
Part of Newsletter from the Exhibition Committee of the Interchurch Center to John Rhoden from May 24, 1971. (1/2)

extracted text
Mu. Rhoden


••• "rM. Americon Indian p oren,. l hod ,,-,,_ 61

Chorok••• ndo."".,_. <,h . ho _ u . ;v.".



M;oum; .... nome of Poy'oomohtamo. m •• nin~ "a g r oat "'dy"

Tho =me

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He ... . H,. 'houlh 'C"'pt o," a"" •••• • eul p t ,,,. 'hN~." Ii ' • . Hi . ,h.,
wo.'" wore ox . c uted OU' o, th. ,"d c la y 0' A ' ~""ma a t tho ai' o"; l ht . H.
Idtth. South '0'0'" advan,",o o't"~ ,.,ohini,,,,,;);tio. o". . . din " .'" yo .k
. "<1 to "udy . owp'u,", m tt>.o I"~' mu •• um . 0' N. .. yo.k. H."... vi.i,. d
.it. . of I "'~' . culptu,", 011 ""or tho ", orld· · Indio. E¥yp" J.pAn •• lIo ;ning
a "''''''''~di. th. , h". l.n . n ,~delibl. mark o n hi • • culp'ur e .

M. .

Rhod.n , . not

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deveJ o"",dodo •••• n • • o, . . ,.hon.hlp .. ;th
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H i . bolio/in"'. bo&utyo'th.o wQrld i. &0 "v., <00" ";"0""'''' ,,,,, ,""" ,.
tmo.p/>.e r o o f h opo . ,", ""E. ' inth. ' ,u" •• <h.'. m ,, ,,..t • • I,om h i .








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