History of PAFA's Annual Water Color
and Miniature Exhibitions
In 1904 watercolors, prints, and drawings were segregated into a separate annual exhibition, which also featured the annual display of the Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters. Thus, from 1904 to 1953, the Academy mounted two annual exhibitions. In 1954 the Academy held only the 149th Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture; in 1955 only the special-format 150th Anniversary Exhibition took place; and in 1956 only the 151st Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture was held. From 1957 to 1969 the annual exhibition of painting and sculpture alternated with the annual exhibition of watercolors, prints, and drawings. The exhibitions devoted to painting and sculpture occurred in 1958, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, and 1968.