
Part of 126th Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

extracted text
'rhe Presldent and Directors of the Pennsylva.n i a
Academy of the Fine Arts have the honor to present their 12 5th
Annual Heport .
S tockholders ti ckets, for the calendar year 1931 were mailed
to yo u , on December 31st, 19::-50 .

These ticlcets will admit the

stockho l clers to all lectw:>es an d entertainment s g 1ven by the
, Academy or under the auspices of' the l\, cademy, ,iiVhether aJ:lmj,ssion
be char ged to 't he llUblj, c or not .

'The President"and Directors

will be mos t gratified by the frecJ.uent use of' these tickets .
The 126th Annual

E:x:hi b i tion in Oil and Sculpture opened

to the Public on .Tantla.'.. y

;~5th ,

1931, preceded by a :r:'rivate View

on Saturday evening, J'anuary 24th, and cont1nues throug h Sunday "
March 15, 1931 .

The mo t i ve dominating the gathering to ge ther

of this Exhibit i on has been str ic t l y educationa l.
result, the Ma :n agemen t of
Jury who 'were kn0lt1ffi to

ro obta. i n this

the Academy selected a chairmanal(l:d a

,e sufficiently broad-minded to


the excellen c e and sincerity of the work presented for th,eir
judgment , regardless of the type under whi ch the vrorl-c mi e;h t be

The result is that this Exhibition gives an excellent

cross-section &({'O the work being done at thi s date Jy our .A.mel"'j, can


rrha t tl"l,e Public is appreciating this effm.' t of the


Academy , is attested by the '; ravorable criticisms received, the
attendance at the

Pl~ i vate

View and during the several days the

Exhi bi tion has been open to the Public.

'r he Exh ibition ts in

the hands of the ,Tury of Selection of eleven painters and three

2II 2
sculptors who judged all the work su bmi tted.,

The Hanging

COllJYi-1i ttee, consis ting of th e Cha.irman and t wo other ,jurers
to g ether with the Presi dent , ex-offici o, arrang ed the hang ing -of
the Exh ibitso
The 'c anvases were s elected- by the Painters ' Jury of Se l ection ,
- consistin g of Roy C. FlUS e , Chairman
Giffor d Beal
Thomas H . Benton
R o Sloan Brec1in
John It . 11'razi er
Charles Hopkinson
John I,avalle
Mary 110wns en d 1,IIas 0 n
W :Elmer S chofj.eld
Ali c e Ken t Stoddard

'The sculpture was selected by the S culptors


Jury of Select ion

con'sistin g of
Al bert Laessle
R 11att McKenz ie
Paul Mansh ip

A lar ge por tion of the pa j. ntings in the :Exh ibition are fo:c sale
and many are sui table f or hanging in private houses or a par t ments
and the :E:xhihi tion of S ClJ.lpture c ontains much that i s sui table for
the decorating of int eriors as wel l as for p lacing in gardens



The 125th Annual Exhi hi ti on opened accOI'd ing to schedule
on January 26 th, 1930 .

The awards of medals in this F,xhibitiol1

were made b y the 1930 Jury of Selec tion, and were as follows:
Temple Meda l awarded to Arthur B o Carles for the best painting
irrespe cti ve of subje ct for his en ti tIed "still I~ i fe!1 .
Jennie Sesnan Gold Medal for the best l andscape pai nting
avvarded to S . Walter Norris for his canvas ent itled IIP..rrowark ll
Carol IT. Be ck Gold Medal for th e bes t por tra:L t in the Exhi b it ion awarded to Leon ll for his canvas enti tIed !! Joi e l1.
rrhe S culptors f Jury of Sel ecti on awarded the George D. Widener
Go l d. Meda l to lvIi tche l l F ield s for his pie ce enti tled tlTors o lT •


rr 3

The James E . I\,TcC lees Prize was awarded to Gaetan o Cecere
for his piece enti tIed "Boy and IPawn!!

The following pr izes were awarded by the Committee on Exhibition consisting of members of the Board of Directors:


'Wal ter Lippinc.o tt Prize awarded to Abram Poole for
his canvas en tit led HGre ta Kemble Cooper".
The Mary Smith Prize for the best work by a
Philadelphia woman awarded to Grace Gemberling for
her ca.nvas entitled flHocks and Flowers". The Exhibition consisted of 569 paintings and 145 exhibits
of sculpt-ure.

494 artists were represented.

The total attendance

for this exhibition was 25,570.
Immedia tely after the close of the l 25 th Annual Exhibi tion,
the permanent collection was put in p lace in the galleries with the

excepti on of Gallery "IP' ; wh ich was hung wi th eiZ-,h teen examples of
the work of the late John Lam.bert as ' a memorial to his memory.
Gallery tlGTI was hung wi th examples from the John Lalllbert collection
in the custody of the Pennsy lvania Academy of the Fine A.:r ts.


Exhibition was open to the Pub lic from Apr il 7th to April 28th.
On May 17th,. Galleries "Ii'!!, flGI!, !lHI!, the North Transept, the
East and West Cent}~al Galleries and the Ro tunda were occupied by an
exhibi tion of work by our students in competi tion for the William
Emlen Cresson Travelling Scholarships and minor school prizes.


Exhibition o pened to the Pub lic on May 27th when the students and
their friends were addressed by the Hon. Edwin O. IJewis.

Mr. John

Frederi ck Lewis, the President of the Academy announced the a wards .


Twenty-two groups of vvor k recomlllended by the faculty and
ratified by the Board of DirectCYEs we re awarded travelling scholarships.

TIllose to whom travelling scholarships were awarded were as


Charles B. Cagle
Dorothy Dell Dennison
Alfred Krakusin
Nicholas Marsi can 0 .
Ellen S inclair
Robert Volz
Charles W. Ward
Paul Vl escott
Earl T. Donelson
Cora P . Gibson
Evaline S ellors

Ralph II . Ht!IlleS
Robert M. Cronbaoh
William P . Osborn
B en~. amin F i sh er
Herbert W. J'ohnson
Nathan Stumacher
Ro bert Gwa tlJllley
George Wilde
Lester R . Roesner
Frank Gas p arr 0
I\ifargaret Smoot

The :Kxhi bi ti on ,w as 'o pen to the Public for t welve days
after whi ch the gallerie;s we re hung wi th the permanen t collecti on
for t he Summe r months.
Dui"'in g the time that the S chool Exhibition vms on in the
galleries, an Exhibit;ion was he ld in the Print Boom, of t he first
and second prize freehand d r awin gs <sent in from various high s chools
in Philadelphia and vi cini ty vvhich were a warded by the Academy on

the work a s lilOminated by the art ins tructor in each school representee
'l'hese groups of drawings after being put on exhibi tion were a warded
first, second and third pr iz es by the Academy's faculty, as :fol lows:, 1st Prize - - - -


Gratz Hig.h S chool
2nd Pri ze
-J ohn D. Albri gh t
Germantown Hiffl School
3rd Pr tze - - - - - Muriel Temple
Beachwood :3 chool of Design

: Dur ing 011e 1,'leek in the month of l\.pri I, the Comp osi tion Class
held an exhib t tion of their work in the lecture room of t h e
, .
_ .e lr sUDJect:;"

' "



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A ca demy~

]II.r . IIJ.enry.L.
rOOr ,

instructor in the Comp osi ti on Class, awarded the fo llowin g prlzes:


1s t Priz,e
2nd P rize
3rd Priz.e

Robert Vo1z
Hi chard Ear le
Hosal i e Hoole

Honorable Men tion to

Ear l Donelson'

Honorable Men tion an d Pres idents Pri ze to Dor is

On October 15th, all of the gallerie s excepting HBft, South
rrransept, tl CI!, liD" and !IE'! were d ismantled for the 28th Annual Water
Color Exhibition, the 29 th Annual MiniatlLt'e Exh ibi tdl ol1 and the 14th
Exhibition of the Work d one at the Academy School at Chester Spr ings .
'l'hese .exhi b 1 ti ons were open t a the Publi c
December 7th, 1930.

from November 2nd, 19 30 to

The Jury of Select ion for the Vlater Color Ex-

hibition consisted of

W. Emerton Heitland
Thornton Oa.1(ley
Angelo P into
Herber t Pullinger
William Starkweather
H W. Zi mmerman
The Ra:ngin g COilllili ttee consi s ted of Herbert Pullinger
H . W. Zi mmerrn an
Ex-officio - the President of the Academy and th e
Pres ident Df the Ph iladelphia Water Color Clu1) ..
The Exhi b1 ti on conta1 ned 6'73 })ai nt i11gS and drawings repre sen ting 280
Via tel' Color il.rti sts.

The Jury awarded the followin g pr ,i zes:-

Ph iladelphia Water Color Club Pri z,e - Ge org e Pearse }i' nnis
for his g roup of water colors as being the strong est in
the Exhibiti on
The Dana Water Color Medal - Emil Bistran for h is group of
wa ter colors.


The Eyre Gold Medal was awarded to Ernest D. Ro th for his ,
etching entitled "Bridge at Chartest!.
The Joesph Penn ell Memorial Medal - Henry McCarter for his
gro ul) of drawings.
The Charles ·V . Beck , 3'r .. Pri ze - Eli zabeth 1,ansdell Hamme ll
for her water color enti t led ,"A I'",ledley
of' :J~ lo wers!l

The Jury lB-o r the 29th Annual Mi niature Exh i bi ti on consisted of !vJary W. Bonsall, Berta Carew , Rebe cca B. Peal e Patterson,
Joseph T . Pears on, Sherman Potts and Harriet Sartain.
The Exh ibition was hung by Johanna N. Boerioke
}:vIary W. Bonsal l
Mary Hi t chner De Moll
Violet 'ln ompson STIli tIl
Elizabeth F ·. Wa shing ton
'1'he J-lir y awarded the bronze medal of honor to Adrianna
Tu ttle for her. mini a tl:[re en ti t led IlHeverend A . · N . Ke edell l! .


Ey.1J:i bi t ion cons i s ted of 158 minia tures representing 75 artis ts ..

In the Chester Spr ings Exh ibition the Commi ttee on Exh ibition, wh i ch is a par t of the Board of Di rectors of the Ac ademy,
awarded the follow i ng pr i zes


Fi rst Prize of j lOO. was awarded to Doro thy L . M.Mc Entee
S econd Pri ze of $ 50 . was awarded to Glen S . Pears e
Th ird T'T' i ze of ;;~25. was awarded to Viola Appe l

Spec:i,al Pri zes d!' l O
Gra ce ....l11 ith
Gert rude Fish - 15.
Ramon Bermudez
25 . (S clllptor)


IS l evin Prizes
1st - Dacre F . Boulton
2nd - Paul Wescott
. ,Jul ~ B . Smi th
4th - Yuanhs i Kuo
5th - Patr icia Clare }i' errit·er

2 5.00
20 . 00
1 5 . 00
1 5 . 00

On Novemb er 20 th, an :i~yJl i bi t i on was opened in the Print
Room on the


floor showin g 179 drawings representing 1 9 art

schools in the country in competition for the Charle s M. Lea Prizes,
'The first pr ize was awarded to Willirull. G. Berwald of the Cleveland
S chool of Ar t , second -prize to :Ei chael ,Si r t sky
of the J-ohn
Hun tingdon Polytechn ic Institute of Cleveland , third pr ize to
Vir gi n ia 1;' el1 of the P ennsy lvaniC?- 1; us eums
1 ft, Philadelphia .


S chool of Indus triaJ,

These awards were made b y the Jury of

Select ion for the 28th Annual ",'fater Color Exhibi tion.
T'he 'TotalI nU1!lber of vi s1 tors to the Galleries for the
year was 70,080'.
The Schools of the Academy had a successfl.l.l yem.' VI i th
a total regist:C'ation ·01'


s tuc1en ts •

Ins t ruction in the

school is given by a faculty of recogn i zed artists in the

~'r t

World consisting of Hugh H. cken ridge
Daniel Garber
\lalke I' HeJ} cock ,
Geor ge Hardi ng
J-ohn Ii' . Harbis on
Alber t Laess le
Henry McCarter
li. oy C . Nuse
J ose p h T. Pearson
Henry R. Poor
li'ran c is ,Spe i ght
'I'he school is under the l'.'l anagement of the Committee on Ins~ction
wh ich consists of melnbers of the Board of Directors.

'1'he Chair-

man of the COTIl1!li ttee is Ar thur 11:0 Lea who is also Chairman, exofficiO, of the Faculty • . The school is under t he d.irect management

of the ClITator, Eleanor A. Fraser.

S chool enrollment is now go in g

on for the 1<.;330-31 Se ason. _ rrrmt our students are receiving excellent instruction and l)rofiting by it, is evidenced by the work
of some being accepted by the J-uey 01' Sele ction for the outstanding
. ' geneI'al exhibitions of the cou:ntry .
Our Country School at Chester Spr ings has had a success ful year.

During th e SllIlll18r Season, it is' part i cularly vITel l-a ttended

and. is sufficiently well -att ended during the ' linter Season to make
it worth - while to continue having it open during the
The school is under the direct management of D.
resident manager .



year .

oy Miller as

Instruction is given by a regular faculty con-

1.1. 8

'r .

sisting of Albert Laess J~e, Q-eorge Hardi n g , Roy C. Nu s e, ,Jose~,h
3?e?-rson , Fr 8J.1Cis Sp eight 8J.l.d Mildred B . IvIi ller .

As a means



spe cial stimulus, outstarld :L ngc r t1 s ts from el sewhere have given
a limit ed number of cri ticisms.
. John F . Carlson, J-onas Lie


r leL

Thi s lis t i nc ludes Leon Kro ll,
Wilmo t He ttland .

en r ollme:Clt eluTing the year 'was 203 .
students in atten dan ce is 59.

The tot s:l

'rhe present number of

PenllaTIent exh ibi tion of

vl m~ k



students i s hung in the Aud. itoriunI in E:xh i b ttiol1 Gallery on the

Hi ll and th e exh.t bi toi on o:f CUTren t vv ork ts hung in the older
S culpt ors' Studio.

'? he exhibi ts under this group are chan g ed

from time to time at short i:n..tervals .

It is of interest to note

that a former Chester Springs stUdent was awarded tb.e fourth
pr ize of ~? 500. at the Biermtel. Exhibitton recently closed a t the
Cor corfuL Gal l ery of Art, Washing ton ~

Also seven of the stUdents

are represented in the present 12 6th Annual Exhibition at the
Acg.demy .


Go ld Medal . )

fOI'rtler stud en t 1n s culpt.ure was a warded the Wi dener


The second and third floor dorm1 to r ies o f tl1?

I Jincoln Build ing and the second floor of the Washing ton BLl.ilding
have been re - paint ed. ' '].1h1'ee new sections have been added to the
s team boiler in the :LinC'oln Bui lding in order to supply heat to
the s tudio on the Hill.
Three Sunday concerts under the auspices of Clara Barnes
Abbott, Chief of the Bureau of MusiC, C1ty Ha ll, were given during
. . ,.J

;I \ 'f~~/

the month of' De cember.
By Gift
TrThe Holy FamilylY by Gustavus Hasse lius, IJresente d by

dohn Frederick Le"Nis;, a list of books preserited by 1\11'. and Mrs.
Alfred G. B . Steel, asa nucleus for a working lib rary for the
informa l use of the students 8.c"'1.d a list of catalogues and


photographs , present,ed by Arthur H . Lea •
.Jr _

\.)oCJtJ "'"



By Bequest


~ 'Z;;L·~-~S , ~-

TlPortrai t of }i'airman Rogers H painted by J'oseph de Camp,
under the wi ll of the late Hora ce Hov.<tard Furness, J'r.


<pa intin gs by the late Bernard Uhle, bequeathed by the aI'tist;
the AcadenlY not wi shing to add th e l")ic tures to its collection,
was permitted to acce l')t the money :for the same as established
at the ol')en sale of the pa intings by artist ..
n1vlother and Child!! (Attributed to Ml.lrillo) under the
Wi ll of the late William Brook Rawle ..

~~~:; ~~I~t,1~ F~Canvas entit led "Greta Cam:pbell COWlJer" , by Abram Poole
]Ju.rc11ased for the Temple collection .
'1'11e followtng lis t of e i g ht paint ings was ptLr chased by
the ,John Lambert Connlli ttee for tll e Academy f s J'ohn Lambert collection
flSa iling!7 by M. Kantor .
?!October Clouds fl -by Jan Matu lkEl
flIllustrationfl by Vire-.,inia Armitage McCall.
'1'I'able with Pi pes ll by s tuart Davis
I1Figure Compos itiont? by Willia:rn 3 c111.1111off
nli'ishennan 11 by 3. I. Sigfus
f! Studylf
by Ed ith Longs tre th Wood
lIThe Meadows" b y Anna Warren Ingersoll
rrhe Academy I s building in the city has . re c ei ved: repairs
Where necessary..
been renewed .

The entire rubberoid coverin g of the roof has

All of the sash jams, doors, shutters and fire

curtains have been re--pa i nted ..

F ive of the smaller galleries

have had the wooden backing renewed where necessary and their
wa lls have been re-co.vered wi th vassar cloth.
floor has been laid in the South Corridor.


has been re-painted throughout.

A new concrete

The waw,nes coatin g·

The schools have been cleaned

calcimined, painted and IJut in order for the work carried on
. t here .

rT he skyligh ts in the r00111S of the Front Life

Pa in~b


Class, the Illustration Class and the Sculpture Class have been
re-glazed wi t h Ie nsri b wir ed glass vrh ich adds probab ly 30% to
t he light ine; of the room.

'1'he Walls of the offi ce on Broad ,s treet

and the entrance lobby and the stair'Na y lobby have been ·washed

'1'he ,se cret ary 's off'ice has be en re-l1RintecL

has been wh i te-:- vmshe.q. throur hout.

'rhe basement

The stearn heating plant has

been put in g oo d order for the '1lf inter and the f ire extingUishers
have been emptied and refilled.

All o f this work with the ex-

ception of the re - covering on the roof and the re-covering of the
ga lleries has been done by the eml')loyees of the



At our

l\nnex , 1834 Ar ch Street, the wa lls have been calQimined and the
inside woo dwor lc painted throughout.

'This work was a lso done by

our own eml')loyees.
The Treasurer's report in detail is submitted.


thanks of the mana gement of t h e Academy is extended to the Hon .
The Mayor of Philadelphia,

the Mayor 's Cabinet and the Council,

for their continued sympathy and support, to the Pres ident and
Members of the Board of Educ;ation in sending to our ,s chools,
students vvh o Whish to study art.

We also acknowledge our debt to

the Press of Philadelph ia "'fhi ch has .g i ven to the Academy and to
the callS e of Art, int elligen t cri ti cisms of all the Exh ibi ti ons

we have had.


also make gr at eful acknowledgrnent to the

erllploye es of the Academy for t heir faithful performance of
their duties.



J il.NDAHY 1, 1 93 0 to DECElVfBEH 31~ 1 93 0


72 015 71
3 193 16
13' 25 0' 00

Balance December 31st, 1 929
.Supplies/ /
lrnnual Membership
Life lI[embership
W. L. Elkins S cholarsh ip
George D. Widener S c ho larsh i p
Exhibitions &, Catalogues
In ves t men ts Fei.i dOff
Legacies and Spe:cial Contri butions
Sales of Heproductions
Exhibition P rizes
Cresson Bequest S cholarships
Income from Investmen ts
(iJ ity of Pb ila. Mayor 's Appropriation
~~~~~~~------~----------------'rotal Re cei p ts

4 9 207 52

IDO 00



1 000

lOOO 00
1 584 , 95
5 802 06
16 ,?64 .50
220 409

----,.------------,,------._----_._--'---'- --

47 22 0 31 (~;~1,~,
6 820 48



20 000 0.0,

00 ,



343 757 82 '




I-----------------.- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - -.----------.......-------r----~_I------+-_I____,.,,....
, -4


Ba1a n6e December :'31st, 1 9 30
Genera l Depos it
Sundry Trus t s
'-----'fu-p p an :Pr ize - '1~und
Life Membership 1lund'
Temple Trus t J?und
National Bank of I)hoenixville
Pe tty Ca sh


37 473
94 2 86
'2 3 70
1. 92 1
26 850
25 373
14 742
'2 910

35 :


\ 1
11 '



54 ,
39 i l ~1





207 344· 19

246 53542

1"®llI1928.J;4 iT

. E?~_,~.7!~"1
' ;ifL." ,_.
,0 .980 05 ,, ~,

.3 '706 " 6 11~" ;'
7 '790 87
1 909 32
162 ' 7 3 , .;'., ~ 7 222 40





" ,?!

343 757 82

..""-'-_ ______--------------------.---~---.---- _.__.--,-________--4-_ _ _-'-<:'-'-_~.I'.








General Expense
Instruct! on
Supp lies
Stamp s
Life & iw.nua) I\!Iemberships Expense
Cresson Be ques t S cholarshi ps
Cresson Be quest Ex pense
Exh ibitions & Catalog ues
Fri zes Medals . etc.
Secur ities Purc hased
115i scellaneous
rrotal Disbursements' ,

I ,,~r1



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