PAFA created numerous prizes, awards, and medals over the years. Many awards were established by PAFA's esteemed leaders, students, faculty, as well as generous donors. Here is a list of awards with brief descriptions. Staff have compiled a fairly comprehensive list of the winners which is searchable (below). Cresson Prize Winners can be found here.

Academy Gold Medal: Established in 1893 by John H. Converse, a Board member. Awarded by the Board to American painters and sculptors exhibiting in the academy, or represented in the collection, or for eminent services in the cause of art or to the Academy.

Alfred G. B. Steel Prize: The Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize was established in 1949 through the generosity of family and friends of the man who served as
president of the board of directors from 1933 to 1949. It was awarded to the sculpture most deserving of professional recognition for its distinction. The award was $300 from 1939 to 1960; $750 from 1962 to 1968.

Alice McFadden Eyre Medal: A medal founded by Mrs. Alice McFadden Eyre, is awarded by the Jury of Selection to the best print, entered by the artist, whether an etching, lithograph or wood block print. The Jury may withhold the award if, in its judgment, no work be of sufficient merit. 

Award of American Art: Established in 1985: awarded biennially to a living artist. The award is a crystal disc etched with a design derived from the Academy Gold medal. 

Carol H. Beck Medal: The Carol H. Beck Medal was founded by the Hon. James M. Beck in 1908 in memory of his sister, who was a portrait painter. This gold
medal was awarded to the best portrait in the exhibition.

D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature: 

Dawson Memorial Medal Award: George Walter Dawson Memorial Medal, founded in 1938, by members and friends of the Water Color Club, is awarded by the Directors of the Club for distinction in painting or drawing of flowers or of gardens. The Jury may withhold the award if, in its judgment, no work be of sufficient merit. 

Dean's Award: Established in 1989, for distinguished efforts in support of the Academy school. 

Distinguished Alumni Award: 

Edward T. Stotesbury Prize: This award was established by Edward T. Stotesbury, a member of the board of directors. It was given to the artist whose painting, or group of paintings, was, in the opinion of the jury, the most important contribution to the exhibition. From 1916 to 1929 the award was $500; in 1938 it was $250. The award was not given after Stotesbury's death.

Emily Drayton Taylor Gold Medal: Special ward given for the first time, for achievement in art by the Society of Miniature Painters.

Fellowship Prize: 

Founder's Day Medal: Established in 1990, for distinguished efforts in support of the visual arts (dies destroyed when Franklin Mint closed)

Furness Prize: Awarded in recognition of particular distinction by an American architect. 7" bronze medallion designed and cast by Alexander Hromych.

George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal was established by the Board of Directors in 1912 in memory of their former fellow-member, George D. Widener, who was lost on the Titanic. It is awarded by the Professional Jury. 

J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize: The J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize established by Cornelia Schiedt in 1938, this year in the amount of $2,000, has been award by the Professional Jury for the 24th time, for an original painting in oil, which, in the opinion of the Jury, is of special importance to the Exhibition. The work of all artists represented in this Exhibition is eligible for the prize, regardless of previous award. 

James E. McClees Prize: $200 prize founded by James E. McClees, will be awarded by the Sculptors' Jury to the most meritorious composition in sculpture by an American artist, age not limited, and shown in the Annual Exhibition. The work must be a group of not less than two figures or animals or a combination of both, of not less than one-third life size, preference to be given to original, imaginative conception over that of reminiscent work. any of the foregoing awards may be withheld if the work entered should not be of sufficient merit. 

Jennie Sesna Gold Medal: The Jennie Sesna Gold Medal, endowed by Elizabeth W. Roberts in 1902, has been awarded for the 57th time. The award is made by the Painters' Jury for the best landscape in the Exhibition.

Lewis Prizes for Caricatures: Mr. John Frederick Lewis, President of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, offers a first prize of $150 and a second prize of $100 for the best caricatures in the exhibition, his object being to stimulate a genuine interest in the art of caricature. The test of a good caricature, is, as the name implies, the success with which it portrays characters. Incidentally, it may burlesque or ridicule, or it may be grotesque or satirical, or conceal the good points of the original and exaggerate its defects, still preserving a general likeness, or it may even distort the characteristics of the original or parody them, but the final test of a good caricature is its character portrayal. The size of the caricature must not be over 24" x 36". It may be done in black and white, or in colors and in any medium suitable for illustration but must be done with a view of the facility with which it can be reproduced by modern printing processes. It must be done in the flat, that is without reliefs or appliqués. It must avoid vulgarity, scurrility or any other characteristics of a libelous nature. It may or may not be framed, just as the Artist prefers. The Jury of Selection for the Water Color Exhibition acting with the  management of the Academy will be asked to make the awards. 

Mary Smith Prize:  The Mary Smith Prize of $300, founded by Russell Smith in 1879, has been awarded by the Academy's Committee on Exhibition for the 80th time. The prize has been awarded to the best painting (not excluding portraits), exhibited at the Academy, painted by a woman artist, resident of Philadelphia, for qualities ranking as follows: 1st, Originality of subject; 2nd, beauty of design of drawing; 3rd, color and effect; and lastly, execution. The academy will have no claim on the painting. the same artist may not receive the prize twice in succession, and not more than twice in all. (1878 annual report states that the prize was the wish of his daughter Mary, in her last illness). 

Pennell Memorial Medal Award: The Joseph Pennell Memorial Medal, founded in 1928 by members of the Philadelphia Water Color Club, is awarded by the Directors of the Club for achievement in illustration or in the graphic arts. The Jury may withhold the award if, in its judgment, no work be sufficient merit. 

Jennie Sesna Medal: Endowed by Elizabeth W. Roberts in 1902, was awarded to the best landscape.

James E. McClees Prize: The McClees Prize was established by James E. McClees in 1927. It was awarded to the best sculpture group of not less than two figures or animals, or a combination of both, of not less than one-third life size. Preference was to be given to original, imaginative conception over that of-reminiscent work. The award was $200 and was given from 1927 to 1934.

J. Henry Schiedt Prize: The J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize was established by Cornelia Schiedt in 1938. It was awarded for an oil painting which was, in the
opinion of the jury, of special importance to the exhibition. The award was $250 in 1938; $300 from 1939 to 1956; $1,000 in 1958 and 1960; and $2,000 from 1962 to 1968.

Raymond A. Speiser Prize: The Raymond A. Speiser Memorial Prize was established in 1959 by friends of a Philadelphia attorney who was elected to the Academy's board of directors only a few months before his death. He was also an art collector and patron of many artists. The award of $500 was for a painting of exceptional merit.

Pennell Memorial Medal Award: The Joseph Pennell Memorial Medal, founded in 1928 by members of the Philadelphia Water Color Club, is awarded by the Directors of the Club for achievement in illustration or in the graphic arts. The Jury may withhold the award if, in its judgment, no work be sufficient merit. 

Temple Fund and Gold Medal: Income from the Temple Trust Fund, created by Joseph E. Temple in 1880, is available for the purchase of works of art at the discretion of the Directors of the Academy, and for the issue of medals to artists. The competition is open only to American artists. A medal has been awarded for the 82nd time, by the Jury for the best picture painted in oil without regard to subject. The purchase fund may be applied for either painting or sculpture. From 1884 until 1890, the Temple Gold Medal was awarded by the Directors of the Academy to the best figure picture; and the Temple Siler Medal to the best landscape and marine. In 1891-1892, the medals were awarded bit he Jury of Selection and Hanging Committee of Artists to the best and second-best pictures, irrespective of subject. From 1894-1899 two Gold Medals were awarded annually. Since 1900 one Gold Medal has been awarded in each annual exhibition of oil painting and sculpture except in the 150th anniversary exhibition of 1955. 

The Dana Water Color Medal: The Dana Water Color Medal is awarded by the Jury of Selection to the best work in water color. The award is for boldness, simplicity and frankness of work, whether the picture be a landscape, marine, architectural or figure piece. The Jury may withhold the award if, in its judgment, no work be of sufficient merit. 

The Philadelphia Water Color Club  Medal of Award: For the Advancement of Water Color Art, this award is conferred annually, at the discretion of the Club, upon the individual, or group of individuals, or Museum, Publisher, Dealer, or Corporation, or any other agency whose sincerity of purpose is recognized. 

The Philadelphia Water Color Prize: A prize of two hundred dollars, known as the Philadelphia Water Color prize, is offered this year by the Philadelphia Water Color Club. The prize is awarded by the Jury of Selection to that American artist or resident foreign artist showing the strongest water color or group of water colors in the exhibition and may be applied by the Club to or toward the purchase of the selected work. The Jury may withhold the prize if, in its judgment, no work be of sufficient merit. 

Walter Lippincott Prize: Prize of $600, established in 1894, has been awarded to the best figure piece painted in oil by an American artist. The prize is awarded for the 69th time by th e Academy's Collections and Exhibitions committee.

* You can search by year, prize name first name, or last name to narrow your search. Please note that when you type in the search bar, the list will automatically update and filter your search term for an exact match.

  1. Year: 1893 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: D. Ridgway Knight
  2. Year: 1894 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Alexander Harrison
  3. Year: 1895 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: William M. Chase
  4. Year: 1896 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Winslow Homer
  5. Year: 1897 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Edwin A. Abbey
  6. Year: 1898 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Cecilia Beaux
  7. Year: 1899 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Charles Grafly
  8. Year: 1900 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Henry J. Thouron
  9. Year: 1901 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: James A. McNeil Whistler
  10. Year: 1902 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: John S. Sargent
  11. Year: 1903 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: John W. Alexander
  12. Year: 1904 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: William T. Richards
  13. Year: 1905 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Violet Oakley
  14. Year: 1906 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Horatio Walker
  15. Year: 1907 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Edward W. Redfield
  16. Year: 1908 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Edmund C. Tarbell
  17. Year: 1909 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Thomas P. Anshutz
  18. Year: 1911 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Willard L. Metcalf
  19. Year: 1914 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Mary Cassatt
  20. Year: 1915 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Edward H. Coates
  21. Year: 1916 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: J. Alden Weir
  22. Year: 1918 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: John McClure Hamilton
  23. Year: 1919 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Hugh H. Breckenridge
  24. Year: 1920 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Childe Hassam
  25. Year: 1926 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Frank W. Benson
  26. Year: 1929 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Daniel Garber
  27. Year: 1929 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: C. Paul Jennewein
  28. Year: 1939 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Alfred G. B. Steel
  29. Year: 1949 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Franklin C. Watkins
  30. Year: 1949 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Walker Hancock
  31. Year: 1953 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: George Harding
  32. Year: 1953 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Joseph T. Fraser Jr.
  33. Year: 1955 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: William Clarke Mason
  34. Year: 1955 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: John F. Lewis Jr.
  35. Year: 1959 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Francis Speight
  36. Year: 1961 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Andrew Wyeth
  37. Year: 1966 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Henry S. McNeil
  38. Year: 1975 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: John Gribbell II
  39. Year: 1977 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Bonnie Wintersteen
  40. Year: 1979 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Robert Motherwell
  41. Year: 1979 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Charles E. Mather III
  42. Year: 1984 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Louise Bourgeois
  43. Year: 2004 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Helen Frankenthaler
  44. Year: 2005 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: R. B. Kitaj
  45. Year: 2005 Prize: Academy Gold Medal Name: Helen Frankenthaler
  46. Year: 1951 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Rita Ruben
  47. Year: 1952 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Saul Baizerman
  48. Year: 1953 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Nathaniel Kaz
  49. Year: 1954 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Hugo Robus
  50. Year: 1956 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Jacques Lipchitz
  51. Year: 1958 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Victor Riu
  52. Year: 1960 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Nathan Rapoport
  53. Year: 1962 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Philip Grausman
  54. Year: 1964 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Rhoda Sherbell
  55. Year: 1966 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: Robert I. Russin
  56. Year: 1968 Prize: Alfred G. B. Steel Memorial Prize Name: James Wines
  57. Year: 1924 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: George Bellows
  58. Year: 1925 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Herbert Pullinger
  59. Year: 1926 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Edward Howard Suydam
  60. Year: 1927 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Frederick G. Hall
  61. Year: 1928 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Assa Cheffetz
  62. Year: 1929 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Allan A. F. Thomas
  63. Year: 1930 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Ernst D. Roth
  64. Year: 1931 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Gerald Geerlings
  65. Year: 1932 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Robert Riggs
  66. Year: 1933 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Stow Wengenroth
  67. Year: 1934 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Stevan Dohanos
  68. Year: 1935 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: John Taylor Arms
  69. Year: 1936 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Gene Kloss
  70. Year: 1937 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Lewis C. Daniel
  71. Year: 1938 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Armin Landeck
  72. Year: 1939 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Benton Spruance
  73. Year: 1940 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Frederico Castellon
  74. Year: 1941 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Dorothy P. Lathrop
  75. Year: 1942 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Harry Gottlieb
  76. Year: 1943 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Clare Leighton
  77. Year: 1944 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Adolf Dehn
  78. Year: 1945 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Stephen Csoka
  79. Year: 1946 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Peppino Mangravite
  80. Year: 1947 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Carl Schultheiss
  81. Year: 1948 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Mauricio Lasansky
  82. Year: 1949 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Misch Kohn
  83. Year: 1950 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Vera Berdich
  84. Year: 1951 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: No award
  85. Year: 1953 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Ben Shahn
  86. Year: 1953 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Ernest Freed
  87. Year: 1954 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: John Muench
  88. Year: 1955 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Arthur Flory
  89. Year: 1956 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: No exhibition
  90. Year: 1957 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Mauricio Lasansky
  91. Year: 1958 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: B. M. Jackson
  92. Year: 1959 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Al Blaustein
  93. Year: 1960 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: No award
  94. Year: 1961 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Charlene Craighead
  95. Year: 1962 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Romas Viesulas
  96. Year: 1963 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Klindt Houlberg
  97. Year: 1964 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Mitzi Melnicoff
  98. Year: 1965 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Michael Ponce De Leon
  99. Year: 1966 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: George A. Narna
  100. Year: 1967 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: A. T. Sarvis
  101. Year: 1968 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Edna Andrade
  102. Year: 1969 Prize: Alice McFadden Eyre Medal Name: Emilio Sanchez
  103. Year: 1985 Prize: Award of American Art Name: Frank Stella
  104. Year: 1987 Prize: Award of American Art Name: Nancy Graves
  105. Year: 1905 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Joseph Linden Smith
  106. Year: 1906 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Henry McCarter
  107. Year: 1908 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Maxfield Parrish
  108. Year: 1909 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Ernest L. Blumenschein
  109. Year: 1910 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Newell Convers Wyeth
  110. Year: 1911 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Jessie Willcox Smith
  111. Year: 1912 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: W. J. Aylward
  112. Year: 1913 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Jules Guerin
  113. Year: 1916 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Blanche Greer
  114. Year: 1917 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Howard Giles
  115. Year: 1919 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: C. B. Falle
  116. Year: 1920 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: F. Walter Taylor
  117. Year: 1921 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: George Wright
  118. Year: 1922 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Ethel Betts Bains
  119. Year: 1923 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Nat Little
  120. Year: 1925 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Edward Howard Suydam
  121. Year: 1926 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Frederick A. Anderson
  122. Year: 1927 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: James Preston
  123. Year: 1930 Prize: Beck Water Color Prize Name: Elizabeth Lansdell Hammell
  124. Year: 1909 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: John. S. Sargent
  125. Year: 1910 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Adolphie Borie
  126. Year: 1911 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Edmund C. Tarbell
  127. Year: 1912 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Joseph De Camp
  128. Year: 1913 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: J. Alden Weir
  129. Year: 1914 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Robert Henri
  130. Year: 1915 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Charles Hopkinson
  131. Year: 1916 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Douglas Volk
  132. Year: 1917 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Joseph T. Pearson Jr.
  133. Year: 1918 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Leopold Seyffert
  134. Year: 1919 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Leslie P. Thompson
  135. Year: 1920 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Eugen Speicher
  136. Year: 1921 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: George Bellows
  137. Year: 1922 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Ellen Emmett Rand
  138. Year: 1923 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Lillian Westcott Hale
  139. Year: 1924 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Sidney E. Dickinson
  140. Year: 1925 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: William James
  141. Year: 1926 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Alice Kent Stoddard
  142. Year: 1927 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: John C. Johansen
  143. Year: 1928 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: William M. Paxton
  144. Year: 1929 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Richard Lahey
  145. Year: 1930 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Leon Kroll
  146. Year: 1931 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: John Sloan
  147. Year: 1932 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Saul
  148. Year: 1933 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: William Glackens
  149. Year: 1934 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Raphael Soyer
  150. Year: 1935 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: John W. Beauchamp
  151. Year: 1936 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Jean MacLane
  152. Year: 1937 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Frank vonder Lancken
  153. Year: 1938 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Arnold Blanch
  154. Year: 1939 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Leon Karp
  155. Year: 1940 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: George Grosz
  156. Year: 1941 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Franklin C. Watkins
  157. Year: 1943 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Thomas Benton
  158. Year: 1944 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Louis Bouche
  159. Year: 1945 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Sigmund Menkes
  160. Year: 1946 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Benton Spruance
  161. Year: 1947 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Sueo Serisawa
  162. Year: 1948 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Alexander Brook
  163. Year: 1949 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Philip Evergood
  164. Year: 1950 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Henry Mattson
  165. Year: 1951 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Henry Varnum Poor
  166. Year: 1952 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Gladys Rockmore Davis
  167. Year: 1953 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Elsie Manville
  168. Year: 1954 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: John King
  169. Year: 1958 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Robert Brackman
  170. Year: 1962 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Balcom Greene
  171. Year: 1964 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Paule Georges
  172. Year: 1966 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Ben Benn
  173. Year: 1968 Prize: Carol H. Beck Medal Name: Richard Diebenkorn
  174. Year: 1916 Prize: Charles M. Lea Prize Name: Charles Grafly
  175. Year: 1932 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Martha Willson Day
  176. Year: 1933 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Emma H. Ingersoll
  177. Year: 1934 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: William J. Whittemore
  178. Year: 1935 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Magda Heuermann
  179. Year: 1936 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Mary McMillan
  180. Year: 1937 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  181. Year: 1938 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Mabel R. Welch
  182. Year: 1939 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Eulabee Dix
  183. Year: 1940 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Harry L. Johnson
  184. Year: 1941 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: John Dull
  185. Year: 1942 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Frances Campbell Ely
  186. Year: 1943 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Walter Emerson Baum
  187. Year: 1944 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  188. Year: 1945 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  189. Year: 1946 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Malthe Hasselriis
  190. Year: 1947 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Maria J. Strean
  191. Year: 1949 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  192. Year: 1951 Prize: D. J. McCarthy Prize for Miniature Name: Mary Page Blair
  193. Year: 1965 Prize: Dana Water Color Medal Name: Malvin Zsissly Albright
  194. Year: 1938 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Eleanor R. Copeland
  195. Year: 1939 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Margaret J. Patterson
  196. Year: 1940 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Charles E. Heil
  197. Year: 1941 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Cynthia Lliff
  198. Year: 1942 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Ben Solowey
  199. Year: 1943 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Elizabeth Stevens Loverty
  200. Year: 1944 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Hobson Pittman
  201. Year: 1945 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Robert Rushton
  202. Year: 1946 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Xavier Gonzalez
  203. Year: 1947 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Charles Burchfield
  204. Year: 1948 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: John Marin
  205. Year: 1949 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Fred Yost
  206. Year: 1950 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Andree Ruellan
  207. Year: 1951 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: No award
  208. Year: 1952 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Frank Duncan
  209. Year: 1953 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Rita Wolpe Barnett
  210. Year: 1954 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: William Barnett
  211. Year: 1955 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Paul Darrow
  212. Year: 1956 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: No exhibition
  213. Year: 1957 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Andrew Wyeth
  214. Year: 1958 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: John Haigaard
  215. Year: 1959 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Philip Jamison
  216. Year: 1960 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Frederick Gill
  217. Year: 1961 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Chen Chi
  218. Year: 1962 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Sylvia Bernstein
  219. Year: 1963 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: W. Emerton Heitland
  220. Year: 1964 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: J. Kirk Merrick
  221. Year: 1965 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Roswell Weidner
  222. Year: 1966 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Charles T. Coiner
  223. Year: 1967 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Ruth Cobb
  224. Year: 1968 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: Charles T. Coiner
  225. Year: 1969 Prize: Dawson Memorial Medal Award Name: William Thon
  226. Year: 1989 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Dan Miller
  227. Year: 1990 Prize: Dean's Award Name: John Merriam
  228. Year: 1991 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Walker Hancock
  229. Year: 1992 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Women's Committee
  230. Year: 1994 Prize: Dean's Award Name: W. Barnet, A. DeCosta
  231. Year: 1994 Prize: Dean's Award Name: J. Hanlen
  232. Year: 1994 Prize: Dean's Award Name: J. Lueders
  233. Year: 1994 Prize: Dean's Award Name: H. Pearson
  234. Year: 1994 Prize: Dean's Award Name: D. Slivka
  235. Year: 1994 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Joseph Amarotico
  236. Year: 1995 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Marian Locks
  237. Year: 1996 Prize: Dean's Award Name: S. Remenick and Roswell Weidner
  238. Year: 1997 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Louis B. Sloan
  239. Year: 2001 Prize: Dean's Award Name: Homer W. Johnson
  240. Year: 2003 Prize: Distinguished Alumni Award Name: Ben Kamihira
  241. Year: 2004 Prize: Distinguished Alumni Award Name: Arthur de Costa
  242. Year: 2005 Prize: Distinguished Alumni Award Name: Lou Sloan
  243. Year: 2006 Prize: Distinguished Alumni Award Name: Bill Scott
  244. Year: 2007 Prize: Distinguished Alumni Award Name: Sarah McEneaney
  245. Year: 2008 Prize: Distinguished Alumni Award Name: Edna Andrade
  246. Year: 1916 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Joseph T. Pearson Jr.
  247. Year: 1917 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Hugh H. Breckenridge
  248. Year: 1919 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Arthur B. Carles
  249. Year: 1920 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Edward W. Redfield
  250. Year: 1924 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Joseph Capolino
  251. Year: 1925 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Charles Morris Young
  252. Year: 1926 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Leopold Seyffert
  253. Year: 1927 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Leslie P. Thompson
  254. Year: 1928 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: Aldro T. Hibbard*
  255. Year: 1938 Prize: Edward T. Stotesbury Prize Name: George Harding
  256. Year: 1939 Prize: Emily Drayton Taylor Gold Medal Name: A. Margaretta Archambalut
  257. Year: 1941 Prize: Emily Drayton Taylor Gold Medal Name: Violet Oakley
  258. Year: 1909 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Maurice Molarsky
  259. Year: 1910 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Richard Blossom Farley
  260. Year: 1910 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Joseph T. Pearson Jr.
  261. Year: 1912 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Richard Blossom Farley
  262. Year: 1913 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Leopold Seyffert
  263. Year: 1914 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Fred Wagner
  264. Year: 1915 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Albert Laessle
  265. Year: 1916 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Alice Kent Stoddard
  266. Year: 1917 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Elizabeth F. Washington
  267. Year: 1918 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Edith Emerson
  268. Year: 1919 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Arthur B. Carles
  269. Year: 1920 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Juliet White Gross
  270. Year: 1921 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Robert Susan
  271. Year: 1922 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Beatrice Fenton
  272. Year: 1923 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Carl Lawless
  273. Year: 1924 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Ross Braught
  274. Year: 1925 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Arthur Meltzer
  275. Year: 1926 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Benjamin Kurtz
  276. Year: 1927 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Helen Mills Weisenburg
  277. Year: 1928 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Paulette Van Roekens
  278. Year: 1929 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Nat Little
  279. Year: 1930 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Francis Speight
  280. Year: 1931 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Gladys Edgerly Bates
  281. Year: 1931 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Gladys Edergly
  282. Year: 1932 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Walker Hancock
  283. Year: 1933 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Sue May Gill
  284. Year: 1934 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Ann Eshner
  285. Year: 1935 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Charles Rudy
  286. Year: 1936 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Margaret Gest
  287. Year: 1937 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Ralph Humes
  288. Year: 1938 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Walter Gardner
  289. Year: 1938 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Walter Gardner
  290. Year: 1939 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Walter Emerson Baum
  291. Year: 1941 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Harry Rosin
  292. Year: 1942 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
  293. Year: 1943 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Roswell Weidner
  294. Year: 1945 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Leon Karp
  295. Year: 1946 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Walter Rotan
  296. Year: 1947 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Daniel Garber
  297. Year: 1948 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Tully Filmus
  298. Year: 1949 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Morris Blackburn
  299. Year: 1951 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Raphael Sabatini
  300. Year: 1952 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Julian Levi
  301. Year: 1953 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Jack Bookbinder
  302. Year: 1954 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Thomas Meehan
  303. Year: 1958 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Robert Gwathmey
  304. Year: 1960 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Sidney Simon
  305. Year: 1962 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Abraham Rattner
  306. Year: 1964 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Ben Kamihira
  307. Year: 1966 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Jimmy Lueders
  308. Year: 1968 Prize: Fellowship Prize Name: Elizabeth Osborne
  309. Year: 1896 Prize: First Elkins Prize Name: Abbott H. Thayer
  310. Year: 1990 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Red Grooms
  311. Year: 1991 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Sen. John H. Heinz III
  312. Year: 1992 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Edna S. Tuttleman
  313. Year: 1994 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Sir Roger de Grey
  314. Year: 1995 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Dorrance H. and Samuel M.V. Hamilton
  315. Year: 1996 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Meyer P. and Vivian Potamkin
  316. Year: 1997 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Jacob Lawrence
  317. Year: 1998 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Andrew Wyeth
  318. Year: 2001 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Women's Committee
  319. Year: 2005 Prize: Founder's Day Medal Name: Alex Katz and William Gerdts
  320. Year: 1976 Prize: Furness Prize Name: Hyman Myers
  321. Year: 1979 Prize: Furness Prize Name: Esther Kahn in memory of Louis I. Kahn
  322. Year: 1947 Prize: Garden Sculpture Prize Name: Leslie Johnson
  323. Year: 1951 Prize: Garden Sculpture Prize Name: Berta Margoulies
  324. Year: 1952 Prize: Garden Sculpture Prize Name: George Cerny
  325. Year: 1954 Prize: Garden Sculpture Prize Name: Oronzio Maldarelli
  326. Year: 1913 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Charles Grafly
  327. Year: 1914 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Paul Manship
  328. Year: 1915 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Abin Polasek
  329. Year: 1916 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Edward McCarten
  330. Year: 1917 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Attilio Piccirilli
  331. Year: 1918 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Albert Laessle
  332. Year: 1919 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Jean M. Lawson
  333. Year: 1920 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Malvina Hoffman
  334. Year: 1921 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Evelyn Beatrice Longman
  335. Year: 1922 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Beatrice Fenton
  336. Year: 1923 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Brenda Putnam
  337. Year: 1924 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Arthur Lee
  338. Year: 1925 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Walter Hancock
  339. Year: 1926 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: A. A. Weinman
  340. Year: 1927 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Katherine W. Lane
  341. Year: 1928 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Albert Stewart
  342. Year: 1929 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Bruce Moore
  343. Year: 1930 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Mitchell Fields
  344. Year: 1931 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Gladys Edgerly Bates
  345. Year: 1932 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: C. P. Jennewein
  346. Year: 1933 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: John Gregory
  347. Year: 1934 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Concetta Scaravaglione
  348. Year: 1935 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Heinz Warneke
  349. Year: 1936 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Vincent Glinsky
  350. Year: 1937 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Anna Hyatt Huntington
  351. Year: 1938 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Anthony DeFrancisci
  352. Year: 1939 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Harry Rosin
  353. Year: 1940 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Carl L. Schmitz
  354. Year: 1941 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Dorothea Greenbaum
  355. Year: 1942 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Janet deCoux
  356. Year: 1943 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Henry Kreis
  357. Year: 1944 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Cecil Howard
  358. Year: 1945 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Jose de Creeft
  359. Year: 1946 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Waldemar Raemisch
  360. Year: 1947 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Adolph Dioda
  361. Year: 1948 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: H. Lewis Kammerer
  362. Year: 1949 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Mitzi Solomon
  363. Year: 1950 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Hugo Robus
  364. Year: 1951 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Oronzio Maldarelli
  365. Year: 1952 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Jacques Lipchitz
  366. Year: 1953 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Anthony Lauck
  367. Year: 1954 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Koren Der Harrotian
  368. Year: 1956 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Theodore Roszak
  369. Year: 1958 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Kahlil Gibran
  370. Year: 1960 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Lee Bontecou
  371. Year: 1962 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: William Zorach
  372. Year: 1964 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Geraldine McCullough
  373. Year: 1966 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Leonard Baskin
  374. Year: 1968 Prize: George D. Widener Memorial Gold Medal Name: Seymour Lipton
  375. Year: 1940 Prize: Grlloedhip Prize Name: Grace Gemberling
  376. Year: 1947 Prize: Herbert M. Howe Prize Name: Charles Rudy
  377. Year: 1956 Prize: Honorable Mention in Painting Name: Stuart Davis
  378. Year: 1994 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Cornel West
  379. Year: 1995 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Philip Pavia
  380. Year: 1995 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Sheldon Hackney
  381. Year: 1996 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Neil Welliver
  382. Year: 1996 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Arthur C. Danto
  383. Year: 1997 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Mercedes Matter
  384. Year: 1997 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Bertram L. O'Neil
  385. Year: 1997 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Jane Jordan O'Neil
  386. Year: 1997 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Robert Hughs
  387. Year: 1998 Prize: Honorary Doctorate Degree Name: Jane Quick to see Smith
  388. Year: 1948 Prize: Howe Memorial Prize Name: Vincent Glinsky
  389. Year: 1939 Prize: Howell Tracy Fisher Memorial Prize Name: Elsie Dodge Pattee
  390. Year: 1940 Prize: Howell Tracy Fisher Memorial Prize Name: A. Margaretta Archambalut
  391. Year: 1941 Prize: Howell Tracy Fisher Memorial Prize Name: Mabel R. Welch
  392. Year: 1942 Prize: Howell Tracy Fisher Memorial Prize Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  393. Year: 1943 Prize: Howell Tracy Fisher Memorial Prize Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  394. Year: 1938 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: William Glackens
  395. Year: 1939 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Arthur B. Carles
  396. Year: 1940 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Marsden Hartley
  397. Year: 1941 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Albert Serwazi
  398. Year: 1942 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Eugene Trentham
  399. Year: 1943 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Hobson Pittman
  400. Year: 1944 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Yasuo Kuniyoshi
  401. Year: 1945 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Stuart Davis
  402. Year: 1946 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Horace Pippen
  403. Year: 1947 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Everett Spruce
  404. Year: 1948 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Steve Raffo
  405. Year: 1949 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Karl Zerbe
  406. Year: 1950 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Joseph Meert
  407. Year: 1951 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Samuel M. Adler
  408. Year: 1952 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Ben Benn
  409. Year: 1953 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Herbert Katzman
  410. Year: 1954 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Hans Hofmann
  411. Year: 1956 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
  412. Year: 1958 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Charles Burchfield
  413. Year: 1960 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: James Brewton
  414. Year: 1962 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Robert Birmelin
  415. Year: 1964 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Paul Burlin
  416. Year: 1966 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Arthur Osver
  417. Year: 1967 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Barkley L. Hendricks
  418. Year: 1968 Prize: J. Henry Schiedt Memorial Prize Name: Henry Pearson
  419. Year: 1927 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Jess Lawson Peacey
  420. Year: 1928 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Albert Laessle
  421. Year: 1929 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Hallie Davis
  422. Year: 1930 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Gaetano Cecere
  423. Year: 1931 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Edward McCarten
  424. Year: 1932 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: A. Stirling Calder
  425. Year: 1933 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Edmond Amateis
  426. Year: 1934 Prize: James E. McClees Prize Name: Hilda K. Lascari
  427. Year: 1903 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: W. Elmer Schofield
  428. Year: 1904 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Colin Campbell Cooper
  429. Year: 1905 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Edward W. Redfield
  430. Year: 1906 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Albert L. Groll
  431. Year: 1907 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Ernest Lawson
  432. Year: 1908 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Everett L. Warner
  433. Year: 1909 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Theodore Wendel
  434. Year: 1910 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Childe Hassam
  435. Year: 1911 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Joseph T. Pearson Jr.
  436. Year: 1912 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Willard L. Metcalf
  437. Year: 1913 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: George Bellows
  438. Year: 1914 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Robert Spencer
  439. Year: 1915 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Carroll S. Tyson Jr.
  440. Year: 1916 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Emil Carlsen
  441. Year: 1917 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Hayley Lever
  442. Year: 1918 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: J. Alden Weir
  443. Year: 1919 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Charles H. Davis
  444. Year: 1920 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Hugh H. Breckenridge
  445. Year: 1921 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Charles Morris Young
  446. Year: 1922 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: George Oberteuffer
  447. Year: 1923 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Aldro T. Hibbard
  448. Year: 1924 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Walter Griffin
  449. Year: 1925 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Walter Emerson Baum
  450. Year: 1926 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Charles Rosen
  451. Year: 1927 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: John R. Grabach
  452. Year: 1928 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Kenneth Bates
  453. Year: 1929 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Charles Burchfield
  454. Year: 1930 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: S. Walter Norris
  455. Year: 1931 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: John Folinsbee
  456. Year: 1932 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Rockwell Kent
  457. Year: 1933 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Georgina Klitgaard
  458. Year: 1934 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Harry Gottlieb
  459. Year: 1935 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Jonas Lie
  460. Year: 1936 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: William Glackens
  461. Year: 1937 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Daniel Garber
  462. Year: 1938 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Antonio P. Martino
  463. Year: 1939 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Francis Chapin
  464. Year: 1940 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Francis Speight
  465. Year: 1941 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: John Steuart Curry
  466. Year: 1942 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Joe Jones
  467. Year: 1943 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Doris Lee
  468. Year: 1944 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: William Thoeny
  469. Year: 1945 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Henry Mattson
  470. Year: 1946 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Benjamin Kopman
  471. Year: 1947 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: George Daniell
  472. Year: 1948 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Jack Levine
  473. Year: 1949 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Maurice Sterne
  474. Year: 1950 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Albert Gold
  475. Year: 1951 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Sidney Laufman
  476. Year: 1952 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Joseph DeMartini
  477. Year: 1953 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Yves Tanguy
  478. Year: 1954 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Frank Duncan
  479. Year: 1958 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Gabor Peterdi
  480. Year: 1962 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Louis Sloan
  481. Year: 1964 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Fred Conway
  482. Year: 1966 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Leon Goldin
  483. Year: 1968 Prize: Jennie Sesna Gold Medal Name: Manfred Schwartz
  484. Year: 1924 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: D.R. Fitzpatrick (1st)
  485. Year: 1924 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: William Auerbach (2nd)
  486. Year: 1925 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: James House Jr. (1st)
  487. Year: 1925 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: Ruth Gruenberg (2nd)
  488. Year: 1926 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: William Cotton (1st)
  489. Year: 1926 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: Wyncie King (2nd)
  490. Year: 1927 Prize: Lewis Prizes for Caricatures Name: William Auerbach-Levy (1st)
  491. Year: 1879 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Susan H. MacDowell
  492. Year: 1880 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Catherine A. Janvier
  493. Year: 1881 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Emily Sartain
  494. Year: 1882 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mary K. Trotter
  495. Year: 1883 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Emily Sartain
  496. Year: 1884 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Lucy D. Holme
  497. Year: 1885 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Cecilia Beaux
  498. Year: 1887 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Cecilia Beaux
  499. Year: 1888 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth F. Bonsall
  500. Year: 1889 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth W. Roberts
  501. Year: 1890 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice Barber Stephens
  502. Year: 1891 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Cecilia Beaux
  503. Year: 1892 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Cecilia Beaux
  504. Year: 1894 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Maria L. Kirk
  505. Year: 1895 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Gabrielle D. Clements
  506. Year: 1896 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth H. Watson
  507. Year: 1897 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth F. Bonsall
  508. Year: 1898 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Caroline Peart
  509. Year: 1899 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Carol H. Beck
  510. Year: 1900 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mar. F. R. Clay
  511. Year: 1901 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Janet Wheeler
  512. Year: 1902 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elinor Earle
  513. Year: 1903 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Jessie Willcox Smith
  514. Year: 1904 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Lillian M. Genth
  515. Year: 1905 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth Shippen Green
  516. Year: 1906 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice Mumford
  517. Year: 1907 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mary Smyth Perkins
  518. Year: 1908 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
  519. Year: 1909 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Martha Walter
  520. Year: 1910 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice Mumford Roberts
  521. Year: 1911 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice Kent Stoddard
  522. Year: 1912 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
  523. Year: 1913 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice Kent Stoddard
  524. Year: 1914 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Nina B. Ward
  525. Year: 1915 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Gertrude A. Lambert
  526. Year: 1916 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Nancy M. Ferguson
  527. Year: 1917 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth F. Washington
  528. Year: 1918 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Helen K. McCarthy
  529. Year: 1919 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Juliet White Gross
  530. Year: 1920 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mildred B. Miller
  531. Year: 1921 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Katherine Patton
  532. Year: 1922 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mary Townsend Mason
  533. Year: 1923 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Isabel Branson Cartwright
  534. Year: 1924 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Lillian B. Messer
  535. Year: 1925 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mary Butler
  536. Year: 1926 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Wenonah Bell
  537. Year: 1927 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Pearl Aimon Van Sciver
  538. Year: 1928 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Laura D. S. Ladd
  539. Year: 1929 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Edith McMurthrie
  540. Year: 1930 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Grace Gemberling
  541. Year: 1931 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mildred B. Miller
  542. Year: 1932 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Virginia Armitage McCall
  543. Year: 1933 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Catherine Morris Wright
  544. Year: 1934 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth F. Washington
  545. Year: 1935 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Margaretta S. Hinchman
  546. Year: 1936 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice T. Roberts
  547. Year: 1937 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Henriette Wyeth
  548. Year: 1938 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Irene Denney
  549. Year: 1939 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mary Townsend Mason
  550. Year: 1940 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Frances Cowan
  551. Year: 1941 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Sarah Blakeslee
  552. Year: 1942 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Faye Swengel
  553. Year: 1943 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Margaretta S. Hinchman
  554. Year: 1944 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Doris Kunzie Weidner
  555. Year: 1945 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Catherine Grant
  556. Year: 1946 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Doris Kunzie Weidner
  557. Year: 1947 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Agnes Allen
  558. Year: 1948 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Violet Oakley
  559. Year: 1949 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Catherine Grant
  560. Year: 1950 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Marie-Celeste Fadden
  561. Year: 1951 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Rita Wolpe Barnett
  562. Year: 1952 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Alice T. Roberts
  563. Year: 1953 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elsie Manville
  564. Year: 1954 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Dora Bortin
  565. Year: 1958 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Jane Sperry Eisenstat
  566. Year: 1960 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Cecelia Finberg
  567. Year: 1962 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Elizabeth C. Osborne
  568. Year: 1964 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Virginia Armitage McCall
  569. Year: 1966 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Mitzi Melnicoff
  570. Year: 1968 Prize: Mary Smith Prize Name: Edna Andrade
  571. Year: 1916 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Laura Coombs Hills
  572. Year: 1917 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Lucy May Stanton
  573. Year: 1918 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Margaret Foote Hawley
  574. Year: 1919 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Emily Drayton Taylor
  575. Year: 1920 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Mabel R. Welch
  576. Year: 1921 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Maria J. Strean
  577. Year: 1922 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: A. Margaretta Archambalut
  578. Year: 1923 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Rosina Boardman
  579. Year: 1924 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Harry L. Johnson
  580. Year: 1925 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Annie Hurlburt Jackson
  581. Year: 1926 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Clare Shepard Shisler
  582. Year: 1927 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Rebecca Burd Peale Patterson
  583. Year: 1928 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Evelyn Purdie
  584. Year: 1929 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Eulabee Dix
  585. Year: 1930 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Adrianna Tuttle
  586. Year: 1931 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Alma Hirsig Bliss
  587. Year: 1932 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Mary McMillan
  588. Year: 1933 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  589. Year: 1934 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Berta Carew
  590. Year: 1935 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Elsie Dodge Pattee
  591. Year: 1937 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Elizabeth White McCarthy
  592. Year: 1938 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Virginia Hollinger Stout
  593. Year: 1939 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Lydia Eastwick Longacre
  594. Year: 1940 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Malthe Hasselriis
  595. Year: 1941 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Ruby W. Usher
  596. Year: 1942 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Sara Eakin Cowan
  597. Year: 1943 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Jane Mumford Pearson
  598. Year: 1944 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Anna Taube Goodman
  599. Year: 1945 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Jessie Burns Parke
  600. Year: 1948 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Katherine K. Borda
  601. Year: 1949 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Lisbeth Stone Barrett
  602. Year: 1951 Prize: Miniature Painters' Medal of Honor Name: Edna Huestis Simpson
  603. Year: 1949 Prize: Miniature Society Landscape Prize Name: Louisa Cobb
  604. Year: Prize: Miniature Society Landscape Prize Name: John Dull
  605. Year: 1946 Prize: Miniature Society Prize Name: Frances Campbell Ely
  606. Year: 1947 Prize: Miniature Society Prize Name: Glenora Richards
  607. Year: 1948 Prize: Miniature Society Prize Name: Malthe Hasselriis
  608. Year: 1949 Prize: Miniature Society Prize Name: Rosina Boardman
  609. Year: 1951 Prize: Miniature Society Prize Name: Betsy Flagg Melcher
  610. Year: 1948 Prize: Miniature Society Still Life Prize Name: Grace Collier
  611. Year: 1951 Prize: Miniature Society Still Life Prize Name: Florence Sims
  612. Year: 1928 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Frank W. Benson
  613. Year: 1929 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Rockwell Kent
  614. Year: 1930 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Henry McCarter
  615. Year: 1931 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Childe Hassam
  616. Year: 1932 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Violet Oakley
  617. Year: 1933 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Joseph T. Pearson Jr.
  618. Year: 1934 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Robert Riggs
  619. Year: 1935 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Paul Froelich
  620. Year: 1936 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Peter Helck
  621. Year: 1937 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Benton Spruance
  622. Year: 1938 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Emil Ganso
  623. Year: 1939 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Ben Shahn
  624. Year: 1940 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Roy M. Mason
  625. Year: 1941 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Clare Leighton
  626. Year: 1942 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Daniel Garber
  627. Year: 1943 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Stow Wengenroth
  628. Year: 1944 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Fritz Eichenberg
  629. Year: 1945 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Andre Ruellan
  630. Year: 1946 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Mitchell Siporin
  631. Year: 1947 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Philip Guston
  632. Year: 1948 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Georges Rouault
  633. Year: 1949 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Pablo Picasso
  634. Year: 1950 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Dong Kingman
  635. Year: 1951 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Henry C. Pitz
  636. Year: 1952 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Misch Kohn
  637. Year: 1953 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Antonio Frascnoi
  638. Year: 1954 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Ogden Pleissner
  639. Year: 1955 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Edward Betts
  640. Year: 1956 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: No exhibition
  641. Year: 1957 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Frederic Whitaker
  642. Year: 1958 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Jack Bookbinder
  643. Year: 1959 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Henry Varnum Poor
  644. Year: 1960 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Jeanette Kohn
  645. Year: 1961 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Gabor Peterdi
  646. Year: 1962 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Mildred S. Goldman
  647. Year: 1963 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Rico Lebrun
  648. Year: 1964 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: John Meunch
  649. Year: 1965 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Charles LeClair
  650. Year: 1966 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Oliver Grimley
  651. Year: 1967 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Benton Spruance
  652. Year: 1968 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Oliver Grimley
  653. Year: 1969 Prize: Pennell Memorial Medal Award Name: Lois Fine
  654. Year: 1934 Prize: Popular Prize Name: Daniel Garber
  655. Year: 1939 Prize: Popular Prize Name: Frederick Judd Waugh
  656. Year: 1940 Prize: Popular Prize Name: Daniel Garber
  657. Year: 1941 Prize: Popular Prize Name: Daniel Garber
  658. Year: 1960 Prize: Raymond A. Speiser Prize Name: Max Kahn
  659. Year: 1962 Prize: Raymond A. Speiser Prize Name: Tom Vincent
  660. Year: 1964 Prize: Raymond A. Speiser Prize Name: Rudolf Baranik
  661. Year: 1966 Prize: Raymond A. Speiser Prize Name: Lennart Anderson
  662. Year: 1968 Prize: Raymond A. Speiser Prize Name: Emerson Woelffer
  663. Year: 1895 Prize: Second Elkins Prize Name: Edmund Tarbell
  664. Year: 1896 Prize: Second Elkins Prize Name: Edmund Tarbell
  665. Year: 1928 Prize: Stotesbury Prize Name: Aldro T. Hibbard
  666. Year: Prize: Stotesbury Prize Name: no list
  667. Year: 1884 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: George W. Maynard
  668. Year: 1885 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Charles Sprague Pearce
  669. Year: 1887 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Clifford Prevostt Grayson
  670. Year: 1888 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Charles Stanley Reinhart
  671. Year: 1889 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
  672. Year: 1890 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: William Henry Howe
  673. Year: 1891 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Abbott H. Thayer
  674. Year: 1892 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Henry S. Bisbing
  675. Year: 1894 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: James A. McNeil Whistler
  676. Year: 1894 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: John S. Sargent
  677. Year: 1895 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Edmund C. Tarbell
  678. Year: 1895 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: John H. Twachtman
  679. Year: 1896 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Gari Melchers
  680. Year: 1896 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: J. Humphreys Johnston
  681. Year: 1897 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: George DeForest Brush
  682. Year: 1897 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: John W. Alexander
  683. Year: 1898 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Wilton Lockwood
  684. Year: 1898 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Edward F. Rook
  685. Year: 1899 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Joseph De Camp
  686. Year: 1899 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Childe Hassam
  687. Year: 1900 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Cecilia Beaux
  688. Year: 1901 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: William M. Chase
  689. Year: 1902 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Winslow Homer
  690. Year: 1903 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Edward W. Redfield
  691. Year: 1904 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Thomas Eakins
  692. Year: 1905 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: J. Alden Weir
  693. Year: 1906 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Eugene Paul Ullman
  694. Year: 1907 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Willard L. Metcalf
  695. Year: 1908 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Frank W. Benson
  696. Year: 1909 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Frederic P. Vinton
  697. Year: 1910 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Howard Gardiner Cushing
  698. Year: 1911 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Richard E. Miller
  699. Year: 1912 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Emil Carlsen
  700. Year: 1913 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Frederick C. Frieseke
  701. Year: 1914 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: W. Elmer Schofield
  702. Year: 1915 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Charles W. Hawthorne
  703. Year: 1916 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Joseph T. Pearson Jr.
  704. Year: 1917 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: George Bellows
  705. Year: 1918 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: George Luks
  706. Year: 1919 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Daniel Garber
  707. Year: 1920 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Ernest Lawson
  708. Year: 1921 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Leopold Seyffert
  709. Year: 1922 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: William L. Lathrop
  710. Year: 1923 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Walter Ufer
  711. Year: 1924 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: William Glackens
  712. Year: 1925 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Clifford Addams
  713. Year: 1926 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Hayley Lever
  714. Year: 1927 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Leon Kroll
  715. Year: 1928 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: James Chapin
  716. Year: 1929 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Robert Henri
  717. Year: 1930 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Arthur B. Carles
  718. Year: 1931 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Alexander Brook
  719. Year: 1932 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Paul Bartlett
  720. Year: 1933 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: S. Walter Norris
  721. Year: 1934 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Yasuo Kuniyoshi
  722. Year: 1935 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Edward Hopper
  723. Year: 1936 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Paul Sample
  724. Year: 1937 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Henry Lee McFee
  725. Year: 1938 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Eugene Speicher
  726. Year: 1939 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Henry McCarter
  727. Year: 1940 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Morris Kantor
  728. Year: 1941 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Max Weber
  729. Year: 1942 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
  730. Year: 1943 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Raphael Soyer
  731. Year: 1944 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Franklin C. Watkins
  732. Year: 1945 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Abraham Rattner
  733. Year: 1946 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Gregorio Prestopino
  734. Year: 1947 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Arthur Osver
  735. Year: 1948 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Eugene Ludins
  736. Year: 1949 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Henry Koerner
  737. Year: 1950 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Harvey Dinnerstein
  738. Year: 1951 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: William Congdon
  739. Year: 1952 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Louis Guglielmi
  740. Year: 1953 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Rico Lebrun
  741. Year: 1954 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: John Marin
  742. Year: 1956 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Ben Shahn
  743. Year: 1958 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Philip Evergood
  744. Year: 1960 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Lee Gatch
  745. Year: 1962 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Julian Levi
  746. Year: 1964 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Stuart Davis
  747. Year: 1966 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: George L. K. Morris
  748. Year: 1968 Prize: Temple Fund and Gold Medal Name: Helen Frankenthaler
  749. Year: 1883 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: William T. Trego
  750. Year: 1887 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: Alexander Harrison
  751. Year: 1888 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: Howard Russell Butler
  752. Year: 1889 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: Arthur Parton
  753. Year: 1890 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: Edwards L. Simmons
  754. Year: 1891 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: Kenyon Cox
  755. Year: 1892 Prize: Temple Silver Medal Name: George Inness
  756. Year: 1918 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Francis McComas
  757. Year: 1919 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Alfred Hayward
  758. Year: 1920 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: M. W. Zimmerman
  759. Year: 1921 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: John R. Frazier
  760. Year: 1922 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: W. Emerton Heitland
  761. Year: 1923 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Charles H. Woodbury
  762. Year: 1924 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Frank W. Benson
  763. Year: 1925 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: William Starkweather
  764. Year: 1926 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Charles H. B. Demuth
  765. Year: 1927 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: M. Lois Murphy
  766. Year: 1928 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: J. Frank Copeland
  767. Year: 1929 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Wayman Adams
  768. Year: 1930 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Emil Bisttran
  769. Year: 1931 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: George Pearce Ennis
  770. Year: 1932 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Howard Giles
  771. Year: 1933 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Henry C. Pitz
  772. Year: 1934 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: John J. Dull
  773. Year: 1935 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Hilda Belcher
  774. Year: 1936 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Barse Miller
  775. Year: 1937 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: George Walter Dawson
  776. Year: 1938 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Carolyn A. John
  777. Year: 1939 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Phil Paradise
  778. Year: 1940 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Charles Burchfield
  779. Year: 1941 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Reginald Marsh
  780. Year: 1942 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Giovanni Martino
  781. Year: 1943 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Millard Sheets
  782. Year: 1944 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Walter Emerson Baum
  783. Year: 1945 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Peter Hurd
  784. Year: 1946 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Zoltan Sepeshy
  785. Year: 1947 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Andrew Wyeth
  786. Year: 1948 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Xavier Gonzalez
  787. Year: 1949 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Gertrude Lippman
  788. Year: 1950 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: William Thon
  789. Year: 1951 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: John Foster
  790. Year: 1952 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Jules Kirschebaum
  791. Year: 1953 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Francis Chapin
  792. Year: 1954 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Edward Betts
  793. Year: 1955 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Frederic Gill
  794. Year: 1956 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: No exhibition
  795. Year: 1957 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: John R. Maxwell
  796. Year: 1958 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Xavier Gonzalez
  797. Year: 1959 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Morton Grossman
  798. Year: 1960 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Guy Fry
  799. Year: 1961 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Bessie Boris
  800. Year: 1962 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Philip Jamison
  801. Year: 1963 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Bogomir Bogdanovic
  802. Year: 1964 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Gladys Bloch
  803. Year: 1965 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Zsissly
  804. Year: 1966 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Antonio T. Martino
  805. Year: 1967 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Peter Liashkov
  806. Year: 1968 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: John W. McCoy
  807. Year: 1969 Prize: The Dana Water Color Medal Name: Charles Schmidt
  808. Year: 1945 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
  809. Year: 1946 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Carl Zigrosser
  810. Year: 1947 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: The American Artist Magazine
  811. Year: 1948 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: John Marin
  812. Year: 1949 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: J. Frank Copeland
  813. Year: 1950 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Thorton Oakley
  814. Year: 1951 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: No award
  815. Year: 1952 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Catherwood Foundation
  816. Year: 1953 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: The Philadelphia Art Alliance
  817. Year: 1954 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: W. E. Heitland
  818. Year: 1955 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: James Kirk Merrick
  819. Year: 1956 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: No exhibition
  820. Year: 1957 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Henry C. Pitz
  821. Year: 1958 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: John Lear
  822. Year: 1959 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Frederic Whitaker
  823. Year: 1960 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Joseph T. Fraser Jr.
  824. Year: 1961 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: American Water Color Society
  825. Year: 1962 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Ben Eisenstat
  826. Year: 1963 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Andrew Wyeth
  827. Year: 1964 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Edith Emerson
  828. Year: 1965 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Charles E. Burchfield
  829. Year: 1966 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Frederick J. Gill
  830. Year: 1967 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Walter Reinsel
  831. Year: 1968 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Dong Kingman
  832. Year: 1969 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Club Medal of Award Name: Morris Blackburn
  833. Year: 1915 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Alice Schille
  834. Year: 1916 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Dodge MacKnight
  835. Year: 1917 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Gifford Beal
  836. Year: 1918 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Hayley Lever
  837. Year: 1919 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Childe Hassam
  838. Year: 1920 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: John R. Frazier
  839. Year: 1921 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Francis McComas
  840. Year: 1922 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Birger Sandzen
  841. Year: 1923 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Frank W. Benson
  842. Year: 1924 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: W. Emerton Heitland
  843. Year: 1925 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Florence Este
  844. Year: 1926 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Emil J. Bisttran
  845. Year: 1927 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Paul L. Gill
  846. Year: 1928 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Howard Giles
  847. Year: 1929 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: William Starkweather
  848. Year: 1930 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: George Pearce Ennis
  849. Year: 1931 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Loran F. Wilford
  850. Year: 1932 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Walt Louderback
  851. Year: 1933 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Earl Horter
  852. Year: 1934 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Mary LaBoiteaux
  853. Year: 1935 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Thorton Oakley
  854. Year: 1936 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Gertrude Schweitzer
  855. Year: 1937 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Eliot O'Hara
  856. Year: 1938 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Barse Miller
  857. Year: 1939 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Millard Sheets
  858. Year: 1940 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
  859. Year: 1941 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Paul Froelich
  860. Year: 1942 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Aaron Bohrod
  861. Year: 1943 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Phil Paradise
  862. Year: 1944 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Lewis C. Daniel
  863. Year: 1945 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Henry Gasser
  864. Year: 1946 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Charles Burchfield
  865. Year: 1947 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Giovanni Martino
  866. Year: 1948 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Francis Chapin
  867. Year: 1949 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Allan Jones
  868. Year: 1950 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Karl Zerbe
  869. Year: 1951 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: No award
  870. Year: 1952 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: William Thon
  871. Year: 1953 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Dong Kingman
  872. Year: 1954 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Chen Chi
  873. Year: 1955 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: John McCoy
  874. Year: 1956 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: No exhibition
  875. Year: 1957 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: John W. Chumley
  876. Year: 1958 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: William J. Wilson
  877. Year: 1959 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: James Brewton
  878. Year: 1960 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Oliver Nuse
  879. Year: 1961 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Sidney Goodman
  880. Year: 1962 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Mac. S. Fisher
  881. Year: 1963 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Jacob Landau
  882. Year: 1964 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Henry Pitz
  883. Year: 1965 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Joseph A. Cain
  884. Year: 1966 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: John R. Maxwell
  885. Year: 1967 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Bill H. Armstrong
  886. Year: 1968 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Betty M. Bowes
  887. Year: 1969 Prize: The Philadelphia Water Color Prize Name: Walter Hook.
  888. Year: 1894 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: William Sargeant Kendall
  889. Year: 1895 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Edmund C. Tarbell
  890. Year: 1896 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: William L. Picknell
  891. Year: 1897 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Albert Herter
  892. Year: 1898 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: James Jebusa Shannon
  893. Year: 1899 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: John W. Alexander
  894. Year: 1900 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Henry O. Tanner
  895. Year: 1901 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Charles H. Davis
  896. Year: 1902 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Walter MacEwen
  897. Year: 1903 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Frank W. Benson
  898. Year: 1904 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Mary Cassatt
  899. Year: 1905 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Alexander Stirling Calder
  900. Year: 1905 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: T. W. Dewing
  901. Year: 1906 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Childe Hassam
  902. Year: 1907 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Marion Powers
  903. Year: 1908 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: James R. Hopkins
  904. Year: 1909 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Thomas P. Anshutz
  905. Year: 1910 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: J. Alden Weir
  906. Year: 1911 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Daniel Garber
  907. Year: 1912 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Edward W. Redfield
  908. Year: 1913 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Emil Carlsen
  909. Year: 1914 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: M. Jean McLane
  910. Year: 1915 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: William M. Paxton
  911. Year: 1916 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Karl Anderson
  912. Year: 1917 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Arthur B. Carles
  913. Year: 1918 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: DeWitt M. Lockman
  914. Year: 1919 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Colin Campbell Cooper
  915. Year: 1920 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Joseph De Camp
  916. Year: 1921 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Irving Couse
  917. Year: 1922 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Irving R. Wiles
  918. Year: 1923 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Charles W. Hawthorne
  919. Year: 1924 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Edward Dufner
  920. Year: 1925 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: E. Martin Hennings
  921. Year: 1926 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Robert Vonnoh
  922. Year: 1927 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Guy Brown Wiser
  923. Year: 1928 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Feodor Zakhavor
  924. Year: 1929 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Leopold Seyffert
  925. Year: 1930 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Abram Poole
  926. Year: 1931 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Sidney E. Dickinson
  927. Year: 1932 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Hilder Belcher
  928. Year: 1933 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Wayman Adams
  929. Year: 1934 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Joseph Hirsch
  930. Year: 1935 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Harry W. Watrous
  931. Year: 1936 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Gordon Samstag
  932. Year: 1937 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Ernest Ipsen
  933. Year: 1938 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Jon Corbino
  934. Year: 1939 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Maurice Sterne
  935. Year: 1940 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Violet Oakley
  936. Year: 1941 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Daniel Serra
  937. Year: 1942 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Douglas Gorsline
  938. Year: 1943 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Franklin C. Watkins
  939. Year: 1944 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Joseph Floch
  940. Year: 1945 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Eugen Speicher
  941. Year: 1946 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Raphael Soyer
  942. Year: 1947 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Fletcher Martin
  943. Year: 1948 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Raymond Breinin
  944. Year: 1949 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Max S. Wilkes
  945. Year: 1950 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Darrel Austin
  946. Year: 1951 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Marion Greewood
  947. Year: 1952 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Andrew Wyeth
  948. Year: 1953 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Isabel Bishop
  949. Year: 1954 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Franklin C. Watkins
  950. Year: 1956 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Max Weber
  951. Year: 1958 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Ben Kamihira
  952. Year: 1960 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: David Park
  953. Year: 1962 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Rico Lebrun
  954. Year: 1964 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: Jack Levine
  955. Year: 1966 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: John William reilly
  956. Year: 1968 Prize: Walter Lippincott Prize Name: William Barnet
  957. Year: 1945 Prize: Wheelwright Prize Name: Dan Lutz
  958. Year: 1946 Prize: Wheelwright Prize Name: Karl Zerbe
  959. Year: 1947 Prize: Wheelwright Prize Name: Raymond Breinin
  960. Year: 1948 Prize: Wheelwright Prize Name: Royal Lewando