieen Kennedy
Ms. Megan Kennedy
Ms. Patricia Kennedy
Ms. Meryl Kern
Mr. Andrew Kessler
Mr. Leonard Kestenbaum
Ms. Sallie Ketcham
Mr. Rob H. Kettell
Ms. Patricia King
Mrs. Marjorie P. Kinkead
Mrs. Constance L Kirker
Professor Victoria Kirkham

Mr. Robert Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Lorraine M. Kligman
Ms. Rita Klinger
Ms. Nina S. Klymowska
Miss Patricia C. Knott
Mr. Scott G. Knowles
Mr. Fred Kogan
Mr. Dan Kohan
Ms. Roma Kohut
Mr. Russell Kolins
Mr. Michael G. Kopcho
Ms. Louise A. Korber
Gene Kosich
Mrs. Christa Kramer
Ms. Deborah Larkin
Pearl Kramer
Mr. David Kraus
Ms. Martha Kremer
Dr. Evelyn S. Kritchevsky
Ms. Julia Kronfeld
Ms. Jane Krumrine
Ms. Sally Kuder
Ms. Muriel Kudera
Ms. Joanne Kundrat
Ms. Paula Jane Kurasch
Mr. Sharif Lacey
Ms. Molly Lail
Ms. Elizabeth Lakata
Ms. Tessa Lamont-Siegel
Ms. Jean D. Lang
Mr. Jeffrey R. Larsen
Ms. Lynn Larson
Ms. Joanne M. Layton
Ms. Theresa Tai Lee
Mr. William Lee
Ms. Frieda Lefeber
Ms. Mary LeFever
Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Mr. Carter R. Leidy, Jr.
Ruth Leidy
Ms. Georgeann T. Lenard
Ms. Veronica M. Lentz
Mr. John W. Levenson
Mr. Steven D. Levin
Ms. Helene J. Levine
Ms. Lois Levine-Elman
Mr. Gary Levinson
Ms. Elaine Levitt
Ms. Marjory Levitt
Ms. Meryl Levitz
Ms. Patricia Lieb Nardi
Ms. Kara Lindstrom

Ms. Kathryn Lipiecki
Ms. Karen Lisker
Ms. Deenah Loeb
Ms. Carla Lombardi
Ms. Gordana Loncar
Ms. Fredda London
Ms. Elizabeth MacGregor
Dr. Colin F. MacKay
Ms. Eileen Malloy
Alice Mandel
Mrs. Aisha Mansouri
Mr. Benjamin F. Marcune
Lawrence N. Margel
Ms. Rose Marinaro
Ms. Barbara E. Marks
Ms. Elizabeth L. Mather
Ms. Eleanore Maxman
Ms. Sarah Maxwell
Mrs. Katharine E. May
Mr. Philip Maynard
Mrs. Louis E. McAllister, Jr.
Dr. John M. McCafferty
Mrs. Janet McClure
Mrs. Jean McCoubrey
Ms. Pauline A. McCullough
Ms. Patricia T. McCurdy
Mr. Michael McGrane
Ms. Christine Mckay
Ms. Rania McKinley
Mr. Henry S. McNeil, Jr.
Ms. Maureen McNulty
Ms. Christa McQuillen
Mr. Frankie McSwiggan
Mr. Rich Medina
Ms. Mary Mehler
Mr. Mark Merlis
Ms. Shirley S. Mersky
Mr. Albert Meyer
Jean Meyers
Mrs. Margy Ellin Meyerson
Mr. Robert Mezey
Ms. Trina Middleton
Ms. Madelyn Mignatti
Mr. Dennis F. Millar
Mr. Franklin Miller
Mrs. Gainor I. Miller
Ms. Jean Miller
Dr. Jerome C. Miller
Mr. Joseph M. Miller
Ms. Lane Miller
Ms. Naomi Miller
Dr. Randall Miller

Mr. Robert A. Minnick
Ms. Carol Mohr
Mrs. Natalie Molitor
Mrs. Mary B. Monteith
Mrs. Constance Cook Moore
Ms. Martha Moore
Ms. Marybelle Moore
Mr. Austin Morris, Jr.
Mr. Francis Xavier Morton
Mr. Paul Mosher
Ms. Marsha Moss
Ms. Amanda Mott
Mrs. Joan Muldowney
Ms. Deirdre Mullen
Mrs. Jane H. Mullins
Ms. Linda M. Mumma
Mr. Daniel I. Murphy
Mr. Raymond Murphy
Mr. Gibbs Murray
Ms. Judith A. Nagle
Mrs. Carolyn B. Nagy
Mr. Bennett Nathanson
Ms. Virginia N. Naude
Mr. Douglas P. Neary
Ms. Elaine Neely
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Ms. Barbara A. Neswald
Mr. John Newhall
Ms. Iris Newman
Ms. Maria Newman
Ms. Paula Ninerell
Ms. Charlene A. Nolten
Ms. Josephine V. Norden
Ms. Elizabeth Nork
Mrs. Charles M. Norris
Mr. Richard V. Nowakowski
Mrs. Lynn Oberfield
Mr. Thomas K. O’Brien
Dr. and Mrs. James R. O’Connell
Mr. Clifton A. Ogburn
Hon. John J. O’Grady, Jr.
Ms. Faye S. Olivieri
Ms. Anna Marie O’Neill
Mr. Patrick O’Neill
Mrs. Lynda Orfanelli
Mrs. Marvin Orleans
Ms. Emily Ost
Ms. Dorothy A. Owens
Ms. Sandra J. Owens
Ms. Andrea C. Packard
Ms. Katharine P. Palmer
Mr. Edward Panek


Ms. Paula Paradise
Mr. David Parker
Ms. Belle B. Parmet
Dr. Steven J. Peitzman
Mrs. Carmen N. Pelaez
Mrs. Jane G. Pepper
Ms. Janet B. Perper
Ms. Linda Perrier
Ms. Lili Perski
Mrs. Eleanor R. Peterson
Ms. Johanna M. Petropoulos
Ms. Carol A. Petrow
Mr. R. Matthew Pettigrew, Jr.
Ms. Christine Petty
Mr. William E. Pfeiffer Jr.
Dr. Charlotte De Monte Phelps
Ms. Patricia Pickup
Ms. Eleanor Pierson
Mr. Stephen Piner
Ms. Paula C. Pittinos
Mr. Ronald Polka
Ms. Martha Pollack
Ms. Shanlee Pollack
Ms. Mary F. Pollitt
Mr. Ron Powers
Mr. Benjamin Powley
Mrs. Robert W. Preucel
Ms. Elizabeth Price
Ms. Ellen M. Priest
Ms. Mary Purcell
Mrs. Celian B. Putnam
Ms. Joan L. Quann
Mrs. Merle Raab
Jeanette Ragucci
Mrs. Stefany J. Raich
Deborah L. Rapp
Dr. Ernestine T. Redman
Mr. Bob Redmond
Mrs. Ann L. Reed
Ms. Deborah Reeder
Ms. Joan Curtis Reese
Ms. Annis L. Reeves
Mr. William Reinus
Ms. Kathryn Rhodes
Ms. Marguerite H. Rice
Mr. Brad Richards
Dr. Cynthia H. Richards
Ms. Beth L. Richey
Ms. Sheree Richnow
Ms. Patricia L. Riley
Mr. Pierre Rives
Ms. Stacey Rivkin

Ms. Harriet P. Robbins
Mr. Stuart Roberts
Ms. Beth L. Rogers
Ms. Stephanie Rogers
Ms. Jeannie Day Roggio
Ms. Gloria D. Rohlfs
Suzanne Root, Esq.
Mr. Matthew Rosen
Ms. Barbara Rosenberg
Dr. Harry Rosenthal
Sue Rosenthal
Mr. Donald Ross
Mr. Stephen W. Ross
Ms. Juliet Rossi
Ms. Lee Rothberg
Ms. Roslyn Rothenberg
Ms. Christine Y. Rother
Ms. Ruth B. Rothman
Mrs. Estelle Rubens
Ms. Carole J. Rubins
Mr. Ron Rumford
Mr. Robertson Rushton
Marjorie Russell
Ms. Mary Russell
Mr. Rocco E. Russo
Ms. Barbara Ruth
Mr. Paul Sager
Ms. Ann H. Salmon
Mr. Nathan Saltz
Ms. Susan C. Saltzman
Ms. Mary Salvante
Ms. Carla Sarett
Mrs. Penelope Sarkioglu
Mr. Howell Sasser
Mr. Morton Saunders
Mrs. Barbara Savadove
Ms. Elizabeth Savage
Ms. Daphne Sawyer
Guy D. Sbar, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Schein
Ms. Cathleen Schiman
Ms. Eleanor Schimmel
Ms. Lois Schlachter
Dr. Margo Schleman
Ms. Helen Schneeberg
Mr. Jason Schoen
Mr. Robert Schoenberg
Mr. Donald Schreiber
Kate Royer Schubert
Mrs. Maxine Schwartz
Mr. Robert G. Schwartz
Joseph P. Senft, Ph.D.

Ms. Ruth Septee
Mr. John Serber
Mr. John P. Sgrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shah
Dr. Jeffrey G. Shapiro
Kathleen Shaver
Mr. H. Geoffrey Sheffer
Mrs. Marciarose Shestack
Ms. Helen Holmstine Short
Mr. James G. Siegel
Kathran Siegel
Ms. Nancy J. Silberstein
Mrs. John J. Siliquini
Mr. Howard Silverman
Ms. Anne W. Sims
Ms. Cynthia K. Sinclair
Ms. Stephanie Singer
Ms. Katherine Singiser
Ms. Deanna Skalka
Dr. Jerome H. Sklaroff
Ms. Shauna Small
Mr. PJ Smalley
Dorothy H. Smith
Mr. George R. Smith
Ms. Janet W. Smith
Dr. Maria B. Smith
Ms. Mary Sewell Smith
Meredith S.S. Smith
Ms. Patricia D. Smith
Ms. Rheta Smith
Ms. Tremain Culbertson Smith
Mr. Rick Snyder
David M. Sokol
Sosena Solomon
Mr. Robert Sondey
Dr. George L. Spaeth
Mrs. Patricia Q. Spampinato
Mrs. Phyllis St Onge
Ms. Helen M. Stailey
Mrs. Blair D. Stambaugh
Ms. Jeanne Stanek
Ms. Marilyn J. Steeg
Mrs. Nancy Steel
Mr. Carl Steele
Ms. Judith Stein
Ms. Patricia T. Stewart
Ms. Adrienne Stinson
Mr. Sam Streit
Mrs. Anne Stroud
Ms. Clare Stuempfig
Mr. John Suplee
Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee

Mr. Ralph E. Swan
Ms. Sara Fischer Swanson
Mr. James R. Tanis
Ms. Judith Tannenbaum
Ms. Nancy H. Taplin
Mr. Robert M. Taylor
Mrs. Pamela Thomas
Ms. Ruby Thomas
Ms. Bonnie Thompson
Mr. Levin H. Tilghman
Mr. Joseph Tishler
Ms. Janice Titano
Mrs. Marie S. Tomasso
Ms. Rochelle Toner
Ms. Megan Trainer
Mr. Craig L. Tucker
Ms. Louise Tucker
Mr. Donald Tumini
Mr. John R. Urofsky
Miss Jillian B. Vaum
Mr. Ken Vavrek
Renee Veloric
Catzie Vilayphonh
Edward and Judith Viner
Mrs. Magda Vitale
Miss Lindi von Mutius
Ms. Nancy A. Vonada
Mrs. Joan Wachlin
Mr. Daniel M. Wagman
Mr. Richard Waitzer
Mr. Andrew Wallace
Ms. Byrle S. Walters
Mr. Christopher L. Ward
Mrs. Clark Warren
Ms. Janet Wasser
Mr. Thomas Watkins
Mr. Richard M. Watson
Mr. Bruce J. Weaver
Mr. Alan Wechsler
Ms. Helma N. Weeks
Ms. Patricia M. Weigand
Mrs. Warren H. Weiner
Mrs. Mili Dunn Weiss
Ms. Veronica Wentz
Mr. Alan Weschler
Mr. Larry T. White
Ms. Judith Widman
Ms. Diane Wiener
Ms. Laura Wildman
Ms. Marjean Willett
Ms. Mary J. Williams


Ms. Ruby Williams
Ms. Stacy Wilson
Ms. Linda Winsett
Ms. Harriet Wiseman
Mr. Scot Wittman
Ms. Jean Wolf
Ms. Anne Wood
Ms. Patricia O. D. Wood
Mr. Daniel Wooden
Ms. Juanita Woodland
Ms. Barbara Wright
Ms. Nancy Wysemen
Ms. Lana Yang
Mr. Nelson Yeardley III
Ms. Deanna M. Yerka
Ms. Deborah Yoder
Mr. Joseph Yohlin
Ms. Angela Zager
Ms. Christine Zelinsky
Ms. Sarah L. Zimmerman


Ms. Suzanna Aiardo
Mr. Eric Allgaier
Mr. Ayo Awolusi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Bachman, Jr.
Dr. Stephen M. Bowes and Dr. Arlene Bowes
Ms. Courtney Kyle and Mr. Neil B. Caesar
Dr. Irma Christopher and Mr. N. J.
Ms. and Mr. Christine Doyle-Burke
Ms. Diane Dwulit
Ms. Donna R. Ecton
Ms. Mary Alice Frederick
Mr. Dallas Garvin
Ms. Deborah J. Grays
Mr. Roderic B. Griffin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hochendoner
Ms. Dana R. Irwin and Mr. Michael Freeman
Mr. David R. Lampe
Gerald and Marian Lazar
Mr. Thomas D. Macphee and Ms. Betsy
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mitchell
Mr. Frank Morgan
Dr. and Ms. Richard Murray
Ms. Joy Olney
Steven Riskin and Julie Lipsius
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Rosenthal
Ms. Mary P. Ruth
Dr. Faith Sandstrom
Ms. Joyce Semmes

Ms. Donna Siracusa
Mr. and Ms. Larry Zolotor

Mr. Michael Carwile
Ms. Leah Gelb
Ms. Clara Habermeier
Ms. Sonia Masih
Ms. Amanda Mastrippolito
Mr. Justin O’Hara
Ms. Asmita Patel
Mr. Adam Rifkin
Ms. Cara Scharf

$ 1 ,000 - $ 4,999

Dr. & Mrs. Todd Albert
Ms. Linda Lee Alter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Arrasmith III
The Bancorp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bast
Ms. Amy Branch and Mr. D. Jeffry Benoliel
Jonathan Binstock, Ph.D.
Mr. Alan E. Casnoff
Mr. Elliot H. Clark
Mrs. Benjamin Coates
Mr. Richard T. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Doty
Ms. Lee Ducat
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Fink
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fleischner
Mrs. Louise Turan and Mr. William S. George
Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton
Mr. Kenneth F. Herlihy
Lis and Mike Kalogris
Ms. Michelle S. Karbiner
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kay
Gilbert and Rebecca Kerlin
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Krasne
Mrs. Lawrence E. MacElree
Mr. William Macqueen
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Marks
Mr. Thomas McCabe IV
Ms. Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Merriman
Mr. and Ms. Mark Moore
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran

National Analysts Worldwide
Mr. Donald S. Owings
Ms. Beatrice S. Pitcairn
Mr. and Mrs. Sashi Reddi
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sacks
Sally Hershberger Team
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shein
Mr. and Mrs. Stockton N. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spahr
Mr. Timothy P. Speiss
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stroud
Mr.and Mrs. Fabio Terlevich
Mrs. Christina M. Thistle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Turchi, Jr.
W. Percy Simpson Trust
Ms. Lenore Weseley

RBC Wealth Management
Mrs. Ann L. Reed
Ms. Gretchen Roede and Mr. Richard Burr
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Rosato
Mr. Charles E. Ryan
Ms. M. T. Sarmina
Howard J. Sedran and Martha Levine
Mrs. Joly W. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw
Liz Denney and John Toates
Mr. Mark Tratenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David Tweedy
Ms. Ethel Verticelli*
Ms. Allison Vulgamore
Mrs. Kathy Warden

$ 500 - $ 999

$25 0 - $499

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abruzzege
Julie and Jim Alexandre
Mr. and Ms. Nadeem Bezar
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brandt
Bredhoff & Kaiser, P.L.L.C.
Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett
Ms. Deanna Burney
Ms. Amy Cheng
Mr. Eugene N. Dubay
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hayes
Helen and John F. Horstmann
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Hume
Ms. Diana Denny Kalmus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirwan
Mrs. Robert S. Lee, Sr.
Mrs. Andrea Little
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire
Major League Baseball Players Association
Mr. Christopher J. Manogue
Marguerite Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. Leigh Marsh
Jane and Bernard Mason
Ms. Kathleen D. McCoy
Mr. Wade McDevitt
Mr. Dennis C. McGlade
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Murphy
Mrs. Eleanor R. Peterson
Pew Charitable Trusts

Ms. Margot Barringer
Mr. Michael Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bromley
Judith Broudy and Eli Packman
Ms. Judith Campbell
Ms. Peicha Chang
Mr. and Mrs. John Comstock
Mrs. Kathy Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles de Rham
Mrs. Maria Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. James DeLauro
Mrs. J. David Donahower
Mr. Edward C. Driscoll
Mr. Joseph M. Evancich and Ms. Linda
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Firth
Mrs. Thomas Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Freyer
Mr. John R. Galster
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehret
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Goodman
Mr. Scott Gray
Adele G. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Halloran
Mr. Michael Haschak
Ms. Laura Hollingshead
Ms. Ann Hozack
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaiser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirszner
Dr. Evelyn S. Kritchevsky
Kuhlmann & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Ed Lawler
Dr. and Mrs. Roy T. Lefkoe


Miss Sydney Ann Lefkoe
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Leto
Mr. Gerard Lewis and Ms. Robin Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Loftus
Louella Style LLC
Ms. Ann MacMullan
Josephine Madej and Thomas D. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. R. John Marsh, Jr.
Mr. Peter Maxwell and Ms. Margo
Chew Dolan
Ms. Constance Ferris Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Morgan
Ms. Cres Motzi
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanton Moyer
Mrs. Bonnie Muetterties
Mr. and Mrs. Britton Murdoch
Ms. Catherine Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. J. Brien Murphy
Ms. Eileen Neff
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Noel
Ms. Therese Obringer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Olivieri
Drs. Randall Oyer
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson
Franz Rabauer and Brian Daggett
Mr. Edward A. Richards
Ms. Jean S. Robertson
Running Subway LLC
Ms. Milica Schiavio
Ms. Leeann R. Shiveley
Mrs. Robert W. Simonin
Mr. Paul Sloate and Dr. Amy Rowan
Mrs. Claudette Smith
Ms. Stephanie J. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder
Dr. Marc G. Soble
Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.
Ms. Georgene Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Sciver
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veloric
Ms. Ann Walker
Ms. Linda Wharton
Mrs. Pamela Williams

G i fts u p to $ 2 5 0
Dr. and Ms. Isaac Abir
Mr. John Abner
Ms. Danielle Acerra
Ms. Alisha Adams
Ms. Rafiat Adebowale

Ms. Beth Adelsberger
Mrs. Evelyn Adler and Ms. Vanessa Weiman
Ms. Deborah Adolphus
Dr. Francis Aguilar
Mr. Jeffrey Ahn
Mr. Paul Alba
Diane and John Alexanderson
Ms. Hilary Alger
Ms. Tiffany Allen
Mr. Jason Andrews
Mr. Devin Antram
Mr. Mike Arrison
Miss Zoe Artz
Mr. Charles Ault
Mr. William J. Avery
Ms. Susannah Ayscue
Ms. Saumya Ayyagari
Ms. Cristal B
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Baker III
Ms. Rachel Baker
Mr. Eugene Balano
Mr. Russell Balano
Mr. Bruce Baldwin
Ms. Luanne Balestrucci
Ms. Ellie Balk
Mr. Ben Ballance
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Ballou
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bamberger
Mr. Jeff Banasz
Ms. Sharon Bancroft
Ms. Amy Banegas
Ms. Tenley Bank
Dr. Aaron Bannett
Mr. Arthur Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde F. Barker
Ms. Deborah Barkun
Miss Sarah Barner
Mr. Zan Barnett
Mr. Michael Barron
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Barsh
Mr. John B. Bartlett
Ms. Regina Basile
Ms. Sharon L. Bean Levin and Mr. Robert
Mr. Paul Beauvais
Mr. Richard Beck and Mr. Robert Sher
Mr. Ryan Beck
Ms. Amanda Beeler
Miss Dana Belin
Ms. Gina Bell
Ms. Margo Bennett
Mr. Perry Benson

Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Berardi
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Berardi
Dr. Priscilla Sands and Mr. John Berg
Mr. Michael Berger
Ms. Suzana Berger
Mr. Robert Berley
Mr. Keith Betten
Ms. Brittany Binler
Ms. Marie C. Birdy
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Birenbaum
Mr. Allen D. Black
Ms. Barbara Blair and Mr. Joseph Robbins
Mr. James Blakely
Dr. Donna Blakey
Miss Alexa Blanda
Ms. Amelia Blanda
Ms. Zoe Blatt
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Block
Mr. Irv Block
Mrs. Leslie Blum
Ms. Natalie Blum
Ms. Sarah Blunt
Miss Rachel Bobrick
Samuel Bobrow and Maxine Blum
Mr. Robert L. Bohrer
Ms. Ronna Bolante
Susan E. Bolesta and Jane Gottfried
Mrs. Gretchen Bond
Mr. J. Blaine Bonham and Mr. Richard
Ms. Iris Bonner
Ms. Bobbyjo Bonser
Ms. Jane Booth
Mr. Nero Borja
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bornstein
Ms. Joanne Bosack
Ms. Nadia Botello
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boulay
Dr. Stephen M. Bowes and Dr. Arlene Bowes
Ms. Astrid Bowlby
Mr. Stephen Boyle
Julia A. and Arnold W. Bradburd
Mr. and Mrs. William Branan
Mr. William Branan
Ms. Ariel Braverman
Mr. Maurice Bray
Ms. Michele Bregande
Miss Alexis Bressler
Mrs. Holly T. Brigham
Mr. Zachary Brisson
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bronstein
Ms. Elliott Brooks

Mr. Benjamin Brown
Ms. Ellie Brown
Mr. Sean Brown
Ms. Sheila Brown
Ms. Valerie Brown
Mr. Andre Browne
Ms. Jean E. Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Bryant
Mr. Zachary Bryceland
Ms. Emily Bucholz
Ms. Emily Buck
Mr. and Mrs. James Mahlon Buck III
Ms. Kat Buckley
Mr. David Budimir
Mr. Robert Budin
Ms. Helen Bull
Mrs. Laura T. Bullitt
Ms. Monika Burke
Ms. Sarah Burke
Mr. David Butler
Ms. Anna Cabre
Mr. Christopher Calderone
Dr. Marcy Caldwell Murphy and Mr. Dermot
Ms. Judy M. Caldwell
Mr. Derek Campbell
Ms. Hilary Campbell
Dr. Sara Campbell
Mrs. Jennifer Canton
Mr. Ralph D. Caparulo
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carey
Ms. Donna Carney
Mr. Jeffrey Carroll
Mr. Makim Carter
Mr. William D. Carver
Mr. William Casari
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Casper
Marguerite and John Celani
Ms. Prithi Chandra
Ms. V. Chapman-Smith
Mr. Herve Charlot
Mr. Odir Chavez
Mr. Andrew Cheng
Ms. Sarah Chick
Ms. Yvonne Chism-Peace and Ms. Tamara
Ms. Amanda Chudnow
Ms. Jenny Chung
Mr. Anthony Ciambella
Mr. Joseph Ciesielski
Ms. Nancy Citrino
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taws Claghorn


Ms. DeAnn P. Clancy
Ms. Jennifer Clarke
Miss Nicole Clause
Mr. and Mrs. John Claypool
Ms. Edie Cleveland
Ms. Sarah Coale
Mr. Jonathan Cobb
Ms. Frances L. Cohen
Ms. Lee Cohen
Mr. Mitchell Cohen
Mrs. Perky Cohen
Ms. Susan E. Cohen
Mr. Dominic Colaizzo
Ms. Sarah Collard
Ms. Amanda Collett
Ms. Ebony M. Collier
Mr. Drew Collins
Hope Comisky
Ms. Helen M. Comolli
Mr. Jim Conboy
Ms. Patricia Connelly
Miss Robyn Cooper
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Cotter
Ms. Lydia Cotter
Ms. Brandi Counts
Neil and Julie Courtney
Ms. Talia Coutin
Nic and Amelia Coviello
Sheila Crawley and James Ellsworth
Ms. Elaine Crivelli
Mrs. Carol Crouthamel
Ms. Elissa Crum
Mr. E. Cummings
Miss Sophy Curson
Mr. Dan Dagle
Ms. Delphine Dahan
Mr. Joseph V. D’Alessandro
John Daley
Mr. Anwar Daniels
Ms. Tracey Darabasz
Ms. Ellen G. Davenport
Mr. John Davis
Ms. Kimberly Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Ms. Tiffany Davis
Miss Julia Day
Ms. Nicole de Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DeAngelo
Ms. Kay Deaux
Miss Joy Deibert
Ms. Shirley Dekker Boulay
Ms. Leia Delgado

Ms. Siew Delguercio
Mrs. David K. DeLong
Mr. Bryan Delowery
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeMirjian
Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Mr. Conall Dempsey
Phyllis and Jay Denbo
Ms. Marisa Denker
Mr. Brian D. Dennis
Ms. Taruja Deshmukh
Mr. Jameson Detweiler
Dr. Brian Devaney
Mr. and Mrs. Cortright Devereux
Mr. David DeVito
Ms. Kathryn Devlin
Mr. David R. DeVoe and Ms. Laura Lane
Ms. Natanya DiBona
Mrs. and Mr. Christina Dickerson
Mr. Ray DiFrancesco
Mrs. Willem K. Dikland
Mr. and Ms. Michael Dillon
Ms. Susan Pension Dineen
Mr. Sebastian DiPino
Mr. Michael DiStefano
Mr. Louis Ditanna
Mr. Eric D’Mello
Miss Alice Anne Dolbin
Ms. Christina Dombrowski
Ms. Isabelle Dougherty
Mr. William Douglas
Ms. Elizabeth Dow
Ms. Louise Mockaitis and Mr. Daniel A. Drozd
Mr. Noel Drumbor
Miss June Du
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dubow
Miss Taylor Duffy
Mr. Tom Dugan
Mr. James Duguid
Mrs. Gloris Dunnous
Ms. Clare Durepos
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Durso
Mr. and Mrs. David Eater
Ebonite International
Mr. Robert R. Ecker
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Eichert
Mr. Michael Eisenstein
Ms. Mariann Elias
Ms. Eleanor S. Elkins
Emily B. Elliott
Ms. Monique Ellis
Marianne Ruby and Gary Emmett
Ms. Kimberly Engel

Mr. and Mrs. Alan English
Wendy Epstein and James Steiker
Mr. Eric Eschborn
Mr. Robert Eskind and Ms. Debora Kodish
Mrs. Joan F. Evans
Ms. Megan Evans
Ms. Melody Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eversmann
Mr. Nick Ewertz
Mr. Khari Faison
Dr. Richard Farber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farley
Mr. Marco V. Farnese and Ms. Doris Schmauk
Ms. Lisa Feden
Ms. Fradele Feld
Mr. Gregg Felixon
Ms. Hilary Fello
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feury
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Andrew L. Fielding
Ms. Deborah Fisher
Robert S. Fisher, M.D.
Ms. Eleanore P. Flom
Ms. Tara Flynn
Ms. Tamika Ford
Pier Foreman
Ms. Alma Forman and Ms. Dianne Forman
Ms. Jane Fortune
Dr. Kathleen A. Foster
Miss Ashley Fouyolle
Mr. Conrad J. Fowler
Mr. Dan Fox
Ms. Susan A. Fox
Mrs. Anita M. Franchetti
Dr. Sadie Francis
Mr. leonard A. frank and Dr. Barbara Frank
Mr. Peter Frantz
Ms. Patricia Freda
Mr. Jeff Frederick
Mr. David Freno
Ms. Susanne Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Friend Jr.
Mr. Robert Friese
Mr. Jacob Frumkin
Mr. Tony Frusciante
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fry
Ms. Rachel Fuld
Mr. Michael Fulkerson
Ms. Mary Jane B. Fullam
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fuller
Miss Ashley Funk

Mr. Enzo Fusaro and Mrs. Carla Fusaro
Mr. Christopher Gacos
Mr. James Gaddy and Mr. Matt Palczynski
Ms. Colette Gaiter
Ms. Suzanne Galazka
Ms. Lacie Garnes
Ms. Elizabeth Brown Garon
Ms. Judi Garst
Ms. Margarita Alain Gay
Ms. Marie Gee
Mr. Richard T. Geist
Ms. Anne C. Gengenbach
Ms. Christine Gepty
Mr. Pedro Geraldino
Ms. Alison Gerber
Ms. Anna Gerrity
Susan Gershinson
Ms. Alyson Giantisco
Mr. Tim Gibbon
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibbons
Miss Bridget Gibbons
Mr. Kevin Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. Joseph Gilford
Mr. Stephen Gill
Mr. William Gillespie
Ms. Stephanie Gilmour
Ms. Nicole Giovannetti
Miss Katerina Girginova
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Giuntoli, Sr.
Mr. Eli Glatstein
Mr. and Ms. Gary Glenn
Ms. Jane Godshalk
Ms. Elaine Golak
Mrs. Dena Goldberg
Miss Cary Goldinger
Ms. Caroline Lester C. Goldsmith
Miss Becca Goldstein
Mr. Cesar Gomes
Miss Sandra Gonzaelz
Ms. Sandra Gonzalez
Mr. Elijah Goodman
Mr. Lucas Goodman
Ms. Bernice Gordon*
Mr. William Gourley
Mrs. Richard W. Graham
Mr. John Paul Grauer
Ms. Rebecca Grausam
Ms. Kate R. Graves
Mr. Michael Graves
Ms. Cassandra Green


Ms. Shelley Green
Mr. Ryan Greenberg
Mrs. Aletha Green-Mullen
Mr. Brad Greenwood
Mr. Todd P. Gregoire
Ms. Eliza Gregory Mohler
Ms. Leann Greto
Ms. Carla Griffin
Ms. Dana Griffin
Ms. Kelsey Grimes
Mr. Jeffery L. Grogan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gross
Ms. Roz Gunshor
Mrs. Lee Gunther-Mohr
Ms. Meredith Haab and Mr. Stephen Madjar
Ms. Deborah Haas
Mr. Thomas Hahn
Mrs. Marcia Halbert
Mr. Erich Hall
Ms. Gretchen R. Hall
Mr. Rami Hamzey
Mr. Alexander Hankin
Ms. Elizabeth Hanna
Mr. Francis Hanna
Ms. Elizabeth Harper
Mr. Matthew Harrington
Ms. Joanne Hartigan
Dr. Jean Haskell
Miss Khaliha Hawkins
Mrs. Katherine Hayden
Prof. Mary E. Hazard
Carolyn Healy and John Phillips
Ms. Barbara Hebding
Mr. Stephen Heck
Mrs. Maureen Heenan
Mr. Wesley M. Heilman III
Bernice J. Henry, Ph.D.
Mrs. Joan Henschel
Ms. Jennifer Hensell
Ms. Ingrid Herrera
Mr. Greg Hiban
Ms. Allison Hill
Mrs. Eileen H. Hinkson
Miss Jamie Hitro
Ms. Maiza Hixson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hobelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis I. Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Hoffman
Ms. Debra Hofreiter
Dr. Douglas S. Holsclaw, Jr.
Ms. Stephanie Horwath

Mr. J. Ross Hosford
Mr. Robert J. Hotes
Ms. Joanne M. Howell
Ms. Cindy Howes
Ms. Catherine Hozack
Cheung Huang
Ms. Lynda K. Hubbell and Mr. Paul Hummer
Ms. Angela Huc
Ms. Judith Huffaker
Mr. Anthony Hughes
Mr. Edward E. Hughes
Miss Samantha Hughes
Ms. Lauren Hunter
Mr. and Ms. John Incledon
Ms. Alicia Ingiosi
Ms. Germaine Ingram
Mrs. Mary L. Inman
Mr. Richard Irvine
Mrs. Eleanor Ivins
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.
Miss Jennifer Izaguirre
Ms. Carol S. Jackson
Ms. Thora Jacobson
Ms. Nancy James
Mr. Maurice Jamison
Candace Jay
Ms. Anne Munch Jensen
Miss Nichole Jensen
Ms. Barbro M. Jernberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jester
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Miss Diana Jih
Shirley Johnson
Mr. Trevor Johns
Mr. Homer W. Johnson
Ms. James Johnson
Ms. Lana Johnson
Miss Lisa Johnson
Mr. Nic Johnson
Ms. Elizabeth Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jones
Ms. Melody Jones
Mr. Jacob Joseph
Miss Claire Joslyn
Mr. Jimmy Jouthe
Mr. Peter Jovellanos
Ms. Willa Joynes
Ms. Nicole Juday
Ms. Sherry Justus
Mike Kaczmarczik
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kahn
Kaiser Permanente Community Giving

Mr. and Mrs. Eirini Kalafatides
Miss Lori Kalanty
Ms. Constance Kane
Ms. Diane Kanoff
Dr. Janet Kaplan
Mr. and Ms. Sea Kaplan
Ms. Aviva Kapust
Mr. Ross Karlan
Mr. Paul Karosas and Mr. Edward M. Dixon
Mrs. Sarah Kaser
Ellen Baxter and Robert Kavash
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq.
Miss Debra Keilen
Catharine Keim
Mr. Brian Keith and Ms. M. Celeste Simon
Ms. Janet Keller Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Kellett
Mr. Gregory Kempf
Mr. Muhammad Gulraiz Khan
Mrs. Joan C. Kienlen
Mr. Ben Kincaid
Ms. Hannah King
Miss Whitney King
Mrs. Constance L Kirker
Ms. Rachel Kitzinger and Mr. Eamon Grennan
Mrs. Marcia Klafter
Ms. Barbara F. Klein
Ms. Barbara F. Klein
Ms. Nancy Kleinberg
Ms. Sarah Klem
Ms. Rita Klinger
Ms. Nadia Klionsky
Ms. Nina S. Klymowska
Mr. James Knab
M. Suzanne Knecht and Richard W. Knecht
Ms. Lisa McQueen Knight
Miss Patricia C. Knott
Ms. Alexandra F. Knox
Ms. Emily Kocubinski
Ms. Debora Kodish
Ms. Kristen Koenigsbauer
Ms. Lisa Kolker
Mr. Gregory Konzelman
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Koons
Mr. Michael G. Kopcho
Ms. Priyanka Kothari
Mr. Bruce Kramer
Mr. Nicholas Kramer
Ms. Agnes R. Kraus
Ms. and Mr. Ilana E. Kraus

Ms. Millicent Krouse
Miss Jennifer Kuilan
Ms. Sherry Kumar
Ms. Nadia Kunz
Ms. Melissa Kutteroff
Mr. James Kwak
Ms. Oktavia LaBarge
Ms. Jenny Laden
Mr. Rome LaFair
Christine Lafuente
Ms. Yolanda Laguerre
Ms. Yoli LaGuerre
Ms. Mary Ann Lambert
Mr. Alfred Lance
Mr. Alphonse M. Lane
Ms. Erica Lang
Mrs. Suzanne Lang
Ms. Dona Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Larkin
Sarah Lamb and David Larned
Mr. Andrew Larsen
Mr. Kirk Larsen
Mr. Ray Laskey
Mrs. Jessica Lavetsky
Mr. Anthony Lazorko, Jr.
Ms. Katherine Leach
Ms. Peggy Leboeuf
Mr. B. Herbert Lee
Mr. Daniel Lee
Ms. Grace Lee
Mr. Injae Lee
Ms. Mary LeFever
Ms. Fay Leff
Ms. Amy Leigh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan R. Leimberg, Esq.
Mr. Andrew Lelchuk
Ms. Nicole Lemanski
Ms. Lynn Lemyre
Ms. Joan Leof
Mr. Paul Leonard
Mr. Jeff Leong
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leppo
Miss Alexis Lerro
Mr. William Leung
Dr. and Mrs. David C Levin
Mr. Steven D. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Levine
Ms. Evelyn Levit
Ms. Elaine Levitt
Mr. Christopher Lewis
Ms. Jennifer Lewis
Mr. Joseph Lewis


Ms. Sarah Lewis
Liberty Business Strategies, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Libkind
Mr. Erik Lichtner
Ms. Susan Liddle
Ms. Patricia Lieb Nardi
Mr. and Ms. Meyer Lieman
Ms. Sharna Liggett
Mrs. Deborah Light
Ms. Stephanie Lincoln
Mr. Brian Linson
Ms. Amy Lisojo
Ms. Rochelle Litman
Ms. Cathey Lizzio
Ms. Elsie Trefz Loane
Mr. Michael Lombardi
Ms. Gordana Loncar
Ms. Ann Lopatin
Ms. Maria Lopez
Ms. Lorraine Lostracco
Ms. Diana J. Mackie
Mr. John Madden
Dr. Wendy Magee
Mr. Daniel Maggiani
Miss Carrie Maguire
Miss Tania Maheshwari
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Maimon
Mr. Scott Maisey
Mr. Dan Malloy-Good
Ms. Kiera Manison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manko
Mr. and Ms. Barry Mann
Ms. Sarah Mantell
Mr. Bernardo Margulis
Ms. Maria Markovich
Dr. Anna O. Marley
Therese Marmion
Mr. Thomas Marsh
Ms. Esther W. Marshall
Mr. Asil Martin
Dr. Lydia Marton
Mr. Ashwin Mathew
Donna Mathews
Mr. Jason Mathis
Dr. R. Bradley Maule
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Maxey
Miss Carol Maxwell
Mrs. Louis E. McAllister, Jr.
Mr. Mark McCall
Mrs. Sigrid McCall
Ms. Erin McCann

Mr. Joseph Mcclaren
Mr. William Mcclaren
Mr. Jay McClellan
Ms. Carolyn McCloskey
Ms. Heather McComb
Ms. Melanie McCoy
Ms. Tara McCray
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McDonald
Ms. Nicole McDonald
Ms. Rita Mcelwee
Ms. Yvonne Mcfadden
Ms. Alison McFall
Ms. Ruth McGee
Miss Elizabeth McGinnis
Mr. John P. McGrath
Mrs. Melissa McGuffin
Mrs. Marcia McInnes
Mrs. Renee McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McKibben
Thomas W. McLaughlin
Ms. and Mr. Valerie Mclaughlin
Miss Melanie McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuiston
Mr. Ryan McShane
Ms. Margaret Meigs
Miss Sarah Meiklejohn
Ms. Patricia Meller
Ms. Chelsea Melvin
Miss Jenna Mercadante
Miss Lauren Mercadante
Mr. Matthew Mercado
Miss Emily Meredith
Ms. Teara Mertens
Ms. Heather Metcalf
Ms. Susan Metzger Kelly
Mr. Benjamin Micale
Ms. Robin Michaelson
Miss Rachael Michaud
Ms. Joyce Michel
Ms. and Mr. Janet Middleton
Mr. Jason Miles
Ms. Amy Miller
Ms. Donna Miller
Mrs. Gainor I. Miller
Dr. Jerome C. Miller
Mrs. Kelly Miller
Mr. Mark Miller
Ms. Robin Miller
Miss Faye Min
Ms. Anne Minich
Mr. Robert A. Minnick
Miss Jesa Minnick

Mitchell Associates, Inc.
Mr. Derek Mitchell
Mr. Kevin Mohan
Mr. Brandon Montgomery
Mrs. Constance Cook Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Ms. Tiffany Moore
Ms. Jazmin Mora
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Morgan
Mr. Jason Morgan
Mr. Vladimir Morilla
Ms. Diane Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrow
Ms. Marsha Moss
Mr. James Mumman
Mr. Richard Munoz
Mrs. Hayley Murphy
Jamie Musselman and James Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Naff
Mrs. Carolyn B. Nagy
Mr. Girish Nair
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nathan
Ms. Nicki Nathan and Mr. Michael Metelits
Miss Ricki Naulty
Miss Bina Nayee
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nelson
Mr. Paul R. Nemeth and Ms. Jean Flood
Ms. Sara Nerken
Network For Good
Mrs. Lindsey Nevin
Mr. John Newhall
Mr. Michael Newman
Dr. Andy Nguyen
Ms. Gabrielle Niu
Mr. Clifford Noell
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Noll
Ms. Lisa Novy-Wikowski
Dr. Christine I. Oaklander
Ms. Carolyn R. O’Connor and Mr. John Keir
Mr. Joseph A. O’Connor and Ms. Jackie
Miss Susan Odessey and Ms. Ariel Coff
Mr. William O’Keefe
Mr. Peter Olieman
Mr. Gregg Olmstead
Mr. Samuel Olshin
Lyn Buccheit and Shaun O’Malley
Mrs. Branda O’Neil
Ms. Mary O’Neil
Ms. Claire Oosterhoudt
Mr. Dave Orantes

Mrs. Lynda Orfanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Osborne
Ms. Judi Oser
Ms. Kathryn otte
Ms. Dorothy A. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pacholski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Packel
Miss Joanna Paczkowska
Ms. Carla A. Pagliaro
Mr. Paul Pagliaro
Mr. Christopher Pak
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pallante
Margot Palley and Sydney Bladen
Mr. Jonathan Palmisano
Mr. Edward Panek
Mrs. Anastazja Panek-Tobin
Mrs. Christine Pappajohn
Ms. Paula Pappas
Ms. Amanda Parashar
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Pasquariello, Jr.
Mr. Alan Paston
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Patruno
Ms. Melissa Patti
Ms. Marilynn H. Paul
Mr. Stephen Paur
Mr. Lawrence E. Pavlik
Miss Amber Marie Payne
Mrs. Paige Peabody
Mr. Lee T. Pearcy
Mrs. Carmen N. Pelaez
Ms. Sylvia Pelta
Mr. Eric Penn
Mr. Ryan Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pension
Mr. Robby Perdue
Ms. Tiffany Perkins
Mr. Robert Perry
Dr. Charles B. Peterson III
Ms. Breda Petrovic
Miss Sonia Petruse
Ms. Katie Pfohl
Ms. Petra Phang
Ms. Jody Pinto
Mr. Francis M. Piperno
Ms. Betty J. Pitt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Polak, Esq.
Popcorn & Ice Cream
Mrs. Joan Popkin
Ms. Nancy Popkin
Ms. Abigail Poses


Ms. Theresa Potts
Ms. Jean Powell
Ms. Mary Powers Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prell
Mr. Eliot Present
Ms. Ellen M. Priest
Ms. Gail Priest
Miss Marquisha Prince
Ms. Letitia Principato
Ms. Beth Prusky
Mr. Desmond Pygatt
Ms. Kate Quinn
Mrs. and Mr. Virginia M. Quintana
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Radocaj
Ms. Ana Radonjic
Ms. Pamela Rainey Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Randall
Mr. Jason Raymond
Ms. Mary Louise Raymond
Mr. Michael Reali
Mrs. Sara Reckahn
Ms. Rosae Reeder
Mr. and Ms. Timothy G. Reekie
Ms. Zoey Reese
Ms. Pam Regan
Bronwyn Reice
Ms. Nona Reinhart
Ms. Sasha Reinoso
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Reiss
Ms. Jennifer Renshaw
Mr. Edward M. Resovsky
Rebecca Reumann-Moore and Andrew Moore
Mr. Elias Reyes
Mr. Joshua Reyes
Mr. Brad Richards
Ms. Beth L. Richey
Ms. Gail Richman
Sunny Richman and John Ryan
Ms. Marion Rieker
Mrs. Mary Ries
Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco
Steven Riskin and Julie Lipsius
Mr. Bill Ristine
Mr. Peter Ritchie
Ms. Stacey Rivkin
Ms. Morgan Robinson
Jordan Rockford
Miss Lya Rodgers
Ms. Cynthia Rodriguez
Mr. Edward Rodriguez

Ms. Nicole Rodriguez
Ms. Beth L. Rogers
Mr. Christopher Rogers
Ms. Mariah Romaninsky
Mr. Vladimir Rony
Ms. Diana Rosa-Leyra
Mr. Luis Rosario
Mr. Barry Rosen
Ms. Sheera Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rosser
Miss Chloe Rotman
Mr. Dan Rottenberg
Ms. Sally Rubenstein
Dr. Jonathan Rubin
Ms. Carole J. Rubins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rudden
Ms. Ginger Rudolph
Mr. Jamil Russ
Ann Russell
Mr. Rocco E. Russo
Ms. Ellen P. Ryan
Mr. John Ryan
Ms. Kathleen Ryan
Ms. Lynn A. Ryan
Miss Erica Sachse
Ms. Phyllis L. Sacks
Ms. Mary Salvante
Catherine Samson
Ms. Laura Sancken
Ms. Jenny Sandler
Holley Sanford
Mr. John Santa Maria
Miss Anhia Santana
Ms. Gloria Santiago
Mr. Salas Saraiya
Mr. Mak Sarich
Mr. Gregory Sariotis
Mr. Thomas J. Sarrantonio
Mr. Steve Savett
Mr. Dominic Savini
Mr. Samuel J. Savitz
Ms. Christina Schaffer
Ms. Cara Scharf
Mr. Dominick Schiano
Ms. Cathleen Schiman
Ms. Lois Schlachter
Ms. Jennifer Schlegel
Mr. William Schmidt
Mr. Cory Schmitt
Ms. Helen Schneeberg
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider
Mrs. Marie Schneider

Richard G. Schneider
Miss Katherine Scholle
Ms. Karen Schromsky
Mr. Theodore G. Schurr
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Schwartz
Mr. David R. Scott
Ms. Julia Scott
Mrs. George W. Scudder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seder
Mr. Arthur H. Segal
Ms. Caitlin Seifritz
Ms. Christine Seonia
Ms. Shappine Servano
Ms. Meredith Setzman
Mr. Tom Shachtman
Mr. Karan Shah
Mr. Edward O. Shakespeare III
Mrs. Albert Shapiro
Dr. Toni Shapiro-Phim
Ms. Allison Sharkey
Ms. Ardan Sharp
Mr. Mikhail Shats and Mrs. Aleksandra
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Shay
Marcye Shayer, Ph.D.
Mrs. Marcia C. Shearer
Mr. Patrick Shepherd
Mr. Brian Sheppard
Ms. Anna Shipp
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shriver
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shrut
Ms. Margaret Sidlick
Ms. Natalya Sidorovskaya
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Siegwart
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Silveroli
Miss Kristianne Simeon
Dr. Maarianna Simpson
Judi Cassel and Peter Siskind
Mr. Rudi Skaf
Ms. Veronica Slaght
Mr. Evan Slepian
Mr. PJ Smalley
Ms. Cheryl Smith
Mr. David Smith
Dressler Smith
Mr. Paul D. Smith
Mr. Mark Smylie
Mr. and Mrs. John Smyth, Jr.
Miss Gretchen Snethen
Ms. Jessica Snyder
Dr. Deborah A. Snyderman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Solmssen

Mr. Matt Solomon
Miss Nadia Soloukhina
Miss Julia Soper
Soundview Real Estate Partners
Mrs. Patricia Q. Spampinato
Ms. Amy Spearman
Spec Art Gallery
Ms. Elizabeth Spikol
Mr. Samuel Spitzer
Miss Kristin Stangl
Mrs. Milton S. Stearns
Tracy L. Steele and Paul Mahoney
Ms. Karen Steen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinbauer
Dr. Harris W. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stevens
Ms. Debra Stewart
Dr. Kathleen Stewart and Mr. Jason Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott Stewart
Ms. Sarah Stewart
Ms. Adrienne Stinson
Ms. Brooke Stolting
Mr. William C. Stratton
Ms. Gaynor Strickler
Rebecca Dvorin Strong
Miss Sapphire Stubbs
Mrs. Kristen Stucky
Miss Kimberly Studebaker
Mr. Jason Styn
Mr. David Sullivan
Ms. Carol Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Svanda
Ms. Laura Lee Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Swartz
Ms. Karen Swyers
Miss Jill Sybesma
Mr. Augustus Taborn
Ms. Denise Tacon
Ms. Ardith Talbott
Mrs. marybeth talley
Mr. David Tam
Ms. Iris Tam
Ms. Danica Tan
Ms. Nancy H. Taplin
Ms. Leyla Tarhan
Ms. Mary Beth Tassaro
Ms. Adrienne Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Temple
Ms. Karin Tetlow
Miss Jessie Tharp
Mr. Phillip Thierman


Ms. Sarah Thompson
Ms. Bonnie Thompson
Ms. Trish Thompson and Mr. Joel Katz
Ms. Jocelynn Tice
Ms. Janice Titano
Mr. Jacques-Jean Tiziou
Mr. Francesco L. Toledo
Ms. Denise Toliver
Mr. and Mrs. John Tom
Mr. and Mrs. William Topkis
Mr. Andrew Torre
Ms. Ivelisse Torres
Ms. and Mr. Shelly Towers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toy
Dr. Hieu Tran
Mr. Charles Treatman
Mr. Alex Treves
Ms. Pamela Trimingham and Mr. David
Mr. John J. Trippel
Ms. Suzi Troll
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Troy
Ms. Karyn Tufarolo
Mr. Colin Turett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tyler
Mr. Steven Tyson
Mr. Anders Uhl
Ms. Thecla Uriyo
Miss Lauren Vainberg
Ms. Angela Val
Mr. William R. Valerio
Ms. Kathryn T. Van Sciver
Miss Allison Vanyur
Ms. Victoria Vardilli
Ms. Hayley Varhol
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence R. Veit
Mr. Robert Venturi and Ms. Denise S. Brown
Mr. Guy Veroli
Miss Latanya Vicks
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vinocur
Mr. Andrew Viren
Mr. Kevin Vo
Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vogl
Mr. and Ms. Jim Voigtlander
Ms. Gudrun von Auenmueller
Mr. Samarjeet Wable
Ms. Catharine Waggoner
Mr. JT Waldman

Ms. Audrey Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Walker
Mrs. Joan B. Walkup
Ms. Barbara Wallace
Mrs. Joni Waller
Ms. Marisa Walls
Mr. Shane Walsh
Ms. Mary C. Walto and Mr. James M.
Rivkah Walton
Mr. Heshan Wanigasekera
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wantrobski
Mr. Andrew Ward
Mr. Lennox Warner
Ms. Natalie Warren
Mr. Thomas Watkins
Dr. Marcia Watson
A. M. Weaver
Ms. Danielle Webb
Ms. Phyllis Weber
Ms. Helma N. Weeks
George and Carol Weinbaum
Ms. Ethel Weinberg
Andrew Weiner
Oscar and Joan M. Weiner
Ms. Marcia Weinstein
Ms. and Mr. Leah Weisman
George H. Weiss M.D.
Dr. Bethany Welch
Ms. Alison Wenders
Mr. Lawrence Werner
Mrs. Nancy Wessells
Mr. Keith Wesson
Miss Monica Weymouth
Ms. Dawn Whitfield
Mrs. and Mr. Kathryn Wick
Mr. David J. Wierz
Mr. Roy A. Wilbur
Mr. David Wild
Ms. Deborah D. Wilder
Ms. Cheryl Wilks
Dr. Charles K. Williams, II
Mr. Oliver P. Williams
Miss Carly Wilmot
Elizabeth Lexa and David Wilson
Ms. Erin Wilson
Murray and Vera Wilson
Mrs. Shadeia Wilson-Holley
Ms. Jeanette Wintjen
Mrs. and Mr. Emily Witkowski
Mr. Scot Wittman
Ms. Jean Wolf

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolff
Ms. Daisy Wong
Miss Judy Wong
Jody Wood
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wood
Mr. Scott Wood
Ms. Kelly Wormann
Ms. Emily Wroczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Z. Wurts
Miss Peng Xiao
Mrs. Gina Yacovelli
Ms. Paige Yager
Mr. Jeff Yang
Mr. Olumide Yerokun
Mr. William Yoon
Mr. Dean Young
Mr. Kariem Young
Ms. Sherley Young
Miss Jingyao Yu
Ms. Ruth Zafrir
Mrs. Sybille Zeldin and Mr. Bill Brinkman
Ms. Josephine F. Zelov
Ms. Alison Zimmer
Karene and Mark Zimmerman
Rachel Zimmerman and John Boyko
Mr. Marc Ziss
Ms. Sarah Zlotnik
Mr. Philip Zuchman
Mr. Michael Zuckerman and Ms. Jan Levine
Mrs. James W. Zug
Ms. Louise Zulick
Cathleen and James Zurbach
Miss Rachel Zurier

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brandt
Dr. Kent Bream and Ms. Adele Fava
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brown
Mr. Michael Butler
Ms. Pearl M. Carpel
Mr. Anthony C. Chigounis
Ms. Anne Cote Taylor
Mrs. and Mr. Linda Cranmer
Mr. Thomas E. Cretella
Ms. Ellen DiFrancesco
Susan and George Dummitt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Flamporis
Ms. Shanah Glick
Mr. Thomas Gotzis
Ms. Jeanne Taylor Hansford
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard L. Helinek

Mr. Jonathan H. Hertzel and Ms. Linda G.
Mr. and Ms. Frederick L. Hipp
Mrs. Susan K. Horty
I. Brewster and Company Gallery
Mr. Barry W. Jeffries
Dr. Rodanthi Kitridou
Ms. Kathleen Kolesk
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Kousoulis
Lacas Coffee Company
Ms. Lola Lagakos
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Landa
Dr. Nancy Lisagor and Mr. Frank Lipsius
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maddlone
Ms. Marjorie Tatar Mantas
Ms. and Mr. Anna Marateo
Mr. and Mrs. Aries Massaro
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Mcquade
Mr. Michael Melissas
Ms. Camille Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mundheim
Ms. Christine Onken
Ms. Bessie Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Mr. Marvin Samson
Mr. Richard R. Sarles
Mrs. Melpo D. Scotese
Timothy and Kristina Shickley
Mr. and Ms. Gerald Siglow
Mr. Richard W. Snowden and Mr. Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spahr
Mr. Timothy P. Speiss
Ms. Dorothy S. Suflas
Mr. John Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Taylor
Mr. Joseph Taylor
Mrs. Helen Terzakis
Mr. and Mrs. Stelio Theodoris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vlahos
Mr. and Ms. Jim Voigtlander
W.W. Smith Charitable Trust
Mrs. Desa S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Winans
Mr. Richard E. Woosnam

Th e Anne B ryan Me mori al
Sch olarsh i p
Ms. Lisa Barsky
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Bay
Mr. and Ms. Fred Beckley


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chiarolanzio
Clarity Concepts Inc.
Ms. Nancy Clipper
Ms. Katherine Clupper
Mr. and Mrs. Kipp Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G.J. Connolly
Mr. Joseph Costello
Mr. Kevin Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Dailey
Ms. Lisa Daniel
Ms. Christine Doyle
Ms. Barbara Fava
Mr. and Mrs. Robet Field
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Firth
Fitch Ratings
Ms. Dorothy Fread
Ms. Terri Gelberg
Mr. and Mr. Richard Geschke
Mr. and Mrs. R. Vann Graves
Mr. Alan Green
Mr. Charles Green
Mr. Alan J. Greenberger
Ms. Emily Green-Cain
Mrs. Elizabeth Hague
Ms. Marion Halliday
Mrs. Dorothy Hanshaw
Ms. Julia Harris
Mr. Michael Harris
Mr. David Hyman
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Jacobson
Ms. Nancy Jones
Mr. Dean Kaplan
Mr. Leo Karwejna
Ladies First
Ms. Chau Wing Lam
Larsson & Scheuritzel, P.C.
Mr. David Larsson
Ms. Elizabeth A. Larsson
Mrs. Marissa Litman
Loop Capital Markets
Mrs. lauren lowe
Mr. Steve Maceroni
Mr. Gregory W. Martino
Ms. Edna Miranda
Morgan Stanley Wealth Mangement
Mr. Michael Nadol
Northeast Women in Public Finance
Mrs. Lynda Orfanelli
Ms. Nancy O’Toole
Mr. Kyle Patino
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Pearlman

Dr. Bonita L. Perry
PNC Bank Foundation
PNC Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Prichard Jr.
Ms. Catherine Pullen
Mr. Mark Quinn
Mr. Alfredo Quintero
Ms. Gloria Rabinowitz
Ms. Anne P. Robson
Ms. Stephanie Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roth
Mr. Kenneth Schiebel
Mr. Richard Sigal, Esq.
Mrs. Kelly Smaldone
Ms. Denise J. Smyler
Ms. Sarah Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. John Spagnola
Mr. Nicholas Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Ajay Talwar
Ms. Eveline W. Tapp
Mr. Thomas Thees
Ms. Ellen Toplin
Ms. Sharon Vallianos
Ms. Freda Wang
Mr. and Ms. Eric F. Warshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Welge
Ms. Emily Weltmer
Western Asset Management
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Williams
Ms. Nancy Winkler and Mr. John Bryan
Women in Investing Network
Women In Public Finance
Mr. John W. Young
Mr. Michael Zuckerman and Ms. Jan Levine

Ms. Linda Lee Alter
Ms. Martha Armstrong
Mr. Geoffrey R. Berwind
Ms. Astrid Bowlby
The Fellowship of PAFA
Ms. Renee Foulks
Fred J. Rosenau Foundation
Gross McCleaf Gallery
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Gu Laties
Mr. Al Gury
Mrs. Hilarie V. Hawley
Historic Yellow Springs
Mr. Paul M. Hummer, Esq.
Mr. Daniel D. Miller, Jr.
The Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Watercolor Society

Ms. Jody Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Riesenbach
Ms. Ediene Ringler
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Robinson
Ms. Barbara W. Schaff
Winsor & Newton, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wyffels

T he M urray D essn e r Me mor i al
G ra d uate Tra v el P riz e Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abruzzege
Ms. Margot Barringer
Ms. Barbara Blair and Mr. Joseph Robbins
Mr. Irv Block
Ms. Jane Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bronstein
Mr. Richard T. Crawford
Ms. Linda Dessner
Mr. David R. DeVoe and Ms. Laura Lane
Ms. Nina S. Klymowska
Mr. and Ms. Meyer Lieman
Mrs. Deborah Light
Mr. William Macqueen
Ms. Yvonne Mcfadden
Mr. James Mumman
Ms. Eileen Neff
Mrs. Christine Pappajohn
Ms. Gail Priest
Mr. and Ms. Timothy G. Reekie
Ms. M. T. Sarmina
Ms. Carol Summers
Mr. Mark Tratenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Turchi, Jr.
Mr. Guy Veroli
Ms. Ethel Verticelli*
Ms. Deborah D. Wilder

In Ho n o r of A lexan de r
B. A gua yo
Ms. Deanna Burney

In Ho n o r of Lin d a L . A lte r
Ms. and Mr. Leah Weisman

In Ho n o r of Sally J. Bellet
Mr. Richard R. Sarles

In Ho n o r of T ho m a s L . B e nnett
Ms. Sally Rubenstein

In Honor of Pe nny R . B e rni ck
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bornstein

In Honor of Gwe n D ou se
Ms. Gail Richman

In Honor of Wi lli am J. Farrell
Liberty Business Strategies, Ltd.

In Honor of Cath y Hozack
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maloumian

In Honor of Ri ta B . Kli nge r
Ms. Rita Klinger

In Honor of Ti lda Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vinocur

In Honor of Sh eldon B . Margoli s
Mr. Michael Bloom

In Honor of Anna Sh ats

Mr. Mikhail Shats and Mrs. Aleksandra

In Honor of Laura C. Th i stle
Mrs. Christina M. Thistle

In Memory of Patricia S. Castner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Ballou
Dr. Priscilla Sands and Mr. John Berg
Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. John Claypool
Mr. and Mrs. Alan English
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farley
Mr. James Gaddy and Mr. Matt Palczynski
Mr. William Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hobelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.
Ms. and Mr. Ilana E. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nelson
Mr. Gregg Olmstead
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park
Mrs. Carmen N. Pelaez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Siegwart
Ms. Mary Beth Tassaro
Mr. Alex Treves
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence R. Veit
Mrs. and Mr. Kathryn Wick


I n Me mo r y of Ma t ina C h igou nis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brown
Mr. Anthony C. Chigounis
Mrs. and Mr. Linda Cranmer
Ms. Ellen DiFrancesco
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Flamporis
Mr. Thomas Gotzis
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard L. Helinek
Mr. and Ms. Frederick L. Hipp
Dr. Rodanthi Kitridou
Ms. Kathleen Kolesk
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Kousoulis
Lacas Coffee Company
Ms. Lola Lagakos
Ms. Marjorie Tatar Mantas
Ms. and Mr. Anna Marateo
Mr. and Mrs. Aries Massaro
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Mcquade
Mr. Michael Melissas
Ms. Christine Onken
Ms. Bessie Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Mr. Marvin Samson
Mrs. Melpo D. Scotese
Mr. and Ms. Gerald Siglow
Ms. Dorothy S. Suflas
Mr. John Sweeney
Mrs. Helen Terzakis
Mr. and Mrs. Stelio Theodoris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vlahos
Mrs. Desa S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Winans

I n Me mo r y of R och el l e Fel ixon
Mr. Gregg Felixon

I n Me mo r y of Ka th l ee n Fiel d
Soundview Real Estate Partners

I n Me mo r y of B eb e Gl ick
Ms. Shanah Glick

I n Me mo r y of B a rba ra L .
G ree n fi el d

Mr. Michael Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Birenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Block
Bredhoff & Kaiser, P.L.L.C.
Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett
Hope Comisky
Miss Sophy Curson

Mr. and Mrs. James DeLauro
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Doty
Adele G. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Klein
Gabriele W. Lee
Ms. Gordana Loncar
Major League Baseball Players Association
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manko
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanton Moyer
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Pasquariello, Jr.
Popcorn & Ice Cream
Mrs. and Mr. Virginia M. Quintana
Mrs. Mary Ries
Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Savitz
Mr. Patrick Shepherd
Ms. Gaynor Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Swartz
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Taylor
The Bancorp
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Sciver
Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolff
Mr. Dean Young

In Me m o ry of Ke n n eth D. Ko pple

Ms. Marion Rieker
Dr. Deborah A. Snyderman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinbauer
Mr. William C. Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Taylor
Mr. Joseph Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vogl
Ms. Ethel Weinberg

In Me m o ry of M ild red T. Lef k oe
Miss Sydney Ann Lefkoe

In Me m o ry of P atric ia H. Lynn
Mr. Paul Karosas and Mr. Edward M. Dixon
Marguerite Rodgers

In Me m o ry of Russell R. Lynn
Mr. Andrew L. Fielding

In Me m o ry of Beatrice Mi lle r
Mr. and Ms. John Incledon

In Me m o ry of Ja n et M inni ck
Mr. Robert A. Minnick

In Me m o ry of Ja so n C .
P e n n ypacke r


Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Bryan and Sidera Steiff

In Me m o ry of John A . L a wle r

In Me m o ry of Sylv ia N.
Schn a a rs

Ms. Marie C. Birdy
Ms. Amy Cheng
Ms. Anne Cote Taylor
Mr. Conrad J. Fowler
Mr. Enzo Fusaro and Mrs. Carla Fusaro
Ms. Anne C. Gengenbach
Mrs. Marcia Halbert
Ms. Jeanne Taylor Hansford
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis I. Hoffman
Mrs. Joan C. Kienlen
Mr. Ed Lawler
Therese Marmion
Mr. Joseph Mcclaren
Mr. William Mcclaren
Ms. Rita Mcelwee
Mr. John P. McGrath
Ms. Patricia Meller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrow
Ms. Mary O’Neil
The Philadelphia Foundation
Ms. Letitia Principato

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Baker III
Mr. Arthur Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde F. Barker
Ms. Helen Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feury
Ms. Nancy James
Ms. Mary Ann Lambert
Ms. Susan Liddle
Ms. Mary Louise Raymond
Mr. David R. Scott
Mrs. Milton S. Stearns
Mr. and Mrs. William Topkis
Ms. and Mr. Shelly Towers
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Zug

In Me m o ry of Ma rie D. Sch warz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Graham

In Me mor y of Hannah Sh i ck ley
Mr. and Ms. Gary Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Landa

In Me mor y of Franci s C. Tuck e r
Christine Lafuente

In Me mory of Edna S. Tu ttle man
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dubow
Ebonite International
Ms. Robin Michaelson
Mitchell Associates, Inc.
Running Subway LLC
Sally Hershberger Team
Mr. Tom Shachtman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shrut
Dr. Marc G. Soble
Dr. Harris W. Stern


Barbara* and John Bartlett
Pearl M. Carpel
Jonathan L. Cohen
Linda Dessner
Drs. Barbara and Leonard Frank
Kenneth F. Herlihy
Katharine K. Hoyler*
Evelyn Rypins Kaplan*, In Memory of
Will Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Katz
Ms. Emily Klebanoff
Jordan Klinefelter
The Estate of Kenneth D. Kopple
Gabriele W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest
Nina Martino
Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Daniel D. Miller Jr.
Ellen Cole Miller*
Mr. Donald S. Owings
Ms. Sally S. Richards
Raymond D. Rubens* and Estelle Rubens
Dr. and Mrs. Erwin M. Saniga
Barbara L. Sosson
Robert H. Sweet, In Memory of Janet V. Sweet


Mr. Kenneth D. Kopple
Ellen Cole Miller
Ms. Marie D. Schwarz


P a rt n e r
Sally J. Bellet, Esq.
Beneficial Bank
Dick Blick Holdings, Inc.
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran
Pennsylvania Trust Company
Verdis Investment Management

Ma ste r

Apartment Investment and Management
Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan
Dechert LLP
Drexel University
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Halloran
Mrs. Henry F. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.

S ch ol a r

Ms. Nancy Winkler and Mr. John Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Lis and Mike Kalogris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire
Ms. Kathleen D. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Noll
The Philadelphia Hand Center
Mr. and Mrs. Sashi Reddi

P h i l a n th ro pist

Ms. Linda Lee Alter
Mr. Jordan Brand
Mr. and Mrs. Norman U. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cole
Mr. Arthur Dantchik
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Ms. Darian Downs
Ms. Jane Fortune
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox
Ms. Rhonda Linnett Graber
Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton
Mr. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Isen
The Karma Agency
Mrs. James L. Kermes
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Koppelman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leone

Mrs. Lawrence E. MacElree
Mr. and Ms. David G. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mather III
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Matteo, Jr.
Robert O’Connor
Mr. James E. O’Neill and Mr. David A. Rubin
Dr. Keith M. Robinson
Dr. Peggy Scherle
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young
Mr. Richard Vague
Mr. and Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Yass

C onn oisse ur

Ms. Bettina B. Aberant
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Albert
Julie and Jim Alexandre
Arts & Business Council of Greater
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Ballou
Mr. Richard K. Barnhart
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Beachell
Mrs. Kathie Bell and Mr. Jeffrey Graham Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Biddle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bracaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broudy
Dr. Jody Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Burch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Byers
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and Donald R.
Mr. Richard Carlstrom and Mr. Joel Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase
Mr. Elliot H. Clark
Mr. Thomas Hills Cook
Mrs. Bibby Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Culley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. De Cain
Dr. Dorothy J. del Bueno
Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Mr. John C. Devereux
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Durovsik
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Effron
Alexander and Andrea Ehrlich
Ms. Heather Richards Evans
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson
Fifth Floor Foundation
Mr. Robert A. Fisk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Friedman

Ms. Deena Sara Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Gillespie
Ms. Barbara Gisel
Mr. David W. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hankowsky
Thomas J. Heitzman
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Hume
Ms. Mary Kahn
Dr. Kenneth L. Kusmer
Ms. Aleni Pappas and Mr. Anthony Kyriakakis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lazovitz
Gabriele W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Lenfest
Ms. and Mr. Nancy B. Levie
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Le Vine
Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Loftus
Mr. Thomas Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Winston I. Lowe, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. David Matthews
Ms. Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Wade McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. William Mezzanotte
Ms. Susan B. Muller
Mr. Scott D. Myers
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nesbitt III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Neubauer
Dr. and Mrs. James R. O’Connell
Ms. Patricia Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Packel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pagon
Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Peck
Mrs. Carmen N. Pelaez
Ms. Laurie Phillips
Ms. Pamela Trimingham and Mr. David Pierson
Ms. Beatrice S. Pitcairn
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Polak, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prestegord
Franz Rabauer and Brian Daggett
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rossello
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Rudin
Drs. Ruth and Steven S. Ryave
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sacks
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seid
Dr. and Mrs. Hass Shafia
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shah

Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. du P. Smith
Mr. Richard W. Snowden and Mr. Frederick
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spinner
Alicia A. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk
Mr. Vincent J. Tague Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Terlevich
Mr. Joshua C. Thompson
Philip C. Timon
Diane and Nathan Torn
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walsh
Ms. Gina Ward
Patricia D. Wellenbach
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Whitford
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wilmerding
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Windt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodward
Mr. Richard E. Woosnam
Mr. Joseph S. Zuritsky

P rese nti ng Sponsor
Haverford Trust Company

Lead Sponsor

P re mi e r Sponsors

Amber Road
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc.
Delaware River Stevedores, Inc.
EisnerAmper LLP
Liberty Property Trust
Quaker Chemical Corporation
The PFM Group
Public Financial Management, Inc.

Supporti ng Sponsors

Capital Wine and Spirits, Inc.
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and Donald R.
John Toates Architecture and Design
UBS Financial Services

Aucti on Sponsor


Hotel P a rt n e r

Four Seasons Hotel, Philadelphia

P re mi e r B e nefa ctors

Julie and Jim Alexandre
Ms. Jackie Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Ballou
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Biddle
Mr. Robert L. Byers
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and Donald R.
Ms. Carissa Chappellet and Mr. Archie
Mr. and Mrs. Fouad Chartouni
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase
Mr. Michael Cinque
Mr. Elliot H. Clark
Ms. Rachel Constantine
Mr.and Mrs. Keith Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Regis de Ramel
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DeBenedictis
Mr. Bryan Del Bondio
DermaCenter Medical Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fretz, Jr.
Gallagher Bollinger
Ms. Rhonda Linnett Graber
Ms. Lisa A. Granik
Mr. Al Gury
Eugenie Logue and Gerhardt Herbert
Mr. David Hoffman
Sarah and Jason Ingle
Dr. Larry R. Kaiser and Ms. Lindy Snider
Elisabeth Kalogris
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kovich
Mr. and Mrs. Winston I. Lowe, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Margolis
Ms. Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Mr. J. F. Merz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell
Mr. Jonathan H. Newman
Mr. Norman Olson
Mr. James E. O’Neill and Mr. David A. Rubin
Mr. Robert Palaima and Ms. Wendy Lebing
Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson Pew
Mr. and Mrs. Vincente Pita
Mr. Jim Preuninger
Franz Rabauer and Brian Daggett
Reid’s Palace
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
John Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sacks
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shein
Dr. Stephen G. Somkuti, M.D.
Mr. Timothy P. Speiss
Liz Denney and John Toates
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Tolson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Verdi

Mr. Barry W. Jeffries
Dr. Nancy Lisagor and Mr. Frank Lipsius
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maddlone
Mr. Richard W. Snowden and Mr. Frederick
Mr. Timothy P. Speiss
Mr. and Ms. Jim Voigtlander

P a t ro n s

Maste r

Mr. Paul S. Beideman
The Chanticleer
Lesa Chittenden Lim and Victor Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Norman U. Cohn
Ms. Ximena Coriat
David Ramey Wine Cellars
Monica and Dan DiLella
flyADVANCED Aircraft Charter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Harvey, Jr.
Ms. Susan M. Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hudson III
Ms. Michelle S. Karbiner
Ms. Barbara Katus
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Leto
The Lodge at Woodloch
Ms. Kathleen D. McCoy
Ms. Sandra Milner
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Murphy III
Mr. James M. Norris
Mr. Robert Pepi
The Prime Rib
The Rittenhouse Women’s Wellness Center
Mr. Edward Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Snider
Southern Wine & Spirits
Stag’s Leap Winery
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Steffes
Treasury Wine Estates

Fr ie n ds

Constellation Brands
Dave Franke
Dr. Beverly Keefer and Dr. Kelly Reene
Le Meridien Philadelphia
Maison Trimbach


Dr. Kent Bream and Ms. Adele Fava
Mr. Michael Butler
I. Brewster and Company Gallery

System Solutions

Be n efacto r

Dr. & Mrs. Todd Albert
Julie and Jim Alexandre
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Ms. Amy Branch and Mr. D. Jeffry Benoliel
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Biddle
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and Donald R.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fleischner
Ms. Michelle S. Karbiner
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shein
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. du P. Smith
Mr. Richard W. Snowden and Mr. Frederick
Mr.and Mrs. Fabio Terlevich

P atro n

Mr. and Mrs. Nadeem Bezar
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brandt
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Brigham
Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Burkett
Ms. Judy M. Caldwell
Ms. Judith Campbell
Ms. Peicha Chang
Mrs. Kathy Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles de Rham
Mrs. Maria Delaney
Mrs. J. David Donahower
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Mr. Eugene N. Dubay
Mrs. Thomas Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehret
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Halloran
Mr. Michael Haschak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Havens
Ms. Ann Hozack
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Hume

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaiser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirwan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leppo
Mrs. Andrea Little
Louella Style LLC
Ms. Ann MacMullan
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire
Mr. Christopher J. Manogue
Ms. Kathleen D. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Wade McDevitt
Ms. and Mr. Valerie Mclaughlin
Ms. Nicki Nathan and Mr. Michael Metelits
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Morgan
Ms. Catherine Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. J. Brien Murphy
Ms. Therese Obringer
Ms. Gretchen Roede and Mr. Richard Burr
Mrs. Eleanor R. Peterson
Ms. Beatrice S. Pitcairn
Franz Rabauer and Brian Daggett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Rosato
John Ryan and Mary Gregg
Ms. Milica Schiavio
Ms. Leeann R. Shiveley
Mrs. Robert W. Simonin
Mr. Paul Sloate and Dr. Amy Rowan
Mrs. Claudette Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spahr
Mrs. Joly W. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw
Ms. Georgene Taylor
Liz Denney and John Toates
Ms. Allison Vulgamore
Mrs. Joan B. Walkup
Mrs. Kathy Warden
Ms. Cheryl Wilks
Mrs. Pamela Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wilmerding

Young Fri e nd

Mr. Jeff Banasz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Berardi
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Berardi
Mrs. Gretchen Bond
Mrs. Jennifer Canton
Mrs. Dena Goldberg
Mr. Scott Gray
Mr. Matthew Harrington


Ms. Ingrid Herrera
Ms. Catherine Hozack
Ms. Nicole Juday
Ms. Yolanda LaGuerre
Ms. Sharna Liggett
Dr. Marcy Caldwell Murphy and Mr. Dermot
Mrs. Carolyn B. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rosser
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wantrobski
Ms. Paige Yager

Fo u n d a t i o n s
The 1830 Family Foundation
AG Foundation
The Albert M. Greenfield Foundation
Alpin J. and Alpin W. Cameron Memorial
Alter Family Foundation
Amaranth Foundation
Andrew J. and Christine C. Hall
Foundation, Inc.
The Arcadia Foundation
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
The Brook J. Lenfest Foundation
Christian and Mary Lindback Foundation
Connelly Foundation
David A and Helen P Horn Charitable Trust
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
The Dry Family Foundation
Fred J. Rosenau Foundation
Gilroy and Lillian P. Roberts Foundation
Hamilton Family Foundation
The Hassel Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Independence Foundation
Landenberger Family Foundation
Larking Hill Foundation
Lomax Family Foundation
Louis N. Cassett Foundation
The Maguire Foundation
Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, Inc.
MKM Foundation
Olitsky Family Foundation
The Philadelphia Foundation
PNC Foundation
Richard C. von Hess Foundation
Robert Lehman Foundation, Inc.

United Way of Greater Philadelphia &
Southern New Jersey
Wyncote Foundation

G ov e rn m e n t Suppo rt

National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Philadelphia Cultural Fund

B u s i n ess P a rtn e rs

Artay, Inc.
Cozen O’Connor
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc.
Drexel University
Little Giant Media, Inc.
National Penn Bank
Parkway Corporation
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Saul Ewing, LLP
UBS Financial Services

B u s i n ess C o un c il Me m b e rs
Drexel University

B u s i n ess A sso c ia te Me m b e rs
Cozen O’Connor
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc.
National Penn Bank
Parkway Corporation
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Saul Ewing, LLP
UBS Financial Services

E d ucatio n al Im pro v e m e n t Ta x
C redit P ro gra m Suppo rte rs
Chadwick Service Company
Elliott Lewis Corporation
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Universal Health Services, Inc.

Univ e rsity D eluxe Me m b e rs
Chestnut Hill College

Univ e rsity Ba sic Me m b e rs
Arcadia University
Hussian School of Art
La Salle University
Rowan University

Rutgers University
St. Joseph’s University
Thomas Jefferson University
University of the Arts
Villanova University

Lib ra ry D ual Me m b e rs

Burlington County Library
Camden County College Library

Lib ra ry Sin gle Me m b e rs

Collingswood Free Library
Elkins Park Free Library
Fox Chase Library
The Free Library of New Hope and Solebury
Free Public Library of Audobon
Friends of the Ewing Library
Friends of the Free Library of Northampton
Friends of the Huntingdon Valley Library
Glenside Free Library
Hopewell Branch Library
Middletown Free Library
Monroe Township Library
Moorestown Library
Moorestown Library
Princeton Public Library
West Windsor Branch of the Mercer County

Matchin g Gift C o m pan i es

Aetna Foundation, Inc.
ARCO Chemical Company
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Macy’s Foundation
PNC Bank Foundation
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts


Ms. Laura D. Adams
Julie and Jim Alexandre
Ms. Jackie Allen
The Arden Theatre Company
Mr. James J. Arizini
Azie Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Biddle
Mr. Robert L. Byers
Linda Aversa-Caldwell and Donald R.
Capital Wine and Spirits, Inc.

The Chanticleer
Ms. Carissa Chappellet and Mr. Archie
Mr. and Mrs. Fouad Chartouni
Mr. Michael Cinque
Citizens Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Clarke
Ms. Rachel Constantine
Constellation Brands
Ms. Ximena Coriat
Mr.and Mrs. Keith Cox
David Ramey Wine Cellars
Mr. and Mrs. Regis de Ramel
Mr. Bryan Del Bondio
DermaCenter Medical Spa
Domaine Serene
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Monica and Dan DiLella
Far Niente
Fiorino Cucina
flyADVANCED Aircraft Charter
Dave Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fretz, Jr.
Ms. Rhonda Linnett Graber
Ms. Lisa A. Granik
Ms. Violet Grgich
Mr. Al Gury
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Halloran
Ms. Patricia B. Ingersoll
Sarah and Jason Ingle
Jason Matthew Salon
Ms. Barbara Katus
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kovich
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Krohn
Lacroix at the Rittenhouse Hotel
Lail Vineyards
Le Meridien Philadelphia
The Lodge at Woodloch
Louis Latour
Mr. Larry Maguire
Maison Trimbach
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Margolis
Mr. John Mariani
Masion Louis Jadot
Ms. Anne Elizabeth McCollum
Ms. Sandra Milner
Mr. Peter Mondavi Jr.
Mr. Jonathan H. Newman
Mr. James M. Norris
Mr. Lawrence Nowlan
Mr. Norman Olson


Mr. Robert Palaima and Ms. Wendy Lebing
Pennsylvania Ballet
Mr. Robert Pepi
Pio Cesare
Mr. and Mrs. Vincente Pita
The Prime Rib
Mr. Steve Puma
Franz Rabauer and Brian Daggett
Reid’s Palace
Tom Rinaldi
The Rittenhouse Women’s Wellness Center
John Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sacks
Mr. Kevin Sbraga
Mr. Edward Schoenfeld
Dr. Stephen G. Somkuti, M.D.
Southern Wine & Spirits
Mr. Timothy P. Speiss
Stag’s Leap Winery
Ms. Johanna Allston and Mr. Ted Swinnerton
Theatre 1812
Toppers Spa and Salon
Treasury Wine Estates
Veuve Clicquot
The Walnut Street Theatre
Mr. Warren Winiarski
Mr. Richard E. Woosnam

William P. Hankowsky
Edward T. Harvey
Dorothy M. Ix
Joel M. Koppelman
Marguerite Lenfest
Francis J. Leto
Sara Lomax-Reese
Winston I. Lowe
Frances M. Maguire
Albert P. Matteo
Martha McGeary Snider
James E. O’Neill
Sashi Reddi
Gretchen Roede
Theodore O. Rogers
Steven L. Sanders
William H. Schorling
Henry B. duPont Smith
Julie Spahr
Barbara A. Sylk
Richard W. Vague

E x- Offic io

David R. Brigham
Al F. Gury
Nancy Bea Miller
Mary W. Snyder

E m e ritus

Kevin F. Donohoe, Chair
Thomas L. Bennett
James C. Biddle
Anne E. McCollum
Thomas N. Pappas
Herbert S. Riband

Mr. John B. Bartlett
Robert L. Byers
Barbara L. Greenfield
Charles E. Mather
Samuel J. Savitz
William A. Slaughter
Mr. Harold Sorgenti
Richard E. Woosnam
Mrs. Debora C. Zug

Tr u stees

Hon o rary

O ffi ce rs

James L. Alexandre
Roger H. Ballou
Sally J. Bellet
Donald R. Caldwell
Kenneth G. Catanella
Charles E. Chase
Elliot Clark
Jonathan L. Cohen
Monica E. Duvall DiLella
H. Paulett Eberhart
William J. Farrell
John A. Fry

Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton

E xecutiv e C o m m ittee
Mimi Snyder, President
Linda Aversa-Caldwell
Maggie Malone Murphy
Marianne N. Dean
Roz Gibbons
Dorothy Mather Ix
Janis O’Connor
Alicia A. Sterling

Carmen Navarro Pelaez
Kathie M. Bell

A ctiv e Me m b e rs

Georgeann M. Ballou
Kathie M. Bell
Christine H. Berrettini (Chris)
Margaret Biddle
Diana H. Bittel
Julie Jensen Bryan
Kathleen Cannon
Julia B. DeMoss
Lalla de Rham
Bobette Leidner Fisk
Sharla M. Floyd
Gale S. Gillespie
Barbara L. Greenfield*
Susan Eaton Guill
Pia M.E. Halloran
Connie Kay
Sandra G. Marshall
Mary MacGregor Mather
Susan B. Muller
Carolyn Nagy
Sandra L. Nesbitt
Elizabeth O’Connell
Janice Peck
Carmen Navarro Pelaez
Eleanor A. Pierson
Clare Stuempfig
Robbi Toll
Robin H. Windt

A sso c iate Me m b e rs
Carol Blank Barsh
Ana B. Biddle
Rhea Brooks
Diana Sinkler Clagett
Lea Cohn
Patricia Q. Connolly
Elizabeth G. Dolan
Ruth C. Fergusson
Stacy W. Fiechter
Lois Fischer
Jane Fortune
Geraldine Dietz Fox
Laura H. Gardiner
Nancy L. Guthrie
Eileen H. Hinkson
Penelope M. Hunt
Melissa K. Ingersoll
Ana Maria Keene

Patricia P. Kermes
Barbara C. Kligerman
Carrie Lawlor
Lynn Lehocky
Bobette R. Leidner
Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Deborah T. Mangel
Anne E. McCollum
Kathleen D. B. McCoy
Elizabeth McIlvain
Laura Morris
Karyn A. Mullen
Janneke Seton Neilson
Nancy Shaw Palmer
Dottie Sheffield
Meredith S.S. Smith
Sara Steele
Barbara J. Turner
Patricia Stewart Walsh
Susan W. West

Me mbe rs at Large
Margaret Biddle
Eleanor Pierson


Edith Agard
Beverley Anderson
Bruce Anderson
Penny Bernick
Maxine Brodo
Lynne Chapman
Louise Christopher
Susan Couch
Barbara Davidson
Gwen Douse
Dona Duncan-Wolfe
Sheila Ellman
Fradele Feld
Robert Fischl
Ruth Fischl
Karen Gelfand
Jerilyn Getson
Judith Ginsberg
Harriet Goodwin
Sharline Heller
Elaine Jaffe
Joan Jeruchim
Rochelle Kaufman Katuran
Marcia Klafter
Marita J. Krivda
Ned Levine


Florence Lovitz
Linda Markoff
Jane Mason
Naida Mosenkis
Joan Naide
Stephanie Nerges
Joan Quann
Marta Rodriguez
Lee Rothberg
Ruth Rothman
Renee Saul
Jo Ann Simon
Deanna Skalka
Jane Slater
Carol Stein
Danièle Thomas-Easton
Robyn Treinish
Richard Wechsler
Rachel Wescott
Patricia Zolfaghari
Maureen Zug


Aliese Andersen
Laura Beard
Keith Beekler
John Berg
Paula Bertran
Kerry Bickford
Marita Blackney
Lindsey Bloom
Brian Boutwell
David Brigham
Nathanael Brouhard
Alison Campbell-Wise
Jeffrey Carr
Kathy Cho
Steven Connell
Robert Cozzolino
John Daley
Vy Dang
Anthony DeCocinis
Brian Duffy
James Gaddy
Judi Garst
Michael Gibbons
Nora Granahan
Kayla Gray
Jimmie Greeno
John Greig
Al Gury
Elizabeth Hamilton

Lisa Hamilton
Richard Henderson
Lori Hines
Sarah Holloran
Tish Ingersoll
Jennifer Johns
John Johnson
Clint Jukkala
Melissa Kaiser
Barbara Katus
Sheryl Kessler
Abby King
Ann Klicka
Mark Knobelsdorf
Daniel Kolodny
Michael Kowbuz
Andrew Lapatina
Keith Leitner
JoAnn Loviglio
Cecily Macy
Anna Marley
Kevin Martin
Gregory Martino
Peter Medwick
Dana Moore
Judite Morais
Hayley Murphy
Lamar Nettles
Lindsey G. Nevin
Michael O’Connell
Larry Passmore
Harry Philbrick
Ed Poletti
Silvana Pop
Heike Rass
Gale Rawson
Kevin Richards
Jeffrey Richmond-Moll
Robert Roesch
Anthony Rosati
Katie Samson
Alexandra Seder
Colette Seidel
Dana Shafer
Dressler Smith
Madeleine Smith
CJ Stahl
Anne Stassen
AJ Sutton
Allison Syvertsen
Tiffany Tate
Jay Thistlewood

Judith Thomas
Peter Tran
Rebeccah Ulm
Andre van de Putte
Laura Warnecke
Kawyne Williams
Brittany Willis
Monica Zimmerman


Emily Abendroth
Kassem Amoudi
Juliette Aristides
Martha Armstrong
Jan Baltzell
Mark Blavat
Astrid Bowlby
Mr. David Brewster
Kate Brockman
Moe Brooker
Emily Brown
David C. Campbell
Roger Chavez
Lesa Chittenden Lim
Anthony Ciambella
Patrick Connors
Tom Csaszar
David Dempewolf
Mr. Vincent Desiderio
Mr. Aniello C di Sabato
Ms. Dona Duncan
Pavel Efremoff
Kamili Feelings
Mr. Joel Fisher
Renee Foulks
Mr. Lawrence Francis
Michael Gallagher
Linda Gist
Eileen Goodman
Neysa Grassi
Denise Green
John Greig
Michael Grimaldi
Zlatan Gruborovic
Albert Gury
Paul Hamanaka
Lisa Hamilton
Daniel Heyman
Elizabeth Hill
John Horn
Erik Horvitz
Gillian Jagger

Clint Jukkala
Alex Kanevsky
Frederic Kaplan
Scott Kip
Joshua Koffman
Mr. Michael Kowbuz
Phyllis G Laver
Mr. Gilbert B Lewis
Earl Lewis
Jonathan Mandell
Michael Manley
Joshua Marsh
Douglas Martenson
Virgil Marti
Daniel Miller
Michael Moore
Kate M Moran
Charles Muldowney
Ryan Muldowney
Eileen Neff
Steven Nocella
William Scott Noel
David Nolan
Ernie Norcia
Colleen O’Donnell
Roberto Osti
Stefan Perun
Sarah Peters
Jody Pinto
Carolyn G Pyfrom
Rosae Reeder
Celia Reisman
Kevin Richards
Robert Roesch
Anthony Rosati
Michael Rossman
Jill Rupinski
Hironori Sakaguchi
Bruce Samuelson
Judith Schaechter
Bill Scott
Stephanie Sena
Clarissa Shanahan
Stuart Shils
Stephen Smith
Ms. Christine Stoughton
Joseph Sweeney
Lisa Sylvester
Allison Syvertsen
James Toogood
Richard Torchia
Patricia Traub

Peter Van Dyck
Robert Waddington
Gary Weisman
David Wilson
Ronald Wyffels
Theodore Xaras
Jennifer Zwilling
* deceased