
Part of 192nd Annual Report for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

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Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts




II of us-individuals and orgahizations alikemust work at change. Balancing a ! > ense of what wehaveb~en with fresh
aspirations of what we want to become is a never-ending cha llenge. Since
Thomas Jefferson occupied the White House, the name Pennsylvania


Academy of the Fine Arts filas held out the G:reation a nd" a ppreciation of

the fine arts as powerful experiential tools for helpi Qg human beings grow"
to change.
Donald R. Caldwell

If.creative energy isind ~ed to be found in the tension that sepa-

Chairman of the Board

rates past from future, old from new, .stasls from movement, then

of Trustees

America 's first institution of the fine arts need look no furliherthan its mis-

Joshua C. Thompson

sion for the strength and ihspiration necessary for positive institutional

Interim Chief

change. This year, even as we have embarked upon a broad-based

Executive Officer

search for new presidential leadership., the Pennsylvania Acadernyhas



looked to its henitage and to. its mission in order to
envision its future . Four priorities undertakenj n
1998 exemplify the progress that has been made.
First, we are embarked upon an initiative to
broaden recognition of our name: Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts. This institution's identity

as an Academy-a dynamic interaction of a
Museum and a School of the Fine Arts- provides


source of renewable energy to propel us forward.
The art work alone- as it is exhibited in our galleries, stored in our vaults and created in our studios-offers a limitless source of inspiration . The
Women's Committee (WOCO) plays an important
leadership role in this outreach effort. In 1998,
WOCO's USArtists Exposition and Sale of American Art broke records for
attendance and dollars raised . This year the Women's Committee also
established an endowment to bring special needs audiences and students
to the Acad emy.


Secondly, as we have mentioned, the search for a new Chief
Executive Officer to lead the Academy into its third century is well underway. We are most appreciative of the
Search Committee's meticulous efforts.
We also want to thank the Board of
Trustees, other volunteers , and staff
members who have worked so hard during this transitional year. The search for
a CEO, while necessarily deliberate, is
progressing well.
Third, we are planning an energetic and ambitious exhibition schedule,
headed by the most exciting show in
recent memory, "Maxfield Parrish, 1870-

1966". Parrish will be the region 's
primary attraction during the summer of
1999. Maxfield Parrish was trained at
the Academy. He is considered by many
to have been the most popular painter of
the first half of the twentieth century. He was an artistic and technological

Maxfield Parrish,

innovator. There is no more appropriate artist to help reaffirm the influential

Princess Parizade

role of the Academy.

Bringing Home the

Finally, and perhaps of greatest significance this year, has been our
con!inuing progress in realizing the Academy's dream of a world-class
campus in proximity to the historic Furness-designed Academy building.
We continue to work closely with private donors, as well as with leaders at
the City and State levels, to finalize plans for a most exciting addition to
Philadelphia's Avenue of the Arts.
We trust that your perusal of this report will provide a sense of just
what a special plClce this is . We hope it will help those who have not
already done so to become a part of this unique and exciting organization.
If you need further convincing, take a look at our web site, come visit or
give us a call. By all means, join us!

J.C.T. / D.R.C.


Singing Tree, 1906, oil
on composition board.
Gift of Mrs.
Francis P. Garvan




travels to Paris to arrange
for the purchase from the Louvre


(for instruJctional purposes) of an
a'rray of casts made from antique
formed his studio into a portrait

and ~~i.;;same sculptures in that

gallery five years prior, opens a

collection .


museum of natural history and


Free-spirited architect "Fearless"

Indepenqence Hall. Peale believes

Emperor Napoleon donates 24

Frc,lnk Furness is engaged to design

that the portrait, as well as the pre-

volumes of classical engravings.

the new Pelilnsylvania Academy to

po~traiture on the second floor of

served biros and animals that are

be completed in time for the

displayed with them in this "artist's


Nation's Centennial Celebration in

museum," serve to illustrate the

The Academy's Ann,ual Report is

Philadelphia. John, Sartain oversees

perfection of order in nature.

issued, observing that "pecuniary

the process of helping Furness and

affairs are in flourishing condition."

his partner, George Hewitt, envision

Nine days later, fire ravages the

the famed cast studios.

i80t 5
Peale's letter to President Jefferson

building. Mirac~lously, most of the

describes his vision for an "acade-

CGllection is saved, including

my for the encouragement of the

Benjamin West's Death on the

fine a·r ts."

Pale Horse.

. .•• .. ' , . . ."
.' if '. ' .




Abolitionist theologian William Henry


,furness, the ar,chitect's father, dedi1

A group of 71 prominent national

cates the acclaimeGi new Academy

leaders, organized by Peale,his son


Rembrandtand sculptor William

Mary Cassatt completes-Jettf-years

Rush, establish the Academy.

the Academy


buil'ding "that draws upon thebeautiful arts. to gladden and elevate the
hearts of man." Faculty member

Celebrated American painter,

Th0mas Eakins is in the

Benjamin West, ,PreSident of the

audience" as ,is Rev.

Roya'!Academy in London, accepts

Furness'closest friend,

the Academy's first award of
M .eh1hVi! , "Honorary ~aaeffilcian". <In their

join the Fren1ch

application to the Commonwealth


will invite her

RalphWald'() ,E81ersonof

Philadelphia's wealthiest

for a Charter, the founders describe

with whom, She

patrol1s, including Henry

the organization's purpose as "excit-

will work and

Gibson, Fairman Rogers,

ing the efforts of the artist gradually


Joseph Temple and Sarah

to unfold, enlighten and invigorate


Harrison, are openly

the talents of our countrymen."

enthrused by the experience.

,,---- - - --



- - - -- - -

---~- - --,


Two years later Mrs. Harrison will

students of Thomas Anshutz at the

transform inspired art students into

donate Peale's self-portrait, An Artist

Pennsylvania Academy.

inspired artists and, in turn, into

in His Museum, as well as Penn's

inspired teachers.


' Treaty with the Indians by Benjamin


West. In 1880, the Temple Fund will

Alfred Stieglitz serves on the exhibi-

be established, income from which

tion jury for the Academy's extensive

is for acquisitions. In 1891, Mr.

survey of American Modernism,

Gibson will leave the largest bequest

"Exhibitions of Paintings and

to the Academy until that of collec-

Drawings Showing Later Tendencies

tor JohnW. Merriam one hundred

in Art." During the prior year, the

years later.

Academy's" Representative Modern
Masters" exhibition included major
European Moderns such as Matisse
and Picasso, with a catalogue introduction awthmed by~es .•

l . S4I>kowsk"

193 2

Self-taught African-American artist

Joseph Fraser is engaged to run the

Horace Pippin accepts the J. Henry

year, the Academy's Annual

summer program at Chester Springs,

Schiedt Memorial Prize at the 141st

Exhibition draws 5,034 visitors in

now thriving in its 15th year with a

Academy Annual Exhibition. Forty-

ow in its.1lr:cI

one day. Two years"later, on the

distinguished faculty including N. C.

eight years later in 1994, the defini-

occasion of the Academy's

Wyeth. Fraser will become Director

tive retrospective of Pippin's works ,

Centennial, distinguished faculty

of the Academy in 1936 and remain

organized by the Academy, will open
in P,hiladelphia and tour the nation.

member William Merritt Chase will

in the post for 33 years. During this

call the Academy "the most impor"

era, the role of the "art academy"

tant art institution in the world."

will come into ,question as artists and

1Tt/U/J1':/ '


patrons alike develop a

Henry Drinker gives a large collection

more avant-garde perspec-

of the work of his famous aunt




tive , and museums such as


the Whitney Museum of Amer,ican

Cecilia Beaux, who was trained and



exhibited often at the Academy. The


Women 's Committee is established .




More than a quarter of a million

Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art

people visit during the year, which is

and the Museum of Modern Art

.2 '

highlighted by the renowned exhibi-

became prominent. Fraser is an


tion entitled "The Eight." This

enormous force in cementing a one-




0) ,


ground-breaking effort explores the

to-one pedagogical tradition , further


modern rea lism associated with the

refining the apprenticeship model

The Academy purchases Route


Ashcan School. Five members of

that had been developing since the

Bam3e, a mobile by the renowned

The Eight, Robert Henri , John

time of Thomas Eakins . The goal can

third generation sculptor Alexander

Sloan , William Glackens, George

in fact be traced to Peale: to learn

Calder, whose grandfather, father and

Luks and Everett Shinn, are former

from existing works of art, and to

mother were all Academy students .









McNeil. The fund purchases the

historic retrospective of the work of

Andew Wyeth's exhibition draws large

Academy's first painting by John

Academy-trained artist Maxfield

crowds and national media attention.

Singleton Copley.

Parrish. The Academy establishes a
national alumni association.

The Annual Exh,ibition is discontinued.


Committed Board members continue

A comprehensive promotional effort

to ensure annual operating viability.

of the Parrish show aligns the

Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. McNeil,

participation of the Philadelphia

Ambassador and Mrs. Walter

Convention and Visitors Bureau,

Annenberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel

Greater Philadelphia Tourism and

M. V. Hamilton advocate for an

first Founders' Day Medal. In subse-

Marketing Corporation, Philadelphia

extensive restoration of the Academy

quent years, the award will go to Sen.

Newspapers, Inc ., regional hotels,


John Heinz III, Mrs. Edna S.

WHYY and other electronic media to

Tuttlema n, Sir Roger DeGrey, Mr. and

make Parrish the hit of the summer.


Mrs. Samuel M. V. Hamilton, Dr. and

The building is d0sed for a two-year

Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin, Jacob

restoration overseen by Hyman

Lawrence, and Andrew Wyeth .


Myers. The international re-discovery
of Furness as an important architect


The grand opening of the new

"To Be Modern: American Encounters

Academy art campus occurs at

major books on his work, as well as

with Cezanne and Company" is the

Broad and Cherry Streets just as the

by a major exhibition at the

perfect complement to the summer's

Avenue of the Arts streetscaping on

Philadelphia Museum of Art.

historic Cezanne exhibition at the

North Broad Street is completed.

is reflected by the publication


Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Philadelphia is established as a desti-


The restored Academy building, now

nation for fine arts-oriented vacation-

On the occasion of the bicentennia l

officially designated a National

ers. Plans are initiated to expand the

of the Pennsylvania Academy of the

Historic Landmark, is re-opened as

Pennsylvania Convention Center with

Fine Arts, the Academy Annual

part of the Nation's Bicentennial

a Broad Street entrance directly oppo-

Exhibition is reborn .


site the Academy.

Private donors and city and state lead-


ers are engaged in a process to create

Charles Bregler's collection of Eakins

a much larger, state of the art

is purchased . Th e Red Grooms exhi-

Academy facility adjacent to the his-

bition brings 90,000 visitors. An

toric Museum bui lding. Numerous

endowment for acquisitions is estab-

cu ltural and corporate partners

lished by the family of Henry S.

participate in preparations for an



William Christenberry's Art
June 20 - August 31, 1997

Marilyn Holsing
Untitled #9, 1979
Pa ste l on paper
Gift of Judith and Jonathan Stein, 1997.4

The Pennsylvania Academy
at Pont-Aven
June 13 - Sep t ember 7, 1997

Dona Nelson
Summer Man, 1983
Oil on ca nvas
Gift of Ri c hard Whelan , 1997.6
Peter Milton
Jolly Corner Suite, 1971
III : 1, 2190
111 :2,3/90
111 :3,2/90
111: 4,4/90
111 :5,3/90
111: 6 , 5/90
111: 7 , 3/90
Summer Landscape V, 36 /40, 1963
Victoria 's Children, 701100 , 1967
Mornings With Judd, 321100 , 1968
The Garden, 2nd state, 3150, 1969
The First Gate, 341140, 1974
Second Opinion , 321140, 1974
Card House, 151160, 1975
Th e Rehearsal (Les Belles et la Bete I) ,
29/160, 1977
Cotillion (Eros Errant), 15112 5, 1982
Europa (Eros Errant), 151125, 1982
Friday 's Children (Eros Errant), 841125,
Bu tterfly, (Eros Errant) , 841125, 1982
Stolen Moments (Interiors I/) , II I XX , 1986
Time Wi th Cella (Interiors III), II I XX, 1986
Hotel Paradise Cafe (Interiors IV) , 8011 75 ,
Watermusic (Interiors V), 421175, 1988
The Train From Munich (Interiors VII) ,
1331175, 199 1
Under Greylock, 10/1 75, 199 3
Mary 's Turn , 1191175 , 1994
Niji nsky Variations (Points of Departure II),
95 / 175, 1996
Light Sweet Crude, 6011 75 , 1996
Th e Aspern Papers, fo l io
Garden with Henry, 11 6/ 250, 1993
Other printed and photo-reproduced
Etch ings
Gift of Dr. Ste phen Silberst ein,
1998. 1.1-30

The Unbroken line: A Suite of Exhibitions
Celebrating the Centennial
of the Fellowship of the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts
September 19 - November 30, 1997
Violet Oakley
September 19 - Decembe r 21, 1997
Philadelphia's Choice: Community leaders
View the Collections
Decemb er 7 , 1997 - February 8 , 1998
Embodied landscapes: Selected Works on
Paper by April Gornik
January 9 - Apri l 19, 1998

Leonard Baskin, Portrait of Thomas Eakins,
Joseph Norman
Eden, City Eden (triptych), 1996
Gift of Richard H. Koziara , 1998.3a-c
Sidney Simon
Cata lyst #4 , 1969-70
Gift of Renee Si mon , 1998.5

Vitreous Humours by Kate Moran
January 9 - Ap ril 26, 1998
Pop Abstraction
February 20 - Apr il 19, 1998
Annual Student Exhibition and Graduate
Thesis Exhibition
May 8 - May 3 1, 1998
Morgan Russell : The Origins of a Modern
June 12 - August 23 , 1998
Darwin Nix
Jun e 12 - September 13, 1998

Charles Rudy
The Letter, 1945
Bequest of Lorraine C. Rudy, Wife of the
Art ist , 199 7 .5
John James Audubon and Robert Havell
Plumed Partridge, Thick-L egged Partridge ,
Hand-co lored engraving, Audu bon plate
Bequest of Elsie Mae Coiner through
Syracuse University, 1998. 4

Robert Motherwell's Graphics II
June 12 - August 16, 1998

The Unbroken Line: A Suite of Exhibitions
Celebrating the Centennial of the
Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts
Cheryl Leibold , Sy lvia Yount
Penn sy lvania Academy of the Fin e Arts

leonard Baskin
Three Portraits of Thomas Eakins , 1990
Hand-co lored lith ographs
Anon ymous Gift , 1998.2 . 1-3

Barry Goldberg
Domino Wren , 1994
Oi l and wax on lin en
Penn sy lva nia Academy Purchase Pri ze on
th e occas ion of t he 100th Ann ual
Fellows hip Exhib iti on, and the Acade my
Purchase Fun d, 1998.6

April Gornik: Embodied Landscapes
Sylvia You nt
Rosenwa ld-Wo lf Ga ll ery, Th e Un iversity of
th e Arts
Penn sy lva ni a Academy of th e Fine Arts



The Academy wishes to express special
appreciation to the Women's Committee
whose collective energies raised more than
$210,000 and established a special needs
endowment fund.
Chairman 's Circle ($25,000 and above)
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ca ldwell*
Mr. t and Mrs. Samue l M. V. Hami lton C
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Herring
Mr. Conrad J. Link e*t
Dr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Pot amkin C
Mrs. Char les Rudy * t
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk*
Richard B. Worley and Leslie Ann Miller
President's Council ($10,000 " $24,999)
Mr. and Mrs . Charles L. Andes
Mr. Thomas M. Arrasmith III
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartlett*
Mr. Stewart R. Cades
Mr. Winsto n J. Churchi ll
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Donohoe
Ms. Jane Fortune
Ms. Barbara J. Gohn
Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner
Mr. and Mrs. Wa rren W. Kantor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lie b
Mr. Jeffrey H. Loria
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs . James R. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
Mr. Harry Wa ll aesa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilder
Thomas Eakins Society ($5 ,000 " $9,999)
Mr. t and Mrs. Herbert Barness
Peter A. and Felicity R. Benoliel
Max N. Berry, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Gillespie
Caro le F. Haas
Ms. Grace G. Keast* t
Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran
Ms. Ba rbara W. Schaff*
Mr. and Mrs. Garry J. Scheuring
Mr. and Mrs. St anl ey C. Tuttl eman *
Mr. and Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roffe Wike II
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Yao c
Mary Cassatt Associates ($2,500 " $4,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryan C
Mrs. Pearl M. Carpel
Wendy and Larry A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs . Richard W. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wel les Henderson
Mr. Adrian S. Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kayc
Mrs . Harrie t B. Krav itz *
Mr. and Mrs. Char les E. Mather III
Ms. Beatrice S. Pitcairn*
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Robb, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Wi ll iam J. Sta ll kamp
Mr. and Mrs . Joshua C. Thompson
Mrs. Richard J. Walsh
Charles Willson Peale Society
($1,000 " $2,499)
Lorraine and Benjamin Alexander *
Linda Lee Alter and Seymour Mednick
Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Anderson
The Honorable and Mrs . Wa lter H.
Mrs. Edward K. Asplundh
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel S. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Barth
Dr. Harriet Berger*
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Wade H. Berrettini
Rev. and Mrs. Robert T. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Byers
Mr. David C. Carney
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Casu ll o
Mrs. Avery B. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cohen
Ms. Kara Louise Co leman *
Ms . Dorothy Del Bueno c
Julia and Darrell DeMoss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan IV
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dolby
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Drake, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Essner
Mrs . F. W. Elliott Farr
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Fine
Lois and Doug Fischer
Wendy and Walter Foulke c
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. W. Roderick Gagne
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Gemmi ll
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gennarelli
Ms. Linda S. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Martyn D. Greenacre
Mr. and Mrs. Alb ert M . Greenfie ld, Jr.
Mr. Franc is J. Grey
Mr. and Mrs . J. Tyler Griffin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hall oran
Mr. and Mrs. Nathani el P. Hamil t on
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hami lt on, Jr.
Ms. Ann Wi ll s Marsha ll and
Mr. Michae l A. Hanke
Mrs. Avery D. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs.t Henry F. Harris*
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Herlihy *
Mr. Tian Yee Ho
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Hoffman
Mrs. Qu ita W. Horan
Susan and Marc Howard
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Jarett
Betty Wold Johnson and
Douglas F. Bushnell
Mr. Step hen B. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Korngold
Mr. t and Mrs. B. Gordon Landis

Mr. and Mrs. St ephen Lazovitz
Mr. T. and Mrs . Robe rt S. Lee , Sr c
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lemmon, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring
Dr. and Mrs. Morton S. Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Margolies*c
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Marsha ll c
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mr. and Mrs . Joseph McEwen
Mrs. Henry S. McNe il t
Ms. Karen L. Miche le
Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Mill ard
Mr. and Mrs. Allen John Model
Mrs. Betty Musser c
Mrs. Nancy Marcus Newman
Dr. Char les W. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs . Shaun F. O'Malley
Mr. W. Gresham O'Ma ll ey III
Mr. Charles P. Pizzi
Mr. and Mrs . Gerald B. Rorer
Lois and Jerry Rosenau c
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rueda
Dr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rugart
Ms . Mary Gregg and Mr. John M . Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Samue l J. Savitz C
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Scudder, Jr.
Mrs. Joan K. Shore
Mr. and Mrs. Edwa rd Sn id er *
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Ste in
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Bayard T. Storey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Toll
Mr. and Mrs . Jay H. Tolson
Mr. David Veenstra *
Ms. Char lotte C. Weber
Jerome B. Weinste in , Esq.
Ruth W. and A. Morris Wil li ams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs . Albert E. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wright
Anne Gates and D. Robert Yarnall
Friends ($100 " $999)
Ms. Lynne Abraham and Mr. Ed ward Felbin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Abriola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Ad lin
Mrs. Berkeley Bayne Ake *
Mr. and Mrs. Harris C. All er, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Dourif Amenta
Ms. Mary Mapp Anderson
Ms. Edna Andrade*
Jul es and Marlene Arronso n
Marilyn and Robert Asplundh
Mr. Leonard L. Au lenbach II
Ms. Nan cy Labs Azeez*
Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter P. Babich
Mr. Wil li am G. Baer II
Mrs. Lorra in e Cooper Balis
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ballard
Ms. Frederica P. Barbour
Mrs. Carol M. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bauml





Milton and Joan Baxt
Mr. and Mrs. George Jaffray Baxter
Mrs. Joseph T. Beardwood III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Beatty, Jr.
Mrs. Charles Becker, Jr.
Dr. Martin G. Begley
Mr. and Mrs. James Benenson , Jr. c
Mr. Perry Benson
Sal and Doris Berenholz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Berg
Mrs. Eve lyn Berger
Barbara and Arnold Berlin
Mr. Daniel S. Berman
Mrs. Dene K. Bernstein
Mrs. C. Graham Berwind, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Biddle, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Binswanger
Ms. Shauna Binswanger
Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr.
Mrs. Joan B. Bitzer*
Miss Joan Blackburn
Katherine and Don Blenko
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Block
Mr. and Mrs. Char les J. Bloom
Mr. Louis Bluver
Reid and Han ley Bodek
Jame s F. and Jean G. Bodine
Mrs. Gideon Boericke
Mrs. Josephine Borie
Mr. Peter Bori e
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Borker
Ms. Wendy Smith Born
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Boyer*
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Brechbill
Ms. Lindsa y J. Brinton
Mrs. Edith Wells Bristol
Mrs. John Brittain
Ms. Cecilia M. Brown*
Dr. Dorothy and Mr. Jam es Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott Brown*
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lyon s Brown
M iss Vera D. Bruestle
Ms. El va Brusca
Mr. Orville H. Bullitt, Jr.
Mrs. Rebecca E. Bunkin
Ms. Judith Burke
Mr. and Mrs. G. Th eodore Burkett C
Ms. Janet Burnham
Marilyn Sifford and Bob Butera
Ms. Karol Wasylyshyn and Mr. Ken Butera
Ms. Hope Byerc
Ms . Giuliana Calabi
Mr. Andrew B. Campbell
Ms. Pamela S.K. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Carpenter II
Ms. M. Virginia Ca rr
Mr. James T. Carson
Mr. Howard M. Casper
Mr. Lee A. Casper
Mr. Corliss F. Cavalieri
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chairman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M.R. Charrington
Nelly and Scott Childress
Ms. Sally R. ChristyC
Mr. Joseph Chudnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taws Claghorn
Mr. Edward B. Clay, Jr. *

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Clifton
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Clower
Mr. Jonathan L. Co hen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cohn c
Mrs. Charles L. Coltman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Comisky
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Co ndon
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Connor
Mr. A. Cooperman and Mr. K. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Coslett , Jr.
Ms. Janine A. Coslett-Yass *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Crea mer III
The Cudlip Family and Walter Kiebach
Mrs. Karen Gordon Cunningham
Ann and Joel Cutler
Diane and John Paul Dalsimer
Ms. Diane Dalto
Ms. Judy Goldman and Mr. Jud Davidson
Mrs. Harold Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. DeCosta*
Mr. and Mrs. Willis S. De La Cour
Mr. and Mrs. Loui s E. Della Penna
Mrs. C. Paul Denckla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Denious
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Denton
Miss Maude deSchauensee
Mrs. K. Stewart De Spoelberch
Mr. John J. De Vlieger*
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter Dewey
Mrs. Lee L. DeWitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard De Wyngaert
Mr. Victor Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Ed wi n C. Donaghy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris Dorrance, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Webster Dougherty, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Downing*
Mr. and Mrs. Le e Downs
Mrs. Christine L. Drake*
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Drexel
Mr. Ed ward C. Driscoll
Mrs. Thoma s D. Duane
Mrs. Joseph N. DuBarry IVc
Mrs. Alice B. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Duffy*
Bernadette and Paul Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Ed wa rd J. Dwyer
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dzub a
Ms. Jud y El chin
Dr. Frank A. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley A. Eppel
Ms. Deborah Reich Epst ei n
Mr. and Mrs. Otis W. Erisman c
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Erlb aum
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Evelev
Mr. Charles A. Evers
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fabian
Ms. Deborah A. Fahey
Mrs. Philip FN. Fanning *
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Feldman
June and Donald Felley
Loui s S. Fin e, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fineberg
Ms. Este lle K. Fingrutd
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Fink

Ms. Amy Finkelstein
Ms. Anne L. Shenberger and
Dr. Robert Fink elstein
Graham and Katharine Finney
Mrs. Meryl Fisher
Robert S. Fisher, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Fi sher
Mrs. Thomas Fisher, Jr.
Mrs. William S. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Fol eyc
Dr. Helen Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox
Dr. Elizabeth G. French *
Mr. Charles J. Frith, Jr. *
Mr. Fred B. Gable
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. Gardiner
Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Garfield c
Esther and Walter Gerhard
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Gerson
Mrs. Carol Gerstley
Miss Elizabeth W. Gillies
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Goldstein
Clara Callahan and Peter Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Sander R. Gorberg *
Mrs. Betty N. Gordon c
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Gordon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sta n Gordon
Mr. Maxwe ll P. Gorson
Mr. and Mrs. Franc is I. Gowen
Ms. Nancy Brewster Grace
Diane and Marc Grainer
Ms. Sh irl ey L. Green
Anne Bonner and Theodore Furness Green
Ms. Joanne Greenspun
Mr. J. Stephen Griffey
Mr. J. Lawrence Grim , Jr.
Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Groetzinger 111 *
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Gross, Esq. *
Mr. and Mrs. She ldon H. Gross
Ms. Marcia Groverman
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gruber
Mr. Richard Guggenheim *
Dr. Gene D. Guill and Susa n Eaton Guill
Ms. Dorothy M. Guinn
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman
Joh n C. and Chara C. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hal l
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Hall er
Ms. Patricia O. Halloran
Benjamin F. Hammond , M.D.
Mr. Walker Hancock*
Ms. Kimberly A. Haren
Miss Armason Harrison c
Mr. John L. Harrison , Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Harrison
Ms. Susan Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. William Harrity, Jr.
Ambassador and Mrs. Arthur Hartman
Ms . Arlene H. Ferris and
Mr. James R. Hatha way
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hatters ley
Ms. Margaret Healy*

Mr. and Mrs. Benj amin H. Heckscher
Ms. Lore l l Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Melv in Herr in
Mr. and Mrs. H. Obe r Hess
Dr. A. Cli nt on Hewes
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hewitt
Mr. James Scott Hill
Mr s. Eileen Hinks on
Mr. Ralph F. Hirsc hmann
Ms. Dorot hy Hoffman
Mr. Bruce H. Hoope r
Mrs. Jeanette W. Hoover
Mr. Th oma s M. Horak
Mrs. Kathar in e K. Hoyler
Ms. Angela V. B. Hud so n
Mrs. Henry Lea Hud so n c
Dr. and Mrs. Eri c Hume
Mr. and Mrs. Wil li am A. Humenuk
Mr. and Mrs. Lester T. Hu ndt, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy Gardner Hust on
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ingersoll
Mary L. and Henry T. Inm an, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Isen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ix, Jr.
M r. Orton P. Ja ckso n
Mrs. Jo sef Jaff e*c
Ms. Laura S. John so n
Hon. Babette Josep hs
Willi am T. Justice and Mary Anne
Dutt Justice
Mr. Stephen P. Kahan
Kar l and Eli zabeth Kahler
Willi am and Margie Kanupke
Mr. Arthur M. Kaplan
Barbara and Le slie Kaplan
Mr. Lawrence M. Karlin*
Mrs. Se lm a Katz
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kee ne
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Ke i m
Ms. El ea nor Ke lemen
Mr. and Mrs. Howa rd Kel logg
Mrs. James B. Kel ly III
Mr. Pau l E. Kel ly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kermes
Mr s. Eth el C. Kesler
Mr. Leonard A. Kestenbaum
Mr. Th omas K. Kilkenny
Patricia and Philip Kind
Mrs. Raymond Klein c
Dr. and Mrs. Morton M . Kli german
Mr. and Mrs. C. Tom lin son Kl i ne
Mr. an d Mrs. Leonard Klorfin e
Ms. Alison Dougla s Knox
Mr. and Mrs. George Knysh*
Mr. and Mrs . PaulO. Koether
Miss Hann ah Kohn
Joh n W. and Beverley Kol b
Mr. and Mr s. Ke nneth D. Kopple
Mr. and Mrs . Leonard I. Korman
Mrs. Irving Kosloff c
Co llee n and John Kotelly
Mrs. Chr ista Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kreit hen '
Mr. Murray Kr iege r
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Kr im sky
Ms. Lyn ne Kroiz-Solomon
Ms . Mary An n Hamilton Lamont

Mrs. B,eatrice Ball Landenberger
Ms. Ma ry M. Lane
Mr. Howa rd Langer
Ms. Natalie Lange rman
Dr. and Mrs . Th omas W. Langfitt
Mr. and Mrs . Ru ssel l M. Lanzi lotta
Dr. Marc S. Lapay owke r
Mrs. W. Mifflin Large
Ms . Deena J. Gu Lat ies'
Mr. Brian LaurentiC
Mr. Jacob Lawren ce
Ms. Frances Reiner Lax
Ms. Al iso n R. La ze rwit z
Mr. Ma lco lm Lazin
Mrs. Ri c hard W. Ledwi th
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Lef co
Dr. and Mrs . Roy T. Lefkoe
Ms. Sydney Ann Lefk oe
Mr. Robert P. Leiby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Leidner
Adele and Leonard Leight
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leisenring
Jud y and Peter Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy M. Lew is, Jr.
Wi l li am Li ber i and Lind a Wingate
Mrs. R. Sc huy ler Li ppincott
Ca rol An n and D. Herbert Li pson
Mrs. Clifton Lisle
Mr. and Mrs. John Li sle , Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs . Nath aniel Litt
Ms. Cathey Li zz io*
Mr. Richard R. Lock
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Locke
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Locks
Marian and Jerry Locks
Mr. Robert W. Lode r c
Mr. and Mrs. W. Th ac her Lon gstreth
Anne S. and Ge orge Lyo ns
Mrs. Julius A. Mackie, Jr.
Miss El izabeth Madeira
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Madzin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Th omas Mahon ey
Mr. Martin Mallin
Mr. Frank Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs . Walter Maner
Mr. and Mrs . Benjamin Mange lC
Lawrence N. Ma rge l
Joe l L. and Alex is Berg Marmar
Ms. Lana F. Ma rsh
Dr. and Mrs. Leigh Ma rsh
Ms. Anna S. Kamstra and
Mr. Fran cis J. Martin
Ms. JoAnn Flynn Massengill
Mr. and Mrs. David Matthew s
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McAdoo
Mr. John F. McClo ske y, Jr.
Ms. Anne- Eli zabeth McCo ll um c
Ann a Brelsford McCoy and Patrick Mundy
Mrs. Pa tr icia McC urdy
Hon. and Mrs. John J. McDevitt III
Mr. and Mrs. El l ice Mc Donald, Jr.
Ms. Sue A nn McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. McKee l c
Ms. Ani ta McKelvey


Mr. and Mrs. John G. McKev itt
Ly nn Now icki Mc Laugh l in
Mr. and Mrs. Dona ld W. McP hail
Mr. Dona ld E. Meads
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Meigs
Joseph and Anne Mendel
Ms. Laurel Barron and
Dr. Robert Mend elso hn
Ms. Susan Meri ans
Mr. Daniel D. Mi ll er, Jr.*
Mr. Harvey S. Ship ley Miller
John A. and Gainor I. Mi ll er*
Sh irl ey G. and M itc hel l W. Mi l ler
Ann F. and St an ley J. M iller, Jr.
Mrs. Henry Mitche ll
Sandy and Norman Mitche l l
Mrs. Lilli an S. Mo ll oy
Mr. Peter Molyneux
Ms . Sandra Momyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Montgomery, Jr.
Mrs. Constance C. Moore*
Ms. Anselene M. Morri s
Mr. Robert E. Mortensen
Mr. and Mrs. F. Sta nt on Moyer
Janet and John Moyer
Dr. and Mrs. John Bri en Murphy
Mr. Mic hae l Murth a
Ms. Janet M usti n '
Ms . Ma ry Dona ld Nag le
Mrs. Joan Naide
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Naylor
Mr. Joh n Nee dre, Jr. *
Mr. and Mr s. Alb ert P. Neilson
Meta and Benjamin Neilson
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Ms. Sara Nerken
Mr. Jam es P. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt T. O'Brien
Mr. Josep h A. O'Connor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. O'Connor
Ms. Eli zabeth Anne O'Donne ll
Mr. Alb ert T. Olenzak
Ms. Faye S. Oli vieri
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Or leans
Mrs. Eugene Ormandyt
Ms. Elizabeth Osborne*
Mr. Robert J. O'Shea, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. B . Perry Otten berg
Mr. and Mrs . Dona ld S. Owings
Mr. Ray mond S. Page, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Palm er
Dr. Pau l Parkman and
Mrs. Elmerin a Pa rk man
Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Patters on c
Mr. Thomas B. Payne
Steven M. Peck
Mr. and Mr s. Jorge Pe laez
Ms. Mary V. Pendl eton
Mr. J. Liddon Pennock c
Mr. Keith M. Pens ion'
Ms. Rochelle S. Picker*
Francine and Benson Pi ll off
Mrs. Irwin Nat Pincus
Ms. Prud ence S. Ch urc hill and
Mr. Law rence Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Maury Popowich
M iss Mary N. Porter





Ms. Elizabeth D. Posner
Walter and Dorothy Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Powers
Mrs. Robert S. Pressman c
Astrid Caruso and Roger Prichard
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Quinn
Dr. Edward C. Raffensperger
Mr. Peter Rainone
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Raphael
Dr. and Mrs. Russell C. Raphaely
Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Reed
Mrs. Thomas J. Reilly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Renninger
Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Resnick
Mrs. E. P. Richardson*
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Richardson c
Ms. Sheryl L. Auerbach and
Mr. Jerome Richter
Ruth and Alfred H. Riddell
Dr. Wolfram Rieger
Wallace and Lynda Ries*
Ms. Lorraine S. Riesenbach*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Ms. Anne d' Harnoncourt and
Mr. Joseph Rishel
Mrs. Stephen A. Ritt, Sr.c
Mr. James Keith Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Robinson *
Drs. Dante and Frederica Roccario
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rock
Mrs . Janice Roediger*
Henriette and John Rogers*
Suzanne Root, Esq.
Dr. Francis E. Rosato
Ms. El izabeth Rose-Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wa lter Rosen
Mr. Mitche ll Brownstein and
Mr. Harris Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rosen
Mrs . Michele C. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rosenfeld
Bruce and Susan Ross
Mr. Le onard L. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Rothman
Mr. Willard G. Rouse III
Ms. Carole J. Rubins*
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. S. Russell , Jr.
Mr. Rocco E. Russo
Ms. Veda S. Russo
Dr. and Mrs. Steven S. Rya ve
Ms . Janet S. Saltzman
Mrs. Doris Samitz C
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Sammak *
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sand
Mr. Rudolph C. Sander
Mr. So l Sardinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan H. Savadove
Stephen and Toby Schachman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schlanger
E. Loraine and Roxanna Schlimm
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schnaars c
Mr. Robert H. Scholl
Mr. Robert Schouten
Dr. Wi lli am M. Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel E. Schwartz

Mrs. Frank S. Sch warzc
Dr. and Mrs. Ed ward M. Sco lni ck c
Mr. Edgar Scott , Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Scott
Mr. James M. Scott
Mrs . Ruth Scott C
Mr. and Mrs. Irving R. Segal
Ms. Susan Selvenan
Dr. and Mrs. William Serber
Ms. Georgia Shafia
Mr. Edward O. Shakespeare 111 *
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield
Mrs. John J. F. Sherrerd
Elizabeth D. Shev lin , Esq. c
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shiekman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley III
Mr. Keith Shively
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Showier
Mr. Stuart N. Harting and Mr. Lance Silver
Drs. Willys and Abigail Silvers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Simon
Mr. Dolph Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Sirlin
Mr. and Mrs . Christos Skeadas
Mr. and Mrs . Laird Slade
Mr. Lou is B. Sloan *
Hether and Donald Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. duPon t Smith
Patty Russo and Vincent Smith-Durham
Mr. Joseph C. Sneath C
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder
Mr. Martin P. Snyder
Mr. David Solms
H. Peter Somers
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup
Mrs. Arlen Specter
Mr. Albert Spendlove
Mr. Paul Scott Sperry
Ellen Harvey and Tad Sperry
Ms . Barbara Spiro
Miss Irene T. Stankiewicz
Ms . Susan Stanton
Mrs. Mary D. Starr c
Mrs. Alfred Steel
Dr. and Mrs. William Steinberg C
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. W. Steinig
Mr. Abe Ste in man
Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Stern
Ms. Susan McElroy and Mr. Jon Stik lorius
Bill and Marie Sti nson
Mr. and Mrs. John Stowell
Margaret Harris and Phil Straus
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw
Mrs. Clare Stuempfig *
Ms. Peggy Jim Suckle
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sultan
Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee
Mrs. Charles Tabas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Talucci
Mrs. Helen M. Taws
Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward TaylorC
Mr. Robert G. Taylor


Mrs. Evelyn Tecosky
Mr. S. Robert Teitelman
Mr. and Mrs . Harry Teplick
Mrs. Robert S. Thanhauser
Mrs. M. Wright Ti Ighman
Ms . Betty Rice Titone *
Mr. William H. Toner
Mr. Phillip A. Turberg
Drs. Barbara J. Turn er and Francisco
Mr. Edwin E. Tuttle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tyson
Ms. Pamela T. Van Dyck
Ms. Amie Van Italli e
Mr. Willi am Vareika
M ichael and Cynthia Haveson Veloric
Mr. Robert Venturi , Jr.
Mr. and Mrs . Fred C. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Vogt
Mr. Abbot W. Vose
Mr. Robert C. Vose III
Ms. Suzanne Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wa lk er
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Walkup
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Wallace, Jr.
Dr. Robert J. Wallner *
Mrs . Charles J. Webb II
Hon. and Mrs. Charles R. We in er
Mi ldred L. and Morris L. Weisberg
Arnold and Beverly Weiss
Mr. James R. Welsh
Spencer M. Wertheimer, Esq.
Mrs. Anne W. West*
Mr. and Mrs. Cortright Wetherill, Jr.
Mrs. Carroll R. Wetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wiener
Mr. and Mrs . Barry F. Wiksten
Mrs. C. Martin Wi l bur
Mr. Norman T. Wi ld e, Jr.
Ms. Signe Wilkinson *
Mr. Horace E. Wi lli ams
Mr. Oliver P. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Sankey V. Williams
Mr. Joseph A. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wilmerding, Jr.
Murray and Vera Wilson
Ms. Wendy E. Wilson c
Mrs. Allan D. Windt
Ms . Anne Winn
Mr. and Mrs. George Wintersteen
Ms. Lisa Witomski *
Mr. D. Co lm an Witte *
Ms. Edith Stead Wittman
Mr. Donald Wohlfarth , Sr.
Mrs. Ben Wolf
Mrs. Fred Wolf, Jr.
Ms. Em i Iy C. Wood
Diana and George Woodward*
Mr. Richard E. Woosnam c
Mrs. Ethel C. Worth
Mr. Robert J. Wueste
Mrs. Polly H. Wulsin
Mr. and Mrs . Clarence Z. Wurts
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Yarnall II
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Zeidman
Ms. Harriet Zeitlin *

Mr. and Mrs. Wa lt er E. Zerweck
Mrs. Gabrielle E. Zomber
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Zucker
Ms. Leda W. Zuckerman
Debbie and Jim Zug
Dr. Mark Zwanger

Collectors' Circle
* PAFA Alumni


This is a list of donors who made gifts
between August 1, 1997 and July 31 ,
1998. We sincerely regret any omissions
or errors .
USArtists Presenting Sponsor
($50,000 and above)
Stu den t Finan ce Corporation
Corporate Sponsors ($25,000 - $49,999)
SEI Investment Systems & Services
Wilm ington Trust of Penn sylvan i a
Wyeth -Ayerst Laborator ies , In c.
Corporate Patrons ($15,000 - $24,999)
Brandywine Asset Management, In c.
Greater Philadelphia Tourism and
Marketing Corporation
Corporate Benefactors ($10,000 - $14,999)
Byers Choice, Ltd.
Core States Bank, N .A.
Th e Fl ynn Company
KPMG Peat Marwick LL P
Morgan, Lew is & Bockius
PNC Bank
Safegua rd Scient ifics, In c.
Sun Company, Inc.
Wheat First Union
Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen
Corporate Council ($5,000 - $9,999)
Brandywine Rea lty Trust
Centra l Park Capita l, LL C
Crown Cork & Seal Company, In c.
Dann, Dorfman, Herrell & Ski llm an
Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP
Pepper Hami lt on LLP
Rohm & Haas Co mpan y
Sau l , Ew in g, Remick & Sau l
Systems & Computer Techno logy Corp .
Teleflex Inc .
Corporate Associates ($2,500 - $4,999)
A METEK , In c.
ARCO Chemica l Company
Conno ll y, Epste in, Chicco, Foxman
Pilgrim Baxter & Associates, LTD.
Su nGa rd Data System s, In c .
Corporate Friends (Gifts to $2,499)
Asbu ry Automot ive Group
Be ll core
Betz Dearborn In c .

Co nf ab, Inc.
CRA Real Estate Sec u rities
Equity Office Properties, LLP
Federa ted Department Stores
First Un ion National Bank
The Glenmede Trust Company
Janney Montgomery Scott, In c .
Johnson &John so n
Lehman Brother s
Lucent Te c hn ologies
Marcolina Bros.
Mellon Bank PSFS
Pain e Webbe r, In c .
Parkway Co rporation
Pfizer Co mpany
Phil adelph ia Beltline Rai lroad Company
Ph il ade l phia Newspapers, Inc.
Pine Grove Associates , I nc .
Prime Bank
The Rittenhouse Tru st Company
Steve ns & Lee
Straffo rd Offi ce B u i I d in gs
Unisys Corporation
Winsor & Newtown, Inc.
Th e Anne n berg Found ation
ARCO Foundation
Bankers Trust Foundation
The Barra Foundat i on, Inc.
The Binswanger Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb Found at i on, In c .
Ca rl son Cultural Trust
C IGNA Found ation Matching Gifts Program
Alex J. Ettl Foundation
Samue l S. Fel s Fund
Fern l eigh Foundation
Th e Frank lin Mint Foundation for the Arts
Co lin Gardner Found ation
Gi ll Char itab le Founda ti on, In c.
Haney Foundation Trust
Eli zabeth S. Hooper Foundation
Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation
I BM I nt ernati onal Fou nd at ion
Independen ce Foundation
Atwater Kent Foundation, In c .
T he Henry Lu ce Foundation, Inc.
John McShain Charities, Inc.
The Me rck Compa ny Foundation
Mer it Gasoline Foundation
Mob il Foundation
Morgan Stanl ey Foundation ,
The MAS Branch
Robert Perkins Fund
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Ph i ladelph ia Contribut i onsh i p
Th e Philadelphi a Foundation
PNC Bank Foundation
Readers' Di gest Foundation
Gi lroy and Li l ian Roberts Foundation
Rose nlun d Family Foun dati on
Smit h K lin e Beecham Fou nd ati on
Th e Warw ick Foundation
The William Penn Foundation


Bollettieri Spo rts Academy
Greater Ph il adelp h ia Cha m ber of
H istoric Ye ll ow Springs, In c.
Internationa l Tenn is Hall of Fame
Thomas Jefferson Uni vers ity
Th omas Jefferson University Hospital
New Jersey State Aquarium
Phil adelphia Fertility Institute
Philadelphia Water Co lor Club
Th e Preservation Soc iety of
Newport County
United Way of Sout heast ern
T he Wharton Esherick Museum
Zoological Society of Philadelphia
National Endowment for the Arts
Pennsylvania Commiss i on on Crim e
and De lin quency
Pen nsy lvan ia Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania Department of Community
and Economic Development
Pen nsylvan ia Department of Ed ucat ion
Philadelphia Cultura l Fund
Mr. Thomas M . Arrasmith III
Ms. Jan C. Baltzell
Ms . Beth Binford
Ms. Evelyn M. Blum-Rauch
Ms. Janice M . Bogen
Mr. Char les Bopp
John and Anthony Cap uzzi Memorial
Ms . Myrna Deaux
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeCosta
Ms. Susa n Egan
Ms. Ann Gard ner
Ms. Bern ice Gordon
Ms. Shirley Griatti
Mr. Ted Johnson
Mr. Gordo n M. Loos
Mr. Stan ley R. Merz, Jr.
Ms. Mary Ki lroy Pogach
( in memory of Gerald A. Pogach)
Ms. Jill A . Rupinski
Mr. Louis B. Sloan
Mr. Norman C. Stewart
Ms. Millicent We in ste in
Mr. Steven L. Weiss
Mr. Bill Wendt






Donald R. Caldwell

Happy Fernandez


Cou nci Iwoman -At-Large

Herbert S. Riband, Jr.
Vice Chair and Secretary

Richard B. Worley
Vice Chair and Assistant Secretary

Kevin F. Donohoe
Vice Chair and Treasurer

Vivian Potamkin
Vice Chair



Jane Fortune

Philadelphia City Counil

Lois Rosenau
Vice President for Development

Jane Fortune

Dorothy Mather Ix

Women's Committee

Vice President for Membership

Joshua C. Thompson
Interim Chief Executive Officer

Ronald E. Wyffels

Kay Gennarelli
Vice President for New Programs

Julie Jensen Bryan

Facu Ity Representative

Vice President for Public

Charles L. Andes
John B . Bartlett
Elaine V. Bell
Max N. Berry
Stewart R. Cades
David C. Carney
Winston J. Churchill
Jonathan L. Cohen
John A. Fry
Barbara J. Gohn
Mary P. Graham
Barbara L. Greenfield
Lorna Hauslohner
John A. Herring, M.D.
Warren W. Kantor
Richard B. Lieb
James R. Palmer
Charles P. Pizzi
David B. Robb, Jr.
Richard S. Rueda
John M. Ryan
Henry B . duPont Smith
Harold A . Sorgenti
William J . Stallkamp
Wayne A. Stork
Barbara A. Syl k
Edna S. Tuttleman



Mark L. Alderman, Esq.
George A. Beach
Felicity R. Benoliel
Bruce Boyle
Julie Jensen Bryan
Joseph G. Connolly, Esq.
Patricia Connolly
Diane Dalto
Jerry Driban, Esq.
Allan Edmunds
Margaret Engman
Dr. Vail P. Garvin
Gale Gillespie
Mary G. Gregg
Lorell Hernandez
Connie Kay
Deena Gu Laties
Gabriele Lee
Cissie Levy
Charles E. Mather III
Mary MacGregor Mather
Guna Mundheim
Susan A. Nelson
Sandra H. Norton
B. Perry Otten berg, M.D.
Samuel J. Savitz
Gerard H. Sweeney
Larry Wexler
J. Roffe Wike II


Julia B. DeMoss

Lainie Bell
Corresponding Secretary

Mary MacGregor Mather
Ex Officio

Gale Gillespie
Lore N. Yao
USArtists Co - Chairs

Susan Eaton Guill
Lalla deRham
Janis O'Connor
Annual Student Exhibition Co-Chairs




Rosemary Davis
Ellie Fine
Carol Barker
Christine Berrettini
Ana B. Biddle
Anne Essner
Dudy Fergusson
Lois H. Fischer
Laura Gardiner
Barbara L. Greenfield
Pia Halloran
Lorna U. Hauslohner

Harry Wallaesa
Robert G. Wilder

Arlene Jarett
Connie Kay
Ana Maria Keene
Barbara C. Kligerman
Henrietta W. Landis
Lyn n Lehocky
Bobette Leidner
Sandra G. Marshall
Susan A. Nelson
Nancy Shaw Palmer
Sara Steele
Mimi Snyder
Clare Stuempfig
Robbi Toll
Jan ice Wetheri II
Molly Wood




Ilia Beruff
Mrs. Harry Bishop
Jodie Borie
Mrs. Robert Brooks
Mrs. Brice Mc. Clagett
Mrs. Avery Clark
Mrs. Edward B. Clay, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph Connolly
Mrs. Thomas Dolan IV
Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson
Mrs. H. Lea Hudson
Mrs. John Frazier Hunt
Mrs. Arthur Kaufmann
Mrs. Howard Lewis
Dr. Rebecca Lewis
Mrs. Barton Lippincott
Mrs. Wm. G. Littleton III
Mrs. Lawrence MacElree
Mrs. Bayard M. Mallery
Mrs. Alan Mcilvain
Mrs. Henry Mitchell
Mrs. Harry R. Neilson, Jr.
Mrs. John S. Newbold
Mrs. Robert W. Preucel
Mrs. Evan Randolph
Mrs. Herbert F. Schiffer
Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield
Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Mrs . Philip C. F. Smith
Mrs. Robert E. Thomas
Mrs. Richard J. Walsh
Mrs. Susan W. West
Mrs. Ben Wolf
Mrs. Gabrielle Zomber



Lorell Hernande z

Fahnya Bean
Susan Berhend
Shirlene Coyne
Mary Epstein
Rose Kaplan
Henrietta Landis
Sylvia Lieberman
Florence Marder
Ruth McCann
Etta Nussbaum
Ruth Stern
Norm a Zion
Lee Zlotnick

Anne -Elizabeth McCollum
Vi ce-President
Deborah Mangel
Lois Domm

Bernice Abrams
Rosemarie Ake
Ann Armento
Phyll is Block
William Block
Jack Byer
Anita Cohen
Francesca Cona
Janet Fink
Sue Fischman
Davida Glick
Harriet Goodwin
Marcia Groverman
Grace Halter
Vittia Horwitz
Elaine Jaffe
Sara Hirsch Kaplan
Grace Keffer
Shirley Kline
Sylvia Korngold
Lillian Landau
Claire Levi
Dorothy Magen
Sondra Margol ie s
Candace Margolin
Rosalie Miller
Joan Naide
Janice Roediger
Henriette Rogers
Linda Rohrer
Lila Roisman
Reva Rose
Shelby Rosenberg
Lee Rothberg
Ruth Rothman
Estelle Rubens
Ann Russell
Renee Saul
Bella Schafer
Sylvia Schnaars
Diane Schrager
Irene Schrank
Miriam Sealfon
Lillian Siegel
Jo Ann Simon
Martha Smyth
Dorothy Wartman
Robin Windt
Patricia Zolfaghari
Debbie Zug


Schoolchildren tour the ga lleries
with Docent Lee Rothberg.










6/tat&m;ent o/r@~

We recorded gross tuition of


We suppl ied financial aid to our students of


Therefore , we collected tuition revenues of


We collected and recorded unrestricted fund raising revenues of


We collected and recorded unrestricted trust revenue of
We recorded bequest revenue of


We recorded rental of museum facilities , net direct costs, of


We recorded net revenues from Museum Gift Shop and School Stores sales of


We recorded museum admission revenues of


We recorded museum collection rental fees and other museum income of
We satisfied restrictions of previously restricted revenues of
We received revenues from other sources of


The Women's Committee and USArtists rece ived and co llected revenues of

Thus, the Academy has received or will receive a total of






We paid for sa laries , wages, and employee benefits of


We incurred facilities maintenance costs in the school and musetlm


bu ildings, includ ing the dePlreciation of equ ipment, of
We paid rents for offsite student studio space of


We pa id interest expense on $1.25 mill ion of bank borrowings of


We spent operating funds on capital add itions of


We spent money on museum exh ibitions of


Professional fees, including attorney, audit and fees paid


to defend a trust, totaled
Other expenses totaled


The Women's Committee and USArtists spent

595,9 15

Therefore, the total expenditures we paid or will pay equaled
The Academy reflected a net gain for the year of

8,304,65 1






" 're~ 6/heet








Receivab les:


Pledges of gifts, net




Long-term investments, permanently restricted, at market


Long-term investments, outside trusts, at market '

11 ,603,642

Land , build ings and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation


Other assets


TCltaI assets






Notes payable, bank
Accounts payable and accrued expenses


Deferred revenues

236,53 1

Other liabilities


Total liabilities


Net assets:


Temporarily restricted


Permanently restricted


Tota l net assets


Total liabilities and net assets






AS 0 F J U L Y 3 1, 1 998

President's Office

School Exhibitions Coordinator

Human Resources

Interim Chief Executive Officer


Joshua C. Th ompson

Leslie Moody

David McShane

Sculpture Shop Manager

Executive Assistant

Human Resources Associate

Melanie Mergliano

Melanie Orme

Misung Kim

Print Shop Assistant
Lisa Hamilton

Development and Public Relations


Vice President


Theodore Furness Green

Kevin Martin

Development Administrative Assistant

I nternet Specialist

Jennifer Gumula

Peter Cullum

Director of Membership and Annual Giving

Facilities Engineer/ Maintenance Supervisor

Melissa DeRuiter

Paul Carro ll

Edna S. Tuttleman Director
Dan iel Rosenfeld

Assistant to the Museum Director
Curator of Collections

Director of Special Projects and Events

Building Services Coordinator

Mary Anne Dutt Justice

Jenny Kahn

Director of Public Relations

Special Events/ Maintenance

Anna Welch

Wi lli am "Pete " Hill

Public Relations Associate


Amy Coleman

Joshua Hinchey
Thomas Lulia s
Jeff Rei lIy

Coordinator of the Women's Committee
Nancy Guthrie

USArtists Manager/ Coordinator
Thomas Duffy

USArtists Office Assistant


Jeannette Cropper

Andrew Robinson

Manager of Audience Development


Rebecca Clement

Vice President

Assistant to the School Director

Maureen Brusca

Joyce Adelman


Director of School Admissions

Kevin Glass

Michael Smith

Accounting Supervisor

Admissions Assistant

Judy Macartney

Ellen Dougherty

Accounting Assistants

Director of Continuing Education Programs

Lori Garceau
Cheryl Zomch ick

Aniello diSabato

Continuing Education Programs Assistant
Evelyn Kobler

Ke ll y Armstrong
P. Michael Kowbuz
Chery l Moore

Cheryl Leibo ld

Gale Rawson

Associate Registrar
Lorena Sehgal

Manager of Rights and Reproductions
Barbara Katus

Facilities Rental Director
Maggi Law ler Kirk

Facilities Rental Assistant
Dawn Sti ll wage n

Chief Preparator

Mark DeLelys

Front Desk/ Sales Associates

Glenn Tom lin son

Museum Education Administrative

Dean and Director of the School

Museum Shop Associate Manager

Director of Museum Education and
Audience Development
Museum Education Specialists

Frederick Osborne

Ti na Rocha

Sylvia Yount

Erika Schneider
Judith Ringold

Jessica Moreno

Director of Retail Sales

Kathryn Grimshaw

Director of Student Services
Anne Rothman

Director of Financial Aid
Wayne Morris

Kathryn Paluscio

PAFA Art Supply Manager


Michael Kline

Aurora Deshauteurs

PAFA Art Supply Associates

Library Assistant

Stefania Lestier
Benjamin Johnson

Richard Henderson

Keith Cri ppen

Assistant Preparator

Models and Props
Richard Distefano

Painting Department Assistant
Michael Ga ll agher


Brian Murray



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